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The Bible

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Matric number: xxxxxxx

Course title: the bible

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Title: what are the teachings of the bible regarding peace and mutual coexistence.


Peaceful coexistence are mutual respect for sovereignity and territorial integrity , mutual non

aggression, non interference in each other’s internal affairs , equality and mutual benefit and

peaceful coexistence. Peaceful co-existence and religious tolerance imply the capacity to live

together in harlmony. The members of society and Christians need to be oriented towards peace

and tolerance rather than towards violence. At the same time, social, economic and political

systems have to be re-oriented to peace and tolerance. Inclusively the discipline of peaceful co-

existence and religious tolerance must shape our way of life.

The meaning of peace in English is the absence of hostilities or personalities free from internal

and external strife. In a biblical manner peace was defined from the Hebrew root “SLM” which

means ‘complete’ or ‘sound’ which both mean ‘live well’. Peace can be grouped into four bases

in the bible.

1) Salom as wholeness of life or body, which means having good health.

2) Salom as right relationship or harmony between two parties or people, often established

by a covenant, known as a covenant of peace. You find this in the book of numbers 25:


3) Salom as prosperity, success or fulfillment (Leviticus 26:3-9)

4) Salom as victory over one’s enemies or absence of war. Also used as both greeting anf

farewells. It was to act as blessing on the one on whom it was spoken. May your life be

filled with health, prosperity and victory. It expressed completeness and safety. God as a

source of peace because he is YAHWEH SHALOM.


Regarding the peaceful coexistence in the bible we find that prophet micah prophesied about a

coming time when nations will stop making war. The various people of the world will live in

peace nad pursue their different religions, each worshipping their different Gods and goddesses,

meanwhile the jews will continue to follow jehova. His prophecy came to pass for the known

western world. religions were generally tolerated (except for the intermittent persecution of


(micah 4:3-5) they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war no more, but they shall

sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the

mouth of the lord of hosts has spoken it. for all people will walk every one in the name of his god

and the lord our god forever and ever.


Jesus disciples had rejected a healer who was exorcising demons in jesus’ name yet was not one

of jesus direct followers. Jesus criticized his disciples and accepted the healer. Mark and luke

report the incident In a passage (mark 9:38-40).the bible says john said to him “teacher, we saw a

man who was driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop because he does not

belong to our group”. “do not try to stop him” jesus told them “because no one who performs a

miracle in my name will be able soon afterwards to say evil things about me. For whoever is not

against us is for us.”


This happened when his teachins were rejected by the inhabitants of a village in samaria. His

disciples asked that he exterminate the people of the village by issuing a curse. Jesus refused,

and moved on to the next village. (luke 9:52-56)

They did not receive him, and when his disciples james and john saw this they said, lord with

your power command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, even as Elias did. But

he turned and rebuked them! And said “you know not what manner of spirit you are of, for the

son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them”. By this we see peaceful

coexistence between believers and non-believers.


Jesus initisted the conversation with a Samaritan woman in sychar, samaria. This was unusual in

two ways. Jewish men do not talk to women who are not their wives or were not from their

families. Also, jews normally treated Samaritans with contempt. Jews did not have dealings with

them because they had deviated from Judaism. (john 4:7-27)


The author of luke and acts says that the jews in Berea were more noble and fair minded and

receptive than the jews in Thessalonica.

(acts 17:10-13) and the bretheren immediately send away paul and silas by night into Berea.

When they arrived they went to the synagogue. The people were more open minded than the

people of Thessalonica. They listened to the message with eagerness and everyday they studied
the scriptures to see if what paul said was really true, also honorable women which were Greeks

and of men not a few.


Paul was under house arrest in rome for two years, the government granted him religious

freedom and did not forbid him to preach.

(acts 28:30-31) and paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house and received all that

came in into him preaching the kingdom of god and teaching those things which concern the lord

jesus Christ with all confidence, no man forbidding him.


An often preached message by protestants is that the only way to be saved and attain heaven

after death is to repent of one’s sins and trust jesus as lord and savior. In this view is that only

those persons who accept the gospel will spend eternity in heaven. However, (romans 2:14-16)

delivers a different and contrasting message. Paul writes: “for when the gentiles who have not

the law do by nature the things that are contained in the law these having not the law are a law

unto themselves which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also

bearing witness, and their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while

accusing or else excusing one another in the day that god shall judge the secrets of men by jesus

Christ according to my gospel.

Paul here is discussing those individuals who have not heard of jewish and Christian teachings.

They were the majority of the world’s population at paul’s time and remain so today. Paul said

god had given them the knowledge of what was right or wrong. Their response to god’s moral
implanting will be reviwed on judgement day. They may be saved and attain heaven if they

respond morally while leaving on earth.

The lord came to sinful human kind historically first to the jews and then the gentiles, desiring to

enter into a relationship with them. He established with them a covenant of peace which was

sealed with his presence. Numbers 6:24-26 says, “may the lord be kind and gracious to you, may

the lord look on you with favor and give you peace”. The participants were given a perfect peace

as long as they maintained a right relationship with the lord. Isaiah 26:32 says “you lord give

perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm”

In Thessalonians 3:16 it says “may the lord himself who is our source of peace give you peace at

all times and in every way. The lord be with you all”.

The old testament anticipated and the new testament confirmed that god’s peace would be

mediated through a messiah. Isaiah 9:6-7 says “a child is born to us! a son is given to us! and he

will be our ruler, he will be called ‘wonderful counsellor’ ‘mighty god’ ‘eternal father’ ‘prince of

peace” nad in micah 5:4-5 it says “when he comes he will rule his people with the strength that

comes from the lord god himself, his people will live in safety because people all over the earth

will acknowledge his greatness, and he will bring peace.”

We also find that after the prophesies come to pass and jesus was born. We find that through his

death and resurrection there would be peace with god. (romans5:1) says “now that we have been

put right with god through faith, we have peace with god through our lord jesus Christ.

(ephesisans 2:14-17) says “for Christ himself has brought us peace by making jews and gentiles

one people. With his own body he broke down the wall that separated them and kept them

enemies. By his death on the cross Christ destroyed their enemity, by means of the cross he
united both races into one body and brought them back to god. So Christ came and preached the

good news of peace to all you gentiles who were far away from god.”

The relationship of righteousness to peace. the lord established a covenant which resulted in the

participants receiving his shalom in abundance, “like a river.” (Isaiah 48:18) says “if only you

had listened to my commands! Then blessings would have flowed for you like a stream that

never goes dry!” However peace could be disturbed if one did not leave before the lord and

others in righteousness. In fact peace is one of the fruits of righteousness. (Isaiah 32:17-18) says

“because everyone will do what is right there will be peace forever.”

The god of peace and the peace of god sanctify the child of God. (I thessalonians 5:23) says

“may the god who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being spirit,

soul and body.” On the other hand, the scriptures specifically state that there can be no peace for

the wicked. (Isaiah 48:22, 57:21) “there is no safety for sinners, says the lord” paul described the

differerence as follows: there will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil,

first for the jew then the gentile, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good.

The true prophets argued that peace could never be achieved apart from righteousness and

justice. In this light one can better understand what jesus meant when he declared “Do not

suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.”

(matthew 10:34). Paul wrote “the god of peace will soon crush satan under your feet” (romans

16:20). Judgement on sin historically must come prior to peace.

Harmony, the shalom between the animals and the animal kingdom with man. Children shall in

that day be able to play with snakes and they will not be hurt. It is also charcterised with
productivity (amos 9:13-15). The deserts will become fertile fields (Isaiah 32:15) while the

cultivated lands will drip with new wine and the ravines of Judah will run with water (joel 3:18)

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