Consummate D Frustrated Attempted Principals Accomplices Accessories
Consummate D Frustrated Attempted Principals Accomplices Accessories
Consummate D Frustrated Attempted Principals Accomplices Accessories
1. If the penalty for the felony committed be Principals 0 1 2
HIGHER than the penalty for the offense Accomplices 1 2 3
which the accused intended to commit, the Accessories 2 3 4
LOWER penalty shall be imposed in its MAX *0 represents the penalty prescribed by law in
period defining a crime which is to be imposed on the
2. If the penalty for the felony committed be principal in a consummated offense
LOWER than the penalty for the offense
which the accused intended to commit, the EXCEPTION TO THE RULES IN ART 50-57
LOWER penalty shall be imposed in its MAX The law expressly prescribed the penalty for a
period frustrated or attempted felony, or to be imposed
3. If the act committed also constitutes an upon accomplices or accessories
attempt or frustration of another crime, and
the law prescribes a higher penalty for BASES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE EXTENT
either of the latter, the penalty for the OF PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED UNDER THE RPC
attempted or frustrated crime shall be 1. The stages REACHED by the crime in its
imposed in its MAX period development (attempted, frustrated or
*rule no.3 is not necessary (REASON: they consummated)
may as well be covered by Art 48 in view of 2. PARTICIPATION of the persons liable
the fact that the same act committed by the 3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances
guilty person, which gives rise to one crime, which attended the commission f the crime
also constitutes an attempt or a frustration
of another crime) Degree – one entire penalty, one whole
penalty or one unit of the penalties
*Art 49 has reference to the provision of the 1 st par enumerated in the graduated scales
of Art 4 provided for in Art 71
*Art 49 applies only when there is a mistake in the Period – one of the 3 equal portions of a
identity of the victim of the crime and the penalty divisible penalty (min, med, or max)
for the crime committed is different from that for
the crime intended to be committed *a period of a divisible penalty, when prescribed by
*Art 49 cannot apply to cases involving aberratio the Code as a penalty for a felony, is in itself a
ictus or praeter intentionem degree
*Art 49 is applicable only when the intended crime
and the crime actually committed are punished with ART 58
ART 49 ART 48 OF ART 19
Lesser penalty is to Penalty for the more or most 1. Absolute perpetual disqualification if the
be imposed to be serious crime shall be imposed principal offender is guilty of a GRAVE
applied in the max to be applied in the max period felony
period 2. Absolute temporary disqualification if the
principal offender is guilty of LESS GRAVE
*Art is limited to grave or less grave felonies 1. Knowingly used counterfeited seal or forged
because it is not possible to have signature or stamp of the Pres
accessories liable for light felonies 2. Illegal possession and use of a false treasury
or bank note
*Art applies only to public officers who abused their 3. Using a falsified document
public office or authority (within the term of par 3 4. Using a falsified dispatch
Art 19 *RATIONALE: he perpetrates the act after
someone has committed counterfeiting or
ART 59 falsification
Arresto mayor or a fine ranging from 200-500php ART 61
BASIS FOR IMPOSITION OF PENALTY Rules provided for in Art 61 should also apply in
Social danger and degree of criminality shown by determining the MIN of the indeterminate penalty
the offender under ISLAW and in lowering the penalty by 1 or 2
degrees by reason of the presence of privileged
ART 60 mitigating circ or when the penalty is divisible and
EXCEPTION TO THE RULES ESTABLISHED IN ART 50- there are 2 or more generic mitigating cirm and no
57 aggravating circ
Art 50-57 do not apply when the law expressly
prescribes the penalty for a frustrated or attempted *the lower penalty shall be taken from the
felony or to be imposed upon accomplices or graduated scale in Art 71
accessories (EX: on the occasion of an attempted or
frustrated robbery, offender commits a homicide, ILLUSTRATION OF THE RULES
the law provides in Art 297 that the special penalty *refer to codal provision
of reclusion temporal In its max period to reclusion 1. When the penalty is single and indivisible
perpetua shall be imposed) (EX: in reclusion perpetua (kidnapping), the
penalty immediately following it is reclusion
ACCOMPLICE, PUNISHED AS PRINCIPAL temporal which is the penalty next lower in
1. Ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers degree)
and any person who by abuse of authority 2. .
or confidential relationship, shall cooperate a. when the penalty is composed of 2
as accomplices in the crimes of rape, acts of indivisible penalty (EX: in reclusion
lasciviousness, seduction, corruption of perpetua to death (parricide), the
minors, white slave trade or abduction penalty immediately following the
2. One who furnished the place for the lesser of the penalties is reclusion
perpetration of the crime of slight illegal temporal)
detention b. when the penalty is composed of 1
or more divisible penalties to be
ACCESSORY, PUNISHED AS PRINCIPAL imposed to their full extent (EX: 1
Concealing certain evil practices is ordinarily an act divisible penalty to be imposed to
of the accessory but in Art 142 (inciting to sedition) its full extent is reclusion temporal;
such act is punished as the act of the principal the penalty immediately following
such is prision mayor. 2 divisible
CERTAIN ACCESSORIES ARE PUNISHED WITH A penalties to be imposed in its full
PENALTY 1 DEGREE LOWER, INSTEAD OF 2 extent are prision correccional to
DEGREES prision mayor; the penalty
immediately following the lesser of (RATIONALE: penalty prescribed by the RPC for the
the penalties is arresto mayor) crime is the basis)
*it is only after the penalty next lower in degree is
already determined that the mitigating or
aggravating circ should be considered
3. .
a. when the penalty is composed of 2 ART 62
indivisible penalties and the max EFFECT OF ATTENDANCE OF AGGRAVATING/
period of a divisible penalty (EX: in, MTIGATING CIRC OR OF HABITUAL DELINQUENCY
reclusion temporal in its max period 1. Aggravating circ (generic or specific) have
to death (murder), the penalty next the effect of increasing the penalty without
lower is composed of the med and exceeding the max provided by law
min period of reclusion temporal 2. Mitigating circ have the effect of
and the max of prision mayor diminishing the penalty
b. when the penalty is composed of 1 3. Habitual delinquency has the effect, not
indivisible penalty and the max only increasing the penalty because of
period of a divisible penalty (EX: recidivism generally implied in habitual
reclusion temporal in its max period delinquency, but also of imposing an
to reclusion perpetua) additional penalty
*the application of Sec 106 of the Admin Code of *only execution of personal penalty is suspended in
Mindanao and Sulu (Penalty on Moros and Non- case of insanity; civil liability may be executed even
Christians – judge/justice may ignore any min in case of insanity of convict
penalty provided by the law for the offense, and
may impose such penalty not in excess of the AN ACCUSED PERSON MAY BECOME INSANE:
highest penalty provided by law) is discretionary to 1. At the time of the commission of the
the Court offense – exempt from crim liability
2. At the time of the trial – court shall suspend
Probation Parole proceedings and order his confinement in a
occurs prior to and early release from prison (after hospital until he recovers his reason (REASON:
often instead of jail offender has completed a certain he cannot have a fair trial or make a proper
or prison time portion of his prison sentence) defense even with the help of counsel)
Imposed by the Imposed by the Board of Pardon 3. At the time of final judgment – execution
Court and Parole
shall be suspended with regard to personal
Nature is Nature is administrative
penalty only
Offender reports to Offender reports to parole officer 4. While serving sentence – execution shall be
probation officer suspended with regard to personal penalty only
alternatives to incarceration
supervised and expected to follow certain rules and ART 80
guidelines (parole/probation conditions) SUSPENSION OF SENTENCE OF MINOR
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x CICL – a child alleged/ accused/ adjudged as
having committed an offense under Phil laws
ART 78
WHEN AND HOW A PENALTY IS TO BE EXECUTED *refer to Art 13(2) and 68 on notes for CICL
The judgment must be final before it can be
executed because the accused may still appeal DUTIES DURING INITIAL INVESTIGATION
within 15days from its promulgation.
1. Law enforcement officer shall determine a. CICL may be released on bail or
where the case involving the CICL should be recognizance
referred b. In all other cases and whenever possible, it
2. LSWDO shall conduct an initial assessment may be replaced by alternative measures
to determine the appropriate interventions such as close supervision, intensive care or
and whether the child acted with placement with a family or in an education
discernment using the discernment setting or home
assessment tools developed by DSWD. He c. Institutionalization or detention shall be
shall do either of the ff: used only as a measure of last resort and
a. Proceed with an intervention for the shortest possible period of time
program if the child is 15yrs or i. it must be in a youth detention
below or above 15yrs but below home established by local
18yrs old who acted without governments;
discernment ii. in the absence of such, CICL may be
b. Proceed to diversion if the child is committed to the care of the DSWD or a
above 15yrs old but below 18 and local rehabilitation center recognized by
who acted with discernment the government in the province, city,
municipality within the jurisdiction of
a. When the CICL does not qualify for DISCHARGE OF THE CICL WITH THE LAW
diversion Upon recommendation of the social worker who
b. When the child or his parents/guardians had custody of the child, the court shall dismiss the
does not agree to diversion case and shall order the final discharge of the child
c. When considering the assessment and if it finds that the objective of the disposition
recommendation of the LSWDO, the measures have been fulfilled
prosecutor determines that diversion is not
appropriate for the CICL RETURN OF THE CICL TO COURT
if the court finds that the objective of the
*upon determination of probable cause, the info disposition measures imposed have not been
against the child shall be filed before the Family fulfilled or if the CICL has willfully failed to comply
Court within 45 days from the start of the with the conditions of his disposition or
preliminary investigation rehabilitation program
*if the CICL has reached 18yrs of age while under
*the suspension of sentence shall be applied even if the suspended sentence, the court shall determine
the juvenile is already 18yrs or more at the time of whether to discharge the child, to order execution
the pronouncement of his guilt (suspension of of the sentence, or to extend the suspended
sentence lasts only until CICL reaches 21yrs old) sentence for a certain specified period or until the
*age of the CICL at the time of the promulgation of child reaches the max age of 21
the judgment of conviction is not material; what *if the CICL has reached 18yrs of age while under
matters is that the offender committed the offense the suspended sentence, the court shall determine
when he was still of tender age whether to discharge the child, to order execution
*automatic suspension applies to a CICL found of the sentence, or to extend the suspended
guilty of a heinous crime sentence for a certain specified period or until the
child reaches the max age of 21