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Effect of Planting Patterns and Different Intercropping Systems On The Productivity of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Under Irrigated Conditions of Faisalabad

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Effect of Planting Patterns and Different Intercropping Systems

on the Productivity of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Under
Irrigated Conditions of Faisalabad
University College of Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan–60800, Pakistan
†Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad–38040, Pakistan


Yield and yield components of cotton grown in two patterns and as sole and in different intercropping systems was studied. Cotton was
planted in two patterns viz., 80-cm spaced single rows and 120-cm spaced double row strips of cotton (40/120 cm). Intercropping systems
were cotton alone, cotton+mungbean, cotton+mashbean, cotton+sesame, cotton+ricebean, cotton+maize, cotton+sorghum, cotton+cowpeas
and cotton+soybean. Planting patterns had non-significant effect on seed cotton yield. Intercropping systems significantly affected seed
cotton yield. Seed cotton produced by cotton alone was at par with that from cotton+mashbean and cotton+cowpeas. However, in all the
other intercropping systems under study, cotton production was significantly decreased as compared to cotton alone.

Key Words: Cotton; Planting patterns; Intercropping systems; Seed cotton yield


Cotton is the most important cash crop of Pakistan. It The study was conducted at Agronomic Research
accounts for about 58.70% of the total export earnings Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. The experiment
(Anonymous, 1998). However, Pakistan is still deficient in was laid out in randomized complete block design with split
edible oil, wheat grain and pulses. In 1996-97, 1.2 million arrangement and four replications. Planting patterns were
tonnes of edible oil worth Rs. 33 billion, 4.1 million tonnes randomized in main plots and intercrops in subplots. Plot
of wheat worth Rs. 30 billion and 0.262 million tonnes size was 4.8mx7m. Cotton cultivar NIAB 78 was sown in
pulses worth Rs. 3.0 billion were imported (Anonymous, 80-cm spaced single rows and 120-cm spaced 2-row strips
1997). Shortage of fodder is another problem especially with the help of a single row cotton drill on May 27 and 29
with small farmers (Abdullah & Chaudhary, 1996). Such during kharif 1996 and 1997, respectively. Mungbean
situation demands a simultaneous increase in the (Vigna radiata L.), mashbean (Vigna mungo L.), soybean
productivity of cotton, edible oilseeds, wheat grain, pulses (Glycine max L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), maize
and fodders to fulfil the increasing diversified needs of the (Zea mays L.), Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare L.), cowpeas
ever growing population. (Vigna unguiculata) and ricebean (Vigna umbellata) were
For this purpose, cotton-based intercropping seems to intercropped in space between the cotton rows/strips next
be a promising strategy. Though intercrops reduced seed day after sowing of cotton. Mungbean, mashbean, sesame
cotton yield of the associated cotton by 8-31% yet total crop and soybean were harvested at their physiological maturity.
productivity and net return per unit area were higher in Ricebean, maize, sorghum and cowpeas were harvested at
intercropping than sole cropping (Mohammed et al., 1994). flowering as green fodder. Observations on growth, yield
Different cotton-based intercropping systems have been and quality parameters of cotton were recorded by following
reported to increase farm income by 30-40% (Saeed et al., standard procedures. Ginning out turn (GOT) was
1999). But magnitude of such agro-economic advantages determined using the relationship: GOT= (weight of lint/
depends upon the type of intercrop (Rao, 1991). weight of seed cotton) x 100. Fibre length was measured by
Conventional method of planting cotton in closely spaced tuft method (Brown, 1975).
single rows does not permit convenient intercropping in it. The data collected were subjected to analysis of
Recently, a new pattern of cotton plantation in widely variance (ANOVA) technique and LSD using MSTATC
spaced multi-row strips has been developed which not only computer package.
gives seed cotton yields comparable with that of the
conventional single-row plantation (Deshpande et al., 1989) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
but also facilitates intercropping. The present study was
conducted to find out a suitable planting pattern of cotton Plant density (m-2). Data showed statistically similar
facilitating intercropping without affecting the productivity number of cotton plants m-2 in all intercropping systems
of cotton at large and assessing the feasibility of different under both the planting patterns (Table I). This was
cotton-based intercropping systems primarily due to the fact that cotton plant population in rows

Table I. Impact of different planting patterns and intercropping systems on growth, seed cotton yield and fibre
quality of cotton
Treatment Plants Plant M. S. Bolls Boll Seed Cotton G.O.T. Seed oil Staple
m-2 height Branches Branches plant-1 weight yield (%) yield length
(cm) plant-1 plant-1 (g) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (mm)
Planting patterns (P) 37.0NS 220NS 26.1NS
P1 (80-cm spaced single rows) 4.11NS 122NS 1.97NS 10.2A 18.8NS 2.73NS 1917NS 36.9 223 26.12
P2 (120-cm spaced 2-row strips) 4.15 119 2.01 9.9 18.6 2.77 1942
Intercropping systems (S) 37.1NS 262a 26.2
S1 (Cotton alone) 4.20NS 133a 2.10ab 10.8bc 21.5a 2.77bc 2269a 36.9 238b 26.19
S2 (Cotton + mungbean) 4.19 130ab 1.95bc 10.9abc 18.7d 2.86a 2050b 36.9 251ab 26.06
S3 (Cotton + mashbean) 4.17 129abc 2.03abc 11.4a 21.7a 2.65c 2176a 36.8 86.8e 25.62
S4 (Cotton + sesame) 4.13 89.3f 1.73d 4.1e 7.6e 2.59cd 749d 36.8 225b 26.18
S5 (Cotton + ricebean) 3.93 124cd 2.15a 10.2 19.1cd 2.85a 1944bc 37.0 229b 26.16
S6 (Cotton + maize) 4.11 119de 1.86cd 10.4cd 19.9bc 2.73bc 1990b 36.8 216b 26.14
S7 (Cotton + sorghum) 4.14 114e 1.98bc 10.7bcd 19.8bc 2.62c 1925bc 37.1 236b 26.13
S8 (Cotton + cowpeas) 4.12 124cd 2.08ab 11.2ab 20.0bc 2.81ab 2094ab 37.0 250ab 26.32
S9 (Cotton + soybean) 4.16 127bc 2.05ab 10.6bcd 20.1b 2.86a 2168a ** NS NS
NS= Non-significant; Means bearing different letters in a column differ significantly at 0.05 probability levels; S= Sympodial branches; M= Monopodial
branches; aP1= 80-cm spaced single rows of cotton; P2 = 12-cm spaced 2-row strips of cotton; C = Cotton; I = Intercrop

was maintained by thinning in all the treatments during both Plant canopy (m3). Planting cotton in 120-cm spaced
the years. Secondly, planting geometry was altered in such a double row strips reduced plant canopy significantly as
way that number of rows of cotton plants was same in both compared with that planted in 80-cm spaced single rows
the planting patterns. Interactive effect was also found to be (Table I). Maximum plant canopy size (0.57 m3) was
non-significant. De et al. (1978) reported intercropping achieved when cotton was grown alone. Different
experiments in which the plant population of base crop was intercropping systems reduced canopy size of cotton plant to
kept constant while the planting geometry was altered. variable extent. Intercropping sesame in cotton at either
Willey (1979) and Deshpande et al. (1989) also reported planting pattern produced plants with minimum canopy size
similar effect of different planting patterns and of 0.19 to 0.22 m3. The reduction in cotton canopy size was
intercropping systems on crop stand. in the order of sole cotton > cotton+mungbean >
Plant height (cm). Cotton plant height was statistically cotton+mashbean > cotton+soybean > cotton+ricebean >
similar in both the planting patterns (Table I). Intercropping cotton+maize > cotton+sorghum > cotton+sesame. The
systems had highly significant effect on cotton plant height. interactive effect of planting patterns and intercropping
Maximum and statistically similar plant heights were systems was highly significant. The reduction of canopy
recorded where cotton was grown alone (133 cm) or where size in this order can be related to the competitive effect of
mungbean (130 cm) and mashbean (129 cm) were these crops on cotton.
intercropped. All other intercrops reduced cotton plant Monopodial branches plant-1. Planting patterns had non-
height to variable extent. The smallest plants (89.3 cm) were significant effect on monopodial branches in cotton (Table
harvested from plots where sesame was intercropped in I). All intercropping systems except cotton+sesame and
cotton. Combinations of various planting patterns (P) and cotton+maize produced similar number of monopodial
intercropping systems (S) had a highly significant effect on branches as those recorded for cotton grown as sole crop.
cotton plant height at harvest. The maximum plant height Interactive effect was non-significant. Sesame intercropping
was attributed to penetration of light and circulation of air suppressed the number of monopodial branches to the
into the plants and comparatively more nutritional area maximum extent. This was ascribed to the more competitive
available to sole crop. Mungbean and mashbean and exhaustive behavior of sesame, which suppressed the
intercropped in cotton did not influence the cotton plant growth of companion crop to a large extent.
height primarily due to their short stature and nitrogen Sympodial branches plant-1. More sympodial branches
fixation character. Drastic reduction of cotton plants in (10.2) were recorded for cotton grown in 80-cm spaced
cotton+sesame intercropping system was due to fast growth single rows as compared with 9.90 produced where cotton
of sesame at earlier growth stage, which suppressed the was grown in 120-cm apart double row strips (Table I).
growth of companion cotton crop. Sorghum intercropped in More branches in 80-cm spaced single rows of cotton were
cotton also severely competed with it and reduced its height attributed to more intra-row spacing compared with cotton
to a greater extent. This may be due to the exhaustive nature planted in 120-cm spaced, paired row strips facilitating
of sorghum. The competitive effect of sorghum on the more growth of the cotton plants. However, Saeed et al.
companion crops in different intercropping systems has also (1999) reported contradictory results to these findings. All
been reported by Beltrao et al. (1986) intercropping systems except cotton+mungbean,

KHAN et al. / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 2001

cotton+mashbean and cotton+cowpeas reduced fruit bearing Contrary to this, Kairon and Singh (1972) found that seed
branches; these three being statistically at par in this respect cotton yield was increased when it was intercropped with
with cotton grown alone. mungbean. The reduction in seed cotton was attributed to
Bolls plant-1. All intercropping systems except significant reduction in plant growth, fruit bearing branches,
cotton+mashbean produced statistically less number of bolls number of boll plant-1 and also boll weight. Cotton+sesame
plant-1 as compared with those produced by cotton grown intercropping system resulted in maximum reduction
alone (Table I). Minimum bolls plant-1 (7.60) were produced (67.5%) in seed cotton yield which was ascribed to much
in cotton+sesame intercropping system. Interactive effects shading effect of sesame on associated cotton due to its fast
of patterns x intercropping systems were non-significant in growth at earlier stage resulting in tall plants and possibly
this regard. Malik et al. (1991) also reported reduction in due to inter-specific competitive effect of sesame on cotton.
number of bolls in different intercropping systems. This was Similarly, Gardner and Craker (1981) reported decreased
ascribed to an intensive competition between the component light interception and total dry weight in beans intercropped
crops in different intercropping systems for the factors such with maize. Chandravanshi (1975) reported negative effects
as water, nitrogen, light etc. required for boll setting. of sorghum on the yield of the associated crop.
Boll weight (g). Planting patterns (P) did not influence boll Ginning out turn (GOT%). Neither planting patterns (P)
weight of cotton (Table I). Intercropping mungbean, nor intercropping systems (S) affected G.O.T (Table I).
soybean, ricebean and cowpeas produced maximum of 2.86, Saeed et al. (1999) also reported non-significant effect of
2.86, 2.85 and 2.8 g boll weight, respectively; but planting patterns and intercropping systems on ginning out
statistically at par with each other. Similarly, turn of cotton.
cotton+mashbean, cotton+sesame, cotton+sesame, Seed oil yield (kg ha-1). Planting pattern did not influence
cotto+maize and cotton+sorghum did not affect boll weight seed oil yield significantly. This might be due to the reason
statistically with each other but differed significantly with that oil content is controlled genetically. Seed oil yield
that from rest of the intercropping systems (S). Interactive varied to a significant level in different intercropping
effect of P x S for boll weight was highly significant. systems. Sole cotton produced maximum quantity of oil as
Reduction in boll weight was attributed to more bolls plant-1 compared to that grown as intercrop. However, it was at par
crop. Higher boll weight was recorded in those with oil yield of cotton in cotton+mashbean and
intercropping systems where number of bolls plant-1 was cotton+soybean system. Cotton grown as cotton+mungbean,
lesser. Similarly, reduction in boll weight has also been cotton+ricebean, cotton+maize, cotton+sorghum and
reported by Goma and Radwan (1991), and Goma (1991). cotton+cowpeas systems produced statistically similar seed
Seed cotton yield (kg ha-1). Planting patterns did not affect oil. Seed oil was drastically reduced (66.92%) in
seed cotton yield (Table I). Rao and Sadaphal (1993) and cotton+sesame system. This severe reduction was due to its
Prasad et al. (1993) also reported that seed cotton yield was far low seed cotton yield (67%) as compared to cotton
not affected by planting patterns. However, Saeed et al. alone. Cotton seed oil yield in cotton+sesame was 66.9,
(1999) and Asim (1998) reported that paired row strips of 63.5, 65.4, 61.5 62.1, 59.8, 63.2 and 65.3% lower as
cotton gave higher seed cotton yield as compared with compared with cotton alone, cotton+mungbean,
single row planting pattern. cotton+mashbean, cotton+ricebean, cotton+maize,
Seed cotton yield differed significantly in various cotton+sorghum, cotton+cowpeas and cotton+soybean,
intercropping systems. However, intercropping systems of respectively. Variation in seed oil yield in different
cotton+mashbean, cotton+soybean and cotton+cowpeas intercropping systems was not attributed to seed oil content
gave statistically similar seed cotton yields of 2176, 2168, percentage as none of the systems have significant impact
2094 kg ha-1, respectively. The yield in aforementioned on this characteristic. Differences in seed oil yield were
systems was at par with that obtained from cotton grown ascribed to variation in seed cotton yield in these systems.
alone (2269 kg ha-1). Similar effect of mashbean (Rao, Staple length (mm). Staple length was not affected by any
1991) and soybean (Hosny et al., 1994) intercropping was of the intercropping systems in this study. Effect of planting
reported previously. Cotton+mungbean, cotton+maize, patterns on this characteristic was also non-significant.
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similar seed cotton with each other but significant reduction Gardezi (1993).
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