Stationary Ni-Cd Battery Sizing: Sizing After Charge at Constant Current
Stationary Ni-Cd Battery Sizing: Sizing After Charge at Constant Current
Stationary Ni-Cd Battery Sizing: Sizing After Charge at Constant Current
Battery proposal
Warning: The proposed battery solution has been sized after full charge at constant current and does not include
floating effect as specified in the IEEE 1115-2000 sizing standard.
Technical specifications
Sizing method I
Load profile
(7) (8)
(3) (4)
(2) (5) Temp Required
(1) Changes in Duration of (6)
Load End of Section Derating Section Size
Period Load Period Kt Factor
(Amperes) (minutes) Factor (3)x(6)x(7)
(Amperes) (minutes)
** =Rated Ah
Section 1 - First 1 Periods Only - If A2>A1, go to Section 2-No
1 A1=1,400.00 M1=1.00 t=M1=1.00 0.4868 1.2738 868.12
Total 868.12
Section 2 - First 2 Periods Only - If A3>A2, go to Section 3-Yes
Maximum Section size 868.12 + Random size 0.00 = Uncorrected Size 868.12.
Uncorrected Size 868.12 x Design margin 1.1 x Aging factor 1.25 = 1,193.67.
When the cell size is greater than a standard cell size, the next larger cell is required.
The Required cell size is 1,193.67 Amperes-hours. Therefore cell KPM 1200P is required.
The Kt factor is a way to present the performance of a cell.
Kt=Nominal capacity (Ah)/Performance (A)
It is valid for a specific cell type, discharge time and final voltage.
Store the battery indoors in a dry, clean, cool location (0°C to +30°C / +32°F to+ 86°F) and well ventilated space.
Do not store in direct sunlight or expose to excessive heat.
Cells filled and charged
• If cells are stored filled, they must be fully charged prior to storage.
• Cells may be stored filled and charged for a period not exceeding 12 months from date of dispatch from factory. Storage of
a filled battery at temperatures above +30°C (+86°F) can result in loss of capacity. This can be as much 5% per 10°C (18°F)
above +30°C (+86°F) per year.
Cells empty and discharged
• The cells are recommended to be stored empty and discharged.
• Cells can be stored like this for many years.
For cells operated below -20° C a higher gravity electrolyte is normally required, please check product information or contact
your local representative for guidance.