Acute Abdomen
Acute Abdomen
Acute Abdomen
Received date: Apr 14, 2017 Background: Surgical acute abdomen is one of the commonly encountered emergencies in the practice
Accepted date: Apr 15, 2017 of General surgery. However, there was not much study done regarding the presentation and outcome of acute
abdomen in Ethiopia, particularly in this study area.
Published date: May 30, 2017
Objective: This study was aimed to assess the presentation and outcome of surgically treated acute
*Corresponding author abdomen patients who were managed operatively at Goba Referral Hospital, southeast Ethiopia.
Khan Mubashir, Madda Walabu Methods: This was Retrospective study conducted on 299 adult patients admitted with acute abdomen in
Goba Referral Hospital from September 1, 2012 to August, 30, 2014. Variables analyzed include demographic
University, Goba Referral Hospital, data, clinical features, and causes of acute abdomen, immediate complications and outcome of the surgical
School of Medicine, Bale-Goba, management of acute abdomen. Data were extracted by trained data collectors using data compilation sheet.
Southeast Ethiopia, The collected data were processed using SPSS version 21 software. Descriptive statistics was done. Chi-square
test was calculated to identify associated factors of acute abdomen.
Tel: +251 929334849;
Email: Results: There were 299 patients of which 211 (67.2%) were males and 98 (32.8%) were females. About
58.2% of patients visited the hospital after 2 days of onset of symptoms. Abdominal pain (100%) and vomiting
Distributed under Creative Commons (99.3%) were the most common complaints. Acute appendicitis was the most common cause accounting for
49.2% of the patients, followed by acute intestinal obstruction (39.1%). Wound infection (15.7%) and septicemia
CC-BY 4.0 (8.0%) were the most common postoperative complications. The overall case fatality rate was 16%. Conclusion:
Acute appendicitis was the most common cause for acute abdomen. The overall case fatality rate of acute
Keywords Acute abdomen; Abdominal abdomen found was unacceptably high. Wound infection and sepsis were the most common postoperative
pain; Appendicitis complications. Early diagnosis, adequate preoperative and postoperative care may help to reduce the observed
high mortality.
Acute abdomen is a medical emergency, in which there is onset of sudden and severe pain
in the abdomen with accompanying signs and symptoms that involves abdominal area [1]. The
causes of the acute abdomen are several and their relative incidence varies in different populations
[2]. Worldwide, appendicitis, bowel obstructions, incarcerated or strangulated hernias, volvulus,
and acute biliary pathology remain the most common causes of the acute abdomen in adults [3,4].
The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and vomiting whereas tenderness and guarding
are the most frequent clinical signs [5]. It is common surgical emergency accompanied with high
morbidity and mortality if not managed properly [6]. There was not much study carried concerning
the presentation and outcome of acute abdomen surgery in Ethiopia and particularly in the study
area. Hence, this study was conducted with the aim of assessing presentation and outcome of
surgical management acute abdomen in Goba referral hospital, southeast Ethiopia.
Materials and Methods
Study area
The study was conducted at Goba Referral Hospital, which is located in southeast part of
Ethiopia; 445 Km from Addis Ababa. The hospital has about 120 beds of which 29 beds are used for
surgical patients.
OPEN ACCESS How to cite this article Tassew B, Haile MT, Tefera TB, Balda SS, Gonfa KB and
Mubashir K. Presentation and Outcome of Acute Abdomen in Goba Referral Hospital,
ISSN: 2576-0262 Goba, Southeast Ethiopia: Retrospective Study. SM J Fam Med. 2017; 1(1): 1003.
SMGr up Copyright Mubashir K
Table 1: Demographic distribution of patients with acute abdomen, Goba referral distribution was done for appropriate variables. Chi-square test was
hospital in 2015. performed to identify factors associated with acute abdomen surgery.
Demographic Variables Frequency Percent Finally, tables and graphs were used to present the data.
Male 201 67.2
Female 98 32.8
10-24 112 37.5
Ethical clearance was obtained from Jimma University, college
25-39 88 29.4 of Medicine and Health Sciences. Then, official letter was delivered
Age of respondents 40-54 50 16.7 to Goba Referral Hospital administration to get permission for the
55-69 34 11.4 study. Moreover, brief explanation was given to the hospital manager
70-84 15 5.0 concerning the purpose of the study and the procedures used to
Urban 88 29.4 collect the data. After getting permission, patient’s charts that fulfill
Rural 211 70.6 the criteria were selected. Confidentiality of data extracted/collected
was kept and names of the patients were not included during data
Study design
The retrospective cross-sectional study design was used. Data of Results
patients with cases of acute abdomen with surgical intervention in
Goba Referral Hospital from September 1, 2012 to August, 30, 2014 Demographic characteristics
were included.
A total of 1006 adult surgical emergency operations were
Participants performed during the study period. Of these, 299 patients were
admitted with the diagnosis of acute abdomen making about 30% of
The study participants of this study were all patients who had the adult emergency surgical operation.
undergone acute abdominal surgery at Goba Referral Hospital during
the stated period. Of total 211 (70.6%) patients were from rural and 88 (29.4%)
were from urban area of the woreda (meaning districts of Ethiopia).
Data extraction methods The mean age of the patients was 33.9±17.1 years. High proportion
patients were at 10-24 age group; accounting for 112 (37.5%), males
Data were extracted from the patient charts using prepared data
dominated comprising 67.2% of the cases. The male to female sex
compilation sheets that included age, sex, and residence, duration
ratio was 2.1: 1. The duration of symptoms on admission ranged
of illness, causes of acute abdomen, signs and symptoms of acute
from 24 hour to 7 days (mean = 3.0 days). One hundred seventy four
abdomen, postoperative complications, and outcome of patients
(58.2%) of the patients were presented to the hospital after 2 days of
who underwent the operation for acute abdomen. To recruit data
the onset of signs and symptoms (Table 1).
collectors, a call for data collectors was posted using poster indicating
the requirement for selection. Then those who had experience of All patients had abdominal pain as a presenting symptom
data collection and health professionals in educational background followed by vomiting 297 (99.3%) whereas, fever and abdominal
were selected and further trained to get the patients chart and extract distention were the most frequent clinical signs found, 50.5% and
the necessary data for this study. On completion of data extraction 36.8% respectively (Table 2).
financial reward and certificate was given for the data collectors.
As is shown in Figure 1, the most common causes of acute
Statistics abdomen surgery recorded were acute appendicitis 147 (49.2%),
followed by intestinal obstructions 117 (39.1%) and perforated PUD
Data were entered and analyzed by Statistical Package for the accounting for 17 (5.7 %).
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 statistical packages [7]. Frequency
Regarding the sex distribution of the causes of acute abdomen,
Table 2: Clinical features of patients with non traumatic acute abdomen, Goba
of total admitted due to acute appendicitis, 97 (66.0%) were male
referral hospital in 2015.
patients while 34 (34.0%) were female patients. Of patients admitted
Clinical features Frequency Percent
due to intestinal obstruction, 77 (65.8%) were male patients while 40
< /=2 days 125 41.8
Duration of illness (34.2%) were female patients (Table 3).
> 2 days 174 58.2
Abdominal pain Yes 299 100.0
Yes 297 99.3
No 2 0.7
Yes 110 36.8
Abdominal distention
No 189 63.2
Yes 147 49.2
No 152 50.8
Yes 151 50.5
No 148 49.5
Yes 20 6.7 Figure 1: Frequency of the causes of acute abdomen at Goba referral
Presence of shock hospital, 2015.
No 279 93.3
Citation: Tassew B, Haile MT, Tefera TB, Balda SS, Gonfa KB and Mubashir K. Presentation and
Outcome of Acute Abdomen in Goba Referral Hospital, Goba, Southeast Ethiopia: Retrospective Study.
SM J Fam Med. 2017; 1(1): 1003. Page 2/4
SMGr up Copyright Mubashir K
Types of Appendicitis Frequency Percent wound infection sepsis Pneumonia Anastomic leak
Citation: Tassew B, Haile MT, Tefera TB, Balda SS, Gonfa KB and Mubashir K. Presentation and
Outcome of Acute Abdomen in Goba Referral Hospital, Goba, Southeast Ethiopia: Retrospective Study.
SM J Fam Med. 2017; 1(1): 1003. Page 3/4
SMGr up Copyright Mubashir K
study conducted by Nyundo [11], at the Kigali University teaching Early diagnosis, adequate preoperative and postoperative care
hospital, found that the average time of admission was 3.6 days and would help to reduce the observed high mortality. This could be
Kotiso [8], in Addis Ababa, found that the average time from onset achieved by increasing the community awareness on clinical features
of symptoms to hospital admission was 4.6 days. This long time of of the acute abdomen for early case detection and treatment. As well
consultation may be due to poor knowledge of the society on the as improving the knowledge and skill of health professionals on
acute abdomen and its complications. Infection preventions in Goba referral hospital.
Concerning the clinical presentation of patients with acute Acknowledgements
abdomen, all of the patients had abdominal pain as a presenting
We thank the Jimma University for allowing us to conduct this
symptom, followed by vomiting (99%), which was in agreement with
Research and for financial support. We also thank the Bale zone health
previous studies done in Tikur Anbesa teaching hospital [9] and Kigali
Bureau and Goba Referral Hospital administrators for allowing us to
University teaching hospital [11], which reported the abdominal pain
get access to the data.
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Citation: Tassew B, Haile MT, Tefera TB, Balda SS, Gonfa KB and Mubashir K. Presentation and
Outcome of Acute Abdomen in Goba Referral Hospital, Goba, Southeast Ethiopia: Retrospective Study.
SM J Fam Med. 2017; 1(1): 1003. Page 4/4