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AM.012 - Anexos - Manual - UFCD - 0402

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0402 – Língua Inglesa -



In the morning GOOD MORNING
(from 7.30 a.m. till 12.00 o’clock)

In the afternoon GOOD AFTERNOON

(from 12.00 o’clock till 6.30 p.m.)

In the evening GOOD EVENING

(from 6.30 p.m. till 12.00 p.m.)

In a less formal context: Hello / HI


Goodbye Good night

See you See you tomorrow
Bye See you later
Bye bye Have a nice evening


You Your partner

Hello ___________________. How are you?

_____________________, __________ and _________________________________, too.

you? What’s your name?

My name is __________________________ I’m _______________

What’s your name? Pleased to meet you.

___________________, too.

Personal pronouns
- Exercícios de pronúncia
Eu I ___________
Tu you ___________
Ele he ___________
Ela she ___________
Ele ou ela it ___________
Nós we ___________
Vós you ___________
Eles ou elas they ___________

Personal pronouns – Subject form

Os pronomes pessoais de sujeito usam-se antes de um verbo e substituem os nomes. Estes são:

Singular Plural
I (eu) We (nós)
You (tu) You (vós)
he, she, it (ele, ela) They (eles, elas)

Usa-se he para um homem ou um rapaz. Usa-se she para uma mulher ou uma rapariga.

Boy Woman
He she
Man Girl

Usa-se It para um objecto, uma coisa ou um animal.

Car – It Cat - It

No plural usa-se They para pessoas, animais, plantas e coisas:

Flowers - They Man and woman – They

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb.

❥ My name __________ John. Piece of

❥ What __________ your name? cake!!
❥ I__________ twelve years old.
❥ She__________ a girl.
❥ How old __________ it?
❥ It __________ two years old.
❥ The dog__________ black.

VERB TO BE (ser/estar) - Present Simple

Affirmative Negative

Long form Short form Long form Short form Question

I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I?

You are (You’re) You are not (You aren’t) Are you?

He is (He’s) He is not (He isn’t) Is he?

She is (She’s) She is not (She isn’t) Is she?

It is (It’s) It is not (It isn’t) Is it?

We are (We’re) We are not (We aren’t) Are we?

You are (You’re) You are not (You aren’t) Are you?

They are (They’re) They are not (They aren’t) Are they?

Exercícios de consolidação do verbo “TO BE”

Usamos o verbo “TO BE” (ser ou estar) para:
1-Dizer quem somos
2- Dizer a idade
3- Dizer como estamos


Complete with the verb TO BE (Complete com o verbo TO BE)

❥She ____________my friend. ❥We __________good friends.
❥He ____________a boy. ❥You __________a student.
❥They __________children. ❥Mr. John _________my father.
❥You ___________my friend. ❥ Miss Vera __________my teacher.
❥It______________a dog. ❥She ________________my friend
❥This ___________a parrot.

Formas de tratamento
Senhor Mister – Mr.
Senhora Madam/ Mistress – Mrs.
Menina Miss
Menino Mister – Mr.

Presentation Class

Answer the following questions:

1. What’s your first name? ________________________________________________________

2. What’s your surname? __________________________________________________________

3. What’s your full name? __________________________________________________________
4. How old are you? _______________________________________________________________
5. Where are you from? _____________________________________________________________
6. Where do you live? _______________________________________________________________
7. What’s your phone number? ________________________________________________________

Agora preste atenção aos seguintes exercícios:

Rapaz  Peter - What’s your first name?

First Name: Robert Robert - My first names is Robert.
Surname: Jones  Peter - What’s your surname?
Age: 11 years old Robert - My surname is Jones.
 Peter - How old are you?
Robert - I’m eleven years old.

The Alphabet sounds:

a b c d e f g
(ei) (bi) (si:) (di) (i:) (ef) (dgi:)
h i j k l m n
(eitch) (ai) (djei) (kei) (el) (em) (en)
o p q r s t u
(ou) (pi:) (kju:) (a:r) (es) (ti:) (iu)
v w x y z
(vi:) (dabliu:) (eks) (wai) (US- zi)
(UK- zed)

1. Read the alphabet:


2. Role play the following exercise:

A: What’s your name, please?
B: My name is James Bond.
A: Can you spell it, please?
B: J A M E S B O N D

2. Now you:

A: What’s your name, please?

B: ______________________________.
A: Can you spell it please?
B: Yes, it’s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

3. Spell the names:

M-a-r-y M-a-r-i-a-n-a C-a-ro-l-i-n-a C-a-t-h-y S-a-n-d-r-a P-h-i-l-i-p-p-e

W-a-r-r-e-n P-a-u-l M-a-d-o-n-n-a

4. Complete:

A → _______ H →_______ _______→ iu

______→ bi _______→ dgi T →_______
F→ _______ Z→ _______ _______→ wai
_______→ el _______→ vi E → _______
R→ _______ _______→ kei _______→ es
_______→ em C →_______ D → ________
Q→_______ _______→ pi _______→ ai
_______→ eks O→ _______ W → _______

What’s your name?

Hello! My name is
My name is John.
Sarah. Nice to
What’s your meet you!

How old are you?

I am eight
I am nine
years old.
years old.

Now you:
What’s your name? ……………………………….…………………………………..
How old are you? ……………………………………………………………………

The numbers
9- nine
O – zero
1 - one 11-eleven
2-two 12-twelve
3-three 13-thirteen
4-four 14-fourteen
5-five 15- fifteen
6 - six 16 – sixteen
7-seven 17-seventeen
8-eight 18-eighteen

19-nineteen 20-twenty

20-twenty-one 40- forty
22-twenty-two 41-forty-one
24-twenty-four 42-forty-two
25-twenty-five …
26 –twenty-six 50-fifty
27-twenty-seven ...
28-twenty-eight 60-sixty
29- twenty-nine 70-seventy
30- thirty 80-eighty
31- thirty -one 90- ninety
32- thirty -two 100 – (a) one hundred
33- thirty –three 1000- (a) one thousand
10000- (a) one million

"Ordinal" numbers – are used to define a thing's position in a series.
1st first 19th nineteenth

2nd second 20th twentieth

3rd third 21st twenty-first

4th fourth 22nd twenty-second

5th fifth 23rd twenty-third

6th sixth 24th twenty-fourth

7th seventh 30th thirtieth

8th eighth 40th fortieth

9th ninth 50th fiftieth

10th tenth 60th sixtieth

11th eleventh 70th seventieth

12th twelfth 80th eightieth

13th thirteenth 90th ninetieth

14th fourteenth 100th hundredth

15th fifteenth 101st hundred and first

16th sixteenth 152nd hundred and fifty-second

17th seventeenth 1,000,000,000th billionth

18th eighteenth

 Ordinal Numbers
1st 13th

2nd 17th

third twenty-second

fourth 24th

fifth 30th

ninth Thirty-fourth

Dates and Special Occasions

1) Write these dates as numbers.

a) May the first.→ May 1st

b) January the twenty-third. → ___________________
c) September the tenth. → _______________________
d) April the nineteenth. → ______________________
e) March the twelfth. → ________________________
f) January the second. →________________________

2) Write the days of the week:

3)Write the names of the months in the
correct order.
a) __________________
b) February
c) ___________________
d) ___________________
e) ___________________
f) ___________________
g) ___________________
h) ___________________
i) September
j) ___________________
k) ___________________
l) ___________________
Present Simple

Na forma afirmativa:

Todas as pessoas são iguais ao infinitivo (sem to), à excepção da 3ª pessoa (he/she/it) à
qual se acrescenta – s.


| Verbos terminados em:

# Consoante + y – mudam para –ies

cry – cries

# sh/ch/s/x/o – acrescenta-se –es

wash – washes
watch – watches
fix - fixes
go - goes

Na forma negativa:

. Todas as pessoas auxiliar don’t seguido de infinitivo

I don’t play

. 3ª pessoa (he/she/it) auxiliar doesn’t seguido de infinitivo

She doesn’t play

Na forma interrogativa:

* Coloca-se o auxiliar do / does seguido do sujeito e do infinitivo:

Para todas as pessoas Para a 3ª pessoa (he/she/it)

Do you play…? Does she play…?

Verbo To live- viver- Present Simple

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I live Do I live? I don't live = I do not live
You live Do you live? You don't live
He lives Does he live? He doesn't live
She lives Does she live? She doesn't live
It lives Does it live? It doesn't live
We live Do we live? We don’t live
You live Do you live? You don’t live
They live Do they live? They don’t live

QUESTIONS (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Wh-- Auxil. verb Subject Verbs

When do You walk to work?
Why do walk to work every day?
Where She go to work?
How does get to work?
What They do at work?

A. Complete the sentences with the adverbs given and the correct form of the verb.

 Present Simple

1) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple:

a) Harry _____________ (run) to the shops.
b) He _______________ (send) lots of letters.
c) We ________________ (make) sandwiches for lunch.
d) Jean __________________ (begin) work at 6 o’clock.
e) They ________________ (go) swimming.

2) Change the following sentences into the negative:

a) I live in London. _________________________________________________________________
b) We go to school every day. ________________________________________________________
c) Helen wants to make a phone call. __________________________________________________

3) Change the following sentences into the interrogative:
a) John and Mark come back next week. ________________________________________________
b) You drink too much water. _________________________________________________________
c) Ellen comes here by bus. __________________________________________________________

The Possessive Case

 In English we don’t say:

The computer of Erica is fantastic.
But we say:
Erica’s computer is fantastic.
The car of Mr. Bean is funny. xxxx
But we say:
Mr. Bean’s car is funny.
This expresses a relation of possession. Look at the example.
E.g. The bicycle of John is green. John’s bicycle is green.
The second sentence is considered correct English. The order of the sentence is different:
it comes the possessor in front of the possessed with the adding ‘s.
Pay attention:
The house of my parents is enormous. xxxx
My parents’ house is enormous.
With people and animals ‘s
We use of with things The end of the street
We can use both for places and organizations. London’s museums/ The museums of London.
In some expressions of time A month’s work/Last week’s newspaper

singular nouns Ted’s car. The dog’s house.

plural nouns not ending in -s The children’s eyes.

proper nouns ending in -s Charles’s house. Luis’s car.

plural nouns ending in -s The girls’ parents

old history proper names Jesus’ life. Archimedes’ law. Socrates’ work.

Give the equivalent using the possessive case.
1- The brother of Mary is Peter. __________________________________________________
2- The house of Michael is nice. __________________________________________________
3- The school of Jim is very far. __________________________________________________
4- Mary is the sister or Peter. __________________________________________________
5- The mother of these boys is sick. _________________________________________________
6- The legs of the table are very thin. ________________________________________________
7- The schoolbags of the pupils are in the desks. _______________________________________
8- The teacher is pointing to the map of England. ______________________________________
9- Go and buy the newspaper of today. _______________________________________________
10- The new flat of Alan and Clara is smashing. ________________________________________


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