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LEED Flash Cards

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The document outlines LEED criteria and associated standards for various categories such as Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, etc.

The main sections covered are Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Air Quality, and other LEED categories.

Strategies that might be incorporated include sealing, mulching, earth dikes, silt fencing, sediment traps, sediment basins.

2004 LEEDTM 2.



Pre. Erosion and Sedimentation Control – EPA Stormwater and Management for Construction Activities 1992

Cr. 6 Stormwater Management – Best Management Practices, USEPA Guidance Specifying Management
Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters 1993

Cr. 7 High albedo and high emissivity roofing – Energy Star

Cr. 8 Light Pollution – Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Recommended Practice
Manual for Exterior Environments

Cr. 3 Water Use Reduction – Energy Policy Act of 1992


Pre. + Cr 1 Energy Performance – ASHRAE 90.1 1999

Cr. 4 Ozone Depletion – Montreal Protocol

Cr. 5 Measurement and Verification – USDOE’s International Performance Measurement and Verification
Protocol IFMVP

Cr. 6 Green Power – Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) Green-e


Cr. 7 Certified Wood – Forest Stewardship Council


Pre. Minimum IAQ – ASHRAE 62 1999

Cr. 2 Ventilation Effectiveness/Air Changes ASHRAE 129 1997

Cr. 3 Construction IAQ – SMACNA IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction

Cr. 4 Low-Emitting Adhesives – South Coast Air Quality Management District, Rule 1168

Cr. 4 Low-Emitting Sealants – Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 8, Rule 51

Cr. 4 Low-Emitting Paints – Green Seal Standard 65-11

Cr. 4 Low-Emitting Carpet – Carpet and Rug Institute’s Green Label Indoor Air Quality Test Program

Cr. 7 Thermal Comfort – ASHRAE 55 1992

Disclaimer: Although these Flash Cards are an official publication of the Cascadia Green Building Council, they have not been approved by the
U.S. Green Building Council. The Cascadia Green Building Council has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented herein.

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Prerequisite/Credit Question Answer

SS What does SS stand for? Sustainable Sites

SS Prereq 1 What is the SS prerequisite? Erosion and sedimentation control

Reduce negative impacts on water and air

SS Prereq 1 What is the intent of the SS prerequisite?

EPA Storm Water Management for

What documents define best mangement Construction Activities, EPA Document No.
SS Prereq 1
practices? EPA-832-12-R-005, Chapter 3, OR local
Erosion and Sedimentation Control codes

Prevent loss of soil during construction.

An erosion and sedimentation control plan
SS Prereq 1 Prevent sedimentation and/or air pollution
must meet what objectives?
from dust and particulate matter

What are strategies that might be

Sealing; mulching; earth dikes; silt fencing;
SS Prereq 1 incorporated into a site erosion and
sediment traps; sediment basins
sedimentation control plan?

SS Credit 1 What is SS Credit 1 called? Site Selection

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Avoid development of inappropriate sites and
SS Credit 1 What is the intent of the Site Selection Credit?
reduce the environmental impact

How many points are available for Site

SS Credit 1 One

Prime farmland; elevation lower than five feet

What are some characteristics of sites above the 100-year flood; habitat for
SS Credit 1
inappropriate for sustainable development? threatened or endangered species; within 100
feet of a wetland; previously public parkland

SS Credit 2 What is SS Credit 2 called? Urban Redevelopment

What is the intent of the Urban Channel development to urban areas with
SS Credit 2
Redevelopment Credit? existing infrastructures

How many points are available for Urban

SS Credit 2 One

What minimum site density determines that a 60,000 SF per acre (roughly equivalent to 2-
SS Credit 2
site will qualify as urban redevelopment? story downtown development)

SS Credit 3 What is SS Credit 3 called? Brownfield Redevelopment

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Rehabilitate sites with environmental
What is the intent of the Brownfield
SS Credit 3 contamination; reduce pressure on
Redevelopment Credit?
undeveloped land

How many points are available for Brownfield

SS Credit 3 One

What is required for Brownfield Develop a site classified as a Brownfield and

SS Credit 3
Redevelopment Credit? provide remediation

What determines Brownfield redevelopment EPA's Sustainable Redevelopment of

SS Credit 3
procedures? Brownfield's Program

Letter from local regulatory agency or EPA

What submittals are needed to attain credit for confirming Brownfield site classification;
SS Credit 3
Brownfield Redevelopment? documentation that remediation has been

SS Credit 4 What is SS Credit 4 called? Alternative Transportation

What is the intent of the Alternative Reduce pollution and land development
SS Credit 4
Transportation Credit? impacts from automobile use

How many points are available for Alternative

SS Credit 4 Four

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Locate building within 1/2 mile from commuter
What is required for Alternative Transportation
SS Credit 4 rail, light rail, or subway station OR 1/4 mile
Credit 4.1?
from two or more bus lines

Provide bicycle storage and changing/shower

What is required for Alternative Transportation
SS Credit 4 facilities for cyclists, for 5% or more of
Credit 4.2?
building occupants

What shower capacity is required for Take number of bicycling occupants and
SS Credit 4
Alternative Transportation Credit 4.2? divide by 8

Install alternative-fuel refueling station(s) for

What is required for Alternative Transportation
SS Credit 4 3% of the total
Credit 4.3?
vehicle parking capacity

What determines the maximum number of No more than the MINIMUM local zoning
SS Credit 4 parking spaces allowed under Alternative requirements, OR no added parking for
Transportation Credit 4.4? rehabilitation projects

In rehabilitation projects, what percentage of

preferred parking must be allocated for Sufficient spaces to serve 5% of the building
SS Credit 4
carpools or vanpools to receive Alternative occupants
Transportation Credit 4.4?

SS Credit 5 What is SS Credit 5 called? Reduced Site Disturbance

What is the intent of the Reduced Site Conserve existing natural areas and restore
SS Credit 5
Disturbance Credit? damaged areas

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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How many points are available for Reduced
SS Credit 5 Two
Site Disturbance?

Limit site disturbance to 40 feet beyond the

What is required on greenfield sites for building perimeter; 5 feet beyond primary
SS Credit 5
Reduced Site Disturbance Credit 5.1? roadway curbs; 25 feet beyond pervious
paving areas

What is required on previously developed

Restore a minimum of 50% remaining open
SS Credit 5 sites for Reduced Site Disturbance Credit

Reduce the development footprint to exceed

What is required for Reduced Site
SS Credit 5 the local zoning’s open space
Disturbance Credit 5.2?
requirement for the site by 25%

SS Credit 6 What is SS Credit 6 called? Stormwater Management

Limit disruption of natural water flows by

What is the intent of the Stormwater
SS Credit 6 minimizing stormwater runoff, increasing on-
Management Credit?
site infiltration and reducing contaminants

How many points are available for Stormwater

SS Credit 6 Two

No net increase in the rate and quantity of

stormwater run-off from existing to developed
What is required for Stormwater Management
SS Credit 6 conditions OR if existing imperviousness is
Credit 6.1?
greater than 50%, decrease rate and quantity
of stormwater run-off by 25%

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Remove 80% of the average annual post
What is required for Stormwater Management development total suspended solids (TSS)
SS Credit 6
Credit 6.2? and 40% of the average annual post-
development of total phosphorous (TP)

EPA's Guidance Specifying Management

What document describes the practices to be
SS Credit 6 Measures for Sources of Non-Point Pollution
used to reduce stormwater TSS and TP?
in Coastal Waters (EPA 840-B-92-002 1 93)

Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce

SS Credit 7 What is SS Credit 7 called?
Heat Islands

What is the intent of the Landscape and

Reduce heat islands to minimize impact on
SS Credit 7 Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands
microclimate and human and wildlife habitat

How many points are available for Landscape

SS Credit 7 Two
and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands?

How much time is allowed for the growth of

shade provided plantings, to meet the
SS Credit 7 minimum standard to reduce non-roof heat 5 years
islands in the Landscape/Exterior Design
Credit 7.1?

Shade 30% of non-roof, impervious surfaces;

What are the four alternatives to reduce non- use light-colored, high-albedo materials for
SS Credit 7 roof heat island effects in Landscape/Exterior 30% of the site's non-roof impervious
Design Credit 7.1? surfaces; 50% of parking underground; open-
grid pavement system for 50% of parking

What reflectance and emissivity standard

Reflectance: ASTM E903; emissivity: ASTM
SS Credit 7 tests are required for Energy Star roofing
under Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.2?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What characteristics must a qualifying roof Initial refelctance of at least 0.65; 3-year
SS Credit 7 possess for Landscape/Exterior Design Credit reflectance of at least 0.5; emissivity of at
7.2? least 0.9

What percentage of a roof's surface area

Minimum of 75% of the roof surface OR install
SS Credit 7 must meet the defined performance criteria
a green roof for at least 50% of the roof area
for Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.2?

SS Credit 8 What is SS Credit 8 called? Light Pollution Reduction

Eliminate light trespass from the site, improve

What is the intent of the Light Pollution
SS Credit 8 night sky access, and reduce development
Reduction Credit?
impact on nocturnal environments

How many points are available for Light

SS Credit 8 One
Pollution Reduction?

Do not exceed IESNA footcandle level

What is required for Light Pollution Reduction requirements AND design lighting such that
SS Credit 8
Credit 8.2? zero direct-beam illumination leaves the
building site

WE What does WE stand for? Water Efficiency

Reduce quantity of water required for the

What are the 2 goals for Water Efficiency
WE building; reduce the burden on municipal
water supply and treatment

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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WE Credit 1 What is WE Credit 1 called? Water Efficient Landscaping

What is intent of Water Efficient Landscape Limit or eliminate use of potable water for
WE Credit 1
Credit? landscape irrigation

How many points are available for Water

WE Credit 1 Two
Efficient Landscaping?

What is required for Water Efficient High efficiency irrigation technology OR

WE Credit 1
Landscape Credit 1.1? captured rain or recycled site water

What percent of potable water needs to be

WE Credit 1 reduced to get Water Efficient Landscape 50% reduction over conventional means
Credit 1.1?

Use only captured rain or recycled site water

What is required for Water Efficient
WE Credit 1 OR do not install permanent landscape
Landscape Credit 1.2?
irrigation systems

What percent of potable water needs to be

Potable Free System: 50% additional
WE Credit 1 reduced to get Water Efficient Landscape
reduction (100% total reduction)
Credit 1.2?

What are 2 strategies for Water Efficient Design landscape with indigenous plants; Use
WE Credit 1
Landscape Credits? high effieciency irrigation systems

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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WE Credit 2 What is WE Credit 2 called? Innovative Wastewater Technologies

Reduce generation of wastewater and potable

What is intent of Innovative Wastewater
WE Credit 2 water demand while increasing local aquifer
Techologies Credit?

How many points are available for Innovative

WE Credit 2 One
Wastewater Technologies?

Reduce use of municipally provided potable

What is required for Innovative Wastewater
WE Credit 2 water for building sewage by at least 50% OR
Technologies Credit 2.0?
treat 100% of wastewater on site

Change 50% of urinals & toilets to composting

What are 2 examples of Innovative toilets and waterless urinals; Reuse
WE Credit 2
Wastewater Technologies? stormwater or graywater for sewage

WE Credit 3 What is WE Credit 3 called? Water Use Reduction

What is intent of the Water Use Reduction Maximize water efficiency to reduce the
WE Credit 3
Credit? burden on municipal water supply

How many points are available for Water Use

WE Credit 3 Two

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is required for Water Use Reduction Employ strategies that use 20% less water
WE Credit 3
Credit 3.1? than baseline calculated for building

What fixture performance requirements need

WE Credit 3 Energy Policy Act of 1992
to be met in Water Use Reduction Credit 3.1?

What is required for Water Use Reduction Exceed the potable water use reduction by an
WE Credit 3
Credit 3.2? additional 10%

What total efficiency percent increase is

WE Credit 3 30%
needed to earn Credit 3.2?

What must be calculated before employing Estimate water needs (identify number of
WE Credit 3
any strategy? building occupants)

What are some technologies that reduce High efficiency fixtures, dry fixtures, and
WE Credit 3
water demand? occupant sensors

What strategy can be used to reduce water Reuse of stormwater and graywater for non-
WE Credit 3
demand? potable applications

What are non-potable applications where Toilet flushing, mechanical systems, and
WE Credit 3
water demand can be reduced? custodial uses

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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EA What does EA stand for? Energy and Atmosphere

How many prerequisites and credits are there

EA Prereq 1 3 prerequisites, 6 credits
in the energy and atmosphere section?

EA Prereq 1 What is the name of the first prerequisites? Fundamental Building System Commissioning

Verify that fundamental building elements and

EA Prereq 1 What is the intent of the 1st prerequisite?
systems operate as intended

Engage commissioning authority; review

design intent and documentation; include
commissioning requirements in construction
What are the fundamental best practice
EA Prereq 1 documents; use commissioning plan; verify
commissioning procedures?
installation, performance, training and
documentation; complete commissioning

Introduce standards and strategies into the

What is a strategy to achieve EA Prerequisite
EA Prereq 1 design process early; clearly stating target
requirements in the construction documents

EA Prereq 2 What is the name of the 2nd prerequisite? Minimum Energy Performance

Establish the minimum level of energy

EA Prereq 2 What is the intent of the 2nd prerequisite?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Which standard must be met to meet this ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999 OR local energy
EA Prereq 2
prerequisite? code, whichever is the more stringent

EA Prereq 3 What is the name of the 3rd prerequisite? CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment

EA Prereq 3 What is the intent of the 3rd prerequisite? Reduce ozone depletion

Does EA Prerequisite 3 allow any use of CFC-

EA Prereq 3 based refridgerants in new HVAC&R No

Does EA Prerequisite 3 allow any use of CFC-

Yes, but you must complete a comprehensive
EA Prereq 3 based refridgerants in existing base building
CFC phaseout conversion plan
HVAC&R systems?

EA Credit 1 What is EA Credit 1 called? Optimize Energy Performance

How many points are available for Optimize

EA Credit 1 Ten
Energy Performance?

How many subsections are there in Optimize

EA Credit 1 Energy Performance Credit, and how many 5 subsections at 2 points each
points are available for each?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is the intent of Optimize Energy Achieve increasing levels of energy
EA Credit 1
Performance Credit? performance

What standard is used as a baseline for

EA Credit 1 ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999
Optimize Energy Performance Credit?

What metric is used when evaluating

EA Credit 1 Cost
Optimize Energy Performance Credit?

What method is used to determine cost

Energy Cost Budget Method (Whole building
EA Credit 1 savings in Optimize Energy Performance

What are the regulated energy components HVAC systems, building envelope, service hot
EA Credit 1
for Optimize Energy Performance Credit? water systems, and lighting

How much must you reduce energy design

EA Credit 1 cost for a new and existing buildings for 20% for new, 10% for existing
Optimize Energy Performance Credit 1.1?

For the 2nd through 5th subsections of

10% for both new and existing buildings. (i.e.
Optimize Energy Performance Credit, by what
EA Credit 1 For Credit 1.2: 30%/20%; for Credit 1.3:
percentage must energy design cost be
reduced at each progressive level?

EA Credit 2 What is the EA Credit 2 called? Renewable Energy

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is the intent of Renewable Energy
EA Credit 2 Encourage use of renewable technologies

How many points are available for Renewable

EA Credit 2 Three

How do you measure percentage of

EA Credit 2 As a fraction of annual energy costs
renewable energy?

What is the requirement for Renewable

EA Credit 2 5% of total energy load cost in renewables
Energy Credit 2.1?

What is the requirement for Renewable

EA Credit 2 10% of total energy load cost in renewables
Energy Credit 2.2?

What is the requirement for Renewable

EA Credit 2 20% of total energy load cost in renewables
Energy Credit 2.3?

What are some renewable technologies to Solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydro and
EA Credit 2
achieve EA Credit 2? bio-gas

EA Credit 3 What is EA Credit 3 called? Additional Commissioning

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is the intent of Additional Ensure entire building designed, constructed,
EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? and calibrated to operate as intended

What is the difference between Prerequisite 1 Prerequisite 1 is for "fundamental building",

EA Credit 3
and Credit 3? Credit 3 is for "entire building"

How many points are available for Additional

EA Credit 3 One

What is the 1st requirement of Additional 1) Review design prior to the construction
EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? document phase

What is the 2nd requirement of Additional 2) Review construction documents when

EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? close to completion

What is the 3rd requirement of Additional 3) Selective review of contractor submittals of

EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? commissioned equipment

What is the 4th requirement of Additional 4) Develop a recommissioning management

EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? manual

What is the 5th requirement of Additional 5) Contract in place for 'near-warranty end' or
EA Credit 3
Commissioning Credit? 'post occupancy review'

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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EA Credit 4 What is EA Credit 4 called? Ozone Depletion

What are 2 intents of the Ozone Depletion Reduce ozone depletion and support
EA Credit 4
Credit? compliance with Montreal Protocol

How many points are available for Ozone

EA Credit 4 One

Install base building level HVAC, refrigeration

What is required for the Ozone Depletion
EA Credit 4 equipment, and fire suppression systems that
do not contain HCFC’s or Halon

Building reuse: replace building systems that

contain HCFCs or halons; new
What are some strategies to achieve the
EA Credit 4 buildings: specify refrigeration and fire
Ozone Depletion Credit?
suppression systems that use no HCFCs or

EA Credit 5 What is EA Credit 5 called? Measurement & Verification

What is the intent of Measurement & Accountability and optimization of building

EA Credit 5
Verification Credit? energy and water consumption

How many points are available for

EA Credit 5 One
Measurement & Verification?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is the framework used for Measurement US DOE's International Performance
EA Credit 5
& Verification? Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP)

What energy & water systems are included in Lighting systems & controls, motors, cooler
EA Credit 5
the Measurement & Verification Credit? load, boiler, indoor water, outdoor irrigation

Model energy & water to predict savings.

What are some strategies to achieve the
EA Credit 5 Design with equipment that measure enery &
Measurement & Verification Credit?

EA Credit 6 What is EA Credit 6 called? Green Power

Encourage the development and use of grid-

EA Credit 6 What is the intent of the Green Power Credit? source energy technologies on a net zero
pollution basis

How many points are available for the Green

EA Credit 6 One

What is the requirement for the Green Power Engage in two-year contract to puchase
EA Credit 6
Credit? power generated from renewable sources

What framework does the Green Power credit Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) Green-e
EA Credit 6
use? products certification requirements

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or low
EA Credit 6 What can Green Power be derived from?
inmpact hydro sources

3 prerequisites, Fundamental Building

3 - flying building systems commissioners
Systems Commissioning, Minimum Energy
Prereq. Memory clue - EA were minding energy performance,) while
Performance, CFC Reduction in HVAC&R
cfc's escaped from the HVAC system.

6 credits, Optimize Energy Performance,

6 oem pa loompas, re,act,oddly when they Renewable Energy, Additional
Credits Memory clue - EA
measure and verify,green power commissioning, ozone depletion,
measurement and verification, green power

Point Strucure Memory clue - EA Tent the 3 wives and the 4 little ones 10,3,1,1,1,1

MR What does MR stand for? Materials & Resources

MR Prereq 1 What is the MR prerequisite? Store and collect recyclables

MR Prereq 1 What is the intent of the MR prerequisite? Reduction in landfill

MR Prereq 1 What items must be recycled at minimum? Paper, glass, plastics, and metals

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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MR Credit 1 What is MR Credit 1 called? Building Resuse

Extend existing stock, conserve resources,

MR Credit 1 What are 5 intents of Building Reuse Credit? cultural, reduce waste and environmental

How many points are available for Building

MR Credit 1 Three

What's lowest level requirement available for

MR Credit 1 75% of structure and shell reused
Building Reuse?

How is structure and shell defined for Building

MR Credit 1 Exterior skin and framing

What is excluded for structure and shell for

MR Credit 1 Window assemblies (for energy efficiency)
reuse of building?

What is required for Building Reuse Credit

MR Credit 1 100% of structure and shell reused

What is required for Building Reuse Credit 100% of structure and shell reused AND 50%
MR Credit 1
1.3? of non-shell

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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MR Credit 1 How is nonshell defined for Building Reuse? Walls, floor coverings, and ceiling systems

What does LEED prefer upgraded in Building Upgrade windows, mechanical systems, and
MR Credit 1
Reuse credit? plumbing fixtures

What measure is used to calculate Building Structural elements are cubic feet; Shell and
MR Credit 1
Reuse Credit? nonshell are square feet

MR Credit 2 What is MR Credit 2 called? Construction Waste Management

What are 2 intents of Construction Waste

MR Credit 2 Divert from landfill and redirect recyclables
Management credits?

How many points are available for

MR Credit 2 Two
Construction Waste Management?

What is required for Construction Waste

MR Credit 2 Waste management plan, quantify by weight
Management credits?

Do you need a plan for Construction Waste

MR Credit 2 Yes, required
Management credits?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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How do you measure (quantify) Waste
MR Credit 2 By weight

Can you donate salvage materials to

MR Credit 2 Yes, LEED even uses Habitat as example

What is required for Construction Waste

MR Credit 2 Recycle or salvage 50% by weight
Management Credit 2.1?

What is required for Construction Waste

MR Credit 2 Recycle or salvage 75% by weight
Management Credit 2.2?

What percent needs to be salvaged to get

MR Credit 2 90% (now 95%)
Innovation credits?

What is a strategy for Waste Management

MR Credit 2 Designate a specific area on site

MR Credit 3 What is MR Credit 3 called? Resource Reuse

MR Credit 3 What is intent of Resource Reuse credits? Extend life of materials

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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How many points are available for Resource
MR Credit 3 Two

What is required for Resource Reuse Credit

MR Credit 3 Specify 5% salvage or refurbished materials

What is required for Resource Reuse Credit

MR Credit 3 Specify 10% salvage or refurbished materials

Name some materials recommended for Beams,posts, paneling, doors and frames,
MR Credit 3
Resource Reuse? cabinets, furniture, brick and decorative items

What measure is used to calculate Resource Percentage of toal cost of building materials
MR Credit 3
Reuse credit? (not including labor and equipment)

MR Credit 4 What is MR Credit 4 called? Recycled Content

Increase demand for recycled content

What are 2 intents of Recycled Content
MR Credit 4 materials and reduce extraction for new

How many points are available for Recycled

MR Credit 4 Two

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What is required for Recycled Content Credit Spec 25% materials contain 20% post-
MR Credit 4
4.1? consumer OR 40% post-industrial content

What is required for Recycled Content Credit Spec 50% materials contain 20% post-
MR Credit 4
4.2? consumer OR 40% post-industrial content

Materials that have been used (paper) and re-

MR Credit 4 What is post-consumer Recycled Content?
processed for reuse

Left over materials from industrial process

MR Credit 4 What is post-industrial Recycled Content?
(leftover fiber in paper making)

What is a strategy for Recycled Content

MR Credit 4 Set goal, identify resource suppliers

MR Credit 5 What is MR Credit 4 called? Local/Regional Materials

Can Recycled Content weighted average be

MR Credit 5 Yes, oddly it can based on USGBC formula
over 100%

Does LEED value post -consumer or post-

MR Credit 5 Post-consumer
industrial Recycled Content more?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Can in-house waste be counted for post- No, it is common to recycle this in all facilities
MR Credit 5
industrial Recycled? now

How many points are available for

MR Credit 5 Two
Local/Regional Materials?

Up demand for local products, reduce

What are 3 intents of Local/Regional Materials
MR Credit 5 environmental impacts of tranport and support
local economies

MR Credit 5 What credit focuses on local economies? Local/Regional Materials

How does buying locally help the Reduces transportation impacts (fossil fuels,
MR Credit 5
environment? etc.)

MR Credit 5 How does buying locally help the economy? It supports local, often smaller, businesses

What is required for Local/Regional Materials Specify 20% manufactured within 500 mile
MR Credit 5
Credit 5.1? radius

Of 20% of materials specified as local, 50%

What is required for Local/Regional Materials
MR Credit 5 must be extracted, harvested or recovered in
Credit 5.2?
500 mile radius

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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How is manufactured defined for Final assembly (even all parts are made in
MR Credit 5
Local/Regional Materials? China)

MR Credit 6 What is MR Credit 6 called? Rapidly Renewable Materials

Reduce depletion of finite, raw or long-cycle

What is intent of Rapidly Renewable Materials
MR Credit 6 renewables by using Rapidly Renewable

What is an example of a long-cycle

MR Credit 6 Trees

How many points are available for Rapidly

MR Credit 6 One
Renewable Materials?

What is required for Rapidly Renewable

MR Credit 6 Specify 5% Rapidly Renewable Materials
Materials Credit?

Bamboo flooring, wool carpet, strawboard,

cotton batt insulation, linoleum flooring, poplar
MR Credit 6 Name some Rapidly Renewable Materials?
OSB, sunflower seed board, wheatgrass

MR Credit 6 How does LEED define Rapidly Renewable? Planted or harvested within 10 year cycle

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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MR Credit 7 What is MR Credit 7 called? Certified Wood

Encourage environmentally responsible forest

MR Credit 7 What is intent of the Certified Wood credit?

How many points are available for Certified

MR Credit 7 One

Minimum of 50% of wood-based materials

What is required for the Certified Wood
MR Credit 7 certified in accordance with the FSC
Guidelines for wood building components

MR Credit 7 What is FSC? Forest Stewardship Council

Framing, flooring, finishes, & non-rented

What does LEED recommend using Certified
MR Credit 7 construction aps like bracing, concrete form
Wood for?

Eligible for a point if only 2 of 4 pieces of

MR Credit 7 Yes
wood in a building are Certified Wood?

Can SFI Certified Wood use count for LEED

MR Credit 7 No

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Does LEED mention chain of custody for
MR Credit 7 No, but FSC does
Certified Wood?

No, materials can only contribute to achieving

Can a building product achieve points in
MR General points. LEED sets performance based

Can my company or product be LEED No, USGBC certifies buildings- not companies
MR General
certified? or products

Scientific Certification Systems, FSC, Green

MR General Who can certify my products or services? Seal, Green Guard, Building Green, Energy

Can a company use the LEED logo to show it No but you can use USGBC Member logo if
MR General
is green? you are a Member

IEQ What does the "E" stand for in IEQ? Environment

1. Minimun Indoor Air Quaility Performance 2.

IEQ Prereq Name 2 prerequsites in the IEQ Section
Envronmental Tobacco Smoke Control

What standard sets the minimum for minimum

IEQ Prereq 1 ASHRAE 62-1999
IAQ performance?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What other impacts can increase ventilation
IEQ Prereq 1 Increased energy use

Avoid sites with potential IAQ problems; study

What are the design strategies to address
IEQ Prereq 1 wind patterns; establish air quality standards;
minimum IAQ performance?
install fresh air intakes

IEQ Preereq 2 What does ETS mean? Environmental Tobacco Smoke

1. Prohibit smoking in building and near entry

IEQ Preereq 2 What are 2 potential ETS requirements?
2. Designated smoking room

IEQ Credit 1 What is IEQ Credit 1 called? Carbon Dioxide Monitoring

What is the intent of the Carbon Dioxide Provide capacity for monitoring to sustain
IEQ Credit 1
Monitoring Credit? comfort and well being

How many points are available for Carbon

IEQ Credit 1 One
Dioxide Monitoring?

What ASHRAE standard discusses CO2 and

IEQ Credit 1 ASHRAE 55-1992 Table 4
metabolic rates?

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Where do CO2 sensors have to be located in 6-10' from the nearest person; avoiding
IEQ Credit 1
static occupant spaces? windows and supply air vents

CO2 monitoring sensorsin HVAC, integrated

IEQ Credit 1 What is the strategy for CO2 monitoring?
with the building automation system (BAS)

IEQ Credit 2 What is IEQ Credit 2 called? Increase Ventilation Effectiveness

What is the intent of Increase Ventilation

IEQ Credit 2 Provide fresh air
Effectiveness Credit?

How many points are available for Increase

IEQ Credit 2 One
Ventilation Effectiveness?

Variable occupant densities (conference

What locations are the greatest challenges for
IEQ Credit 2 rooms, auditorium, training rooms) and
the HVAC system?
spaces served by long ductwork

IEQ Credit 2 What is the E stand for in ventilation systems? Air change Effectiveness

In Ventilation Effectiveness, what valve

IEQ Credit 2 should E be in mechanically ventilated Greater or equal to 0.9

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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In naturally ventilated spaces, what must be
IEQ Credit 2 Airflow simulation results in each zone
summarized in a table?

What standard sets the E for mechanically

IEQ credit 2 ASHRAE 129-1997
ventilated buildings?

Displacement ventilation, low velocity

How do you design an envelope system to
IEQ Credit 2 ventilation, plug flow ventilation, and operable
optimize E?

IEQ Credit 3 What is IEQ Credit 3 called? Construction IAQ Management Plan

What is the intent of Construction IAQ

IEQ Credit 3 Prevent indoor air quality problems
Management Plan Credit?

How many points are available for

IEQ Credit 3 Two
Construction IAQ Management Plan?

During construction, the IAQ Management SMACNA IAQ Guideline for Occupied
IEQ Credit 3
Plan requires following what standards? Buildings Under Construction

1. Compliance with SMACNA 2. Protection of

What are the 3 requirements under
IEQ Credit 3 absorptive material from moisture damange
Construction IAQ Management Plan?
and 3. Replace filtration before occupancy

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What minimum efficiency reporting value
IEQ Credit 3 (MERV) standard must filtration media adhere 13, as determined by ASHRAE 55.2-1999

How long is the flush out period in Credit

IEQ Credit 3 2 weeks (minimun)

What are the 2 options to achieve

Flush out with 100% outside air for 2 weeks or
IEQ Credit 3 Construction IAQ Management Plan Credit
conduct a baseline IAQ test

EPA Protocol for Environmental

What standard applies for a for the baseline
IEQ Credit 3 Requirements, for the Research Triangle Park
IAQ test?
Campus, Section 01445

Protect HVAC during construction, control

What is the strategy for a Construction IAQ pollutant sources, interrupt pathways for
IEQ Credit 3
Management Plan? contamination; sequence material installation;
2 week flushout or test the contaminant levels

IEQ Credit 4 What is IEQ Credit 4 called? Low-Emitting Materials

How many points are available for Low-

IEQ Credit 4 Four
Emitting Materials?

Reduce the quantity of indoor air

What is the intent of Low-Emitting Materials
IEQ Credit 4 contaminants that are odorous or potentially

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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IEQ Credit 4 What material does IEQ Credit 4.1 cover? Adhesives & sealants

Adhesives: South Coast Air quality

Management District Rule #1168; Sealants:
IEQ Credit 4 What is the standard for IEQ 4.1?
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Reg 8, Rule 51

IEQ Credit 4 What material does IEQ Credit 4.2 cover? Paints & coatings

IEQ Credit 4 What is the standard for IEQ 4.2? Green Seal

IEQ Credit 4 What material does IEQ Credit 4.3 cover? Carpet systems

Carpet & Rug Institute Green Label IAQ Test

IEQ Credit 4 What is the standard for IEQ 4.3?

IEQ Credit 4 What material does IEQ Credit 4.4 cover? Composite wood & agrifiber products

Products must contain no added urea-

IEQ Credit 4 What is the standard for IEQ 4.4?
formaldehyde resins

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Specify low-VOC materials in construction
documents. Ensure that VOC limits are
IEQ Credit 4 What are the strategies to meet IEQ Credit 4? clearly stated in each section where
adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, carpet,
and composite wood systems are addressed

IEQ Credit 5 What is IEQ Credit 5 called? Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control

What is the intent of Indoor Chemical & Avoid exposure to potentially hazardous
IEQ Credit 5
Pollutant Source Control Credit? chemicals that adversely impact air quality

How many points are available for Indoor

IEQ Credit 5 One
Chemical & Pollutant Source Control?

Minimize cross contamination of regularly

IEQ Credit 5 What is the requirement of IEQ Credit 5?
occupied areas by chemical pollutants

Permanent entry way systems to capture dirt;

provide areas with deck-to-deck partitions
What is required for Indoor Chemical &
IEQ Credit 5 with separate outside exhausting; provide
Pollutant Source Control Credit?
drains for appropriate disposal of liquid waste
where needed

Design separate exhaust and plumbing

systems for rooms with contaminants to
IEQ Credit 5 What are the strategies to meet IEQ Credit 5? achieve physical isolation from the rest of the
building; install permanent architectural
entryway systems such as grills and grates

IEQ Credit 6 What is IEQ Credit 6 called? Controllability of Systems

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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How many points are available for
IEQ Credit 6 Two
Controllability of Systems?

Provide a high level of individual occupant

What is the intent of Controllability of Systems
IEQ Credit 6 control of thermal, ventilation and lighting

Provide a minimum of 1 operable window and

IEQ Credit 6 What is the requirement of IEQ 6.1? 1 control zone per 200 SF for all occupied
within 15 feet of the perimeter wall

Provide controls for each individual for airflow,

IEQ Credit 6 What is the requirement of IEQ 6.2? temp, and lighting for 50% of the non-
perimeter regularly occupied areas

Design for occupant controls: task lighting,

What are the strategies to achieve
IEQ Credit 6 operable windows, underfloor HVAC with
Controllability of Systems Credit?
individual diffusers

IEQ Credit 7 What is IEQ Credit 7 called? Thermal Comfort

How many points are available for Thermal

IEQ Credit 7 Two

Provide a thermally comfortable environment

IEQ Credit 7 What is the intent of Thermal Comfort Credit?
for the building occupants

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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Comply with ASHRAE Standard 55-1992,
IEQ Credit 7 What is the requirement of IEQ Credit 7.1?
Addenda 1995 for thermal comfort standards

Install a permanent temperature and humidity

monitoring system, provide operators control
IEQ Credit 7 What is the requirement of IEQ Credit 7.2? over thermal comfort performance and
effectiveness of humidification and/or
dehumidification systems

Establish temperature and humidity comfort

What are the strategies to achieveThermal ranges & design the building to maintain
IEQ Credit 7
Comfort Credit? these comfort ranges; install and maintain a
temperature and humidity monitoring system

IEQ Credit 8 What is IEQ Credit 8 called? Daylight & Views

How many points are available for Daylight &

IEQ Credit 8 Two

Provide a connection between indoor spaces

IEQ Credit 8 What is the intent of Daylight & Views Credit?
and outdoor environments

Achieve a minimum Daylight Factor of 2% in

IEQ Credit 8 What is the requirement of IEQ 8.1? 75% of all space occupied for critical visual

Direct line of sight to vision glazing from 90%

IEQ Credit 8 What is the requirement of IEQ 8.2?
of all regularly occupied spaces

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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What are the techniques to achieve Daylight Design the building to maximize daylighting
IEQ Credit 8
& Views Credit? and view opportunities

Building orientation, shallow floor plates,

What are the strategies to achieve Daylight & increased perimeter, interior and exterior
IEQ Credit 8
Views Credit? shading devices, high performance glazing
and photo integrated light sensors

Copy rooms, storage areas, mechanical,

What areas are excluded from IEQ Credit
IEQ Credit 8 laundry and other low occupancy support

Spaces where tasks would be hindered by the

What task areas are excluded from IEQ Credit use of daylight or where accomplishing the
IEQ Credit 8
8.1? specific task within a space would be
enhanced by the direct penetration of sunlight

What techniques verifyDaylight & Views Physical or computer modeling to assess

IEQ Credit 8
Credit? footcandle and daylight factors

The Cascadia Green Building Council • 721 NW Ninth Ave., Suite 300 • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.228.5533 •

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LEEDTM Professional Accreditation Exam
Study Guide

The USGBC offers LEEDTM Training Workshops throughout the United States to
train building design, construction, and management professionals on how to
apply the LEEDTM Green Building Rating System and to increase their expertise
as sustainable building professionals using LEEDTM. Professional training and
accreditation is intended to create an educated consumer marketplace and
provide high quality and qualified LEEDTM expertise serving that marketplace.

Exam Development
The LEEDTM Professional Accreditation Exam has four sections. The first three
sections were developed with contributions from a volunteer Task Force. This
group was comprised of Certified LEEDTM Pilot Project professionals and other
USGBC members with extensive experience in the building and construction
industry and the LEEDTM Green Building Rating System. The last section,
Section IV, is structured using Environmental Building News’ Green Building
Advisor list of design strategies, correlated with LEEDTM credit criteria. The final
exam format and questions has been reviewed and approved by the LEEDTM
Steering Committee and Board of Directors. The exam sections are as follows:

I. Green Building Design & Construction Industry Knowledge

II. LEEDTM Rating System Knowledge
III. LEEDTM Resources and Processes
IV. Green Design Strategies

Exam Administration
The LEEDTM Professional Accreditation Exam is being offered through a third
party administer, Prometric, who offers the exam electronically in over 300 fully
outfitted, comfortable, proctored locations nationwide, 6 days a week for 52
weeks of the year. USGBC’s goal is to make the examination process
conveniently accessible to all its members, workshop attendees, and building
industry professionals.

Exam Eligibility
The following qualifications for the LEEDTM Professional Accreditation Exam are
strongly recommended, but not required:

• Attendance at a USGBC-sponsored LEEDTM Training Workshop

• Formal training as an architect, engineer, interior designer, facilities manager,
or contractor
• Tenure in the building design and construction industry, or as a building
management or operations professional, facilities staff, or executive
Exam Procedure
Candidates apply and schedule directly with Prometric to reserve their time and
place to sit for the two-hour exam. Check the LEED Homepage, for registration information. Results are reported to the
candidate immediately upon completion of the exam. Unsuccessful candidates
can schedule to retake the exam by repeating the previously described process.
Successful candidates will be awarded LEEDTM Professional Accreditation
certificates through the US mail and listed as LEEDTM Accredited Professionals
on the USGBC Web site.

Exam Structure & Content

All four sections described above will be administered WITHOUT the use of any
open book references such as the LEED Green Building Rating SystemTM,
LEEDTM Reference Guide, or the LEEDTM Training Workbook. All 100 questions
are in multiple-choice format. Details of what the exam sections will contain and
sample questions are as follows (note: correct answers below are A.):

SECTION I: Green Building Design & Construction Industry Knowledge

(30 questions)
The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the candidate’s general
understanding of the green building design and construction industry by
testing their knowledge of industry standards and processes as they relate to
green building practices and the five categories in LEED Green Building
Rating SystemTM.

1. Sample Question: Green building practices encourage commissioning

agents to be:
A. an independent contractor hired directly by the owner.
B. hired directly by the mechanical subcontractor.
C. typically members of the design team.
D. hired at the completion of the project.

2. Sample Question: The Environmental Resource Guide is a:

A. comprehensive guide documenting materials’ life-cycle analysis.
B. publication of the EPA’s list of approved products.
C. document of federal guidelines for environmental practices.
D. environmental guidelines for wastewater treatment and outflow.

3. Sample Question: All of the following are undesirable sustainable sites

on which to build except:
A. a site within 500 feet of a wetland.
B. land that provides habitat to endangered species.
C. land at an elevation of 5 feet or below the 100-year flood plain.
D. prime agricultural land.
4. Sample Question: All of the following describe a material’s embodied
energy except:
A. maintenance and operating energy.
B. energy required to harvest/mine, manufacture, transport, and
C. cradle to grave.
D. life-cycle analysis.

SECTION II: LEEDTM Rating System Knowledge (20 questions)

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the candidate’s general
knowledge of the LEED Green Building Rating SystemTM Version 2.0.

1. Sample Question: The following are all prerequisites for LEEDTM

Certification except:
A. Low-VOC Emitting Materials.
B. Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning.
C. Storage & Collection of Recyclables.
D. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control.

2. Sample Question: Point(s) are credited toward a project’s LEEDTM

Green Building Certification for:
A. involving a LEEDTM Accredited Professional to guide the project.
B. meeting the prerequisites of the rating system.
C. registering the project during the early stages of the design.
D. having all the design team members take the LEEDTM training

3. Sample Question: Constructing a building baseline model establishes

A. foundation to test specific greening strategies to weigh their effect.
B. instrument by which to test daylighting.
C. benchmark to measure reductions in VOC’s on air quality.
D. building footprint on its site.

SECTION III: LEEDTM Resources and Processes (20 questions)

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the candidate’s understanding
of the LEEDTM project registration, technical support, and certification
process and knowledge of the LEEDTM certification documentation

1. Sample Question: LEEDTM projects are registered with the USGBC by:
A. completing the on-line registration section of USGBC’s web site.
B. setting up a meeting with USGBC representative.
C. completing the USGBC’s automated telephone registration.
D. printing and completing the on-line registration form and mailing it
2. Sample Question: All of the following are avenues of technical
assistance for using LEEDTM except?
A. Unlimited Free Credit Interpretations.
B. LEEDTM Reference Guide.
C. Access to Posted Credit Interpretation Rulings.
D. LEEDTM Training Workshop.

3. Sample Question: LEEDTM certification applications should be in the

form of project:
A. notebooks organized by the LEEDTM Rating System credit
B. description and letter from the owner.
C. building plans and specifications.
D. scope of work (SOW) and request for proposal (RFP).

SECTION IV: Green Design Strategies (30 questions)

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the candidate’s understanding
of green and sustainable design strategies as they relate to LEEDTM credits
and points. The candidate will be asked to match a green building strategy
with the most appropriate LEEDTM credit category.

1. Sample Question: Use porous pavement systems with high percentage

of post-industrial waste:
A. Recycled Content
B. Landscape & Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands
C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control
D. Resource Reuse

2. Sample Question: Use modulating photoelectric daylight sensors:

A. Optimize Energy Performance
B. Daylight and Views
C. Light Pollution Reduction
D. Measurement and Verification

3. Sample Question: Maintain relative humidity levels between 30%-60%:

A. Thermal Comfort
B. Controllability of Systems
C. Increase Ventilation Effectiveness
D. Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control

4. Sample Question: Designate construction “staging areas”:

A. Reduced Site Disturbance
B. Construction Waste Management
C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control
D. Construction IAQ Management Plan

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