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Week 2 Lesson Plans For Ci 470

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Teacher Candidate: Summer Burns

Content Area: 9th Grade English Honors Lesson Topic: Creating A Short Length (timing) of Lesson: 40 Minutes
WV Standard(s):
 ELA.9.23 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Learning Objective(s):
 Students will be able to evaluate the components that go into a short story in order to guide them towards a topic they believe fits the criteria.
 Students will be able to participate in small group discussions in order to determine their strengths and weaknesses in topics and in perspectives.
Formative Assessment:
 Exit Slip: Students will turn in an exit slip that has their topic choice written on it, and their point of view in which they want to use for their short story. On these
exit slips, I would like a one sentence explanation as to why they chose their topic, and a one sentence explanation as to why they chose the point of view that they
decided on.
 Index Cards
 “How To Write A Great Short Story – The 8 Point Story Arc” by Educational Tutorials
 Laptops (for Schoology)
 Short Story Assignment Sheet
 Popsicle sticks
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Bell Ringer:  What are some of the key  For students who
Introduction  Students will write about what they remember points that you remember missed most of that
going over the week before they were let out from the week before week, they can write
of school. school let out? about what they
5  Do you remember the already know about
different components of a the different P.O.V
short story? and the elements of a
 Do you remember the short story.
different P.O.V?
Core Instruction Time Quote Of The Day:
 “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a  For students who
hard battle” were absent the week
Main Content: before we let out,
 We will begin class with a quick, student led they will be partnered
overview of what they can remember from the  Who can tell me what POV up before we begin in
week before they let out, and I will fill in the is and what the different order to allow for
gaps for them so that they can start with a POV’s are? additional assistance
clean slate, and know what I am talking about  What elements belong in a on any confusion.
when we begin working. short story?  For students who may
8  Students will watch the “How To Write A  About how many pages have left their laptops
min. Great Short Story” video in order to give would you say our short at home, the
students an understanding of what to look for stories we read were? assignment sheet will
in their own writing. (This video should be  How can POV change your be on the board for
made available via Schoology so that students outlook on the text? them to reference.
can refer back to it at any point in time.  What makes a short story  If for some reason the
 Students will pull up the assignment sheet for great? internet isn’t work, I
their short stories off Schoology. They will  Is there any part of the will have enough
read this by themselves for a few minutes assignment sheet that you copies of the
2 before we go over it as a class. felt was unclear? assignment sheet for
min.  We will go over it as a class. This is the time  Is there anything on the students to take
for students to ask any questions that have, or assignment sheet or rubric home.
7 to make any clarifications. that you don’t necessarily
min.  Students will be creating a topics list based on agree with?
their interests, maybe a personal story they  What interests you?
want to tell, or even a work of fiction that is  Is there anything that you
5 purely fantasy. may have created that you
 Students will then partner up using popsicle want to bring into a story?
sticks, to discuss their topic ideas, where they  What POV would be best
got the ideas from, and the potential P.O.V. for your topic of choice?
they are considering using for the story itself.

Closure Time Exit Slip:  What makes the POV that  If students are stuck
 Students will fill out an exit slip where they you chose the best choice between two choices,
6 will put their topic choice and the POV they for the topic that you are they can bring the
min. are planning on using. Both of these items looking into? exit slip back the next
should be accompanied with a sentence  Is there another topic that day in order to give
describing why they have chosen what they is a close secondary choice them more time to
did. that you may be consider what they
considering? want their story to be
Contingency Time  If time permits, students will be given time to  How many paragraphs, or
5 begin working on their short story paper key elements, do you have
min. proposals, or at least get themselves familiar pertaining to your topic
with the parts that belong in the proposal. choice?


Teacher Candidate: Summer Burns
Content Area: 9th Grade English Honors Lesson Topic: Creating A Short Length (timing) of Lesson: 40 min.
WV Standard(s):
 ELA.9.23 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Learning Objective(s):

 Students will be able to create a working proposal in which they depict their short story idea in detail in order to receive approval.
 Students will be able to evaluate their feedback and make changes accordingly in a revised edition.
 Students will be able to complete their thought process for their short story through an outline of diagram.
Formative Assessment:
 Students will create a proposal in which they will turn in and begin receiving feedback as soon as I have had a chance to look over it.
 Students will turn in index cards of their peer review on one thing they liked about their partners outline and one thing they thought needed changed.

 Index Cards
 Topic Choices from the day before
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Bell Ringer:  Do you feel like your topic  For students who may
has enough key have been absent the
Introduction 5  Students will answer questions regarding their components to write a full- day before, they can
min. topics and how effective they can be with length short story on? make their bell ringer
delivering this topic into a full short story.  Is there any topic that you a list of topic ideas.
feel you could write more

Core Instruction Time Quote of the Day:  Do you think that if you  For students who
have additional time to arrive late to class,
15  “Courage is grace under pressure” ~ Ernest look over the topic you the proposal can be
min. Hemingway chose that you could come due at the end of class
Core Instruction: up with supportive which would move
 Have students create a one-page proposal. examples? their outline/plot
These can be brief, but they need to include  Did you make the changes diagram to being due
what they plan to have each paragraph about to the proposal that I at the end of the day
and a few examples for each subtopic they suggested during our time (so it would be
choose. looking over the proposal? emailed to me by
10  As students finish, they will bring them over  Do you have all 5 parts of midnight).
min. to me so that I can go ahead and approve their the plot?  If a student missed
proposals.  Do you have an extensive the plot outline day
 Once students receive approval on their ideas, outline? last week, then
they will begin writing an outline or a plot  Did you include transitions students will be given
diagram. It needs to have a title, all 5 parts of in the outline/plot? the chance to go over
the plot diagram (even if you are choosing to  Is your topic and POV on it in more detail
do an outline), and how you plan to transition. the top of your paper? before they layout
If you are doing a plot diagram, write at the their own short story.
bottom how you plan to transition.
 Students need to write their topic and POV on
the top of their diagram of choice
Closure Time Exit Slip:
10  Partner up with a specified partner and read  What was the strongest part  For students who are
min. each other’s outlines/diagrams. Write down of your peer’s work? unable to turn in
on an index card one thing you like and one  Was your peers work weak their outlines today,
in a surface level way or was
thing you believe could be improved about they will not be
it more deep like a content
your partners piece thus far. level weakness?
receiving a peer
perspective, but they
will have the option
to receive my
feedback on their
Contingency Time  If time permits, students will be asked to go
ahead and make the suggested changes that
were recommended by their peers or myself.


Teacher Candidate: Summer Burns
Content Area: 9th Grade English Honors Lesson Topic: Creating A Short Length (timing) of Lesson: 40 min.
WV Standard(s):

 ELA.9.24. – Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on what is most
significant for a specific purpose and audience.

Learning Objective(s):
 Students will be able to evaluate different POV in their writing to determine which would be the most effective in the delivery of their short story.
Formative Assessment:

 Students will be submitting the first half of their short stories for observation and reflection on what they have produced up to this point.

 Students will need their outlines

 Highlighters (for peer reviewing)
 Laptops
 Bell Ringer Sheet
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Bell Ringer:  Do you believe that your  For students who
story is meant to be read in have been absent,
Introduction  Based on your topic, what pace do you think a more anxious manner? If they will write about
is most effective in the delivery of your short so, do you think a quicker their potential topics
min. story? reading, with lack of that way they can
punctuation, is the best become caught up to
way to go about your short where everyone is at.
 Do you think that your
piece deserves a more
somber tone? Would you
pace that as having a
slower reading?
Core Instruction Time Quote of the Day:  For students who do
not reach the halfway
 “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What  Do you want to start your point, they can email
separates the talented individual from the piece with an introduction
30 their work to me and
successful one is a lot of hard work” ~Stephen of the character, a setting
min. I can take a look at it
King description, or possibly a before coming into
Core Curriculum: flash back? class the next day.
 How do you propose you
 Students will not be sharing Bell Ringers  If students have been
transition from your
today since it was more for their personal use. absent or they came
introduction to a more
 Students will begin drafting their short stories. in late today, they can
stable ground for your
By the end of class, students need to have take home the first
their first half of their short story completed. half of their short to
 Have you reached the
 Progress will be checked halfway through work and build on at
climax of your short story,
class in order to determine if homework will home.
or does your climax come
be necessary. before your halfway point?
 As students begin to reach their halfway mark  Should we look and see if
with their work, they will be partnered up the intro does it’s job
with other students who are finishing up. This correctly before moving
is a mini peer review session as partners will on?
determine the strength and quality of their  Is your partner missing any
peers work as of this moment. This will allow key details that you can
students to figure out what to change before find as of right now?
moving forward with their piece, and what  Should we look into
they may need to add to assist the reader. moving any pieces around?
Closure Time Exit Slip:  For students who did
 Did you reach at least 375 not meet the length
5  Students will submit what they have words? requirement, there
min. completed by the end of class. If they meet  What are some details you will be no point
the length requirement for the day, they earn could potential add to deduction for today.
on bonus point to add to their lowest lengthen and strengthen
assignment at the end of the unit. your ending?
Contingency Time  If time permits, students will work on
implementing their peers’ comments so that
they can pick up on the second half of their
writing the next day.


Teacher Candidate: Summer Burns
Content Area: 9th Grade English Honors Lesson Topic: Creating A Short Length (timing) of Lesson: 40 min.
WV Standard(s):
 ELA.9.24. – Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on what is most significant for
a specific purpose and audience.
Learning Objective(s):

 Students will be able to devise a plan to strengthen their short stories through rereading and correcting their original draft.
 Students will be able to commentate on their peers work in order to assist in the bettering of the short story before it is finished.
Formative Assessment:

 Students will go over the first half of their story and make any edits that are needed.
 Students will turn in an exit slip noting their feelings towards their works up to this point.

 Outlines
 Drafts From The Day Before
 My Notes on The Drafts
 Peers Notes on The Drafts
 Laptops
 Highlighters
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Bell Ringer:  What are you most  For students who may
struggling with on your have been absent
Introduction 10  One a sheet of paper (that I provide) write short story as of right now? yesterday, write about
min. about the bell ringer prompt. After you have any possible
done that, wad your paper up in a ball and get complications you
in a circle. Students will then toss their wads can foresee
into the middle of the circle. Students will  If students are unable
then pick up a paper at random. I marked a to come up with their
few papers with a star in the corner. Papers own idea of what
2 with a star will be read aloud for discussion they are struggling
min. purposes. with, they can have a
peer look over their
work for guidance.
Core Instruction Time Quote of the Day:
 “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you  Did you find your peers  For students who do
reap but by the seeds that you plant” ~ Robert feedback to be helpful? not want to work with
Louis Stevenson  Do you think that your a partner, they are
Core Activity: peer’s insight is leading allowed to work
you to the betterment of alone and try to find
 Work on cleaning up your first part of your your story, or do you think their mistakes;
8 short story from the feedback your peers they would better however, they will be
min. provided you, and for any errors or mistakes understand once it is at a slight
you may have made. This is also a good time finished? disadvantage.
to have students make any drastic changes  How do you see yourself  If students are
10 that they deem fit. getting past your climax struggling with
min.  Students will grab the same partner from the and wrapping up your getting past their
day before and have the reread their changes work? climax, they can
to look for improvement. work in partners for
 Once this is completed, students will go back ideas.
to working on their drafts. They can either
work on making changes or they can work on
their second half.

Closure Time Exit Slip:  How confident do you feel  For students who
about your short story so need to think on this,
5  On an index card, write about your own far? Why? they can bring the
min. feelings towards your work.  Do you think that there is a index card back in the
way to get you to like your next day.
work if you aren’t quite
there yet?
Contingency Time  If time permits, students will continue to work
10 on their drafts and discuss possible options
min. with their peers.


Teacher Candidate: Summer Burns
Content Area: 9th Grade English Honors Lesson Topic: Creating A Short Length (timing) of Lesson: 40 min.
WV Standard(s):

 ELA.9.25 – Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of
technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

Learning Objective(s):

 Students will be able to evaluate the feedback they have received on their short stories and apply them accordingly.
 Students will be able to articulate their works to demonstrate the tone and speed in which their short should be read.
Formative Assessment:

 Students will submit their finish version of their short story.


 Outlines
 Drafts
 Draft Notes
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Bell Ringer:  If you could change your  For students who are
short story into any form, unsure, they can look
Introduction  Students will think about their short story as it what would it be? This at a examples and
is right now and ponder if they believe it could be a graphic, audio, write about which
could come across more successfully if they or a video of you reading one they would most
put it into another form. This could be it. like to do for their
graphic, audio, or any form of picture.  Why would you change it story.
to this?

Core Instruction Time Quote of The Day:  Do you find the feedback  If students do not
to be helpful? complete their work
 It is impossible to live without failing at  Is there anything you’d like in this time, they can
something…unless you live so cautiously that to go back and change in email their finish
you might as well not have lived at all – in order to make your story story to me by 11:59
which case, you fail by default.” better? p.m. but there will be
Core Curriculum:  How can I help you to no work taken any
 Students will take the feedback they have make your story better? later than that
20 received from their peers, and from me, and because students have
min. make changes to their short stories. received ample time
 Students will then use the time they have to to finish it in class.
complete their short stories.

Closure Time  Students have choice to earn extra credit by

reading their completed short stories aloud.
This is optional and will provide 5 points to
their short story grade.
Contingency Time  If time permits, students will be able to  Was this something  If student shared
continue reading their stories, or we can do a personal to you, or did this something personal,
Q & A where students can ask about the come to you in a more or if they wanted to
process some of the students went through to imaginative way? read it aloud but not
accomplish what they did.  How does your short story in front of the class,
impact others? they can opt. out of
 Can you see your short reading aloud or they
story resonating with other can record
people? themselves and share
it with myself or their

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