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12 Physics Test Paper CH 4 1

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Test Paper-01
Class - 12 Physics (Moving Charges and Magnetism)

1. The magnetic field at the centre of the circular coil of radius 1 cm and carrying
current of 4 A is


2. Magnetic moment of a single-turn current loop of aluminium wire of area A,carrying

a current I in a wire of diameter d is

a. IAd
b. μIA
c. IA/d
d. IA

3. According to Ampere's circuital law

a. ​




4. The scale of a galvanometer of resistance contains 25 divisions. It gives a

deflection of one division on passing a current of . The resistance in ohms

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to be added to it so that it may become a voltmeter of range 2.5 volt is:

a. 100
b. 250
c. 300
d. 150
5. A wire of length L carrying current i is placed perpendicular to the magnetic
induction B. The total force on the wire is
a. LB/i
b. iL/B
c. iLB
d. iB/L

6. What are the units of magnetic permeability?

7. Under what conditions is the force acting on a charge moving through a uniform
magnetic field minimum?

8. A long straight wire carries a current of 35 A. What is the magnitude of the field B at a
point 20 cm from the wire?

9. Write SI unit of magnetic field .

10. Two long parallel straight wires X and Y separated by a distance of 5 cm in air carry
currents of 10 A and 5 A respectively in opposite directions. Calculate the magnitude
and direction of the force on a 20 cm length of the wire Y.

11. An electron is moving along +ve x-axis in the presence of uniform magnetic field
along +ve y-axis. What is the direction of force acting on it?

12. Two parallel coaxial circular coils of equal radius 'R' and equal number of turns 'N',
carry equal currents 'I' in the same direction and are separated by a distance '2R'.
Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field produced at the midpoint
of the line joining their centres.

13. An electron traveling west to east enters a chamber having a uniform electrostatic
field in north to south direction. Specify the direction in which a uniform magnetic

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field should be set up to prevent the electron from deflecting from its straight line

14. Define current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer. Increasing the
current sensitivity may not necessarily increase the voltage sensitivity of
galvanometer. Justify

15. If a piece of metal has a charge and is placed inside a hollow metal sphere of
radius 20 cm (without touching it), what is the potential of the sphere? What will the
potential of the sphere become, if

a. the sphere is temporarily earthed and then left insulated,

b. the metal subsequently touched the inside of the sphere?

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CBSE Test Paper-01
Class - 12 Physics (Moving Charges and Magnetism)

1. c.

Explanation: i=4 A, r= 10-2 m

Magnetic field =

2. d. IA
Explanation: The torque experienced by a current carrying coil of N turns
placed in a magnetic field .
For N =1, Comparing with torque experienced by a electric dipole

we get hence .

3. d.
Explanation: The expression for Ampere’s circuital law is
Where I is the current included in the surface bounded by the line integral.

4. d. 150

V = 2.5 V ; G = 100 Ohm ;

solving we get
R = 150 Ohm

5. c. iLB
Explanation: Magnitude of the Force experienced by a current carrying
conductor placed in a magnetic field is . If the angle between the
directions of the current and the magnetic field is 90⁰, F= iLB

6. Tesla metre / ampere (TmA-1).

7. When a charge moves parallel or antiparallel to the direction of the magnetic field,
the force acting on it is zero or minimum.

8. Given, I = 35 A, r = 20 cm, = 0.2 m

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9. SI unit of magnetic field is tesla (T)

10. By using formula,

The direction of force is perpendicular to the length of wire Y and acts away from X.

11. The direction of the force is along -ve z-axis.

12. Magnetic field at the midpoint due to loop 1.

acting towards right

Magnetic field at the mid point due to loop 2.

acting towards right

Total magnetic field at the mid point

B = B1 + B2


which is acting towards right.

13. The electrostatic field is directed towards south. Since the electron is a negatively
charged particle, therefore, the electrostatic field shall exert a force directed towards
north. So, if the electron is to be prevented from deflection from straight path, by the
magnetic force on the electron should be directed towards south. Now

is towards south, is due east. Applying Fleming's left

hand rule we find that magnetic field should be in the vertically downward

14. The definition of current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity are given
Let the deflection produced in applying voltage V is then
Voltage sensitivity

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The voltage sensitivity may be increased by (i) increasing, N, B, A (ii) decreasing k and
Current sensitivity can be increased by
(i) increasing NBA (ii) decreasing k.
Hence increasing the current sensitivity may not necessarily increase the voltage
sensitivity of a galvanometer.

15. On the inner and outer sphere's surface charges of and are
induced respectively. The potential of the sphere relative to earth is determined solely
by the outer surface charge q.

where r is the radius of the sphere

= 4500 V

a. The potential of the sphere is momentarily reduced to zero when it is earthed. The
positive charge on the outer surface disappears but the induced negative charge
inside remains. Therefore, the potential of the sphere is zero.

b. The induced negative charge is neutralized when the metal touches the sphere
and no charge remains on the metal or sphere. Both are at the same potential i.e.
zero potential.

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