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Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Fall

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Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Fall

Name of Teacher Candidate: McKenzie Johnson Date: 2/11/2020

Grade Level:
4th Grade
Lesson Title:
Social Justice Literacy Lesson
Curriculum Areas Addressed:
Women’s Suffrage
Opinion Piece Writing

Time Required: Instructional Groupings: Are you using whole group, small
~45 minutes group, partners, quads, homogeneous, heterogeneous?
Whole Group

Standards: List the GPS/CCGPS that are the target of student learning and are key to this lesson. Include the number and the text of each of
the GPS/CCGPS that is being addressed. If only a portion of a standard is addressed, include only the part or parts that are relevant.

ELAGSE4W1: Write Opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which
related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e/g/ for instance, in order to, in addition).
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented

SS4H5: Examine the main ideas of the abolitionist and suffrage movements
a. Discuss contributions of and challenges faced by Susan B. Anthony…

As a result of this lesson students will…

Learning Objectives: (Objectives are stated in measurable/observable terms. These should reflect the thinking skills, skills of the discipline.
These represent the skills that will be assessed.)
The Students will describe Susan B. Anthony and her role in the fight for women’s suffrage
The Students will identify obstacles Susan B. Anthony overcame in order to achieve her goal
The students will describe the importance of suffrage

Support for Academic Language

Vocabulary: (What Academic Language will be taught or developed? Identify the key vocabulary and/or symbols specific to the content area.
These may be derived from the standards.)
Suffrage, Campaign, Election, Justice, Rights Rally, Referendum, Freedom

Assessment (Each learning objective must be assessed. How will students demonstrate their understanding or the lesson’s objectives? How
will you provide feedback for the students? What type of assessment will be used? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate students’
understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective? What constitutes success for the students?)

Assessment Strategy: (Identify the assessment strategy/strategies to be used for assessment of the learning objectives listed above. Each
learning objective should be assessed. DO NOT restate the learning objective.)

Informal: Comprehension Questions throughout read aloud

Formal: Writing Prompt – Why do you think the work of Susan B. Anthony was essential to women’s freedom today?
Essential Question:

How do writers state their opinion and support it using facts and details?
Steps in the Lesson (Include the attention getter or the hook for the lesson; the introduction; the lesson procedures including
strategies/planned supports for whole‐class, small group, and individual instructions; and differentiated activities.)

Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Fall John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Fall

1. Hook – Simulation Activity. I will ask children to vote what kind of birthday cake I will bring on Thursday
for my birthday. I will create a ballot, but I will only let boys vote. I will then ask the girls how they felt
and how the boys thought they felt. I will also ask if the girls should be included in the vote and why it
would be important to include both the girls and boys in the vote.
2. Vocabulary – Vocabulary Cards will be written on notecards. We will make predictions about the
meanings of each of the words. They will hold the vocab cards and hold them up when they hear them
in the read aloud.
3. Picture Walk – I will flip through pages of book and students will make predictions about what will
happen in the story
4. Read Aloud – Comprehension Questions while reading
5. Writing Activity – Go over components of opinion writing. Prompt - Why do you think the work of Susan
B. Anthony was essential to women’s freedom today?
Attention Getter or Hook: (State how the attention of the students will be piqued at the start of the lesson.)
1. Hook – Simulation Activity. I will ask children to vote what kind of birthday cake I will bring on Thursday
for my birthday. I will create a ballot, but I will only let boys vote. I will then ask the girls how they felt
and how the boys thought they felt. I will also ask if the girls should be included in the vote and why it
would be important to include both the girls and boys in the vote.

Introduction: (State how the lesson will be introduced. This should communicate the purpose of the lesson, be directly related to the goals
and objectives of the lesson, tap into prior knowledge/experiences, and develop student interest.)

Instructional Strategies: (Use a bulleted or numbered format to communicate the procedures for the lesson – what the teacher will do as
well as what the student will do. Describe the strategies which will be used to support students’ learning. Knowledge of students’ cognitive,
social, emotional, and physical development along with their cultural backgrounds should be evident.)

Closure/Wrap up: (Describe how the CONTENT of the lesson will be summarized.)
Writing Activity – Go over components of opinion writing. Prompt - Why do you think the work of Susan B.
Anthony was essential to women’s freedom today?

Instructional Supports as appropriate and as needed

Resources and Materials Used to Engage Students in Learning (Provide citations for all resources that you did not create.
Attach key instructional material needed to understand what you and the students will be doing. Examples: class handouts, assignments, slides,
and interactive white board images.)


Additional Resources and Materials Used to Increase Teacher’s Background Knowledge of the Content: (List any
websites and sources of materials and background information that you will need or use as the teacher to engage the students.)


Other Relevant Information

Clear Links to Learning Theories, Educational Research, and Principles of Development: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Fall John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Fall

Connections to Technology and/or the Arts:


Description of Collaboration with Others: (These might include the inclusion teacher, media specialist, counselor, guest speaker,
grade level coordinator, community experts, families, etc.)

Caroline Baker – Mattie Wells Elementary School

Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Fall John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College

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