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Fuel Consumption Guide

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Fuel Consumption Guide

2000-2001 2000-2001

This guide helps you select the most

fuel efficient vehicle for your needs.
This guide includes:
• This year’s top performers
• Tips to improve fuel consumption
• How to calculate fuel costs
• Model by model fuel consumption

New Fuel Consumption Label

Fuel consumption is an important concern
for every motorist. To increase consumer
awareness, new vehicles now carry the Fuel
Consumption Label. See the special feature
on the Fuel Consumption Label in this guide.

The Australian Greenhouse Office is the lead For buyers of new cars,
Commonwealth agency on greenhouse matters. four wheel drives and light commercials.
From January 2001, all new passenger cars, off-road vehicles
and light commercial vehicles sold in Australia will display
fuel consumption labels in litres/100 kilometres.
The label, together with the information provided in this
booklet, can save you money on vehicle running costs
and reduce greenhouse gases.
A reduction in fuel consumption of just 1 litre per
100 kilometres could save you about $135 each year,
and help the environment with a reduction of at least
345 kilograms of greenhouse gases.
Passenger vehicles in Australia produce over 40 million
tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year.
Your next car purchase can help reduce these emissions.
This issue of the Fuel Consumption Guide 2000-2001
marks two decades of publication of the guide. That’s
twenty years of helping consumers make an informed
choice about the purchase of their new car.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2001

Twenty first edition 2001 Gwen Andrews
First published as Fuel Economy Guide, 1980 Chief Executive
Australian Greenhouse Office
ISBN 1 876536 92 6 February 2001
This work is copyright. Information from this publication may
be reproduced in whole or in part, subject to the inclusion of an
acknowledgment of the source and provided no commercial usage
or sale of the material occurs. Reproduction for purposes other than
those named above requires written permission from the Australian
Greenhouse Office. Requests and enquires concerning reproduction
and rights should be addressed to Manager, Communications,
Australian Greenhouse Office,
GPO Box 621, Canberra ACT 2601
This document is also available on the Internet at the following address:
Produced for the Australian Greenhouse Office
by Environment Link Pty Ltd
Design and production: B&B Design Australia
Printed on 100% Australian recycled paper
February 2001
Acknowledgment Fuel Consumption Guide
The Australian Greenhouse Office gratefully acknowledges 2000-2001
the assistance of car manufacturers, assemblers and importers,
who voluntarily supplied the data contained in this Guide.
About the Australian 1 Foreword
4 Introducing the New Fuel Consumption Label
Greenhouse Office 5 Fuels and Greenhouse Gases
Global warming presents challenges for the way we 6 Using this Guide
live and work. Addressing this will require changes for Purpose of this Guide
industry, governments at all levels and the community
Fuel consumption tables
at large. It will require careful consideration of the best,
most effective, and most economic means of reducing Rounding of fuel consumption data
Australia’s contribution to the greenhouse problem. How fuel consumption is determined
The AGO is responsible for the coordination of domestic 7 City and highway tests
climate change policy and the delivery of Commonwealth Your car’s fuel consumption
programs and provides a central point of contact for
Use of unleaded petrol in pre-1986 vehicles
stakeholder groups.
8 Why improve your fuel consumption?
As an organisation, the AGO needs and encourages the
involvement of all Australians. Working with our stakeholders Buying a new car?
is fundamentally important to achieving our mission. 9 10 Top tips for fuel efficient driving
11 Top passenger vehicle performers
14 Table 1: Passenger cars (petrol)
30 Table 2: Passenger cars (diesel)
31 Table 3: Passenger cars (LPG )
32 Table 4: Light commercial and
four-wheel drive vehicles (petrol)
37 How to calculate annual fuel costs
38 Annual fuel costs
39 Fuel consumption record
43 Conversion chart
44 Abbreviations
Guide mailing list

2 3
Introducing the New Fuels and Greenhouse Gases
Fuel Consumption Label Alternative fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
produce less carbon dioxide per litre than petrol. For every
From 1 January 2001 all new passenger vehicles, four wheel litre of petrol used 2.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide is
drives and light commercial vehicles sold in Australia released from the exhaust. For every litre of LPG used,
carry a fuel consumption label on the windscreen. 1.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide is released from the exhaust.
The label will tell you how many litres of fuel the vehicle Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to
uses to travel 100 kilometres when driving around the city. global climate change.
A vehicle using LPG will have a higher fuel consumption
than the same vehicle using petrol. This is due to different
fuel densities between LPG and petrol. For example,
a vehicle using LPG with a city cycle fuel consumption
Fuel type of 15 L/100km may have a city cycle fuel consumption
if not petrol
of 12 L/100km when using petrol. The greenhouse gas
marketing emissions for the LPG vehicle, travelling 15,000 kilometres
designation annually, will be 3375kg compared to 4140kg of emissions
or model for when the vehicle uses petrol. 765 kg less greenhouse
the vehicle gases are being emitted each year from the vehicle using
LPG, which is a better outcome for our environment.
The following table compares annual greenhouse gas
emissions from vehicles travelling 15,000 kilometres
Fuel consumption value telling you how many annually, with varying fuel consumption rates using
litres of fuel the vehicle would use to travel
petrol and LPG.
100 kilometres in city driving conditions
Annual greenhouse gas emissions
The lower the number on the label, Fuel consumption Petrol LPG
the less fuel the vehicle uses. 8 L/100km 2760 kg 1800kg
Using the fuel consumption label is one way to compare 10 L/100km 3450 kg 2250kg
the fuel consumption of vehicles. This Fuel Consumption 12 L/100km 4140 kg 2700kg
Guide and the data on the internet site
( allows you 15 L/100km 5175kg 3375kg
to make a comprehensive comparison. The Guide and
internet site also provide highway cycle fuel consumption You can make a difference by choosing a vehicle
data for all passenger vehicles. The top passenger vehicle that uses a fuel with lower greenhouse emissions.
performers are listed in this Guide as well.
The fuel consumption label, a Commonwealth Government For details about the fuel consumption label either visit
initiative, has been introduced to raise consumer awareness the fuel consumption label website at
of fuel-efficient cars. Once you have bought your new or call the Australian
vehicle the fuel consumption label can be removed. Greenhouse Office Infoline on 1300 130 606 for
information or a brochure.

4 5
Using this guide City and highway tests
There are two different fuel consumption tests: one for
Purpose of this guide city driving and one for highway driving.
This Guide provides reliable comparative data on the fuel The city driving test simulates a 12 km, stop-and-go trip
consumption of new passenger cars and some classes of with an average speed of 32 km/h. The test includes time
four-wheel drives and light commercial vehicles. spent idling, as in waiting at traffic lights or in peak hour
The Guide can help you choose the most fuel-efficient traffic, and two kinds of engine starts are used: the cold
vehicle for your needs. start, which is similar to starting a car in the morning
after it has been parked all night; and the hot start,
Fuel consumption tables similar to restarting a vehicle after it has been warmed up,
driven and stopped for a short time.
Fuel consumption data are provided for each of the
The highway driving test represents ‘non-city’ driving
following categories of vehicles:
over a distance of 16.48 km, at an average speed of 77 km/h.
Table 1 Passenger cars (petrol) The test is run from a hot start and has little idling time
Table 2 Passenger cars (diesel) and no stops (except at the end of the test).
Table 3 Passenger cars (LPG)
Your car’s fuel consumption
Table 4 Light commercial and
four-wheel drive vehicles (petrol) While the Guide does provide reliable fuel consumption
figures for comparing different vehicles, you may
Rounding of fuel consumption data experience different results depending on driving conditions,
Fuel consumption range Rounded to nearest… driver behaviour and the condition of your vehicle.
No test can simulate all possible combinations of traffic
Less than 8 L/100 km 0.2 L/100 km conditions, climate, driver behaviour and car-care habits.
More than 8 L/100 km You may not have much control over some factors such
and less than 15 L/100 km 0.5 L/100 km as traffic conditions, but you do have control over others,
More than 15 L/100 km 1 L/100 km how you drive and how well your car is maintained.
A study to measure the in-service fuel consumption of
How fuel consumption is determined
the Australian passenger car fleet was completed for the
The fuel consumption figures listed in this Guide are the former Department of Primary Industries and Energy.
results of tests carried out in accordance with Australian The study found that on average drivers used 15 per cent
Standard 2877 for fuel consumption testing. more fuel than the Guide figure in city conditions and
All vehicles were tested under identical, carefully controlled 34 per cent more in highway driving. The variation in these
conditions in a laboratory. The results can therefore be figures is a powerful demonstration of the effect of differences
compared with confidence. in driving style, standard of car tuning and other factors.
Use the Guide figures as a target; make sensible
driving a habit.
Use of unleaded petrol in pre-1986 vehicles
To obtain the list of pre-1986 vehicles that can run
on unleaded petrol, contact Environment Australia
on phone: 1800 803 772

6 7
Why improve your 10 Top tips
fuel consumption? for fuel efficient driving
Human activity is producing more and more greenhouse Plan your trips
gas emissions. Scientific research predicts that rising Plan to do a number of errands in one trip rather
temperatures caused by increased levels of greenhouse than several trips and save both time and fuel.
gases will harm humans, plants and animals by changing Avoid peak-hour traffic, hard accelerating and heavy
weather patterns and raising sea levels. Road transport in braking as they all waste fuel. Driving smoothly and
Australia is responsible for 65 million tonnes of greenhouse avoiding stop-start traffic saves fuel and up to 30 per cent
gas emissions or 14 per cent of Australia’s overall greenhouse of greenhouse emissions.
gas emissions. You can help reduce these emissions by
choosing the most fuel efficient car to meet your needs Avoid short car trips by walking or cycling
and driving it in a fuel efficient manner. Walking or cycling is good exercise and saves over a
quarter of a kilogram of greenhouse gas per kilometre
Urban air pollution is the number one public
of car driving it replaces.
environmental concern in Australia. Motor vehicles
are the major contributor to air pollution in Australia. Service your car regularly
By following the tips below you will also help minimise Keep your car well tuned and reduce greenhouse
air pollution caused by motor vehicles. gases by up to 15 per cent through fuel savings.

Buying a new car? Select the right gear

Change up through the gears and into top gear as
Buy a fuel-efficient car – it can save you hundreds of soon as possible without accelerating harder than
dollars on fuel bills and up to 20 tonnes of greenhouse necessary. Driving in a gear lower than you need
gases over its life. To move one tonne of your car around wastes fuel; so does letting the engine labour in top
for a year needs approximately 1400 litres of fuel. gear on hills and corners.
Automatic transmissions will shift up more quickly
Buy the right sized car for your needs – a car that is
and smoothly if you ease back slightly on the
bigger or more powerful than you need could unnecessarily
accelerator once the car gathers momentum.
increase your fuel bills. It is worth noting that fuel
consumption can vary considerably among cars Speed kills economy
of similar size. High speeds result in high fuel consumption.
At 110 km/h your car uses up to 25 per cent more
Before buying a new car, refer to the fuel consumption
fuel than it would cruising at 90 km/h. On the open
label and examine the figures in this Guide so that
road, drive within the posted speed limits.
you can consider fuel consumption in your decision.
Stopping and braking
For more information about the new fuel consumption Resting your foot on the brake or driving with the
label see the special feature on page 4 in this Guide. hand-brake on wastes fuel, increases brake wear and
decreases braking efficiency.
Rather than idle for lengthy periods it is more fuel
efficient to switch off and then restart your engine
when necessary.

8 9
Filling up Top passenger
Filling past the first click of the fuel nozzle means
fuel can be spilt or lost through the overflow pipe vehicle performers
when you accelerate or go around corners. A properly
Here are the most fuel-efficient performers (petrol) in the
fitting petrol cap also saves fuel by minimising
eight main classifications. This list incorporates both 2000
evaporation of petrol.
and 2001 models, shown in Table 1 of this Guide.
Look after your car’s tyres The vehicle classification used in this report is sourced
Inflate your car’s tyres to the highest pressure from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries’
recommended by the manufacturer and make sure VFACTS Report. The broad classes are:
your tyres are properly aligned. Looking after your
tyres will not only reduce your fuel consumption it Light 3 or 4 cylinder passenger cars, hatch
will also extend tyre life and improve handling. or sedan, up to 1.5 litres
Use air conditioning sparingly
Air conditioners can use about 10 per cent extra fuel. Small 4 cylinder passenger cars, hatch, sedan
or wagon, 1.5 – 1.9 litres
Travel light
The more a car carries the more fuel it uses; an Medium 4 cylinder passenger cars, hatch, sedan
extra 50 kg of weight can increase your fuel bill by or wagon, over 1.9 litres
two per cent. Anything fixed to the outside of the car
increases wind resistance and fuel consumption. Large 6 or 8 cylinder passenger cars, hatch,
sedan or wagon

People Movers Passenger vehicles with seating capacity

greater than 5 people

Sports Coupe or convertibles priced below the

luxury tax threshold

Prestige Highly specified passenger cars, hatch,

sedan or wagon, priced below the
luxury tax threshold

Luxury Highly specified passenger cars, coupe,

convertible, hatch, sedan or wagon,
priced above the luxury tax threshold

Note: These vehicle classifications are indicative only, exceptions

do occur based on market focus and other subjective criteria.

10 11
Petrol Top Performers Top Performers Petrol

Engine Displacement (L)

Engine Displacement (L)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

Fuel System

Fuel System
Model Year

Model Year
1. Daihatsu Cuore L701 Man hatch 3dr 2000/01 5.8 5 I 1.0 1. Kia Carens Man wagon 5dr 2000/01 8.5 5.8 I 1.8
2. Daihatsu Sirion M100 Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 6 5.2 I 1.0 2. Kia Carens Auto wagon 5dr 2000/01 9.5 6.2 I 1.8
3. Toyota Echo (10 Series) Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 6.2 4.6 I 1.5 3. Toyota Spacia (SR40 Series) Man wagon 3dr 2000/01 10 8 I 2.0
Toyota Echo (10 Series) Man hatch 3dr & 5dr 2000/01 6.2 4.6 I 1.3 4. Toyota Spacia (SR40 Series) Auto wagon 3dr 2000/01 10 8.5 I 2.0
4. Daewoo Matiz S Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 6.4 4.4 I 0.8 5. Toyota Tarago (30 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 2000/01 10.5 6.6 I 2.4
5. Volkswagen Polo 16V Man hatch 4dr 2000/01 6.6 4.4 EFI 1.4
SMALL 1. Toyota Paseo (50 Series) Man coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.6 5.6 I 1.5
1. Honda Civic CXi Man hatch 2dr 2000/01 7 5.8 I 1.6 2. Toyota Paseo (50 Series) Auto coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.8 5.6 I 1.5
Honda Civic GLi Man hatch 2dr 2000/01 7 5.8 I 1.6 3. MG F - 1.8i Roadster Man 2dr 2000/01 8 5 I 1.8
Honda Civic GLi Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 7 5.8 I 1.6 MG F - 1.8i VVC Roadster Man 2dr 2000/01 8 5 I 1.8
Honda Civic VTi Auto sedan 4dr 2000/01 7 5.8 I 1.6 4. Peugeot 206 GTI Man hatch 3dr 2000/01 8 5.6 I 2.0
2. Mitsubishi CE Lancer GLi Man coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.2 4.8 MPI 1.5 5. Toyota MR2 (30 Series) Man coupe 2dr 2000/01 8.5 6.4 I 2.0
Mitsubishi CE Lancer VR-X Man coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.2 4.8 MPI 1.5
3. Nissan N16 Pulsar Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 7.4 5.2 I 1.6 PRESTIGE
4. Citroen Xsara Auto hatch 5dr 2000/01 7.6 5 I 1.6 1. Mercedes Benz A140 Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 7.4 5.2 I 1.4
5. Mitsubishi CE Lancer GLi Auto coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.6 5.2 MPI 1.5 Mercedes Benz A140 Auto hatch 5dr 2000/01 7.4 5.2 I 1.4
Mitsubishi CE Lancer VR-X Auto coupe 2dr 2000/01 7.6 5.2 MPI 1.5 2. Mercedes Benz A160 Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 7.6 5.4 I 1.6
Nissan N15 Pulsar Man hatch 4dr 2000/01 7.6 5.2 I 1.6 Mercedes Benz A160 Auto hatch 5dr 2000/01 7.6 5.4 I 1.6
Nissan N15 Pulsar Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 7.6 5.2 I 1.6 3. Audi A3 Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 8 5.2 I 1.6
4. Audi A3 Turbo Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 8.5 5.4 I 1.8
MEDIUM Volkswagen Bora Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 8.5 5.4 EFI 2.0
1. Holden JS Vectra GL Man hatch 4dr 2000/01 8 5.4 I 2.0 5. Alfa Romeo 156 Selespeed Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 8.5 5.6 I 2.0
2. Holden JS Vectra CD Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 8.5 5.8 I 2.2
Holden JS Vectra GL Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 8.5 5.8 I 2.2 LUXURY
Holden JS Vectra GL Man wagon 4dr 2000/01 8.5 5.8 I 2.2 1. Audi TT Turbo Man coupe 2dr 2000/01 9 5.6 I 1.8
3. Ford HE Mondeo Ghia Man hatch 5dr 2000/01 9 5.4 I 2.0 2. Mercedes Benz SLK200K Auto roadster 2dr 2000/01 9.5 6 I 2.0
Ford HE Mondeo Verona Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 9 5.4 I 2.0 Volvo S60 Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 9.5 6 I 2.4
4. Hyundai Sonata EF Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 9 5.8 I 2.0 3. Volvo V70 2.4 20V SE Man wagon 5dr 2000/01 9.5 6.2 I 2.4
5. Holden JS Vectra GL Auto hatch 4dr 2000/01 9.5 5.4 I 2.0 4. Volvo S60 2.4 Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 9.5 6.4 I 2.4
Volvo V70 20V ULEV Man wagon 5dr 2000/01 9.5 6.4 I 2.4
LARGE 5. Mercedes Benz C200K Auto saloon 4dr 2000/01 10 5.8 I 2.0
1. Mitsubishi TJ Magna Exec Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 9 6.4 MPI 3.0 Saab 9-5 2.0 Low Pressure Turbo Man 4dr & 5dr 2000/01 10 5.8 I 2.0
2. Hyundai Sonata EF Auto sedan 4dr 2000/01 9.5 6.4 I 2.5 Saab 9-5 2.3 Low Pressure Turbo Man 4dr & 5dr 2000/01 10 5.8 I 2.3
3. Mitsubishi TJ Magna Exec Man wagon 5dr 2000/01 9.5 6.8 MPI 3.0
4. Hyundai Sonata EF Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 10 6.2 I 2.5
5. Ford HE Mondeo ST24 Man sedan 4dr 2000/01 10 6.4 I 2.5
Mitsubishi TJ Magna Exec Auto sedan 4dr 2000/01 10 6.4 MPI 3.0

12 13
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
156 Auto sedan 4dr 12 8 I 2.5 6 4 5 2.864 Arnage (Red Label) Auto saloon 4dr 19 11.5 I 6.75 8 4 5 2.69
156 Man sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.563 Azure Auto convertible 2dr 19 11.5 I 6.75 8 4 4 2.69
156 Man wagon 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.563 Continental R Auto coupe 2dr 19 12 I 6.75 8 4 4 2.69
156 Selespeed Man wagon 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.563 Continental SC Auto convertible 2dr 19 12 I 6.75 8 4 4 2.69
156 Selespeed Man sedan 4dr 8.5 5.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.563 Continental T Auto coupe 2dr 19 12 I 6.75 8 4 4 2.69
166 Auto sedan 4dr 13 7.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 4.223
GTV Man sedan 2dr 13 7.6 I 3.0 6 6 4 3.563 BMW
GTV Man sedan 2dr 13 8 I 3.0 6 5 4 3.353 318i Man sedan 4dr 9 7.2 I 1.9 4 5 5 3.38
GTV Man sedan 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.562 318i Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 7.6 I 1.9 4 4 5 4.44
Spider Man convertible 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.0 4 5 2 3.562 320Ci Man coupe 2dr 10 7.4 I 2.2 6 5 5 3.38
320Ci Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 8 I 2.2 6 5 5 3.91
AUDI 320i Man sedan 4dr 10 7.4 I 2.2 6 5 5 3.38
A3 Auto hatch 5dr 9 5.8 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.88 320i Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 8 I 2.2 6 5 5 3.91
A3 Auto hatch 5dr 10 6.4 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.88 325Ci Man coupe 2dr 10.5 7.4 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.15
A3 Man hatch 5dr 8 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.24 325Ci Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 8 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.46
A3 Man hatch 5dr 9 6 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.24 325i Man sedan 4dr 10.5 7.4 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.15
A3 Turbo Auto hatch 5dr 10 6.2 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.53 325i Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 8 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.46
A3 Turbo Man hatch 5dr 8.5 5.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.68 330i Man sedan 4dr 10 6.2 I 3.0 6 5 5 2.93
A4 Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 5.15 330i Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.38
A4 Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.4 6 5 5 3.29 330Ci Man convertible 2dr 11 6.6 I 3.0 6 5 4 3.07
A4 Auto wagon 5dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.4 6 5 5 3.29 330Ci Auto convertible 2dr 11.5 7.2 I 3.0 6 5 4 3.38
A4 Man sedan 4dr 10 6 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.11 330Ci Man coupe 2dr 10 6.2 I 3.0 6 5 5 2.93
A4 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 I 2.4 6 5 5 3.29 330Ci Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 6.6 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.38
A4 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.4 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.09 525i Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 8 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.46
A4 Turbo Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6 I 1.8 4 5 5 2.44 530i Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 8.5 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.46
A4 Turbo Auto wagon 5dr 10.5 6 I 1.8 4 5 5 2.44 530i Tourer Auto wagon 5dr 11.5 9 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.46
A4 Turbo Man sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.1 535i Auto sedan 4dr 12 9 I 3.5 8 5 5 2.93
A4 Turbo Quattro Man sedan 4dr 11 6.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.89 540i Auto sedan 4dr 13 10 I 4.4 8 5 5 3.15
A4 Turbo Quattro Man wagon 5dr 11 6.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.89 735i Auto sedan 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.5 8 5 5 3.46
A6 Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.4 I 2.4 6 5 5 3.29 735iL Auto sedan 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.5 8 5 5 3.46
A6 Auto wagon 5dr 11 6.4 I 2.4 6 5 7 3.29 740iL Auto sedan 4dr 13 8.5 I 4.4 8 5 5 3.15
A6 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 15 7.8 I 4.2 8 5 5 2.19 750iL Auto sedan 4dr 15 9.5 I 5.4 12 5 5 3.15
A6 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 12 6.8 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.19 L7 Auto sedan 4dr 16 9.5 I 5.4 12 5 5 3.15
A6 Quattro Auto wagon 5dr 12 6.8 I 2.8 6 5 7 3.19 M Coupe Man 2dr 12 7.2 I 3.2 6 5 2 3.15
A8 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 7.6 I 4.2 8 5 5 2.34 M Roadster Man 2dr 12 7.2 I 3.2 6 5 2 3.15
RS4 Turbo Man wagon 5dr 12.5 7.2 I 2.7 6 6 5 4.11 M3 Man coupe 2dr 13 10 I 3.2 6 6 5 3.62
S3 Turbo Man hatch 3dr 11 6.6 I 1.8 4 6 5 3.31 M5 Man sedan 4dr 15 10.5 I 4.9 8 6 5 3.15
S4 Turbo Man sedan 4dr 12 7.6 I 2.7 6 6 5 4.11 X5 4.4 Auto wagon 5dr 15 11.5 I 4.4 8 5 5 3.64
S4 Turbo Man wagon 5dr 12 7.6 I 2.7 6 6 5 4.11 Z3 2.2 Man roadster 2dr 10.5 7.8 I 2.2 6 5 2 3.91
S6 Auto sedan 4dr 16 9 I 4.2 8 5 5 2.82 Z3 2.2 Auto roadster 2dr 11 8.5 I 2.2 6 5 2 3.91
S8 Quattro Auto sedan 4dr 16 8.5 I 4.2 8 5 5 4.11 Z3 3.0 Man roadster 2dr 10 7.8 I 3.0 6 5 2 3.07
TT Turbo Man coupe 2dr 9 5.6 I 1.8 4 5 4 3.29 Z3 3.0 Auto roadster 2dr 11 8 I 3.0 6 5 2 3.46
TT Turbo Quattro Man cabriolet 2dr 10.5 7 I 1.8 4 6 2 3.32
TT Turbo Quattro Man coupe 2dr 10.5 7 I 1.8 4 6 4 3.32

14 15
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
Xantia Man hatch 5dr 10.5 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 5 2.41 AUII Fairlane Ghia Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.23
Xantia Man wagon 4dr 10.5 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 5 2.41 AUII Fairlane Ghia VCT Auto sedan 4dr 13 8.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.45
Xantia Auto hatch 5dr 10.5 6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.01 AUII Fairmont Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 7.2 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
Xantia Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.01 AUII Fairmont Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.23
XM Auto hatch 5dr 12.5 8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.38 AUII Fairmont Auto wagon 5dr 12 7.8 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
Xsara Auto hatch 5dr 7.6 5 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.47 AUII Fairmont Auto wagon 5dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.23
Xsara Man hatch 5dr 10 5.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.95 AUII Fairmont Ghia Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.23
Xsara Auto hatch 5dr 10.5 6.2 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.62 AUII Fairmont Ghia VCT Auto sedan 4dr 13 8.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.45
Xsara Man hatch 5dr 10 5.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 2.53 AUII Falcon Forte Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.0 8 4 5 3.23
Xsara Auto hatch 5dr 10.5 6.2 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.82 AUII Falcon Forte Auto wagon 5dr 12 7.6 I 4.0 6 4(C) 5/6 3.23
AUII Falcon Forte & Futura
DAEWOO Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 4.0 6 4(C) 5/6 3.08
Lanos S Auto sedan 3dr, 4dr & 5dr 9.5 5.4 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.91 AUII Falcon Forte & Futura
Lanos S Man sedan 3dr, 4dr & 5dr 9 5.2 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.176 Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
Lanos Sports Man sedan 3dr 8.5 5.6 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.722 AUII Falcon Forte & Futura
Lanos Sports Auto sedan 3dr 9.5 5.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.91 Auto wagon 5dr 12 7.6 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
Leganza Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 I 2.2 4 4 5 2.654 AUII Falcon S Man sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 4.0 6 5 5 3.23
Leganza Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.722 AUII Falcon S Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 4.0 6 4 5 3.08
Matiz S Man hatch 5dr 6.4 4.4 I 0.8 3 5 5 4.444 AUII Falcon XR6 Auto sedan 4dr 12.5 7.8 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.45
Nubira CDX Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.91 AUII Falcon XR6 Man sedan 4dr 12 7.8 I 4.0 6 5 5 3.45
Nubira CDX Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.91 AUII Falcon XR6 VCT Auto sedan 4dr 12.5 8.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.45
Nubira CDX Man wagon 4dr 9.5 5.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.55 AUII Falcon XR6 VCT Man sedan 4dr 12.5 8 I 4.0 6 5 5 3.45
Nubira CDX Man sedan 4dr 9.5 5.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.55 AUII Falcon XR8 Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.45
AUII Falcon XR8 Man sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 5 5 3.45
DAIHATSU AUII LTD Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4(F) 5 3.23
Cuore L701 Man hatch 3dr 5.8 5 I 1.0 3 5 4 4.266 AUII LTD VCT Auto sedan 4dr 13 8.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.45
Cuore L701 Auto hatch 3dr 6.8 6.4 I 1.0 3 3 4 3.966 AUII TE50 Man sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 5 5 3.45
Sirion M100 Man hatch 5dr 6 5.2 I 1.0 3 5 5 4.500 AUII TE50 Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4 5 3.45
Sirion M100 Auto hatch 5dr 6.8 6.2 I 1.0 3 4 5 4.438 AUII TL50 Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4 5 3.45
Sirion M101 Man hatch 5dr 6.8 5.6 I 1.3 4 5 5 4.266 AUII TS50 Man sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 5 5 3.45
Sirion M101 Auto hatch 5dr 7 5.8 I 1.3 4 4 5 4.032 AUII TS50 Auto sedan 4dr 14 9 I 5.0 8 4 5 3.45
HE Mondeo Ghia Auto hatch 5dr 11 6.6 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.23
DAIMLER HE Mondeo Ghia Man hatch 5dr 9 5.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.84
*Super V8 Auto saloon 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 HE Mondeo ST24 Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.82
HE Mondeo Verona Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.23
FERRARI HE Mondeo Verona Man sedan 4dr 9 5.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.84
*360 Modena/Spider Man coupe 2dr 20 11.5 I 3.6 8 6 2 4.444 KN Laser GLXi Auto hatch 5dr 9.5 7 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.904
*360 Modena/Spider Semi Auto coupe 2dr 19 11 I 3.6 8 6 2 4.444 KN Laser GLXi Man hatch 5dr 9 6.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.105
*456M GT Man coupe 2dr 22 11.5 I 5.5 12 6 4 3.636 KN Laser GLXi Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 7 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.904
*456M GTA Auto coupe 2dr 22 12.5 I 5.5 12 5 4 3.636 KN Laser GLXi Man sedan 4dr 9 6.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.105
*550 Maranello Man coupe 2dr 23 11.5 I 5.5 12 6 2 3.909 KN Laser LXi Auto hatch 5dr 9 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.147
* Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only KN Laser LXi Man hatch 5dr 8 6 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.105
KN Laser LXi Auto sedan 4dr 9 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.147
KN Laser LXi Man sedan 4dr 8 6 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.105
SW Cougar Auto coupe 2dr 11 6.6 I 2.5 6 4(F) 4 3.77
SW Cougar Man coupe 2dr 11 6.6 I 2.5 6 5 4 3.82
TA Ka Man hatch 3dr 7.2 5 I 1.3 4 5 4 4.06
16 17
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
WF Festiva GLi Auto hatch 5dr 8 6.4 I 1.3 4 4 5 3.631 VX Commodore Executive V8
WF Festiva GLi Man hatch 5dr 7 5.4 I 1.3 4 5 5 4.058 Man sedan 4dr 13 7.4 I 5.7 8 6 5 3.46
WF Festiva GLXi Auto hatch 5dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736 VX Commodore Executive V8
WF Festiva GLXi Man hatch 5dr 7.6 5.6 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167 Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07
WF Festiva Trio Auto hatch 5dr 8 6.4 I 1.3 4 3 5 3.631 VX Commodore Executive V8
Man wagon 4dr 13 7.4 I 5.7 8 6 5 3.46
WF Festiva Trio Man hatch 5dr 7 5.4 I 1.3 4 5 5 4.058
VX Commodore Executive V8
WF Festiva Trio S Auto hatch 5dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736 Auto wagon 4dr 13 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07
WF Festiva Trio S Man hatch 5dr 7.6 5.6 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167 VX Commodore 'S' Man sedan 4dr 10 6.6 I 3.8 6 5 5 3.08
VX Commodore 'S' S/C Auto sedan 4dr 13 7.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.07
VX Commodore 'SS' Man sedan 4dr 14.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 6 5 3.46
JS Vectra CD Auto hatch 4dr 10.5 6.2 I 2.5 6 4 5 2.81
VX Commodore 'SS' Auto sedan 4dr 14.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07
JS Vectra CD Man sedan 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.94
WH Statesman & Caprice
JS Vectra CD Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6 I 2.2 4 4 5 2.81 Auto sedan 4dr 12 7.4 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08
JS Vectra GL Man hatch 4dr 8 5.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.57 WH Statesman & Caprice S/C
JS Vectra GL Auto hatch 4dr 9.5 5.4 I 2.0 4 4 5 2.81 Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.07
JS Vectra GL Man sedan 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.94 WH Statesman & Caprice V8
JS Vectra GL Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6 I 2.2 4 4 5 2.81 Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07
JS Vectra GL Man wagon 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.94
JS Vectra GL Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 6.4 I 2.2 4 4 5 2.81 HONDA
SB Barina City Man hatch 2dr 7.8 5.6 I 1.4 4 5 5 4.18 *Civic VTiR Man coupe 2dr 9.5 7.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.266
SB Barina City Auto hatch 2dr 8.5 6 I 1.4 4 4 5 4.05 *Integra Type R Man hatch 2dr 9 7.2 I 1.8 4 5 4 4.785
SB Barina Swing Man hatch 4dr 7.8 5.6 I 1.4 4 5 5 4.18 *NSX Man coupe 2dr 13 9.5 I 3.2 6 6 2 4.062
SB Barina Swing Auto hatch 4dr 8.5 6 I 1.4 4 4 5 4.05 *NSX-T Auto coupe 2dr 12.5 9.5 I 3.0 6 4 2 4.066
TS Astra CD Man hatch 4dr 8 5.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.74 *NSX-T Man coupe 2dr 13 9.5 I 3.2 6 6 2 4.062
TS Astra CD Auto hatch 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.12 *Prelude VTiR Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 8 I 2.2 4 5 4 4.785
TS Astra City Man hatch 4dr 8 5.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.74 *Prelude VTiR Man coupe 2dr 9.5 7.6 I 2.2 4 5 4 4.062
TS Astra City Auto hatch 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.12 *Prelude VTiR (ATTS) Man coupe 2dr 10.5 8 I 2.2 4 5 4 4.266
VX Berlina Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 *S2000 Man convertible 2dr 10.5 7.8 I 2.0 4 6 2 4.1
VX Berlina Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Accord V6 Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 8.5 I 3.0 6 4 5 4.2
VX Berlina Auto sedan 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07 Accord V6-L Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 8.5 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.2
VX Berlina Auto wagon 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07 Accord VTiL Auto sedan 4dr 10 7.4 I 3.0 4 4 5 4.466
VX Berlina & Calais S/C Auto sedan 4dr 13 7.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.07 Accord VTiL Man sedan 4dr 9.5 7 I 2.3 4 5 5 4.062
VX Calais Auto sedan 4dr 12 7.2 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Civic CXi Auto hatch 2dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.357
VX Calais Auto sedan 4dr 14 8.5 I 5.7 8 4 5 3.07 Civic CXi Man hatch 2dr 7 5.8 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.058
VX Commodore Acclaim Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Civic GLi Auto hatch 2dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.357
VX Commodore Acclaim & 'S' Civic GLi Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.357
Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Civic GLi Man hatch 2dr 7 5.8 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.058
VX Commodore Executive Civic GLi Man sedan 4dr 7 5.8 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.058
Man sedan 4dr 10 6.6 I 3.8 6 5 5 3.08 Civic GLi Auto coupe 2dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.357
VX Commodore Executive Civic VTi Auto sedan 4dr 7 5.8 I 1.6 4 CVT 5 4.357
Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Integra GSi Auto hatch 2dr 9.5 7 I 1.8 4 4 4 4.357
VX Commodore Executive Integra GSi Man hatch 2dr 8.5 6.8 I 1.8 4 5 4 4.266
Man wagon 4dr 11 6.8 I 3.8 6 5 5 3.07
Legend Auto sedan 4dr 13 9.5 I 3.5 6 4 5 4.176
VX Commodore Executive
Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.08 Odyssey Auto sedan 5dr 10.5 8 I 2.3 4 4 7 4.785
VX Commodore Executive S/C Odyssey V6L Auto sedan 5dr 11.5 7.8 I 3.0 6 5 6 4.428
Auto wagon 4dr 13 7.6 I 3.8 6 4 5 3.07 * Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only

18 19
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
Prelude Si Auto coupe 2dr 10 7.4 I 2.2 4 4 4 4.466 Credos Auto sedan 4dr 12 11 I 2.0 4 4 5 2.865
Prelude Si Man coupe 2dr 10 7.8 I 2.2 4 5 4 4.266 Mentor Man sedan 4dr 8 7.4 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167
Mentor Auto sedan 4dr 8 7.4 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736
HYUNDAI Mentor Man hatch 5dr 8 7.4 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167
Accent Man sedan & hatch 3dr, 4dr & 5dr 7.4 5 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.05 Mentor Auto hatch 5dr 8 7.4 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736
Accent Auto sedan & hatch 3dr & 4dr 7.8 5 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.65 Mentor Man sedan 4dr 8 5.8 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.167
Accent Auto hatch 5dr 8 5 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.65 Mentor Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.736
Coupe Man 2dr 10 7 I 1.8 4 5 4 4.05 Mentor Man hatch 5dr 9 8 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.167
Coupe Auto 2dr 10 7 I 1.8 4 4 4 3.97 Mentor Auto hatch 5dr 9 8 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.736
Coupe Man 2dr 10 7.2 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.84 Optima Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 2.4 4 5 5 3.882
Coupe Auto 2dr 11 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 4 4.35 Optima Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.4 4 4 5 3.77
Elantra Man sedan & hatch 4dr & 5dr 8.5 5.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.84 Optima Man sedan 4dr 10.5 7 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.882
Elantra Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 5.4 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.77 Optima Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 7.2 I 2.5 6 4 5 3.77
Elantra Auto hatch 5dr 8.5 5.6 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.77 Rio Man sedan 4dr 7.6 5.4 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167
Elantra Man sedan 4dr 8.5 5.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.65 Rio Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736
Elantra Auto sedan & hatch 4dr & 5dr 8.5 5.6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.77 Rio Man hatch 5dr 7.4 5.4 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.167
Elantra Man hatch 5dr 8.5 5.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.65 Rio Auto hatch 5dr 9 6 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.736
Grandeur Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.33
Sonata EF Man sedan 4dr 9 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.6 LEXUS
Sonata EF Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.02 ES 300 (20 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933
Sonata EF Man sedan 4dr 10 6.2 I 2.5 6 5 5 3.77 GS 300 Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 7.6 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.916
Sonata EF Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6.4 I 2.5 6 4 5 3.77 IS 200 Man sedan 4dr 10.5 7.2 I 2.0 6 6 5 3.909
Trajet Auto wagon 5dr 12 8 I 2.7 6 4 7 4.01 IS 200 Man sedan 4dr 10.5 7.2 I 2.0 6 6 5 4.1
IS 200 Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.8 I 2.0 6 4 5 4.1
JAGUAR LS 430 (30 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 12.5 7.6 I 4.3 8 5 5 3.266
*Sovereign SWB 3.2 Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.2 8 5 5 3.27
*Sovereign 4.0 LWB Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 7.4 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 LOTUS
*S-Type V6 Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.31 Elise Man convertible 2dr 10 6 I 1.8 4 5 2 4.2
*S-Type V6 SE Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.31
*S-Type V6 Sport Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 7 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.31 MAZDA
*S-Type V8 SE Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.31 121 Metro 1.3 Man hatch 4dr 7 5.4 I 1.3 4 5 5 3.85
*XJ8 Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8 I 3.2 8 5 5 3.27 121 Metro 1.3 Auto hatch 4dr 8 6.2 I 1.3 4 3 5 3.45
*XJ Sport Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 7.4 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 121 Metro 1.5 Man hatch 4dr 8 6.4 I 1.5 4 5 5 4.11
*XJR 4.0 S/C Auto saloon 4dr 13.5 8.5 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 121 Metro 1.5 Auto hatch 4dr 8.5 6.8 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.83
*XK8 Auto coupe 2dr 12.5 7.4 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 323 Astina 1.6 Man hatch 5dr 8 6 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.11
*XK8 Auto convertible 2dr 13 7.8 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 323 Astina 1.6 Auto hatch 5dr 9 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.15
*XKR Auto coupe 2dr 13.5 8.5 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 323 Astina 1.8 Man hatch 5dr 9 6.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.11
*XKR Auto convertible 2dr 13.5 9 I 4.0 8 5 5 3.06 323 Astina 1.8 Auto hatch 5dr 9.5 7 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.90
323 Protégé 1.6 Man sedan 4dr 8 6 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.11
KIA 323 Protégé 1.6 Auto sedan 4dr 9 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.15
***Carnival Man 5dr 11.5 7.6 I 2.5 6 5 7 4.188 323 Protégé 1.8 Man sedan 4dr 9 6.4 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.11
***Carnival Auto 5dr 13 8 I 2.5 6 4 7 2.86 323 Protégé 1.8 Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 7 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.90
Carens Man wagon 5dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.8 4 5 6 4.105 323 SP20 Man hatch 4dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.10
Carens Auto wagon 5dr 9.5 6.2 I 1.8 4 4 6 3.833 323 SP20 Auto hatch 4dr 10 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.90
Credos Man sedan 4dr 11.5 10.5 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.105 626 Auto sedan 4dr 10 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.82
* Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only 626 Man sedan 4dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.11
***Forward control passenger vehicles
20 21
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
626 Man hatch 5dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.11 S320 Auto saloon 4dr 12 7.6 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.07
626 Auto hatch 5dr 10 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.82 S430 Auto saloon 4dr 13.5 7.8 I 4.3 8 5 5 2.82
626 Man wagon 4dr 10 6.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 / 7 4.11 S430L Auto saloon 4dr 13.5 7.8 I 4.3 8 5 5 2.82
626 Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 7.6 I 2.0 4 4 5/ 7 3.82 S500L Auto saloon 4dr 14.5 8 I 5.0 8 5 5 2.82
Millenia Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 2.3 6 4 5 3.81 S600L Auto saloon 4dr 16 9.5 I 5.8 12 5 5 2.65
MPV Auto wagon 4dr 12.5 8.5 I 2.5 6 4 7 4.38 SL320 Auto roadster 2dr 12.5 9 I 3.2 6 5 2 3.45
MX-5 Man convertible 2dr 9.5 6.8 I 1.8 4 5 2 4.10 SL500 Auto roadster 2dr 14.5 8 I 5.0 8 5 2 2.65
Premacy Man wagon 4dr 10 7.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.10 SL600 Auto roadster 2dr 16 9.5 I 5.8 12 5 2 2.65
Premacy Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 8 I 4 4 5 4.14 SLK200K Man roadster 2dr 11.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 6 2 4.06
SLK200K Auto roadster 2dr 9.5 6 I 2.0 4 5 2 3.10
MERCEDES BENZ SLK230 Man roadster 2dr 12 6.4 I 2.3 4 6 2 4.06
A140 Man hatch 5dr 7.4 5.2 I 1.4 4 5 5 4.06 SLK230 Auto roadster 2dr 10.5 6.6 I 2.3 4 5 2 3.10
A140 Auto hatch 5dr 7.4 5.2 I 1.4 4 5 5 3.76 SLK320 Auto roadster 2dr 11 8 I 3.2 6 5 2 3.10
A160 Man hatch 5dr 7.6 5.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.06
A160 Auto hatch 5dr 7.6 5.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76 MG
A190 Man hatch 5dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.9 4 5 5 3.72 F-1.8i Roadster Man 2dr 8 5 I 1.8 4 5 2 3.94
A190 Auto hatch 5dr 8.5 5.8 I 1.9 4 5 5 3.76 F-1.8i VVC Roadster Man 2dr 8 5 I 1.8 4 5 2 4.20
C43 Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 8.5 I 4.3 8 5 5 3.07
C180 Man saloon 4dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 6 5 4.06 MITSUBISHI
C180 Auto saloon 4dr 9.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.15 ***SJ Starwagon Satellite
C200K Man saloon 4dr 11.5 5.8 I 2.0 4 6 5 4.06 Man wagon 3dr 11 7.8 MPI 2.0 4 5 8 4.88
C200K Auto saloon 4dr 10 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.15 ***SJ Starwagon Satellite
C200T(K) Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 6.5 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.10 Auto wagon 3dr 10.5 7.6 MPI 2.0 4 4 8 4.88
CE Lancer GLi Man coupe 2dr 7.2 4.8 MPI 1.5 4 5 5 3.71
C240 Auto saloon 4dr 11 6.8 I 2.6 6 5 5 3.15
CE Lancer GLi Auto coupe 2dr 7.6 5.2 MPI 1.5 4 4 5 4.04
C280E Auto saloon 4dr 11 7 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.07
CE Lancer GLi Man sedan 4dr 8 5.6 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 3.72
C320 Auto saloon 4dr 11 6.8 I 3.2 6 5 5 3.15
CE Lancer GLi Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 6 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.04
CL500 Auto coupe 2dr 14.5 8 I 5.0 8 5 4 2.82
CE Lancer GLXi Man coupe 2dr 8 5.4 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 3.72
CL600 Auto coupe 2dr 16 9.5 I 5.8 12 5 4 2.65
CE Lancer GLXi Auto coupe 2dr 8 5.8 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.04
CLK55 Auto cabriolet 4dr 13 7.8 I 5.4 8 5 4 2.82
CE Lancer GLXi Man sedan 4dr 8 5.6 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 3.72
CLK55 Auto coupe 2dr 13 7.8 I 5.4 8 5 4 2.82
CE Lancer GLXi Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 6 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.04
CLK200 Auto cabriolet 4dr 10 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.46
CE Lancer GLXi Man wagon 5dr 8.5 5.4 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 4.02
CLK200 Auto coupe 2dr 10 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.46
CE Lancer GLXi Auto wagon 5dr 8.5 5.6 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.01
CLK230 Auto cabriolet 4dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.3 4 5 4 3.27
CE Lancer MR Man coupe 2dr 8 5.4 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 3.72
CLK230 Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.3 4 5 4 3.27
CE Lancer MR Auto coupe 2dr 8.5 6 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.04
CLK320 Auto cabriolet 4dr 11 6.4 I 3.2 6 5 4 3.07
CE Lancer VR-X Man coupe 2dr 7.2 4.8 MPI 1.5 4 5 5 3.71
CLK320 Auto coupe 2dr 11 6.4 I 3.2 6 5 4 3.07
CE Lancer VR-X Auto coupe 2dr 7.6 5.2 MPI 1.5 4 4 5 4.04
CLK430 Auto cabriolet 4dr 12 7.4 I 4.3 8 5 4 2.87
CE Lancer VR-X Man sedan 4dr 8 5.6 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 3.72
CLK430 Auto coupe 2dr 12 7.4 I 4.3 8 5 4 2.87
CE Lancer VR-X Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 6 MPI 1.8 4 4 5 4.04
E55 Auto saloon 4dr 14 8 I 5.4 8 5 5 2.82
CE Mirage Man hatch 3dr 7.2 4.8 MPI 1.5 4 5 5 3.71
E200K Auto saloon 4dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.46
E240 Auto saloon 4dr 10 6.6 I 2.4 6 5 5 3.67 CE Mirage Auto hatch 3dr 7.6 5.2 MPI 1.5 4 4 5 4.04
KJ Verada Ei Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27
E240T Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 7 I 2.4 6 5 7 3.46
KJ Verada Ei Auto wagon 5dr 11.5 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27
E280 Auto saloon 4dr 10.5 7 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.45
E320 Auto saloon 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 3.2 6 5 5 3.07 KJ Verada Xi Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27
TJ Magna Advance Man sedan 4dr 10 7 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74
E320T Auto wagon 4dr 12 7.6 I 3.2 6 5 7 3.07
TJ Magna Advance Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27
E430 Auto saloon 4dr 12.5 7 I 4.3 8 5 5 2.82
***Forward control passenger vehicles
22 23
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
TJ Magna Advance Man wagon 5dr 10.5 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74 *206 XT Man hatch 5dr 7.2 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76
TJ Magna Advance Auto wagon 5dr 11 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27 *206 XT Auto hatch 5dr 8 5.4 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.47
TJ Magna Exec Man sedan 4dr 9 6.4 MPI 3.0 6 5 5 3.74 *306 Cabriolet Man 2dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.79
TJ Magna Exec Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.4 MPI 3.0 6 4 5 3.74 *306 Cabriolet Auto 2dr 10 5.8 I 2.0 4 4 4 3.82
TJ Magna Exec Man wagon 5dr 9.5 6.8 MPI 3.0 6 5 5 3.74 *306 XSI Man hatch 5dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.79
TJ Magna Exec Auto wagon 5dr 10.5 7 MPI 3.0 6 4 5 3.74 *306 XT Man hatch 5dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.79
TJ Magna Exec Man sedan 4dr 10 7 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74 *306 XT Auto hatch 5dr 10 5.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.04
TJ Magna Exec Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.6 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27 *306 XT Man sedan 4dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.79
TJ Magna Exec Man wagon 5dr 10.5 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74 *306 XT Auto sedan 4dr 10 5.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.04
TJ Magna Exec Auto wagon 5dr 11 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 4 5 3.27 *406 Man coupe 2dr 11 6.4 I 3.0 6 5 4 4.31
TJ Magna Sports Man sedan 4dr 10 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74 *406 Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 4 3.45
TJ Magna Sports Auto sedan 4dr 11 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.68 *406 ST Man sedan 4dr 9 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.16
TJ Magna VR-X Man sedan 4dr 10 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.74 *406 ST Auto sedan 4dr 9 5.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.45
TJ Magna VR-X Auto sedan 4dr 11 7.2 MPI 3.5 6 5 5 3.68 *406 SV Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.31
UG Nimbus Man wagon 5dr 10.5 7.2 MPI 2.4 4 5 7 4.06 *406 SV Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.45
UG Nimbus Auto wagon 5dr 10.5 7.4 MPI 2.4 4 4 7 4.04
WA Starwagon GL Man wagon 3dr 11.5 8.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 8 4.88 PROTON
WA Starwagon GL Auto wagon 3dr 11 8.5 MPI 2.0 4 4 8 4.88 *Satria GTi Man hatch 2dr 7.8 6 MPI 1.8 4 5 5 4.322
WA Starwagon GLX Auto wagon 3dr 12.5 9.5 MPI 2.4 4 4 8 4.64 Persona GL Man hatch 5dr 8 6.8 MPI 1.3 4 5 5 4.322
Persona GLi Man hatch 5dr 8.5 6.6 MPI 1.5 4 5 5 4.322
NISSAN Persona GLi Auto hatch 5dr 9 8 MPI 1.5 4 3 5 3.600
A33 Maxima Man sedan 4dr 11 7.2 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.789 Persona XLi Man hatch 5dr 9 6.6 MPI 1.6 4 5 5 4.322
N15 Pulsar Auto hatch 4dr 8 5.2 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.83 Persona XLi Auto hatch 5dr 9.5 7 MPI 1.6 4 4 5 4.007
N15 Pulsar Auto sedan 4dr 8 5.2 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.83 Satria GL Man hatch 2dr 8.5 6.6 MPI 1.3 4 4 5 4.322
N15 Pulsar Man hatch 4dr 7.6 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.17 Satria GLi Auto hatch 2dr 7.8 7 MPI 1.3 4 3 5 3.600
N15 Pulsar Man sedan 4dr 7.6 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.17 Satria GLi Man hatch 2dr 8.5 6.6 MPI 1.3 4 5 5 4.322
N15 Pulsar Auto hatch 4dr 9 6 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.83 Satria XLi Man hatch 2dr 9 7.2 MPI 1.6 4 5 5 4.322
N15 Pulsar Man hatch 4dr 9 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.18 Satria XLi Auto hatch 2dr 10 8 MPI 1.6 4 4 5 4.007
N16 Pulsar Auto sedan 4dr 7.6 5.4 I 1.6 4 4 5 4.072 Satria XLs Man hatch 2dr 7.8 6.4 MPI 1.5 4 5 5 4.322
N16 Pulsar Man sedan 4dr 7.4 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.176 Satria XLs Auto hatch 2dr 7.8 7 MPI 1.5 4 3 5 3.600
N16 Pulsar Auto sedan 4dr 8 5.4 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.072
N16 Pulsar Man sedan 4dr 7.8 5.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.176 ROLLS ROYCE
S14 200SX Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 4 3.91 Corniche Auto convertible 2dr 19 11.5 I 6.75 8 4 4 2.69
S14 200SX Man coupe 2dr 10 7.2 I 2.0 4 5 4 3.69 Park Ward Auto saloon 4dr 17 11.5 I 5.4 12 5 4 2.93
S15 200SX Auto coupe 2dr 10.5 7.4 I 2.0 4 4 4 3.916 Silver Seraph Auto saloon 4dr 17 11.5 I 5.4 12 5 5 2.93
S15 200SX Man coupe 2dr 10 7.2 I 2.0 4 6 4 3.692
PEUGEOT 9-3 2.0 Low Pressure Turbo
*206 GTI Man hatch 3dr 8 5.6 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.79 Man 3dr & 5dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.0 4 5 4/5 4.05
*206 XR Man hatch 3dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76 9-3 2.0 Low Pressure Turbo
Auto 3dr & 5dr 11.5 7.2 I 2.0 4 4 4/5 2.864
*206 XR Man hatch 3dr 7.2 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76
9-3 2.0 TR Aero Man 3dr & 5dr 10 6 I 2.0 4 5 4/5 4.05
*206 XR Auto hatch 3dr 8 5.4 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.47
*206 XR Man hatch 5dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76 9-3 2.0 TR Aero Auto 3dr & 5dr 10.5 6 I 2.0 4 4 4/5 2.864
9-3 2.0 Turbo Man 3dr & 5dr 10.5 6 I 2.0 4 5 4/5 4.05
*206 XR Man hatch 5dr 7.2 5.2 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76
9-3 2.0 Turbo Auto 3dr & 5dr 11 6.4 I 2.0 4 4 4/5 2.864
*206 XR Auto hatch 5dr 8 5.4 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.47
*206 XT Man hatch 5dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.76 9-3 2.3 TR Viggen Man 3dr & 5dr 10.5 6.2 I 2.3 4 5 4/5 4.05
* Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only
24 25
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
9-5 2.0 Low Pressure Turbo Baleno GTX Man sedan 4dr 9 6.8 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.722
Man 4dr & 5dr 10 5.8 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.05 Baleno GTX Man hatch 3dr 9 6.8 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.722
9-5 2.0 Low Pressure Turbo Baleno GTX Auto sedan 4dr 10 7.2 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.853
Auto 4dr & 5dr 11 6.4 I 2.0 4 4 5 2.556 Ignis 1.3 Man sedan 3dr & 5dr 6.8 5 I 1.3 4 5 5 4.105
9-5 2.3 Low Pressure Turbo Ignis 1.3 Auto sedan 3dr & 5dr 7.2 6 I 1.3 4 4 5 4.328
Man 4dr & 5dr 10 5.8 I 2.3 4 5 5 4.05
9-5 2.3 Low Pressure Turbo TOYOTA
Auto 4dr & 5dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.3 4 4 5 2.556
Avalon (10 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933
9-5 3.0 Griffin Auto sedan 4dr & 5dr 11.5 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 2.556
Camry (20 Series) Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.944
9-5 TR Aero Man 4dr & 5dr 10 6.4 I 2.3 4 5 5 4.05
Camry (20 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.6 I 2.2 4 4 5 4.176
9-5 TR Aero Auto 4dr & 5dr 12 7 I 2.3 4 4 5 2.556
Camry (20 Series) Man wagon 4dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.2 4 5 5 3.944
SUBARU Camry (20 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 7 I 2.2 4 4 5 4.176
*Impreza WRX Man sedan 4dr 10.5 7.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Camry (20 Series) Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.933
*Impreza WRX Man wagon 2dr 10.5 7.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Camry (20 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933
Impreza AWD Man sedan & wagon 4dr 10 7 MPFI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Camry (20 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933
Impreza AWD Auto sedan & wagon 4dr 10 7 MPFI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Celica (200 Series) Man liftback 2dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.2 4 5 4 4.176
Impreza GX Man sedan 4dr 9.5 7.2 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Celica (200 Series) Auto liftback 2dr 10 6.6 I 2.2 4 4 4 4.176
Impreza GX Man wagon 4dr 9.5 7.2 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Celica (230 Series) Man liftback 2dr 9 5.8 I 1.8 4 6 4 4.529
Impreza GX Auto sedan 4dr 10 7.4 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Celica (230 Series) Auto liftback 2dr 9 6.2 I 1.8 4 4 4 3.120
Impreza GX Auto wagon 4dr 10 7.4 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Corolla (100 Series)
Man sedan & liftback 4dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.058
Impreza RX Man sedan 4dr 9.5 7.2 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9
Corolla (100 Series)
Impreza RX Man wagon 4dr 9.5 7.2 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Auto sedan & liftback 4dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.6 4 4 5 2.962
Impreza RX Auto sedan 4dr 10 7.4 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Corolla (100 Series)
Impreza RX Auto wagon 4dr 10 7.4 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Man sedan & liftback 4dr 8 6.6 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.058
Impreza WRX STi Man coupe 2dr 10.5 9 MPFI 2.0 4 5 5 4.44 Corolla (100 Series)
turbo Auto sedan & liftback 4dr 8.5 6.8 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.821
Liberty GX Man sedan 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Corolla (110 Series) Man liftback 4dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.058
Liberty GX Man wagon 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 3.9 Corolla (110 Series) Auto liftback 4dr 8.5 6.8 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.821
Liberty GX Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Corolla (110 Series) Man sedan 4dr 8.5 6.6 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.058
Liberty GX Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.11 Corolla (110 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 8.5 6.8 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.821
Liberty Heritage Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.11 Echo (10 Series) Man sedan 4dr 6.2 4.6 I 1.5 4 5 5 3.526
Liberty Heritage Man wagon 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.11 Echo (10 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 6.6 4.8 I 1.5 4 4 5 3.850
Liberty RX Man sedan 4dr 10.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 5 5 4.11 Echo (10 Series) Man hatch 3dr & 5dr 6.2 4.6 I 1.3 4 5 5 3.722
Liberty RX Man wagon 4dr 10.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 5 5 4.11 Echo (10 Series) Auto hatch 3dr & 5dr 6.8 4.8 I 1.3 4 4 5 4.052
Liberty RX Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.11 MR2 (30 Series) Man coupe 2dr 8.5 6.4 I 2.0 4 5 2 3.944
Liberty RX Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 8 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.11 Paseo (50 Series) Man coupe 2dr 7.6 5.6 I 1.5 4 5 4 3.941
Paseo (50 Series) Auto coupe 2dr 7.8 5.6 I 1.5 4 4 4 2.821
SUZUKI Spacia (SR40 Series) Man wagon 3dr 10 8 I 2.0 4 5 8 4.100
Baleno 1.6 Man hatch 3dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.789 Spacia (SR40 Series) Auto wagon 3dr 10 8.5 I 2.0 4 4 8 4.300
Baleno 1.6 Man sedan 4dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 3.789 Starlet (90 Series) Man hatch 3dr & 5dr 6.6 4.8 I 1.3 4 5 5 3.722
Baleno 1.6 Auto hatch 3dr 9 6.8 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.853 Starlet (90 Series) Auto hatch 3dr & 5dr 7.2 5.2 I 1.3 4 3 5 3.526
Baleno 1.6 Auto sedan 4dr 9 6.8 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.853 Tarago (10 Series) Man wagon 4dr 11.5 8 I 2.5 4 5 8 4.100
Baleno 1.6 Man wagon 5dr 8 6.4 I 1.6 4 5 5 4.105 Tarago (10 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 8 I 2.5 4 4 8 4.300
Baleno 1.6 Auto wagon 5dr 9 6.8 I 1.6 4 4 5 3.853 Tarago (30 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 2.4 4 4 7/8 2.923
Baleno 1.8 Man wagon 5dr 9 7.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.722 * Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only
Baleno 1.8 Auto wagon 5dr 10 7.2 I 1.8 4 4 5 3.853

26 27
Petrol Passenger Cars Passenger Cars Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
Vienta (20 Series) Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 3.0 6 5 5 3.933 C70 2.4T Auto coupe 2dr 11 6.8 I 2.3 5 4 5 2.54
Vienta (20 Series) Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933 C70 2.4T Man coupe 2dr 11 6.8 I 2.3 5 5 5 4.0
Vienta (20 Series) Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 7 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.933 C70 2.4T Auto convertible 2dr 11 6.8 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.54
C70 2.4T Man convertible 2dr 11 6.8 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
VOLKSWAGEN C70 T5 Auto coupe 2dr 11 6.8 I 2.3 5 4 5 2.54
Bora Man sedan 4dr 8.5 5.4 EFI 2.0 4 5 5 3.944 C70 T5 Man coupe 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.3 5 5 5 4.0
Bora Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6.2 EFI 2.0 4 4 5 4.433 C70 T5 Auto convertible 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.3 5 4 5 2.54
Bora V5 Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 EFI 2.3 5 5 5 3.944 C70 T5 Man convertible 2dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.3 5 5 5 4.0
Bora V5 Auto sedan 4dr 11 7 EFI 2.3 5 4 5 4.433 S40 1.8 Man sedan 4dr 9 6.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.87
Bora 4Motion Man sedan 4dr 11.5 6.8 EFI 2.8 6 6 5 4.200 S40 1.8 Auto sedan 4dr 9 6.6 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.86
Caravelle Man van 3dr 13.5 8.5 EFI 2.5 5 5 8 4.562 S40 2.0T SE Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.0 4 4 5 2.56
Caravelle Auto van 3dr 13.5 9.5 EFI 2.5 5 4 8 5.288 S40 2.0T SE Man sedan 4dr 9 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.45
Caravelle Man van 3dr 13 7.6 EFI 2.5 5 5 8 3.5 S40 SE Auto sedan 4dr 9 6.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.09
Caravelle Auto van 3dr 13 9 EFI 2.5 5 4 8 4.23 S40 SE Man sedan 4dr 9.5 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.07
Golf Cabrio Man sedan 4dr 9 5.8 EFI 1.8 4 5 4 3.11 S40 T4 SE Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.8 I 1.9 4 4 5 2.56
Golf Cabrio Man cabriolet 2dr 10 6.4 EFI 2.0 4 5 4 3.667 S40 T4 SE Man sedan 4dr 10 6.2 I 1.9 4 5 5 4.45
Golf Cabrio Auto cabriolet 2dr 11 7 EFI 2.0 4 4 4 4.130 S60 Man sedan 4dr 9.5 6 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Golf Cabrio Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 EFI 2.0 4 5 4 3.95 S60 Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.2 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.44
Golf Cabrio Auto sedan 4dr 11 7 EFI 2.0 4 4 4 4.22 S60 2.4 Man sedan 4dr 9.5 6.4 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.25
Golf Cabriolet Auto sedan 4dr 9.5 6.2 EFI 1.8 4 4 4 4.52 S60 2.4 Auto sedan 4dr 10 6.2 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.44
Golf GL Man hatch 4dr 8 5.2 EFI 1.6 4 5 5 4.250 S60 2.4T Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Golf GL Auto hatch 4dr 9 6 EFI 1.6 4 4 5 5.035 S60 2.4T Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.8 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.44
Golf GLE Man hatch 4dr 8.5 5.4 EFI 2.0 4 5 5 3.944 S60 T5 Man sedan 4dr 10 6.4 I 2.3 5 5 5 4.0
Golf GLE Auto hatch 4dr 9.5 6.2 EFI 2.0 4 4 5 4.433 S60 T5 Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.4 I 2.3 5 4 5 2.44
Golf GTi Auto hatch 4dr 9 6 EFI 1.8 4 4 5 4.875 S80 2.9 Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 7 I 2.9 6 5 5 3.29
Golf GTi Man hatch 4dr 8.5 5.8 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.684 S80 T6 SE Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.8 I 2.8 6 5 5 3.29
Golf GTi turbo Man hatch 4dr 8.5 5.6 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.667 V40 1.8 Man wagon 5dr 9.5 6.2 I 1.8 4 5 5 3.87
New Beetle Man sedan 2dr 9 6 EFI 1.8 4 5 4 3.938 V40 1.8 Auto wagon 5dr 9.5 6.6 I 1.8 4 4 5 2.86
New Beetle Man sedan 2dr 9 6 EFI 2.0 4 5 4 4.235 V40 2.0T SE Auto wagon 5dr 9.5 6.6 I 2.0 4 4 5 2.76
New Beetle Auto sedan 2dr 9 6.2 EFI 2.0 4 4 4 4.433 V40 2.0T SE Man wagon 5dr 9 6 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.0
Passat Auto sedan & wagon 4dr 11 6.2 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.09 V40 SE Auto wagon 5dr 9.5 6.8 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.09
Passat Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.7 V40 SE Man wagon 5dr 9.5 6.2 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.07
Passat 1.8t Man sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.700 V40 T4 SE Auto wagon 5dr 10 6.6 I 1.9 4 4 5 2.56
Passat 1.8t Auto sedan 4dr 10 6 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.292 V40 T4 SE Man wagon 5dr 10 6.2 I 1.9 4 5 5 4.45
Passat 1.8t Auto wagon 4dr 10 6 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.292 V70 2.4 20V SE Auto wagon 5dr 10 6.2 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.74
Passat AWD Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.6 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.09 V70 2.4 20V SE Man wagon 5dr 9.5 6.2 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Passat Turbo Man sedan 4dr 9.5 5.8 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 3.7 V70 2.4T SE Auto sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.74
Passat Turbo Auto sedan & wagon 4dr 10 6 EFI 1.8 4 5 5 2.7 V70 2.4T SE Man sedan 4dr 10.5 6.6 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Passat V6 Man sedan 4dr 11 6.4 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.091 V70 20V ULEV Auto wagon 5dr 10 7.2 I 2.4 5 5 5 2.74
Passat V6 Auto sedan 4dr 11 6.4 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.091 V70 20V ULEV Man wagon 5dr 9.5 6.4 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Passat V6 Auto wagon 4dr 11 6.4 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.091 V70 Cross Country Auto wagon 4dr 12.5 7.5 I 2.4 5 5 5 2.54
Passat V6 4Motion Auto sedan 4dr 11.5 6.6 EFI 2.8 6 5 5 3.091 V70 Cross Country Man wagon 4dr 12 8 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0
Polo Man hatch 4dr 7.2 5.2 EFI 1.6 4 5 5 3.588
Polo Auto hatch 4dr 9 6.2 EFI 1.6 4 4 5 4.121
Polo 16V Man hatch 4dr 6.6 4.4 EFI 1.4 4 5 5 3.875
Polo 16V Auto hatch 4dr 8 5.6 EFI 1.4 4 4 5 4.121

28 29
Diesel Passenger Cars Passenger Cars LPG

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

2 3
L/100km Highway Cycle

L/100km Highway Cycle

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
E270CDI Auto saloon 4dr 8 5.8 I 2.7 5 5 5 2.82 + AUII Falcon Forte Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 C 4.0 6 4(C) 5/6 3.08
ML270CDI Auto wagon 4dr 9 6.4 I 2.7 5 5 5/7 3.70 + AUII Falcon Forte Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
+ AUII Falcon Forte Auto wagon 5dr 15 9.5 C 4.0 6 4(C) 5/6 3.23
PEUGEOT + AUII Falcon Forte Auto wagon 5dr 15 9.5 C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
306 XT Man sedan 4dr 6.4 4.4 I 2.0 4 5 5 3.68 + AUII Falcon Futura Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
406 ST Man sedan 4dr 6.8 4 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.06 + AUII Falcon Futura Auto wagon 5dr 15 9.5 C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
+ AUII Falcon S Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
VOLKSWAGEN AUII Falcon Forte Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 I/C 4.0 6 4(C) 5/6 3.08
Caravelle Man van 3dr 8 5.8 TDI 2.5 5 5 8 3.905 AUII Falcon Forte Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 I/C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
Caravelle Auto van 3dr 8 6.2 TDI 2.5 5 4 8 4.270 AUII Falcon Forte Auto wagon 5dr 15 9.5 I/C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23
AUII Falcon Futura Auto sedan 4dr 15 9 I/C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.08
AUII Falcon Futura Auto wagon 5dr 15 9.5 I/C 4.0 6 4(F) 5 3.23

VT II Commodore Executive
Auto sedan 4dr 16 9.5 I/C 3.8 6 4 5 3.08
VT II Commodore Executive
Auto wagon 4dr 17 10 I/C 3.8 6 4 5 3.08
+Vehicles designed to operate with LPG only

30 31
Petrol Light Commercial & 4WD Light Commercial & 4WD Petrol

Engine Displacement ( litres)


No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Axle Ratio
The following table contains city-cycle fuel consumption AUII Utility Chassis Cab XL Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 2 3.23
data for petrol-powered vehicles less than 2.7 tonnes gross AUII Utility Chassis Cab XL Man 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.23
AUII Utility Chassis Cab XL Auto 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 4(F) 2 3.23
vehicle mass (GVM).
AUII Utility Chassis Cab XLS Man 2dr 12 I 4.0 6 5 2 3.23
Highway-cycle fuel consumption data, diesel-powered models AUII Utility Chassis Cab XLS Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 2 3.23
and vehicles over 2.7 tonnes are not included in this table as AUII Utility Chassis Cab XLS Man 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.23
AUII Utility Chassis Cab XLS Auto 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 4(F) 2 3.23
this information is not readily available for light commercial BA Escape XLS Auto wagon 5dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.776
and four-wheel drive vehicles. BA Escape XLT Auto wagon 5dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.776
The four-wheel drive vehicles have been tested in two-wheel JH Econovan (4.0 m) Man van 2dr 11.5 C 1.8 4 5 3 4.444
PE Courier GL 2WD Man std cab chassis 2dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 3 3.727
drive mode where this is an option. PE Courier GL 2WD Auto std cab chassis 2dr 12 I 2.6 4 4 3 3.727
Engine Displacement (litres)

PE Courier GL 2WD Man std cab pickup 2dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 3 3.727

PE Courier GL 2WD Man crew cab chassis 4dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 5 3.727
No. of Cylinders/Rotors

PE Courier GL 2WD Man crew cab pickup 4dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 5 3.727

PE Courier GL 2WD Auto crew cab pickup 4dr 12 I 2.6 4 4 5 3.727
L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

PE Courier XL 2WD Man crew cab pickup 4dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 5 3.727

PE Courier XL 2WD Auto crew cab pickup 4dr 12 I 2.6 4 4 5 3.727
Fuel System

Axle Ratio

PE Courier XL 2WD Man super cab chassis 2dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 2/4 3.727
PE Courier XL 2WD Man super cab pickup 2dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 2/4 3.727
US Explorer Limited 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 14.5 I 4 6 5(F) 5 3.73
AUDI US Explorer XL 4WD Man wagon 4dr 14 I 4 6 5 5 3.73
C5 Allroad Quattro Auto wagon 5dr 13.5 I 2.7 6 5 5 4.37 US Explorer XLT 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 14.5 I 4 6 5(F) 5 3.73
Berlingo Man van 2dr 7.6 I 1.4 4 5 2 4.54 MX Frontera 4WD Man wagon 2dr 12.5 I 2.2 4 5 5 4.78
MX Frontera 4WD Man wagon 4dr 13.5 I 3.2 6 5 5 4.30
DAEWOO MX Frontera 'S' 4WD Man wagon 4dr 13.5 I 3.2 6 5 5 4.30
Musso 3200 Auto wagon 4dr 18 I 3.2 6 4 5 3.73 MX Frontera 'SE' 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 14.5 I 3.2 6 4 5 4.10
Musso 3200 Man wagon 4dr 17 I 3.2 6 5 5 3.73 SB Combo Man van 2dr 8.5 I 1.4 4 5 2 4.18
U8 Jackaroo 4WD Man wagon 4dr 15 I 3.5 6 5 5/7 4.30
FORD U8 Jackaroo 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 15 I 3.5 6 4 5/7 4.30
AUII Utility SSB XL Man 2dr 12 I 4.0 6 5 2 3.23 U8 Jackaroo 'SE' 4WD Man wagon 4dr 15 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
AUII Utility SSB XL Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(C) 2/3 3.23 U8 Jackaroo 'SE' 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 15 I 3.5 6 4 7 4.30
AUII Utility SSB XL Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 2 3.23 U8 Jackaroo 4WD Monterey Auto wagon 4dr 15 I 3.5 6 4 7 4.30
AUII Utility SSB XL Man 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.23 VS Utility & 'S' Utility Man 2dr 10.5 I 3.8 6 5 2/3 3.08
AUII Utility SSB XL Auto 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 4(F) 2 3.23 VS Utility & 'S' Utility Auto 2dr 11.5 I 3.8 6 4 2/3 3.08
AUII Utility SSB XLS Man 2dr 12 I 4.0 6 5 2 3.23 VS Utility & 'S' Utility Man 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.08
AUII Utility SSB XLS Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(F) 2 3.23 VS Utility & 'S' Utility Auto 2dr 15 I 5.0 8 4 2 3.08
AUII Utility SSB XLS Man 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.23
AUII Utility SSB XLS Auto 2dr 14 I 5.0 8 4(F) 2 3.23 HONDA
AUII Utility SSB XR Man 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 5 2 3.45 CR-V 4WD Man wagon 4dr 10 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.562
AUII Utility SSB XR Auto 2dr 13 I 4.0 6 4(F) 2 3.45 CR-V 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.357
AUII Utility SSB XR Man 2dr 14.5 I 5.0 8 5 2 3.45 HR-V 4WD Man wagon 2dr 8 I 1.6 4 5 4 4.562
AUII Utility SSB XR Auto 2dr 14.5 I 4.0 8 4(F) 2 3.45 HR-V 4WD Auto wagon 2dr 8 I 1.6 4 4 4 6.88
AUII Utility Chassis Cab XL Man 2dr 12 I 4.0 6 5 2 3.23 HR-V 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 8 I 1.6 4 5 4 4.562
AUII Utility Chassis Cab XL Auto 2dr 12.5 I 4.0 6 4(C) 2/3 3.23
32 33
Petrol Light Commercial & 4WD Light Commercial & 4WD Petrol

Engine Displacement (litres)

Engine Displacement (litres)

No. of Cylinders/Rotors

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
L/100km City Cycle

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Fuel System

Fuel System
Axle Ratio

Axle Ratio
Santa Fe 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 11 I 2.7 6 4 5 3.65 MK Triton 4WD GLX Man double cab 4dr 14 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.90
NM Pajero 4WD Exceed Man 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
JEEP NM Pajero 4WD Exceed Auto 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
Cherokee 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 14.5 I 4.0 8 4 5 3.55 NM Pajero 4WD GL Man 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 5 4.30
Cherokee 4WD Man wagon 4dr 12.5 I 2.5 4 5 5 4.11 NM Pajero 4WD GLS Man 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
Grand Cherokee 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 15 I 4.0 8 4 5 3.73 NM Pajero 4WD GLS Auto 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
Grand Cherokee 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 18 I 4.7 8 4 5 3.73 NM Pajero 4WD GLX Man 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
Grand Cherokee 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 17 I 4.7 8 4 5 3.73 NM Pajero 4WD GLX Auto 5dr 14.5 I 3.5 6 5 7 4.30
Wrangler 4WD Auto wagon 2dr 14.5 I 4.0 6 3 4 3.07 PA Challenger 4WD Man 5dr 13.5 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.64
Wrangler 4WD Man wagon 2dr 14 I 4.0 6 5 4 3.07 PA Challenger 4WD Auto 5dr 12.5 I 3.0 6 4 5 4.64
QA Pajero iO 4WD Man 3dr 9 I 1.6 4 5 4 5.11
KIA QA Pajero iO 4WD Man 5dr 10.5 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.88
Sportage 4WD Man wagon 4dr 11 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.778 QA Pajero iO 4WD Auto 5dr 9.5 I 1.8 4 4 5 4.88
Sportage 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 11.5 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.778 SJ Express 2WD Man SWB van 3dr 11.5 C 2.0 4 5 2 4.88
Sportage 4WD Man ext wagon 4dr 12 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.778 SJ Express 2WD Auto SWB van 3dr 10.5 C 2.0 4 4 2 4.88
Sportage 4WD Auto ext wagon 4dr 12.5 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.778 SJ Express 2WD Man SWB window van 3dr 11.5 C 2.0 4 4 5 4.88
SJ Express 2WD Man MWB van 4dr 12 I 2.4 4 5 2 4.63
LAND ROVER SJ Express 2WD Auto MWB van 4dr 11 I 2.4 4 4 2 4.63
Freelander 1.8 4WD Man soft top 3dr 10.5 I 1.8 4 5 4 4.20 WA Express 2WD Man van 3dr 12 I 2.4 4 5 2 4.64
Freelander 1.8 4WD Man wagon 5dr 10.5 I 1.8 4 5 5 4.20 WA Express 2WD Auto van 3dr 12.5 I 2.4 4 4 2 4.64
Freelander 2.5 V6 4WD Auto soft top 3dr 11 I 2.5 4 5 4 3.66
Freelander 2.5 V6 4WD Auto wagon 5dr 11 I 2.5 4 5 5 3.66 NISSAN
R50 Pathfinder Auto wagon 4dr 13.5 I 3.3 6 4 5 4.64
2000 Man van 3dr 11.5 C 2.0 4 5 3 4.44 SUBARU
B2600 4 x 2 4WD Man wagon 2dr & 4dr 13 I 2.6 4 5 2-5 3.72 *Forester GT Man wagon 4dr 11 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 4.444
B2600 4 x 2 4WD Auto wagon 2dr & 4dr 12 I 2.6 4 4 2-5 3.72 *Forester GT Auto wagon 4dr 10.5 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.444
Tribute V6 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 5 3.77 *Outback H6 Auto wagon 4dr 11 MPI 3.0 6 4 5 4.111
Tribute 4WD Man wagon 4dr 12.5 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.58 Forester Man wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 4.111
Forester Auto wagon 4dr 10 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.444
MERCEDES BENZ Forester GX Man wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 4.111
ML55 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 17 I 5.5 8 5 5 3.46 Forester GX Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.444
ML320 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 13 I 3.2 6 5 5/7 3.70 Forester GX Limited Man wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 4.111
ML430 4WD Auto wagon 4dr 14.5 I 4.3 8 5 5/7 3.46 Forester GX Limited Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.444
Outback Man wagon 4dr 10 MPI 2.0 4 5 5 4.111
MITSUBISHI Outback Auto wagon 4dr 10 MPI 2.0 4 4 5 4.444
MK Triton 2WD GL Man cab chassis 2dr 11.5 I 2.4 4 5 3 4.22 Outback GX Man wagon 4dr 10.5 MPI 2.5 4 5 5 4.111
MK Triton 4WD GLS Man double cab 4dr 14 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.90 Outback GX Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.444
MK Triton 4WD GLS Auto double cab 4dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 5 4.90 Outback Limited Man wagon 4dr 10.5 MPI 2.5 4 5 5 4.111
MK Triton 2WD GLX Man cab chassis 2dr 12.5 I 3.0 6 5 3 4.90 Outback Limited Auto wagon 4dr 9.5 MPI 2.5 4 4 5 4.444
MK Triton 2WD GLX Auto cab chassis 2dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 3 4.90
MK Triton 2WD GLX Man club cab 2dr 11.5 I 2.4 4 5 2 4.22 SUZUKI
MK Triton 2WD GLX Man double cab 4dr 11.5 I 2.4 4 5 5 4.22 Carry 1.3 Man van 7.6 I 1.3 4 5 2 4.300
MK Triton 2WD GLX Man double cab 4dr 12.5 I 3.0 6 5 5 4.90 Carry 1.3 4WD Man truck 7.6 I 1.3 4 5 2 4.555
MK Triton 2WD GLX Auto double cab 4dr 13 I 3.0 6 4 5 4.90 Grand Vitara 4WD SWB Auto convertible 2dr 9.5 I 1.6 4 5 4 5.125
MK Triton 4WD GLX Man cab chassis 2dr 14 I 3.0 6 5 3 4.90 Grand Vitara 4WD SWB Man convertible 2dr 9 I 1.6 4 5 4 5.125
MK Triton 4WD GLX Man club cab 2dr 14 I 3.0 6 5 2 4.90 * Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane unleaded petrol only
34 35
Petrol Light Commercial & 4WD

Engine Displacement (litres)

How to calculate

No. of Cylinders/Rotors
annual fuel costs

L/100km City Cycle

No. of Gear Ratios

Seating Capacity

Fuel System
Your driving habits, the type of car you drive and the

Axle Ratio
conditions under which you drive determine your car’s
SUZUKI fuel consumption and hence fuel costs. The motoring
Grand Vitara 4WD LWB Auto 4dr 10.5 I 2.0 4 4 5 4.875 association in your state or territory can provide you
Grand Vitara 4WD SWB Auto 2dr 10.5 I 2.0 4 4 4 4.875 with further information on maintenance, depreciation
Grand Vitara 4WD LWB Man 4dr 10 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.875 and insurance costs.
Grand Vitara 4WD SWB Man convertible 2dr 10 I 2.0 4 5 4 4.875
Grand Vitara V6 4WD LWB Auto 4dr 11.5 I 2.5 6 4 5 4.875 By using the following calculation you can estimate
Grand Vitara V6 4WD LWB Man 4dr 11 I 2.5 6 5 5 4.300 your annual fuel costs:
Jimny 1.3 4WD Auto hard top & soft top 2dr 8.5 I 1.3 4 4 4 4.090
Jimny 1.3 4WD Man hard top & soft top 2dr 8 I 1.3 4 5 4 3.909 Annual fuel costs ($) = [fuel price ($/L)
Jimny 1.3 4WD Man hard top & soft top 2dr 8.5 I 1.3 4 5 4 3.909 x fuel consumption (L/100 km)
x annual distance travelled (km)]
RAV4 (20 Series) 4WD Man wagon 3dr 9.5 I 2.0 4 5 4 4.562 ÷ 100
RAV4 (20 Series) 4WD Auto wagon 3dr 9.5 I 2.0 4 4 4 3.291 With petrol costs at 90 cents per litre, for a car achieving
RAV4 (20 Series) 4WD Man wagon 5dr 9.5 I 2.0 4 5 5 4.562
RAV4 (20 Series) 4WD Auto wagon 5dr 9.5 I 2.0 4 4 5 3.291
8 L/100 km and travelling 15 000 km, the annual fuel
Townace (KR40 Series) 2WD Man van 3dr 10 C 1.8 4 5 2 4.556 cost is estimated by:
Townace (KR40 Series) 2WD Auto van 3dr 10 C 1.8 4 4 2 4.556 [$0.90 x 8 L/100 km x 15 000 km] ÷ 100 = $1080
VOLKSWAGEN From this point, you can estimate the lifetime cost
Transporter Man SWB van 4dr 12 EFI 2.0 4 5 2/3 4.94 of fuelling your car, and consequently the impact
Transporter Man SWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 5 2/3 3.5
Transporter Auto SWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 4 2/3 4.23
of even small differences in fuel consumption.
Transporter Man LWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 5 2/3 3.5 For example, if we compare a car achieving 8 L/100 km
Transporter Auto LWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 4 2/3 4.23 with one achieving 10 L/100 km, the annual fuel bill will
Transporter AWD Man SWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 5 2/3 4.56
Transporter AWD Man LWB van 4dr 13.5 EFI 2.5 5 5 2/3 4.56 be $1080 and $1350 respectively. Over the lifetime of
the car, say 7 years, the cost for fuel will be:
V70 XC Auto wagon 5dr 11.5 I 2.4 5 4 5 2.74
Fuel consumption Fuel cost
V70 XC Man wagon 5dr 10.5 I 2.4 5 5 5 4.0 6 L/100 km $5670
8 L/100 km $7560
10 L/100 km $9450
12 L/100 km $11 340
The differences in fuel cost are large, and would increase
with rises in the cost of petrol.
The following table provides an indicative guide
to annual fuel costs.

36 37
Annual fuel costs ($) Fuel consumption record

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)

Annual distance travelled in km
Fuel cost $/litre 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)
At 6 L/100 km

km driven (C= B – A)
0.80 480 720 960 1200
0.85 510 765 1020 1275

Litres used (E)

0.90 540 810 1080 1350

km finish (B)
km start (A)
0.95 570 855 1140 1425
1.00 600 900 1200 1500

At 8 L/100 km
0.80 640 960 1280 1600
0.85 680 780 1360 1700 Example 16 793.8 17 159.6 17 159.6 90.0 43.5 39.15 (43.5 x 100)
-16 793.8 ÷ 365.8
0.90 720 1080 1440 1800 365.8 11.9
0.95 760 1140 1520 1900
1.00 800 1200 1600 2000
At 10 L/100 km
0.80 800 1200 1600 2000
0.85 850 1275 1700 2125
0.90 900 1350 1800 2250
0.95 950 1425 1900 2375
1.00 1000 1500 2000 2500
At 12 L/100 km
0.80 960 1440 1920 2400
0.85 1020 1530 2040 2550
0.90 1080 1620 2160 2700
0.95 1140 1710 2280 2850
1.00 1200 1800 2400 3000
At 15 L/100 km
0.80 1200 1800 2400 3000
0.85 1275 1912 2550 3187
0.90 1350 2025 2700 3375
0.95 1425 2137 2850 3562
1.00 1500 2250 3000 3750
At 20 L/100 km
0.80 1600 2400 3200 4000
0.85 1700 2550 3400 4250
0.90 1800 2700 3600 4500
0.95 1900 2850 3800 4750
1.00 2000 3000 4000 5000 Totals

38 39

km start (A)

km finish (B)

km driven (C= B – A)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)

Litres used (E)

Fuel consumption record

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)


km start (A)

km finish (B)

km driven (C= B – A)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)

Litres used (E)

Fuel consumption record

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)


km start (A)

km finish (B)

km driven (C= B – A)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)

Litres used (E)

Fuel consumption record

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)


km start (A)

km finish (B)

km driven (C= B – A)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)

Litres used (E)

Fuel consumption record

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)


km start (A)

km finish (B)

km driven (C= B – A)

Cost per litre (cents) (D)

Litres used (E)

Fuel consumption record

Total costs ($) (D x E/100)

Consumption L/100 km (E x 100/C)

L/100 km
Conversion chart




Abbreviations used in the tables Notes
+ Vehicles designed to operate with LPG only
* Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane
unleaded petrol only
** Vehicles designed to operate with 95 octane
unleaded petrol, but can be tuned to operate
with 92 octane unleaded petrol
*** Forward control passenger vehicles
2WD Two-wheel drive
4WD Four-wheel drive
Auto Automatic transmission
AWD All wheel drive
C Carburettor
(C) Column shift
CVT Continuously variable transmission
DOHC Double overhead camshaft
dr Door
EFI Electronic fuel injection
(F) Floor shift
FWD Front-wheel drive
GVM Gross vehicle mass – the maximum laden mass
of a motor vehicle as specified by the manufacturer
I Fuel injection
L/100km Litres per 100 kilometres. For conversion
to equivalent miles per gallon, refer to
the conversion chart on page 43
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
LSD Limited slip differential
LWB Long wheel-base
Man Manual transmission
MPFI Multi-point electronic fuel injection
MPI Multi-point injection
MWB Medium wheel-base
S/C Supercharged
SMG Self shifting manual transmission
SOHC Single overhead camshaft
SWB Short wheel-base
TR High Output Turbo
46 47


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