Frequency, Character and Predisposing Factor of Headache Among Students of Medical College of Karachi
Frequency, Character and Predisposing Factor of Headache Among Students of Medical College of Karachi
Frequency, Character and Predisposing Factor of Headache Among Students of Medical College of Karachi
Frequency, character and predisposing factor of headache among students of
medical college of Karachi
Tooba Noor,1 Ali Sajjad,2 Anoosha Asma3
Objective: To evaluate the frequency, predisposing factors and symptomatology of headache among medical
Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted from September to December 2013 and comprised students of
two medical colleges of Karachi. International Classification of Headache Disorder-II criterion was used to diagnose
and classify headache. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Of the 413 medical students studies, 326(79%) had tension type headache, and 87 (21%) had migraine.
Headache was more frequent among females than males, with a ratio of 6.5:1. Both types of headache were
significantly associated with self-reported disturbed sleep pattern, stress and various triggering factors (p<0.05
each). Both types greatly influenced individual's daily life with significant association with avoiding academics,
extra-curricular activities, family and friends (p<0.05 each). High self-medication rate of 400(96.9%) was observed.
Conclusion: The prevalence of headache among medical students was high with female predominance. Infrequent
consultation needs to be addressed through awareness programmes.
Keywords: Headache, Migraine, Medical students, Tension-type headache, Frequency. (JPMA 66: 159; 2016)
Variables Tension N (%) Migraine N (%) p-value Variables Tension N (%) Migraine N (%) p-value
Sleep disturbed Yes 33 (10.12%) 19 (22.1%) 0.003 Feel absent minded in class Yes 189 (58.0%) 63 (73.3%) 0.009
No 293 (89.88%) 67 (77.9%) No 137 (42.0%) 23 (26.7%)
Stress Yes 173 (53.6%) 35 (40.7%) 0.03 Bunk class due to headache Yes 63 (19.3%) 28 (32.6%) 0.008
No 150 (46.4%) 51 (59.3%) No 263 (80.7%) 58 (67.4%)
Weakness in eyesight Yes 167 (51.2%) 52 (60.5%) 0.126 Academic performance
No 159 (48.8%) 34 (39.5%) towards downfall Yes 45 (13.8%) 21 (24.4%) 0.017
Family history Yes 73 (22.5%) 27 (31.4%) 0.08 No 280 (86.2%) 65 (75.6%)
No 252 77.5% 59 68.6% Avoid Extracurricular activities Yes 14 (4.3%) 11 (12.8%) 0.003
No 312 (95.7%) 75 (87.2%)
Retake exam due to headache Yes 15 (4.6%) 6 (7.0%) 0.519*
Table-3: Triggering factors. No 311 (95.4%) 80 (93%)
*Via Fischer exact test, but insignificant.
Variables Tension N (%) Migraine N (%) p-value
Social / extracurricular
activity affected Yes 61 (18.7%) 39 (45.3%) <0.001 Figure: Treatment preferences.
No 265 (81.3%) 47 (54.7%)
Avoid extracurricular activities Yes 14 (4.3%) 11 (12.8%) 0.003
No 312 (95.7%) 75 (87.2%)
Avoid family and friends Yes 15 (4.6%) 10 (11.6%) 0.015 or pulsating type of pain 37(43%) and severe in intensity
No 311 (95.4%) 76 (88.4%) 29(39.7%) (Table-1).
Want to stay alone Yes 42 (12.9%) 29 (38.2%) < 0.001
While estimating predisposing factors, statistically
No 284 (87.1%) 57 (66.3%)
Avoid parties Yes 18 (5.5%) 7 (8.1%) 0.365 significant association of type of headache was found
No 308 (94.5%) 79 (91.9%) with disturbed sleep pattern and social stress (p<0.05
each) but not in terms of family history and eyesight
weakness (p>0.05 each) (Table-2). Several triggering and
social factors related to headache were also analysed and
insignificant associations with the types of headache significant association was found in relation to noise,
(p>0.05 each). Most frequent attributes of headache were light, anxiety, and extra-curricular activities (p<0.05 each)
unilateral 272(65.9%), temporary in nature 340(82.3%) (Table-3)
and moderate in intensity 237(57.4%). Using multiple
response analysis (due to overlapping response) results In terms of quality of social life, significant association was
also yielded headaches to be more frequently dull in found between headache type and all the parameters
135(31.7%) students, frontal in location 247(33.4%). evaluated (p<0.05 each) except when it came to avoiding
Students with migraine had more commonly throbbing parties (p>0.05) (Table-4).
moderate pain on frontal location and less than 3 despite the fact that each medical school is affiliated with
episodes of headache as a leading presentation. As a teaching hospital that runs a daily outpatient
defined by IHS, migraine is commonly unilateral, department. A relatively light severity of headache could
pulsating and moderate to severe in intensity and is be the possible reason for this as most of the students
associated with nausea and photophobia and experienced headache of mild to moderate intensity. Also,
phonophobia. TTH is characterised as bilateral, analgesics and over-the-counter drugs are very easily
pressing/tightening in quality, mild or moderate in available and frequently self-abused by amateur doctors.
intensity and is usually not aggravated by routine physical Likewise, in other studies,1,17 analgesics remained the
activities. Almost, two-third of patients (60.5%) of most preferable choice amongst medical students
migraine in our study reported unilateral headache, with (42.0%) followed by non-medical therapeutics. Less than
43% of them having throbbing pain with moderate to 4% participants used specific drugs for headache. The rare
severe intensity almost parallel with IHS criteria and usage of specific medicines or analgesics and rare
supported by one study.14 Similarly, dull pain with consultation visits among one of the most educated
moderate intensity of TTH patients in our study was classed of society point to a non-serious and careless
according to IHS , but unilateral location in two-third of attitude towards health and inadequacies in the
patients is contrary to ICHD-2. The finding, however, is management of headache in our study population.
supported by prior studies.1,14 Hence, variations are Similar observations are expected in different specific
expected irrespective of target population, sample size populations of society. Educational programmes are,
and place of study. therefore, required for patients to recognise the
importance of effective migraine treatment.
Several studies suggest that there is a reduction in
academic performance with headache. We found Headache disorders deserve more attention. Adequate
comparable results with regard to absenteeism, academic primary prevention, timely diagnosis and appropriate
performance and headache interfering with treatment would be helpful to reduce the burden. These
daily/extracurricular activities with significant relation strategies can be assessed by examining frequency
with absenteeism and academic performance as distribution, identifying probable predisposing factors,
proposed earlier.10 But, we could not find any significant duration, intensity and headache-related disability.
association with number of failures or retake exams due Apart from possible cultural, regional and genetic
to headache as found by an earlier study.10 What were differences in the prevalence of headache, the study
actually associated in our study with student's academic design and methodology affected its reported
problems were the type, intensity and frequency of prevalence. One of the limitations of our study was the
headache, not the repercussions which is contrary to the self-reported questionnaire-based survey strictly using
earlier study10 which reported, "the greater is the diagnostic criteria of IHS without physical examination
repercussions, the greater is the absenteeism". As a matter and imaging. Moreover, the questionnaire did not take
of fact, information about headache and student's into account headaches other than migraine and TTH and
academic problems in our study were collected in a single those with more than one form of headache. This could be
moment in time. Therefore, it is not logical to affirm a the reason of high frequency of TTH in the study
causal relation between headache and student's worse population. Also, the migraine was not further classified
academic performance, but still further work-up in the as defined by IHS and represented the data of both
subject is needed to be done. The study also probable and definite migraine combined.
demonstrates that despite high frequency of headaches,
daily life activities continued, but the reasons for Our study represents the headache frequency of only two
continuation of activities were not evaluated and could large medical schools of Pakistan and may not represent
not be established. The reason may be higher proportion the entire community. Further epidemiological studies on
of TTH which had moderate severity and high use of small and specific populations as well as general
analgesic to relieve the headaches. population surveys are recommended.