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Exercises: BUS Stop

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G> What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences:
-eat have lie play sit wait


1 S h e s e a tln g an apple. 4 ............................................................................on the floor.

2 H e .............................................................................for a bus. 5 .................................................................................. breakfast.
3 They football. 6 on the table.

g g i Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:

build cook go have stand stay swim work

1 Please be quiet. I ’m working.......

2 'Where’s John?' 'He's in the kitchen. H e .................................................................'
3 'Y o u .............................................................. on my foot.' 'Oh, I'm sorry.'
4 Look! Som ebody................................................................ in the river.
5 We're here on holiday. W e the Central Hotel.
6 ‘Where's Sue?' 'Sh e .............................................................. a shower.’
7 T h e y .............................................................a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.
8 I ................................................................ now. Goodbye.

Look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. Use She’s -ing or She isn't -ing.
1 (have dinner) Ja n e isn 't having dinner.....
2 (watch T V ) S h e s watching TV,.....................
3 (sit on the floor) S h e ................................................
4 (read a book) ................................................................
5 (play the piano) ...........................................................
n 1 6 (laugh)...................................................................................
7 (wear a hat) ....................................................................
8 (drink coffee) ................................................................

W hat’s happening now? Write true sentences.

1 (I / wash / my hair) Im no t washing my hair...................................
2 (it / snow) It ’s snowing, or It js n ’t snowing,
3 (I / sit / on a chair) ..............................................................................................
4 (I / eat) ..............................................................................................
5 (it/ ra in )....................................................................................................................................
6 (I / learn / English) ..............................................................................................
7 (I / listen / to music) ..............................................................................................
8 (the sun / shine) ..............................................................................................
9 (I / wear / shoes) ..............................................................................................
10 (I / read / a newspaper) ..............................................................................................

Unit are you doing?
4 (present continuous questions)
positive question

1 am am 1

he doing he doing
she is working is she working
it going it going
staying staying
we we
etc. etc.
you are are you
they they

O 'Are you feeling OK?' 'Yes, I'm fine, thanks.'

O 'Is it raining?' 'Yes, take an umbrella.'
O W hy are you wearing a coat? It's not cold.
O 'What's Paul doing?' 'He's studying for his exams.'
O 'W hat are the children doing?' 'They're watching TV.'
O Look, there's Emily! Where's she going?
O W ho are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Sue?

Study the word order:

is/are + subject + -ing

Is he working today?
Is Ben working today? (not Is working Ben today?)
Where are they going?
Where are those people going? (not Where are going those people?)

Short answers

1 am. I'm
he he's
she isn't.
she is. she's
Yes, it No, it's not. No,
we we're
you aren't.
you are. you're
they they're

O 'Are you going now?' 'Yes, I am.'

O 'Is Ben working today?' 'Yes, he is.'
O Is it raining?' No, it isn't.'
O 'Are your friends staying at a hotel?' 'No, they aren't. They're staying with me.'

f I am doing Unit 3 What are you doing tomorrow? -fr Unit 25 questions -fr Units 44-47

Make questions from these words. Put the words in the right order.
1 (is / working / Ben / today) ..................................
2 (what / the children / are / doing) W h a ta r e t M .Q h M r m .M m
3 (you / are / listening / to me) ....................................................................................
4 (w h e re /yo u r frie n d s/a re /g o in g ) .......................................................................
5 (are / watching / your parents / T V ) ....................................................................
6 (what / Jessica / is / cooking) .....................................................................................
7 (why / you / are / looking / at me) ........................................................................
8 (is / coming / the bus) ...................................................................................................

Write short answers (Yes, I am. / No, he isn't, etc.).

1 Are you watching TV? NoJ.’m n o t, 4 Is it raining? ....................................
2 Are you wearing a watch? ........................................ 5 Are you sitting on the floor?
3 Are you eating something? ...................................... 6 Are you feeling well? ...............

-♦ Additional exercise 3 (page 253) 19

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