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Static Electricity, Electric Charge and Its Conservation

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Static electricity, Electric Charge and its went with which type of charge was arbitrary.

Conservation Franklin’s choice set the charge on the rubbed

The word electricity comes from the Greek word glass rod to be positive charge, so the charge on a
elektron, which means “amber.” Amber is rubbed plastic ruler (or amber) is called negative
petrified tree resin, and the ancients knew that if charge. We still follow this convention today.
you rub a piece of amber with a cloth, the amber Franklin argued that whenever a certain amount of
attracts small pieces of leaves or dust. A piece of charge is produced on one object, an equal amount
hard rubber, a glass rod, or a plastic ruler rubbed of the opposite type of charge is produced on
with a cloth will also display this “amber another object. The positive and negative are to be
effect,”or static electricityas we call it today. You treated algebraically, so during any process, the
can readily pick up small pieces of paper with a net change in the amount of charge produced is
plastic comb or ruler that you have just vigorously zero. For example, when a plastic ruler is rubbed
rubbed with even a paper towel. See the photo on with a paper towel, the plastic acquires a negative
the previous page and Fig.16–1. You have charge and the towel acquires an equal amount of
probably experienced static electricity when positive charge. The charges are separated, but the
combing your hair or when taking a synthetic sum of the two is zero. This is an example of a
blouse or shirt from a clothes dryer. And you may law that is now well established:the law of
have felt a shock when you touched a metal conservation of electric charge, which states that
doorknob after sliding across a car seat or walking the net amount of electric charge produced in any
across a synthetic carpet. In each case, an object process is zero; or, said another way, no net
becomes “charged”as a result of rubbing, and is electric charge can be created or destroyed. If one
said to possess a net electric charge. Is all electric object (or a region of space) acquires a positive
charge the same, or is there more than one type? charge, then an equal amount of negative charge
In fact, there aretwotypes of electric charge,as the will be found in neighboring areas or objects. No
following simple experiments show.A plastic ruler violations have ever been found, and the law of
suspended by a thread is vigorously rubbed with a conservation of electric charge is as firmly
cloth to charge it. When a second plastic ruler, established as those for energy and momentum.
which has been charged in the same way, is Electric Charge of an Atom
brought close to the first, it is found that one ruler Only within the past century has it become clear
repels the other. This is shown in Fig.16–2a. that an understanding of electricity originates
Similarly, if a rubbed glass rod is brought close to inside the atom itself. In later Chapters we will
a second charged glass rod, again a repulsive force discuss atomic structure and the ideas that led to
is seen to act, Fig. 16–2b. However, if the charged our present view of the atom in more detail. But it
glass rod is brought close to the charged plastic will help our understanding of electricity if we
ruler, it is found that they attract each other, discuss it briefly now. A simplified model of an
Fig.16–2c. The charge on the glass must therefore atom shows it as having a tiny but massive,
be different from that on the plastic. Indeed, it is positively charged nucleus surrounded by one or
found experimentally that all charged objects fall more negatively charged electrons (Fig.16–3). The
into one of two categories. Either they are nucleus contains protons, which are positively
attracted to the plastic and repelled by the glass; or charged, and neutrons, which have no net electric
they are repelled by the plastic and attracted to the charge. All protons and all electrons have exactly
glass.Thus there seem to be two,and only the same magnitude of electric charge; but their
two,types of electric charge. Each type of charge signs are opposite. Hence neutral atoms, having
repels the same type but attracts the opposite type. no net charge, contain equal numbers of protons
That is: unlike charges attract; like charges repel. and electrons. Sometimes an atom may lose one or
The two types of electric charge were referred to more of its electrons,or may gain extra
as positive and negative by the American electrons,in which case it will have a net positive
statesman,philosopher,and scientist Benjamin or negative charge and is called an ion. In solid
Franklin (1706–1790). The choice of which name materials the nuclei tend to remain close to fixed

positions, whereas some of the electrons may into an intermediate category known as
move quite freely. When an object is neutral, it semiconductors. From the atomic point of view,
contains equal amounts of positive and negative the electrons in an insulating material are bound
charge. The charging of a solid object by rubbing very tightly to the nuclei. In a good metal
can be explained by the transfer of electrons from conductor, on the other hand, some of the
one object to the other. When a plastic ruler electrons are bound very loosely and can move
becomes negatively charged by rubbing with a about freely within the metal (although they
paper towel, electrons are transferred from the cannot leave the metal easily) and are often
towel to the plastic, leaving the towel with a referred to as free electronsorconduction
positive charge equal in magnitude to the negative electrons.When a positively charged object is
charge acquired by the plastic. In liquids and brought close to or touches a conductor, the free
gases, nuclei or ions can move as well as electrons in the conductor are attracted by this
electrons. Normally when objects are charged by positively charged object and move quickly
rubbing, they hold their charge only for a limited toward it. If a negatively charged object is brought
time and eventually return to the neutral state. close to the conductor, the free electrons in the
Where does the charge go? Usually the excess conductor move swiftly away from it. In a
charge “leaks off”onto water molecules in the air. semiconductor, there are many fewer free
This is because water molecules are polar—that is, electrons, and in an insulator, almost none.
even though they are neutral, their charge is not Coulomb’s Law
distributed uniformly, Fig. 16–4. Thus the extra We have seen that an electric charge exerts a force
electrons on, say, a charged plastic ruler can “leak of attraction or repulsion on other electric charges.
off”into the air because they are attracted to the What factors affect the magnitude of this force?
positive end of water molecules. A positively To find an answer, the French physicist Charles
charged object, on the other hand, can be Coulomb (1736–1806) investigated electric forces
neutralized by transfer of loosely held electrons in the 1780s using a torsion balance (Fig. 16–13)
from water molecules in the air. On dry days, much like that used by Cavendish for his studies
static electricity is much more noticeable since the of the gravitational force (Chapter 5). Precise
air contains fewer water molecules to allow instruments for the measurement of electric charge
leakage of charge. On humid or rainy days, it is were not available in Coulomb’s time.
difficult to make any object hold a net charge for Nonetheless, Coulomb was able to prepare small
long. spheres with different magnitudes of charge in
Insulator and Conductors which the ratio of the charges was known.†
Suppose we have two metal spheres, one highly Although he had some difficulty with induced
charged and the other electrically neutral (Fig.16– charges, Coulomb was able to argue that the
5a). If we now place a metal object,such as a electric force one tiny charged object exerts on a
nail,so that it touches both spheres (Fig. 16–5b), second tiny charged object is directly proportional
the previously uncharged sphere quickly becomes to the charge on each of them. That is, if the
charged. If, instead, we had connected the two charge on either one of the objects is doubled, the
spheres by a wooden rod or a piece of rubber force is doubled; and if the charge on both of the
(Fig.16–5c), the uncharged ball would not become objects is doubled, the force increases to four
noticeably charged. Materials like the iron nail are times the original value. This was the case when
said to be conductors of electricity, whereas wood the distance between the two charges remained the
and rubber are nonconductors or insulators. same. If the distance between them was allowed to
Metals are generally good conductors, whereas increase, he found that the force decreased with
most other materials are insulators (although even the square of the distance between them. That is,
insulators conduct electricity very slightly). if the distance was doubled, the force fell to one-
Nearly all natural materials fall into one or the fourth of its original value. Thus, Coulomb
other of these two distinct categories. However,a concluded, the magnitude of the force F that one
few materials (notably silicon and germanium) fall small charged object exerts on a second one is

proportional to the product of the magnitude of the Newton himself felt uneasy with this idea when he
charge on one, times the magnitude of the charge published his law of universal gravitation. A
on the other, and inversely proportional to the helpful way to look at the situation uses the idea
square of the distance r between them (Fig.16– of the field, developed by the British scientist
14). As an equation, we can write Coulomb’s law Michael Faraday (1791–1867). In the electrical
Q1 Q2 case, according to Faraday, an electric field
as F=k 2 where k is a proportionality extends outward from every charge and permeates
constant. As we just saw, Coulomb’s law, all of space (Fig.16–22). If a second charge (call it
Q1 Q2 ) is placed near the first charge, it feels a force
F=k 2 , gives the magnitude of the electric exerted by the electric field that is there (say, at
r point P in Fig.16–22).The electric field at point P
force that either charge exerts on the other. The is considered to interact directly with charge to
direction of the electric force is always along the produce the force on We can in principle
line joining the two charges. If the two charges investigate the electric field surrounding a charge
have the same sign, the force on either charge is or group of charges by measuring the force on a
directed away from the other (they repel each small positive test charge which is at rest. By a
other). If the two charges have opposite signs, the test charge we mean a charge so small that the
force on one is directed toward the other (they force it exerts does not significantly affect the
attract). See Fig. 16–15. Notice that the force one charges that create the field. If a tiny positive test
charge exerts on the second is equal but opposite charge q is placed at various locations in the
to that exerted by the second on the first, in accord vicinity of a single positive charge Q as shown in
with Newton’s third law. The SI unit of charge is Fig.16–23 (points A, B, C), the force exerted on q
the coulomb(C). The precise definition of the is as shown. The force at B is less than at A
coulomb today is in terms of electric current and because B’s distance from Q is greater
magnetic field, and will be discussed later (Coulomb’s law); and the force at C is smaller
(Section 20–6). In SI units, the constant k in still. In each case, the force on q is directed
Coulomb’s law has the value radially away from Q. The electric field is defined
9 2 2
k =8.988 x 10 N∗m /C or, when we only need in terms of the force on such a positive test
9 2 2
two significant figures, k =9.0 x 10 N∗m /C . charge. In particular, the electric field, at any point
Charges produced by rubbing ordinary objects in space is defined as the force exerted on a tiny
(such as a comb or plastic ruler) are typically positive test charge placed at that point divided by
around a microcoulomb or less. Objects that carry F
a positive charge have a deficit of electrons, the magnitude of the test charge q: E= . More
whereas negatively charged objects have an precisely, is defined as the limit of as q is taken
excess of electrons. The charge on one electron smaller and smaller, approaching zero. That is, q
has been determined to have a magnitude of about is so tiny that it exerts essentially no force on the
and is negative. This is the smallest charge other charges which created the field. From this
observed in nature,‡ and because it is definition (Eq.16–3), we see that the electric field
fundamental, it is given the symbol e and is often at any point in space is a vector whose direction is
referred to as the elementary charge: the direction of the force on a tiny positive test
e=1.6022∗1019 C . charge at that point, and whose magnitude is the
Electric Field force per unit charge. Thus has SI units of
Many common forces might be referred to as newtons per coulomb The reason for defining as
“contact forces,”such as your hands pushing or (with ) is so that does not depend on the
pulling a cart, or a tennis racket hitting a tennis magnitude of the test charge q. This means that
ball. In contrast, both the gravitational force and describes only the effect of the charges creating
the electrical force act over a distance: there is a the electric field at that point. The electric field at
force between two objects even when the objects any point in space can be measured,based on the
are not touching. The idea of a force acting at a definition, Eq.16–3. For simple situations with
distance was a difficult one for early thinkers.
one or several point charges,we can calculate E. Electric
For example, the electric field at a distance r from Potential
a single point charge Q would have magnitude Energy
F kqQ/r 2 Q To apply
E= = =k 2
q q r
Electric Field Lines
Since the electric field is a vector, it is sometimes
referred to as a vector field. We could indicate the
electric field with arrows at various points in a
given situation, such as at A, B, and C in Fig. 16–
conservation of energy, we need to define electric
30. The directions of and are the same as for the
potential energy as we did for other types of
forces shown earlier in Fig. 16–23, but the
potential energy. potential energy can be defined
magnitudes (arrow lengths) are different since we
only for a conservative force. The work done by a
divide by q to get However, the relative lengths of
conservative force in moving an object between
and are the same as for the forces since we divide
any two positions is independent of the path taken.
by the same q each time. To indicate the electric
The electrostatic force between any two charges
field in such a way at many points, however,
(Eq.16–1, ) is conservative because the
would result in many arrows, which would
dependence on position is just like the
quickly become cluttered and confusing. To avoid
gravitational force (Eq.5–4), which is
this, we use another technique, that of field lines.
conservative. Hence we can define potential
To visualize the electric field, we draw a series of
energy PE for the electrostatic force.
lines to indicate the direction of the electric field
When the electric force does positive work on a
at various points in space. These electric field
charge,the kinetic energy increases and the
lines(orlines of force) are drawn to indicate the
potential energy decreases. The difference in
direction of the force due to the given field on a
potential energy, is equal to the negative of the
positive test charge. The lines of force due to a
work, done by the electric field to move the
single isolated positive charge are shown in
charge from a to b; Note that electric potential,
Fig.16–31a, and for a single isolated negative
like electric field, does not depend on our test
charge in Fig.16–31b. In part (a) the lines point
charge q. V depends on the other charges that
radially outward from the charge, and in part (b)
create the field, not on the test charge q; q
they point radially inward toward the charge
acquires potential energy by being in the potential
because that is the direction the force would be on
V due to the other charges. We can see from our
a positive test charge in each case (as in Fig.16–
definition that the positive plate in Fig.17–1 is at a
26). Only a few representative lines are shown.We
higher potential than the negative plate.Thus a
could draw lines in between those shown since the
positively charged object moves naturally from a
electric field exists there as well. We can draw the
high potential to a low potential. A negative
lines so that the number of lines starting on a
charge does the reverse. The unit of electric
positive charge, or ending on a negative charge, is
potential, and of potential difference, is
proportional to the magnitude of the charge.
joules/coulomb and is given a special name, the
Notice that nearer the charge, where the electric
volt, in honor of Alessandro Volta (1745–1827)
field is greater the lines are closer together. This is
who is best known for inventing the electric
a general property of electric field lines: the closer
battery. The volt is abbreviated V, so Potential
together the lines are, the stronger the electric
difference, since it is measured in volts, is often
field in that region. In fact, field lines can be
referred to as voltage. (Be careful not to confuse V
drawn so that the number of lines crossing unit
for volts, with italic V for voltage.) If we wish to
area perpendicular to is proportional to the
speak of the potential at some point a, we must be
magnitude of the electric field.
aware that depends on where the potential is
Electric Potential Energy and Potential
chosen to be zero. The zero for electric potential
in a given situation can be chosen arbitrarily, just
as for potential energy, because only differences
in potential energy can be measured. Often the
ground, or a conductor connected directly to the
ground (the Earth), is taken as zero potential, and
other potentials are given with respect to ground.
(Thus, a point where the voltage is 50V is one
where the difference of potential between it and
ground is 50V.) In other cases, as we shall see, we
may choose the potential to be zero at an infinite

Winter is Coming.
Good Luck Guys.


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