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Read The Following Text and Answer The Questions That Appear After It

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Read the following text and answer the questions

that appear after it.

[Daily Mail; exercises reproduced with permission granted by M.A. Campos]

Thousands of foreign convicts will be sent home: Cameron

vows to stop overseas inmates clogging jails
By James Chapman

Last updated at 7:11 AM on 8th November There are currently 11,135 foreign inmates out
2010 35 of a total prison population of more than
85,000, serving time for offences including
Thousands of foreign prisoners are to be sent
murder, manslaughter, robbery, assault and
back to serve their sentences in their own
5 countries.
David Cameron, who will spearhead the cost-
cutting drive, plans to tear up agreements that
mean convicts cannot be returned home
without their consent.
10 As the number of foreign inmates in Britain’s
jails approaches one in seven, the Prime
Minister wants them sent back to serve prison
terms in their countries of origin even if they
insist they do not want to go, the Daily Mail
15 has learned.
Prime Minister David Cameron is planning on
sending back home thousands of foreign
prisoners, who will complete their sentences in 40 Jamaica tops a league table of countries with
their own countries. prisoners in British jails followed by Nigeria
20 But the initiative could run into problems and the Irish Republic.
because convicts – supported by lawyers – It costs the taxpayer £38,000 to keep someone
may try to use human rights laws to stay in in jail for a year, more than the fees to send a
this country. 45 pupil to Eton.
And in the future, foreigners found guilty of As he implements 23 per cent budget cuts,
25 offences involving official documents – Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke is having to
including possessing a fake passport or reduce the prison population by 3,000 by 2014,
destroying a passport – may be given rather than adding the 8,000 extra places that
‘conditional cautions’ rather than jail 50 the previous government forecast would be
sentences, barring them from returning to the needed.
30 UK.
Downing Street hopes much of that reduction
They would be thrown out of the country so can be achieved by sending more foreign
they do not end up in prison here in the first prisoners home.

55 Mr Cameron is expected to raise the issue with Only 41 foreign prisoners returned home last
the Chinese regime when he makes his first year under prisoner transfer agreements.
official visit to the country this week. There are
In 2006, the Police and Justice Act amended the
364 Chinese nationals in British jails.
law to enable a prisoner to be transferred
But his decision to put himself at the head of 105 without his or her consent. The legal
60 the effort is high risk since several countries requirement now is that prisoner consent is
accounting for large numbers of inmates in required where the relevant international
Britain’s jails are extremely reluctant to take agreement requires the approval of the inmate.
them back and because of potential problems
But a major problem is that most prisoner
with human rights laws.
110 swap deals do still require the prisoner to
65 A Coalition source said: ‘The Prime Minister is consent to transfer.
determined to do everything in his power to
An EU prisoner transfer agreement, which
get as many sent back to their countries of
takes effect from December next year and does
origin as possible.
not require the consent of the prisoner, should
‘Clearly, human rights need to be taken into 115 enable the return of many more people to EU
70 account so that we are not sending prisoners countries.
back if they are going to be tortured or killed.
Separately, the Ministry of Justice is working
‘The Prime Minister knows this is not going to with the UK Border Authority on plans that
be easy, but he will be speaking to his opposite would see the cases of foreign prisoners
numbers in various countries and believes this 120 flagged up earlier so they can be more quickly
75 will have an important effect.’ removed to countries where robust prisoner
transfer deals already exist.
There is no evidence that foreign nationals are
more likely overall to commit crime than ‘The MoJ is also developing proposals to
Britons. support the diversion of foreign offenders
125 from prosecution for document offences by
Rather, the huge number of overseas nationals
legislating to allow conditional cautions to be
80 held in British jails reflects the number of
used as an alternative to prosecution in some
immigrants here.
cases – so that they do not end up in our jails
Currently, foreign prisoners are removed from in the first place,’ the source added.
the country under prisoner transfer
agreements between the UK and other
85 countries; under an early removal scheme,
which allows them to be released up to 270
days early if they agree to be deported
immediately; or after their sentences have
90 It costs the taxpayer £38,000 to keep someone
in jail for a year and there are currently 11,135
foreign inmates out of a total prison
population of more than 85,000
But there are a huge number of barriers to
95 effective removal, including the rights of
appeal, which can delay or abort the process.
Some prisoners who are not considered
suitable for release have to be kept in even
after their sentences have ended – in August,
100 there were 540 such prisoners in British jails.

1. Answer the following questions about the text using your own

1. Which is the main motivation for the proposed measures? How is such
motivation emphasized by the journalist?
2. Will the transfer be conditioned by the prisoners’ giving their consent?
3. Is prisoners’ consent a sine qua non requirement now?
4. How may a convict avoid deportation?
5. Is there any other reason why the scheme might fail?
6. Is the government thinking of any other measure aimed at reducing
the number of foreign convicts?
7. Are there any measures intended to expand the capacity of British
8. At present, what options are there for removal of foreign prisoners
from the UK?
10. Is any future development expected regarding transfer to EU

2. Find words in the text corresponding to the following definitions:

_____________ : “: a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison”

_____________ : “homicide without malice aforethought”
_____________ : “an act punishable by law”
_____________ : “abroad: in a foreign country”
_____________ : “prison term: the period of time a prisoner is

3. Explain, in your own words, what is meant by the following:

1. “tear up agreements” (line 7):

2. “conditional cautions” (line 28):
3. “Jamaica tops a league table of countries” (line 40):
4. “he will be speaking to his opposite numbers” (line 73-74):
5. “an early removal scheme” (lines 85):
6. “the rights of appeal, which can delay or abort the process” (lines 95-96):
7. “prisoner swap deals” (line 109-110):
8. “would see the cases of foreign prisoners flagged up earlier” (lines 119-


Exercise 1
(Suggested answers)

1. Financial. In fact, the cost is mentioned twice, and is compared with sending a
student to Eton, which for any Briton is a symbol of extreme wealth and
enormous costs.

2. No. “The Prime Minister wants them sent back to serve prison terms in their
countries of origin even if they insist they do not want to go”.

3. No. Only if the relevant international agreement says so.

4. Amongst other things, through appeal.

5. Human rights considerations and unwillingness by the receiving country.

6. Speeding up cases involving foreign convicts and non-custodial measures.

7. No; just the opposite. The point is to reduce the number of foreign convicts in
order to avoid any increase in prison capacity.

8. Transfer agreements; early removal; removal after serving sentence.

9. Yes, there is.

Exercise 2
(1) inmate; (2) manslaughter; (3) offence; (4) overseas; (5) sentence

Exercise 3
(1) terminate, put an end to; (2) warning against certain type of behaviour,
including certain conditions that must be complied with in order to avoid
prosecution; (3) Jamaica is the country with most prisoners; the metaphor
comes from football; (4) if he is the Prime Minister, he will be speaking to Prime
Ministers in other countries; (5) a scheme or procedure by which prisoners may
be removed before they serve their sentence; (6) if a prisoner appeals, removal
to another country may be delayed or even cancelled; (7) agreements to send
prisoners to their countries of origin which work in both directions; (8) those
cases in which foreign prisoners are involved.

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