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C1 Sequences and Series - General

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Edexcel GCE
Core Mathematics C1
Advanced Subsidiary

Sequences and Series

Calculators may NOT be used for these questions.

Information for Candidates

A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ might be needed for some questions.

The marks for the parts of questions are shown in round brackets, e.g. (2).

There are 9 questions in this test.

Advice to Candidates

You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.

You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear.

Answers without working may not gain full credit.

C1 Sequences and series – General

1. A sequence of positive numbers is defined by

a n +1 = (a n2 + 3 , n ≥ 1,

a1 = 2

(a) Find a 2 and a 3 , leaving your answers in surd form.


(b) Show that a 5 = 4

(Total 4 marks)


2. A sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , … is defined by

a 1 = k,

a n+1 = 2a n – 7, n ≥ 1,

where k is a constant.

(a) Write down an expression for a 2 in terms of k.


(b) Show that a 3 = 4k – 21.


Given that ∑a
r =1
r = 43,

(c) find the value of k.

(Total 7 marks)


C1 Sequences and series: General – Questions 2

C1 Sequences and series – General

3. A sequence x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , … is defined by

x 1 = 1,

x n + 1 = ax n – 3, n > 1,

where a is a constant.

(a) Find an expression for x 2 in terms of a.


(b) Show that x 3 = a 2 – 3a – 3.


Given that x 3 = 7,

(c) find the possible values of a.

(Total 6 marks)


4. A sequence is given by:

x 1 = 1,

x n+1 = xn(p + xn),

where p is a constant (p ≠ 0).

(a) Find x 2 in terms of p.


(b) Show that x 3 = 1 + 3p + 2p2.


Given that x 3 = 1,

(c) find the value of p,


(d) write down the value of x 2008 .

(Total 8 marks)


C1 Sequences and series: General – Questions 3

C1 Sequences and series – General

5. A sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3 ... , is defined by

a 1 = k,

a n+1 = 3an + 5, n ≥ 1,

where k is a positive integer.

(a) Write down an expression for a 2 in terms of k.


(b) Show that a 3 = 9k + 20.


(c) (i) Find ∑a
r =1
r in terms of k.

(ii) Show that ∑a
r =1
r is divisible by 10.

(Total 7 marks)


C1 Sequences and series: General – Questions 4

C1 Sequences and series – General

6. A sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , … is defined by

a1 = 3

a n + 1 = 3a n – 5, n ≥ 1.

(a) Find the value of a 2 and the value of a 3 .


(b) Calculate the value of ∑a
r =1

(Total 5 marks)


7. The sequence u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , ... , is defined by the recurrence relation

u n + 1 = (–1)n un + d, u 1 = 2, where d is a constant.

(a) Show that u 5 = 2.


(b) Deduce an expression for u 10 , in terms of d.


Given that u 3 = 3u 2 ,

(c) find the value of d.

(Total 7 marks)


C1 Sequences and series: General – Questions 5

C1 Sequences and series – General

8. A sequence is defined by the recurrence relation

 un a 
un + 1 =  +  , n = 1, 2, 3, ...,
 2 un 

where a is a constant.

(a) Given that a = 20 and u 1 = 3, find the values of u 2 , u 3 and u 4 , giving your answers
to 2 decimal places.

(b) Given instead that u 1 = u 2 = 3,

(i) calculate the value of a,
(ii) write down the value of u5.
(Total 7 marks)


9. A sequence a1 , a 2 , a3 , ... is defined by

a1 = k , a n +1 = 4 a n − 7 ,

where k is a constant.

(a) Write down an expression for a 2 in terms of k.


(b) Find a 3 in terms of k, simplifying your answer.


Given that a 3 = 13,

(c) find the value of k.

(Total 5 marks)


C1 Sequences and series: General – Questions 6

C1 Sequences and series – General

1. (a)
a2 = ( 4+3 =) 7
= a3 "their=
7"+ 3 10 B1ft 2

1st B1 for 7 only

2nd B1ft follow through their “7” in correct formula provided they
have n , where n is an integer.

a4 = (
10 + 3 = 13 ) M1
a5= 13 + 3= 4 * A1 cso 2

M1 for an attempt to find a4. Should see " their" (a3 ) 2 + 3 .
Must see evidence for M1.
a4 = 13 provided this follows from their a3 working or answer is sufficient
A1cso for a correct solution (M1 explicit) must include the = 4.
Ending at 16 only is A0 and ending with ± 4 is A0.
Ignore any incorrect statements that are not used e.g. common
difference = 3
Listing: A full list: 2 (= 4 ), 7 , 10 , 13 , 16 = 4 is fine for M1A1

Formula: Some may state (or use) an = 3n + 1 leading to a5 = 3 × 5 + 1 = 4.

This will get marks in (a) [if correct values are seen] and can
score the M1 in (b) if an = 3n + 1 or a4 = 13 are seen.

If ± appear any where ignore in part (a) and withhold the

final A mark only

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 7

C1 Sequences and series – General

2. (a) (a2 =)2k – 7 B1 1

(b) (a3 =)2(2k – 7) – 7 or 4k – 14 – 7, = 4k – 21 (*) M1, A1cso 2

M1 must see 2(their a2) – 7 or 2(2k – 7) – 7 or 4k – 14 – 7. Their
a2 must be a function of k.
A1cso must see the 2(2k – 7)–7 or 4k – 14 – 7 expression and the 4k – 21
with no incorrect working

(c) (a4 =)2(4k – 21) –7 (= 8k – 49) M1


r =1
r = k + “(2k – 7)” + (4k – 21) + “(8k – 49)” M1

k + (2k – 7) + (4k – 21) + (8k – 49) = 15k – 77 = 43 k = 8 M1 A1 4


1st M1 for an attempt to find a4 using the given rule. Can be awarded
for 8k – 49 seen.
Use of formulae for the sum of an arithmetic series scores M0M0A0 for
the next 3 marks.
2nd M1 for attempting the sum of the 1st 4 terms. Must have “+” not
just, or clear attempt to sum.
Follow through their a2 and a4 provided they are linear
functions of k.
Must lead to linear expression in k. Condone use of their linear
a3 ≠ 4k – 21 here too.
3rd M1 for forming a linear equation in k using their sum and the 43 and
attempt to solve for k as far as pk = q
A1 for k = 8 only so k = is A0
Answer Only (e.g. trial improvement)
Accept k = 8 only if 8 + 9 + 11 + 15 = 43 is seen as well
Sum a 2 + a 3 + a 4 + a 5 or a 2 + a 3 + a 4 +

Allow: M1 if 8k – 49 is seen, M0 for the sum (since they are not adding
the 1st 4 terms) then M1
if they use their sum along with the 43 to form a linear equation and
attempt to solve but A0

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 8

C1 Sequences and series – General

3. (a) [x2 =] a – 3 B1 1
B1 for a × 1 – 3 or better. Give for a – 3 in part (a) or if it
appears in (b) they must state x2 = a – 3
This must be seen in (a) or before the a(a – 3) – 3 step.

(b) [x3 = ] ax2 – 3 or a(a – 3) – 3 M1

= a(a – 3) – 3 (*)
= a2 – 3a – 3 (*) A1cso 2
(*) both lines needed for A1

M1 for clear show that. Usually for a(a – 3) – 3 but can follow
through their x2 and even allow ax2 – 3
A1 for correct processing leading to printed answer.
Both lines needed and no incorrect working seen.

(c) a2 – 3a – 3 = 7
a2 – 3a – 10 = 0 or a2 – 3a = 10 M1
(a – 5)(a + 2) = 0 dM1
a = 5 or – 2 A1 3

1st M1 for attempt to form a correct equation and start to

collect terms. It must be a quadratic but need not lead
to a 3TQ = 0

2nd dM1 This mark is dependent upon the first M1.

for attempt to factorize their 3TQ = 0 or to solve their
3TQ = 0. The “=0”can be implied.
3 2 9
(x ± p)(x ± q) = 0, where pq = 10 or (x ± ) ± – 10 = 0 or
2 4
correct use of quadratic formula with ±
They must have a form that leads directly to 2 values for a.
Trial and Improvement that leads to only one answer
gets M0 here.
A1 for both correct answers. Allow x =…
Give 3/3 for correct answers with no working or trial and
improvement that gives both values for a

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 9

C1 Sequences and series – General

4. (a) 1(p + 1) or p +1 B1 1

(b) ((a))(p + (a)) [(a) must be a function of p]. [( p +1)(p + p + 1)] M1

=1+ 3p + 2p 2 (*) A1cso 2
M: Valid attempt to use the given recurrence relation to find x3.
Missing brackets, e.g. p + 1(p + p + 1) Condone for the M1,
then if all terms in the expansion are correct, with working fully
shown, M1 A1 is still allowed.
Beware ‘working back from the answer’,
e.g. 1 + 3p + 2p2 = (1 + p)(1 + 2p) scores no marks unless the
recurrence relation is justified.

(c) 1+ 3p + 2p2 =1 M1
p(2p + 3) = 0 p = ... M1
p= − (ignore p = 0, if seen, even if ‘chosen’ as the answer) A1 3

2nd M: Attempt to solve a quadratic equation in p (e.g. quadratic

formula or completing the square). The equation must be
based on x3 = 1.
The attempt must lead to a non-zero solution, so just stating
the zero solution p = 0 is M0.
A: The A mark is dependent on both M marks.

(d) Noting that even terms are the same. M1

1 1
This M mark can be implied by listing at least 4 terms, e.g. 1, − , 1,− ,...
2 2
x2008 = − A1 2
M: Can be implied by a correct answer for their p (answer is p + 1),
and can also be implied if the working is ‘obscure’).
Trivialising, e.g. p = 0, so every term = 1, is M0.
If the additional answer x2008 =1 (from p = 0) is seen, ignore this (isw).

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 10

C1 Sequences and series – General

5. (a) (a2 =)3k + 5 [must be seen in part (a) or labelled a2 =] B1 1

(b) (a3 =)3(3k + 5) + 5 M1

= 9k + 20 (*) A1cso 2
M1 for attempting to find a3, follow through their a2 ≠ k.
A1cso for simplifying to printed result with no incorrect
working seen.

(c) (i) a4 = 3(9k + 20) + 5 (= 27k + 65) M1


r =1
r = k + (3k + 5) + (9k + 20) + (27k + 65) M1

(ii) = 40k + 90 A1
= 10(4k + 9) (or explain why divisible by 10) A1ft 4

1st M1 for attempting to find a4. Can allow a slip here

e.g. 3(9k + 20) [i.e. forgot +5]

2nd M1 for attempting sum of 4 relevant terms, follow through their (a)
and (b).
Must have 4 terms starting with k.
Use of arithmetic series formulae at this point is M0A0A0

1st A1 for simplifying to 40k + 90 or better

2nd A1ft for taking out a factor of 10 or dividing by 10 or an

explanation in words true ∀k.
Follow through their sum of 4 terms provided that both
Ms are scored and their sum is divisible by 10.
A comment is not required.
40k + 90
e.g. = 4k + 9 is OK for this final A1.
S.C. ∑a
r =2
r = 120k + 290 = 10(12k + 29) can have M1M0A0A1ft.


C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 11

C1 Sequences and series – General

6. (a) a2 = 4 B1
a3 = 3 × a2 − 5 = 7 B1f.t. 2
2nd B1f.t. Follow through their a2 but it must be a value.
3× 4− 5 is B0
Give wherever it is first seen.

(b) a4 = 3a3 − 5(= 16) and a5 = 3a4 − 5(= 43) M1

3 + 4 + 7 + 16 + 43 M1
= 73 A1c.a.o. 3
1st M1 For two further attempts to use of an+1 = 3an −
5, wherever seen.
Condone arithmetic slips
2nd M1 For attempting to add 5 relevant terms (i.e. terms
derived from an attempt to use the recurrence
formula) or an expression. Follow through their
values for a2 − a5
Use of formulae for arithmetic series is M0A0 but
could get 1st M1 if a4 and a5 are correctly

7. (a) u2 = (–1)(2) + d = –2 + d B1

u3 = (–1)2(–2 + d) + d = –2 + 2d M1
Attempting to find u3 in terms of d

u4 = (–1)3(–2 + 2d) + d = 2 – d A1 4
u3 and u4 correct

u5 = (–1)4(2 – d) + d = 2 (*) cso

fully correct

(b) u10 = u2 = d – 2 o.e. B1ft 1

their u2 must contain d
(c) –2 + 2d = 3(–2 + d) ⇒ d = 4 M1 A1 2
M1 equating their u3 to their 3u2
must contain d

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 12

C1 Sequences and series – General
3 20 
8. (a) u2 =  +  = 2.85773…. = 2.86 M1
2 3

u3 = 2.90300… = 2.90 A1 c.a.o

u4 = 2.88806…. = 2.89 A1 c.a.o 3
S.C. [If u3 = AWRT 2.90 and u4 = AWRT 2.89 penalise once only]
M1 Correct expression or AWRT 2.86

3 a 3 a
(b) (i) 3 =  +  or 9 = + M1
2 3 2 3
a 3  3
= 9 − or a = 3  9 −  M1
3 2  2
a = 22.5 A1 3
M1 A correct equation for a, with or without .
M1 Attempt correct manipulation to ka = ,(k > 0).

(ii) (If u1 = u2, then u2 = u3……..) u5 = 3 B1 1


9. (a) 4k − 7 B1
(b) 4 (4k − 7) − 7 = 16k − 35 M1 A1 2
(c) 16k − 35 = 13 k=3 M1 A1 2

C1 Sequences and series: General – Mark Schemes 13

C1 Sequences and series – General

1. This proved to be a straightforward question for most candidates who worked through it
carefully and gained full marks. A few noticed that the numbers inside the square root
formed an arithmetic sequence and this sometimes distracted them as they tried to use
formulae for arithmetic series.
There were still some candidates who did not understand the notation and interpreted
a n as n 2 + 3 .

Some were confused by the nested square roots and we saw a 3 = 7 2 + 3 and others
thought ( 7)2
= 49 but overall this question was answered well.

2. There were far fewer cases of candidates not understanding how an inductive formula
like this works and many were able to answer parts (a) and (b) successfully. Part (b)
required the candidates to “show” a given result and most gave the expression 2(2k – 7)
– 7 which was fine but a small minority thought the pattern must be 2 × 2k – 3 × 7. Part
(c) met with mixed success: many found a4 but some then solved a4 = 43 whilst others
assumed that the series was arithmetic and attempted to use a formula such as
(a1 + z 4 ). Those who did attempt the correct sum occasionally floundered with the
arithmetic but there were plenty of fully correct solutions seen.

3. The notation associated with sequences given in this form still causes difficulties for
some candidates and as a result parts (a) and (b) were often answered less well than part
(c). A common error in the first two parts was to leave an x in the expression but most
of those who could handle the notation gave clear and accurate answers. There were the
usual errors in part (c), with a2 – 3a – 4 = 0 appearing quite often and it was
encouraging to see most candidates factorising their quadratic expression confidently as
a means of solving the equation. A few candidates still use a trial and improvement
approach to questions of this type and they often stopped after finding just one solution
and gained no credit.

4. Although just a few candidates failed to understand the idea of the recurrence relation,
most managed to complete the first two parts successfully. A major concern in part (b),
however, was the widespread lack of brackets in the algebraic expressions. It was
usually possible for examiners to interpret candidates’ intentions generously, but there
needs to be a greater awareness that, for example, 1 + p(1 + 2p) is not an acceptable
alternative to (1 + p)(1 + 2p).

C1 Sequences and series: General – Examiner Reports 14

C1 Sequences and series – General

The given answer to part (b) enabled the vast majority of candidates to start part (c)
correctly, but the main problem with this part was in solving 2p 2 + 3p = 0, which
proved surprisingly difficult for some. Attempts to complete the square usually failed,
while the quadratic formula method, although generally more successful, often suffered
from mistakes related to the fact that c was zero. Those who did manage to factorise the
3 3
expression sometimes gave the answer p= instead of p = − . It was clear that
2 2
candidates would have been much happier solving a 3-term quadratic equation. Those
who trivialised the question by giving only the zero solution (despite the condition p >
0) scored no further marks in the question.

Part (d) proved challenging for many candidates. Some used the solution p = 0 and
some tried to make use of the sum formula for an arithmetic series. Few candidates were
successful, but those who wrote out the first few terms were more likely to spot the
‘oscillatory’ nature of the sequence. Good candidates stated that even terms were all
1 1
equal to − and therefore the 2008th term was − . Quite a large number of candidates
2 2
were able to express x2008 in terms of x2007, but those who simply substituted 2007
into one of their expressions often wasted time in tedious arithmetic that led to a very
large answer.

5. Many of the comments made on the June 2006 paper would apply here too. Many
candidates were clearly not familiar with the notation and a number used arithmetic
series formulae to find the sum in part (c) although this was less common than in June
Apart from those candidates who had little idea about this topic most were able to
answer parts (a) and (b) correctly. In part (c) many attempted to find a4 using the
recurrence relation and those who were not tempted into using the arithmetic series
formulae often went on to attempt the sum and usually obtained 40k + 90 which they
were easily able to show was divisible by 10.
Some lost marks for poor arithmetic 30k + 90 and 40k + 80 being some of the incorrect
answers seen.

6. Most candidates knew how to start this question and full marks for part (a) was
common, however some lost out due to poor arithmetic such as 3 × 3 – 5 = 6 – 5 = 1 for
a2 A minority of candidates though had no idea how to interpret the recurrence relation
notation with a significant number interpreting 3a –5 as 3 × n – 5. In part (b) many
candidates were convinced that the series had to be arithmetic and they gained no
further marks. Some did find a4 + a5 and a correctly but then used the arithmetic
n( a + l )
formula with l= 43 Clearly students are familiar with the work on arithmetic
series but in some cases this seems to have overshadowed their understanding of
recurrence relations.

C1 Sequences and series: General – Examiner Reports 15

C1 Sequences and series – General

7. This question was poorly answered. Many candidates started by using

un+1 = (-1)n+1un + d or by establishing a value for d, usually by creating a u0. The
fact that all these also gave u5 = 2 tended to lull candidates into a false sense of security.
In part (b) most candidates realised u10 = u2.In part (c) those who were not successful
in (a) did on the whole recalculate u2 and u3, and then equate u3 to 3u2 to gain the
method mark

8. This question was answered very well and many scored full marks. In part (a) some
failed to give answers to 2 decimal places and sometimes the wrong substitution was
made or the square root omitted. Part (b)(ii) caused a few problems, some candidates
did not appreciate the instruction to “write down” and worked through u3, and u4
before stating the answer. Others started with 2.89 instead of 3.

9. No Report available for this question.

C1 Sequences and series: General – Examiner Reports 16

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