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Solucionario Temas 7, 8 y 9

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Solucionario temas 7, 8 y 9

More Practice

More Practice 7

1 1. drop out 3. marriage

2. charge 4. queue

2 1. harmful 4. thoughtful
2. helpful 5. useless
3. careless

3 1. rent 5. poverty
2. hid 6. drugs
3. hopeless 7. signed a petition
4. jobless

4 1. spotted 4. make sure

2. is worthless 5. alone
3. elderly 6. beautiful

5 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b

6 1. ended up 4. unemployment
2. peaceful 5. volunteer
3. successful 6. demonstrations

1 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a

2 1. Jim hadn’t visited him for a long time

2. the party would begin at eight o’clock
3. to open their books
4. the biscuits were baking in the oven
5. asking / that they ask Matt to bring a pizza
6. his family had already been to Paris

3 1. boasted that he was the best student in the class

2. complained that the neighbours had made a lot of noise
3. warned her secretary not to use her computer
4. told Daniel to buy a newspaper
5. threatened to punish me the next time I was late
6. admitted that they hadn’t invited Larry to the meeting

4 1. Sara asked if / whether Mark was buying a new car.

2. Clive asked if / whether the water had boiled.
3. The waitress enquired what I wanted to order.
4. Aunt Ruby asked why they had to go to bed so early.
5. Peter wanted to know if / whether the concert would start on

5 1. The hotel clerk said (that) the bellboy would take the suitcases
2. The officer ordered the people to leave the building immediately.
3. William suggested trying / that we try the new Chinese restaurant.

More Practice 8

1 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. e 6. b

2 1. don’t tell 4. thin

2. can 5. hate
3. excellent

3 1. blocked5. password
2. inbox 6. application
3. profile 7. remove
4. wall 8. insulting
4 1. against 4. out
2. up 5. down
3. out

5 1. rude 4. truthful
2. updated 5. criticised
3. access 6. embarrassed

6 1. invasion of privacy, privacy settings

2. request, distracting
3. account, log in


1 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b

2 1. that / when, d 4. that / which, b

2. whose, f 5. where, a
3. who / that, e 6. that / which, c

3 1. that / which 4. where

2. when 5. that / which
3. whose 6. that / who
The relative pronoun can be omitted in sentences 1, 5 and 6.
4 1. Amy wants to see the photo album which has pictures of our trip
to France.
2. This is my friend Sam, who knows how to windsurf.
3. Have you been to the restaurant where the waiters sing?
4. Jim, whose father is an engineer, is good at maths.
5. The test was on Tuesday, when I was ill.

5 1. Tokyo, which is in Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. /

Tokyo, which is one of the largest cities in the world, is in Japan.
2. The head teacher, who visited my class last week, is popular with
the students. / The head teacher, who is popular with the students, visited my class
last week.
3. Jack, whose car was hit, is still in hospital after the accident.
4. My computer, which isn’t new, has been fixed twice. / My
computer, which has been fixed twice, isn’t new.
6 1. The photos that / which you sent to me were put in an album.
2. Our tour guide, who is very knowledgeable, is taking us to the
Acropolis. / Our tour guide, who is taking us to the Acropolis, is very knowledgeable.
3. Easter, when we have a big family meal, is a special time. / Easter,
which is a special time, is when we have a big family meal.
4. The driver who drove fast on the motorway had just got his
licence. / The driver who had just got his licence drove fast on the motorway.
5. I never go to this part of the city, which is dangerous at night.

More Practice 9

1 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b

2 1. sunrise 6. wandered
2. stranger 7. tolerant
3. site 8. multi-cultural
4. pastimes 9. lifestyle
5. was born

3 1. b, c 2. a, b 3. b, c 4. a, b 5. a, c

4 1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. b

5 1. kind 4. adapted
2. guest 5. open-minded
3. offensive


1 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b

2 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. a

3 1. may 4. should have

2. have to 5. can’t
3. should 6. could have

4 1. was given an invitation to the party

2. will be brought to the meeting
3. hasn’t been prepared
4. can be fixed
5. is being cut
5 1. eating / that he had eaten all the chocolate cake
2. when I was going to finish
3. to cover the baby with the blanket
4. that the heater didn’t work
5. surprising / that we surprise Julia with flowers

6 1. that / who
2. that / when
3. that / which
4. whose
5. where


Extension 7

1 1. won’t
2. screaming
3. never had an accident
4. buy a new television
5. studying for a test
6. dangerous

2 1. rent 5. shelter
2. hid6. drugs
3. helpless 7. unemployment
4. marriage 8. peaceful

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 1. sign a petition, gangs

2. charge, careless
3. volunteer, elderly
4. poverty, wages, donate
5. beautiful, spot
6. move, thoughtless

5 1. overcome 4. thoughtful
2. education 5. worthless
3. crime 6. helpful


1 1. had walked the children to school

2. was making a funny noise
3. had just called for an ambulance
4. didn’t eat tomatoes
5. had to remember to buy the birthday present

2 1. The teacher told the students not to leave before the bell.
2. Mike said (that) the price of the tickets would be higher.
3. Lorraine suggested having / that we have a picnic on Sunday.
4. The mechanic said (that) I might need to fix the engine.
5. Rosie said (that) the shop wasn’t selling anything nice.
3 1. The traveller wanted to know how often the bus left.
2. The reporter asked if / whether the workers had gone on strike.
3. Mother wondered why the doctor hadn’t checked my
4. The driver asked if / whether I could give him directions to the
5. The waiter wanted to know which dessert I was going to choose.

4 1. The museum guide announced that the exhibition was going to

open the following week / the week after.
2. My sister ordered me to take my dirty shoes off then.
3. The students admitted that they never read those books from the
4. The manager said that his assistant had sent the letter the
previous month / the month before.
5. The secretary told me to call the office about that problem the
following day / the next day / the day after.
6. Jack said that Tom had broken his leg on that pavement the
previous day / the day before.
7. The delivery boy asked if he could put the package there.

5 1. Olivia admitted that it was all her fault.

2. Ethan complained that his football team had lost again.
3. Sharon advised me to apologise to my friend.
4. Dad warned me not to hit my brother again.
5. The children told their mother that they had cleaned the kitchen.
6. The lawyer suggested not deciding / that we not decide anything
7. Grace reminded me that the festival started in May, not in June.

Extension 8

1 1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c

2 1. to 5. in
2. out 6. down
3. off 7. into
4. away 8. against
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 1. impersonal 4. inbox
2. criticised 5. updated
3. requests 6. truthful

5 1. account 5. comment
2. posted 6. requests
3. wall 7. embarrassing
4. updating 8. turned out

6 1. qualifications 4. confidential
2. obviously 5. harmful
3. took part in


1 1. that / who 4. when

2. when 5. where
3. whose 6. that / which

2 1. Tom went on holiday to Nevis Island, where we went last year.

2. They bought tickets for the concert which / that will be held this
3. Cheryl told me about her new boyfriend, who she loves very
4. The policeman wanted to talk to the family whose child was
5. I collect small cups which / that I buy in the countries I visit
6. Did Samantha find the purse she lost last night?
7. The tallest building in my city, which is downtown, is 35 storeys
high. / The tallest building in my city, which is 35 storeys high, is downtown.
8. Did the girls go dancing at the club where my brother is the disc

3 1. Pizza, which is one of my favourite foods, is quite fattening.

2. Her red shoes, which she bought on sale, are very uncomfortable.
3. Magazine models, who are always tall and beautiful, appear in
advertisements. / Magazine models, who appear in advertisements, are always tall and
4. Dr Roth, who is very kind, has a clinic in town. / Dr Roth, who has
a clinic in town, is very kind.
5. My phone, which has great sound, contains all my favourite music.
/ My phone, which contains all my favourite music, has great sound.

4 1. The train that / which we missed was the last one tonight.
2. Where are the e-mails that / which Tom wrote?
3. Miami is a city that / which has a warm climate.
4. I chose the sweater that / which was cheap.
5. Do you know the girl who / that is making the speech now?
6. He will always remember the day that / when he met his wife.

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Extension 9

1 1. guests 5. stereotypes
2. kind 6. was born
3. lifestyle 7. schedule
4. diverse 8. open-minded

2 1. e 3. b 5. c 7. h
2. d 4. a 6. g 8. f

3 1. spent time 5. It takes time to

2. a waste of time 6. from time to time
3. on time 7. have a good time
4. for the time being 8. take your time

4 1. career 4. sunrise
2. ambition 5. pastime
3. climber 6. accomplish

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


1 1. haven’t gone, are flying / are going to fly

2. ran, was / were driving
3. had read, told
4. don’t have to, will have cooked
5. has been practising, will be
6. are ... barking, is

2 1. You don’t have to buy me a present.

2. Chris could have accepted the job.
3. Kim ought to study advanced English.
4. She might not have told you the truth.
5. You should start studying!
3 1. was invited, wanted
2. have been built, took over
3. bought, was advertised
4. were hidden, were sleeping
5. arrived, had been put out

4 1. Liam wanted to know if / whether the buses started early in the

2. The food critic complained that he had hated that restaurant.
3. The tour guide suggested meeting / that we meet in an hour.
4. The teacher warned that noisy students would be punished.
5. Dad reminded me to buy some milk.
6. Monica wondered why that shop had closed.

5 1. The man whose suitcase was lost got upset at the flight attendant.
2. I have to talk to the neighbour who / that makes a lot of noise
with his motorbike.
3. George enjoys going to the sports club, where there’s a pool. /
George enjoys going to the sports club that / which has a pool.
4. The report showed a popular holiday spot that / which has the
best hotels.
5. Sharon wrote to me about her new flat, which she is very happy
6. Life was very different 20 years ago, when there were no mobile phones.

Extra Exam Practice (Reading)

Extra Exam Practice 7

1 1. b 2. c 3. c

2 1. F. “organisers received about 4,000 texted comments”

2. T. “Teens were also encouraged … to suggest new ideas”
3. T. “phone users are charged for receiving pictures, bringing the
cost to between 5 and 9 cents per chapter.”
3 1. They were encouraged to take part in writing competitions, and to
suggest new ideas, characters and plots.
2. They encourage teens to deal with real issues in their lives.

4 1. a new initiative is encouraging young people to read

2. have been created after/following/due to the success of the m4Lit

5 1. encourage 3. take part

2. launch 4. free

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Extra Exam Practice 8

1 1. c 2. a 3. b

2 1. F. “the WCG, which has become the ‘Olympics’ for video gamers.”
2. F. “English is the universal language of gaming”
3. T. “one of the favourites in 2010 was the Ukrainian team.”
3 1. supervise the matches
2. can get a quarter of a million dollars or gaming equipment
3. cheered on the athletes in the World Cyber Games in 2010
4 Because cyber games are very popular there and there are ten professional leagues.

5 1. dream 3. in excess of
2. grown 4. try out

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Extra Exam Practice 9

1 1. b 2. a 3. c

2 1. T. “in China around 2,000 years ago, people began to fold [paper]
into two- and three-dimensional shapes.”
2. F. “Today origami … is well-known as a hobby and method of art.”
3. T. “the materials are not expensive”
4. F. “origami models range in difficulty”

3 1. spread to Japan, where it became popular

2. could turn this paper into Superman

4 1. It can be used to decorate cards, gifts, Christmas trees and more.

2. They have both been used by engineers to inspire the design of
everyday objects.

5 1. spread 3. essential
2. range 4. skilled

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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