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Allied School: Science Class-5 Name

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ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus


Class-5th Name______________
Unit –11 Electricity and Magnetism
Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. There are ____________________ stages involved in getting electricity to our homes.

2. The light will ________________________ if the material is a good conductor of electricity.

3. ___________________________ Electricity can leap from one object to another.

4. _______________________ is the stage in which electricity travels from sub-station to its

final Destination.

5. One of the Benjamin Franklin’s invention was the __________________________.

Q. Encircle the correct answer.

1. ______________________ is the stage in which the electricity is produced in a power plant.

a. Generation c. Distribution
b. Transmission d. None of these
2. _______________________ involves the electricity being sent to electricity grid.
a. Generation c. Distribution
b. Transmission d. None of these

3. It is not needed to make an electromagnet.

a. Iron Nail c. Battery

b. Wire Strippers d. Copper Coin
Q. Answer the following question.
1. What things you would need to make an electromagnet. Draw the diagram also.
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
Unit –10 Forces
Q. Encircle the correct answer.
1. ______________________ is the force that work in water.

a. Friction c. Buoyancy
b. Gravity d. None of these
2. __________________ is the force that keeps us on earth.

a. Friction c. Buoyancy
b. Gravity d. None of these
3. _________________ is a force that slows or steps objects.

a. Friction c. Buoyancy
b. Gravity d. None of these
4. Air resistance is a type of:
a. Friction c. Buoyancy
b. Gravity d. None of these
Q. Fill in the Blanks.
1. Mass in measured in _______________________.

2. Mass is the amount of ______________________.

3. There is no force of __________________ in space.

4. An object has no ____________________ in space.

5. Weight is measured in _______________________.

Q. Enlist the different types of forces.

ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
Unit- 1 The Human body

Q. Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is the part of nervous system.

a. Artery c. Larynx
b. Spinal cord d. Urethra

2. _______________ is a part of circulatory system.

a. Artery c. Larynx
b. Spinal cord d. Urethra

3, The nervous system has ________________ main parts.

a. 1 c. 4
b. 2 d. 3

4.The main organ in the respiratory system is:

a. Brain c. Kidney
b. Liver d. Lungs

5.It carries blood to the Heart.

a. Artery c. Capillary
b. Vein d. Plasma

Q. Label the structure of

Human digestive
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________

UNIT- 2 The Animal World
Q. Fill in the Blanks.
1. Animals are divided into groups according to their ____________________________
2. Vertebrates are divided into ________________________ classes.
3. Nerve cells are present into our __________________________.
4. All living things are madeup of _______________________.
5. Fish breathe through _______________________________.
Q. True or False.
1. Reptiles are cold-blooded.
2. Nerve cells are not present in our brain.
3. Crocodile is not a mammal.
4. Oyster is an example of Molluscs.
5. Amphibians have thick skins.
Q. Draw the labelled diagram of Animal cell.
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________

Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. ________________________ are also known as flowering plants.
2. Palm tree is an example of _________________________.
3. _________________________ have a transportation system.
4. The _________________________ is also called testa.
Q. Encircle the correct answer.
1. ________________ have cones and needles on their branches.
a. Conifers c. Gymnosperms
b. Ferns d. Angiosperms
2. The _______________ is a seed leaf.
a. seed coat c. Endosperm
b. Angiosperm d. Cotyledon
3. Spores are much _____________________ than seeds.

a. Simpler b. Larger
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
c. Smaller d. Lighter

4. The ______________________ is where lifes start within the seed.

a. Angiosperm c. Cotyledon
b. Endosperm d. Embryo

Q. Draw the label diagram of Plant cell.

Unit-4 Other living things
Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. Fungi have ________________________ for reproduction.

2. Penicillin is produced from the _______________________.

3. _____________________ have plant like cell.

4. Malaria is caused by ________________________.

5. Toadstool is an example of _______________________.

Q. Answer the following questions.

Write three main differences between plant and Fungi.
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________

2. Pen down the natural benefits of microorganism.

Unit- 5 Soil
Q. Encircle the correct answer.
1. Soil covers the top of _________________________ layer of the earth.
a. Upper c. lower
b. middle d. inner
2. Soil contain _____________________ organic matter
a. 45 c. 25
b. 5 d. 35
3. Organic matter provides _____________________ to the soil.
a. water c. air
b. nutrients d. mineral
4.It retains water.
a. sand c. clay
b. silt d. loam
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
5. The nutrients are washed away easily in.
a. sand c. clay
b. silt d. loam
Q. Label the layers of the soil.

Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. James lind was a ____________________ doctor.

3. We can rid of bacteria from food by _____________________.

4. ____________________ types of bacteria cause food poisoning.

5. Do not _____________________ food more than once.

6. Genes live in the ________________________ organisms.

Q. Answer the following questions.

1. GM food stands for?

ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
2. Name any two types of bacteria that cause food poisoning.

3. Suggest three ways to avoid food poisoning.



Q. Fill in the blanks.

1. Rachel Carson was an _______________ Environmentalist.

2. _____________ Pollution is unwanted sounds that disturb the environment.
3. Billboards are a cause of ______________ pollution.
4. The use of chemical pesticides causes________________ pollution.
5. Paper is an example of waste
6. _______________ pollution is an example of outdoor air pollution.
7. Noise pollution can interfere with the ______________________system of animals.
8. _____________________rain is harmful to crops and buildings.

Q. Answer the following questions.

1. Enlist the different types of pollution.
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________

2. Differentiate between Biodegradable waste and Non-Biodegradable waste.

Biodegradable waste Non-Biodegradable waste.

Q. Encircle the correct answer.
1. When a gas changes to a liquid _______________________ takes place.
a. Evaporation c. Freezing
b. Condensation d. melting
2. Water freezes at ____________.
a. 15 °C c. 0°C
b. 20 °C d. 25 °C
3. ____________________ is responsible for changing the state of matter.
a. Heat c. Light
b. Force d. None of them
4. Melting point of gold is ________________________.
a. 100°C c. 1000°C
b. 98°C d. 0°C
Q.Fill in the blanks.
1. All matter is made up of ________________________.

2. _________________________every small things.

ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
3. A _________________________ is two or more atoms joined together.

4. Outside the nucleus the particles are called _________________________.

5. A matter can be changed from one state to another through_______________________.

Q. Underline the correct word in the following sentences.

1. Melting point of ice is ( 100°C, 0°C, 1000°C).

2. A water molecule is made up of (two, three, four) atoms.

3. Particles in a liquid are (tightly, loosely, freely) packed together.

4. (Evaporation, Condensation, Melting) occurs when matter changes from a solid to a liquid.

5. Freezing occurs by (decreasing temperature, taking away energy, moving particles).



Q. Fill in the blanks.

1. ___________________is the most common method of heating liquids and gases.

2. ______________________are able to fly because of convection.

3. The biggest source of radiation is the_____________________.

4. The two types of reflection are____________________ and______________________ .

5. A straw appearing to be bent or broken in a glass of water is an example

of_____________________ .

6. Rear view mirrors are an example of_____________________.

7. When light bends as it passes around the edge of an object________________________

ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
8. A mirror or lens that appears sunken in the middle is called______________________ .

9. ______________________ provide a large close-up image.

10. An ___________________________is when the same sound is heard more than once.

Q. Differentiate between the Concave lens and Convex Lens.

Concave lens Convex lens

Unit-12 The Solar system
Q. Tick the correct answer.
1. More than half of the Sun is made of:
a. iron
b. hydrogen
c. oxygen
2. Gas particles released from the Sun and entering the Earth’s atmosphere cause:
a. solar flares
b. solar energy
c. solar winds
3. Which planet has a huge red spot?
a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Uranus
4. The closest planet to the Earth is:
a. Mercury
b. Neptune
c. Venus
ALLIED SCHOOL Abdul-Moiz Campus

Class-5th Name______________
5. Man-made objects sent into space to orbit the Earth are called:
a. Artificial satellites
b. Dwarf planets
c. Ice rings
6. This involves measuring the time it takes for the moon to pass through a complete cycle of its
a. A lunar month
b. A calendar month
c. A sidereal month

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