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Design Patterns: Engr. Abdul-Rahman Mahmood

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Design Patterns

Engr. Abdul-Rahman Mahmood

DPM, MCP, QMR(ISO9001:2000)
abdulmahmood-sss alphasecure mahmood_cubix 48660186
Lecture 03
Design Tip of the Day

Reduce Class Dependency

• Simpler Structural Design

• Simpler Behavioral Design
• Maintainable Code
• Easy Extensibility

Objects and Classes

Object Class Top Down

Recognition Creation Approach

Bottom Up
Abstraction Dependency

Object Dependency

There are number of ways an object can be used

It depends on
• which class is creating an object
• when the object is being created, and
• where it is being created

We need to understand 3 factors

• Scope
• Creator class
• Location and event of creation

Object Dependency

• The object is defined at the class level
• The object is defined at the method level
• The class is creating the object where it is defined
• Another class is creating the object and the reference is provided to the class where the
object is defined

Location of creation
• Constructor
• Within the method

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB = new ClassB();

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA()
classB = new ClassB();

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA()

public void processClassB()

classB = new ClassB();
Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA()
classB = Factory.GetClassB();

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA()

public void processClassB()

classB = Factory.GetClassB();
Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA(ClassB objClassB)

classB = objClassB;

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
private ClassB classB;

public ClassA()

public void processClassB(ClassB objClassB)

classB = objClassB;
Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
public ClassA()

public void processClassB()

ClassB classB;

classB = new ClassB();

Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
public ClassA()

public void processClassB()

ClassB classB;

classB = Factory.GetClassB();
Object Dependency Examples
class ClassA
public ClassA()

public void processClassB(ClassB objClassB)

ClassB classB;

classB = objClassB;
Software Design

Server Extension
Definition of Coupling
 Coupling is the degree of interaction between two
 There are six kinds of module coupling
 Content Coupling
 Common Coupling
 External Coupling
 Control Coupling
 Stamp Coupling
 Data Coupling

Content Coupling
 Two or more modules exhibit
content coupling if one
refers to the “inside” – the
“internal” or “private” part – of
public class Line
the other in some way.
 occurs when you have one private Point start, end;
instance stored inside another ...
instance, and you modify the public Point getStart() { return start; }
inner instance from the outer public Point getEnd() { return end; }
instance in a way that isn't }
intended or transparent.
public class Arch
 also known as pathological {
coupling. private Line baseline;
void slant(int newY)
Point theEnd = baseline.getEnd();
} 19
Common Coupling
 Two or more modules exhibit common coupling if
they refer to the same global data area – that is, to
something that corresponds to a data store on a
“register” that must be shared by several processes
 also known as global coupling.

External Coupling
 This coupling occurs when there is a dependency on
an external library or system, it is best to reduce the
number of places in the code where such dependencies
exist, also creating a layer between your code and this
external library may reduce this type of coupling
 the "Facade pattern" and "Repository pattern" may

Control Coupling
 Two modules exhibit control coupling if one
(“module A”) passes to the other (“module B”) a
“parameter” that is intended to control the internal
logic of the other
 This will often be a value used in a test for a case
statement, if-then statement, or while loop, in module
B’s source code

Stamp Coupling
 Two modules (“A” and “B”) exhibit stamp coupling if
one passes directly to the other “composite” piece of
data – that is, a piece of data with meaningful internal
structure – such as a record (or structure), array, or
(pointer to) a list or tree

Data Coupling
 Two modules exhibit data coupling if one calls the
other directly and they communicate using “too many
parameters” – a simple list of inputs and outputs
 The modules exhibit stamp coupling if “composite” data
types are used for parameters as well
 Ideally, this data coupling is the usual type of
interaction between modules that need to
communicate at all
 You can spot such coupling when you start passing
"null" to a function while calling it.
 Use data coupling when argument list is small (<= 3)

Data coupling – Collaboration diagram
 messages sent between a Rental Agent object and a
CarReservationService object to reserve a Car (the Car
object is an argument passed in the messages shown in
the object message diagram).
Definition of Cohesion
 Cohesion refers to the strength of a method as it
relates to the routines within it.
 level of cohesion refers to the “functional
independence'' of a module.
 There are following categories of cohesion
 Functional
 Sequential
 Communicational
 Temporal
 Procedural
 Logical
 Coincidental
Functional Cohesion
 A method has strong functional cohesion when it does
just one thing
 Examples
 Compute cosine of angle
 Read transaction record
 Determine customer mortgage repayment
 Calculate net employee salary
 Assign seat to airline customer
Functional Cohesion
 All of the procedures below have functional cohesion:
 (1) Sort an array
 (2) Search an array
 (3) Find largest value in an array.
 (4) Find the mean of the numbers in an array.
 (5) Merge the data in one array with another.
 (6) Print data entry format on the CRT screen.
 (7) Input all values from the screen.
 (8) Print report headings.
 (9) Find square root
 (10) Compute random number.
 (11) Process Payroll (BOSS MODULE)
 Note: This procedure's single function is to call other procedures. Thus, its
function is CONTROL of other procedures.
 General rule:
 If you can say that the "procedure does this AND it does that" then the procedure
may be doing more than one function.
 If you can say that the "procedure does this OR it does that" then the procedure may
be doing more than one function.
Sequential Cohesion
 A sequentially cohesive module is one whose elements
are involved in activities such that output data from
one activity serves as input data to the next
 Examples (Repaint a car)
 Clean car body – remove old paint
 Fill in holes in car
 Sand car body
 Apply primer
Sequential Cohesion
 Ex (1) Functions in one procedure:
 a. Search array for a certain name.
 b. Place the name in another array and sort the array.
 c. Change the name from last-first to first-last.
 d. Print first-last name.
 Ex (2) Functions in one procedure:
 a. Read numbers from a disk file into an array.
 b. Find the mean of an array.
 c. Find deviation of each number from the mean.
 d. Sort deviations from the highest to the lowest
 e. Print the deviations in order from highest to the lowest.
Communicational Cohesion
 Several functions are combined into one procedure.
Each function in the process does something different
to the same data.
 A method is said to have communicational cohesion when
it access and modify the same part of a data structure.
 A communicational cohesive module is one whose
elements contribute to activities that use the same input or
output data
 Examples (Book)
 Find title of book
 Find price of book
 Find publisher of book
 Find author of book
Communicational Cohesion
 1. Read transactions into array.
 2. Sort transactions
 3. Find the mean of the transactions.
 4. Print the transactions onto paper.
 5. Write the transaction to a CD-Writer
Procedural Cohesion
 A method is said to have procedural cohesion when all
the routines within the method need to occur in a
specified order and the routines don’t share data
 A procedurally cohesive module is one whose elements
are involved in different and possibly unrelated
activities in which control flows from each activity to
the next
 Remember that in a sequentially cohesive module data,
not control, flows from one activity to the next
Procedural Cohesion
 Example
 Clean utensils from previous meal
 Prepare chicken for roasting
 Make phone call
 Take shower
 Chop vegetables
 Set table
Procedural Cohesion
 (1)Consider a file update program in which additions, changes and
deletions of records are made to the file, Each procedure consists of
two or more single functions. A hierarchy chart might look as below.
The blue procedure's single function is CONTROL. The red procedures
are doing several functions...the entire "procedure".

Functional Cohesion Update program Procedural Cohesion

Add Record Change Record Delete Record

- Function 1 - Function 1 - Function 1
- Function 2 - Function 2 - Function 2
- Function 3 - Function 3
- Function 4
Procedural Cohesion
 To eliminate the "procedural" cohesion in this
example, the program could be re-designed as
indicated in the hierarchy chart below.

Update program

Add Record Change record Delete record

Function 1 Function 2 Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4

Temporal Cohesion
 A method is said to have temporal cohesion when all
the routines within the method need to occur at the
same time, but not necessarily in order
 A temporally cohesive module is one whose elements
are involved in activities that are related in time
 Example
 Put out milk bottles
 Put out cat
 Turn off TV
 Brush teeth
Logical Cohesion
 A method is said to have logical cohesion when the
routines within the method are not related, don’t share
data, and the routine is selected by a flag either passed
in as a parameter or, worse, existing outside the
 This type of procedure performs one or more
logically related functions.
Logical Cohesion
 A logically cohesive module is one whose elements
contribute to activities of the same general category in
which the activity or activities to be executed are
selected from outside the module
 Example
 Go by car
 Go by train
 Go by boat
 Go by plane
Logical Cohesion
 (1) A "print all" procedure might consist of:
 a. Printing a local sales report.
 b. Printing a regional sales report.
 c. Printing a national sales report.
 d. Printing a international sales report A "print all" procedure might
consist of:
 If the user, just wanted a national sales report, and not any of the
others, a flag (a switch) would need to be passed to the procedure
(using arguments and parameters) to tell the procedure which report
to print.
 It is easy to spot this level of cohesion, because one or more flags are
passed to the procedure to tell it which function to perform.
Coincidental Cohesion
 A method is said to have coincidental cohesion when
the routines within the method are not related, and
don’t share data
 This is a nice term which means the method does not
have cohesion (or the cohesion is weak)
Coincidental Cohesion
 A coincidental cohesive module is one whose elements
contribute to activities with no meaningful
relationship to one another
 Example
 Fix car
 Bake cake
 Walk dog
 Fill out application form
 Have a lunch
 Get out of bed
 Go to the movies
Decision Tree for Module Cohesion
Can the module be
considered to be
doing one problem
Is sequence Y Sequential
related function
N Data Communicational
What relates the
activities within
Is sequence Y Procedural
the module Contro
l Flow important
Are the activities in the Y Logical
same general category

Comparison of Level of Cohesion

Effect on
Cleanliness of System
Cohesion Implementatio Understandabili Maintainabil
Level Coupling n Modifiability ty ity
Functional Good Good Good Good Good
Sequential Good Good Good Good Fairly Good
Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Procedural Variable Poor Variable Variable Bad
Temporal Poor Medium Medium Medium Bad
Logical Bad Bad Bad Poor Bad
Coincidental Bad Poor Bad Bad Bad

Summary of Module Cohesion
 A module may exhibit any of seven levels of cohesion depending
on how the activities within the module are related
 In sequence from best to worst, these seven levels are
 Functional: Elements contribute to a single, problem related
 Sequential: Activities within the module are connected in that
the output from one serves as the input to another
 Communicational: Activities share the same input or output
 Procedural: Activities share the same procedural
 Temporal: Activities can be carried out at the same time
 Logical: Activities appear to belong to the same general category
 Coincidental: Activities have no relationship to one another

Quiz 1 – GR1
 public int LargestNumber(List numberList)
 {
 int largest = numberList[0];
 int index = 0;
 for(int counter = 0; counter < numberList.length; counter++) {
 if(numberList[counter] > largest)
 largest = numberList[counter];
 if(largest >= 10000) {
 largest = numberList[index];
 continue;
 }
 if(counter > 99)
 break;
 index = counter;
 }
 log.debug(“Largest number less than 10000 within top 100 is at ” + index);
 return numberList[index];
 }

Quiz 1 – GR2
 public int SmallestNumber(List numberList)
 {
 int smallest = numberList[0];
 int index = 0;
 for(int counter = 0; counter < numberList.length; counter++) {
 if(numberList[counter] < smallest)
 smallest = numberList[counter];
 if(smallest <= 0) {
 smallest = numberList[index];
 continue;
 }
 if(counter > 99)
 break;
 index = counter;
 }
 log.debug(“Smallest number greater than 0 within top 100 is at ” + index);
 return numberList[index];
 }


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