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Understanding Derivatives:

Markets and Infrastructure

   04 Hedging
Richard Heckinger, vice president and senior policy advisor, Ivana Ruffini,
senior policy specialist, financial markets, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

What is hedging? Hedging is a technique used to achieve a

desired risk level, whereby an organization takes on a negatively correlated position (the
hedge) to a currently held asset or liability. The motivation is to offset losses on one side
of the hedge with gains on the other, thus preserving a desired price outcome.

The vast majority of the world’s top 500 companies (94%) actively
hedge their various risk exposures (ISDA, 2009). Still, it is impor-
tant to keep in mind that hedging is done not only by sophisticated,
publicly traded, global conglomerates, but also by counties, munic-
ipalities, and school districts; and occasionally, such entities incur
large losses as a result. Examples include the near bankruptcy of
Jefferson County, Alabama, and Erie City School District, Pennsylvania
(Braun and Selway, 2008). Reports of these losses have prompted
some to question whether all this hedging activity is necessary, or
even desirable. While opinions on this subject differ, it is clear that
hedging is a powerful risk management technique and that under
certain circumstances, it is beneficial.
In this chapter, we demystify the concept of hedging and
illustrate the risk–reward tradeoff inherent in hedges through examples.
We explain how hedges work; the risks associated with hedging;
and the relevant rules and regulations.

40 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Risk–Reward Tradeoff

Predictability and growth of future cash flows are important for every-
one—corporations, municipalities, non-profit entities, and individuals.
Steady, increasing cash flows positively impact company valuations
and access to capital. Conversely, poor cash flow forecasting and man-
agement can cause a liquidity problem for a firm and can even lead to
its insolvency. Thus, control of earnings volatility is a key management
objective for many organizations. Forecasting swings in revenues and
costs depends on a myriad of factors, so management may be willing
to cap potential expected returns in order to limit potential losses. One
way to do this is through the implementation of a hedging program.
Some empirical studies show that while hedging is indeed
widespread, the economic impact is minor (Guay and Kothari, 2003;
Carter, Rogers, and Simkins, 2002; Smithson and Simkins, 2005).
That is to be expected. By design, effective hedges are meant to
stabilize expected cash flows. To understand the impact hedging
has on the predictability of future cash flows, consider the following
foreign exchange (FX) hedge scenario.
Example: A European company expects a payment from their
U.S. client in June 2015 in the amount of $5 million. Upon the receipt
of the payment, the company will need to convert the receivable
denominated in U.S. dollars to euros. To eliminate the risk of an
unfavorable exchange rate move, the company chooses to enter into
a hedge using EUR/USD futures that expire in June 2015.
The current price of the June 2015 contract is 1.2195, which
means that the current value of the receivable is EUR 4,100,041, which
is $5,000,000 divided by 1.2195. The goal of the hedge is for the com-
pany to receive EUR 4,100,041 in June 2015, regardless of where the
exchange rates end up. The company picks a futures contract with the
size of EUR 100,000. In this case, the value of each contract in U.S.
dollars is $121,950. Dividing the $5 million receivable by the contract
dollar value gives us 41.00041, thus 41 contracts are needed to hedge
the exposure. (See box 1.)
The example shows that through hedging the company was
able to mitigate the impact of currency exchange rate fluctuations
and eliminate volatility. It cost less than 3 euro to prevent a poten-
tial loss of 253,887.15 euro on one receivable. At the same time, the
hedge also prevented the company from materializing a potential
profit due to a favorable change in FX rates, which exemplifies the
risk–reward trade off inherent in hedging activity.

41 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Box 1 – FX Hedge Example

Possible profit and loss (PnL) outcomes on the day the receivable is paid.

1) Euro strengthens against the U.S. dollar => 1 EUR = 1.3000 USD
Receivable value (RV) = USD 5,000,000/1.3000 = EUR 3,846,153.85
3,846,153.85 – 4,100,041 = –253,887.15
Loss on RV is EUR 253,887.15
Hedge value (HV) = 41*100,000*(1.3 – 1.2195) = USD 330,050 or EUR 253,884.61
Profit on HV is EUR 253,884.61
RV+HV = –253,887.15 EUR + EUR 253,884.61 = –2.54 EUR
The net of the receivable and the hedge position is a total loss of EUR 2.54.
2) The exchange rate remains unchanged => 1 EUR = 1.2195 USD
Receivable value (RV) = USD 5,000,000/1.2195 = EUR 4,100,041
4,100,041 – 4,100,041 = 0
There is no change in RV.
Hedge value (HV) = 41*100,000*(1.2195 – 1.2195) = 0
There is no profit or loss on the value of the hedge.
RV + HV = 0 + 0 = 0
There is no change in PnL.
3) Euro weakens against the US dollar => 1 EUR = 1.2000 USD
Receivable value (RV) = USD 5,000,000/1.2000 = EUR 4,166,666.67
4,166,666.67 – 4,100,041 = 66,625.67
Profit on RV is EUR 66,625.67
Hedge value (HV) = 41*100,000*(1.2 – 1.2195) = –79,990 USD or –66,625 EUR
Profit on HV is EUR 253,884.61
RV + HV = EUR 66,625.67 + (–66,625 EUR) = EUR 0.67
The net of the receivable and the hedge position is a total profit of EUR 0.67.

To Hedge or Not To Hedge?

That is the question, and there is no simple answer. Firms may

choose to hedge to reap tax benefits, to protect against extreme
events, or to avoid earnings volatility. Hedging is not a money

42 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

making strategy, but a loss limiting one. Of course, the goal is not
to completely eliminate all risks, because doing so would also sig-
nificantly reduce profits. Thus, management needs to decide which
risk exposures should remain and which should be neutralized or
reduced through hedging. The success of a hedging program depends
on several important factors. First,
a prospective hedger needs to have
a detailed understanding of the vari-
Hedging is not a money making strategy, but a
ous risk exposures of the enterprise
loss limiting one.
as a whole. Second, the hedger has
to evaluate the available hedging
instruments and decide if any are suitable for the intended risk re-
duction strategy. Finally, a cost–benefit analysis must justify the
hedge; otherwise the appropriate decision would be not to hedge.
Comprehensive risk assessment is crucial for the design of
an effective hedge. It is essential that management understands the
enterprise-wide risk exposure and differentiates nominal transaction-
level exposures from the aggregate net economic exposure. Why?
Sometimes, natural (operational) hedges already exist within the
business structure, but only become evident with the assessment
of the aggregate exposure. Management may elect to offset risks
through implementation of operational changes. For example, a
company with sizable revenues in the European Union (EU) may
decide to offset its FX risk exposure by establishing a fully opera-
tional subsidiary overseas, thereby incurring expenses in euros. On
the other hand, hedging only nominal exposures can inadvertently
compound enterprise risk. A McKinsey article on hedging offered
an example of a company that almost “wiped out” its entire projected
earnings with a natural gas hedge because the hedging manager
did not realize that “the company’s sales contracts were structured
so that natural-gas prices were treated as a pass-through” (Fisher
and Kumar, 2010, p. 1). In other words, the manager hedged a posi-
tion that posed no risk to the business, thus creating a new exposure
instead of eliminating one.
The availability of an appropriate hedging instrument is
also significant. Most frequently, hedging is achieved through the
use of financial contracts that offset a particular risk or risks. The
desired risk exposure can be accomplished quickly and economically
through the use of financial instruments such as derivatives. A typ-
ical hedge using derivatives involves entering into a derivatives

43 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Table 1. Hedging by Industry–Global Fortune 500 Company Survey

type (%)
# of % using Interest
Industry comp. derivatives rates FX Commodity Credit Equity

123 98 94 96 63 76 80
materials 86 97 70 85 79 -- 6
Technology 65 95 86 92 15 6 15
Healthcare 25 92 80 72 8 4 20
goods 49 92 86 86 37 2 20
Utilities 24 92 92 88 83 -- 8
goods 88 91 81 84 39 1 9
Services 40 88 75 85 35 3 13
Total 500 94 83 88 49 20 29

Source: ISDA Survey Results: Derivatives Usage by the World’s Largest Companies,
April 2009, available at

contract with a strong negative price correlation to the underlying

risk being hedged. Table 1 shows the derivatives usage by industry
and type of derivatives instrument for Global Fortune 500 compa-
nies. The most commonly hedged risk is foreign exchange risk. It
is hedged by 88% of the surveyed companies, followed by interest
rate risk at 83%. Commodity and equity swaps are also frequently
used across industries, with credit default swaps being used mostly
by the financial sector.
Sometimes it is possible to hedge with highly standardized,
exchange-traded derivatives contracts. Other times, a higher level
of customization is needed to offset the risk, and over-the-counter
(OTC) contracts are created to ensure an effective hedge. As we ex-
plained in previous chapters, choosing an OTC contract may perfectly
mitigate certain risks—for example, basis and quantity risk—but it
also introduces counterparty credit exposure. This counterparty ex-
posure may actually be a desired exposure and serve as a natural
hedge in some cases, but at least prior to the Great Financial Crisis,
this risk seems to have been largely mispriced or ignored. The success
of a hedging strategy hinges on the choice of the appropriate hedging

44 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

instrument, as well as constant monitoring of the positions to ensure
that historical correlations hold during the duration of the hedge—
sometimes positions need to be adjusted or new positions created
to maintain a perfect hedge.
Cost–benefit analysis is the final step in the process of de-
ciding whether hedging is an appropriate risk management strategy.
Hedgers incur several costs. First, there are the direct costs of bro-
kerage services and dealing spreads. Next, there are the overheads
associated with managing a hedging program. As mentioned, basis
and quantity risk can further increase hedging costs. Money used
for margin deposits and cash flows needed for variation margin have
opportunity costs associated with lost interest earnings (possibly a
spread versus market rates) and other uses of the money. There is
also a risk that a company’s management does not communicate
across the lines of business or is not qualified or experienced enough
to understand the impact of its hedge positions under various market
scenarios, which may result in over or under hedging (see Ford
Motor Co. example in box 2). Finally, the purchase and possible
abandonment of worthless (unexercised out-of-the-money) options
can result in a cost that would be attributable to a hedge. If the
costs are higher than the expected price risk, then hedging might
not be justified.
Through their actions, most Fortune 500 companies have
demonstrated that they believe the benefits of a hedging program
are compelling enough to justify the investment of time and resources
to establish them. Successful risk management through these pro-
grams is largely dependent on a disciplined approach to the assess-
ment of risk exposures.

Risks Associated with Hedging

Hedging is not without risks. While hedging shares some attributes

of insurance, it does not function the same way. The hedge pays off
when the price of the asset or liability being hedged moves adversely
due to changes in the market price. However, unlike insurance contracts
where the maximum downside to the policy holder is the total pre-
mium paid (provided that the insurance company remains solvent),
hedging can expose the hedger to significant losses (see examples in
box 2 and box 3). Some risks, such as counterparty credit risk and
settlement risk, are common across different markets, but other risks,
like basis risk and quantity risk are endemic to hedging activity.

45 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Box 2 – Ford Motor Company’s $1 Billion Palladium Hedge Write-off

Large auto makers have traditionally participated in commodity markets to purchase

commodities and hedge exposure to an increase in the price of raw materials that they use—in-
cluding steel, copper, and palladium. As White (2002) explains, global demand for palladium al-
most quintupled between 1992 and 1996, and car manufacturers actively hedged their exposure.
Certain geo-political developments further impacted the available supply of the metal and be-
tween 1998 and 2000, leading palladium prices to move from a previous high of $350 to a new
high of $1,094 an ounce.
However, in 2000 new engineering advances enabled automakers to significantly reduce
their use of palladium, while the increases in palladium prices over the previous years resulted
in new suppliers entering the market. As a result of these developments, palladium prices fell to
about $350 an ounce in late 2001.
Ford Motor Company implemented the engineering advances, resulting in a reduction in
its need for the metal by about 50%, without communicating the change to its treasury department,
which was responsible for both purchasing and hedging of raw materials. This lack of communi-
cation, coupled with lower prices of the metal, cost the company a $1 billion hedge write-off.

Basis Risk
A hedge does not have to be perfect to reduce risk exposure, and
the risk that emerges as a result of imperfect hedges is basis risk.
Specifically, the basis risk is the difference in the way the prices
change between the derivative contract and the asset or liability
being hedged. Generally, a lower historical price correlation im-
plies a larger basis risk (and vice versa).
Basis risk is not a constant; it can fluctuate over the life of
the hedge. It widens (increases) due to mismatches between the un-
derlying exposure and the derivative contract used to hedge such an
exposure. Thus, differences in dates (expiration, maturity, purchase),
delivery instructions (location, transportation and storage costs),
and changes in yield curves—all result in basis risk exposure.
The difference between the timing of the hedger’s commer-
cial transactions and the standardized delivery dates of exchange-
traded derivatives creates the basis risk exposure. The price of
forward, futures, or options contracts will converge to the cash
price at the time the derivatives expire or result in delivery. Most
contracts are closed out by an offsetting transaction before actual

46 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

delivery, thereby only realizing a gain or loss on the derivative
contract that is applied to the cash market transaction as the purpose
of the hedge. Commercial (cash market) transactions happen when
needed, and are unlikely to happen exactly on the delivery day(s)
of standardized exchange-traded derivatives contracts. Derivatives
prices reflect the cost of carry, composed of interest, insurance, and
storage costs, going forward, and the cost of carry will converge to
the spot cash price at the time of the derivatives delivery or expira-
tion. Therefore, such price differences and the rates at which they
converge must be taken into account as components of basis risk.
Cross hedging is another example of a strategy that exposes
the hedger to basis risk. Cross hedging is common for commodities
without an active futures market or when an over-the-counter
counterparty cannot be found. Highly correlated commodities may
be used in a hedge; for example, jet fuel may be hedged with crude oil
futures or sorghum with corn futures (Graff et al., 1997). Sometimes
a combination of derivatives is used to create an optimal hedge position.
Example: Distillers’ dried grain (DDG) is used as livestock
fodder and does not have a liquid futures market, so cross-hedging
strategies are employed to hedge exposure to DDG prices. The
DDG is a corn product, but the nutritional content is closer to that
of soybean meal, thus a combination of corn and soybean meal fu-
tures is used to hedge DDG positions (Brinker, Parcell, Dhuyvetter,
and Franken, 2009).
Most hedges expose the hedger to some level of basis risk,
which can arise from a divergence in prices between the swap or
future contract and the underlying asset. Reassessing correlations,
hedging weights, and hedging ratios is critical when hedging, as changes
in the supply and demand of different products may result in changes
in the correlation between them and thus require adjustments to
ensure efficient hedging and risk reduction. Even sophisticated
hedgers may suffer losses as a result of basis risk exposures—see
example in box 3.

Quantity Risk
The risk of over or under hedging related to the number of contracts
used in a hedge is referred to as quantity risk. Exchange-traded
derivatives cover a standard size or quantity of the underlying instru-
ment, and the use of such contracts may expose a hedger to quanti-
ty risk. As mentioned in previous chapters, OTC derivatives can be
custom fit to the risk being hedged in order to reduce basis risk and

47 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Box 3 – Southwest Airlines’ $1.6 billion loss

According to its 1999 annual report, Southwest Airlines has been hedging its exposure to jet fuel
price fluctuations since the late 1990s.1 Several case studies have been written touting South-
west’s successful hedging program. For many years, crude prices continually climbed. During
that time, Southwest’s hedges against rising prices worked very well. In the summer of 2008, the
price of crude oil recorded new highs and Southwest’s second-quarter gain on its hedges
amounted to $1.2 billion net of taxes.2 However, eventually oil prices began to drop and South-
west’s hedging activities backfired in Q3:2008. Consequently, Southwest recorded a $1.6 billion
loss on its hedge portfolio and had a losing quarter for the first time in 17 years (Jetter, 2008).

Southwest Airlines 1999 Annual Report, page 18, available at


Southwest Airlines, Form 10-Q, July 28, 2008, page 10, available at

possibly quantity risk through optionality features. Optionality might

involve price floors or caps, as well as resets of price and quantity
terms. Still, depending on the specific contract features, OTC
hedges can also result in quantity risk exposure.
Example: A farmer has quantity risk in that she may have
hedged a crop of an expected size based on the area planted and the
expected crop yield. Due to variables such as the weather, seed quality,
and the effectiveness of pest management, the actual yield might
be less or more than the hedged amount. So if the farmer hedged,
say, 10,000 bushels of wheat and realized a yield of 8,000 bushels,
the hedge would be less efficient than expected. Alternatively, the
actual yield might have been 12,000 bushels. The loss of hedge effi-
ciency could result in an extra expense or a bonus in terms of the
net hedged price of the crop.
The farmer’s hedge example involved a static or passive
hedge. The farmer could have adjusted the hedge as the yield pro-
jection became more accurate closer to harvest. Similarly, a bakery
could hedge its purchases or holdings of wheat; and as its inventory
of wheat gets consumed, it would adjust its hedge. However, in the
farmer example above, the actual futures contracts exist in standard
sizes of 5,000 bushels, thereby presenting choices of 5,000, 10,000,
or 15,000 bushel sized hedges, each inefficient to some degree.
Quantity risk can also be managed through the use of op-
tions contracts— exchange-traded options on futures or OTC cash

48 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

options. The farmer would buy a put option (the right to sell the un-
derlying product at a fixed price) and only exercise enough options
to cover the actual quantity at risk (unless the over-hedged amount
results in a bonus—in effect specula-
tion). A grain elevator operator ex-
pecting to buy crops could buy call
Diversification of risk is a portfolio optimiza-
options (the right to buy the underlying
tion strategy. The goal of diversification is to
product at a fixed price) and exercise
reduce potential losses of a portfolio without
them as crops are brought into inven-
impacting expected returns. This is achieved
tory. Of course, the grain elevator
through the creation of a portfolio of uncor-
operator would then be long the cash
related positions. On the other hand, hedging commodity and might seek to hedge
activity involves trades that are negatively his inventory holdings.
correlated to each other, which results in a In practice, hedging in-
reduction of both the expected returns and cludes elements of art in the timing
the expected losses. and balancing of hedges, as well as
elements of science of knowing how the mathematics of hedging
play out. Perfect hedges are difficult to achieve and understanding
the risks eliminated and introduced by hedging activity is crucial
to achieving the desired results.

Diversification of Risk ≠ Hedging

It is important to distinguish hedging from diversification of risk.

Some use the two terms interchangeably (Coleman, 2009). Diversi-
fication of risk is a portfolio optimization strategy. The goal of di-
versification is to reduce potential losses of a portfolio without
impacting (changing) expected returns. This is generally achieved
through the creation of a portfolio of uncorrelated or minimally
correlated positions, which can result in a consistent (less volatile)
portfolio performance. On the other hand, hedging activity involves
trades that are negatively correlated to each other, which results in
a reduction of both the expected returns and the expected losses.

Regulatory Impact

A perfect hedge is meant to completely eliminate risk of a specific

position. The perfect hedge should be 100% negatively correlated to
the hedged position, and the holding period and other characteristics
of the underlying asset and the hedge position should be equivalent.
For example, an investor who owns a stock can protect against the

49 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

decline in the price of the stock by purchasing a put option on that stock
and thus creating a perfect hedge until the expiration of the contract.
All these considerations are important in determining hedge
efficiency. The efficiency of a hedge has always been important,
but in recent years it has become even more significant not only as
part of compliance with hedge accounting requirements, but also
for compliance with the new regulatory requirements as outlined in
the Dodd–Frank Act (DFA).

Hedge Accounting (FASB, 1998; IASB, 2014)

The use of derivatives for hedging can result in cash flows that are
not symmetrical with the underlying cash position, thereby possibly
distorting the profit and loss of the firm across accounting periods
and obscuring the purpose of the hedge itself.
Futures contracts are marked-to-market, and variation
margin is paid or collected each day (sometimes more often) in cash.
A broker might require extra margin (collateral) to cover the actual
flows. Options contracts tend to require payment of the option pre-
mium in full when the option is purchased, or margin to be deposited
in the case of options sold. Uncleared OTC derivatives contracts
require the deposit of “independent amounts” (initial margin) with
variation margin requirements. Initial margins are typically refunded
when the position is closed out (unless netted against other obliga-
tions), but variation margin and options premiums paid and received
result in net gains or losses on the derivatives side of the hedge.
Such changes in value are real and normally would have to
be recognized as a general operating profit or loss on operations,
the market value of inventory, or services. Meanwhile, the cash side
of the hedge might be revalued on the firm’s books as an accrual and
not taken into profit or loss until consummated by a sale or close
out of that position. The mismatched result could cause volatile earn-
ings that would not truly reflect the economically linked positions
that constitute the hedge.
Consequently, hedge accounting standards address the
earnings problem and several other accounting concerns regarding
hedging. Hedge accounting standards were promulgated by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Specifically, the
changes in the prices (fair market value) of the item being hedged
and the derivatives contract used for the hedge are recognized into
earnings in the same accounting period. Any excess or shortfall

50 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

between the legs of the hedge (i.e., basis or quantity risk) is reflected
in earnings as the measure of the “efficiency” of the hedge. Simi-
larly, changes in value of anticipatory hedges (cash flow hedges) in
which the uncertain leg is not yet consummated are reported as “a
component of other comprehensive income (outside earnings),” and
then reclassified into earnings when the anticipated leg affects
earnings (FASB, 1998).
Hedge accounting standards require active measurement
and description of a measurement method of a hedge’s efficiency
in order to maintain the accounting treatment. If the hedge is not
sufficiently efficient, then the changes in value of the derivatives
contract must be recognized in the earnings of the firm.

The Dodd–Frank Act

The DFA introduced comprehensive regulation of the over-the-counter
derivatives market, including mandatory clearing for some and collater-
alization and reporting of all OTC derivatives transactions. OTC de-
rivatives include interest rate (IRS), foreign exchange, credit default
(CDS), and commodity swaps, to name a few. All of the aforemen-
tioned financial contracts are commonly used for hedging. The DFA
also outlined criteria for categorizing participants in OTC derivatives mar-
kets into three groups—end users, major swap participants, and swap
dealers. This differentiation between the market participants is based
upon their type of activity, degree of leverage, and size of positions.
End users are defined as either non-financial entities or en-
tities that use OTC derivatives to lessen or fully hedge commercial
risk. End users do not have to be registered with U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), but the efficacy of their hedge
positions is evaluated to justify qualification for the end-user ex-
emption under the DFA (CFTC, 2012).
Major swap and major security-based swap participants in-
clude any entity that is not a swap dealer and satisfies one of the follow-
ing conditions: (i) has a substantial swap or security-based swap position;
(ii) has positions that may cause a significant counterparty risk
exposure and negatively impact financial markets or the U.S. bank-
ing system; or (iii) is a highly leveraged financial entity (CFTC, 2012).
Additionally, the term swap dealer or security-based swap dealer
includes entities that are engaged in swap market-making activities
and entities that generally trade swaps for their own account (with
some exemptions based on the notional amounts that are traded)
(CFTC/SEC, 2012).

51 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

Swap dealers and major swap participants are both subject
to registration with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(IRS, CDS, and commodity swaps) and U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (security-based swap markets) and have to comply
with certain documentation, capital, and reporting requirements.
The ISDA tracks swap volumes by market participant type.
It reported that as of December 2013, derivatives trades between
swap dealers represented 16.5% of total notional value outstanding,
while financial end users and major swap participants represented
80.4% and non-financial end-users represented only 3.1% of the
market (ISDA, 2014). They also found that trading activity of the
non-financial end users “has remained more or less stable over the
past 10 years” (ISDA, 2014, p. 9), while the trading activity between
the dealers has “declined rapidly” (ISDA, 2014, p. 5). These findings
suggest that the non-financial end user market segment was not
negatively impacted by the recent regulatory changes.


Hedging strategies can be a valuable tool for managing risk if im-

plemented properly. Understanding the total risk exposure of the
company, as well as tracking and communicating the results of
hedging are of vital importance for efficient and successful risk
management. However, it is important to remember that downside
risks do exist—and that investment in experienced staff and tech-
nology is crucial. In this chapter, we explained how hedging works,
what products are used, and what can go wrong. In general, hedging
is accomplished through the use of financial derivatives contracts.
Chapter 3 discussed the size of the derivatives market—which is
largely driven by hedging demand. Changes in global regulations
of derivatives have begun to impact how hedges are executed and
which financial instruments are used to achieve the desired risk ex-
posure. Later chapters will discuss the changes in regulations and
the evolution of derivatives instruments.

52 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015


Braun, Martin Z., and William Selway, 2008, “JPMorgan, facing federal probe, exits
municipal swaps,” Bloomberg, September 4, available at
Brinker, Adam J., Joe L. Parcell, Kevin C. Dhuyvetter, and Jason R. V. Franken, 2009,
“Cross-hedging distillers dried grains using corn and soybean meal futures contracts,”
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Carter, David A., Daniel A. Rogers, and Betty J. Simkins, 2002, “Does fuel hedging make
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Coleman, Les, 2009, Risk Strategies: Dialling Up Optimum Firm Risk, Farnham, Surrey,
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Financial Accounting Foundation, Financial Accounting Standards Board, 1998, Statement
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Hedging Activities, Norwalk, CT, June, available at
Fisher, Bryan, and Ankush Kumar, 2010, “The right way to hedge,” Insights & Publications,
McKinsey & Company, July, available at
Graff, Jennifer, Ted Schroeder, Rodney Jones, and Kevin Dhuyvetter, 1997, “Cross hedging
agricultural commodities,” paper, Kansas State University, Agricultural Experiment
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Guay, Wayne, and S. P. Kothari, 2003, “How much do firms hedge with derivatives?,”
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International Accounting Standards Board, 2014, Financial Instruments (replacement
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International Swaps and Derivatives Association, 2014, “Dispelling myths: End-user
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__________, 2009, “Over 94% of the world’s largest companies use derivatives to help
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53 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

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54 Understanding Derivatives—Markets and Infrastructure Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, © 2015

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