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Profesor Ov Fonetiks, Uenivursity Kolej, Lundon

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Simplified Spelling Society Pamphlet Nr. 8.




D.Phil., LL.D. Profesor ov Fonetiks, Uenivursity Kolej,

Many people will no doubt take it for granted MENY peepl wil noe dout taek it for graanted
that anyone who has made phonetics his dhat eniwun huu haz maed fonetiks hiz
profession will, as a matter of course, be in profeshon wil, az a mater ov kors, be in
favour of spelling English (and indeed all faevor ov speling Inglish (and indeed aul
languages) phonetically. It is therefore worth langgwejez) fonetikaly. It iz dhaerfor wurth
while pointing out two notable facts - (i) that whiel pointing out tuu noetabl fakts, (1) dhat
many phoneticians are not spelling meny foenetishanz ar not speling reformers,
reformers, and (ii) that a good orthography and (2) dhat a good orthografy kanot be
cannot be rigorously phonetic. rigorusly fonetik.

Several English phoneticians have, it is true, Several Inglish foenetishanz hav, it iz truu,
been spelling reformers, notable among been speling reformers, noetabl amung
them being the two great pioneers, dhem being dhe tuu graet pioneerz
Alexander Ellis (whose Essentials of Alexander Ellis (huuz Esenshalz ov Fonetiks,
Phonetics, published in 1848, was written publisht in 1848, woz riten entierly in a
entirely in a reformed orthography) and reformd orthografy) and Henry Sweet. We
Henry Sweet. We must not forget, too, must not forget tuu Walter Ripman, huu did
Walter Ripman, who did nearly all the spade- neerly aul dhe spaed-wurk for dhe Simplified
work for the Simplified Spelling Society in its Speling Sosiëty in its urly daez, and widhout
early days, and without whose genius and huuz jeenyus and untienng eforts our
untiring efforts our “New Spelling” would prezent "Nue Speling" wood never hav seen
never have seen the light. It is noteworthy, dhe liet. It iz noetwurdhy, houever, dhat widh
however, that with the solitary exception of dhe solitary eksepshon ov Paul Passy dhe
Paul Passy, the phoneticians of the foenetishanz ov dhe Kontinent hav shoen litl
Continent have shown little or no interest in or noe interest in dhe subjekt ov speling. And
the subject of spelling. And even among the eeven amung dhe Amerikan foenetishanz ov
American phoneticians of today, apart from todae, apart from our frend Godfrey Dewey,
our friend Godfrey Dewey, there seems to be dhaer seemz to be litl in dhe wae ov
little in the way of enthusiasm for any enthuezyazm for eny thurro-goïng reform.
thorough-going reform. The majority of the Dhe majorrity ov dhe suporterz ov speling
supporters of spelling reform have in fact not reform hav in fakt not kum from dhe ranks ov
come from the ranks of those whose dhoez huuz profeshon demaandz a nolej ov
profession demands a knowledge of fonetik siëns; dhae hav been raadher peepl
phonetic science; they have been rather in vaeryus wauks ov lief huuz komon sens
people in various walks of life whose telz dhem dhat a rashonal wae ov rieting
common sense tells them that a rational way wood be for dhe jeneral good. I hoep and
of writing would be for the general good. I beleev dhat dhis komon sens iz aulsoe to be
hope and believe that this common sense is found in abundans amung foenetishanz, for
also to be found in abundance among dhaer speshaliezd nolej kan be ov graet
phoneticians, for their specialized knowledge survis in kuming to konkluuzhonz az to hou
can be of great service in coming to good sistemz ov orthografy kan be
conclusions as to how good systems of konstrukted.
orthography can be constructed.

The reasons for the comparative lack of Dhe reezonz for dhe komparrativ lak ov
attention bestowed on problems of spelling atenshon bestoed on problemz ov speling
by those whose main interests lie in phonetic bie dhoez huuz maen interests lie in fonetik
studies are not far to seek. One is that many studiz ar not far to seek. Wun iz dhat meny
of the languages of Europe are spelt fairly ov dhe langgwejez ov Uerop ar spelt faerly
phonetically, so that in the countries where fonetikaly, soe dhat in dhe kuntriz whaer
those languages are spoken no great need dhoez langgwejez ar spoeken noe graet
for orthographic changes obtrudes itself. need for orthografik chaenjez obtruudz itself.
Another is that phonetics has so many Anudher iz dhat fonetiks haz soe meny
ramifications that the specialists can only ramifikaeshonz dhat dhe speshalists kan
concentrate on certain aspects of the oenly konsentraet on surten aspekts ov dhe
subject, and spelling often happens not to be subjekt, and speling ofen hapenz not to be
one of these. It is among those whose main wun ov dheez. It iz amung dhoez huuz maen
interests lie in the pedagogical applications interests lie in dhe pedagojikal aplikaeshonz
of phonetics that spelling reformers are to be ov fonetiks dhat speling reformerz ar to be
found. found.

They see, as do workers in other fields, that Dhae see, az duu wurkerz in udher feeldz,
general education could be considerably dhat jeneral eduekaeshon kood be
improved if consistent systems of writing konsiderably impruuvd if konsistent sistemz
language were introduced. And it is no ov rieting langgwejez wer introduest. And it iz
wonder that when their interest has been noe wunder dhat when dhaer interest haz
aroused they become particularly been arouzd dhae bekum partikuelarly
enthusiastic, for they have the knowledge enthuezyastik, for dhae hav dhe nolej dhat it
that it is within their power to be of material iz widhin dhaer pour to be ov mateeryal
assistance in the task of elaborating the asistans in dhe taask ov elaboraeting dhe
systems needed. sistemz needed.

That the collaboration of specialists in Dhat dhe kolaboraeshon ov speshalists in

phonetics in this task is desirable is evident fonetiks in dhis taask iz dezierabl iz evident
from the fact that alphabetic writing is and from dhe fakt dhat alfabetik rieting iz and
always has been founded on speech; it has aulwaez haz been founded on speech; it haz
or should have a phonetic basis. It should be or shood hav a fonetik baesis. It shood be
emphasized, however, that this does not emfasiezd, houever, dhat dhis duz not meen
mean writing languages in phonetic rieting langgwejez in fonetik transkripshon,
transcription, i.e. in strictly phonetic manner, i.e. in a striktly fonetik maner foloing dhe
following the principle of one letter per prinsipl ov wun leter per "foeneem" or
“phoneme” or “essential sound.” In every "esenshal sound." In evry langgwej speshal
language special considerations have to be konsideraeshonz hav to be taeken into
taken into account, and it is always found akount, and it iz aulwaez found dhat an
that an “orthography,” or system designed for "orthografy," or sistem deziend for dhe
the current purposes of reading and writing, kurrent purposez ov reeding and rieting,
must differ in several respects from a must difer in several respekts from a
“phonetic transcription,” or exact "fonetik transkripshon," or egzakt
representation of pronunciation. reprezentaeshon ov pronunsyaeshon.

The chief cause of difference for English, Dhe cheef kauz ov diferens for Inglish, and
and indeed for most languages, is that indeed for moest langgwejez, iz dhat peepl in
people in different parts of the country speak diferent parts ov dhe kuntry speek diferently,
differently, and that what is a phonetic and dhat whot iz a fonetik reprezentaeshon
representation of a word for one person is ov a wurd for wun purson iz not nesesarily
not necessarily phonetic for another. Stork is fonetik for anudher. Stork iz not fonetik for
not phonetic for those who pronounce the dhoez huu pronouns dhe wurd liek stauk
word like stauk (Old Spelling stalk); neither is (Oeld Speling stalk); niedher iz uerz (O.S.
uerz (O.S. yours) phonetic for the numerous yours) fonetik for dhe nuemerus peepl in dhe
people in the South of England who say the South ov Ingland huu sae dhe wurd az if it
word as if it were written yauz; the vowel wer riten yauz; dhe vouel distribueshon

distribution exemplified in buut and foot (O.S. egzemplified in buat and foot iz unnoen to
boot and foot) is unknown to most Scotsmen; moest Skotsmen; dhe speling wun (O.S.
the spelling wun (O.S. one) is unphonetic for one) iz unfonetik for meny Northern speekerz
many Northern speakers who say won; the huu sae won; dhe spelingz lingger and
spellings lingger and singer show a singer shoe a distinkshon ov konsonant
distinction of consonant unknown to many in unnoen to meny in dhe Midlandz, and soe
the Midlands, and so forth. It must be forth. It must be rekogniezd dhat a riten
recognized that a written language has to langgwej haz to hav a much graeter degree
have a much greater degree of uniformity ov ueniformity dhan spoeken langgwej. It
than spoken language. It would be wood be inkonveenyent, and leed to difikultiz
inconvenient, and lead to difficulties both in boeth in reeding and in rieting, if eny larj
reading and in writing, if any large number of number ov komon wurdz wer to be spelt in
common words were to be spelt in more than mor dhan wun wae. In speech, on dhe udher
one way. In speech, on the other hand, there hand, dhaer iz aulwaez much latitued; peepl
is always much latitude; people speak with speek widh aul maner ov "aksents" and
all manner of “accents,” and special speshal pronunsyaeshonz widhout eny
pronunciations without any difficulty of difikulty ov komprehenshon being kauzd
comprehension being caused thereby. dhaerbie.

Another cause of divergence between a Anudher kauz ov dievurjens between a good

good spelling and a strictly phonetic speling and a striktly fonetik transkripshon iz
transcription is illustrated by the peculiarity in ilustraeted bie dhe pekuelyarrity in Inglish
English pronunciation that many weakly pronunsyaeshon dhat meny weekly strest
stressed syllables are pronounced with an silablz ar pronounst widh an obskuer vouël
obscure vowel (either a kind of weak short i (iedher a kiend ov week short i or dhe
or the “neutral” vowel commonly represented "nuetral" vouël komonly represented in
in phonetic transcription by the letter (ә) or fonetik transkripshonz bie dhe leter ə) or
with no vowel sound at all. Often the widh noe vouël sound at aul. Ofen dhe
pronunciation of such syllables is variable pronunsyaeshon ov such silablz iz vaeryabl
and differs from person to person or from and diferz from purson to purson or from
context to context. It is usual, for instance, to kontekst to kontekst. It iz uezhueal, for
pronounce the second syllable of the word instans, to pronouns dhe sekond silabl ov
statement with an obscure vowel like that in dhe wurd staetment widh an obskuer vouël
the final syllable of dormant or diamond, but liek dhat in dhe fienal silablz ov dormant or
there are people who sound it with a full diamond, but dhaer ar peepl huu sound it
vowel like that in meant. To take widh a fool vouël liek dhat in ment. To taek
another example, the e of the superlative - anudher egzaampl, dhe e ov dhe suepurlativ
est, as in hardest, is variously pronounced by -est, as in hardest, iz vaeryusly pronounst
different people; some sound it as i (hardist), bie diferent peepl; sum sound it as i (hardist),
others use the “neutral” vowel and there are udherz uez dhe "nuetral" vouël and dhaer ar
doubtless intermediate pronunciations. doutles intermeedyet pronunsyaeshonz.
Noteworthy, too, is the distinction of two or Noetwurdhy tuu iz dhe distinkshon ov tuu or
more pronunciations of many common words mor pronunsyaeshonz ov meny komon
such as and, have, of, was. We pronounce wurdz such az and hav, ov, woz. We
was with a full vowel in He thought it was, pronouns woz widh a fool vouël in He thaut it
but with an obscure vowel in He thought he woz, but widh an obskuer wun in He thaut he
was wrong. One speaker may even vary his woz rong. Wun speeker mae eeven vaery hiz
pronunciation of words, especially words like pronunsyaeshon ov wurdz, espeshaly wurdz
those just mentioned, according to the liek dhoez just menshond, akording to dhe
circumstances under which he is speaking; surkumstansez under which he iz speeking;
in lecturing to a large audience he may use in lektuering to a larj audyens he mae uez
full vowels in sentences where in ordinary fool vouëlz in sentensez whaer in ordinary
conversation he would use obscure vowels konversaeshon he wood uez obskuer vouëlz
or no vowels at all. or noe vouël at aul.

To indicate all such variations of To indikaet aul such vaeryaeshonz ov

pronunciation in spelling, phonetically correct pronunsyaeshon in speling, fonetikaly korekt

though such transcriptions may be, would be dhoe such transkripshonz mae be, wood be
inconvenient for the current purposes for inkonveenyent for dhe kurrent purposez for
which orthographies are designed. Such which orthografiz ar deziend. Such
indications could hardly be given without indikaeshonz kood hardly be given widhout
introducing an extra letter into the alphabet, introduesing an ekstra leter into dhe alfabet,
and they would involve a great deal of erratic and dhae wood involv a good deel ov eratik
spelling. A better plan for orthography is, I speling. A beter plan for orthografy iz, I
believe, to ignore the obscure vowels and to beleev, to ignor dhe obskuer vouëlz and to
write them as if full vowels were used in their riet dhem az if fool vouëlz wer uezd in dhaer
places. The phonetic inaccuracy caused plaes. Dhe fonetik inakuerasy kauzd
thereby would be compensated for by dhaerbie wood be kompensaeted for bie
economy of letters and by the convenience ekonomy ov leterz and bie dhe konveenyens
of adopting as a general principle that a word ov adopting az a jeneral prinsipl dhat a wurd
shall be denoted by only one written form; in shal be denoeted bie oenly wun riten form; in
the case of most monosyllables the best dhe kaes ov moest monosilablz dhe best
policy is no doubt to spell them as they polisy iz noe dout to spel dhem az dhae
would be pronounced when standing alone. wood be pronounst when standing aloen.

The fact that in English the position of strong Dhe fakt dhat in Inglish dhe pozishon ov
stress in words of more than one syllable is strong stres in wurdz ov mor dhan wun silabl
an important part of the pronunciation, and iz an important part ov dhe pronunsyaeshon,
may at times distinguish words, also makes and mae at tiemz distinggwish wurdz, aulsoe
for divergence between spelling and maeks for dievurjens between speling and
phonetic transcription. It is inconvenient to fonetik transkripshon. It iz inkonveenyent to
indicate stress in writing. It has never been indikaet stres in rieting. It haz never been
shown in any conventional spelling of shoen in eny konvenshonal speling ov
English, nor is it proposed to show it in New Inglish, nor iz it propoezd to shoe it in Nue
Spelling except in the one case of ur, er. In Speling eksept in dhe wun kaes ov ur, er. In
Old Spelling the written forms, torment and Oeld Speling dhe riten formz increase,
import each stand for two words with distinct torment and import eech stand for tuu wurdz
pronunciation. They could be distinguished widh distinkt pronunsyaeshon. Dhae kood be
by introducing a stress-mark, but the distinggwisht bie introduesing a stres-mark,
absence of such a mark can rarely lead to but dhe absens ov such a mark kan raerly
any confusion, since the words are different leed to eny konfuezhon, sins dhe wurdz ar
parts of speech (nouns and verbs) and the diferent parts ov speech (nounz and vurbz)
context practically always shows which is and dhe kontekst praktikaly aulwaez shoez
meant. Even in the case of words which which iz ment. Eeven in dhe kaes ov wurdz
according to present practice are written which akording to prezent praktis ar riten
alike, though differing in sound as well as in aliek dhoe difering in sound az wel az in
stress, the identical spellings do not lead to stres dhe iedentikal spelingz duu not leed to
any serious difficulty. Such words are those eny seeryus difikulty. Such wurdz ar dhoez
written in Old Spelling protest, permit, riten in Oeld Speling protest, permit, present.
present. It is worth noting, however, that in It iz wurth noeting, houever, dhat in Nue
New Spelling some of these would be Speling sum ov dheez wood be
distinguished; the two protest’s would be distinggwisht; dhe tuu protest's wood be
distinguished as proetest and protest, and distinggwisht az proetest and protest, and
the two permit’s as purmit and permit. dhe tuu permit's as purmit and permit.

It is clear that the best type of spelling is a It iz kleer dhat dhe best tiep ov speling iz a
system based on the principle of one letter sistem baest on dhe prinsipl ov wun leter for
for each essential sound. It is not difficult to eech esenshal sound. It iz not difikult to
devise with the aid of International Phonetic deviez widh dhe aed ov Internashonal
symbols an orthography of this kind for Fonetik simbolz an orthografy ov dhis kiend
English; an alphabet of 31 letters suffices.* for Inglish; an alfabet ov 31 leterz
Many reformers feel, however, that the sufiesez. [1] Meny reformerz feel, houever,
introduction of new letters would clash with dhat dhe introdukshon ov nue leterz wood
so many vested interests that it is useless to klash widh soe meny vested interests dhat it

put forward any scheme of this nature. As it iz uesles to poot forward eny skeem ov dhis
happens, it is found possible to compensate naetuer. Az it hapenz, it iz found posibl to
for the absence of the extra letters by means kompensaet for dhe absens ov dhe ekstra
of a system of digraphs (sequences of two leterz bie meenz ov a sistem ov diegraafs
letters denoting single sounds). The plan (seekwensez ov tuu leterz denoeting singgl
involves yet another deviation from the soundz). Dhe plan involvz yet anudher
phonetic ideal, but, although a little deevyaeshon from dhe fonetik iedeel, but,
cumbrous at times, it does not lead to any dhoe a litl kumbrus at tiemz, it duz not leed
serious difficulties. The expedient of the to eny seeryus difikultiz. Dhe ekspeedyent ov
digraph is already very familiar to us. In Old dhe diegraaf iz aulredy very familyar to us. In
Spelling, sh, ph, ea, ie, and many other Oeld Speling sh, ph, ea, ie and meny udher
digraphs are used to represent single diegraafs ar uezd to reprezent singgl soundz,
sounds, though most of them are used for dhoe moest ov dhem ar uezd for mor dhan
more than one purpose and in inconsistent wun purpos and in inkonsistent waez. Whot
ways. What is needed is that the use of iz needed iz dhat dhe ues ov diegraafs
digraphs should be systematized. The shood be sistematiezd. Dhe Simplified
Simplified Spelling Society has wrestled with Speling Sosiëty haz resld widh dhis problem
this problem for many years, and has in its for meny yeerz and haz in its "Nue Speling"
“New Spelling” produced a remarkably good produest a remarkably good solueshon - dhe
solution - the best possible, I think, which is best posibl, I think, which iz konsistent widh
consistent with the limitations the Society dhe limitaeshonz dhe Sosiëty haz impoezd
has imposed upon itself.† upon itself. [2]

It will be seen from what has been said that a It wil be seen from whot haz been sed dhat a
phonetician may support the idea of foenetishan mae suport dhe iedea ov
reforming our spelling not merely on account reforming our speling not meerly on akount
of the particular interest he takes in phonetic ov dhe partikuelar interest he taeks in fonetik
science, but on general educational, siëns, but on jeneral eduekaeshonal,
economical and social grounds. If he has a eekonomik and soeshal groundz. If he haz a
clear general outlook, he will see that the kleer jeneral outlook, he wil see dhat dhe
principle of writing phonetically should not be prinsipl ov rieting fonetikaly shood not be
slavishly adhered to, and that the processes slaevishly ad-heerd to, and dhat dhe
of understanding spoken words and of proesesez ov understanding spoeken wurdz
recognizing written words are so different and ov rekogniezing riten wurdz ar soe
that an orthography for current purposes diferent dhat an orthografy for kurrent
cannot be a completely accurate reflection of purposez kanot be a kompleetly akueret
the way in which people speak. Strictly reflekshon ov dhe wae in which peepl speek.
phonetic writing has its uses, especially in Striktly fonetik rieting haz its uesez,
connection with the teaching of foreign espeshaly in konekshon widh dhe teeching
languages, but enthusiasm for it must be ov forren langgwejez, but enthuezyazm for it
tempered by common sense and by a must be temperd bie komon sens and bie a
realization of the various special realiezaeshon ov dhe vaeryus speshal
requirements that an orthography must fulfil. rekwierments dhat an orthografy must foolfil.

* Including a letter for the Scottish ch of loch. [1] Inkluuding a leter for dhe Skotish ch ov
† See the Society’s book, New Spelling, pp. loch.
12-15. [2] See dhe Sosiëty'z book "New Spelling,"
pp. 12 -15.

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