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Uyen 2:4

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c Fill in the correct word each time.

1 accident, accidental, accidentally

a I ............................ spilt my coffee on Susan’s new rug.
b The coroner recorded a verdict of ............................ death.

2 accompany, (un)accompanied, accompaniment

a The couple walked down the aisle to the ............................ of the Wedding March.
b My sister is still too young to go anywhere ............................ .

3 achieve, achievable, achievement, achiever

a She felt a wonderful sense of ............................ when she passed her driving test.
b It’s always best to set small ............................ goals.

4 addict, addicted, addictive, addiction

a Heroin is a highly ............................ substance.
b Martin is seeking help for his drug ............................ .

5 (dis)advantage, (dis)advantageous, (dis)advantaged

a Having been brought up in a(n) ............................ area,
ea, she recei
received a poor education.
b Signing the peace treaty would be ............................
.... to both countries.

6 (dis)agree, (dis)agreeable, (dis)agreement

a Not wishing to get caught up in their petty ......
............................ , I got up and left the room.
b We spent the best part of the day trying
ng to come up
u with a solution that both parties would find
............................ .

7 alienate, alienated, alienation,

n, al
a Jealous of Sarah’s wealthy
ealthy background,
bac Simon tried to ............................ her from the group.
b The scientist’s ideas
deas were ............................
........... to modern thinking.

8 amuse, amused,
d, amusing, am
a To his
s colleagues’ ............................
..... , John ended up
ing the wrong briefcase home.
b I can’t
an’t sa
say that I was particularly ............................
by the antics my young son got up to yesterday.

Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
1 Choose the correct answer.
1 Fortunately, we had a second plan to fall ..... .
A back on B behind C in with D out
2 Most people apply at least two ..... of paint when decorating.
A stages B coats C levels D courses
3 One day I’ll get ..... to finishing this project.
A over B round C about D up
4 The information he can provide will hopefully ..... more light on this difficult case.
A shine B reflect C direct D shed
5 Use a sharp ..... to cut the card.
A blade B point C metal D steel
6 Jackie has had more than her fair ..... of training opportunities.
A share B helping C entitlement D portion
7 I ..... to accompany him to the theatre.
A agreed B accepted C acquiesced D admitted
8 Several people agreed to ..... in the organisation of the party.
A support B aid C partake D assist
9 One year after the crime was committed, there is still little ..... of it being solved.
A demonstration B sign C token D manifestati
10 My brother gave me no help ..... with the cooking.
A whatsoever B however C nonetheless
hele D in so far
11 I ..... myself on being a careful driver.
A please B pride C commentt D boast
12 I had some time to ..... before the performance,
anc so I looked
d round the shops.
A attack B kill C st
strangle D hang

2 Fill in the correct word in the appropriate

riate form.

A arise, raise, rise C wooden, wooded

1 If the opportunity ....................

............ , ttry to speak 1 The .................... table is obviously much better
to him about it. than the metal one.

2 She .................... the glass to her

h lips. 2 Every summer, we go camping in a ....................
area near the south coast.
3 The number of people bu
buying second-hand
the than new
cars rather ne ones
on is .................... . 3 He’s a very .................... actor – I can’t imagine
how he got the part.
4 When en my class gets ge noisy, I have to
............ my voice to be heard. 4 They live in a .................... valley.

B gentle, soft D picture, scene

1 Try some of this cream. It keeps the skin really 1 The film doesn’t paint a particularly pleasant
.................... . .................... of rural life in the eighteenth
2 Many people think the judge was ....................
on the criminal and that he should have given 2 The police arrived at the .................... of the
him a longer prison sentence. crime minutes after they had been called.

3 A .................... breeze was blowing. 3 What was your favourite .................... in the film?

4 My doctor recommended I take some 4 I’ve got a .................... in my mind of what the
.................... exercise. place could look like.

3 Fill in the correct verb in the appropriate form. 5 Fill in the correct verb in the appropriate form.

enslave, encircle, enlist, enlighten, enforce pepper, spice, curry

1 A high wall .......................... the prison. 1 Although his French is quite good, it tends to
be .................... with English words.
2 It is about time the authorities made sure that
the ban was actually .......................... . 2 His publisher advised him to .................... up
3 He .......................... in the army as soon as the account of his travels with a number of
war was declared. funny anecdotes.

4 I couldn’t work out how to use the machine 3 Politicians will do anything to ....................
and no one was able to .......................... me. favour with voters.
5 Those who were .......................... had little
choice but to do as they were told.

6a Match the expressions with their meanin

1 be on the move .......


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 2 make a move
ve .......

word given. 3 get a move on .......

A RACE 4 be (deeply)
deeply) moved b
by .......

1 It cannot be denied that we live in a ....................

PA 5 not move a mus
6 move heav
heaven and earth
2 Hopefully, the level of .................... will decline.
a fe
feel strong feelings because of sth
3 A number of .................... motivated crimes
have been committed. b be travelling from one place to another
c take a particular course of action

B DISCRIMINATE d try as hard as possible to do sth

1 Immigrants claim they are the e victims of e hurry

........................... . f stay completely still
2 These laws are, without a doubt, racially
........................... .
b Fill in the correct expression from above.

C MIGRATE 1 He swore he would ...........................................

........ to stop them closing down the factory.
1 It is practically
actically impoimpossible for illegal
............. to find
fin a well-paid job in the 2 If you don’t .................................................... ,

country y they have moved to. we’ll be late.

2 Many gypsies are choosing to ....................... to 3 After only a year in Leeds, the family
Canada as they have heard they will enjoy a .................................................... again.
better quality of life there. 4 When the music stopped, the children playing
the game had to stand still,
................................................... .
5 We .................................................... her kind
1 We must put a stop to the ....................... of words.
ethnic minorities in our country.
6 She always waits for someone else to
2 Adolf Hitler can be considered one of the main .................................................... instead of
....................... of the gypsies. doing so herself.


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