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Prof. Dr. Thomas C.

Baier, DG8SAQ
University of Applied Sciences, Prittwitzstrasse 10, 89075 Ulm, Germany;

A Small, Simple, USB-Powered

Vector Network Analyzer
Covering 1 kHz to 1.3 GHz
You will want to build this new variation on a popular project!

Since I had published my ideas for a
simple and low cost vector network analyzer
(VNWA) in QEX in 2007, I have received
lots of feedback, showing, that there is a great
interest in this field.1 The original design
(VNWA1.0) had a few shortcomings. It only
covered a fundamental frequency range up
to 160 MHz. On the other hand, it could
measure at some limited higher frequency
bands up to 500 MHz, with reduced accu-
racy, by using higher DDS alias frequen-
cies.2 Another drawback was that it was a
veroboard design. This made it very tough
to duplicate. So, I have thought about how to
make the VNWA design even simpler, better,
and last but not least easier to build. In this
article, I describe the very satisfactory result
of this development process, which is a small
single printed circuit board VNWA covering
1 kHz to 1.3 GHz in one continuous fre-
quency band, which can be powered directly
from a computer USB interface.

VNWA Design Figure 1 — A block diagram showing the fundamental design of the VNWA2.1.
Figure 1 shows the fundamental design
of the new VNWA2.1. Like the original
VNWA1.0, it consists of two digitally tun- to the Editor in QEX (see Note 2), it is crucial experimental approach, but pushing the DDS
able Direct Digital Synthesizers (DDSs), that the two DDS cores are clocked with dif- clock frequency means pushing the usable
now realized by two fast Analog Devices ferent frequencies, if one wants to omit anti- fundamental frequency range of the VNWA,
AD9859 chips.3 Here, the clock genera- aliasing filters and make use of higher order which spans to 600 MHz under the selected
tion could be realized in a very simple way, alias frequencies. This is simply achieved by operating conditions.
because the AD9859 contains an on-chip setting the clock multipliers of the two DDS Like in the VNWA1.0 design, the RF
clock multiplier PLL circuit. Both DDSs are chips to two different values — for example, DDS output signal is fed into an SWR-
clocked from the same crystal oscillator, real- 20 and 19 — leading to clock frequencies of bridge, now formed by 50 Ω resistors in
ized with a low cost standard 12.3 MHz crys- 703 MHz and 740 MHz respectively. Note, order to simplify power level adaptations by
tal, which is oscillating on the third overtone that in this frequency scheme, the DDSs an optional 50 Ω attenuator pad between the
at about 37 MHz. The exact crystal frequency operate well beyond their specification lim- DDS and the bridge. The balanced bridge
is of no importance, since it can be accounted its of 400 MHz maximum core clock. Quite output signal is fed into the balanced inputs
for in the software. As described in my letter remarkably, all tested DDS chips (about 30 of the Gilbert cell mixer, M1, followed by an
pieces so far), work nicely without getting operational amplifier. The amplifier output
Notes appear on page 36.
1 hot under these conditions. This is a very signal is guided through a CMOS switch into

32 QEX – January/February 2009

the left channel of the computer sound card interference from the switching regulator bottom side of the board is almost completely
line-in. The CMOS switch multiplexes this could be observed. The whole board consumes covered with a metal ground plane. The latter
Reflect signal with the Through measure- 350 mA from a 4.5 V supply when overclocked is crucial to obtain good isolation between the
ment signal originating from mixer M3 and to the limit. A USB port can deliver up to 500 TX and RX section up into the GHz range.
its following amplifier. The multiplexing is mA and thus is able to power the board. The board size is 100 × 60 mm² and the pas-
necessary, as standard sound cards have only The printed circuit board is a simple two sive components are mostly 0603 size.
a stereo line-in channel, which can capture layer design. Thanks to a lot of brainwork
just two signals simultaneously. But a third and the terrific layout work of Dan, MØDFI, Test results
signal, the Reference signal, is required to almost all components and connections could Figure 3 shows the frequency dependent
determine the signal phases. The Reference be placed on the top side. Only one semi rigid available signal amplitudes under various
signal is obtained by mixing the LO and RF coax line had to go to the bottom, connecting operating conditions and the isolation level.
DDS signals with M2 and amplifying the the TX section mixers with the LO DDS. The
output signal with the following operational
amplifier. It is then fed into the right chan-
nel of the sound card line-in. Note that the
VNWA works with an IF of about 1 kHz. The
sound card is used as an IF amplifier, so the
computer realizes a digital IF filter.
If a Device Under Test (DUT) with two
ports is placed between the TX and RX ter-
minals of the VNWA, its scattering param-
eters S11 and S21 can be derived from the three
measurement signals (Through, Reflect,
Reference). By manually turning the device,
also S12 and S22 can be measured.
In the current design, both the CMOS
switch and the DDSs are digitally controlled
with the computer parallel printer port.
Software integration of a USB interface is
under development.4

Figure 2 shows the VNWA2.1 board
mounted into a small metal sheet box as
seen from top. The left SMA connector is Figure 2 — Top view of the VNWA2.1 board. Board size is 100 × 60 mm².
the TX port output. It is directly connected to
the internal SWR bridge. The bridge is sur-
rounded by the mixers M1, M2 (left) and the
RF-DDS (right). The right SMA connector is
the RX port input. Above, the mixer M3 and
to the left the LO DDS are found.
The SubD9 connector on the upper side
of Figure 2 is the digital control port, which
is directly connected to the computer parallel
printer port. Also, the power supply is pro-
vided through this connector.
The 3.5 mm audio connector on the upper
right of Figure 2 is the stereo audio output
to be connected to the computer sound card
The digital part of the board runs on 1.8 V
dc and 3.3 V dc. These voltages can directly
be obtained with low drop regulators by tap-
ping 5 V dc from a computer USB port.
The analog circuitry requires a low noise
6 V dc power supply. Fortunately, it only con-
sumes 10 mA of current. In order to power
the whole board from 5 V dc, a low power
step up switching regulator was added on the
upper left corner of the board. It translates Figure 3 — Frequency dependent available signal amplitudes: Trace 1/S21: clock multipliers
5 V input voltage to 8.5 V on output, which are 14/13; trace 2/Mem1: clock multipliers are 20/19; trace 3/Mem2: clock multipliers are
is then reduced to 6 V dc with a dissipative dynamically switched during the frequency sweep. Also shown is the noise floor of the
voltage regulator. This way, a very low noise system with TX output and RX input isolated (bottom trace, Mem4). Note that traces 2 and 3
6 V power supply could be obtained and no exactly match from the starting point up to their first crossing of trace 1.

QEX – January/February 2009 33

The isolation trace on the bottom shows, that It is quite remarkable, that the instrument 23 cm range, as hams usually don’t require
there is no crosstalk between TX output and works up to 1.3  GHz, as the mixers I used extremely high precision results.
RX input measurable within the available are only specified up to 500 MHz. The latter It is to be noted that there are also mea-
dynamic range. originally was the targeted upper frequency surement errors due to interference at some
It can be seen from traces 1 and 2, that limit. The degradation of the mixer perfor- integer multiples of the DDS input clock fre-
there are strong alias signals up to 1.3 GHz, mance leads to measurement errors beyond quencies. Remember that the design contains
which become increasingly noisy with 500 MHz, though. Still, the instrument is no signal shaping RF filters whatsoever. The
increasing frequency, though. Also, there are sufficient for most ham purposes up into the interferences were mostly avoided so far by
distinct notches visible, which result from
the fact that the output levels of DDSs drop
to zero near integer multiples of their core
clock frequency, which is around 500 MHz
for trace 1 and 700 MHz for trace 2. The
notches are in fact double notches, as the
two DDSs run on slightly different clocks
and the product of both DDS output powers
enters into the signal amplitude. Observe that
trace 1 rather nicely fills the first notch of
trace 2 and vice versa. This leads to the idea
of dynamically switching the DDS clock
multipliers during the frequency sweep — in
other words, measuring at different frequen-
cies with different clock multipliers. Trace 3
was obtained in this way. Here, the notches
are gone altogether and sufficient signal
amplitude is obtained for a continuous fre-
quency sweep from audio frequencies up to
1.3 GHz. This idea is also nicely described by
Sam Wetterlin.5
Figure 4 shows a wideband transmission
response of a through calibration standard
(traces 1 and 2) and an isolation measurement
(trace 3) from 1 MHz to 1.3 GHz obtained
with dynamic clock multiplier adaptation
during the sweep as described above. Note, Figure 4 — Wideband transmission response of a through calibration standard from 1 MHz
to 1.3 GHz obtained with dynamic clock multiplier adaptation during the sweep ( trace 1
that by virtue of a through calibration prior to / Mem1-dB: amplitude response; trace 2 / Mem1-Phase: phase response) and wideband
measurement, all amplitude discontinuities isolation (trace 3 / S21-dB). A through calibration has been performed prior to measurement.
from Figure 3 have vanished. An amplitude
accuracy of a few hundredths of a dB and a
phase accuracy of a few tenths of a degree
are achieved up to 1.3  GHz. Obviously the
uncertainties increase and the dynamic range
decreases from 500 MHz upwards because
of a decreasing signal amplitude. Up to the
70 cm amateur radio band a dynamic range
of about 90  dB is achieved. Above that,
the dynamic range drops, but still remains
around a remarkable 70 dB.
Figure 5 shows a reflection measurement
on a 1 m long open ended coaxial cable over
the same frequency range as in Figure 4. A
SOL (short, open, load) calibration has been
performed prior to the measurement. The
amplitude plot nicely shows the cable attenu-
ation, which increases with frequency. The
amplitude ripple is not a hardware error, but
it is caused by port mismatch. This describes
the fact that the reflection coefficients of the
calibration standards (open, short, load) are
not exactly known to the correction algo-
rithm. The Smith chart shows the expected
spiral, which has corners due to the rather
small number of frequency points (200) used
Figure 5 — Reflection measurement on a 1 m open ended coaxial cable from 1 MHz to
here. 1.3 GHz. A SOL (short, open, load) calibration has been performed prior to measurement.

34 QEX – January/February 2009

selection of the measurement frequency grid. So, measurement results can be manipulated used in the simulation trace 4 in Figure 8.
One such interference can be seen in Figure in real-time during the sweep or simulation
6, where it manifests itself as a peak with traces can be calculated and displayed in
Summary and outlook
about 0.15 dB amplitude in trace 2 at about customized ways. Figure 9 shows the input
I have described a very simple computer-
360 MHz (= half of the DDS core clock fre- mask of the mathematical expression parser
based vector network analyzer, which oper-
quency). It is caused by interference of two containing the impedance formula of the
ates on a continuous frequency band from
aliases, which happen to cross there, when lossy 120 nH inductor normalized to 50 Ω
the DDSs are swept.
Figure 6 shows a high precision com-
parison of reflection coefficients between
VNWA2.1 and Rohde & Schwarz ZVM
measurements on a 30  cm open ended low
loss semi rigid coaxial cable in the fundamen-
tal VNWA frequency range up to 600 MHz.
In the Smith chart, only the VNWA2.1 data is
shown, since the data of both instruments are
so similar, that they cannot be distinguished
there. This is also seen from the amplitude
traces 1 and 2. Note, that their scales are only
0.02  dB per division, demonstrating, that
the VNWA2.1 works very accurately up to
500 MHz. Note, that it is most challenging to
precisely measure reflection coefficients near
magnitude 1.
Figure 7 shows the wideband measure-
ment of a “real” device, namely a 1  GHz
SAW filter. Also, this measurement has been
obtained by dynamically switching the clock
multipliers during the sweep. Obviously,
the dynamic range of the instrument is still
good enough to measure such a device at
1.3 GHz.
Due to the huge usable continuous fre-
quency range from 1  kHz to 1.3  GHz, it Figure 6 — High precision comparison of reflection coefficients between VNWA2.1 and
makes sense to perform measurements Rohde & Schwarz ZVM measurements on a 30 cm open ended low loss semi rigid coaxial
on a logarithmic frequency grid with the cable in the fundamental VNWA frequency range up to 600 MHz. Trace 1 / Mem4: ZVM; Trace
VNWA2.1, in order to obtain Bode plots. A 2 / S11: VNWA2.1.
simple example is shown in Figure 8. It shows
a Bode plot of the transmission through an
SMA T, terminated with a 120  nH SMD
inductor at the base of the T (S21, trace 2)
compared to the transmission of the through
calibration standard (Mem4, trace 1) from
1  kHz to 1.3  GHz. In the lower frequency
region, the ohmic resistance of the inductor
limits the attenuation to about 40  dB. The
mid frequency region shows the expected
linear decrease of the attenuation on the dou-
bly logarithmic scale, due to the increasing
ac resistance of the inductor with increasing
frequency. Traces 3 and 4 (Cus2 and Cus4)
show two different simulations of the trans-
mission through the T. Trace 3 uses the actu-
ally measured reflection coefficient of the
inductor, which is stored in Mem1, to calcu-
late the T transmission. Trace 4 uses a simple
model of an ideal 120 nH inductor connected
in series with a resistor of 0.26 Ω to simulate
the T transmission. Trace 5 (Mem1) actually
shows the measured series resistance of the
inductor. Note, that all simulations have been
performed within the VNWA measurement
software, which includes a parser and com- Figure 7 — Wideband measurement of a 1 GHz SAW filter. The filter isolation of 60 dB at 1.3
piler for complex mathematical expressions. GHz can still be measured.

QEX – January/February 2009 35

1  kHz to 1.3  GHz, thus still covering the
23  cm Amateur Radio band. The wide
operating frequency range was obtained by
deliberately using aliasing frequencies of
the built-in direct digital synthesizers and by
dynamically switching their clock frequen-
cies during the measurement sweep. The
design is implemented on a single two layer
printed circuit board with all components
placed on the top layer. The board is powered
by a single non-stabilized 4.5 V to 5.5 V dc
source consuming a current of 350 mA.
The design is very experimental, as the
DDS chips and the mixers are operated well
outside their specification limits. Therefore,
I do not intend to provide preassembled
boards. Nevertheless, I would like to give
experimenters the possibility to work with
such an instrument by providing unassem-
bled printed circuit boards. Good experience,
steady hands and an excellent eye sight are
required for manual assembly. Look at my
Web site for details and for my most recent
VNWA software.6, 7
I want to thank Dan, M0DFI, for a great Figure 8 — Bode plot of the transmission through an SMA T connector, terminated with a
job laying out the circuit board. I also want to 120 nH SMD inductor at the base of the T (S21, trace 2) from 1 kHz to 1.3 GHz. Also shown
are two simulations of the transmission (Cus2, trace3, calculated from measured S11 of the
thank Hermann, DF2DR, Andreas, DL1TT, inductor), (Cus5, trace 4, calculated with model inductor 120 nH in series with 0.26 Ω) and
and Ferdinand, DB2SG for great support the transmission of the through calibration standard (Mem4, trace 1). Note that all mentioned
on board production and for beta-testing the traces have been shifted in reference level positions for better visibility. Mem1, trace 5 shows
project and Stefan Fuchs for his support with the measured real part of the inductor impedance.
the ZVM reference measurements.

Notes Tom, DG8SAQ, has been a licensed radio

amateur since 1980. He prefers the soldering
Professor Dr. Thomas C. Baier, DG8SAQ, “A iron to the microphone, though. His interests
Low Budget Vector Network Analyzer for AF span from microwave technology to microcon-
to UHF,” QEX, Mar/Apr 2007, ARRL. See
trollers. Lately, he has started Windows pro-
gramming with Delphi. Tom spent one year in
Professor Dr. Thomas C. Baier, DG8SAQ,
“Letters to the Editor,” QEX, Jul/Aug 2007, Oregon USA rock climbing and working on his
ARRL. master’s degree.
Professor Dr. Thomas C. Baier, DG8SAQ,
“A Low-Cost, Flexible USB Interface,” QEX,
Jan/Feb 2008, ARRL, pp 11-15.
Sam Wetterlin, “Using DDS Aliases to Extend
the Frequency Range,”
Please see or contact for information about
the availability of circuit boards and kits.
Details are being worked out at press time.

Professor Dr. Thomas Baier, MA, teaches

physics, mathematics and electronics at
the University of Applied Sciences in Ulm,
Germany. Before his teaching assignment,
he spent 10 years of work on research and Figure 9 — VNWA software input mask
development of surface acoustic wave filters showing the impedance formula of the lossy
120 nH inductor normalized to 50 Ω used in
for mobile communication with Siemens and the simulation trace 4 of Figure 8.
EPCOS. He holds 10 patents.

36 QEX – January/February 2009

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