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Carbon Concerns How Standards and Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

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Carbon Concerns:

How Standards And Labelling Initiatives

Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From
Developing Countries
Issue Brief No. 3

By James MacGregor
May 2010

ICTSD-IPC Platform on Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling
Initiatives Must Not Limit
Agricultural Trade From Developing

By James MacGregor
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Issue Brief No. 3

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Published by

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)

International Environment House 2
7 chemin de Balexert, 1219 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel +41 22 917 8492 Fax +41 22 917 8093
Visit ICTSD’s website at:
International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC)
1616 P St., NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20036, USA
Tel +1 202 328 5056 Fax +1 202 328 5133
Visit IPC’s website at

Charlotte Hebebrand, President/CEO of IPC, and Marie Chamay Peyramayou, Manager of the ICTSD Global
Platform on Climate Change, Trade Policies and Sustainable Energy, are the persons responsible for this initiative.


We are grateful to Alexander Kasterine (International Trade Centre) and Hasit Shah (Fresh Produce Exporters Association of
Kenya) for their review of and comments on the paper.

A draft of this paper was presented at an ICTSD-IPC Dialogue on “Climate Change and International Agricultural Trade
Rules” held in Geneva on 1 October 2009 ( We are thankful to the participants
ICTSD - IPC of this meeting for their comments.

This paper was produced under The ICTSD Global Platform on Climate Change, Trade Policies and Sustainable Energy -
An initiative supported by DANIDA (Denmark); Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland; the Department for International
Development (U.K.); the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway; Oxfam
Novib; and ICTSD’s institutional partners and project supporters such as the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Netherlands
Directorate-General of Development Cooperation (DGIS), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
(SIDA); and the Inter American Development Bank (IADB).

IPC wishes to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and all of its structural
funders for their generous support.

ICTSD and IPC welcome feedback and comments on this document. These can be forwarded to Marie Chamay Peyramayou, and/or Christine St Pierre,

Citation: Macgregor J. (2010). Carbon Concerns: How Standards and Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade
from Developing Countries, ICTSD–IPC Platform on Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade, Issue Brief No.3, International
Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland and International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy
Council, Washington DC, USA.

Copyright © ICTSD and IPC, 2010. Readers are encouraged to quote and reproduce this material for educational, non-
profit purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ICTSD and IPC
or the funding institutions.

ISSN 2075-5856
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries







1.1 Current Types of Standards 2
1.2 The Reasons for Setting PVS over Food 3
1.3 Current Private Standards to and from the UK 4

2.1 PVS Experience in Developing Countries 7

3.1 Who Wants These Standards? 11 iii
3.2 What Might a Carbon Standard Look Like? 12
3.3 Examples of Carbon Standards 13
3.4 Calculating Carbon: Life Cycle Analysis 21
3.5 Other Emerging Standards 22
3.6 Potential for Carbon Standards to Impact on Trade 23



Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries


B2B business-to-business
B2C business-to-consumer
BSE Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
CO2e CO2 equivalent units
DECC Department for Energy and Climate Change (UK)
DFID Department for International Development (UK)
EC European Commission
EIO-LCA economic input-output life cycle assessment
EU European Union
FFV fresh fruit and vegetable
G gram
GHGs greenhouse gases
GLOBALGAP Global Partnership for Good Agricultural Practice
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Kg kilogram
LCA life cycle assessment
MRV Monitoring, Reporting, Verification
NGO non-governmental organization
NRI Natural Resources Institute
PAS Publically Available Specification
PVS private voluntary standard
UK United Kingdom
US United States of America
W watt
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries


Figure 1. Trends in PVS in Food in the UK 5

Figure 2. Exploring the Sustainable Development Equation 10
Figure 3. The Carbon Trust Label 14
Figure 4. The Innocent Smoothie Label 15
Figure 5. Climatop Label 17
Figure 6. Results from the LCA of Five Asparagus Products at Migros, 2008-9 18
Figure 7. Carbon Assessment of Pack of Eight Vanilla Yoghurts by Casino, 2008 19
Figure 8. Air Freighted Label Used by Tesco and Marks and Spencer 19
Figure 9. An Example of the Bilan CO2 Leclerc Label for Imported Green Beans 20
Figure 10. CooL Label, Korea 20

Table 1. Estimates of Carbon Emission Distribution along the Supply Chain,

for Four Products sold by Tesco, 2009 16
Table 2. Estimates of Carbon Emission Distribution along the Supply Chain,
for Four Types of Potato sold By Tesco, 2009 17 ICTSD - IPC

Box 1. GLOBALGAP – Example of a Food Industry Standard 6

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

The carbon embedded in internationally traded food and agricultural goods – its measurement,
as well as different ways of communicating its climate impact – is a rapidly emerging factor in
agricultural production, processing and trade. The emerging, mainly non-statutory, private-sector
driven carbon labelling schemes raise a number of issues. They will – by design – alter costs and
benefit-sharing across a wide range of stakeholders, including producers and consumers, the public
and private sector, and developing and developed countries, along all levels of globally-dispersed
value chains. Also, how effective are they likely to be in changing consumption patterns?

Since 2007, there has been a new raft of carbon labelling initiatives mostly developed as private
voluntary standard (PVS) by retailers. The measurement of carbon embedded within individual
products is rapidly becoming more sophisticated – and is certainly costly. Early experiments have
now been largely discredited particularly those which singled out air-freighting of fresh fruits and
flowers as a “carbon hotspot”, identified through airplane stickers. Newer initiatives involve more
sophisticated life cycle analyses to determine a product’s carbon footprint. There is a clear dilemma
however, since it is difficult to define the boundaries of where a life cycle analysis should begin
and end, but simplified schemes are required to render any scheme workable, and costs bearable –
especially for smaller producers.

Technical assistance and support is needed to assist developing country players participate in such
schemes, in particular smallholders. Transparency is needed to allay fears that the schemes are not
just another developed country form of “green protectionism.” Carbon-labelling schemes could
vi provide developing countries with new market opportunities and niches based on carbon efficiency,
ICTSD - IPC but also run the risk of restricting their market access.

To be effective vis-a-vis consumers, labels must be developed in a transparent manner, and clearly
communicate what greenhouse gas emissions they account for, and which ones they do not.
Moreover, they should specify how they interact with other social and environmental standards,
and how they affect development opportunities in developing countries. At the same time, labels
must also be simple and easy to understand, if they are to be viable.

This paper examines the current status of carbon labelling initiatives in the food industry. It looks at
how embedded carbon is likely to be marketed and how this phenomenon may impact agricultural
trade from developing countries.

The ICTSD-IPC Platform on Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade is pleased to release this
paper trusting that it will contribute to a better understanding of these issues and to an informed
debate and to equitable schemes and regulation.

Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz Charlotte Hebebrand,

Chief Executive, ICTSD President /CEO, IPC
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

The existence of standards particularly in food and agricultural produce has expanded rapidly over
the last 20 years. Such standards have not only resulted in improved quality of products, but have
also allowed greater efficiency by helping producers and other agents in the supply chain access
information about what customers want and expect.

These standards can result from public legislation, for example through the EU Food Laws. Or,
where specific legislation is missing, it is common for vocal consumer concerns to be turned into
labels or standards. A raft of carbon labelling initiatives has hit the market since 2007. Most of these
are private voluntary standard (PVS) that are initiated, implemented, and maintained by retailers.

These standards could be expected to benefit many people in developed consumer societies.
Governments would benefit from a widespread carbon standard, which would raise consumer
(voter) awareness of the carbon implications of their purchases. If governments were ever to find
themselves in a position to compel their electorates to emit less carbon in order to comply with
international agreements, the required legislation would be easier to implement if the historic data,
which such a management system would generate, were in place. In addition, consumers may be
more open to such moves if they have already made some movement towards a preference for low
carbon products themselves.

Consumers who express concern over the carbon emissions would also benefit from having
additional information that allows them to make an informed choice. Retailers would be able
to collect the market premium that consumers are willing to pay on low carbon goods, and they vii
would also have an incentive to create supply chain management systems that address carbon issues ICTSD - IPC
before it becomes a legal requirement. Early adoption of such systems may well produce first-mover
advantage over competitors in the longer-term.

There are a number of difficulties associated with these standards, however. Much of the demand for
carbon standards stems from the fear that producers in developed countries will simply outsource
their production to developing countries that are not burdened with emission caps. There is often
the assumption that imported food and agriculture goods will automatically have a higher carbon
footprint due to greater transport emissions. This assumption can often be inaccurate, however,
as developing countries often rely on less carbon intensive methods of agriculture by using less
fertiliser, mechanisation, and energy for heating. To calculate the true carbon cost of a good, those
setting standards might rely on Life Cycle Analysis to gain a more exact measurement. So far,
however, methods for fully verifying and monitoring carbon emissions are not fully reliable. They
also place an expensive additional burden on producers, who might be expected to pay for this

The second concern is based on the idea of ‘ecological space’ -- the concept of measuring and
comparing countries’ current or historical greenhouse gas emissions and calculating each country’s
share of the total additional emissions that the planet can sustain without serious disruption to
climate. The relatively low contribution of emissions from developing countries (less than 15
percent of historical carbon emissions) and the fact that they currently emit far less per capita
than developed nations (the poorest are just 2 percent of those in the US) would allow them the
ecological space for non-restrictive economic development. When reducing demand for imports
(particularly in agriculture) from developing countries, we place the burden of reducing emissions
unfairly on to those least responsible for them. This would be contrary to the UN climate change
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

convention’s recognition of global inequity in responsibility for dealing with climate change. The
carbon issue needs to be seen in light of the Kyoto Protocol’s identification of clear and differentiated
responsibilities for developed and developing nations.

The third concern is that carbon standards could result in a trade-off between environmental and
development concerns. Agricultural trade and a move away from subsistence style of farming have
been promoted in developing countries for many reasons including boosting incomes, encouraging
investment in infrastructure and education, improving access to export markets, and creating a
source of foreign exchange. Where agricultural development provides high benefits, cutting off
demand for these imports for the sake of environmental concerns comes with a high cost to poverty
reduction and economic and social development goals.

This paper looks at the existing types of carbon standards and makes the following policy

• Carbon footprints can play a role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the food systems.
Whether this is a problem for developing country exports is unclear.
• It is important to clarify the roles of private standards and public legislation in addressing
carbon concerns in the food system.
• It is critical to learn from successes in the sustainable food trade between developing country
producers and consumers in the developed nations. These successes should be scaled up and
the principles that underlie those successes should be identified and understood.
• Analysis of carbon emissions provides a lens through which one can analyse broader issues
viii affecting sustainable development in agricultural sectors in developing countries.
ICTSD - IPC • Consumer-facing carbon labels and carbon private voluntary standards are unable to limit
emissions effectively without appropriately priced environmental externalities.
• The potential for private sector buyers to insist on contractual reductions in carbon for a
product harbour the greatest potential for actual carbon reductions in the food system.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

This paper examines the current status of carbon may not prove to be an effective method of
labelling initiatives in the food industry and what reducing global carbon emissions. Agriculture
implications they have for trade with developing and food production are a key contributor
countries. to global carbon emissions but difficulties in
Since 2007, there understanding exactly how emissions should
Since 2007, there has been has been a raft of be included or measured make it hard to judge
a raft of new carbon label- new carbon labelling different goods fairly, particularly when there is
ling initiatives that aim to initiatives that aim a deliberate focus on air-miles. This paper aims
identify carbon in supply to identify carbon to describe how each of these concerns is likely
chains of production.1 in supply chains of to arise. Policy recommendations in light of
production.1 This la- them are provided.
belling, which has largely driven by consumer
nations, is sometimes the result of public The second concern is the difficulty in assessing
legislation, for example through the EU Food where emissions reductions take place, who
Laws. These regulations frame this issue of would benefit from the reduction, and whether
entry to market for produce from developing this result would be considered ‘fair’ under the
countries. Where specific public legislation guidelines for differentiated responsibility laid
is missing, however, it is common for vocal down under the Kyoto Protocol/Copenhagen
consumer concerns to be turned into labels or Accord. This question centres on the notion
standards. In this case, the push is for carbon of ‘ecological space’ – the idea that each
labelling largely as a private voluntary standard country should be allotted a share of the total
(PVS), initiated, implemented, and maintained additional emissions the planet can sustain 1
by retailers. without serious disruption to climate, and that ICTSD - IPC
that share should be based on each country’s
Private voluntary standards have in fact become current and historical greenhouse gas emissions.
an economic tool used by businesses to increase The relatively low contribution of emissions
quality and profitability in their supply chains from developing countries should allow them
and to comply with public legislation. PVS are the ecological space for non-restrictive econo-
flexible and can evolve over time; they can often mic development.
be adapted to address many issues not envisaged
at their inception. For example, in food supply The third concern is that these carbon issues
chains that link consumers in the developed may result in a trade-off between environmental
world to producers in the developing world, concerns and economic development oppor-
PVS have been used to ensure Europeans access tunities. Agriculture for export has long been
to ‘risk-free’ (minimal risk) food. PVS have also hailed as an important contribution to economic
been widely discussed as posing a barrier to and social development and consumers may
entry for small-scale producers, excluding many substitute away from these imported goods,
poor farmers from lucrative export markets. which may have high energy or transport inputs,
These PVS tend to be enforced, managed, and and instead favour more locally produced goods.
verified by other supply chain participants. This It is unclear how trade-offs between local goods
paper looks at how our carbon is likely to be and global environmental goods can or should
marketed and how we can expect this to impact be made, or by whom. This report provides an
agricultural trade from developing countries. introduction to the dominant issues surrounding
the use of PVS to help supply chains seamlessly
In order to assess this impact, this paper examines link rural farmers in developing countries
three major concerns with these initiatives. with consumers in developed ones. Much of
The first concern is that carbon-labelling this paper focuses on the well-researched fresh
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

fruit and vegetable (FFV) trade between sub- light of apparent development and consumer
Saharan Africa and the UK, though it should benefits from this trade, what is the role of PVS
be remembered that carbon is emerging as in continuing and upgrading this trade, and can
a communicable consumer-facing issue in a carbon dioxide emissions be integrated without
growing number of countries in Europe and risking the local development benefits from
beyond. This report poses the question: In this trade?

1.1 Current Types of Standards

Standards that are currently available come in in Geneva. A non-governmental organisation,

a number of forms. These can be divided into the ISO sets worldwide proprietary industrial
two broad categories. and commercial standards, which often become
law, either through treaties, trade agreements, or
1. Public standards individual government-set national standards.

There are a number of general food laws that 2. Private standards

outline the rules for entry to the market, around
maximum residue limits and provenance. For Private voluntary standards (PVS) are rules
extra-EU countries, EU legislation covers food that specify how the production process of a
quality and food safety for fresh produce exports given product should be managed; the rules
2 to the EU. First, imports must comply with the also regulate the nature of the product itself.
ICTSD - IPC general regulations on health control of foodstuffs PVS go beyond public (legislative) standards
of non-animal origin. It is the responsibility in their stringency. Moreover, PVS are not
of the importer to comply with hygiene rules always created in a
based on the level of hazard and on contaminant public forum, but Yet unlike public stan-
indicators (such as maximum pesticide residue rather created by dards, PVS are in theory
levels). Second, EU ‘general labeling’ rules an industry partici- not mandatory for pro-
stipulate a number of indicators including the pant.3 Yet unlike pub- ducers and other players in
place of origin of food products, quantity, and lic standards, PVS the supply chain. In reality,
its minimum durability. Third, the EU requires are in theory not however, as standards have
compliance with marketing standards, which mandatory for pro- proliferated firms might
describe the minimum requirements of quality, ducers and other pla- feel a growing need to
size, and presentation. yers in the supply adhere to them as a means
chain. In reality, how- to achieve market access.
These are internalised by businesses complying ever, as standards
with these regulations and largely resolved have proliferated firms might feel a growing
business-to-business (B2B), such as between need to adhere to them as a means to
a manufacturer and retailer. Indeed, many achieve market access. An example of these
important disputes about food safety and market B2B standards are those established by UK
access for developing countries into Europe are supermarkets to ensure their suppliers meet
handled under the auspices of EU laws between food safety laws and satisfy consumer demands
nation states, yet these remain largely invisible to for safe (and high-quality) produce.
European consumers (Homer, 2009b).
A recent example is the private standards
Many of these standards are set by the International associated with the food system, which have
Organization for Standardization (ISO), based proliferated since the 1990s. This proliferation
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

has its roots in food safety concerns raised by PVS operate at a number of levels: at the small-
public authorities in the early 1990s, e.g. BSE. scale producer level, to ensure sequencing of
However, the increase in the number of standards production on multiple small-scale farms and to
is not due to food safety concerns alone. streamline costs of aggregation of product5; and
at the consumer level, to ensure UK retailers’
Private voluntary stan- shelves are stocked with specific products year-
Private voluntary stan- dards have in fact become round.6 These are business-to-business7 or
dards have in fact an economic tool used consumer-facing labels.8 PVS evolve over time,9
become an economic by businesses to both with some becoming harmonised10 and some
tool used by businesses increase quality and pro- remaining individual (and not harmonized)
to both increase quality fitability in their supply retailer-led.11
and profitability in chains and to comply
their supply chains
with public legislation. Standards, particularly private standards,12
and to comply with
public legislation. PVS are flexible, evolve have greatly expanded in recent years as the
over time, can be used to gap between consumer concerns and public
help streamline supply legislation has widened.13 Standards vary from
chains, and often adapt to address many issues international and collective (e.g., the Global Food
not envisaged at their inception. For example, Safety Initiative, GLOBALGAP), to national
a combination of public concern and lobbying (e.g., the British Retail Consortium Global
by campaigning NGOs saw PVS being used to Standard), to company-owned (e.g., Tesco’s
deal with perceived problems associated with Nature’s Choice, Carrefour’s Filière Qualité).
economic development, environmental concerns, They can be business-to-business schemes (B2B)
and human rights – including labour rights, child or customer-facing schemes in the sense that they
labour, and inclusion of small-scale growers. offer visual assurance through the use of labelling 3
Compliance to private voluntary standards is and act as a point of difference or unique selling ICTSD - IPC
usually monitored through a local certification point (B2C) (e.g. Fairtrade, Organic).14
body against benchmarked norms.4 Standards enable the

1.2 The Reasons for Setting PVS over Food

setter to consider international agricultural supply chains are:

Standards enable the set-
ter to consider transferring transferring respon-
responsibility for compli- sibility for compli- Efficiency. High transaction costs are typically
ance to other participants ance to other parti- encountered in supply chains that span large
in the supply chain. Risk cipants in the supply geographical distances. In these supply chains
and competiveness are pri- chain. Risk and com- one challenge is effectively communicating
mary economic drivers; petiveness are pri- the needs of a diverse, often geographically
compliance with public mary economic dri- dispersed, set of consumers to another diverse,
laws is a clear catalyst as vers; compliance with often dispersed set of producers. Appropriate
well. public laws is a clear PVS can help lower transaction costs by
catalyst as well. For providing access for producers and other agents
agricultural trade with developing countries, in the supply chain to information about what
this means transferring compliance to exporters customers want and expect. They can also help
and small-scale farmers in countries that have by allowing information to flow more effectively
public standards and laws that are different from and by ensuring that changes to production
those in the consuming country. Developing systems and processes made by producers are
country producers may struggle to comply. well informed and well targeted. PVS can
The chief economic drivers for setting PVS over help deliver efficiency improvements in line
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

with what the markets want. Efficiency creates Privatisation of food safety. The onus of food
winners and losers. As MacGregor (2009a) safety is increasingly placed on retailers and
argues, “developing a standard is driven by sellers of food, for example, through Article
economic efficiency 17 of the General Food Law Regulation (EC)
“developing a standard is concerns throughout 178/2002, which applies to food business
driven by economic effici- a supply chain but operators. Article 17 specifies that:
ency concerns throughout implementing a stan-
a supply chain but imple- dard is often moti- Food and feed business operators at all
menting a standard is often vated by maximising stages of production, processing and
motivated by maximising financial efficiency distribution within the businesses under
financial effi-ciency for a for a particular parti- their control shall ensure that foods or
particular participant or cipant or sector.” feeds satisfy the requirements of food law
sector.” which are relevant to their activities and
Willingness to pay. shall verify that such requirements are
Consumers may be willing to pay a pre-mium met.16
for a product if it meets the standards they
demand. In the UK, consumer research shows In this case, the key incentives for using PVS
that a significant proportion of UK shoppers include reducing risks. This is well illustrated
already associate many ethically sourced products by GLOBALGAP, a private sector body that
with premium products, and they are willing sets PVS for the certification of agricultural
to pay a premium for ethical attributes.15 Yet, products at the production stage, originally to
the association of low-carbon emissions with reduce risks presented from food safety (see
premium products remains untested. Box 1).
1.3 Current Private Standards to and from the UK

We have chosen the UK as case study since it emphasis as PVS started to face consumers,
boasts the world’s largest airfreight food hub in bringing them information about labour rights
its London airport; it imports over half of fresh and social conditions.
produce by air from sub-Saharan Africa; and it
has been a leader in Europe for the development During the 2000s, supermarkets have stopped
and implementation of PVS. focusing exclusively on their customers and star-
ted to address all citizens, be they di-
In the UK there has been an evolution in PVS rect customers or
for food since the early 1990s (see Figure 1). not. While such In the UK supermarkets
are increasingly working
Most PVS were not designed with the specific steps have been
closely with Department for
needs of the developing country supply chains viewed by some International Development
in mind. Private business-to-business standards as cynical marketing (DFID) and now the Depart-
dominated the field, with the environmental ploys, they have ment for Energy and Cli-
management system standard ISO 14000 and been welcomed by mate Change (DECC) to
other private good agricultural practices having public authorities address the development
direct implications for developing country in the UK, where and climate impacts of the
producers. ISO is currently developing a new supermarkets are goods they sell.
standard, ISO 14067, which will examine increasingly wor-
the ‘carbon footprint of products’. The new king closely with Department for International
standard will be available in March 2011. Development (DFID) and now the Depart-
Since 2000, there has been a steady change in ment for Energy and Climate Change
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

(DECC) to address the development and Shareholders have also emerged in the last decade
climate impacts of the goods they sell. as a lobby, demanding environmental issues
Supermarket sector has grown to dominate the be addressed. Currently, the emerging themes
UK grocery market during the early 2000s and being addressed are equality and rights and
consumers and citizens have become common how these apply to development, environment,
audiences for super-markets. and access to economic opportunity.

Figure 1. Trends in PVS in Food in the UK


Source: Homer and MacGregor, 2009.

Figure 1 indicates the co-evolution of standards but these shifts have been dwarfed by changes to
among public and private actors. This evolution the global PVS infrastructure in the food system
is important since it illustrates how businesses – in particular GLOBALGAP (see next section).
have used PVS as a tool to address concerns New PVS have included: the Ethical Trading
and threats as expressed by society and which Initiative; Rainforest Alliance environmental
might impact their reputation and, therefore, presence in cocoa, tea, and coffee; and Fairtrade
the viability of their business. Often PVS are in a spectrum of food products.
used as tools to learn about a given issue and
to develop appropriate mechanisms to deal with With so many companies, products, producer
consumer concerns. One question is how this is nations, and supply chain processes, there is
being addressed through carbon labelling, whichno one dominant direction for these PVS.
we will look at in more detail in Sec-tion Three.
However, it is clear that successes are being
built upon. Mainstream products produced
Since 1990, there has been a transformation in by Multinational Corporations are now being
public food safety laws (see Graffham, 2006) targeted and branded as well. Emblematic
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

brands include Fairtrade cocoa in Cadbury’s in category-leader Lipton’s PG Tips, which is a

Dairy Milk and Rainforest Alliance certified tea Unilever subsidiary.

Box 1. GLOBALGAP – Example of a Food Industry Standard

For developing countries, the most important PVS during the past decade has been
GLOBALGAP, a private sector body that sets voluntary B2B standards for the agricultural
products. “The GLOBALGAP standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about
how food is produced on the farm by minimising detrimental environmental impacts of
farming operations, reducing the use of chemical inputs and ensuring a responsible approach
to worker health and safety as well as animal welfare” (GlobalGAP, 2009).

The scheme covers the whole agricultural production process of the certified product from
before the plant is in the ground (origin and propagation material control points) or from when
the animal enters the production process, to the non-processed end product. No processing,
manufacturing, or slaughtering is covered.17 It has become the most widely implemented and
required PVS for primary production of agricultural products, with over 80,000 certified
producers in 80 countries.18 By the early 2000s, it had become the de facto requirement for
fresh produce in the UK.19

Its significance for developing countries is that in January 2005, its European supermarket
members made GLOBALGAP certification mandatory for its suppliers, including small-scale
farmers in developing countries. An option was introduced to allow small-scale farmers to
6 comply as a collective group (GLOBALGAP option 2) and therefore avoid the costs of having
ICTSD - IPC to certify as separate units.20 The criteria are updated every three years to reflect changes in
technology and the market. The most recent update to GLOBALGAP (version three) has led
to greater challenges for small-scale farmers and “could accelerate smallholder departure from
export markets.”21

At present, carbon is absent from the compliance criteria for GLOBALGAP, in the third and
most recent version (2008). The preservation of above- and below-ground carbon stocks is
not mentioned throughout the text. Evidence of previous land use is required, but focuses
on food safety risks by pollution or contamination. The consultation period for version four
began in September 2009, and is hosted through an on-line forum.22 There is no mention
of additional carbon standards to be included. Water use, however, appears to be the newest
addition to the standard.

From a practical viewpoint, the emergence of and recent entrants, are the most likely
any new standard, public or private, will tend to losers while the larger, asset-rich, market
have several effects: incumbents, tend to do the best and are
able to transfer the risks and costs of
• Amplify existing inequalities: all stan- compliance to the weakest.
dards will impose (direct and indirect)
costs on businesses. In general, stan- • Readjustment to supply chains, busi-
dards amplify existing inequalities ness models: standards provide con-
among stakeholders and competing spicuous incentives to find new
suppliers. Those with fewer assets, ways of conducting business, often
furthest from market, least efficient, incurring costs of learning and
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

implementation. This might mean • Monitoring, Reporting, Verification

some changes in sourcing, changes (MRV) systems will need to be
in contracting, and other elements developed, tweaked, and realigned to
of a company and even an industry’s enable seamless compliance at crucial
business model. points along the food supply chains.

2.1 PVS Experience in Developing Countries

PVS have also been widely discussed as posing In Africa, trade and technology diffusion often
a barrier to entry for small-scale producers, lags behind the rest of the world. This means
excluding many poor farmers from lucrative greater entrenched inefficiencies across the
export markets. Many industry participants in business landscape. There are of course many
producer countries examples of good practice, but the wholesale
Producers and exporters argue that PVS are uptake, and scalability, of best practice remains
worry that extra costs not voluntary, but sub-optimal. Indeed, the newest donors to
from including new stan- are in practice man- assist Africa are the Gates and Rockefeller
dards for reducing car- datory for export Foundations through the Alliance for a Green
bon reduction in supply horticulture. This is Revolution in Africa (AGRA), which aims in
chains will increase the due to the use of part to address this issue.
cost of entering the mar- PVS by almost all
ket without granting ade- of the buyers, who Private standards have helped to re-assert the 7
quate compensatory bene- are relatively few need for other agents in the supply chain to ICTSD - IPC
fits through improved mar- in number. Refusal play a more active role in developing innovative
ket share, profitability, or to comply with ways to address missing institutions, lowering
security of trading rela- these standards be- transaction costs, and solving market
comes a barrier to imperfections. For example, exporters can play
securing access to a role in helping to overcome capital market
these buyers and their markets. Producers and failures by providing seeds and other inputs
exporters therefore worry that extra costs from to farmers whose costs can be deducted from
including new standards for reducing carbon the harvested crop (thus the crop serves as
reduction in supply chains will increase the collateral for the provision of credit). Exporters
cost of entering the market without granting can provide extension services and technical
adequate compensatory benefits through im- expertise as well, to overcome the notorious
proved market share, profitability, or security of weaknesses of public sector institutions in
trading relationships. providing extension services.24 These practical
solutions have resulted in part from prompts
A lot has been written on the experience of provided by PVS.
PVS in food supply chains lining consumers
with producers in developing countries. There There are numerous subtle ways in which
is a spectrum of experience from positive to trade in agricultural products benefits deve-
negative, too abundant to cover here.23 This loping countries. Moving from subsistence
section, instead, describes some of the methods farming to agriculture for export through
by which PVS can have positive or negative longer, more complex, and diverse trade
impacts and how this wide range of experiences networks is beneficial to developing world
have relevance for carbon initiatives in the farmers and their communities for several
food system. reasons:
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

• It allows farmers to diversify away from markets is likely to increase access to

what their neighbours are growing. This imports. This may diversify local food
reduces the ‘feast and famine’ cycles markets, reducing price variability
and price fluctuations for everyone in and aid technology transfer. Trade is
the locality – both those producing for one source (often the main source) of
export and those still producing for local foreign exchange for developing world
markets. Reducing price fluctuation farmers. Without access to foreign
makes it easier to plan investments as exchange, countries cannot access
the return will be less uncertain. And imported products and technologies.
it vastly increases the potential number Imports of capital products, which
and geographical scope of buyers for are not domestically manufactured,
produce. This should reduce demand promote development and increases
fluctuation, which allows farmers to agricultu-ral incomes.
better estimate the income they will
receive for their crop. The net costs or challenges of this form of
• Access to export markets increases the trade can be daunting, however. Despite the
value of crops. For example, weight for potential for win-win situations in this form
weight, green beans are worth ten times of trade - with consumers gaining access
more than maize. This increases local to exotic and out-of-season products at
incomes. affordable prices and growers gaining access
• Increasing incomes allows a greater to lucrative markets - the trading relationship
surplus to be reinvested in agricultural is by no means automatic or easily obtainable.
systems. This encourages the uptake These costs are at the macro level in the form
8 of technologies to increase output or of public investments in standards agencies,
ICTSD - IPC improve quality. upgraded skills required for management in
• Producing for export requires agricultural agronomy and infrastructure development,
standards to be raised. This requires and monitoring of trades. They are also
education and provides an incentive for at the micro level through producers and
governments and communities to invest supply chains ensuring and demonstrating
in it. Encouraging education is likely compliance in the form of investments in
to have many positive side benefits for logistics, production, and marketing. In
communities. those cases where international development
• Export produce is more likely to require benefits can be demonstrated, there are
some form of processing to make it opportunities to leverage development aid and
suitable for export (e.g., packaging). technical assistance and other support, which
This adds value to the produce close to can reduce total cost burdens, but also have
the point of production and provides their own costs through intervention into the
more livelihoods and income than staple private sector, such as cost escalation. This
food produce. poses important questions in terms of long-
• Trade rarely moves only in one term sustainability.
direction; increased access to export
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Carbon is a relatively late and recent entrant that are ready to be A key question is whether
into the PVS arena for the food system. It scaled-up today could standards are the right vehicle
needs to be seen as part reduce greenhouse gas to achieve the necessary re-
If carbon is to be a per- of a process change in emissions equivalent ductions in greenhouse gases
sistent concern and pri- the supply chain, not to roughly 25 percent (GHGs).
vate businesses are to as a stand-alone factor. of global fossil fuel
be assessed according to If carbon is to be a emissions and present the best opportunity
their carbon emissions,
persistent concern and to remove greenhouse gases already in
then PVS will likely help
identify hotspots and, private businesses are to the atmosphere.” On the other hand, the
where possible, reduce be assessed according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s
emissions. their carbon emissions, (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report has concluded
then PVS will likely help that in the short term soil carbon sequestration
identify hotspots and, (enhanced sinks) is the mechanism with the
where possible, reduce emissions. Private sector highest mitigation potential (89 percent).
responses will include redirecting food supply
chains to lower carbon alternatives and might It is clear we should be willing to accept changes
include opportunities to offset outside their both in production and consumption of food
supply chains. The best chances for success production and land use as part of the global
are if resulting new business models can bring effort to increase mitigation of GHGs. With
about cost savings or more efficient, secure rising concern over carbon and new public
supply chains. laws being implemented in many countries,
the food industry is looking to understand and 9
For the purposes of this paper, we are looking at all limit its exposure. PVS are typically developed ICTSD - IPC
agricultural trade from developing countries, not to address specific concerns and carbon is an
just the niche products such as FairTrade or other interesting example of a concern to be addressed
conspicuous brands. It is crucial to note that for since it is a global negative externality and there
mainstream food products, PVS have been mostly is no one culprit.
used as business-to-business (B2B) toolkits that
help facilitate trading relationships. These tend Reducing carbon
not to be consumer-facing in the same sense as needs, however, An obvious concern is that
niche certification schemes. Although these are should be seen as reducing demand for imports in
developed in response to consumer concerns, an important ele- an attempt to reduce air-miles
they are not necessarily used as marketing tools or
ment of sustainable and carbon emissions may come
as a unique selling point to differentiate products
development. This at a high social and economic
(MacGregor et al, 2009). Until quite recently, paper has already
when carbon became a consumer concern, the discussed how in-
private sector had not seen competitive advantage creasing agricultural production and trade
in facing the consumer with such information on can have significant benefits to developing
mainstream products. countries. An obvious concern is that
reducing demand for imports in an attempt
A key question is whether standards are the to reduce air-miles and carbon emissions may
right vehicle to achieve the necessary reductions come at a high social and economic cost. Any
in greenhouse gases (GHGs). According to publicly or privately set standard should take
the Worldwatch Institute Report, June 2009, into account the potential trade-offs between
“innovations in food production and land use environmental and development concerns.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Figure 2. Exploring the Sustainable Development Equation

Source: MacGregor, 2009b.

When judging the in their domestic production areas. This would

When judging the suit- suitability of stan- not reduce carbon but increase it as the amount
ability of standards as dards as a vehicle of transport increases.
a vehicle for reducing for reducing car-
carbon, the second im- bon, the second Whether outsourcing production would really
portant consideration is important conside- result in increases in emissions is a question
where carbon emissions
ration is where car- we address later in the A primary concern is that
take place and who
should be held respon- bon emissions take paper, but a primary by reducing demand for
ICTSD - IPC sible for them. place and who concern is that by imports (particularly in
should be held res- reducing demand for agriculture) from deve-
ponsible for them. imports (particularly loping countries weplace
For example, for green beans grown in Kenya in agriculture) from the burden of re-ducing
but consumed in the UK, which country is developing countries emissions unfairly on to
responsible for the carbon emis-sions? Should it we place the burden them.
be counted as part of Kenya’s carbon emissions of reducing emissions
(0.2t per capita in 2008) or the UK’s (9.2t per unfairly on to them. This would be against
capita in 2008)?25 Under the Kyoto Protocol the climate change convention’s recognition of
model, production outsourced to outside its global inequity in responsibility for dealing with
borders counts as reductions in a country’s climate change. The carbon issue needs to be seen
total emissions, even though the same level of in light of the Kyoto Protocol’s identification
end consumption is maintained. This “shaky of clear and differentiated responsibilities for
arithmetic” has been identified as a weakness,26 developed and developing nations. Developing
which ultimately provides incentives for high countries are responsible for less than 15 percent
emission countries to outsource production of historical carbon emissions and currently emit
to lower emission countries. The fact that this far less per capita than developed nations (the
might lead to more production, and hence poorest are just 2 percent of those in the US)
jobs, technology transfer, and multipliers for and so should not be expected to suffer greater
developing nations needs to be factored into costs from policies aimed at curbing emissions,
the discussion. In this way, we can foresee e.g. reducing demand for products grown in
a possible increase in demand for carbon developing countries if they prove to be higher
labelling by the private sector as consumers in carbon intensity. According to the idea of
are wary of more producers outsourcing their “ecological space”, a concept that is defined
production abroad to avoid caps on emissions earlier in the paper, it could be argued that the
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

relatively low contribution of emissions from A. Japan is aiming to label 30 products by

developing countries should allow them the the end of 2009 in line with Fukuda’s
freedom to engage in non-restrictive economic Cool Earth Initiative.27 This scheme,
development. drawn up by Japan’s trade ministry,
offers a uniform method of labelling
In light of UK citizen and consumer concern carbon emissions to avoid fears among
over climate change, public authorities are some firms that their competitors may
taking action through the Climate Change Act use in-house calculations and produce
2008, which includes the Carbon Reduction the lowest possible emissions data. The
Commitment, a mandatory climate-change labels will provide detailed breakdowns
and energy-saving scheme. The private sector of each product’s carbon footprint
is also taking action through, for instance, the during manufacturing, distribution,
ClimateTrust. Still, there remains a question and disposal.
over whether there is sufficient evidence
for a public regulation approach to carbon B. The EU has implemented an action
emissions in the food supply chain or if we plan on sustainable consumption, pro-
should view this as an example where private duction, and industry,28 which in-
standards are better suited to helping provide cludes plans for displaying information
information and ways-of-working to help on environmental and energy pro-
design future public policy. duction and performance. These sche-
mes are not limited to food, but are
Nevertheless, several governments are addressing expected to make carbon savings along
climate concerns through label-based initiatives. all supply chains.
3.1 Who Wants These Standards?

Consumers would appear to have some willing- range of similar products

ness to pay (without compulsion) to reduce in a category, rather There is value in a carbon
label when it gives the
carbon emissions.29 This willingness to pay, than simply being ‘for
consumer a genuine cho-
however, may only be present for certain visibleinformation.’ If only one ice among a range of simi-
perceived high carbon products, for example firm’s product in a category lar products in a cate-
flights and domestic energy. Every survey has a carbon label, it is gory, rather than simply
completed reports high levels of consumer unclear how this informs being ‘for infor-mation.’
concern on environmental issues, but at the better decision-making by If only one firm’s pro-
supermarket check-out this rarely appears to consumers. Likewise, if duct in a category has a
be the case. When there is a lack of clear public
consumers are trying to carbon label, it is un-
legislation on a subject it is common for vocal balance their carbon emis- clear how this informs
consumer concerns to be turned into labels or sions across a range of better decision-making by
standards. In the food sector, this remains a purchases, it will be useful consumers.
driver for many PVS around carbon. for their scope of choices
to carry information. Currently, we remain a long
The UK-based think-tank Forum for the Future way from such a situation. Consumers risk being
found in 2008 that “carbon labelling every underwhelmed by information or confused,
product is not a realistic or indeed desirable both of which could lead to consumer mistrust
goal,” especially within the limited window in the label and ultimately the product.
of opportunity for addressing climate change.
There is, however, value in a carbon label when Government, businesses, and other consumer-
it gives the consumer a genuine choice among a facing organisations must keep returning to the
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

question: “What do we actually want consumers competitors, recouping the costs of the system
to do?”. In the event that developed world from consumers is dependent on consumers’
governments would ever choose to impose and willingness to either pay for a premium, or find
enforce personal carbon allowances on citizens, ways of streamlining costs from their supply
which were required to purchase goods that chains. Plus, emerging consumer preferences
would have varying levels of embedded carbon, reported in surveys include demanding to know
the system would gain significant demand more about the carbon emissions associated with
from consumers. Low carbon products would their purchases, which provides a conspicuous
allow individuals to consume more for their incentive to provide some relevant consumer-
fixed carbon ration, but all products would facing information.
need to report on their carbon emissions to a
standardized and accepted metric. Governments would be-
nefit from a widespread Governments would bene-
Retailers have an incentive to create supply chain carbon standard as it fit from a widespread
carbon standard as it rai-
management systems that address carbon issues in raises awareness with
ses awareness with consu-
advance of expected consumers (voters) of mers (voters) of the car-
Retailers have an incen- government legisla- the carbon implications bon implications of their
tive to create supply chain tion to make such of their purchases. If purchases.
management systems that systems a legal requ- governments find them-
address carbon issues in irement. Early adop- selves in a position to
advance of expected go- tion of such sys- compel their electorates to emit less carbon in
vernment legislation to tems may well pro- order to comply with international agreements
make such systems a legal duce first-mover ad- (such as through personal carbon allowances),
12 vantage over com- the required legislation would be easier to
ICTSD - IPC petitors in the lon- implement if the historic data generated by
ger-term. Retailers would clearly like to be able such a management system were already in
to recoup some of the costs associated with place. In addition, such moves may be more
implementing such a system from the consumer. popular if consumers have already made some
However, if they are to remain competitive movement towards a preference for low carbon
in the short term against their non-adopting products themselves.

3.2 What Might a Carbon Standard Look Like?

Drawing from the literature and recent expe- Furthermore, it should include some of the
rience (Bolwig and Gibbon, 2009; MacGregor following impact characteristics:
et al 2009), a carbon standard should encompass
some of the following design characteristics: • Not favour certain production processes.
• Be recognised and trusted by stake-
• Provide a uniform way of calculating the holders in the industry and customers.
embedded carbon; • Facilitate monitoring, reporting and
• Offer a universal and independent appli- verifying. In particular, a standard
cation to all products regardless of their should be auditable and a system must be
method or location of production; in place so that calculations of embedded
• Account for a majority of embedded carbon can be independently verified
carbon within products; and to discourage ‘cheating’. An indepen-
• Be simple (and by extension cost- dent body would have to uphold the
effective) enough to be practically standard and monitor participants to
implemented. this end. Furthermore, this body has
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

to have sufficient power to punish pay a premium for products with low
offenders in order to ensure that embedded carbon, this should reward
compliance with the standard is known firms who lower their carbon emissions.
to be more rewarding than cheating. • Reducing emissions rids the market
• Include better market choices for all of the worst offenders and identifies
supply chain participants. hotspots where change can be made.
• Reward firms appropriately through • Raise awareness of the cost of carbon with
competition. A carbon standard would consumers. By attaching a premium,
allow consumers and intermediate pro- we implicitly value carbon, and since
cessors to include embedded carbon as agricultural products are consumed on
one of the variables by which they make a daily basis, this raises awareness of the
market choices. This allows producers cost of carbon with consumers. It also
and firms in the supply chain to compete has the potential to key into carbon
on the basis of embedded carbon. In the markets, enriching them and improving
event that consumers are prepared to their function.

3.3 Examples of Carbon Standards

Large retailers announce A cynical person 1. BSI PAS 2050

grand plans to identify car- might infer that
bon throughout their stores everyone wants, even British Standards Institute’s PAS 2050 (Publically
but are sluggish to deliver. needs, to be seen Available Specification) is a set of guidelines for
Consumers, when surveyed, to be contributing an appropriate level of analysis of a CO2 lifecycle 13
say they shop to reduce car- to the latest global assessment. While produced by the British ICTSD - IPC
bon, but often fail to do so environmental threat Standards Institute (BSI), it is not a legally
in practice. Life cycle ana- of climate change. binding British or European standard. PAS
lysts claim to be able to
Large retailers an- 2050 is intended as either a business-to-business
assess accurately the level of
embedded carbon within a nounce grand plans (B2B) standard or a business-to-consumer (B2C)
given product, but such to identify carbon standard and it is the methodology used by
assessments are limited by throughout their sto- the Carbon Label Company (see below). This
time, labour, and scientific res but are sluggish to defines whether the standard is “cradle-to-gate”
constraints. deliver. Consumers, and therefore does not consider emissions arising
when surveyed, say from the use of the product. It differs from a
they shop to reduce carbon, but often fail to “cradle-to-grave” approach, which accounts for
do so in practice. Life cycle analysts claim to be emissions from use and disposal.
able to assess accurately the level of embedded
carbon within a given product, but such By complying with the specification of a
assessments are limited by time, labour, and respected standard institute, a firm increases the
scientific constraints. We are currently unable to confidence its customers have that the assessment
hold the existing carbon standards and labels up of embedded carbon is correct. This confidence
to the ‘ideal’ design and impact characteristics is increased further if the specification is widely
above. These are still evolving and best practices used and becomes an industry standard. Like
are being formulated. many technologies, there may be room for only
one standard in an industry; once one standard
In light of this, the expected future deve- is clearly dominant, competing standards may
lopment is a push towards conspicuous con- fall into disuse. Currently, PAS 2050 fills this
sumer-facing labels. Here are some of the role and it is championed by those stakeholders
more prominent examples: involved in its development.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Complying with PAS 2050 would be consi- • GHG emissions from storage of a
derably cheaper for firms if a large proportion product should be included.
of their input products are already compliant • Offsetting may not be used to alter the
with this specification. As such, should a firm embedded carbon of a product.
wish to comply with this specification, it would
benefit from its suppliers also being compliant. PAS 2050 is very specific about what should and
Compliance by retailers, rather than compliance should not be included in a life-cycle assessment.
by initial producers, is most likely to promote a It tends to exclude emissions that would be
wide uptake of the standard. too technically difficult to assess – for example,
soil carbon and capital goods – but notes that
PAS 2050 includes guidance on a number of these may be included in future revisions of
areas of carbon accounting including: the standard. This will prevent companies
from lowering their published carbon footprint
• The coefficients that should be used for through some existing mechanism. For example,
comparing one GHG against another companies cannot reduce embedded emissions
by converting all emissions into CO2 from energy by paying a renewable energy fee for
equivalent units (CO2e). grid-sourced energy, nor may they offset carbon
• The proportion of embedded carbon emissions. This means that lowering reported
that should be covered in the assessment embedded carbon will mean changing practices
(at least 95 percent). within the boundary of the firm itself, rather than
• How carbon from biogenic (non-fossil) by paying for them to be changed elsewhere.
sources should be treated. Emissions
from biogenic carbon sources (biofuels) 2. Carbon Reduction Label, UK
14 are excluded; however, the embedded
ICTSD - IPC carbon (fossil fuel input for example) is The Carbon Label Company was set up by the
included. Carbon Trust in 2007 to run the Carbon Trust’s
• How land use change should be treated. product standard. This standard is intended to
Carbon released is assigned to the firm’s function both as a business-to-business (B2B)
production over the next 20 years and and business-to-customer (B2C) standard. The
requires a ‘worst case scenario’ to be used company aims to measure, certify, reduce and
if land use changes are not known. communicate the life cycle green house gas
• Soil carbon change is currently excluded emissions of their products.
from the specification but may be
included in future revisions. The company uses a standard carbon label:

Figure 3. Carbon Trust Label

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

This details the quantity of embedded CO2e • Innocent (fruit and vegetable smoothies);
in the product, as well as a functional unit, • Cadbury (chocolate);
like, for example “per serving” for food, or “per • Halifax (web saver account);
wash” for cleaners. The methodology used to • Marshalls, paving products (2500 pro-
calculate this carbon is PAS 2050 (see above). In ducts); and
addition to calculating embedded carbon using • Tesco’s own brand range of biological
a standard methodology, firms who wish to use laundry detergent, orange juice, light
the Carbon Trust’s standard must commit to bulbs, and potatoes.
reducing the footprint of the product over the
two years following certification, or they will The results were communicated to consumers
risk losing the right to use the label. in a variety of ways, for instance through a
carbon footprint label on packets of Walkers
Firms and products using this standard Crisps or online as in the case of Innocent,
include: which informed consumers that one 250ml
Innocent Smoothie equals 8 percent of your
• Walkers (crisps); daily CO2 from food and drink.

Figure 4. The Innocent Smoothie Label


Source: Innocent,

3. Tesco, UK in helping to create a low-carbon economy …

[but] I do not underestimate the task.”32
Tesco is the market leader in the UK grocery
sector with a one-third market share and its Tesco was part of the initial trial of the Carbon
own PVS, Nature’s Choice. This PVS is farm- Label Company’s standard and included four
based and seeks to “ensure that our top quality types of product: potatoes, light bulbs, detergent,
fresh produce comes from growers who use and orange juice. Since then, it has expanded
good agricultural practices, operate in an the range of products that are included under
environmentally responsible way and with this labelling system to 100 products.
proper regard for the health and well being of their
staff.”30 It does not include carbon assessments. Its carbon indicators are regularly published33
showing the carbon footprint per functional unit
In January 2007, it announced a plan to measure in grams, as well as estimates for the distribution
the carbon in all the product lines sold through of these carbon emissions at key nodes along the
its stores.31 In his speech, CEO Terry Leahy said supply chain – production, distribution, retail
“I am determined that Tesco should be a leader store, consumer use, and waste management.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Table 1. Estimates of Carbon Emission Distribution along the Supply Chain, for Four Products
sold by Tesco, 2009

Category and Footprint Carbon Footprint Broken Down into Lifecycle
Product (C02e Stages (%)
gram/ unit)

End of
Production Distribution Store Use Life Waste
Tesco Non
700g per
Biological Liquid 17% 0.2% 1% 73% 9%
Wash Detergent
Tesco 100% Pure
360g per
Squeezed Orange 91% 1% 7% 0.3% 1%
34kg per
60W Pearl Light
1000 hrs of 1% <0.1% <0.1% 99% <0.1%

King Edwards 160g per

16 33% 1% 3% 56% 7%
potatoes (2.5 kg) 250g serving
Source: Tesco, 2009.

There are strong commonalities among variables appear to have higher emissions
product categories for carbon emissions and for the production for the organic product
distribution along the supply chain. This and lower in consumer use. These initial
provides opportunities to create common findings are being built upon, but harbour the
carbon emissions ratings for product categories possibility for entire store coverage in the next
with far fewer variables. For potatoes, these five years.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Table 2. Estimates of Carbon Emission Distribution along the Supply Chain, for Four Types
of Potato sold By Tesco, 2009

Category and Footprint Carbon Footprint broken down into Lifecycle
Product (C02e Stages (%)
gram/ unit)
End of
Production Distribution Store Use Life Waste
160g per
King Edwards
250g 33% 1% 3% 56% 7%
(2.5 kg)
140g per
Anglian New
250g 34% 1% 3% 58% 4%
(2.5 kg)
160g per
Organic New
250g 40% 1% 4% 51% 4%
(1.5 kg)
140g per
Organic Baby New
250g 48% 1% 5% 41% 4%
(750 g)
Source: Tesco (2009). Our carbon label findings. 17

4. ClimaTop, Switzerland checked by an independent reviewer. Once

certified, a product may use the label for two
Climatop is a Swiss not-for-profit organisation years; after this point, it requires recertification.
founded in late 2008.34 The Approved ClimaTop
label is awarded to products that have significantly In addition to having significantly lower embed-
(20 %+) lower embedded GHG emissions than ded carbon, a product must also meet additional
comparable products. These products are referred social and ethical standards of production.
to as “carbon champions” within their product Currently there are a limited number of certified
group.35 As such, it is a business-to-consumer products (16 lines), of which only four are food
standard. Comparisons between products are items. The majority of certified products are
conducted with life cycle assessments (LCAs) produced for and sold by a single large retailer
using the Ecoinvent standard database36 and (Migros).

Figure 5. Climatop Label

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Figure 6. Results from the LCA of Five Asparagus Products at Migros, 2008-9

Source: ClimaTop (2009).

This analysis concluded that transportation by air 5. Casino, France

was a significant contributor to carbon emissions.
18 However, there remains some dispute with the peer The French supermarket chain Casino has
ICTSD - IPC review for this product category; the majority of launched a carbon labelling initiative on a selec-
this asparagus was being imported on scheduled tion of its private label products.38 The labels,
tourist and business flights. As such, carbon which the retailer aimed to have on 3,000 of its
emissions attributable to it could be considerably products by the end of 2008, show the carbon
lower. However, in most assortment areas, there emissions related to a product’s production and
are no significant product differences with regards supply chain. The trial will show an on-pack
to impact on the climate. For instance, among the traffic light carbon label, which highlights
apple juice products, they were unable to select whether a product has a high (red), medium
any carbon champions.37 Yet, the plan remains to (amber), or low (green) carbon impact in terms
expand the number of product categories and in of waste, packaging, and transport, covering 32
turn climate labels. products as of September 2009.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Figure 7. Carbon Assessment of Pack of Eight Vanilla Yoghurts by Casino, 2008

Source: Casino.39

6. Wal-Mart, USA 2. Creation of a life cycle analysis database

by a consortium of universities that will 19
In July 2009, Walmart announced the creation work with suppliers, retailers, government ICTSD - IPC
of its Sustainability Index initiative,40 meant to and nonprofits.
measure the sustainability of its products in four
areas: energy and climate, natural resources, 3. Delivering the information to the
material efficiency, and people and community. consumer on how products rank, possibly
through a numeric score, colour code, or
The initiative is broken into three phases: other label.

1. Supplier assessment. A survey of the 7. Air Freighted Labels, UK

company’s 100,000 global suppliers
with 15 questions41 will commence with In 2007, Tesco and Marks and Spencer commit-
Walmart’s “top-tier suppliers” in the ted to labelling all single-ingredient fresh pro-
United States completing the survey duce that was transported by air to the UK.
by 1 October 2009. Timelines for the Labels displaying ‘black airplanes’ appeared on
remaining suppliers have not been all fresh chilled produce. This was launched by
announced. Tesco in February 2007.

Figure 8. Air Freighted Label Used by Tesco and Marks and Spencer
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Consumers, however, failed to react to these labels labels are, however, seen as pre-cursors for later
in the expected negative way. Sales are reported carbon labelling initiatives.
not to have dipped. Consumers reported a variety
of responses, including actively seeking these 8. Others include:
labels assuming it meant “freshness” and owing
to the provenance of the produce from Africa or A. Bilan CO2 Leclerc, France: This recent
developing countries. These labels are still being start-up aims to provide information on
used in several supermarkets, but for information a range of food products on kilograms of
purposes now, rather than as a prominent signal CO2 per kilogram of food, in the same
demanding the consumer make a choice. These way that food prices are displayed.

Figure 9. An Example of the Bilan CO2 Leclerc Label for Imported Green Beans


20 B. Cool label, Korea

Figure 10. CooL Label, Korea

Source: Kim (2008).

C. Climate Marking, Sweden42 F. Carbon Counted Carbon Label, Canada,

D. Climate Conscious Label, USA43 Many of these are fledgling, but all are expected
to grow, and it is expected that other new
E. Climate Declaration, Sweden (6 products) entrants to join.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

3.4 Calculating Carbon: Life Cycle Analysis

As mentioned in the beginning of this section, For supermarkets, this limitation is key, as
this increase in demand for carbon standards the inclusion of an indicator of emissions
stems primarily from the fear that producers incurred during distribution from farm to
in developed countries will simply outsource store (included above by Tesco) is fraught
their production to developing countries who with calculation issues (e.g., how to account
are not burdened with emission caps. There is for airfreight in the underbelly of a tourist
often the assumption that food and agriculture aircraft without double-counting).
goods that are imported will automatically
have a higher carbon footprint due to higher One advance might be economic input-
transport emissions. This assumption can often output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA),
be inaccurate, however, as which seeks to incorporate fully commercial
To calculate the true developing countries typi- and technical aspects of cradle-to-grave
carbon cost of a good, cally rely on less carbon (non-wasteful) supply chain systems. These
those setting standards intensive methods of agri- must, however, rely on available data and are
might rely on ‘Life Cycle culture, for example by currently dependent on sector averages for its
Analysis’ to gain a more using less fertiliser, mecha- foundation.
exact measurement. nisation, and energy for
heating. To calculate the Developing countries lack the skills and
true carbon cost of a good, institutions to deal effectively with demands
those setting standards might rely on ‘Life Cycle of LCA. Industry participants in developing
Analysis’ to gain a more exact measurement. countries are rarely actively involved in
standards setting. It is clear that science and 21
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) decision-making would certainly benefit from ICTSD - IPC
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) aims to evaluate the con- a more forensic approach to carbon, but until
aims to evaluate the tribution on impact cate- better data is available for all countries and
contribution on impact gories such as global war- processes in ways that do not exclude those
categories such as global
ming, acidification, etc. from smaller farmers with lower abilities to pay for
warming, acidification,
etc. from the full in- the full industrial processes such calculations, we remain dependent on
dustrial processes of pro- of producing a good. It seeks available statistics and generalised inferences.
ducing a good. to compare the full range of
environmental and social One of the first LCA conducted compared
damages assignable to products and services in the production of green beans in sub-Saharan
order to be able to choose the least burdensome African production with that in the UK.44 The
one. A Life Cycle Impact Assessment can also analysis found strikingly similar energy use
be used for assessing hotspots and iden-tifying during the production process. As such, there
inefficiencies within supply chains and then are available resources to help craft emerging
making suggestions for improvements. carbon standards in the measuring and in the
process of identifying supply chain hotspots.
Yet, while it can accurately measure impacts For instance, the LCA within the EcoInvent
of a supply chain, it does not extend to the Standard for agriculture covers seed growing,
commercial elements of supply chains, such cultivation, harvesting of basic agricultural
as dividing the energy consumed in producing commodities, and differentiates between orga-
and maintaining a truck among its lifetime of nic, integrated, extensive, and intensive pro-
loads hauled. As a consequence, LCA is often duction.45 But thorny calculation issues pre-
criticised owing to the choice of boundaries, vail, such as dealing with land-use change and
which affect the guidance an LCA can provide. the use of secondary standardised data.46
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

International trade is another area where LCA complexities of including aviation emissions
shows its limitations. For example, an estimated across the 30-year lifespan of each plane, the
75 percent of fresh produce flown from East economics of the aviation industry’s landing-
Africa to consumers in the UK travels in the slots, and aviation emissions currently omitted
spare capacity (or bellyhold) of tourist and from the Kyoto Protocol. Research into an
business flights. The attribution of carbon international levy on tourism for adaptation
emissions associated with this flight is a complex to climate change has shown the feasibility
calculation. Attribution among passengers and of economic incentive mechanisms in raising
cargo could be defined by the relative weights carbon efficiencies (Chambwera, 2008), but
in tonnes, the relative prices paid, or the incorporating the equity issue remains beyond
relative space taken up. Each element would the capacity of existing LCA architecture
attribute carbon differently. Add into this the (Chambwera and MacGregor, 2008)47.

3.5 Other Emerging Standards

Development. The idea of creating a ‘develop- Biofuels. Agriculture also has the potential to
ment-based standard’ has been mooted many be part of various mitigation strategies. These
times in discussions between retailers and NGOs. include the growing of “energy crops” that can
While there is certainly value in examining the be processed into fuel substitutes (biofuels)
point of potential differences in products with a or burnt to provide heating (biomass). These
development story attached, the ability to craft crops take up the carbon they release upon
a standard or a label has thus far proven elusive. combustion as they grow, and, as such, can be
It is clear that it would be difficult to ensure that considered a short-cycle carbon crop. While
22 there are genuine benefits and that any solution it is often claimed that such fuels are carbon
ICTSD - IPC promotes upgraded benefits to producers in neutral, in reality they have other energy inputs
developing countries. Given that many small- during production from fossil fuels, as well
scale farmers operate in the informal sector in having indirect land-use implications, such as
rural parts of developing countries where there displacing food crops onto forest land. This
is little information available at a national level means that the net embedded carbon in some
on livelihoods, the building blocks for a standard biofuels may be positive rather than neutral. It is
will need to be imported. It is expected that in possible that the total embedded carbon within
the years ahead, however, there will likely be a re- a biofuel product is greater than an equivalent
focus on agricultural development in developing fossil fuel hydrocarbon. If this is the case, there
countries, as both a mitigation and adaptation is no climate change mitigation justification for
issue. It is uncertain as to when a legitimate the fuel.
development standard will be crafted and, also
importantly, whether this would promote or Standards applied to agricultural products
hinder trade. exist not only for food products. A taskforce
has been coordinated by the International
There is increasing interest in folding indicators Biofuels Forum to look into the practicalities
on carbon and development into a meta- of producing International Biofuels Standards.
standard for sustainable development (the so- This is primarily due to differences in the
called ‘carbon plus’ standards). The difficulties, chemical makeup of biofuels in the three
however, in measuring and trading off among leading members of the Forum (US, EU, and
the environmental footprint and the social Brazil), rather than an environmental focus. All
handprints associated with the food system and three are producing biofuel products but these
specific supply chains, render this scientifically are not always compatible with the prevailing
unlikely. technologies (engine configurations) in the
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

other countries. The aim of this standard is to of organic soil matter. This carbon is released
facilitate trade in biofuels outside of the home by microbial activity in the soil but is refreshed
markets of the Forum’s members. by plant matter decomposing into the soil. The
speed at which carbon is accumulated and loss
As noted above, it is possible for biofuels to have from the soil determines the stock level of carbon
a greater embedded carbon than the fossil fuel at any time. These flows are affected by many
equivalent that they look to replace. The White factors, including water regime and farming
Paper on Internationally Compatible Biofuel practices e.g. tilling soil exposes it to air and
Standards interestingly does not mention climate increases microbial activity, which breaks down
change in its 94 pages. A standard for measuring the solid organic carbon into carbon dioxide
the embedded carbon within different biofuel more rapidly, thereby reducing the stock level of
products would be a useful addition to better carbon. Considerable amounts of agricultural
allow the assessment of green credentials of each land in the world have been tilled and therefore
product as well. have lower levels of stock carbon than they could
have. If methods are employed to reduce the rate
International carbon standards and trading. at which these degraded soils lose carbon, they
Recently, climate negotiators have placed a have the potential to act as a carbon sink as soils
renewed focus on the impact of climate change in adjust to higher stock levels of carbon. The role
developing countries. This is drawing attention of carbon standards in the future is unclear.
to production emissions and mitigation potential Whether carbon standards should or could be
and could in the future include a focus on deemed an accep-
Whether carbon stan-
soil carbon and the land-use practices that table tool to pro-
dards should or could be
determine carbon content of soils (the potential deemed an acceptable vide incentives for
of carbon storage in soil is now given more tool to provide incentives landuse change in 23
attention in international discussions). Soil for land-use change in developing coun- ICTSD - IPC
locks carbon in its structure because carbon is developing countries is tries is an impor-
a significant component (57 percent by weight) an important question. tant question.

3.6 Potential for Carbon Standards to Impact on Trade

There is concern over how climate change In the food industry, the private sector has a track
issues could interfere with trade by favouring record of being ahead of the public sector in
certain processes or countries. A clause in the taking action over issues of public concern. For
US Clean Energy and Security Act passed by this reason, trends in carbon labelling are likely to
the US House of Representatives included be led by the private sector. For carbon, labels and
wording that – if the bill were made law – standards are an increasingly conspicuous example
would allow the president to impose a carbon of a PVS. These carbon standards build upon best
tariff on imported products after 2012 if practice in PVS but crucially extend the concept
industrial carbon emissions from the country to consumers through labels, and as such, are
of export are higher than those in the US. extensions of PVS. Any such extension can result
This hints at the potential to use carbon as a in trade issues and deserves to be monitored for
trade tool. use as a non-tariff barrier.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries


1. Carbon footprints can play a role in often made responsible for implementing
reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the public legislation. It is crucial that a better
food systems. Whether this is a problem understanding of the operations of the private
for developing country exports is unclear. food and agriculture sectors is achieved in order
to better design public policy and to ensure
This issue revolves around whether public that trading rules are not adversely interfered
standards are developed in ways that promote with. To achieve this, the interaction between
sustainable development or ease of measurement public and private legislation needs to be more
or maximises some other benefit. clearly understood.

If private standards are developed in industries 3. PVS experience in developing export

and supply chains already promote sustainable horticulture needs to be learned and
development, then environmental benefits are ultimately the underlying principles
not raised while costs increase for exporters. scaled up widely.

2. Clarify the roles of private standards and For developing countries, there is a small
public legislation in addressing carbon window of opportunity to ensure that carbon
concerns in the food system. can be appropriately controlled in ways that
do not limit (and even stimulate) economic
Both private and public policies currently growth in those nations. This window exists
influence trade and will be integral to achieving because of the ongoing evolution of PVS in
24 trade in the future that supports global low- food and the looming discussions on global and
ICTSD - IPC carbon growth. Leadership on the carbon issue national legislation over carbon emissions.
is unclear, though, with a mix of initiatives
currently addressing different elements of the In our increasingly globalised world, we
issue. We feel carbon agreements and standards expect global trade to accelerate, particularly
harbour the opportunity to be leveraged as global solutions are being found collectively
for genuine progress on the Millennium for climate and poverty alleviation. This
Development Goals, poverty alleviation, tech- would deepen the potential impact of
nology transfer, equity, and sustainable introducing new standards. These voluntary
development. standards, as well as the ones enforced under
trade agreement’s legislation, should also be
Currently, private standards play an important formulated to maximise positive spillovers
role in optimizing supply chains in the food into other industries.
system. Can these PVS be extended to deal with
a global public bad, such as climate change? It Lessons can be learned from the evolution of
is clear that carbon could be reduced in some carbon-concerned PVS from food to other
supply chains and could even be optimised, products, though food is a standard bearer in
with a serious upheaval in our existing food trade from developing countries to developed.
system. But there are concerns over the cost it The methods that proved most successful in
would have on consumer choices, sustainable pilot schemes should be replicated and previous
development, and the efficiency and integrity mistakes should be avoided. If the evolution
of the food system. of carbon as a public and private standard is
not managed appropriately, the cascade into
Privatisation of public legislation needs to other supply chains and industrial sectors is
be recognised. In food, the private sector is expected.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

4. Analysis of carbon emissions provides a The limitations to public trade rules enforced
lens to analyse the wider issues affecting by these agreements in defining market access
sustainable development in agricultural for developing nations should be recognised
sectors in developing countries. however. Private and public sector roles,
particularly around food, must be understood,
When setting public standards, governments re-assessed, and/or integrated. Protectionism
and bilateral or multilateral trade agreements potential (e.g. US and low-carbon growth) must
should aim to identify what developing also be viewed through a global equity lens,
countries’ agricultural sectors really need to accounting for the cost and benefit implications
achieve low-carbon growth nationally and to to every country and not just the individual
contribute to global targets. There is widespread rules or targets examined.
recognition of the potential for low-carbon
agriculture export-led growth. However, 5. Consumer-facing carbon labels and car-
developing countries need help in this regard bon PVS cannot limit emissions effec-
to ensure positive uptake of any measure in tively without appropriately priced envi-
the agricultural sector. The wider sector needs ronmental externalities.
transfer of productive skills, good agricultural
practices, and marketing skills. It is clear thatConsumer reaction to labels in general is low and
PVS and even Carbon+ standards can deliver we expect this to be the case for carbon labels as
for some stakeholders. In addition, on the low- well. Indeed, the case of consumers viewing ‘air
carbon growth side, there is a need for access freight’ labels as indicating freshness is a good
to locally adapted appropriate technologies. example of how messages are interpreted by
Moreover, in the future, agriculture is likely consumers in unexpected ways. In order to be
to be central to the climate agenda with a more effective vehicle for limiting emissions 25
expected global progress on mechanisms and through consumption choices, carbon labels ICTSD - IPC
principles over REDD (Reducing Emissions will require more adequate governance over
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in carbon dioxide emissions. Here, for instance,
Developing Countries), soil carbon, agriculture, the true pricing of externalities through, say, a
and development linkages. global carbon market would be one additional
governance element that would promote the
Designing compliance criteria that are not significance of a carbon label on food products.
financially burdensome for developing Food is about far more than consumption
countries, thereby limiting market access, is choices and the transportation taken to buy
a crucial part of a successful trade agreement. food is a significant carbon issue that remains
Existing compliance systems should be used to un-captured in labels.
keep the cost and administration burden low.
Support will be needed to ensure less asset- 6. The potential for private sector buyers
rich industry participants are not excluded. to insist on contractual reductions in
Evidence from other PVS illustrates this carbon for a product harbour the greatest
principle. As the International Institute for potential for actual carbon reductions in
Environment and Development (IIED) and the the food system.
Natural Resources Institute (NRI) argue, “it is
significant that small-scale farmers who are not The enabling system that would need to be in
well supported by their exporter struggled with place for this to occur would include a carbon
GLOBALGAP, and evidence from Kenya has price embedded in global supply chains. Car-
shown that they either fail to certify or drop bon dioxide emissions would also need to be
out of the compliance system within one to measurable, and as we have pointed out, currently,
two years of first being certified” (2009:69). there is not a universally trusted methodology.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

1 For reviews of the different schemes, see Bolwig and Gibbon, 2009; Brenton, Edwards-Jones
and Jensen, 2008.

2 It is noted here the public forums used by GLOBALGAP in 2007 might provide an example
of a trend to more inclusive decision-making by standards setters.

3 It is noted here the public forums used by GLOBALGAP in 2007 might provide an example
of a trend to more inclusive decision-making by standards setters.

4 MacGregor et al, 2009.

5 See example of an outgrower system developed by Homegrown in Kenya. Graffham et al


6 For example, green beans are produced in the UK during May to October, Kenya during
September to January, and Egypt during January to April.

7 Such as GLOBALGAP or Field-to-Fork or Nature’s Choice.

8 Such as Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade.

26 9 In 2009, Tesco took its Nature’s Choice retailer-specific PVS and bolted-on a consumer-
ICTSD - IPC facing front-end, called Nurture. In 2007, Marks and Spencer built its consumer-facing Plan
A around its retailer-specific PVS, Field-to-Fork.

10 Such as GLOBALGAP.

11 Such as Marks and Spencer’s Field-to-Fork or Tesco’s Nature’s Choice.

12 Borot et al 2009.

13 Homer, 2009a.

14 Borot et al, 2009.

15 IGD consumer research in Garcia Martinez and Poole, 2009:18.

16 Official Journal of the European Communities, 2002: 11.

17 GlobalGAP, 2007:8.

18 Garcia Martinez and Poole, 2009.

19 Bell et al, 2007.

20 Garcia and Martinez, 2009.

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

21 Graffham et al, 2009:24.


23 Borot et al, 2009.

24 Blackmore and MacGregor, 2009.

25 MacGregor et al, 2008.

26 Helm et al, 2007.



29 MacKerron et al, 2009.


31 Garside et al, 2007. 27

32 Leahy, 2007.

33 Tesco, 2009.


35 Diethelm, 2009.

36 See

37 Diethelm, 2009. Labelling top runner products: Experience at Migros. Presentation at

‘Communicating the carbon impact of products to customers’, at the First PCF Word Summit
2009, Berlin, 26-27 February.



40 See

41 See WalMart, 2009a. Sustainability Product Index: 15 Questions for Suppliers. WalMartStores.
com. 1pp.
Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries



44 Jones, 2007 – this is fresh insights no. 3?


46 Kasterine and Vanzetti, 2009.

47 MacGregor et al, 2007.

Carbon Concerns:
How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Aksoy, M.A. and Beghin, J.C. (eds) (2005). Global agricultural trade and developing countries.
Washington DC: The World Bank.

Blackmore, E. and MacGregor, J. (2009). How standards can lead to the development of new
agribusiness models for horticultural products. In D. Mithöfer and H. Waibel Socio-economic
research in vegetable production and marketing in Africa. CABI, In press.

Bolwig, S. and Gibbon, P. (2009). Overview of product carbon footprinting schemes and standards.
Paris, OECD.

Borot, A., MacGregor, J. and Graffham, A. (eds) (2009). Standard bearers: horticultural exports and
private standards in Africa. International Institute for Envrionment and Development, 176pp.

Brenton, P., Edwards-Jones, G. and Friis Jensen, M. (2009). Carbon Labelling and Low-income
Country Exports: A Review of the Development Issues. Development Policy Review 27(3),
Overseas Development Institute, UK, p243-67.

Diop, N. and Jaffee, S. (2005). Fruits and Vegetables: Global Trade and Competition in Fresh and
Processed Product Markets. In Aksoy and Beghin (2005).

Edwards-Jones,G., Plassmann, K., York, R.H, Hounsome, B., Jones, D.B, and L. Milà i Canals 29
(2009). Vulnerability of exporting nations to the development of a carbon label in the United ICTSD - IPC
Kingdom Environmental Science & Policy 12(4), Pages 479-490.

Forum for the Future (2008). Check out Carbon. Forum For the Future, London, UK. 21pp.

Garcia Martinez, M. and Poole, N. (2009). Ethical consumerism: development of a global trend
and its impact on development. . In Borot et al 2009.

Graffham, A., Cooper, J. Wainwright, H. and MacGregor, J. (2009). An exploration of farmers’

decision-making and reasons for participation in and subsequent withdrawal from
GLOBALGAP. In Borot et al 2009.

Helm, D., Smale, R. and J. Phillips (2007). Too Good to be True: The UK’s Climate Change
Record. Unpublished paper,, 29pp.

Homer, S. (2009a). Standards and the food system. Presentation at UNIDO/IDS Meeting, 18
September, Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.

Homer, S. (2009b). In Borot et al 2009.

Homer, S. and MacGregor, J. (2009). Fairer food miles. Presentation at UNIDO/IDS Meeting, 18
September, Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.
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How Standards And Labelling Initiatives Must Not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries

Kim, I. (2008). Carbon footprint label activities in Korea. Korea Eco-Product Institute,

Leahy, T. (2007). Tesco, Carbon and the Consumer. Presentation at ‘Carbon and the consumer’,
Forum for the Future and Tesco, London, 18 January.

MacGregor, J, and M. Chambwera (2007). Room to move: ecological space and emissions equity.
Sustainable development: opinion. International Institute for Environment and Development,
London, UK.

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PVS - a fresh produce example. In Borot et al 2009.

MacKerron, G, Egerton, C, Gaskell C, Parpia A, and Mourato, S. (2009). Willingness to pay

for carbon offset certification and co-benefits among (high-)flying young adults in the UK,
Energy Policy 37(4), p1372-1381.

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Martino, D., and P. Smith, (2009). IPCC 4th Assessment Report, Agriculture,
ICTSD - IPC Tesco (2009). Our carbon label findings.

Waye, V. (2006). Carbon footprints, food miles and the Australian wine industry. Melbourne Journal
of International Law 9(1), p. 271.

Weinberger, K. and Lumpkin, T. (2005). Horticulture for Poverty Alleviation: The Unfunded
Revolution. AVRDC Working Paper No 15, The World Vegetable Center, Shanhua, Taiwan.
About the Platform
In 2008 the International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable
Development (ICTSD) launched The ICTSD-IPC Platform on Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade. This interdisciplinary
platform of climate change, agricultural and trade experts seeks to promote increased policy coherence to ensure effective climate
change mitigation and adaptation, food security and a more open and equitable global food system. Publications include:

• International Climate Change Negotiations and Agriculture. Policy Brief No.1, May 2009

• Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies and Agriculture: Implications for Production Incentives and International Trade Disciplines.
Issue Brief No.1, by D. Blandford and T. Josling, August 2009

• Climate Change and Developing Country Agriculture: An Overview of Expected Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation
Challenges and Funding Requirements. Issue Brief No.2 by J. Keane, S. Page, A. Kergna, and J. Kennan, December 2009

• Carbon Concerns: How Standards and Labelling Initiatives Must not Limit Agricultural Trade From Developing Countries.
Issue Brief No.3, by J. MacGregor, May 2010

• The Role of International Trade in Climate Change Adaptation.

Issue Brief No.4, by G. Nelson, A. Palazzo, C. Ringler, T. Susler, and M. Batka, December 2009

• Climate Change and China’s Agricultural Sector: An Overview of Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation.
Issue Brief No.5 by J. Wang, J. Huang, and S. Rozelle, May 2010

• Agricultural Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries: Policy Options for
Innovation and Technology Diffusion. Issue Brief No.6 by T. Lybbert and D. Sumner, May 2010

About the Organizations

The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development was established in Geneva in September 1996 to contribute
to a better understanding of development and environment concerns in the context of international trade. As an independent non-
profit and non-governmental organization, ICTSD engages a broad range of actors in ongoing dialogue about trade and sustainable
development. With a wide network of governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental partners, ICTSD plays a unique
systemic role as a provider of original, non-partisan reporting and facilitation services at the intersection of international trade and
sustainable development. More information is available at

The International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council promotes a more open and equitable global food system by pursuing
pragmatic trade and development policies in food and agriculture to meet the world’s growing needs. IPC convenes influential
policymakers, agribusiness executives, farm leaders, and academics from developed and developing countries to clarify complex issues,
build consensus, and advocate policies to decision-makers. More information on the organization and its membership can be found on
our website:

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