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Edtpa Lesson Plan 2

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Title of lesson Close Reading with Ruby Bridges

Grade Level 4th/5th Grade

Standard(s) CCSS:

Describe the overall structure (e.g.,
chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts,
or information in a text or part of a text.


Part 1: Interacting in Meaningful Ways

B. Interpretive
8.Analyzing how writers and speakers
use vocabulary and other language resources
for specific purposes (to explain, persuade,
entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text
type, purpose, audience, topic, and content
Class Population In the class there are 28 students with 14 of
them being 5th graders. 5 of the students
have IEP’s and 14 of them are English
Language Learners. Most of the students are
below grade level in both ELA and Math.
There are many behaviors in this class that
cause different types of temperaments
within the classroom.
Planning/Designing Learning Experience For this lesson I wanted to dive deeper into
the passage about Ruby Bridges that we
have just read the day before. I wanted to
take it apart by looking at the Vocabulary
and using the passage to explain Cause &
Effect. I used SDAIE strategies that would
help not only my English Language Learners
but also my English Speaking only students.
Lesson Objective ELA: Students will be able to use causes &
effect to connect the piece of the
informational text to better understand what
is being said throughout the writing.

ELD: Students will be able to analyze how

using cause and effect helps the writer
convey their reasoning behind their writing.
Academic Language The Academic Language that will be brought
into this lesson are: sharecroppers,
segregated, integrate, skeptical, protest,
escorted, cause, effect
Language Supports The language supports that I will be using
are a chart with the words that the students
will help fill out and a graphic organizer that
as a whole group we will work together to fill
Materials and Resources Materials that I will be using in this lesson
are an anchor chart with all of the
vocabulary and graphic organizer that allows
them to easily do the cause and effect.
Formative Assessment The assessment that I will use for this lesson
is a graphic organizer even though we are
doing it as a whole group it will allow me to
assess what the students are understanding
about cause and effect within the text.
Possible Challenges/Misconceptions One of the challenges that can happen in this
lesson is the attentiveness of the students. I
will try to keep them engaged by constantly
keeping them talking and engaged with the
Opening Teacher brings attention to the front of the
class. Students silence as the teacher begins
to explain what they are going to do today.
the teacher will hand out their Ruby Bridges
passages from yesterday and have the
students recall what they did in the previous
lesson. Students should be able to reply
saying that they learned about the main idea
of the text and used supporting evidence
that helped them with their answer.
Introduction The teacher will start by diving into
Vocabulary. Before reading the text all
together the teacher will explain that we
need to understand the words that are hard
to read or confusing to us when we read
them. The teacher will bring out the chart
with the words that she believes are ones
that the students should know. We will go
over each word as a class using the passage
to help us answer. Once we have gone over
the vocabulary we will transition to the next
part of the lesson.
Body of Lesson Teacher: Explain that we are going to be
reading the story out loud together. this will
require students to follow along and read at
the same pace as each other and the
Students: Together with the teacher will
read the passage about Ruby Bridges
together. Stopping every now and again to
take a moment and talk about what is being
Teacher: Once reading is over talk about
what Cause and Effect is. Ask if the students
know and if they don’t go over what it
means. Have a student pass out the cause
and effect graphic organizer and explain to
the students that we are going to pick apart
the passage together. Show your big cause
and effect chart so that they understand that
it is a group effort to fill it out.
To start out, give the students the effect
which Ruby started bringing her lunch from
home and would not eat the school’s lunch.
Ask the students what would be the cause of
this remind them to use their passage to
help them answer the question.
Students: look through the passage and once
they have an answer they will raise their
hand. once they are called on they will give
their answer and they will use the passage to
give supporting evidence.
This will continue with different cause and
effects with the teacher either giving the
cause or the effect and the students finding
the answer in the passage.
Teacher: When the chart is filled out call
attention back to the front of the classroom.
Closure Bring the students back to the focus and go
over the chart together. have them explain
to you what cause and effect are. this will
allow you to see if they understand what the
point of the activity was. Go back over the
vocabulary words and as someone collects
the Ruby Bridges explain that tomorrow they
will do one more thing to finish up diving
into this text.
Accommodations/Modification/Differentiated Modification: This lesson with the use of the
Instruction graphic organizer I will give them either the
cause or effect and they will have to fill in
the rest. This allows for those students who
need a little extra support to be able to
follow along without feeling overwhelmed.

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