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To cite this version : Valdés, Rocio and Freulon, Alexandre and Deschamps, J.-
B. and Qian, Ma and Lacaze, Jacques Phase Equilibria and Solidification of Mg-Rich
Al-Mg-Si Alloy. (2006) Materials Science Forum, vol. 508 . pp. 621-628. ISSN 0255-

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Phase equilibria and solidification of Mg-rich Al-Mg-Si alloys

R. Valdes1, A. Freulon1, J.-B. Deschamps1, Ma Qian2, J. Lacaze1

1- CIRIMAT, UMR 5085, ENSIACET, 31077 Toulouse cedex 4, France
2- Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology, Brunel University, UB8 3PH, UK

Keywords: Al-Mg-Si alloys; Solidification; Phase equilibria; Differential thermal analysis

Abstract. The solidification and solid-state phase equilibria of four Al-Mg-Si alloys containing 30-
70%Mg and 0.5-3.5%Si, selected on the basis of an isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Si system
calculated at 300 °C, have been investigated. Solidification paths of Mg-rich Al-Mg-Si alloys finish
on ternary eutectics and the temperatures of two of these eutectic reactions, i.e. L↔(Al)+β+ Mg2Si
and L↔(Mg)+γ+ Mg2Si, have been determined to be at ~ 448 °C and ~ 436 °C respectively by
DTA. The characteristic temperatures recorded on the DTA curves are analysed and a linear
relationship is found between the peak temperature and the square root of the scanning rate.

Aluminium and magnesium alloys containing silicon are well known for their age hardening
characteristics. Owing to their good castability, they are of high industrial relevance. Although
increasing demand for higher strength and better service properties has led to the development of
more complex alloys, the Al-Mg-Si system remains of great importance for understanding the
solidification and heat-treatment of many relevant industrial alloys. While there are a few studies
available related to the liquidus surface of this system and quite a lot on solid-state equilibria in the
Al corner, very scarce information deals with Mg-rich alloys, in particular the solid-state equilibria
in the Mg corner. The present study was intended to check available descriptions of the Al-Mg-Si
phase diagram against new experimental results on high Mg alloys in the Al-Mg-Si system.

Experimental details and characterisation of the as-cast alloys

Fig. 1 shows an isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Si phase diagram calculated at 300 °C using a new
set of optimised parameters presented elsewhere [1] based on the COST 507 [2] data bank. The
bold lines are limits between various domains, where the phases present are indicated on the right-
hand side of the diagram. (Al) and (Mg) stand for the fcc and hcp solid solutions rich in Al and Mg
respectively, while Al30Mg23 (ε), Al3Mg2 (β) and Al12Mg17 (γ) are compounds from the binary Al-
Mg system. Three alloy compositions, shown as crosses in Fig. 1, were chosen from three different
phase fields along the interrupted line. A fourth alloy, much closer to the Al-Mg side (see square in
Fig. 1), was also prepared for this study. Table 1 lists the nominal compositions of these alloys.
Samples taken out from the as-cast ingots were prepared by standard metallographic techniques
and first observed by optical microscopy. Figs. 2(a) to 2(d) show typical views of the microstructure
of each alloy. The phases observed were ascertained by chemical microanalysis and X-ray
diffraction (XRD), as will be detailed later. In each alloy, the primary phase appears as faceted dark
crystals of Mg2Si. This is in agreement with the liquidus surface of the Al-Mg-Si system. Alloy
D30, which contains only 0.5 wt.% Si, shows much less primary Mg2Si crystals. In alloys A30 and
D30 which both contain 30 wt.% Mg, (Al) dendrites are seen enveloped within a matrix of β. Alloy
D30 shows a finer microstructure because its cooling rate was higher than the cooling rates for the
other alloys. Numerous small dark precipitates, which present the same contrast as primary Mg2Si,
were found within the β phase in alloy D30 (Fig. 2(a)). Similar precipitates were also seen in alloy
A30 but they were much less in quantity and generally located close to the (Al) phase. It is unclear
if these precipitates are associated with the expected ternary eutectic (liquid↔(Al)+β+ Mg2Si) or if
they form during cooling after solidification finishes. This will be addressed subsequently.
(Al) + Si + Mg2Si Table 1 - Nominal composition of
(Al) + Mg2Si the alloys studied (wt %).

(Al) + Mg2Si + β Alloy table Al Mg Si

Mg2Si + β + ε A30 66.5 30.0 3.5
Mg2Si + γ
A45 52 45 3
A70 28 70 2
Mg2Si + (Mg) + γ D30 69.5 30 0.5

Mg2Si + (Mg)

Figure 1 - Isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Si

system at 300 °C.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2 - Optical micrographs of the as-cast microstructures of the four alloys studied: (a) D30; (b)
A30; (c) A45; (d) A70. Alloys A30, A45 and D30 were etched with Keller's reagent while alloy
A70 with a solution of 0.5 % HNO3 in etanol.

In addition to primary Mg2Si crystals, alloy A45 is essentially made of the γ phase. Also
observed are some fine precipitates similar to those found in alloys D30 and A30. Apart from
blocky precipitates of Mg2Si, well-developed dendrites of the (Mg) phase are observed in the
microstructure of alloy A70. These dendrites are surrounded by a halo of the Al12Mg17-γ phase and
the remaining volume is occupied by a rod-like eutectic made of γ and (Mg) phases. However, the
presence of Mg2Si was not resolved within this eutectic, which should be the terminal three phase
(Mg2Si+(Mg)+γ) eutectic. An estimate of the eutectic composition was made by EDS analysis on
areas of 30µm × 40µm and was found to be ~ 30.1 wt.% Al and ~ 69.9 wt.% Mg.
X-ray diffraction analyses of the four alloys were performed with a Seifert 2000 apparatus
equipped with a Cu cathode (λKα=1.540598 Å) and operated at 40 kV and 30 mA. Indexing of the
different XRD patterns was made with the software Carine v.3.1 [3] according to the information
given in Pearson's handbook [4]. It was found that only phases expected from the stable phase
diagram were present. Each alloy was subjected to differential thermal analysis (DTA) using a
SETSYS apparatus from SETARAM. The DTA signal was recorded on heating and cooling with
various scanning rates, 2.5, 5 and 10 K.min-1. The scanning rates used for heating and cooling were
the same and a new sample was used in each run. The DTA samples thus obtained were then
prepared for metallographic observations. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed by
means of an LEO scanning electron beam microscope operated under 15 kV. Microanalysis was
achieved with an energy dispersive spectrometer IMIX from PGT, using pure elements as
standards. For microanalysis, the probe current was maintained at 1.5 nA and the spectra were
cumulated during 200 seconds.
A diffusion couple with an Al-5wt%Si alloy (cast at DLR Germany) on one side and alloy A70
on the other side was prepared and introduced in an ampoule sealed under low argon pressure. It
was then maintained at 300 °C for 7 months to allow equilibrium at the junction.

Diffusion couple
Fig. 3 presents an SEM micrograph across the junction of the diffusion couple, demonstrating the
microstructural changes that have taken place after 7 months at 300°C. The phases identified
according to EDS analyses are indicated on the micrograph. The initial location of the junction
contains many large pores. On the outmost part of the Al-Si side, silicon lamellae appear white in
the (Al) matrix. Close to the junction, these lamellae are replaced by Mg2Si precipitates with grey
contrast. On the other side of the couple, the three Al-Mg compounds, β, ε and γ, appear in a
sequence with an increase in the Mg content. The microstructure in the zone at the outmost right-
hand side of the micrograph is composed of dark dendrites of the (Mg) phase in a matrix of γ and
some large faceted crystals of Mg2Si, where these Mg2Si crystals are invisible due to the poor
contrast with the γ phase in backscattered imaging mode. Similar Mg2Si precipitates were present
together with β and γ but not in the zone with ε. The dark spots in the γ+Mg2Si zone are pores.

Mg2Si Pores (Mg)



Al-5%Si Al-70%Mg-2%Si

Figure 3 – SEM micrograph showing the junction of the diffusion couple after 7 months at 300 °C
(backscattered electron imaging).

The composition across the inter-diffusion zone was estimated by means of line profiles with
spot measurements made at every 3 µm in spacing. Mg2Si was found to have the same composition
in whatever equilibrium it is involved. Also, the amount of silicon was found to be less than 0.1wt%
in any of the three Al-Mg compounds (ε, β and γ) and in each of the (Al) and (Mg) phases as well.
The very low silicon content in the ε phase was also confirmed with WDS in an electron probe
microanalyser. Based on these quantitative analyses, the compositions of the various phases at the
boundary of each microstructural zone were carefully evaluated, giving estimates of the tie-lines in
three phase equilibria (two phases from the Al-Mg system plus Mg2Si). These compositions are
reported in Table 2 with the silicon content being set at zero. Since the amount of silicon that may
enter the Al-Mg compounds (ε, β and γ) is very low, it is expected that the composition of any of
these phases in equilibria in the ternary system is very close to its composition in the binary system.
The set of data in Table 2 was thus plotted into the calculated phase diagram shown in Fig. 4,
together with data collected from literature [5-9].
Table 2 – Magnesium content (wt %) of the phases at
the limits of the microstructural domains in Fig. 3.
(Al) β ε γ (Mg)
5.8 36.0 36.4 41.5 40.6 50.5 58.0 94.1

(Al) (Mg)


Figure 4 – Al-Mg phase diagram with experimental phase compositions from literature (crosses)
and from Table 2 (triangles).

DTA results
Fig. 5 presents the DTA records obtained on cooling alloys A30, A45 and A70 at a scanning rate of
2.5 K.min-1. There is a first thermal arrest, which appears at about 700 °C for all three alloys. An
intermediate arrest shows up for alloys A30 and A70 but not for alloy A45. The final arrest is
marked in any case, with even some recalescence for alloy A30. The records obtained from other
scanning rates were similar for each alloy. Moreover, examination of the microstructure of each of
the DTA samples confirmed similar microstructural features to the as-cast samples, although large
primary Mg2Si crystals were found in the upper part of some samples. It is thus clear that the high
temperature arrest is associated with the formation of Mg2Si and the intermediate arrest with the
growth of (Al) for alloy A30 and the growth of (Mg) for alloy A70. The final arrest corresponds to
the formation of β for alloy A30 and the formation of γ for both of alloys A45 and A70.
Based on the DTA records, an attempt was made to characterise the temperature of the final
invariant reaction undergone by each alloy. Fig. 6 compares the DTA records obtained at various
scanning rates in a temperature range across all possible solidification events for alloy A30. Upon
heating, the very start of melting should correspond to the temperature at which the signal deviates
from the nearly horizontal basal line. This temperature appears not to be sensitive to the heating rate
and was found equal to 448±1°C for alloy A30, 458±1°C for alloy A45 and 436±1°C for alloy A75.
The peak temperature is another characteristic temperature and was found to shift to a higher value
as the heating rate was increased. Upon cooling, the temperature corresponding to the start of the
final reaction recorded by the DTA is influenced by the undercooling experienced by the material.
So, the peak temperature, which in this case was found to shift to a lower value as the scanning rate
was increased, is more useful as a characteristic temperature. A particular feature is observed in the
case of alloy A30 where the peak is seen to split into two parts, a main peak and a marginal one.
This feature will be further discussed below.

100 150


DTA signal


DTA signal
60 A30
A70 0

40 heating
2.5 K.min
20 -1
-100 5 K.min
10 K.min
0 -150
400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 400 420 440 460 480 500

Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Figure 5 - DTA records obtained on cooling Figure 6 - DTA records for alloy A30 at various
alloys A30, A45 and A70 at 2.5 K.min-1. scanning rates in the temperature range of the
final invariant reaction.

The characteristic temperatures, thus evaluated, are plotted in Fig. 7. Two series of DTA were
made for alloy A30 and these are represented with empty triangles either upwards or downwards.
The temperature of the second peak on cooling, when present, has been added with solid triangles.
It was found that a linear relationship could be drawn through the peak temperature data against the
square root of the scanning rate for each series. Furthermore, the resultant linear relationships
extrapolate well to the experimental temperatures for the very start of melting of each alloy studied
which have been plotted on Fig. 7 at a zero scanning rate. It is satisfying to notice that the absolute
values of the slope of these lines are all very similar, indicating that the experiments are
reproducible although a new sample was used in each run.


Figure 7 - Effect of scanning rates on the

480 characteristic temperatures of the peak related to
A70 the final invariant reaction.
Temperature (°C)




0 1 2 3 4 5
(scanning rate)

Figure 8 - DTA records for alloy D30 at cooling

200 rates of 2.5, 5 and 10 K.min-1.
DTA signal




400 420 440 460 480 500
Temperature (°C)

At first glance, it was thought that the marginal peak recorded on the DTA curve of alloy A30
could be an artefact due to inhomogeneous temperature in the sample. This assumption was ruled
out as it was never observed with alloys A45 and A70. The transformation is supposed to be the
three phase invariant reaction, where some undercooling is required for the nucleation of new
Mg2Si crystals as the primary crystals of Mg2Si have all become enveloped within (Al) or β.
Accordingly, as can be inferred from Fig. 7, the potential linear relationship between the marginal
peak temperature and scanning rate, represented by solid triangles in Fig. 7, would extrapolate to a
lower temperature than the estimated incipient melting temperature. These hypotheses are supported
by the fact that the marginal peak is well observed for alloy D30 for all three cooling rates, as
illustrated in Fig. 8. The DTA samples of alloy D30 showed much more small precipitates than did
the as-cast samples. As can be seen from Fig. 9(a), they are present in some regular patterns.
Apparently, they were formed during the eutectic reaction. However, solid-state diffusion may have
affected the solidification structure as very few (Al) phases have been found in the eutectic areas.
As shown in Fig. 9(b), clear signs of growth of β at the expenses of the (Al) phase are observed in
samples after a DTA run.

(a) (b)

Figure 9 – Optical micrographs showing the microstructure of alloy D30 after a DTA run.

Solidification paths of Mg-rich Al-Mg-Si alloys finish on ternary eutectics located very close to the
Al-Mg side of the composition triangle. These eutectics involve Mg2Si and two phases of the Al-
Mg system. The silicon content in any of these Mg-Al phases in the ternary eutectics has been
found lower than 0.1 wt%. The temperatures of two of these ternary eutectic reactions, i.e. liquid
↔(Al)+β+ Mg2Si and liquid↔(Mg)+γ+ Mg2Si, have been determined to be at about 448 °C and
436 °C respectively by DTA.
Part of this study is supported by ESA through the MICAST programme under contract 14347/00/NL/SH.
Thanks are due to M. Palm (MPI-E Düsseldorf) for WDS measurements and to L. Ratke and S. Steinbach
(Institute for Space Simulation, DLR, Germany) for providing alloys.
[1] Lacaze J. and Valdes R., communication at the TOFA meeting, Vienna, 2004
[2] "Thermochemical database for light metal alloys", ed. I. Ansara, European Commission, 1995
[4] Villars P., "Pearson's Handbook Desk Edition", ASM international, 1997
[5] E. Schurmann,Giesserei-Forschung, 32, 163-174, 1980
[6] P. Liang et al., Z. Metallkd, 89, 536-540, 1998
[7] M.I. Zacharowa, W.K. Tschikin, Zeitschrift fur Physik, 95, 769-777, 1935
[8] E.Schimd, G. Siebel, Zeitschrift fur Physik, 85, 36-55, 1933
[9] P. Saldau, M. Zamotorin, Journal of the Institute of Metals, 48, 221-226, 1933

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