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Dipolar Ordering of Clay Particles in Various Carrier Fluids

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Rev. Cub. Fis.

29, 1E37 (2012) CONTRIBUTIONS



Z. Rozyneka †, H. Mauroyb, R. C. Castbergc, K. D. Knudsenb and J. O. Fossuma,d ‡

a) Department of Physics, NTNU, Høgskoleringen 5, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway,†,‡

b) Physics Department, IFE, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway
c) Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1048, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway
d) Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, NO-0271 Oslo, Norway
†, ‡ corresponding authors

We investigate here examples of complexity in composite Se investigan ejemplos de complejidad en materiales

materials. The objective of the paper is to show that clay particles compuestos. El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar que se
can be aligned in different hosting media, such as: silicone oil, pueden alinear partículas de arcilla en diferentes medios como
paraffin-wax, polystyrene and ambient air. The use of an electric aceite de silicona, parafina-cera, poliestireno, y aire. El uso
field is an easily controllable, non-intrusive manner of inducing de un campo eléctrico resulta una vía fácilmente controlable
such an alignment. Depending on the medium used, a large y no-intrusiva de inducir el alineamiento. Se observa un
span in time constants for the orientation and reorganization amplio rango de constantes de tiempo para la orientación y la
has been observed. Furthermore, the reorientation may be frozen reorganización en dependencia del medio utilizado. Aún más, la
into the material, thus permanently changing its properties. reorientación puede congelarse en el material, de tal suerte que
sus propiedades cambian permanentemente.
PACS: Granular materials rheology, 83.80.Fg; pattern formation in granular systems, 45.70.Qj; rocks magnetic and electrical
properties, 91.25.F-; colloids, 82.70.Dd


Application of an external electric field to a suspension of carrier fluid such as silicone oil between 100 and 500 mPa·s [2].
dielectric clay particles induces polarization of the particles. If the particle concentration is high enough, and a minimum
They will consequently re-orient and aggregate, and this critical E-field is applied, chain formation occurs via a particle
results in the formation of a columnar structure parallel to the dipole-dipole interaction [4].
electric field direction. The clay particles polarize along their
silica sheets, i.e. their stacking direction will be normal to the The phenomena described above may be utilized in many
direction of polarization [1]. The mechanism of the polarization different ways and just a few examples are: (i) Electro-
in clays is still under discussion, although one hypothesis is that rheological fluids (clay particles in silicone oil) in which
the intercalated ions and water molecules, which are movable, the so-called liquid-to-solid reversible transition occurs via
could play a central role in particle electrical polarization. The the application of an external E-field. Such a transition is
resulting induced dipole is attached structurally to the clay manifested by changes of ER properties, namely: viscosity,
particle, and this causes clay particles to reorient and interact, yield stress, storage and loss moduli, etc. [5, 6, 7]. Some
as suggested in [1]. However, recent measurements performed examples of application of ER fluids are: fast acting hydraulic REVISTA CUBANA DE FÍSICA, Vol. 29, No 1E, 2012
by us indicate that the contribution from the outer surface valves or clutches [8]. (ii) Nanocomposites (clay particles
charges may be dominant, and the particle alignment is then in polymers), since the aspect ratio of the clay platelets and
determined by its shape, i.e. so that the longest axis of a single the interfacial contact area between the clay and matrix are
clay particle (or aggregate of particles) will be parallel to the high, the incorporation of small amounts of such inorganic
direction of E-field lines [2]. filler into a polymer medium can significantly improve the
properties of the resulting polymer/clay nanocomposites.
The clay polarization is a rapid process (< µs) that is followed Such nanocomposites can attain a high degree of stiffness
by a particle re-orientation with a rotation time proportional to and strength [9]. Furthermore, the presence of the dispersed
the carrier fluid viscosity and inversely proportional to: firstly phase results in additional properties, such as flame retardancy
the difference in the dielectric constants between particle and or enhanced barrier properties (e.g. gas permeability), when
medium; and secondly the electric field squared (see also [3]). compared to either component [10, 11]. In many situations it
The time scale for particle rotation is in the range of 10-3 to is not only the presence of the well-dispersed filler but also its
101 s, for E-field between 50 and 2000 V/mm and viscosity of orientational ordering that may improve certain physical and
chemical properties. The electric-field-induced alignment of consequently sediment (see Figure 1). Addition of surfactants is
clay particles can thus be used to obtain and control a range of commonly used to prevent particle agglomeration, which then
the desired material properties. slows down particle sedimentation, or if the particles are small
enough (i.e. magnetic particles in ferrofluids), ensures that they
The above examples have clearly an application-oriented are held in suspension by Brownian motions [14]. Another
character. However, the focus of our studies is on better reason for modifying clays is the ease of uniform dispersion in
understanding of basic physics of such complex systems. Apart an apolar polymer matrix. To promote compatibility between
from already mentioned hosting media, we also here report the inorganic filler and apolar polymers, it is necessary to
for the first time structuring from clays in atmospheric air. chemically modify the inorganic clays by intercalation of
The common denominator, for all studied systems, is the clay organophilic cations, which expand the interlamellar space of
particle alignment in the presence of an E-field. the clay, decreasing the interaction among the silicate sheets,
and facilitating the diffusion and accommodation of polymeric
SAMPLES chains [15].

Two types of clay particles, namely laponite (Lp) and

fluorohectorite (Fh) are used in the present investigations. The
synthetic Lp clay was purchased from Laponite Inc. and the
synthetic Fh clay was purchased from Corning Inc. They both
belong to the smectite family of clay minerals. Smectites are 2:1
phyllosilicates that possess a net negative charge on the surface
of each crystalline layer. Counter ions are located between Figure 2: Optical microscopy images of clay/oil suspension without
E-field applied (left) and a field of 1000 V/mm (middle and right).
these lamellar sheets to balance for that charge. Exchangeable
cations such as Na+, Li+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+ or Fe2+ are common.
The chemical formulas are: Na+0.7[(Mg5.5Li0.3)Si8O20(OH)4]0.7- RESULTS
for Lp clay and Na+1.2[(Mg4.8Li1.2)F4Si8O20]1.2- for Fh clay,
respectively. They are silicates where a fraction of Mg2+ ions is Clays in silicone oil. The preparation of the ER fluid was
substituted by Li+ in trioctahedral sites resulting in a negative undertaken by the following procedure. Na-Fh clay powder
structural charge [12]. Fluorohectorite has been reported from was crushed with a pestle and mortar, weighed and placed in
1E38 X-ray data to retain a stacked structure of lamellar particles an oven for 12 h at 110 ºC. The silicone oil was heated at the
composed of between 20 and 100 unit layers when dispersed same conditions. Subsequently, the clay powder and silicone oil
in water, whereas laponite is known to exfoliate into single were mixed in glass tubes and sealed. The solutions were then
unit layers in aqueous suspensions [13]. The individual Lp clay vigorously hand-shaken for 2 min and placed in an ultrasonic
particle resembles a disc of average diameter around 30 nm, bath for 1 h. Before each measurement the samples were
whereas the size of Fh clay can be as large as several µm. hand-shaken again. The clay concentration was approximately
5 wt.%.

Firstly, optical observations were conducted. For that purpose

the ER fluid was placed between two electrodes with pre-
defined shapes as shown in Figure 2. The gap between the
electrodes is roughly 1 mm and the electric field is applied

Figure 1: Microscope images of non-modified Fh (left) and organically

modified CTAB-Fh (right) clay particles suspended in silicone oil. The
length of the bar corresponds to 200 µm. The pictures of the glass vials
with samples (top) illustrate the sedimentation dynamics. Adopted from
[16]. Figure 3: Flow curves for 5 wt.% clay particles suspended in silicone oil.
Different electric field strengths are used, influencing the shear viscosity.

Clays, in their natural forms, are hydrophilic, or depending on When no E-field is applied, the Fh particles are randomly
the context they may be referred to as organophobic. When dispersed into the silicone oil, as shown in Figure 2 (left).
suspended in a non-polar medium, such as silicone oil or Microscopy images of the sample under a DC electric field of
polymeric matrix, they tend to form large agglomerates and 1000 V/mm taken at different times, 15 s and 45 s are shown
in Figure 2 (middle and right). The formation of column-like oriented particles in the nematic configuration, 0 means
structures aligning parallel to the field is clearly observed. no orientational order, and finally -1/2 indicates perfectly
Several thin chains are formed first, and these subsequently oriented particles in the anti-nematic configuration [6, 17, 18].
attract each other resulting in the creation of thicker columns. It is expected that the clay particles align in the anti-nematic
After a certain time (here several minutes) no major changes in geometry and the validity of such assumption is tested below.
the system are noticeable.
Several 2-D X-ray images were taken from the same sample
at different polar angles, with the rotation axis parallel to the
reference direction, which is here the direction of the E-field.
The nematic order parameter was calculated for four sample
positions and the results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.
Nematic order parameter as a function of the polar angle, with the
rotation axis parallel to the direction of E-field lines.
Figure 4: The sketch of the clay alignment in so-called anti-nematic Sample rotation 0 30 60 90 Avg
configuration (see text for details). -0.37 -0.35 -0.37 -0.36 -0.36
Order parameter
±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01
Imagine now shearing the ER fluid perpendicular to the E-field
direction. If the E-field is not present, the shear viscosity of
such a sample (silicone oil and only 5 wt.% of clay) is close We observe that the nematic order parameters do not differ
that of pure silicone oil. However, once the electric field is significantly from each other indicating that there is no
applied, so that the particles are oriented against the flow, the preferential orientation along the polar angle. The arrowed
shear viscosity of a fluid containing clay particles is expected disc shown in Figure 4 represents the plane perpendicular to
to increase. As the curves in Figure 3 show, this is also what is the E-field direction, and that is in fact the average particle
seen experimentally. stacking direction. The black arrows indicate that clay normals
are oriented without any preferred polar direction.
Clays in paraffin-wax. The particular type of paraffin-wax
used here has its melting point around 65 ºC and was chosen
for two major reasons: (i) optimal melting and crystallization 1E39
temperatures, providing both easy composite preparation
and appropriate stiffness of the composite when in solid form
at room temperature; (ii) a relatively non-polar and non-
conductive material that can be used as an electrorheological
carrier fluid when in the melted state. Fluorohectorite particles
(~5 wt.%) were dispersed in the melted paraffin and then
poured into a custom-made mould with two electrodes. The
electric field strength of 500 V/mm was applied and kept for a
Figure 6: SAXS-patterns from PS/CTAB-Fh with permanently aligned
few minutes until the paraffin crystallized and cooled down to clay chains. Remark: the sample is tilted 45 degrees in the x-y plane.
room temperature. The solid composite was then investigated
using wide-angle X-ray scattering. Clays in polystyrene. When aligning clay particles in liquid
media the alignment may be lost after a while when the electric
field is turned off. An approach to freeze the chain structure
was tested by solidifying the matrix while the electric field was
applied. The matrix, styrene monomer, polymerizes to give REVISTA CUBANA DE FÍSICA, Vol. 29, No 1E, 2012
solid polystyrene polymer (PS). A 1 wt.% sample of organically
modified CTAB-Fh (see [16] for details) was dispersed in
styrene monomer and a small quantity of a radical initiator,
benzoyl peroxide, was added. The clay/monomer suspension
Figure 5: Simple sketch of what the X-ray beam probes in the sample. was filled in square shaped glass capillaries, which were sealed
with a flame torch. The capillaries were then immersed in an
When a 2-D X-ray pattern (like those shown in Figure 6) is 80 ºC silicone oil bath, and placed between two plate
integrated along the radial direction with a narrow q-range electrodes. The electric field over the electrodes was set to 830
(2i-angle) around the Bragg ring, one obtains a 1-D azimuthal V/mm, and the samples were left to polymerize for 7 days.
plot which is then fitted using a parametric function. The fitting The resulting PS-clay composites were investigated with small
allows extracting parameters that are further used to calculate angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at the Dubble beam line at ESRF
the nematic order parameter (S2) (for details see [17]). This in Grenoble, France. The samples were probed with the X-ray
parameter ranges from -1/2 to 1, where 1 indicates perfectly beam perpendicular and parallel to the direction of clay chains
(see Figure 5). The main ring comes from the characteristic In Figure 8 we also present structuring from particles in air,
spacing between clay crystalline sheets, and d001~4 nm. A but this time the clay concentration is significantly higher. A
pronounced anisotropy of the d001 peak is seen in Figure 6 (left) possible jamming transition may occur where many particles
due to clay alignment, i.e. on average, particles orient with their have very little freedom to re-orient (see red-coloured particles).
stacking direction perpendicular to the E-field lines. When This is an ongoing study and more results are expected in the
probed along the chains the pattern looks isotropic, as shown near future.
in Figure 6 (right), since there is no preferential orientation of
clay particles along the polar angle (see also [18, 19]). CONCLUSION

We have provided examples of recent results from our work

on manipulation and orientation of asymmetric particles in
external fields. Clay particles are ideal for this purpose due
to their inherent large anisotropy and correspondingly high
degree of polarizability. When placed in an apolar medium
and subjected to an electric field, the particles will orient and
organize within a time frame that depends principally on
factors such as E-field strength and viscosity of the surrounding
Figure 7: Laponite particle aggregates between two electrodes without
E-field applied (left) and with an AC E-field of 500 V/mm (right). The
medium. We have shown how these effects may be induced in
images have been edited to enhance the contrast. various media, with a large span in viscosity, from silicone oil,
via polymer matrices to solidified wax, and even air. The clay
Clays in air. As the final example, we show laponite clay particles may form chains that span the entire sample volume,
alignment in atmospheric air. Laponite clay powder stored in thus changing the macroscopic properties of the material. Most
our laboratory at ~23 ºC and RH in range between 10 and 30 notably, there will generally be a large change in the overall
% was used. Such particles normally form aggregates and their rheological behavior, and materials of this kind are therefore
sizes can span a few orders of magnitudes reaching a few mm. highly interesting for applications where the mechanical and
In the present work the size of the aggregates were between 10 structural properties should be manipulated via an electric
and 100 µm. Figure 7 shows clay particle aggregates between field.
two electrodes with no E-field applied (left) and with an
1E40 AC E-field of 500 V/mm (right). The electrodes were kept ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
horizontally and images were taken from above. Clay particles
lied on a thin glass substrate, and when the electric field was This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway
applied the set-up was gently tapped, lowering the friction as through the Programs: NANOMAT project number 182075,
the particles were momentarily suspended in air. and FRINAT project number 171300.

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