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Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415


The Management of Bleeding from Anorectal Varices

Marcus Robertson 1,2 & Alexandra Ines Thompson 1 & Peter Clive Hayes 1

Published online: 7 November 2017

# The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract alternative first-line treatments; all methods offer a technically

Purpose of Review The purpose of this review is to summa- simple and efficacious method of achieving haemostasis, and
rize available strategies for the diagnosis and management of local expertise will determine which procedure is employed.
bleeding anorectal varices.
Recent Findings Interventional radiological procedures, in- Keywords Anorectal varices . Endoscopy . Cirrhosis . Portal
cluding TIPS, BRTO and/or embolization, have been hypertension . Band ligation . Sclerotherapy
established as efficacious treatments, particularly in the setting
of treatment failure.
Summary Anorectal varices are prevalent in patients with por- Introduction
tal hypertension. Acute bleeding is uncommon, but can be
massive and life-threatening. Anorectal varices should be con- Variceal bleeding is a common and life-threatening manifes-
sidered as a differential diagnosis in any patient with cirrhosis tation of portal hypertension and remains an important cause
or portal hypertension who presents with lower gastrointesti- of death in patients with cirrhosis [1]. Esophago-gastric vari-
nal bleeding. No evidence-based guidelines exist to guide the ces are by far the most common cause of acute variceal bleed-
management of bleeding anorectal varices, which typically ing (AVB), the management of which is well-established and
requires a multidisciplinary team of endoscopists, evidence-based. Ectopic varices are defined as dilated
hepatologists, surgeons and interventional radiologists. portosystemic collateral veins occurring anywhere in the gas-
Administration of prophylactic antibiotics and vasoactive trointestinal tract other than the esophago-gastric region and
therapy is recommended based on efficacy in bleeding oe- include duodenal, jejunal, ileal, stomal, colonic and anorectal
sophageal varices. Urgent endoscopy should be performed varices [2]. Ectopic varices constitute 2–5% of all variceal
in all patients. Endoscopic sclerotherapy has the greatest body bleeds but are the cause of bleeding in 20–30% of patients
of evidence and should be considered the first-line therapy; with extrahepatic portal hypertension [3–5]. Although rare,
efficacy and safety may be increased if this is performed with acute ectopic variceal bleeding can be massive and life-threat-
endoscopic ultrasound. Endoscopic banding or obturation are ening. The diagnosis and management of bleeding ectopic
varices remains challenging, and their anatomical diversity
Marcus Robertson and Alexandra Ines Thompson joint first-author makes development of standardized guidelines extremely
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Portal Hypertension
Anorectal varices represent portal-systemic collaterals
* Peter Clive Hayes
manifesting as discrete, dilated submucosal veins, extending proximal to the dentate line and into the rectum [6]. Bleeding
rectal varices typically present as hematochezia; an acute
Department of Hepatology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, bleed from anorectal varices is rare but may result in life-
Edinburgh, UK threatening haemorrhage. This review aims to summarize
Department of Gastroenterology, Monash Health, available strategies for the diagnosis and management of
Melbourne, Australia bleeding anorectal varices.
Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415 407

Pathophysiology, Aetiology and Prevalence endoscopic treatment of esophageal varices [23]. There is con-
of Anorectal Varices flicting evidence regarding the occurrence of rectal varices
following treatment of esophageal varices. Some studies have
Portal hypertension is a well-recognized and common mani- suggested that injection sclerotherapy or band ligation of
festation of chronic liver disease. In portal hypertension, a esophageal varices may influence the natural history of ectop-
combination of increased splanchnic blood flow and ic varices. In the case of anorectal varices, this is postulated to
intrahepatic resistance to portal blood flow leads to a patho- be due to development of collateral vessels in the inferior
logical increase in portal pressures, which results in the devel- mesenteric venous system following obliteration of supplying
opment of portosystemic collaterals, the most clinically sig- vessels (such as the left gastric, posterior gastric or short gas-
nificant of which are gastroesophageal varices [7]. The hepatic tric veins) which ultimately leads to the formation of rectal
venous pressure gradient (HVPG) is a useful clinical measure varices [11, 23, 24]. The correlation between treatment of
of portal pressures and is defined as the gradient between the esophageal or gastric varices and subsequent formation of
wedged hepatic venous pressure and the free hepatic venous anorectal varices has not been conclusively demonstrated.
pressure [8–10]. The HVPG can be used to risk stratify pa- Despite the high prevalence of anorectal varices, massive
tients with portal hypertension, although in practice it is not haemorrhage remains an uncommon event and studies report
frequently performed due to the invasiveness of the procedure. a frequency ranging from 0.5 to 3.6% [25]. The prevalence of
The normal HVPG ranges between 1 and 5 mmHg and a haemorrhage from anorectal varices is significantly increased
portal pressure gradient of ≥ 12 mmHg is well established as in larger varices and in patients with high-risk stigmata such as
the baseline elevated pressure above which variceal develop- a positive “red colour” sign [26]. There is no evidence to
ment and bleeding may occur. suggest that the incidence of bleeding is increased with the
Anorectal varices represent porto-systemic collateral ves- presence of oesophageal variceal bleeding, a history of previ-
sels that constitute a pathway for portal venous blood flow ous treatment of oesophageal varices or the aetiology of portal
between the superior rectal veins of the inferior mesenteric hypertension [6, 26].
system and the middle inferior rectal veins of the iliac system
[2, 11, 12]. They manifest as dilated and engorged submucosal
veins in the rectum [6]. Anorectal varices most commonly Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Evaluation
result from portal hypertension secondary to cirrhosis [13]. of Anorectal Varices
A variety of conditions that result in non-cirrhotic portal hy-
pertension are also associated with the development of Bleeding anorectal varices most commonly presents as
anorectal varices [14], including mesenteric [15–17] or splen- hematochezia (bleeding per rectum), which is typically acute
ic vein obstruction [18] from carcinoid syndrome or pancrea- or chronic recurrent. The diagnosis of anorectal varices is
titis respectively, along with cavernous malformation of the usually made at endoscopy (Fig. 1); however, endoscopic ul-
portal vein. In addition, systemic conditions such as conges- trasound (EUS) and imaging have also been employed.
tive heart failure or congenital vascular anomalies have been
postulated as potential causes of anorectal varices [6]. Endoscopy
The incidence of anorectal varices varies widely between
studies, ranging from 38 to 95% [19, 20]. In patients with Diagnosis of anorectal variceal bleeding is primarily achieved
established liver cirrhosis, prevalence ranges from 38 to at endoscopy (either flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy)
92% [19, 21]. Multiple studies have suggested a higher prev- [25], which remains the gold-standard investigation.
alence of anorectal varices in patients with non-cirrhotic portal Anorectal varices typically appear as blue-tinted, serpentine,
hypertension or extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction (63– sub-mucosal varicose veins located near the anus, which al-
95%) and varices were significantly larger in this cohort [19, ways cross the dentate line to extend cranially and can also
20]; no identifiable causes have been found to explain these extend into the rectum [6, 11, 22]. Diagnosis can be difficult in
differences [6]. In addition, Hosking et al. demonstrated in a the setting of massive gastrointestinal bleeding and a high-
prospective trial that the incidence of anorectal varices may be index of suspicion is vital whenever a patient with known
related to duration of portal hypertension, with a 19% inci- portal hypertension presents with rectal bleeding. Patients
dence in patients with early cirrhosis, increasing to 59% in with anorectal varices may also have other lower gastrointes-
patients with a long duration of portal hypertension [22]. tinal sources of bleeding, and thus, a colonoscopy may be
A large study by Watabane et al. found that anorectal var- required to accurately locate the bleeding point.
ices were the most common site of ectopic varices, constitut- A critical task at endoscopy is to differentiate between
ing 45% of the cohort. Furthermore, patients with rectal vari- anorectal varices and haemorrhoids, which can be difficult in
ces were frequently noted to have a history of esophageal the setting of active bleeding. Unlike anorectal varices, the
varices (94.8%) and the majority (87%) had received prevalence of haemorrhoids is not increased in patients with
408 Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415

Fig. 1 a A leash of varices in the rectum. b A rectal varix. c Varix in b post injection with thrombin. Note puncture site

portal hypertension [19]. Maslekar et al. eloquently summa- such as injection sclerotherapy can also be performed with
rized endoscopic criteria to differentiate anorectal varices from ECDUS, which can assess efficacy by a reduction in the ve-
haemorrhoids (Table 1); a notable difference is that anorectal locity of blood flow in rectal varices following injection [33].
varices, unlike haemorrhoids, are compressible and refill im-
mediately on release [6]. Imaging

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Historically, barium enema had been used as a diagnostic tool
for anorectal varices, but this procedure is obsolete in the era
Conventional EUS has been demonstrated to be a useful mo- of endoscopy. MRI-venography is a non-invasive method of
dality for the hemodynamic diagnosis and evaluation of demonstrating anorectal varices, along with varices at other
anorectal varices in both children [27] and adults [28, 29]. sites, and it has been successfully used to assess patients pre-
Indeed, EUS has been shown to be superior to endoscopy in and post-transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
detecting the presence and number of rectal varices [25]. insertion [34].
Dhiman et al. found EUS to have superior diagnostic accuracy
to endoscopy, finding rectal varices in 75% patients with por-
tal hypertension compared to 43% via endoscopy [29]. EUS Management of Bleeding Anorectal Varices
can also detect deep rectal varices in a large proportion of
patients who do not have identified varices on routine endos- In contrast to the management of esophageal varices, where
copy [30], although the significance of these remains well-refined and evidence-based standards of care have been
uncertain. developed, the optimal treatment for anorectal varices remains
Endoscopic colour doppler ultrasonography (ECDUS) has to be determined. No randomized control trials or prospective
also been shown to be useful in the evaluation of anorectal studies exist to guide management of anorectal varices, and
varices. ECDUS can detect anorectal varices through colour publications are limited to case reports or small case series. In
flow images, and it facilitates more detailed observation of the addition, heterogeneity between studies and small patient
hemodynamics of rectal varices than conventional EUS [31]. numbers makes comparisons of potential treatments extreme-
In addition, ECDUS may be helpful in risk stratifying ly difficult. A variety of treatment modalities have successful-
anorectal varices through measurement of the velocity of ly been employed to treat bleeding anorectal varices,
blood flow within a varix; Sato et al. demonstrated a signifi- including:
cantly higher mean velocity of blood flow in the rectal varices
of patients experiencing acute bleeding compared to patients – Endoscopic therapies (endoscopic injection sclerotherapy
who did not experience bleeding [32]. Endoscopic treatments (EIS), band ligation (EBL) or obturation (EVO))
– Interventional radiological procedures (TIPS, balloon-
Table 1 Features at endoscopy that help to differentiate between occluded retrograde trans-venous obliteration (BRTO),
anorectal varices and haemorrhoids [6] embolization)
– Surgical procedures (including simple suture ligation or
Feature Anorectal varices Haemorrhoids
stapled anopexy, mesenteric vein occlusion or porto-caval
Site Rectum + anal canal Anal canal shunt surgery)
Colour Bluish-grey Purplish
Prolapse No Possible In all cases of ectopic variceal haemorrhage, a multidisci-
Compressibility Yes No plinary team of endoscopists, hepatologists, surgeons and inter-
ventional radiologists may be required. The most appropriate
Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415 409

therapeutic modality may depend on the clinical condition of resuscitation, prevention and treatment of complications,
the patient, the cause of portal hypertension, and locally avail- and early endoscopic intervention to localize bleeding
able expertise or facilities. Management may also include trans- and induce haemostasis. Fluid resuscitation should be ini-
fer to a tertiary referral centre for specialized therapy [7]. A tiated as soon as possible aiming to maintain a systolic
proposed treatment algorithm is presented in Fig. 2. blood pressure around 90 to 100 mmHg. Prolonged periods
of hypotension should be avoided to prevent complications
Assessment and Medical Management such as infection and renal failure, which are associated
with increased morbidity and mortality and a higher risk
Primary therapeutic goals in any patient presenting with of rebleeding [35, 36]. As with other forms of gastrointes-
v a r i c e a l b l e e d i n g i n c l u d e u rg e n t h e m o d y n a m i c tinal bleeding, transfusion of blood should be performed

Fig. 2 Proposed treatment

algorithm for bleeding anorectal
410 Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415

cautiously using a restrictive strategy aiming to maintain concentration and volume of sclerosant to be injected. Sato
the haemoglobin level between 7 and 8 g/dl; this is associ- et al. performed EIS using 5% ethanolamine oleate with
ated with significantly improved outcomes in patients with iopamidol, in 25 patients (14 patients with a history of rectal
acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding [37]. Patients with bleeding and 11 patients at high risk of variceal bleeding based
rapid ongoing bleeding and those with underlying ische- on endoscopic findings) [48]. EIS was performed weekly, a
mic heart disease may benefit from a more liberal transfu- mean of 2.7 times, with a mean total sclerosant volume of
sion policy. Correction of coagulopathy is commonly per- 5.2 mL injected per procedure. Whilst complications of ero-
formed but remains contentious and this should not delay sions and ulceration have been associated with EIS of
endoscopy. anorectal varices [44, 45], none were observed in this series.
Both vasoactive therapy (such as terlipressin or octreotide) These patients were compared to nine patients with anorectal
and empiric antibiotic administration are commonly used in varices treated with EBL. Overall, the recurrence rate of
anorectal variceal bleeding, although there are no specific data anorectal varices over a 1-year follow-up period was lower
to support these interventions in ectopic variceal bleeding. in the EIS group (33.3% vs. 55.6%), although this difference
Vasoactive drugs aim to decrease splanchnic blood flow and was not significant. Of note, however, recurrence of anorectal
portal pressure and are efficacious in the management of variceal bleeding was significantly higher in the EBL group
bleeding oesophageal varices [38]. In addition, empiric ad- [48]. This remains the only study comparing EIS and EBL in
ministration of antibiotics is considered standard of care in the management of anorectal varices and suggests that EIS
all cirrhotic patients presenting with GI bleeding [39–41] may be favourable to EBL in terms of long-term effectiveness
and significantly reduces the incidence of infection, resulting and complications; it is important to remember that patient
in decreased risk of rebleeding [42], all-cause mortality [43] numbers were very small and results should be interpreted
and hospital length of stay. Both vasoactive therapy and anti- with caution. Larger studies are required before evidence-
biotics have an excellent safety profile, and their efficacy in based treatment recommendations can be developed. In addi-
anorectal variceal bleeding is inferred from their successful tion, as EIS has long been superseded by EBL in the manage-
use in the management of esophageal varices. ment of esophageal varices, operator familiarity with EIS may
be low which can potentially increase the risk of adverse
Pneumatic Tamponade of Varices events.
Haemodynamic evaluation of anorectal varices prior to EIS
Although not published, our centre has successfully employed has been recommended to minimize the risk of serious com-
pneumatic tamponade as a temporizing measure in the man- plications such as vascular embolism. Sato et al. recommend-
agement of anorectal varices. Instruments such as a Foley’s ed injecting the sclerosant slowly under fluoroscopic guidance
catheter, Sengstaken-Blakemore tube or a rectal tube with bal- with careful monitoring to ensure the sclerosing agent does
loon can be used to pneumatically compress acutely bleeding not flow into the systemic circulation; the risk of this is ele-
anorectal varices prior to endoscopy; this can also facilitate vated when blood flow in a rectal varix is high [48].
transfer to a specialist centre. The balloon is inflated in the
rectum and gentle traction employed to compress the anorectal Endoscopic Band Ligation (EBL)
varices; the instrument can be fastened to the patient’s thigh to
facilitate constant traction. EBL remains the gold-standard treatment for bleeding esoph-
ageal varices and was first used for bleeding anorectal varices
by Kojima et al. in 1996 [49]. Uno et al. subsequently de-
Endoscopic Management of Anorectal Varices scribed successful treatment of bleeding anorectal varices by
EBL in a child with extrahepatic portal hypertension follow-
Endoscopic interventions are generally considered first-line in ing failure of EIS; bleeding did not recur over 13 months of
the management of acutely bleeding anorectal varices and are follow-up [50]. The long-term efficacy of EBL was demon-
also used for secondary prophylaxis. strated by Firoozi et al., who followed a patient for 46 months
following successful use of EBL to treat and obliterate bleed-
Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy (EIS) ing anorectal varices, observing no further bleeding [51]. EBL
has been described as a safe and effective therapy for anorectal
The use of EIS to successfully treat bleeding anorectal varices varices [52].
was first described by Wang et al. in 1985 [44], and other case EBL is an attractive therapeutic option, particularly as it is a
reports of successful EIS for treatment of bleeding anorectal familiar technique widely used in management of oesophageal
varices have subsequently been published [45–47]. Whilst varices, and it appears to be an effective first-line treatment for
EIS is considered a first-line treatment for bleeding anorectal anorectal variceal bleeding. Similar to gastric varices, EBL
varices, there is no current recommendation in relation to the may not be an optimal therapy for large anorectal varices
Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415 411

and if the diameter of the varix exceeds the diameter of the It is known from experience with gastric varices that glue
endoscope, EBL should probably be avoided [4]. If the entire injection can be associated with serious adverse events such as
varix cannot be banded, there may be a high risk of develop- systemic embolization and sepsis; the risk of this is thought to
ing a wide defect in the varix, especially after sloughing, in- be related to the volume of glue injected [63]. Post-procedure
creasing the risk of post-banding bleeding [6]. thromboembolic phenomena are well-documented following
In addition, some investigators have reported that rectal glue injection, including pulmonary embolism, cerebral
varices can easily recur following EBL [25, 53]. Coelho- stroke, portal vein embolization and infarction in multiple
Prabhu et al. presented a retrospective case series of 10 con- organs [11, 63]. The use of coils to provide a scaffold to retain
secutive patients who underwent EBL for bleeding anorectal glue within the varix is postulated to minimize the risk of
varices [54]. No procedural complications were experienced; embolization and may facilitate variceal obliteration with a
however, four patients experienced a rebleeding event; in smaller volume of glue injection [11, 56].
three patients, this was successfully managed with repeat
EBL and one patient died from uncontrolled haemorrhage. Thrombin Injection
In this study, the average number of bands used was 4 (range
of 1–11) and bands were always placed as distally as possible, The haemostatic agent thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin
aiming close to the anal verge. Use of more bands at the index clot and enhances platelet aggregation. It has been used exten-
endoscopy was not associated with a reduction in the number sively for management of gastric varices, although there are
of subsequent procedures required for variceal management. still no randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of
The authors concluded that EBL was successful in this small thrombin versus EVO. Human thrombin is now used rather
cohort, although the majority required more than one treat- than bovine thrombin, due to risk of prion transmission [7]. In
ment [54]. Currently, the literature in relation to EBL for a large case series evaluating the efficacy and safety of throm-
anorectal varices is limited to case reports or small case series, bin injection for bleeding gastric and ectopic varices, McAvoy
and larger trials are necessary to accurately characterize et al. demonstrated a 100% rate of initial haemostasis and a
rebleeding rates and complications such as bleeding from 10% rebleeding rate. Only one patient with bleeding rectal
procedure-related ulcers. varices was treated in this series; an absolute volume of
18.3 ml thrombin was used over 3 endoscopy sessions, and
Endoscopic Variceal Obturation (EVO) haemostasis was achieved with no rebleeding encountered
[64]. Our centre uses thrombin injection as a first-line therapy
Injection of cyanoacrylate glue is an accepted therapy for for bleeding rectal varices and has found it to be highly effi-
bleeding gastric varices, and the technique has successfully cacious; human thrombin at a concentration of 250 IU per mL
been used to achieve haemostasis in bleeding anorectal varices is used with up to 10 mL injected per endoscopy session.
[55–57]. Obturation is the term used for varices treated by
cyanoacrylate (glue) injection because the varix remains visi-
ble as a hardened structure after successful treatment [58]. Interventional Radiological Procedures
Tissue adhesive such as n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate are injected
into the varix lumen and undergo rapid polymerization upon Embolization Therapy
contact with blood (changing from a liquid to a hard acrylic
plastic), ultimately resulting in vascular obstruction [59]. Embolization therapy is a radiological technique that
Experience of EVO in the management of anorectal varices can be performed to occlude the feeding vein to
is again limited to case reports. Weilert et al. reported successful anorectal varices [65]. A variety of different emboliza-
management of bleeding rectal varices with EUS-guided cya- tion materials are available, including coils, gelfoam,
noacrylate injection in conjunction with intraluminal placement thrombin, collagen, autologous blood clot and ethanol.
of embolization coils [56]. Multiple other case reports have also Because angiographic embolization does not lower por-
described EUS-guided EVO as a promising and effective mo- tal pressures, high rebleeding rates have been observed
dality in the management of bleeding rectal varices [60–62]. with monotherapy and combination therapy with TIPS is
Conventional EVO with a traditional endoscope may not be often recommended [7]. A case report by Anh et al.
feasible in all cases due to poor visualization and inadvertent demonstrated successful variceal embolization of
missing of the variceal source of bleed; although the evidence anorectal varices following rebleeding after TIPS [66].
base is small, EUS-guided EVO may be more successful in the
setting of bleeding anorectal varices. Sharma et al. have also TIPS
reported EUS-guided histoacryl glue injection to treat signifi-
cant bleeding from submucosal anorectal varices that were not The radiologically placed transjugular intrahepatic
evident by endoscopy alone [57]. portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is effective in achieving
412 Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415

haemostasis in about 95% of patients with refractory variceal performed in patients with advanced liver disease and is suit-
bleeding [8]. Multiple publications have reported the success- able in patients with hepatic encephalopathy [80]. Adverse
ful use of TIPS in controlling bleeding ectopic varices, which complications of BRTO include haemoglobinuria, abdominal
has typically been employed as a salvage therapy. The use of pain, pyrexia, and pleural effusion [58]. In addition, hepatic
TIPS in a patient with refractory anorectal variceal bleeding portal blood flow and portal pressures have been shown to
was first documented by Katz et al. in 1993. Marked decom- increase after BRTO. This may improve liver function (50%
pression of the varices was noted 24 h following TIPS place- of patients had an improvement in Child-Pugh score in one
ment and no recurrent bleeding recorded after 6 months of study), but can worsen the size of varices at other sites (poten-
follow-up [34]. tially increasing the risk of bleeding) and may exacerbate as-
There are now a number of case reports and small case cites [81–84]. Hepatic encephalopathy may also improve fol-
series describing successful management of anorectal varices lowing BRTO, but whether this beneficial effect is sustained
with TIPS [67–70]. Larger case series have also demonstrated long-term remains unknown [83].
TIPS to be a highly effective modality for controlling bleeding Anan et al. reported the use of BRTO to successfully treat
[71–75], although there are multiple reports of ectopic variceal bleeding colonic varices in a patient with hepatic encephalop-
rebleeding despite a reduction in the HVPG to < 12 mmHg. athy. BRTO resulted in resolution of encephalopathy but was
Thus, a combination of TIPS and other treatment modalities noted to worsen pre-existing oesophageal varices. More re-
such as embolization or endoscopic therapy is recommended cently, BRTO was shown to be successful in conjunction with
wherever possible to effectively control haemorrhage from surgical suturing, in controlling bleeding rectal varices with a
anorectal varices [71, 75]. large (1.26 cm) feeding vessel, although the patient died
TIPS has several attractive advantages: it is a highly effi- 6 months post procedure from liver failure [85].
cacious but minimally invasive procedure that can be per-
formed in a single session without the need for general anaes-
thesia. In addition, TIPS placement is not a contraindication to Surgical Management
liver transplantation. Thus, TIPS may be used in the setting of
acute bleeding both as a bridge to transplantation or as a de- Surgical procedures for bleeding anorectal varices are gener-
finitive therapy in patients unfit for surgery [6]. Following ally only considered when endoscopic modalities or interven-
successful TIPS placement, the long-term survival of patients tional embolization techniques have failed to induce
is largely determined by their underlying liver function and, haemostasis and are rarely performed. Surgical methods in-
thus, careful patient selection is critical; the procedure is large- clude simple suture ligation and stapled anopexy, mesenteric
ly contraindicated in patients with a Child-Pugh score > 13. vein occlusion and porto-caval shunt surgery.
The potential benefits of TIPS must be weighed against risks,
which include an increased risk of encephalopathy, recurrent Suture Ligation and Stapled Anopexy
bleeding, procedure-related morbidity and a 30-day mortality
of between 3 and 15% [6, 34, 69]. Direct suture ligation is a technically challenging procedure
with questionable efficacy [6]. Stapled anopexy has been sug-
BRTO gested as a simple technique that could be employed in
treating bleeding anorectal varices if EBL or EIS fails. It is
BRTO is an advanced radiological procedure first described thought that this procedure may be effective due to disruption
by Kanagawa et al. [76] in 1996 for management of gastric of portosystemic connections in the anorectum [6]. Stapled
varices. Gastric varices often have unique vascular anatomy, anopexy was described by Biswas et al., who placed a
with spontaneous spleno-renal or gastro-renal shunts (GRS) purse-string suture 4 cm above the dentate line to successfully
that divert blood flow into the systemic circulation [77]. This halt massive bleeding from anorectal varices [86]. Botterill
provides a pathway for interventional radiologists to access et al. used a circumferential stapling device to induce
and facilitate transvenous obliteration of the portosystemic haemostasis in a patient with bleeding anorectal varices who
shunts. In BRTO, an occlusion balloon is used to isolate gas- had failed both EBL and EIS [87]. A subsequent case series of
tric varices and collateral veins, followed by endovascular nine patients by Kaul and Skaife. also demonstrated that sta-
injection of a sclerosing agent and/or microcoils directly into pling can be an efficacious method of treating bleeding
the gastro-variceal system, resulting in variceal obliteration anorectal varices when carried out by an experienced colorec-
[78]. A small randomized study by Choi et al. compared tal surgeon, with no rebleeding encountered [88].
BRTO with TIPS for treatment of active gastric variceal bleed-
ing and found no differences with regard to rates of hemosta- Mesenteric Vein Ligation In patients with intractable
sis, rebleeding, or encephalopathy [79]. BRTO has some po- anorectal variceal bleeding, mesenteric vein ligation has been
tential advantages over TIPS: it is less invasive, can be described as an alternative surgical option to induce
Curr Hepatology Rep (2017) 16:406–415 413

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