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RULE 1 To 4

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proceedings, and other cases not herein

RULE 1 provided for, except by analogy or in a

suppletory character and whenever
General Provisions practicable and convenient. (R143a)

Section 1. Title of the Rules. — These Section 5. Commencement of action. —

Rule shall be known and cited as the A civil action is commenced by the filing
Rules of Court. (1) of the original complaint in court. If an
additional defendant is impleaded in a
Section 2. In what courts applicable. — later pleading, the action is commenced
These Rules shall apply in all the courts, with regard to him on the dated of the
except as otherwise provided by the filing of such later pleading, irrespective
Supreme Court. (n) of whether the motion for its admission,
if necessary, is denied by the court. (6a)
Section 3. Cases governed. — These
Rules shall govern the procedure to be Section 6. Construction. — These
observed in actions, civil or criminal and Rules shall be liberally construed in
special proceedings. order to promote their objective of
securing a just, speedy and inexpensive
(a) A civil action is one by which disposition of every action and
a party sues another for the proceeding. (2a)
enforcement or protection of a
right, or the prevention or redress
of a wrong, (1a, R2)

A civil action may either be

ordinary or special. Both are
governed by the rules for ordinary
civil actions, subject to the
specific rules prescribed for a
special civil action. (n)

(b) A criminal action is one by

which the State prosecutes a
person for an act or omission
punishable by law. (n)

(c) A special proceeding is a

remedy by which a party seeks to
establish a status, a right, or a
particular fact. (2a, R2)

Section 4. In what case not applicable.

— These Rules shall not apply to
election cases, land registration,
cadastral, naturalization and insolvency
jurisdictions, the joinder may be
allowed in the Regional Trial
RULE 2 Court provided one of the causes
of action falls within the
Cause of Action jurisdiction of said court and the
venue lies therein; and
Section 1. Ordinary civil actions, basis
of. — Every ordinary civil action must be (d) Where the claims in all the
based on a cause of action. (n) causes action are principally for
recovery of money, the aggregate
Section 2. Cause of action, defined. — amount claimed shall be the test
A cause of action is the act or omission of jurisdiction. (5a)
by which a party violates a right of
another. (n) Section 6. Misjoinder of causes of
action. — Misjoinder of causes of action
Section 3. One suit for a single cause is not a ground for dismissal of an
of action. — A party may not institute action. A misjoined cause of action may,
more than one suit for a single cause of on motion of a party or on the initiative
action. (3a) of the court, be severed and proceeded
with separately. (n)
Section 4. Splitting a single cause of
action; effect of. — If two or more suits
are instituted on the basis of the same
cause of action, the filing of one or a
judgment upon the merits in any one is
available as a ground for the dismissal
of the others. (4a)

Section 5. Joinder of causes of action.

— A party may in one pleading assert,
in the alternative or otherwise, as many
causes of action as he may have
against an opposing party, subject to the
following conditions:

(a) The party joining the causes

of action shall comply with the
rules on joinder of parties;

(b) The joinder shall not include

special civil actions or actions
governed by special rules;

(c) Where the causes of action

are between the same parties but
pertain to different venues or
Section 4. Spouses as parties. —
Husband and wife shall sue or be sued
RULE 3 jointly, except as provided by law. (4a)

Parties to Civil Actions Section 5. Minor or incompetent

persons. — A minor or a person alleged
Section 1. Who may be parties; plaintiff to be incompetent, may sue or be sued
and defendant. — Only natural or with the assistance of his father, mother,
juridical persons, or entities authorized guardian, or if he has none, a
by law may be parties in a civil action. guardian ad litem. (5a)
The term "plaintiff" may refer to the
claiming party, the counter-claimant, the Section 6. Permissive joinder of parties.
cross-claimant, or the third (fourth, etc.) — All persons in whom or against whom
— party plaintiff. The term "defendant" any right to relief in respect to or arising
may refer to the original defending party, out of the same transaction or series of
the defendant in a counter-claim, the transactions is alleged to exist, whether
cross-defendant, or the third (fourth, jointly, severally, or in the alternative,
etc.) — party defendant. (1a) may, except as otherwise provided in
these Rules, join as plaintiffs or be
Section 2. Parties in interest. — A real joined as defendants in one complaint,
party in interest is the party who stands where any question of law or fact
to be benefited or injured by the common to all such plaintiffs or to all
judgment in the suit, or the party entitled such defendants may arise in the action;
to the avails of the suit. Unless but the court may make such orders as
otherwise authorized by law or these may be just to prevent any plaintiff or
Rules, every action must be prosecuted defendant from being embarrassed or
or defended in the name of the real put to expense in connection with any
party in interest. (2a) proceedings in which he may have no
interest. (6n)
Section 3. Representatives as parties.
— Where the action is allowed to be Section 7. Compulsory joinder of
prosecuted and defended by a indispensable parties. — Parties in
representative or someone acting in a interest without whom no final
fiduciary capacity, the beneficiary shall determination can be had of an action
be included in the title of the case and shall be joined either as plaintiffs or
shall be deemed to be the real property defendants. (7)
in interest. A representative may be a
trustee of an expert trust, a guardian, an Section 8. Necessary party. — A
executor or administrator, or a party necessary party is one who is not
authorized by law or these Rules. An indispensable but who ought to be
agent acting in his own name and for joined as a party if complete relief is to
the benefit of an undisclosed principal be accorded as to those already parties,
may sue or be sued without joining the or for a complete determination or
principal except when the contract settlement of the claim subject of the
involves things belonging to the action. (8a)
principal. (3a)
Section 9. Non-joinder of necessary persons so numerous that it is
parties to be pleaded. — Whenever in impracticable to join all as parties, a
any pleading in which a claim is number of them which the court finds to
asserted a necessary party is not joined, be sufficiently numerous and
the pleader shall set forth his name, if representative as to fully protect the
known, and shall state why he is interests of all concerned may sue or
omitted. Should the court find the defend for the benefit of all. Any party in
reason for the omission unmeritorious, it interest shall have the right to intervene
may order the inclusion of the omitted to protect his individual interest. (12a)
necessary party if jurisdiction over his
person may be obtained. Section 13. Alternative defendants. —
Where the plaintiff is uncertain against
The failure to comply with the order for who of several persons he is entitled to
his inclusion, without justifiable cause, relief, he may join any or all of them as
shall be deemed a waiver of the claim defendants in the alternative, although a
against such party. right to relief against one may be
inconsistent with a right of relief against
The non-inclusion of a necessary party the other. (13a)
does not prevent the court from
proceeding in the action, and the Section 14. Unknown identity or name
judgment rendered therein shall be of defendant. — Whenever the identity
without prejudice to the rights of such or name of a defendant is unknown, he
necessary party. (8a, 9a) may be sued as the unknown owner heir
devisee, or by such other designation as
Section 10. Unwilling co-plaintiff. — If the case may require, when his identity
the consent of any party who should be or true name is discovered, the pleading
joined as plaintiff can not be obtained, must be amended accordingly. (14)
he may be made a defendant and the
reason therefor shall be stated in the Section 15. Entity without juridical
complaint. (10) personality as defendant. — When two
or more persons not organized as an
Section 11. Misjoinder and non-joinder entity with juridical personality enter into
of parties. — Neither misjoinder nor a transaction, they may be sued under
non-joinder of parties is ground for the name by which they are generally or
dismissal of an action. Parties may be commonly known.
dropped or added by order of the court
on motion of any party or on its own In the answer of such defendant, the
initiative at any stage the action and on name and addresses of the persons
such terms as are just. Any claim composing said entity must all be
against a misjoined party may be revealed. (15a)
severed and proceeded with separately.
(11a) Section 16. Death of party; duty of
counsel. — Whenever a party to a
Section 12. Class suit. — When the pending action dies, and the claim is not
subject matter of the controversy is one thereby extinguished, it shall be the duty
of common or general interest to many of his counsel to inform the court within
thirty (30) days after such death of the continuing or maintaining it and that the
fact thereof, and to give the name and successor adopts or continues or
address of his legal representative or threatens to adopt or continue to adopt
representatives. Failure of counsel to or continue the action of his
comply with his duty shall be a ground predecessor. Before a substitution is
for disciplinary action. made, the party or officer to be affected,
unless expressly assenting thereto, shall
The heirs of the deceased may be be given reasonable notice of the
allowed to be substituted for the application therefor and accorded an
deceased, without requiring the opportunity to be heard. (18a)
appointment of an executor or
administrator and the court may appoint Section 18. Incompetency or incapacity.
a guardian ad litem for the minor heirs. — If a party becomes incompetent or
incapacitated, the court, upon motion
The court shall forthwith order said legal with notice, may allow the action to be
representative or representatives to continued by or against the incompetent
appear and be substituted within a or incapacitated person assisted by his
period of thirty (30) days from notice. legal guardian or guardian ad litem.
If no legal representative is named by
the counsel for the deceased party, or if Section 19. Transfer of interest. — In
the one so named shall fail to appear case of any transfer of interest, the
within the specified period, the court action may be continued by or against
may order the opposing party, within a the original party, unless the court upon
specified time to procure the motion directs the person to whom the
appointment of an executor or interest is transferred to be substituted
administrator for the estate of the in the action or joined with the original
deceased and the latter shall party. (20)
immediately appear for and on behalf of
the deceased. The court charges in Section 20. Action and contractual
procuring such appointment, if defrayed money claims. — When the action is for
by the opposing party, may be recovery of money arising from contract,
recovered as costs. (16a, 17a) express or implied, and the defendant
dies before entry of final judgment in the
Section 17. Death or separation of a court in which the action was pending at
party who is a public officer. — When a the time of such death, it shall not be
public officer is a party in an action in his dismissed but shall instead be allowed
official capacity and during its pendency to continue until entry of final judgment.
dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to A favorable judgment obtained by the
hold office, the action may be continued plaintiff therein shall be enforced in the
and maintained by or against his manner especially provided in these
successor if, within thirty (30) days after Rules for prosecuting claims against the
the successor takes office or such time estate of a deceased person. (21a)
as may be granted by the court, it is
satisfactorily shown to the court by any Section 21. Indigent party. — A party
party that there is a substantial need for may be authorized to litigate his action,
claim or defense as an indigent if the
court, upon an ex parte application and
hearing, is satisfied that the party is one
who has no money or property sufficient
and available for food, shelter and basic
necessities for himself and his family.

Such authority shall include an

exemption from payment of docket and
other lawful fees, and of transcripts of
stenographic notes which the court may
order to be furnished him. The amount
of the docket and other lawful fees
which the indigent was exempted from
paying shall be a lien on any judgment
rendered in the case favorable to the
indigent, unless the court otherwise

Any adverse party may contest the grant

of such authority at any time before
judgment is rendered by the trial court. If
the court should determine after hearing
that the party declared as an indigent is
in fact a person with sufficient income or
property, the proper docket and other
lawful fees shall be assessed and
collected by the clerk of court. If
payment is not made within the time
fixed by the court, execution shall issue
or the payment thereof, without
prejudice to such other sanctions as the
court may impose. (22a)

Section 22. Notice to the Solicitor

General. — In any action involving the
validity of any treaty, law, ordinance,
executive order, presidential decree,
rules or regulations, the court, in its
discretion, may require the appearance
of the Solicitor General who may be
heard in person or a representative duly
designated by him. (23a)

portion thereof is situated or found.

Section 4. When Rule not applicable. —

This Rule shall not apply.

RULE 4 (a) In those cases where a

specific rule or law provides
Venue of Actions otherwise; or

Section 1. Venue of real actions. — (b) Where the parties have validly
Actions affecting title to or possession of agreed in writing before the filing
real property, or interest therein, shall be of the action on the exclusive
commenced and tried in the proper venue thereof. (3a, 5a)
court which has jurisdiction over the
area wherein the real property involved,
or a portion thereof, is situated.

Forcible entry and detainer actions shall

be commenced and tried in the
municipal trial court of the municipality
or city wherein the real property
involved, or a portion thereof, is
situated. (1[a], 2[a]a)

Section 2. Venue of personal actions.

— All other actions may be commenced
and tried where the plaintiff or any of the
principal plaintiffs resides, or where the
defendant or any of the principal
defendants resides, or in the case of a
non-resident defendant where he may
be found, at the election of the plaintiff.

Section 3. Venue of actions against

nonresidents. — If any of the
defendants does not reside and is not
found in the Philippines, and the action
affects the personal status of the
plaintiff, or any property of said
defendant located in the Philippines, the
action may be commenced and tried in
the court of the place where the plaintiff
resides, or where the property or any

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