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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, India: Paper-Ii

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, India

A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
Sec Sr.IPLCO/IC/ISB/LIIT Dt: 21-04-16
Time: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Max.Marks: 336
Name of the Student: ___________________ I.D. NO:

21-04-16_ Sr.IPLCO/IC/ISB/LIIT _GTA-5_Weekend Syllabus
Mathematics : Total Syllabus

Physics : Total Syllabus

Chemistry : Total Syllabus

Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P

JEE-ADVANCE-New Model-VII-P2-Model
Time: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 336
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Type
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 8) 6 -3 8 48
(For every option +1.5/-0.75)
Sec – II(Q.N : 9 – 16) Questions with Integer Answer Type (0-9) 4 -1 8 32
Sec – III(Q.N : 17 – 20) Matrix Matching (+2/-1 for every match) 8 -4 4 32
Total 20 112
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Type
Sec – I(Q.N : 21 – 28) 6 -3 8 48
(For every option +1.5/-0.75)
Sec – II(Q.N : 29 – 36) Questions with Integer Answer Type (0-9) 4 -1 8 32
Sec – III(Q.N : 37 – 40) Matrix Matching (+2/-1 for every match) 8 -4 4 32
Total 20 112
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Type
Sec – I(Q.N : 41 – 48) 6 -3 8 48
(For every option +1.5/-0.75)
Sec – II(Q.N : 49 – 56) Questions with Integer Answer Type (0-9) 4 -1 8 32
Sec – III(Q.N : 57 – 60) Matrix Matching (+2/-1 for every match) 8 -4 4 32
Total 20 112
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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P

MATHS Max Marks : 112

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +6 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -3 in all other cases.
1. Let A,B,C be square matrices of same order and I is the unit matrix of same order
such that A  B  C  AB  BC  CA . Consider the following statements
(i) ABC  AC  CA (ii) BCA  BA  AB (iii) CAB  CB  BC
A) (i) and (ii) are equivalent B) (ii) and (iii) are equivalent
C) (i) and (iii) are equivalent D) (i) , (ii) and (iii) are equivalent
2. Let a1  a2  a3  a4  a5  a6 , a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , a6  R

p  a1  a2  a3  ........  a6

q  a1a3  a3a5  a5a1  a2 a4  a4 a6  a6 a2

r  a1a3a5  a2 a4 a6 . Then the equation 2 x 3  px 2  qx  r  0 has

A) one root between  a1 , a2  B) two roots between  a1 , a3 
C) two roots between  a1 , a4  D) two roots between  a3 , a5 

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
3. Which of the following is/are correct?
A) Suppose the functions f and g are continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on
(a, b). then if f '  x  g '  x for all x is (a, b), there exists a constant e such that
f  x   g  x  e

B) Let f : [0, 2] R be continuous and f 0  f 2 . Then there exists x1 , x2 in

(0, 2) such that x1  x2  1 and f  x1   f  x2 
ln  2  x  x 2 n sin x
C) Consider f  x  n
1  x 2n
  
f  x vanishes in 0 ,   as f 0 and f  
 2 
differ in sign
 2
D) Let f  x be a polynomial of degree n, say f  x   Ck x k such that the first and
k 0

last coefficients Co and Cn have opposite signs. Then f  x  0 , for atleast one
positive x.

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
4. Which of the following is/are correct?
A) 5 distinct green balls are to be put in 3 distinct boxes so that no box is empty.
The no. of ways this can be done is 150
B) 5 distinct green balls are to be arranged in 3 distinct boxes so that boxes can
have any number of balls. The number of ways this can done is 2520
C) 5 red identical balls, 6 green identical balls are to be arranged in 3 distinct
boxes so that no box is empty. The number of ways this can be done is 465
D) There are three baskets of which first one contains unlimited number of apples,
second one contains unlimited number of mangoes, third one contains unlimited
number of oranges. The number of ways of selecting 5 fruits from those 3 baskets
and arrange them linearly so that selection contains atleast one fruit from each kind
is 150
5. Four points with position vectors a, b,c,d are coplanar if there exists scalars x, y, z,
w (not all zero) satisfying xa  yb  zc  wd  0 and x + y + z + w = 0. Then which of
the following is/are true
A) If exactly one of x, y, z, w is zero then the four points are coplanar as two
points coincide.
B) If exactly two of x, y, z, w are zero then the four points are coplanar as two
points coincide
C) If exactly one of x, y, z, w is zero then the four points are coplanar as three
points are collinear
D) If exactly two of x, y, z, w are zero then the four points are coplanar as three
points are collinear
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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
6. If z is an unimodular complex number such that Re (z–1)+Re(z2) =

 sin x ln sin x  cos x dx then which of the following can be true?


A) z  z  1 B) z  z  2 C) arg  z  D) arg z  

7. Which of the following is/are correct

A) Order of the differential equation of a parabola whose axis and tangent at the
vertex are neither co ordinate axes nor parallel to co ordinate axes, is 4
B) Order of the differential equation of any ellipse whose centre is given and
whose major and minor axes are parallel to co ordinate axes, is 3
C) Order of the differential equation of any ellipse whose axes are neither co
ordinate axes nor parallel to co ordinate axes and whose eccentricity is given is 4
D) Order of the differential equation of a pair of perpendicular lines, which do not
pass through origin is 3
8. Sequence an  , n  1, n  N satisfy a1  0 , an1  5an  24an2  1 then
A) an is rational for all n, n  N
B) an 1  10an  an 1 , n  2, n  N
C)  an1  .  an 1   an2  1, n  2, n  N
D) an is positive for all n  2, n  N

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

dx 
9. If a  2 and  2
 and a = 2.101, then  =
0  1 5050
a2   x  
 x
10. A function f : R  R satisfies the conditions
i) f  x  is continuous on 0, 
ii) f  x   0  x   0,  
x x 2 1
1 2 1 
iii)  f  t  dt    f  t  dt  then  f  x  dx  (when f 1  2  2)
20 x 0  0

11. Three boxes are labeled as x, y, z and each box contains 5 balls numbered 1, 2, 3, 4,5 ,
the balls in each box are well mixed. One ball is chosen at random from each of
three boxes x, y, z and if  ,  ,  are numbers on the ball respectively chosen then P
is probability that      then the value of 25P 
12. AB is a diameter of a circle of unit radius. AB is extended to a point C. The
tangent from C, to the circle meets it at T. P is the foot of perpendicular from B on
the line CT. The maximum value of AP is k then  k   ……..(where [.] denotes

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
13. If p,q,r are complex numbers and all roots of the equation z 3  pz 2  qz  r  0 lies on

a circle with centre  0, 0  and radius 1 and (|p|<3) ,then the number of distinct real

roots of equation z 3  p z 2  q z  r  0 is/are ______.

    
14. If a, b, c are any three non-coplanar unit vectors such that a b c   1
 

 
 a  b       
K1  ; K 2  c and K i  2  K i 1  K i then the value of  K 2014 K 2013 K 2012  
 

15. PG is the normal to an ellipse at P whose eccentricity is ½ , G lies on major axis.

GP is produced outwards to Q so that PQ  GP ; then locus of Q is an ellipse whose
eccentricity is e, then value of 1/e is
    
16. Number of solutions of cos 2 
 4
 
sin x  2 cos 2 x   tan 2  x  tan 2 x
  4   1, x   2 , 2 


This section contains 4 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R and
S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question darken the
bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and 0 if not
attempted and -1 in all other cases.

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
Column I Column II
10 999
 9.10
 9 .10  ......  9 .1
998 2 997 999
If p
101000  91000
A)  p 1 p 100 P) 6
then 205   ___
p  p  2
If sin  sin x  cos x  cos cos x  sin x and

B) largest Possible value of sin x is , Q) 3
then k, is _____
Number of points in 5, 5 at which
C) the function f  x  x sin  x 4  5 x 2  4 is R) 4
discontinuous, is ____ ([.] G.I.F)
If x  y  y  x  a
D) d2y k S) 2
a  R  0 & 2
 2 where k = _____
dx a

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
18. Matching
Column I Column II
x  ax  b
The equation  c has three
A) x2  x  1 P) 3
distinct real roots then a  b  c  __
Let f  x   ax3  bx 2  cx  d be a cubic
polynomial such that ab  0 & ad  0 . All
the roots of the equation f  x   0 are
B) Q) 9
real and distinct and f  0   0 then
number of tangents, to the curve
y  f  x  which are parallel to x-axis
Let y  f  x  be functions which has 5
points of local maxima and one point of
C) local minima. If a is the minimum R) 5
number of point where f  x  is
discontinuous, then a =___
If obtuse angle between the normals to
the circle x 2  y 2  6 x  10 y  33  0 which
are tangents to the circle x 2  y 2  9 is
D) S) 4
cos   where a &b
are coprime. Then
a  b  ___

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
19. Matching:

Column I Column II
A continuous and differentiable
function y  f  x  is such that its graph
A) cuts the line y  px  q at 6 distinct P) 1
points then the minimum number
points at which f ''  x   0 is……..
Number of positive root(s) of the
equation f  x  3
 3 x  sin x  0
 x  1
B) Q) 3
is/are m & negative root(s) of the
equation f  x   0 is/are n then
3m  n  ………
Number of real roots of the equation
C)  xb  c,  ai  0  ( c is a constant) R) 4
i 1 i

Where b1  b2  b3  b4  b5  b6
Let A   aij  1  i , j  3 be a 3  3
matrix and B  bij  1  i, j  3 be a
D) 3 S) 5
3  3 matrix such that bij   aik a jk . If
k 1

det  A   2, then the value of det  B  is

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20. Matching
Column I Column II

A) x 2 y P) 5
Vertices of ellipse  1 are the foci of the hyperbola
p2 q 2

x 2 y
 1 and vertices of hyperbola are the foci of
P2 Q2

ellipse. If the eccentricity of ellipse is and t1 , t2  is the

point of intersection of ellipse and hyperbola, then the

value of is __

B) Vertices of a variable acute triangle ABC, lies on a fixed Q) 6

circle. If a,b,c and A,B,C are length of sides and angles of
triangles ABC respectively and x1 , x2 , x3 are distances of
orthocentre from A,B,C respectively then find the
 dx dx dx 
maximum value of 3  1  2  3   15 is ____
 da db dc 

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
C) Let ABCD be a square with sides of unit length. Points E R) 36

and F are taken on sides AB and AD respectively so that

AE  AF . Then maximum possible area of the

quadrilateral CDFE is “k” square units. then 8k = _____

D) Consider the statements. S) 8

1) for 0 A , A sec A 
6 3 3

 
2) for 0  C , D , C cos ecC  D cos ecD 
4 2

3) for 0  E , F , G   , E cot E  F cot F G cot G  &
3 3

number correct statements is k, then value of

5 k  _____

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
PHYSICS Max Marks : 112
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +6 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -3 in all other cases.
21. On a train moving along east with a constant speed v, a boy revolves a bob with
string of length  on smooth surface of the train, with same constant speed v
relative to train. Mark the correct option (s).

v v

A) Maximum speed of the bob is 2v in ground frame.

4mv 2
B) Tension in the string connecting the bob is at an instant shown

mv 2
C) Tension in the string is at all the moments

D) Minimum speed of bob is zero in ground frame.
22. A part of snapshot of progressive wave propagating in a uniform string is shown
in figure-1 and a snapshot of standing wave in a string (identical to case-1) is
shown in figure -2.
The amplitude, frequency and wave length of waves in both cases is same. A and
B (anti node) are material cross-section on strings. At the instant shown both A &

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B are at their respective maximum displacement. dE represents wave energy of
small element of length dx.

Fig-1 Fig-2

A) At the instant shown, power transfer at cross-section A and B is zero

B) Instantaneous power transfer through A changes periodically but through B
remain zero
dE dE
C) at the instant shown in figure  0
dx at A dx at B

dE dE
D) Changes periodically, while remain zero all the time
dx at A dx at B
23. Figure shows a long fixed container which has two freely movable (without
friction) pistons. The container and pistons are made up of a thermally conducting
material, that allows very slow transfer of heat. First compartment of container is
filled with 2 moles of an ideal monoatomic gas at 200K and the 2nd compartment
is filled with 1 moles of ideal diatomic gas at 500K. Initially pressure of gases in

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
both the compartment is same and equal to atmospheric pressure. Temperature of
atmosphere is 300K. Finally gases achieve equilibrium. ‘R’ is the gas constant

compartment-1 compartment-2
A) Heat transferred by gas in compartment -2 to the atmosphere is 700R
B) Heat transferred by gas in compartment -2 to the atmosphere is 500R
C) Work done by gas in compartment -2 on the gas in compartment -1 is 200R
D) Net heat transferred to gas in compartment -1 is 500R
24. A spherical glass vessel filled with liquid is kept in uniform gravity. Horizontal
surface represents meniscus of liquid. Now complete system is kept in a gravity
free space. Select correct statement(s)

A) Liquid wets the inner surface of the vessel

B) Liquid does not wet the inner surface of the vessel
C) finally liquid forms a drop and touches at the lowest point of vessel
D) finally liquid spreads over the inner surface of vessel
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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
25. Three simple harmonic motions in the same direction having each of amplitude
"a" and the same period are superposed. If each differs in phase from the next by
/4 then
A) Resultant amplitude is (2 + 1)a
B) Phase of resultant motion relative to first is 90°
C) The energy associated with the resulting motion is (3 + 22) time the energy
associated with any single motion
D) Maximum speed of resultant SHM will be more than double of the initial
26. Three identical blocks each of mass m = 1 kg and volume 3 × 10–4 m3 are
suspended by massless strings from a support as shown. Underneath there are
three identical containers (of negligible mass) containing same amount of water
are placed over the scales. In Fig. A, the block is completely out of the water, in
Fig. B, the block is completely submerged but not touching the beaker, and in Fig.
C, the block rests on the bottom of the beaker. The scale in Fig. A reads 14 N.

A) The tension in the string in Fig. B is 10 N

B) The tension in the string in Fig. B is 7 N
C) The reading of the scale in Fig. B is 17 N
D) The reading of the scale in Fig. C is 24 N
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27. Two identical capacitors are connected in series as shown in the figure. A
dielectric slab ( > 1) is placed between the plates of the capacitor B and the
battery remains connected. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct
following the insertion of the dielectric?

A) The charge supplied by the battery increases.

B) The capacitance of the system increases.
C) The electric field in the capacitor B increases.
D) The electrostatic potential energy of capacitor system decreases.
28. According to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, for the electron in the nth
permissible orbit,

A) linear momentum  1 B) radius of orbit  n

C) kinetic energy  D) angular momentum  n

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This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
29. Sound from two coherent sources S1 and S2 are produced in phase, and detected at
point P, equidistant from both the sources. Speed of sound in normal air is 340
m/sec, but in some part in path S1 there is a zone of Hot air having temperature 4
times the normal temperature, and width (d = 85 m). What should be minimum
frequency of sound, so that minimum intensity can be found at P? (in Hz)
S1 4T0

30. A neutral conducting solid sphere of radius 2m is placed such that its centre is 4m
from a point charge q =2mC. The electric field intensity just outside at a point A
on the sphere is found to be 2 N/C. If the induced charges per unit area at A is x  o .
Find the value of x.

A q

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Sri Chaitanya Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-16_Sr.IPLCO_JEE-ADV_(New Model-VII_P2)_GTA-5_Q.P
31. A conducting resistance less rod is bent as a parabola y = Kx2, where K is a
constant and a conductor of resistance per unit length  starts sliding up from the
horizon on the parabola with a constant acceleration a and the parabolic frame
starts rotating with constant angular frequency about the axis of symmetry, as
shown in the figure. There exist a uniform magnetic field B as shown in figure.
Ba    12 
The current induced in the rod when frame turns through an angle  is .
4 n  12 2 
The value of ‘n’ is

32. Two inclined planes OA and OB intersects at ‘O’ at 90º as shown in figure. An
elastic ball is released at a point at perpendicular distances 16m and 2m from
plane OA and OB respectively. All collisions are elastic.


On an average, how many times does the ball bounce on plane OB for each time it
bounces on plane OA ?
[g=10 m/s2,angle made by plane OA with horizontal is   tan-1(2)]
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33. The velocities of A and B are marked in the figure. Find the velocity of block C in
m/s (assume that the pulleys are ideal and string inextensible).

34. A sphere of radius R carries charge such that its volume charge density is
proportional to the square of the distance from the centre. What is the ratio of the
magnitude of the electric field at a distance 2R from the centre to the magnitude of
the electric field at a distance of R/2 from the centre (i.e. Er 2 R / Er  R/ 2 )?
35. A table-tennis player moves his bat up and down in such a way that the ball
always bounces to a height of 0.45 m from the bat. Coefficient of restitution is 0.5.
What is the speed (in m/s) of the bat when hitting the ball? (The mass of the ball is
much less than that of the bat and air resistance is also negligible.)

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36. A uniform rigid rod hinged at one end is released from rest in the position shown
in the vertical plane. Find the magnitude of reaction force (in N) at hinge just after
its release. Express your answer after rounding it to nearest integer. (Use : M =
0.8kg.,  = 45°, g = 10 m/s2 )


This section contains 4 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R and
S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question darken the
bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and 0 if not
attempted and -1 in all other cases.
37. An ideal mono atomic gas undergoes different types of processes which are
described in column-I. Match the corresponding effects in column-II. The letters
have their usual meaning

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Column – I Column – II
(a) C  Cv  2R (p) If volume increases then temperature will
also increase
(b) PV3  constant (q) If volume increases then temperature will
(c) C  Cv  2R (r) For expansion, heat will have to be supplied
to the gas
(d) P  2V5 (s) If volume increases then heat supplied is

Column I Column II
A) Graphical representation of pressure P) Maximum kinetic energy at B
variation in both end open organ pipe.

B) Graphical representation of pressure Q) Maximum potential energy at B

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variation in one end closed orgon pipe.

C) Snapshot of string fixed at both ends. R) Maximum particle velocity at B


D) Snap shot of a string fixed at one end S) Maximum particle acceleration at B

and connected to a smooth massless
ring that is constrained to move
B (Extreme

39. A rigid cylinder is kept on a smooth horizontal surface as shown. If

Column I indicates velocities of various points (3-centre of cylinder,
2- top point, 4-bottom point, 1- on the level of 3 at the rim) on it shown,
choose correct state of motion from Column II.
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1 3 x

Column I Column II
(A) v1  iˆ  ˆj , v2  2 iˆ p) Pure rotation about centre
(B) v1  iˆ  ˆj , v3   iˆ q) Rolling without slipping to left
(C) v2  iˆ , v3  0 r) Rolling without slipping to right
(D) v4  0, v1  iˆ  ˆj s) Not possible
40. Column I Column II

Column I Column II
Continuous energy distribution
A) -decay P)
with dark lines in between
Continuous energy distribution
B) -decay Q)
with sharp peaks in between.
C) Absorption spectrum of Hydrogen R) Continuous energy distribution
D) X-rays S) Discrete energy distribution

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CHEMISTRY Max Marks : 112
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +6 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -3 in all other cases.

A is an organic product. Choose the correct option regarding this reaction?
A) CH3Cl is formed by SN1 process.
B) CH3Cl is formed by SN2 process
C) A is 2-chloro butane and is formed by SN2
D) A is 2-chloro butane and is formed by SN1
42. Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?
A) Gold sol is prepared the way ferric hydroxide sol is prepared.
B) From mixed salt of AgCl and AgI, NH4OH solution dissolves only AgCl.
C) spondumene is an example of sheet silicate with 2 oxygen atoms shared per
D) On strong heating Na2S2O3.5H2O, a polysulphide is formed.

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43. Choose the incorrect statement(s)?
A) The stable allotrope of sulphur at room temperature is orthorhombic and this
transforms to monoclinic sulphur when heated above 369K
B) white phosphorous is soluble in water but insoluble in CS2
C) Sometimes yellow turbidity appears on passing H2S gas even in the absence of
IInd group of basic radicals, which is because of oxidation of H2S (g) by some
acidic radicals
D) IF is thermodynamically least stable among ClF, BrF and IF.
44. Radioactive (Br82—Br82) adds to 1-bromocyclohexene in CCl4. The product
A) Is 1, 2, 2 – tribromocyclohexane
B) Has radioactive bromine in vicinal position
C) Has radioactive bromine trans to each other
D) On treatment with alc KOH gives 1,2-dibromo cyclohexane as one of the
45. PhNHCOPh  HClO4  H 2 SO4  A  B  C (only A is organic compound)
In the above balanced equation, if molar mass: A > B > C, then choose correct
A) Both ‘B’ & ‘C’ have sp3 hybridisation for their central atoms
B) Both ‘A’ & ‘B’ are resonance stabilized
C) Both ‘A’ & ‘C’ are less acidic than perchloric acid
D) All the three products, A, B and C contain at least one oxygen atom

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46. Which of the following solutions have the suitable pH for diazotization of aniline?
A) A solution obtained by adding 80 g of NaOH to 1 L of 2 M
NiCl2 sol  K sp Ni  OH  2  10 16 
B) A solution obtained after electrolysis of 1 L of 0.1 M CH 3COOK
C) A solution obtained after hydrolysis of 64 g of CaC2 with enough water
D) Aqueous solution of NaHA, (pKa1 and pKa2 of H2A are 4 and 8)
47. 10g of ammonium chloride is heated in air to obtain a mixture of gases A and B.
gas A was dissolved in water to make 1L solution. 250 ml of this is taken out &
titrated with 2mL of 3M H2SO4. The excess acid found to require 2mL, 1.5 M
ferrous oxalate for complete reaction, where by the products are S, CO2 and Fe+3
A) % purity of NH4Cl is <25 %
B) The gas released in the question reacts with urea to give melamine, an
important polymer.
C) Ferrous oxalate acts as reducing agent.
D) Equivalent weight of H2SO4 is same in both the reactions.
48. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
A) The flocculating value of PO4-3 is less than that of SO4-2
B) Charcoal adsorbs gases with higher critical temperature more than gases with
lower critical temperature.
C) Glucose shows muta rotation in a mixed solvent of pyridine and phenol but
doesn’t show in any of them when taken alone
D) Both Maltose and Amylose have C1 to C4 glycosidic linkage

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This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
49. The osmotic pressure of 0.1 M monobasic acid solution is 0.11 RT at ‘T Kelvin’,
what is its Ph value?
50. How many of the following salts are white and soluble in dilute HNO3?
BaCrO4, Hg2CrO4, ZnS, BaSO4, CH3COOAg, AgNO2
51. When a strong current of trivalent gaseous boron is passed through a germanium
crystal, its density decreases due to part replacement of Ge by B and due to
interstitial vacancies created by missing Ge atoms. When one gm of Ge is taken in
the above experiment, the percentage of missing vacancies due to germanium,
which are filled by B atoms is found to be 2.376 and boron atoms are found to be
150 ppm by weight. Assuming no volume change in lattice, find the percentage
decrease in density of Ge crystal. (At. Wt. of Ge = 72.6, B = 11)
52. 10 ml of mixture of CO, CH4 and N2 exploded with excess of oxygen gave a
contraction of 6.5 ml. There was a further contraction of 7 ml when the residual
gas was treated with KOH. What is the volume of CH4 in the original mixture?

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53: One mole of PCl3 is dissolved in excess of water. Number of moles of NaOH
required to neutralise this solution completely is
54. How many of the following have more boiling point than water. Ammonia,
phosphine, ethanol, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen iodide
55. 50 ml of a mixture of NaOH and Na2CO3 solution titrated with deci normal HCl
using phenolphthalein indicator required 50 ml HCl to decolourise
phenolphthalein. At this stage methyl orange was added and addition of acid was
continued. The second end point was reached after further addition of 10 ml of
deci normal HCl. The amount (in grams) of NaOH in the solution is 2ax10-2.
Value of "a” is?
56. Among the following, the number of compounds which undergo hydrolysis is
NCl3, P4O10, SiCl4, BiCl3, XeF4, POCl3 and B2H6

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This section contains 4 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R and
S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question darken the
bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and 0 if not
attempted and -1 in all other cases.
57. Column II
(P) final product gives positive Tollen’s test
(Q) final product gives coloured derivative
with 2,4-DNP
(R) final product liberates CO2 gas with
(S) final product reacts with Na and liberates
H2 gas which can be seen as bubbles

Column– I Column– II
(a) Pb2+ (p) Black precipitation with Na2S solution
(b) Cu2+ (q) Highest no of oxides are there for the metal
(c) Mn2+ (r) Pseudo inert–gas configuration
(d) Ag+ (s) White ppt with NaOH which turns light brown

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A Vapour pressure of binary solution of 2 miscible P PA0  PA

 xB
volatile liquids(containing 1 mole each) when

half of liquid sol goes into vapour phase

B Vapour pressure of binary sol of 2 miscible Q PA0  PB0

volatile liquids

C Vapour pressure of binary sol of 2 immiscible R ( PA0  PB0 ) xA  PB0

volatile liquids

D Vapour pressure of binary sol having non volatile S PA0 PB0


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Column-I Column-II
a) p) Crystal acquires Colour

b) q) Non stoichiometric defect

c) r) Density is less than perfect crystal

d) s) Stoichiometric defect

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