Aerodinamic Noise PDF
Aerodinamic Noise PDF
Aerodinamic Noise PDF
by M. Nakamura, T. Komine, M. Tsuchiya: Honda R&D and J. Hald: Brüel & Kjær
Until now it has been fairly difficult
to measure accurately automobile
aerodynamic noise in a wind flow us-
ing a microphone, because of distur-
bances such as the microphone self-
generated wind noise and back-
ground noise in a wind tunnel.
This Application Note presents the
results of checking the validity of the t
Spatial Transformation of Sound t --
H i
Fields (STSF) technique for noise
measurements in a wind flow.
First, the basic validity is demonstra-
ted by a measurement on a known
source consisting of two loudspeak-
ers and then the application of the
method for automobile aerodynamic
noise measurement is demonstrated.
Below, the interior of Honda’s low noise wind tunnel. Above, the STSF scan array in use in the wind tunnel
2 Measurement Principle
2.1 Basic sound field transformation principles
source, and then apply Helmholtz’In-
tegral Equation and Near-field Acous-
tic Holography to calculate descriptors
of the sound field at other points.
Helmholtz’Integral Equation is used
for calculation of the Sound Pressure 2
Level at rather large distances, while
Near-field Acoustical Holography ap-
Noise source J-J
2.2 The cross spectral measurement technique Array microphone
In the general case where no assump- every position to each of a set of q +:-P
tions are made about the coherence of references (scan measurement) and
the sound field, the cross spectrum the cross spectrum between every pair
must be measured between every pair of references (reference measure-
of measurement positions in the scan ment).
plane in order to obtain a complete In this case we need to measure
cross spectral model of the sound field. only qN2 + q2 cross spectra which is a
For example, with N rows and N col- very significant reduction when q is
umns of measurement positions, the small (Fig. 4)
number of cross spectra to be meas- In order to avoid the need for si-
ured will be N4. multaneous measurement of all cross
But in STSF the noise source is spectra, the source is assumed to be
1 Reference microphone
assumed to have only a limited stationary stochastic, and all positions
number (q) of independent parts. Un- are covered by traversing a column
der this assumption we need only array or a single microphone across
Fig. 4 Reduced cross spectral measure-
measure the cross spectrum from the measurement area (Fig. 4). ment
3. Measurement system
Fig. 6 shows the configuration of the
measurement system. A car is located
in the low-noise wind tunnel. Several
reference microphones can be set up
inside and/or outside the car. A verti-
cal array of microphones with small
wind shields are scanned along the
Reference microphone
side of the car. Both the reference and
the scan microphones are pressure
microphones connected to a Brüel &
Kjær Dual Channel Real Time Analy- Printer Plotter
zer Type 2133 through Brüel & Kjær
Type 2811 multiplexers. Analyzer,
multiplexers and a microphone tra-
versing system are controlled by a Fig. 6 Configuration of measurement system
HP9000 series computer. During the
scan of the microphone array, a cross
spectral model of the sound field co- Microphone
herent with the reference signals is traverse
Afterwards, this model can be used Microphone
for mapping of sound pressure level,
(active and reactive) sound intensity
and sound power.
most sufficient to suppress the self 120 120
induced noise with all three shielding 100 km/h ,.... 100 km/t
methods. The small wind-screen is,
however, the best. For the case of tur- ~loo-
bulent wind flow, only the small wind- D
screen provides acceptable results - E go-
within approximately 1dB from the : 80_ 5 80s
measurement with no wind flow. 0 :
70_ :’ 70-
-No wind flow 6 60_ - No wind flow
6 60_
- - - Small windscreen -- - Small windscreen
50 _ --- Nose cone 501 --- Nosecone
Without windscreen
125 250 5tiO lit 2j( 4i(
Frequency (Hz)
(a) Steady State Wind Flow
It is impossible to verify the ability of wind induced noise. The scan array and the height of the loudspeakers
STSF to identify noise sources in a consists of 8 microphones with 56 mm above the floor is relatively large to
wind flow by taking measurements on spacing. The distance from the loud- approximate free-field conditions in
aerodynamic noise sources, because speakers to the scan plane is 100 mm the measurement region.
the localization of these noise sources
and their acoustic power are un-
known. Instead, we shall compare two
measurements on a set of loudspeak- 4.2 Results of the verification
ers: one with wind flow and one with-
out. Fig. 11 shows the calculated acoustic intensity levels in front of the loud-
Fig. 10 shows the experimental set- intensity distribution on the surface speakers agree within f 1 dB with and
up. Two loudspeakers excited by pink of the loudspeakers. The two plots without wind flow, indicating that
noise are located one after the other show good agreement between the noise sources can be localized and
in the flow direction. case with presence of wind flow and quantified with high accuracy in a
The sound pressure level from the the case without wind flow. The sound wind flow.
speakers is adjusted to equal the aero-
dynamic noise level just in front of the
speakers, and the electric signal from
the generator is used as reference sig-
nal. This signal has high coherence
with the sound field from the loud-
speakers and no coherence with the
Y +Y
Generator Sound power (+)77. ‘2dB Sound bower (+)77,5dB
5. Application for Automobile Aerodynamic Noise Measurement
5.1 Measurement set-up
The vehicle is fixed on the turntable spacing constitute the array, which is passenger, 100 mm from the side win-
in the wind tunnel, and the vertical scanned from the front of the vehicle dow, is used as reference.
linear microphone array is moved to the rear in 112 mm steps. Two Since the floor is perfectly reflec-
along the side of the vehicle. sweeps (traverses) are performed to tive, a mirror ground type of measure-
The distance from the centre of the cover the vertical extent of the scan ment is selected, with the lowest scan
side window to the scan plane is 250 area. A sound pressure microphone microphone very close to the floor.
mm. Eight microphones with 112 mm located at a typical ear position of a
5.2 Results
Fig.12 and Fig.13 show the pressure mogeneous average. Small inhomo- well with the region where flow re-
distribution on the surface of four dif- genities will cause a distortion (blur- joins the car body after a separation.
ferent vehicles. Although the NAH ring) of the pressure map, while Recall that the mapped sound field
calculations require a homogeneous sources between the measurement is the part of the total sound field
source free medium between the and calculation planes will be repro- which is coherent with the reference
measurement plane and the calcula- duced in a defocussed form. signal. Therefore, Fig.12 and 13 show
tion plane, reasonable results are The pressure level is high behind the pressure field which is coherent
achieved because the inhomogenities the side mirror and behind the front with the sound perceived by the pas-
are either small or correspond to tyre. Otherwise it is low. These re- senger.
rather small deviations from the ho- gions with high pressure coincide very
Fig. 12 Outside Sound Pressure Distribution on the Side Surface of a Car measured with 100 km/hour Wind Speed
6. Conclusion
The application of STSF for localiza- of interest and low coherence with ments taken at a certain distance
tion of aerodynamic noise sources has the self induced wind noise, then on the surface of the source.
been described and tested. The main the noise sources can be identified
conclusions are: in a wind flow. 3) Experiments indicate that it is
possible to locate the aerodynamic
1) If the reference signals have high 2) Holography can do a precise noise noise sources on a car body.
coherence with the noise sources source localization from measure-
7. References
[l] J. D. Maynard et al: “Near-field acoustic holography. I: Theory ofgeneralized holography and the development of NAH”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78 (4), 1395 (1985).
[2] J. Hald & K. B. Ginn: “Spatial Transformation of Sound Fields: Principle, Instrumentation and Applications”, Acoustic
Intensity Symposium, Tokyo (1987).
[31 J. Hald: “STSF -a unique technique for scan-based Near-field Acoustic Holography without restrictions on coherence”,
B&K Technical Review No. 1 (1989)
141 T. Komine et al: “Aerodynamic Noise Measurement using Near-field Acoustic Holography”, JSAE, May (1992).
75 85 35w
A?’ .ll2m
33 dtl
AY S12m
95 d8
AY .Il2m
Frequency range:
194 Hz to 729 Hz A-weighted