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Appendix A

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Appendix A

A Vision from the e-HIM Future:

A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force

Executive Summary
Electronic health information management (e-HIM) is one of the American Health Informa-
tion Management Association’s (AHIMA’s) major strategic focuses for 2003 and beyond.
Its goals are to:1

• Promote the migration from paper to an electronic health information

• Reinvent how institutional and personal health information and records are managed
• Deliver measurable cost and quality results from improved information management

As AHIMA celebrates its 75th anniversary as the association representing the profes-
sion of health information management (HIM), e-HIM looks ahead to and embraces the
real benefits that will accrue when healthcare comes fully into the information age.
In early 2003, AHIMA appointed a special task force to participate in a 1-day meeting
to articulate visions to guide the e-HIM initiative. The task force consisted of recognized
experts with extensive experience in healthcare, HIM, academics, information systems and
technology, and government. The goals of the meeting were to:

• Identify the factors influencing healthcare industry trends and developments includ-
ing the future state of HIM

Please note that the following report was published as a supplement to the September 2003 issue of the Journal
of the American Health Information Management Association.

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• Develop a vision statement describing the future state with a description of cor-
responding HIM roles
• Develop an action plan and approach to achieve the vision

This report documents the task force meeting, summarizes the discussions, and pres-
ents recommendations.

Health Information 2010 Statement

The task force confirmed that the healthcare industry is in crisis and faces increasingly diffi-
cult questions related to financing, including cost control, coverage, and benefits. Problems
in the areas of patient safety, efficiency, public health, health promotion, and equity are
now well documented. There is a growing public-private consensus that a modern informa-
tion infrastructure for health is needed to successfully meet these and other challenges. The
task force discussed trends from a number of perspectives and viewpoints and formulated
the succinct vision of health information in 2010:

The future state of health information is electronic, patient-centered, com-

prehensive, longitudinal, accessible, and credible.

Vision Statement for Health Information Management Practice

Next, the task force considered HIM practice in 2010 in the context of the envisioned health
information environment. HIM professionals manage individual and aggregate patient and
healthcare data and information resources in all types of healthcare organizations.1 The
HIM field was established in 1928 to elevate the standards of clinical records to improve
patient care. While this remains the central focus, HIM professionals now serve in a broad
range of roles throughout healthcare that involve planning, organizing, and managing clini-
cal information resources-content, integrity, accessibility, use, and protection.
The e-HIM initiative signals the need to advance HIM practice to fully utilize standards-
based technology and adopt best practices. The importance and expectation of having bet-
ter ways and means to understand, organize, and analyze health data will increase as the
automation of health information continues. The healthcare industry’s ability to manage
information and to easily access and use best practice and clinical data will be vital to suc-
cessfully controlling healthcare costs while improving productivity and health outcomes.
Enhanced HIM is also essential to meeting the requirements for a patient-centered health
information system, for longitudinal e-records, for research and population health, and for
public health preparedness.
In this time of rapid change, HIM professionals must continuously transform their
knowledge, skills, and abilities to keep pace. They must also continue to apply the core fun-
damental functions of HIM to ensure quality health information for all healthcare settings
and organizations that create and use it. These core HIM functions do not disappear when
healthcare moves further into the information age. In fact, they become more critical.2

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 3

Based on task force discussions, comments, and suggestions, the following HIM vision
statement has been developed:

Health information management is the body of knowledge and practice

that assures the availability of health information to facilitate real-time
healthcare delivery and critical health-related decision making for mul-
tiple purposes across diverse organizations, settings, and disciplines.

Recommendations for Action Items

To achieve the health information and HIM 2010 visions, the task force identified several
action items for AHIMA:

• Lead a consortium of groups and organizations in influencing national efforts to

move toward e-HIM.
• Take steps to expand the visibility of AHIMA, its members, and health information
management to the general public and within the healthcare industry.
• Enhance efforts to increase the understanding of the value and benefits of HIM and
the HIM profession.
• Fund efforts to establish the business case for solid and sound e-HIM practice.
• Develop and widely disseminate best practices related specifically to e-HIM.
• Design and implement innovative strategies to attract qualified candidates to the
field of HIM from new market segments.
• Accelerate plans and activities to implement changes in health information man-
agement training, education, and curriculum.
• Establish periodic recertification, focused continuing education (CE) requirements,
and tiered certification for AHIMA members to document their skills and continued
education in e-HIM areas.
• Develop and implement programs to better prepare and train HIM profession-
als to pursue leadership roles in current and future areas of health information
• Establish interim milestones in the achievement of the health information and HIM
visions and track progress toward goals.
• Expand grants and awards programs to further efforts in establishing innovative
e-HIM practice or policy.

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The e-HIM initiative encompasses a wide range of crosscutting issues related to ensuring
that health information is available whenever, wherever, and however it is needed. Accurate
information is increasingly critical to address the diverse and complex issues currently facing
the industry, including those related to disease and injury prevention and treatment, environ-
mental health, and public health research and surveillance. AHIMA must continue to assume
a leadership role in ensuring the availability of credible, accessible, and meaningful health
data. AHIMA and its members currently play a key role in managing health information for
patient care and various types of decision making. Enhanced health information management
will help ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness throughout the healthcare industry.
AHIMA must accelerate efforts to further the transformation of HIM. AHIMA and its
members must quickly execute and adopt innovations in e-HIM to ensure the competen-
cies of current and prospective HIM professionals. AHIMA has a crucial and pivotal role to
play in continuing to help the industry address its current and future collective and diverse
health information needs to sustain and improve the healthcare system.

One of AHIMA’s goals is to help members prepare and meet the continuing challenges
and opportunities of the evolving healthcare industry and marketplace. Launched in late
2002, AHIMA’s electronic health information management (e-HIM) initiative is one of
the Association’s major strategic focuses for 2003 and 2004. The initiative aims to rein-
vent the management of health records and information—specifically through accelerating
the migration from paper to an electronic health information infrastructure. The resulting
improvements in information management should result in measurable cost and quality
improvements throughout the healthcare system, and, ultimately, better patient care.
The e-HIM initiative builds on prior AHIMA efforts such as Vision 2006 and the
e-health expedition. These activities identified changes in HIM practice and related evolv-
ing roles for HIM professionals. They also reflect the Association’s commitment to build-
ing an evolving professional definition in light of changes in the industry.
Currently, several factors continue to greatly affect HIM practice. These include con-
tinued movement away from a focus on acute care to a focus on integrated care delivery
along a continuum of care; increased and changing government regulations and legislation;
continued deployment of electronic health record systems; new evolving public health and
surveillance initiatives; and an emerging focus on patient-centered information manage-
ment. The e-HIM initiative requires consideration of all these forces.
It also requires a vision. AHIMA’s goal is to articulate a vision of the future state of
HIM, outline roles that HIM professional will play, and discuss the strategic plan for tran-
sitioning existing HIM functions into the e-HIM future.

The e-HIM Task Force and Its Charge

In early 2003, AHIMA appointed a special e-HIM task force. The group consists of recog-
nized experts with extensive experience in HIM, academics, information technology, and

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 5

government. Task force members represent a great breadth, depth, and diversity of experi-
ence and knowledge of the current healthcare environment. The group also included one
AHIMA Board of Directors liaison and three AHIMA staff members.
The task force was asked to:

• Identify the factors influencing healthcare industry trends and developments includ-
ing the future state of HIM
• Develop a vision statement describing the future state with a description of cor-
responding HIM roles
• Develop an action plan and approach to achieve the vision

Contents of this Report

This report summarizes the deliberations of the task force, offers an evaluation of current
industry forces, and describes a vision of healthcare in the future and related roles for HIM
professionals. It also offers several recommendations for AHIMA to consider and high-
lights that the timeline for implementation is critical.
For the e-HIM initiative to be successful, AHIMA’s vision and plans in this area need to
be shared, disseminated, and recognized at all levels within the membership and through-
out healthcare industry. This report is the first step.

The e-HIM task force participants convened on March 10, 2003. The agenda was designed
to encourage productive dialogue among participants. To this end, the group discussed the
evolution of the e-HIM initiative in the context of prior and ongoing AHIMA strategic ini-
tiatives such as the coding futures task force, the e-health task force, work force assessment
research, and analysis of issues in academic HIM education.

• The coding futures task force studied the likely futures in the domain of coding
practice. Its findings were reported in the January 2000 Journal of AHIMA article
“A Crystal Ball for Coding.”
• The e-health task force explored new roles for HIM professionals in e-health. Its
work resulted in “AHIMA’s Recommendations to Ensure Privacy and Quality of
Personal Health Information on the Internet,” and “Report on the Roles and Func-
tions of E-health Information Management.”
• AHIMA’s work force study is a major research initiative that aims to help assess
future directions of the HIM work force. Numerous reports resulting from the study
began to emerge in late 2002 and will continue to be published.
• AHIMA’s 1999 “White Paper on the Health and Well-being of Professional Educa-
tion in the Health Information Management Discipline,” challenged the academic
community to accelerate curriculum reform to better prepare graduates for new
roles in the electronic practice environment.

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The general brainstorming sessions focused on the driving forces in the healthcare,
information management, and technology industries that affect the future state of health
information and HIM professionals’ roles. The group sought to confirm the relevance of the
HIM profession in this future context. To propel the discussions, participants were provided
with discussion questions and a preliminary list of general forces affecting healthcare.
Following the general brainstorming on driving forces, the task force continued its dis-
cussions in three work groups to develop a vision of the future state of health information
and appropriate roles for the HIM professional.
The task force as a whole then reviewed each working group’s deliberations and ulti-
mately reached general consensus on the future state of HIM and the future roles of HIM
professionals. The group then identified priorities requiring AHIMA’s attention and made
recommendations for action items.
Task force discussions focused on three areas:

• Factors affecting the future state of HIM

• HIM practice
• Future roles of HIM professionals

Each of these is summarized in the discussion on the following pages.

Key Findings
Factors Affecting the Future State of HIM
An Industry Buffeted by External Forces
Changes caused by patient demographics, spiraling costs, and advancements in technol-
ogy present substantial challenges to the healthcare industry. Although information cannot
solve all these problems, better and more efficient use of information promises to make the
system more effective. Finding a way to fulfill that promise is the current challenge.
First, it is necessary to consider the external forces that affect HIM. These include:
Economic factors: The growing number of uninsured and underinsured consumers
presents a problem. In addition, providers and consumers continue to face increasingly
complex and frequently changing healthcare financing and payment policies.
Demographic changes: The patient population is older and more mobile. Patients are
diagnosed earlier, as a result of improved diagnostics, and treated longer. They’re more
dispersed, moving from traditional inpatient facility care to other outpatient-based care,
thanks to pharmaceutical, biotechnical, treatment, and medical device breakthroughs and
developments that dramatically alter how and where care is delivered. They’re also becom-
ing “sicker” as a consequence of living longer but with multiple chronic conditions.
Need for standards: Government mandates, such as those required by HIPAA, have
wide-ranging implications for the industry. However, the industry lacks health information
standards, uniform and consistent coding and classification systems, and uniform protocols
for information systems. The result is an increasingly complex industry. Where standards
have emerged in health data reporting (coding and classification systems, and claim forms)

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 7

and in technology (Internet and Web protocols), they have stimulated linkages and diverse
uses of information among providers, consumers, and payers.
Technology: Continued investment in computing resources has resulted in diverse
deployment of technology. Technology has become more complex, pervasive, and inter-
linked, enabling more sophisticated exploitation of information. This, in turn, highlights
the need for better and enhanced information management policies, practices, and proce-
dures and more uniform information content and messaging standards.
Workforce concerns: The HIM profession, like nursing and other healthcare profes-
sions, faces a work force shortage, particularly in traditional practice settings. At the same
time, many health and allied health training programs, including HIM programs, face chal-
lenges in funding and in attracting and recruiting qualified students.
Consumer awareness: Many patients and caregivers seek to be better informed about
their treatment and want to know more about their care, their health information, and the
qualifications and competencies of their health providers. With high-profile media cover-
age of security breaches and publicity related to the implementation of the HIPAA privacy
regulation, consumers are also concerned about their health information privacy, confiden-
tiality, and security. Media coverage also has brought issues such as patient safety to the
Public health: There has been an accelerated and heightened awareness of chang-
ing public health imperatives such as the need for biodefense and terrorism preparedness,
including disease surveillance initiatives. There are growing challenges to identify and
solve community and global health problems. The movement toward a national health
information infrastructure promises a significant change in the landscape.
Other factors: There are still other factors affecting information management that
are likely to have impact in the future. These include the ongoing malpractice insurance
dilemma, continued efforts to develop and use evidenced-based clinical practice guide-
lines, and, of course, increased interest and activity in genetic research.

An Information-driven Industry
Data is critical to the healthcare industry today. Sound, accurate, available, and reli-
able data is the foundation of many decisions at many levels. Of primary importance
is the need for data to improve patient care. Providers need data in order to treat their
patients and to choose among treatments. On the administrative side, payers require
data to verify eligibility for treatment and determine medical necessity for care. Scien-
tists, practitioners, and researchers need data for various initiatives such as outcomes
measurements, patient care effectiveness, risk assessment, and susceptibility and envi-
ronmental exposure studies. Regulators and policymakers need data to make prudent
and cost-effective decisions to ensure public health and to ensure the availability of
healthcare services.
Technology and innovation promise much in this environment, particularly in the col-
lection, processing, and accessing of health information. Advancements such as voice rec-
ognition, the maturity of the Internet, introduction and deployment of wireless and handheld
devices, improvements in imaging techniques and technologies, and voice data capture are
all powerful tools. Similarly, the evolution of the electronic health record continues to
move the industry—and HIM—forward.

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Technology Alone Is Not the Answer

Despite technological advancements, the information that clinicians, consumers, policy-
makers, and researchers have to work with is fragmented, disjointed, and often inaccurate.
There are industrywide efforts to address this ongoing fragmentation and lack of coordi-
nation, and many organizations are working to improve the quality and performance of
healthcare delivery through standards-based information systems. In a data-driven system,
HIM professionals will continue to play a central and leading role.
The most efficient way to make data available to its many users in a timely manner is
through automation. Providers have long recognized the need to maximize the effective-
ness of healthcare delivery through the use of automated systems. Nevertheless, the indus-
try remains in a state of flux. Providers are at different levels of automation and satisfaction
with existing systems. Meanwhile, the ever-expanding variety of provider settings makes
the need to make information available across a diverse spectrum of care more urgent. And
the question of “who pays for this?” remains unanswered.
Some task force participants believed that in the absence of high-level federal direction
in the form of guidelines and incentives, the healthcare industry would not voluntarily attain
consensus on all standards needed to reach the e-HIM future. Other participants questioned
the role of government in developing national standards, regulating their implementation
or setting deadlines for the implementation of the fully paperless electronic health record
system. While this issue was debatable, it was acknowledged that in the foreseeable future,
the industry is unlikely to see guidelines on the scope of the HIPAA regulations again.
The e-HIM future will require superior data content, accuracy, and validity. The ongo-
ing implementation of the electronic health record will help providers make important
decisions about healthcare. Those decisions will rely on secure access to clear, concise,
accurate, and easy-to-understand information about people who present with increasingly
complex and highly dynamic circumstances.
Information Management Is Critical
In the future, the industry will continue to need to collect, link, and maintain increasingly
larger and more disparate volumes of data. But it also will need to move beyond these
activities and turn data into information and knowledge. The ability to organize the infor-
mation includes being able to determine who needs what information, when, and where;
how information is defined; how information accuracy and consistency is verified; and how
information is explained. In addition, the need for more and better data requires a concen-
trated movement toward processes that place value on how the data is defined, understood,
analyzed, and interpreted.
The task force emphasized that the ability of the healthcare industry to successfully
migrate to the e-HIM future will be greatly enhanced by transformations in HIM practice.

Health Information Vision 2010 Statement

The task force confirmed that the healthcare industry is in crisis and faces increasingly
difficult questions related to coverage, benefits, and financing. Sound, timely, and acces-
sible health information is needed to successfully answer these and other questions, while

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 9

making the healthcare system more efficient. The task force discussed several perspectives
and viewpoints on the vision of health information in 2010.
The group concluded that additional efforts are needed to transcend the current practice
of HIM in light of expected technological changes in clinical and technical operations. The
healthcare industry faces challenges that are complex and multifaceted, but HIM primarily
focuses on a single entity—the consumer. Based on task force discussions, comments, and
suggestions, the following health information vision statement has been developed:

The future state of health information is electronic, consumer-centered,

comprehensive, longitudinal, accessible, and credible.

Data across all points and places of service and types of encounters will be collected,
linked, and organized around a unique personal identifier. Users will have ready access
to health information whenever and wherever health data is needed. Health information
will be comprised of multiple forms of media, including data, images, voice, or text from
various and diverse sources. Health information collection will span the individual’s life
and allow for comprehensive views of illness, health promotion and wellness, and dis-
ease and injury prevention activities. Health information will be used concurrently for
multiple and diverse purposes, including healthcare delivery and treatment, outcomes
measurement, finance, and support of health services and policy research, clinical tri-
als, and disease prevention and surveillance at the individual, community, national, and
international levels.
It will be difficult to attain the future vision if investments are made only in technol-
ogy. Equal or greater attention must be paid to the management of data contained within
the electronic technologies. The task force noted that in this future state, data sharing and
exchange would not be constrained by vendor-specific technology requirements. Further,
the vision assumes the establishment and implementation of uniform health data standards
and data conceptual models that allow for connectivity of appropriate systems across ven-
dor platforms and applications. Additionally, the vision implies that health information
will be exchanged only in accordance with appropriate security, privacy and confidentiality
rules, regulations, and requirements. HIM professionals will lead and mobilize support for
ongoing and sustained improvement to current practices, processes, and procedures.

Vision Statement for Health Information Management Practice

The task force worked to envision HIM practice in 2010. As the automation of health
information continues, the importance and expectation of having better ways and means
to understand, organize, and analyze health data will increase. The healthcare industry’s
ability to manage information and to easily access and use best practice and clinical data
is key to successfully controlling healthcare costs and improving health outcomes. Based

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on task force discussions, comments, and suggestions, the following HIM vision statement
has been developed:

Health information management is the body of knowledge and practice

that ensures the availability of health information to facilitate real-time
healthcare delivery and critical health related decision-making for mul-
tiple purposes across diverse organizations, settings, and disciplines.

Health information management will involve the ongoing collection, analysis, and pro-
cessing of information and its appropriate dissemination in a timely manner throughout a
person’s lifetime across various sites of service and care. HIM professionals will work col-
laboratively with information technology (IT) professionals in the acquisition and deploy-
ment of technology. HIM professionals also will have crucial leadership roles in data and
information resources management. They will have major roles in diffusing technology
across organizations and disciplines.
As members of integrated healthcare teams, HIM professionals will serve as informa-
tion conduits between the diverse clinical, financial, and IT users within their organizations
and outside as information “bridges” between providers and consumers.
HIM professionals will also work as information brokers by ensuring timely and accu-
rate sharing, transferring, and interpreting of health information among healthcare disci-
plines and organizations and across sites of service.
Future Roles and Competencies of HIM Professionals
The growing accessibility of technologies such as the Internet and the enhanced perfor-
mance of Web browser-based software for data accessibility and analysis have placed more
health information in the hands of consumers. The deployment of technologies such as
wireless and handheld devices has placed more timely data in the hands of clinicians.
HIPAA has paved the way for industry implementation of clinical data and transmission
standards as well as consistency in security, privacy, and confidentiality standards.
HIM professionals will increasingly function as conduits of health information and
will interpret how data will be used. HIM practice will be integral to the continuum of
healthcare and decision making processes. HIM professionals will have these roles:

• Business process engineer

• Clinical research protocol designer and manager
• Clinical trials manager
• Clinical vocabulary manager
• Consumer advocate
• Data analyst

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 11

• Data facilitator
• Data/information broker
• Data/information presenter
• Data sets, nomenclature, and classification standards developer
• Data miner
• Data navigator
• Data quality and integrity monitor
• Data resource manager
• Data security, privacy, and confidentiality manager
• Data translator
• Information system designer
• Work and data flow analyst

The HIM professional will have competencies in these areas:

• Establishing and guiding national, local, and state health information policy devel-
opment and implementation
• Establishing and implementing policies, practices, and procedures governing all
aspects of HIM
• Establishing and implementing standards for privacy, security, and confidentiality
of health information
• Establishing and implementing policies and standards for monitoring of data integ-
rity, accuracy, validity, authenticity, and version control
• Developing health information format and content standards to ensure the collec-
tion of complete, accurate, timely, and compliant health information
• Facilitating communication of health information across organizational healthcare
teams and between different entities
• Facilitating the concurrent use of health information for multiple purposes (such as
for direct patient care, outcomes measurement and evaluation, wellness and preven-
tion, research, public health and policy development)
• Managing compliance, regulatory, accreditation, licensure, and (re)certification
programs and activities
• Analyzing and synthesizing qualitative and quantitative health information for vari-
ous and diverse needs and audiences
• Developing, designing, and implementing clinical vocabularies

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• Translating and interpreting health information for consumers and their caregivers
• Helping consumers to access and obtain diverse and often complex health
• Informing and educating consumers about health information issues
• Providing the context to understand, analyze, and interpret health information
• Helping providers understand data flow and reporting requirements within the con-
text of dynamic rules, regulations, and guidelines
• Leading business process redesign efforts

Action Item: Lead a consortium of groups and organizations in influenc-

ing national efforts to move toward e-HIM.

Recommendations for Action Items

Health information management will involve the multifaceted flow of data across multiple
entities involving various and diverse automated processes and systems. To achieve the
health information and HIM visions of 2010, the task force identified several action items
for AHIMA:
AHIMA should continue to advance the improved management of health information
through industry partnerships and collaboration in areas such as data and communications
standards, clinical vocabularies and content, nomenclature, coding and classification, and
regulatory compliance. AHIMA and its members are well positioned with the requisite
knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide this leadership. In addition, the current frame-
work of HIM practices, training, and education provides the solid foundation upon which
to transform to the future vision of HIM.
It is not clear whether the future state of health information can or will be achieved
without government intervention in the form of guidelines, regulations, or legislation. Nev-
ertheless, with or without a government mandate (to overcome logistical and technical bar-
riers so that various brands of devices and operating systems can communicate), AHIMA
should take a stronger and more visible leadership role in ensuring the achievement of the
visions of 2010.

Action Item: Expand the visibility of AHIMA and health information

management to the general public and within the healthcare industry to
enhance the understanding of the value and benefits of HIM and the HIM

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 13

AHIMA should enhance efforts to increase the recognition and value of HIM and the
profession beyond AHIMA members. AHIMA must demonstrate that the continued viability
of the healthcare system requires better management of health information. AHIMA should
also undertake a “popular” marketing and communications campaign aimed directly at the
healthcare consumer. For instance, HIM professionals should emphasize how they can help
consumers better understand their health information and manage their own personal health
records. HIM professionals can also highlight their roles in assisting consumers navigate
the complex and often confusing processes for claims payment, understand how to access
health information, and assure the security of consumers’ health information.

Action Item: Fund efforts to establish the business case for solid and sound
e-HIM practice.

AHIMA should develop the business case depicting the economic benefits of the future
health information vision. HIM professionals need to be further convinced to advance HIM
practices. Tools and techniques supporting the rationale to transform to e-HIM are needed.
AHIMA should also identify prominent HIM champions to help propel the vision and get
commitment from within and beyond the membership. AHIMA members need to be mobi-
lized to facilitate e-HIM.

Action Item: Develop and widely disseminate best practices related spe-
cifically to e-HIM.

AHIMA must take steps to convince HIM professionals to abandon some of the more
outmoded but deeply ingrained practices of the past. Paper-based and manually driven data
collection and related HIM practices and approaches should be discouraged. HIM profes-
sionals must be willing and able to manage health information and advance the profession
in the face of constant and significant change.
HIM practice needs to continually evolve in response to new and revised initiatives.
Best practices in the following areas should be developed and disseminated throughout
the healthcare industry:

• Achieving productivity improvements and greater efficiencies with the implemen-

tation of e-HIM practices
• Collecting and managing integrated clinical, demographic, environmental, and
health and wellness data in the support of care delivery, research, and/or public
health activities

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• Collecting and managing longitudinal health information that spans an individual’s

• Planning and implementing procedures, policies, and processes that meet the infor-
mation needs of diverse and multiple providers and consumers
• Facilitating coordination across organizations, departments, and/or agencies to
improve health information communications
• Managing health information in an electronic and paperless environment
• Assessing and analyzing organizational data in comparison to national aggregate
• Facilitating the transfer of health information from clinical care delivery informa-
tion systems to public and environmental health data reporting and surveillance
• Developing data sets and data definitions for specific health information applications
• Working directly with consumers (patients and their care-givers) to help them under-
stand their health information
• Contributing to the monitoring and preventing of medical errors
• Facilitating and actively participating in the collection of health information needed
for research, clinical trials, and public health reporting as a byproduct of patient
care data
• Designing, developing, and evaluating systems beyond the clinical setting
• Implementing business process redesign methodologies

Action Item: Design and implement innovative strategies to attract quali-

fied candidates to the field of HIM from new market segments.

There is a sense of urgency in the area of work force adequacy and preparedness. HIM
career opportunities must be made more attractive to future students. The need for acceler-
ated recruitment and training of HIM professionals in order to meet future industry needs
is clearly a priority. Ongoing workforce recruitment and retention, even in the face of a
growing healthcare economic sector, is a major obstacle. Thus, more expansive, creative,
and comprehensive approaches to potential student recruitment are vital.
The HIM profession should be marketed to at least two different groups of poten-
tial candidates: current younger students (elementary, middle, and high school) and

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the more mature candidate (those reentering the workforce or changing professions).
AHIMA should expand its efforts to align educational programs with other disciplines,
such as information technology, health administration, and management engineering to
attract candidates with diverse skills and capabilities. Additional student recruitment
and marketing should be directed toward other related fields, such as statistics and pro-
cess engineering.

Action Item: Accelerate plans and activities to implement changes in

health information management training, education, and curriculum.

Education, training, and continuing education programs should be quickly revised

and updated so that HIM professionals are more fully prepared to apply their knowledge,
skills, and expertise in increasingly diverse settings and organizations in the future state
of e-HIM. In particular, education programs need to immediately emphasize current and
growing requirements for competencies in project management, change management, and
communication skills. Closer alignment of education and training programs with those of
other related disciplines (such as process engineering) would overcome some current bar-
riers and obstacles.
Training programs need to prepare graduates to assume increasingly diverse roles and
responsibilities in settings beyond those of current types of provider organizations (such
as in public health and research), and across and between settings and communities. As an
incentive for education programs to update their curriculum, AHIMA should link school
accreditation requirements to e-HIM program initiatives.

Action Item: Establish periodic recertification, focused continuing educa-

tion (CE) requirements, and tiered certification for AHIMA members to
document their skills and continued education in e-HIM areas.

AHIMA must continue to take steps to prepare current HIM professionals to embrace
and implement the 2010 visions. HIM professionals must “modernize” their skills and
competencies to maintain and (re)certify their credentials. HIM professionals need to
be trained and retrained in core e-HIM competencies. Periodic recertification should be
explored, particularly in areas of critical importance. Ongoing training and certification in
e-HIM is a necessary means of staying current. AHIMA needs to develop competencies
related to the health information and HIM visions. HIM professionals need to document
proficiency in these new competencies. AHIMA needs to design and develop continuing

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16 Appendix A

education products and (re)certification programs to increase members’ abilities to achieve

the visions of 2010.

Action Item: Develop and implement programs to better prepare and train
HIM professionals to pursue leadership roles in current and future areas
of health information management.

AHIMA needs to prepare its members to assume new roles and functions. The health-
care market is increasingly global. Patients seek and obtain care from multiple providers
across state and country lines and over long time periods. Employers and vendors increas-
ingly consider the global community as the marketplace. Thus, the practice of HIM must
continue to expand.
Future HIM professionals need to have skills in increasingly complex and diverse areas.
These areas include data integration, privacy and security enhancing capabilities, methods
of encryption and deidentification, data analysis tools and techniques, data presentation
and visualization, development, enhancement, and maintenance of clinical vocabularies,
ways to use health data and data sets to support healthcare quality, outcomes and effective-
ness monitoring, public health surveillance and population health risk assessment, compli-
ance requirements, integration of data across multiple data sources, and linkages between
various health data sets.
HIM professionals currently possess a wide range of diverse skills and experience.
HIM professionals need to leverage their unique blend of technical and functional expertise
to assume new e-HIM roles and responsibilities.

Action Item: Establish interim milestones in the achievement of the health

information and HIM visions and track progress toward goals.

AHIMA should develop and implement an e-HIM project plan that includes both
short-term (the next 2 to 3 years) and long-term (in 3 to 5 years) milestones. Critical to the
attainment of the visions of 2010 is the establishing and adhering to project milestones and
dates; successfully managing and deploying several tasks and activities simultaneously;
communicating both inside and outside AHIMA; having flexibility to adapt to changes in
milestones or dates. The plan needs to be flexible and dynamic and include interim mile-
stones to allow for enhancements or adjustments as warranted.

Action Item: Expand grants and awards programs to further efforts in

establishing innovative e-HIM practice or policy.

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 17

Grants and awards should be established to encourage innovation, leadership, and excel-
lence in e-HIM. AHIMA should establish specific mechanisms for recognition in e-HIM top-
ics. Areas for recognition include developing new strategies for e-HIM policy improvement,
recognizing exemplary practices, and highlighting contributions to the HIM industry.
Grants and awards can be awarded to support new ideas or strategies that have not yet
been implemented or for exemplary practices that demonstrate results (better healthcare or
decision making through improved health information management). Recognition could
be given to AHIMA members and to other individuals or organizations for activities such
as initiating new or revised legislation, regulations, or guidelines, or successfully leading
partnerships toward achievement of e-HIM.

The e-HIM initiative encompasses a wide range of crosscutting issues related to ensuring
that actionable health information is available when and where it is needed. AHIMA and its
members play a key role in managing health information for direct patient care and diverse
types of decision making. AHIMA must continue to assume a leadership role in ensuring
the availability of essential and accessible health information. Enhanced health information
management will help ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare delivery,
policy, and research.
Technology is certainly transforming the way healthcare is delivered, managed, and
assessed, with a continued shift from records management to data management. The
healthcare industry faces dynamic regulatory and legislative requirements, ongoing pro-
gram safeguard initiatives, and evolving payment systems and related coverage issues.
Converging interests in using information technology to increase quality of care and
improve documentation of services while also reducing costs and making the delivery sys-
tem more cost effective and efficient is evident. At the same time, there is heightened
interest in requirements for HIPAA implementation and more national attention on issues
related to clinical safety, medical effectiveness, epidemiology, and biosurveillance.
In addition, there is a current and growing recognition of the shortage of a skilled
and trained workforce. The healthcare industry needs a competent HIM workforce that is
prepared to successfully manage health records, data, and information in this increasingly
electronic environment. The continued availability and further development of this future
workforce includes revising training, curriculum, and specialty certifications.
AHIMA must accelerate efforts to further the transformation of health information man-
agement. AHIMA and its members must quickly execute and adopt innovations through its
e-HIM initiative to ensure the competencies of current and prospective HIM professionals.
AHIMA has a crucial and pivotal role to play in helping the industry address its current and
future health information needs to sustain and improve quality healthcare.

1. AHIMA 1999 and 2000 Committees on Professional Development. “Health Information Management:
Professional Definition.” Journal of AHIMA 72, no. 4 (2001).
2. “Position Statement on the HIM Work Force.” Journal of AHIMA 73, no. 9 (2002). Core HIM functions
include managing records, data, and databases; protecting and securing confidential information;
developing and managing data integrity systems and processes; and ensuring compliance with information
regulations and laws.

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18 Appendix A

Appendix A
Discussion Questions
Key Forces Influencing the Future State of HIM and HIM Roles and Practice in This Future

1. What are the forces affecting the future state of HIM? How is the future state of
HIM affected by:
a. Regulations and legislation
b. Changes to the provision and financing of healthcare delivery
c. Economic and political issues
d. New or revised public health surveillance and reporting programs
e. Consumers’ increasing access to health information
f. Issues related to ethics, privacy, security, and ownership of health information
g. Variation in healthcare delivery settings
h. Other?
2. How are technologies affecting the future state of HIM? To what extent are cur-
rent and emerging technologies affecting how and what functions are performed?
How are current and emerging technologies affecting the workers performing
these functions? How is the variability of specific healthcare settings affecting the
deployment of current and emerging technologies?
3. What does the future state of HIM look like? How diverse or homogeneous is
this future state of HIM? How will these forces and technologies impact HIM
roles and functions? How variable will this impact be across various healthcare
4. Which aspects of the current HIM professional definition are relevant in the future
state of HIM? To what extent are the current functions suitable for adaptation to
the future HIM state? How will HIM roles and practice be affected by changes in
healthcare delivery and information technology?

How to Implement the Future State of HIM (The Vision)

1. How can we implement the future vision of HIM? What role should the HIM
industry play in this implementation? What role should AHIMA play?
2. What are reasonable and practical next steps to take to implement the e-HIM vision?
Short-term (in the next 2 to 3 years)? Long-term (in the next 5 to 7 years)?
3. What are the priority areas to address? What are likely barriers and obstacles to
these areas? What are potential solutions to overcoming these barriers?

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 19

4. What aspects of the current HIM professional definition are relevant in the future
state? Given the current HIM professional definition, how might HIM roles and
practices be revised? To what extent should we consider the diversity of specific
healthcare or workplace settings?
5. How should personnel be prepared to effectively and efficiently perform in an
increasingly electronic environment? What skills and knowledge are required?
What academic and other training is needed? How should we deal with current
and projected work force shortages and changes?

Appendix B
General Health Industry Forces

1. Federal, state, and local budget deficits

2. Prospect of war
3. Continued effects of globalization
4. An aging population
5. Medical science and technological breakthroughs
6. Role of telemedicine initiatives
7. Continued efforts to develop and use evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
8. Increasingly complex and frequently changing healthcare financing and payment
9. Increased numbers of uninsured and underinsured
10. Issues related to quality of care, clinical safety, and adverse events
11. Medical malpractice costs and related issues
12. Implementation of HIPAA
13. Growing awareness of health information privacy, confidentiality, and security
14. More integrated and interconnected electronic health information infrastructure
15. More uniform information content and messaging standards
16. Continued and growing regulations and compliance issues
17. Changing public health imperatives
18. Need for biodefense and terrorism preparedness
19. Need for disease surveillance initiatives
20. Growing awareness and concerns about public health issues such as biopreparedness

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20 Appendix A

21. Increased interest and activity in the genome movement and related genetic
research and interventions
22. Growth in commercial medical databases
23. Increased and diverse deployment of computing technology

Work Force Issues

1. Shortage of nurses and other caregivers

2. Growing shortage of health information workers
3. Increased need for public health workers trained in detection, response, and

Appendix C
Selected References and Resources
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. “Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: Use of Information
Technologies and Decision Support Systems.” Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number
59. Rockville, MD: July 2002.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. “Patient Safety Reporting Systems and Research in HHS.” Fact
Sheet. Rockville, MD: April 2001.
AHIMA Advantage e-Alert 5, no. 5, 2003.
AHIMA. “e-HIM. Electronic Health Information Management.” 2002.
AHIMA. Evolving HIM Careers: Seven Roles for the Future. Chicago, IL: American Health Information
Management Association, 1999.
AHIMA. “Final Report: Coding Futures Task Force: A Study of the Convergence of Factors Impacting the
Domain of Coding and HIM Practice.” 1999.
AHIMA E-health Task Force. “Report on the Roles and Function of e-Health Information Management.” 2002.
AHIMA Joint Committee on Education. “The Health and Well-being of Professional Education in the HIM
Discipline.” 2000.
Baxter, R., Rubin, R., Steinberg, C., Carroll, C., Shapiro, J., Yang, A. “Assessing Core Capacity for Infectious
Disease Surveillance. Final Report.” Prepared for Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation, DHHS. The Lewin Group, Inc.: 2000, pp. 1-47.
Corn, M., Rudzinski, K.A., and Cahn, M.A. “Bridging the Gap in Medical Informatics and Health Services
Research.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 9 (2002): pp. 140-143.
Committees on Professional Development. “Health Information Management: Professional Definition.”
Journal of AHIMA 72, no. 4 (2001): insert before page 49.
Dixon Lee, Claire. “A Shot in the Arm for Public Health.” Journal of AHIMA 74, no. 1 (2003): 36-42.
Fitzmaurice, J.M., Adams, K., and Eisenberg, J.M. “Three Decades of Research in Computer Applications in
Healthcare.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 9 (2002): 144-160.

AB102608_ch20_AppA.indd 20 11/26/08 12:21:51 PM

A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 21

Institute of Medicine. “Priority Areas for National Action: Transforming Health Care Quality.” January 7,
Institute of Medicine. “Fostering Rapid Advances in Health Care: Learning from System Demonstrations.”
November 19, 2002.
Institute of Medicine. “The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century.” November 11, 2002.
Institute of Medicine. “Who Will Keep the Public Healthy: Educating Public Health Professionals for the 21st
Century.” November 4, 2002.
Jeffries, Jane. “New e-HIM Initiative Will Reinvent HIM Practice, Support Infra-structure.” Journal of
AHIMA 74, no. 1 (2003): 70.
“Health Data Monitored for Bioterror Warning.” New York Times, January 27, 2003.
National Cancer Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “Online Behavior and Disease
Management. A Research Dialogue.” August 2, 2001.
National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics. “Information for Health: A Strategy for Building the
National Health Information Infrastructure.” Washington, DC: November 15, 2001.
National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Working Group. “National Electronic Disease Surveillance
System (NEDSS): A Standards-based Approach to Connect Public Health and Clinical Medicine.” Journal of
Public Health Management and Practice, 2001.
Pindus, N., Koralek, R., Bernstein, J., Selter, B., and Owens, C. “The Health Passport Project: Assessment
and Recommendations: Final Report.” Prepared by The Urban Institute and MAXIMUS. Washington, DC,
and Rockville, MD: December 2001.
Romano, P.S., Elixhauser, A., McDonald, K.M., and Miller, M.R. “HIM’s Role in Monitoring Patient Safety.”
Journal of the American Health Information Management Association 73 no. 3 (2002): 72-74.
“The Churn. The Paradox of Progress.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Reprint from 1992 annual report.

e-HIM Task Force Members

AHIMA is the name you can trust for quality healthcare education. AHIMA has repre-
sented the interests of health information professionals since 1928 and has a membership
roster of more than 45,000. For information about the Association, go to
AHIMA strives to reflect in its membership and leadership the diversity within the
United States, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, special needs, and
other diverse populations. AHIMA encourages the celebration and promotion of diversity
through education, mentoring, recognition, leadership, and other programs.

The Foundation of Research and Education of the American Health Information Manage-
ment Association provides financial and intellectual resources to sustain and recognize
continuous innovation and advances in health information management for the betterment
of the profession, healthcare, and the public. For more information about FORE, go to

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22 Appendix A

e-HIM: Electronic Health Information Management

As the next step in advancing the recommendations of the e-HIM Task Force, AHIMA has
created workgroups to develop practice standards that focus on areas or issues that play an
integral role in the transition from paper to electronic health records. The outcome of the
workgroup effort will be resources and guidance, which will position HIM professionals to
play key roles in advancing the electronic health record. The following issues were selected
for initial standards development:

• The complete medical record in a hybrid EHR environment

• E-signature
• Provider/patient wired/e-mail communications and the impact on the EHR
• Imaging as a transition tool to EHR
• Data elements of the physician practice EHR
• The natural language patient record; the benefits of voice recognition in the EHR

The results of the above workgroups, including Practice Briefs and best practice cri-
teria, will be available on a CD-ROM to all attendees of AHIMA’s 75th Convention and
also available through Additional issues will be addressed as the e-HIM
initiative continues in 2004.
Publication of this report is supported by a grant from Siemens Medical.
Darrell L. Bailey, EdD Teresa M. Foley, MA, CPHQ, RHIA
Executive Associate Dean Medical Records Consultant
School of Informatics Office of the Surgeon General
Indiana University Falls Church, VA
Purdue University Indianapolis
Danita Forgey, MIS, RHIA, CCS,
Indianapolis, IN
Marion Ball, EdD Director, Health Information
Administration Program
Vice President
School of Informatics
Clinical Informatics Strategies
Indiana University
Healthlink, Incorporated
Purdue University Indianapolis
Baltimore, MD
Indianapolis, IN
Meryl Bloomrosen, MBA,
RHIA Susan P. Hanson, MBA, RHIA
Consultant Chief Operating Officer
AHIMA WANG Healthcare Information
Silver Spring, MD
Billerica, MA

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A Vision from the e-HIM Future: A Report from the AHIMA e-HIM Task Force 23

Cynthia K. Hilterbrand, RHIA Paul C. Tang, MD

Director, Information Technology Chief Medical Information Officer
Business Development Palo Alto Medical Foundation
INTEGRIS Health Palo Alto, CA
Oklahoma City, OK
Judith J. Warren, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN
Mary Ellen Mahoney, MS, University of Kansas School of
RHIA Nursing
Vice President and General Kansas City, KS
Cerner Corporation William A. Yasnoff, MD, PhD
Kansas City, MO Senior Advisor, National Health
Information Infrastructure
Donald Mon, PhD Department of Health and Human
Assistant Dean and CIO Services
The Division of the Biological Washington, DC
Jon Zimmerman
University of Chicago
Vice President, e.Health
Chicago, IL
Siemens Medical Solutions
Helga Rippen, PhD, MD, MPH Health Services Corp.
Director, Science and Technology Exton, PA
Policy Institute
Arlington, VA
Claire Dixon-Lee, PhD, RHIA,
Barbara A. Siegel, MS, RHIT
President, AHIMA
Vice President, Education and
Director, Health Information Accreditation
Hackensack University Medical
Center Sandra Fuller, MA, RHIA
Hackensack, NJ Senior Vice President and COO

Scott Stratton, MPH Linda L. Kloss, MA, RHIA, CAE

Director, Global Medical Executive Vice President and CEO
Pfizer, Inc. Anne Zender, MA
New York, NY Director of Communications

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