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Internet of Things: Dr. Sujata Pal

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Internet of Things

Prepared & Presented by

Dr. Sujata Pal

PhD: IIT Kharagpur
Post-Doc: University of Waterloo, Canada
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engg.
IIT Ropar

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

● IoTs/ML/AI are like teenages love:
– Everyone talks about it,
– Nobody really knows how to do it,
– Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it,
– So, everyone claims they are doing it.
by Dan Ariely

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Why IoT?
● We are lazy?

We want to control everything remotely.

We want to automate everything.
● We want to see data in real-time.

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

● The goal of IoT is to “connect the unconnected”

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Internet for People & Things

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Internet of Things (IoT)
● The Internet of Things (IoT) [1,2] is the network of
physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other
items embedded with electronics, software, sensors,
actuators, and connectivity, which enables these things to
connect and exchange data.

Copied from

1."Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and Applications". 2018-06-13. Retrieved 2018-06-05.

2."Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative". ITU. Retrieved 26 June 2015.
Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
● IoT is a technology transition in computer
– allow us to sense and control the physical world by
making objects smarter and connecting them
through an intelligent network
● Connections of object with machine improve
– Efficiency, accuracy, automation
– It enables the advance applications

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Origin of IoT
● The term "Internet of things" was likely coined
by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, later
MIT's Auto-ID Center, in 1999.
● He told: “In the twentieth century, computers
were brains without senses — they only knew
what we told them.” IoT is changing this
paradigm; in the twenty-first century, computers
are sensing things for themselves!

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Technology roadmap: IoT

Copied from : “CONTEXT AWARE FRAMEWORK IN IOT: A SURVEY”, Sagar Sukode, Shilpa Gite, Dr. Himanshu Agrawal

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Evolutionary Phases of the Internet
Evolution of the Internet in five phases.
● The evolution of Internet begins with connecting two computers together
and then moved towards creating World Wide Web by connecting large
number of computers together.
● The mobile-Internet emerged by connecting mobile devices to the Internet.
Then, peoples’ identities joined the Internet via social networks. Finally, it is
moving towards Internet of Things by connecting every day objects to the

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Where is IoT?
● It’s everywhere!
Industry Automation

A Study of IEEE 802.15.4 Security Framework for Wireless Body Area Networks, Source:
Shahnaz Saleem, Sana Ullah, Kyung Sup Kwak
Smart Home

Smart Agriculture and Irrigation Monitoring System using IOT, Sourav Sarkar Thinking about an IoT device for your home? Check security
Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal for-your-home-check-security-first
The overall picture of IoT

Copied from “Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications”, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Mohsen Guizani, Mehdi Mohammadi,
Mohammed Aledhari, and Moussa Ayyash, IEEE COMMUNICATION SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 17, NO. 4, FOURTH QUARTER 2015

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Where do we see IoT devices?


Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

People & Devices


Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

The IoT elements

● Identification- Ex: Electronic product codes (EPC)

● Sensing- Ex: Smart sensors, actuators or wearable sensing devices, RFID tag
● Communication- Ex: WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.
● Computation- Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry PI, Mulle, and T-Mote Sky
● Software: Contiki, TinyOS
● Services: Smart home, Intelligent transportation systems, Smart healthcare etc.
● Semantics: Semantic in the IoT refers to the ability to extract knowledge smartly by
different machines to provide the required services.

Copied from “Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications”, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Mohsen Guizani, Mehdi Mohammadi,
Mohammed Aledhari, and Moussa Ayyash, IEEE COMMUNICATION SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 17, NO. 4, FOURTH QUARTER 2015

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

“Things” in IoT

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

IoT Devices
● Sensors are fitted almost in every device for collecting
real-time data/.
● Every device has unique id.

Overview of Spintronic Sensors With Internet of Things for Smart Living, Xuyang Liu, K.H. Lam, Ke Zhu, Chao Zheng,Xu Li, Yimeng Du, Chunhua Liu and Philip W. T. Pong

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Assigning Address

Year 2003 2010 2015 2020

● Is it possible to assign addresses to all the

devices in the world?
● Yes. IPv6 has a huge address space of 2 128.

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

How IoT works?

● Tons of data are generated from the devices

in the world.
● Where could we store this data?
● Answer is “Cloud”
● Next part is “Data Analytic”
● Data collected from the devices is qiute large
and complex that becomes difficult to analyse
using traditional data collecting techniques,
we call those data as Big Data.
● Analytics deals with the extraction of
meaningful data from big data.

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

IT, OT and IoT
● IT stands for Information Technology and OT stands for Operational
● OT has nothing to do with all that but it does add to the discussions on
the (future) role of the IT.
● As the word says it’s all the technology that you use to run the
operational side of your business, traditionally with little IT involvement.
● In practice we mainly speak about that convergence of IT and OT in
the Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and in industries such as
utilities, manufacturing, etc.
● Think about all those high-tech machines on the factory floor, your fleet
of trucks and anything that has four or more wheels and is used for
highly technical purposes, drills, industrial robots (where the integration
of IT and OT is key in the Internet of Robotic Things), whatever fits in
the context of your (operational) business and industrial activities and
● The key difference between IT and IoT networks is the data.

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Challenges in IoT
● Scalability: Million of devices connected to form IoT

Security: Things become connected, So security becomes
● Privacy: which data to share with whom?
● Technological standardisations:
– various protocol and architecture
– different technology leads to interoperability issue
– Recent IoT standards are helping minimizing this problem
● Big data and Data analytics:
– massive amount of sensor data
– from different sources and various forms
– extract intelligence form the heaps of data

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

IoT Architecture
● oneM2M IoT Architecture
● IoTWF Architecture (Internet of Things World
● Simplified IoT Architecture

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

oneM2M IoT Architecture

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

● Proposed by European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI)
● Goal : to create a common services layer, which can be
readily embedded in field devices to allow
communication with application servers.
● It is like an Operating System for the Internet of Things,
sitting on field devices/sensors, gateways and in
● And, it is a standard – not controlled by a single private

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

IoTWF Architecture
● IoTWF architectural committee (led by Cisco,
IBM, Rockwell Automation, and others)
● way of visualizing IoT from a technical

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
IoT World Forum Reference Model

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
Simplified IoT Architecture
● It highlights the fundamental building blocks
that are common to most IoT systems and
which is intended to help in designing an IoT
● IoT architectural framework is presented as two
parallel stacks
– Core IoT Functional Stack
– IoT Data Management and Compute Stack

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
Connecting Smart Objects

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Communications Protocols

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Utilizing IP for IoT

Need of optimization for

 Constrained Nodes
 Constrained Networks
Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
Modification in TCP/IP Stack

● WPAN: Wireless Personal Area Networks

● IEEE 802.15.4: Low-rate WPAN

LoWPAN: Low-Power WPAN

● 6LoWPAN: IPv6 over LoWPAN

● TSCH: Time Synchronized Channel Hopping

● 6TiSCH: IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE

● 6top: 6TiSCH Operation Sublayer

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Data & Analytics in IoT
● Challenges:
– Huge Volume
– Unstructured data
– Changing data model
– Variety of data types

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Securing IoT
● Unauthorized access to IoT devices
● Unauthorized access to IoT network

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Pollution Check using IoTs
S. Pal, A. Ghosh, V. Sethi, “Vehicle Air Pollution Monitoring Using IoTs”, in Proc. of
16 th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
(SenSys), Shenzhen, China, 2018.

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Posture Correcting Chair
Guided by Me (Btech 2nd year Students )
● Aman Pandey
● Anmol Kumar
● Aman kumar
● Gyan Prakash Singh

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Mechanical Prosthetic Arm
Guided by Me (Btech 2nd year Students )
● Bhawna, Abhineet, Harshit, Akansha, Hersh
Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal
3D-Mapping Using Li-DAR
Guided by Me (Btech 2nd year Students )
● Adarsh Kumar
● Dilip Sharma
● Rama Krishna
● Manoj Gudi

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

WANet (Wireless Ad hoc Networks) group
● PhD
➔ Avani Vyas (Wireless Body Area Networks)
➔ Vivek Sethi (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks)
➔ Priyanka Kamboj (Software Defined Networks)
➔ Vidushi Agarwal (IoT)
● Graduated
➔ Neeraj Sharma, MS (With Dr. Junghyun Jun), MS, 2019
➔ Amit Behal (Delay Tolerant Networks), MS, 2019

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

Nov 2019 Prepared by Dr. S Pal

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