Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
Accounting Periods
North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Oregon, South Dakota,
Texas, Utah, Washington, For a decedent's estate, the moment of
Wyoming death determines the end of the
A foreign country or United Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service decedent's tax year and the beginning
States possession P.O. Box 409101 P.O. Box 409101 of the estate's tax year. As executor or
Ogden, Utah 84409 Ogden, Utah 84409
administrator, you choose the estate's
tax period when you file its first income
tax return. The estate's first tax year
Paid Preparer return. It doesn't apply to the firm, if any, may be any period of 12 months or less
Generally, anyone who is paid to shown in that section. that ends on the last day of a month. If
prepare a tax return must sign the return If the “Yes,” box is checked, the you select the last day of any month
and fill in the other blanks in the “Paid fiduciary is authorizing the IRS to call other than December, you are adopting
Preparer Use Only” area of the return. the paid preparer to answer any a fiscal tax year.
The person required to sign the questions that may arise during the
To change the accounting period of
return must: processing of the estate's or trust's
an estate, use Form 1128, Application
• Complete the required preparer return. The fiduciary is also authorizing
To Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax
information, the paid preparer to:
• Sign it in the space provided for the • Give the IRS any information that is
preparer's signature (a facsimile missing from the estate's or trust's Generally, a trust must adopt a
signature is acceptable), and return, calendar year. The following trusts are
• Give you a copy of the return for your • Call the IRS for information about the exempt from this requirement.
records. processing of the estate's or trust's • A trust that is exempt from tax under
return or the status of its refund or section 501(a).
If you, as fiduciary, fill in Form 1041, payment(s), and
leave the “Paid Preparer Use Only” • A charitable trust described in section
• Respond to certain IRS notices that 4947(a)(1).
space blank. the fiduciary has shared with the • A trust that is treated as wholly owned
If someone prepares this return and preparer about math errors, offsets, and by a grantor under the rules of sections
doesn't charge you, that person should return preparation. The notices won't be 671 through 679.
not sign the return. sent to the preparer.
Paid Preparer Authorization The fiduciary isn't authorizing the Rounding Off to Whole
If the fiduciary wants to allow the IRS to
paid preparer to receive any refund Dollars
check, bind the estate or trust to You may round off cents to whole
discuss the estate's or trust's 2019 tax anything (including any additional tax
return with the paid preparer who signed dollars on the estate's or trust's return
liability), or otherwise represent the and schedules. If you do round to whole
it, check the “Yes,” box in the signature estate or trust before the IRS.
area of the return. This authorization dollars, you must round all amounts. To
applies only to the individual whose The authorization will automatically round, drop amounts under 50 cents
signature appears in the Paid Preparer end no later than the due date (without and increase amounts from 50 to 99
Use Only area of the estate's or trust's regard to extensions) for filing the cents to the next dollar. For example,
Simple Trust the time that the power or interest was deduction on page 1, line 18, must enter
A trust may qualify as a simple trust if: created or who became the grantor's the number of Schedules K-1 (Form
spouse after the creation of that power 1041) that are attached to Form 1041.
1. The trust instrument requires that or interest. See Grantor Type Trusts,
all income must be distributed currently; earlier, for more information. C. Employer Identification
2. The trust instrument doesn't Number
Pre-need funeral trusts. The
provide that any amounts are to be paid,
purchasers of pre-need funeral services Every estate or trust that is required to
permanently set aside, or used for
are the grantors and the owners of file Form 1041 must have an EIN. An
charitable purposes; and
pre-need funeral trusts established EIN may be applied for:
3. The trust doesn't distribute under state laws. See Rev. Rul. 87-127, • Online at The EIN is
amounts allocated to the corpus of the 1987-2 C.B. 156. However, the trustees issued immediately once the application
trust. of pre-need funeral trusts can elect to information is validated.
Complex Trust file the return and pay the tax for • By mailing or faxing Form SS-4,
qualified funeral trusts. For more Application for Employer Identification
A complex trust is any trust that doesn't information, see Form 1041-QFT, U.S. Number.
qualify as a simple trust as explained Income Tax Return for Qualified Funeral
above. Trusts. If the estate or trust hasn't received
its EIN by the time the return is due,
Qualified Disability Trust Nonqualified deferred compensation write “Applied for” and the date you
A qualified disability trust is any plans. Taxpayers may adopt and applied in the space for the EIN. For
nongrantor trust: maintain grantor trusts in connection more details, see Pub. 583, Starting a
1. Described in 42 U.S.C. 1396p(c) with nonqualified deferred Business and Keeping Records.
(2)(B)(iv) and established solely for the compensation plans (sometimes
benefit of an individual under 65 years referred to as “rabbi trusts”). Rev. Proc. D. Date Entity Created
of age who is disabled, and 92-64, 1992-2 C.B. 422, provides a Enter the date the trust was created, or,
“model grantor trust” for use in rabbi if a decedent's estate, the date of the
2. All the beneficiaries of which are trust arrangements. The procedure also
determined by the Commissioner of decedent's death.
provides guidance for requesting rulings
Social Security to have been disabled on the plans that use these trusts.
for some part of the tax year within the E. Nonexempt Charitable
meaning of 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a)(3). QSSTs. The beneficiary of a qualified and Split-Interest Trusts
subchapter S trust is treated as the
A trust will not fail to meet item 2 substantial owner of that portion of the Section 4947(a)(1) Trust
above just because the trust's corpus trust which consists of stock in an S Check this box if the trust is a
may revert to a person who isn't corporation for which an election under nonexempt charitable trust within the
disabled after the trust ceases to have section 1361(d)(2) has been made. See meaning of section 4947(a)(1).
any disabled beneficiaries. QSSTs, earlier.
A nonexempt charitable trust is a
ESBT (S Portion Only) Bankruptcy Estate trust:
The S portion of an ESBT is the portion A chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy estate is a • That isn't exempt from tax under
of the trust that consists of S corporation separate and distinct taxable entity from section 501(a);
stock and that isn't treated as owned by the individual debtor for federal income • In which all of the unexpired interests
the grantor or another person. See tax purposes. See Bankruptcy Estates, are devoted to one or more charitable
Electing Small Business Trusts earlier. purposes described in section 170(c)(2)
(ESBTs), earlier, for more information (B); and
about an ESBT. For more information, see section • For which a deduction was allowed
1398 and Pub. 908, Bankruptcy Tax under section 170 (for individual
Grantor Type Trust Guide. taxpayers) or similar Code section for
A grantor type trust is a legal trust under personal holding companies, foreign
applicable state law that isn't
Pooled Income Fund
personal holding companies, or estates
recognized as a separate taxable entity A pooled income fund is a split-interest or trusts (including a deduction for
for income tax purposes because the trust with a remainder interest for a estate or gift tax purposes).
grantor or other substantial owners have public charity and a life income interest
not relinquished complete dominion and retained by the donor or for another Nonexempt charitable trust treated
control over the trust. person. The property is held in a pool as a private foundation. If a
with other pooled income fund property nonexempt charitable trust is treated as
Generally, for transfers made in trust and doesn't include any tax-exempt though it were a private foundation
after March 1, 1986, the grantor is securities. The income for a retained life under section 509, then the fiduciary
treated as the owner of any portion of a interest is figured using the yearly rate must file Form 990-PF, Return of Private
trust in which he or she has a of return earned by the trust. See Foundation, in addition to Form 1041.
reversionary interest in either the section 642(c) and the related If a nonexempt charitable trust is
income or corpus therefrom, if, as of the regulations for more information. treated as though it were a private
inception of that portion of the trust, the foundation, and it has no taxable
value of the reversionary interest is B. Number of Schedules income under Subtitle A, it may check
more than 5% of the value of that K-1 Attached the box on Form 990-PF, Part VII-A,
portion. Also, the grantor is treated as line 15 and enter the tax-exempt interest
Every trust or decedent's estate
holding any power or interest that was received or accrued during the year on
claiming an income distribution
held by either the grantor's spouse at that line, instead of filing Form 1041 to
1. Enter the total premiums the estate or trust paid in 2019 for qualified mortgage insurance for a contract issued after
December 31, 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.
2. Enter the estate's or trust's AGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
3. Enter $100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
4. Is the amount on line 2 more than the amount on line 3?
No. The deduction is not limited. Include the amount from line 1 above on Form 1041,
line 10. Don’t complete the rest of this worksheet.
Yes. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If the result is not a multiple of $1,000, increase it to the next
multiple of $1,000. For example, increase $425 to $1,000, increase $2,025 to $3,000,
etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
5. Divide line 4 by $10,000. Enter the result as a decimal. If the result is 1.0 or more, enter 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. .
6. Multiply line 1 by line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
7. Qualified mortgage insurance premiums deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 1. Enter the result here and include the
amount on Form 1041, line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
insurance contract was issued in 2019. income taxes), real estate taxes, and sales taxes paid for a leased motor
Contact the mortgage insurance issuer personal property taxes. The limitation vehicle.
to determine the deductible amount if it does not apply to foreign income taxes, Do not include sales taxes paid on
is not included in box 5 of Form 1098. and state and local taxes paid or items used in a trade or business. An
accrued in carrying on a trade or estate or trust cannot use the Optional
Prepaid mortgage insurance. If business or for the production of
the estate or trust paid mortgage Sales Tax Tables for individuals in the
income. Instructions for Schedule A (Form 1040
insurance premiums allocable to
periods after 2019, such premiums must Enter any deductible taxes paid or or 1040-SR), Itemized Deductions, to
be allocated over the shorter of: incurred during the tax year that aren't figure its deduction.
• The stated term of the mortgage, or deductible elsewhere on Form 1041. • State and local real property taxes.
• 84 months, beginning with the month Deductible taxes include the following:
Note. The deduction for foreign real
the insurance was obtained. • State and local income taxes. You property taxes is no longer allowed.
The premiums are treated as paid in can deduct state and local income taxes
unless you elect to deduct state and
• State and local personal property
the year to which they are allocated. If taxes.
the mortgage is satisfied before its term, local general sales taxes. You can't
deduct both.
• Foreign or U.S. possession income
no deduction is allowed for the taxes. You may want to take a credit for
unamortized balance. See Pub. 936 for • State and local general sales taxes. the tax instead of a deduction. See the
details. These allocation rules do not You can elect to deduct state and local
instructions for Schedule G, Part I,
apply to qualified mortgage insurance general sales taxes instead of state and
line 2a, later, for more details.
provided by the Department of Veterans local income taxes. Generally, you can
elect to deduct the actual state and local
• The generation-skipping transfer
Affairs or the Rural Housing Service (or (GST) tax imposed on income
their successor organizations). general sales taxes (including
compensating use taxes) you paid in
Limit on the amount that is 2019 if the tax rate was the same as the Don't deduct:
deductible. The estate or trust cannot general sales tax rate. However, sales
deduct mortgage insurance premiums if
• Federal income taxes;
taxes on food, clothing, medical • Estate, inheritance, legacy,
the estate's or trust's AGI is more than supplies, and motor vehicles are succession, and gift taxes;
$109,000. If the estate's or trust's AGI is deductible as a general sales tax even if
more than $100,000, its deduction is
• Federal duties and excise taxes; or
the tax rate was less than the general • Foreign real property taxes.
limited and you must use the Qualified sales tax rate. Sales taxes on motor
Mortgage Insurance Premiums vehicles are also deductible as a Line 12—Fiduciary Fees
Deduction Worksheet, above, to figure general sales tax if the tax rate was Enter the deductible fees paid or
the deduction. See Adjusted gross more than the general sales tax rate, but incurred to the fiduciary for
income (AGI), earlier, for information on the tax is deductible only up to the administering the estate or trust during
figuring AGI. amount of tax that would have been the tax year.
Line 11—Taxes imposed at the general sales tax rate.
Motor vehicles include cars, Fiduciary expenses include probate
The deduction for state and motorcycles, motor homes, recreational court fees and costs, fiduciary bond
! local taxes is limited to $10,000. vehicles, sport utility vehicles, trucks, premiums, legal publication costs of
CAUTION The limitation applies to the total vans, and off-road vehicles. Also notices to creditors or heirs, the cost of
of your state and local income taxes (or include any state and local general certified copies of the decedent's death
general sales taxes, if elected instead of certificate, and costs related to fiduciary
If the estate or trust was required to gains, you may have to adjust the
Other deductions reported on distribute income currently or if it paid, amount on Form 1041, page 1,
line 15a. credited, or was required to distribute line 2b(2), or Schedule D (Form 1041),
any other amounts to beneficiaries line 22.
Bond premium(s). For taxable bonds during the tax year, complete
acquired before October 23, 1986, if the Schedule B to determine the estate's or Also, a deduction is allowed for the
fiduciary elected to amortize the trust's income distribution deduction. GST tax imposed as a result of a
premium, report the amortization on this However, if you are filing for a pooled taxable termination or a direct skip
line. If you made the election to amortize income fund, don't complete occurring as a result of the death of the
the premium, the basis in the taxable Schedule B. Instead, attach a statement transferor. See section 691(c)(3). Enter
bond must be reduced by the amount of to support the computation of the the estate's or trust's share of these
amortization. income distribution deduction. For more deductions on line 19.
For tax-exempt bonds, you can't information, see Pooled Income Funds,
deduct the premium that is amortized. earlier.
Line 20—Qualified Business
Although the premium can't be Income Deduction
deducted, you must amortize the If the estate or trust claims an income To figure your Qualified Business
tax-exempt bond by the amount of distribution deduction, complete and Income Deduction, use Form 8995,
premium amortized. attach: Qualified Business Income Deduction
• Part I (through line 24) and Part II of Simplified Computation, or Form
For more information, see section Schedule I (Form 1041) to refigure the
171 and Pub. 550. 8995-A, Qualified Business Income
deduction on a minimum tax basis, and Deduction, as applicable.
If you claim a bond premium • Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) for each
deduction for the estate or trust, figure beneficiary to which a distribution was Use Form 8995 if:
the deduction on a separate sheet and made or required to be made.
attach it to Form 1041.
• You have qualified business income
Cemetery perpetual care fund. On (loss), REIT dividends, or PTP income
Casualty and theft losses. Use Form line 18, deduct the amount, not more (loss),
4684, Casualties and Thefts, to figure than $5 per gravesite, paid for • Your 2019 taxable income before the
any deductible casualty and theft maintenance of cemetery property. To qualified business income deduction is
losses. the right of the entry space for line 18, less than or equal to $160,700, and
Estate's or trust's share of amortiza- enter the number of gravesites. Also • You aren’t a patron in a specified
write “Section 642(i) trust” in agricultural or horticultural cooperative.
tion, depreciation, and depletion not
claimed elsewhere. If you can't parentheses after the trust's name at the
top of Form 1041. You don't have to If you don’t meet these requirements,
deduct the estate's or trust's
complete Schedules B of Form 1041 use Form 8995-A. See instructions for
apportioned share of amortization,
and K-1 (Form 1041). Forms 8995 and 8995-A for more
depreciation, and depletion as rent or
Don't enter less than zero on line 18. information for figuring and reporting
royalty expenses on Schedule E (Form
your QBI deduction.
1040 or 1040-SR), or as business or
Line 19—Estate Tax Deduction
farm expenses on Schedule C, or F Note. Report the beneficiary’s
(Form 1040 or 1040-SR), itemize the (Including Certain
apportioned share of items of qualified
estate's or trust's apportioned share of Generation-Skipping Transfer business income (loss) subject to
the deductions on an attached sheet Taxes) beneficiary specific determinations, W-2
and include them on line 15a. If the estate or trust includes IRD in its wages, unadjusted basis immediately
gross income, and such amount was after acquisition (UBIA) of qualified
Note. Don't report the beneficiary's
included in the decedent's gross estate property, qualified REIT dividends, and
apportioned share of depreciation,
for estate tax purposes, the estate or qualified publicly traded partnership
depletion, and amortization on line 15a.
trust is allowed to deduct in the same income on a statement attached to
beneficiaries). Enter the estate's or trust's only source of a credit is from a a tax credit bond. Also, be sure to
trust's share of the credit on line 2a. See pass-through entity and the beneficiary include the credit in interest income.
Pub. 514, Foreign Tax Credit for isn't entitled to an allocable share of a
Individuals, for details. credit, you aren't required to complete Line 2e—Total Credits
the source form for that credit. However, To claim a credit allowable to the estate
Line 2b—General Business certain credits have limitations and or trust other than the credits entered on
Credit special computations that may require lines 2a through 2d, include the
you to complete the source form. See allowable credit in the total for line 2e.
Don't include any amounts that
the Instructions for Form 3800 for more Complete and attach the appropriate
! are allocated to a beneficiary.
CAUTION Credits that are allocated
information. form and write the form number and
amount of the allowable credit on the
between the estate or trust and the Line 2c—Credit for Prior Year dotted line to the left of the entry space.
beneficiaries are listed in the
Minimum Tax
instructions for Schedule K-1, box 13, If the amount from line 14 of Form
later. Generally, these credits are An estate or trust that paid AMT in a 8978 is a negative amount, treat it as a
apportioned on the basis of the income previous year may be eligible for a positive amount and add it to the total
allocable to the estate or trust and the minimum tax credit in 2019. See Form reported on line 2e.
beneficiaries. 8801, Credit for Prior Year Minimum
Tax—Individuals, Estates, and Trusts. Line 4—Tax on the ESBT
Enter on line 2b the estate's or trust's Portion of the Trust
total general business credit allowed for Line 2d—Bond Credits
Complete and attach Form 8912, Credit Use the ESBT Tax Worksheet ESBT
the current year from Form 3800. The
to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds, if the Tax Worksheet, later, to figure the ESBT
estate or trust must file Form 3800 to
estate or trust claims a credit for holding tax. Enter the amount from line 17 of the
claim any of the general business
ESBT Worksheet on line 4.
credits. Generally, if the estate's or
See Electing Small Business Trusts Elections under section 965(i). If “ICR” on the dotted line to the left of the
(ESBTs), earlier, for the special tax you made a section 965(i) election, entry space.
computation rules that apply to the include on the attachment the S
Recapture of low-income housing
portion of an ESBT consisting of stock corporation shareholder total deferred
credit. If the estate or trust disposed of
in one or more S corporations. net 965 tax liability from Form 965-A,
property (or there was a reduction in the
Part I, column (e), line 3.
Note. You also must attach a separate qualified basis of the property) on which
computation of the net 965 tax liability Line 5—Net Investment Income the low-income housing credit was
attributable to the S portion of the ESBT. Tax claimed, see Form 8611, Recapture of
Low-Income Housing Credit, to figure
Portion of net 965 tax attributable to Enter the amount of net investment any recapture tax allocable to the estate
S portion of an ESBT. The net 965 tax income tax calculated and attach Form or trust. Include the tax on line 6 and
liability attributable to the S portion of an 8960. See the Instructions for Form write “LIHCR” on the dotted line to the
ESBT must be shown separately from 8960 to calculate the tax and Net left of the entry space.
the regular ESBT tax computation and Investment Income Tax, later, for more
separately from any net 965 tax liability information. Recapture of qualified electric vehi-
attributable to the non-S portion of the cle credit. If the estate or trust claimed
Line 6—Recapture Taxes the qualified electric vehicle credit in a
trust. Attach a statement that shows the
amount of the net 965 tax liability Recapture of investment credit. If prior tax year for a vehicle that ceased
attributable to the S portion of the ESBT. the estate or trust disposed of to qualify for the credit, part or all of the
See Line 25–2019 Net 965 Tax Liability investment credit property or changed credit may have to be recaptured. See
Paid and Schedule G, Part II, line 15– its use before the end of the recapture Regulations section 1.30-1(b) for
2019 Net 965 Tax Liability-Eligible for period, see Form 4255, Recapture of details. If the estate or trust owes any
Installment Payment Election to report Investment Credit, to figure the recapture tax, include it on line 6 and
these amounts. recapture tax allocable to the estate or write “QEVCR” on the dotted line to the
trust. Include the tax on line 6 and write left of the entry space.
QBI Flowchart
Questions Yes No
Is the item effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United Continue Stop, this item isn’t QBI.
Is the item attributable to a trade or business (this may include section 1231 gain (loss), Continue Stop, this item isn’t QBI.
charitable contributions, section 179 deductions, interest from debt financed distributions,
etc.)? Examples of an item not considered attributable to the trade or business at the entity
level include gambling income (loss) where the entity isn’t engaged in trade or business of
gambling, income (loss) from vacation properties when the entity isn’t in that trade or
business, activities not engaged in for profit, etc.
Is the item treated as a capital gain or loss under any provision of the Internal Revenue Code Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
or is it a dividend or dividend equivalent?
Is the item interest income other than interest income properly allocable to a trade or Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
business? (Note that interest income attributable to an investment of working capital,
reserves, or similar accounts isn’t properly allocable to a trade or business).
Is the item an annuity, other than an annuity received in connection with the trade or business? Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
Is the item gain or loss from a commodities transaction or foreign currency gain or loss Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
described in sections 954(c)(1)(C) or (D)?
Is the item gain or loss from a notional principal contract under section 954(c)(1)(F)? Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
Is the item of income or loss from a qualified publicly traded partnership? This item is a qualified PTP This item is QBI. Report this
item. Report this item as item as QBI subject to
qualified PTP income or beneficiary-specific
loss, subject to determinations.
determinations, and
check the PTP box.
Specific Instructions for Statement business the trust or estate owns as the W-2 wages and UBIA of qualified
A—QBI Pass-through Entity Report- directly or indirectly. Use the QBI Flow property from a PTP are not allowed in
ing. Chart above to determine if an allocated computing the W-2 wage and UBIA
item is reportable as a QBI item or limitations.
QBI or qualified PTP items. The qualified PTP item subject to
trust or estate must first determine if it is beneficiary-specific determinations. The W-2 wages are amounts paid to
engaged in one or more trades or Each item included under “Other” must employees described in section 6051(a)
businesses. It must then determine if be stated separately, identifying the (3) and (8). If the trust or estate
any of its trades or businesses are nature and amount of each item. conducts more than one trade or
SSTBs. The trust or estate must also businesses, it must allocate the W-2
determine whether it has qualified PTP W-2 wages and UBIA of qualified wages among its trades or businesses.
items from an interest in a PTP. The property. The trust or estate must See Rev. Proc. 2019-11, 2019-09 I.R.B.
trust or estate must indicate the status determine the W-2 wages and UBIA of 742 or more information.
on the appropriate check boxes for each qualified property properly allocable to
trade or business (or aggregated trade QBI for each qualified trade or business The unadjusted basis of qualified
or business) or PTP interest reported. and report the allocable share to each property is figured by adding the
beneficiary on Statement A, or a unadjusted basis of all qualified assets
Note. SSTBs and PTPs cannot be substantially similar statement, attached immediately after acquisition. Qualified
aggregated with any other trade or to Schedule K-1. This includes the property includes all tangible property
business. So, if the aggregation box is allocable share of W-2 wages and UBIA subject to depreciation under section
checked, the SSTB and PTP boxes for of qualified property reported to the trust 167 for which the depreciable period
that specific aggregated trade or or estate from any qualified trades or hasn't ended that is held and used for
business should not be checked. businesses of an RPE the trust or estate the production of QBI by the trade or
owns directly or indirectly. However, business during the tax year and held
Next, the trust or estate must report to trusts or estates that own a direct or on the last day of the tax year. The
each beneficiary their allocable share of indirect interest in a PTP may not depreciable period ends on the later of
all apportioned items that are QBI or include any amounts for W-2 wages or 10 years after the property is placed in
qualified PTP items for each trade or UBIA of qualified property from the PTP,
W-2 Wages
UBIA of Qualified Property
Specific Instructions for Statement business and an explanation of the year aggregations that describes the
B—QBI Pass-through Entity Aggre- factors met that allow the aggregation. change in facts and circumstances.
gation Election(s). If the trust or
estate elects to aggregate more than The aggregation statement must be If the trust or estate holds a direct or
one trade or business that meet all the completed each year to show the trust’s indirect interest in an RPE that
requirements to aggregate, the trust or or estate’s trade or business aggregates multiple trades or
estate must report the aggregation to aggregations. Failure to disclose the businesses, the trust or estate must also
beneficiaries on Statement B, or a aggregations may cause them to be include a copy of the RPE’s
substantially similar statement, and disaggregated. The trust’s or estate’s aggregations with each beneficiary’s
attach it to each Schedule K-1. The trust aggregations must be reported Schedule K-1. The trust or estate
or estate must indicate trades or consistently for all subsequent years, cannot break apart the aggregation of
businesses that were aggregated by unless there is a change in facts and another RPE, but it may add trades or
checking the appropriate box for each circumstances that changes or businesses to the aggregation,
aggregated trade or business. The trust disqualifies the aggregation. The trust or assuming the aggregation requirements
or estate must also provide a estate must provide a written are satisfied.
description of the aggregated trade or explanation for any changes to prior
Has this trade or business aggregation changed from the prior year? This includes changes in the aggregation due to a trade or business being
formed, acquired, disposed, or ceasing operations. If yes, explain.
Note. If you have more than one aggregated group, attach additional Statements B. Name the additional aggregations 2, 3, 4, and so forth.
Specific Instructions for Statement from each trade or business to each of reported to the trust or estate on Form
C—QBI Pass-through Entity Report- its beneficiaries on Statement C, or a 1099-PATR from the cooperative.
ing - Patrons of Specified Agricultur- substantially similar statement, and
attach it to Schedules K-1 so each Section 199A(g) Deduction. The
al and Horticultural Cooperatives. trust or estate must report to its
beneficiary can compute their patron
QBI items and wages allocable to reduction under section 199A(b)(7). beneficiaries their allocable share of any
qualified payments. If the trust or apportioned section 199A(g) deduction
estate is a patron of a specified QBI items and W-2 wages allocable to passed-through the cooperative, as
agricultural or horticultural cooperative, qualified payments include apportioned reported on Form 1099-PATR. Section
the trust or estate must provide the QBI items included on Statement A that 199A(g) deductions do not have to be
allocable share of QBI items and W-2 are allocable to the qualified payments reported by trade or business and can
wages allocable to qualified payments be reported as a single amount to
Statement C—QBI Pass-through Entity Reporting- Patrons of Specified Agricultural and Horticultural
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form and related
schedules simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can send us your comments from Or
you can send comments to Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications Division,1111 Constitution Ave. NW,
IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don't send Form 1041 to this address. Instead, see Where To File, earlier.