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Botany B.Sc.I Year Syllabus 2019-20 PDF

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B.Sc. Botany Syllabus

Under Choice Based Credit System


Meeting held with Heads & Chairperson,

BOS of Six Conventional Universities
on 15th June, 2019 at TSCHE-Hyderabad.

Annexure – I (Credits)
Proposed CBCS Scheme for B.Sc.
w.e.f 2019-20

Credits for each paper / Semester

Courses Papers B.Sc.
Optional-1 4 20 5 5 5 5 - -
Core Courses
Optional-2 4 20 5 5 5 5 - -
Optional-3 4 20 5 5 5 5 - -
Optional-1 2 10 - - - - 5 5
Optional-2 2 10 - - - - 5 5
Courses DSE
Optional-3 2 10 - - - - 5 5
English(First Language) 5 20 4 4 3 3 3 3
Second Language 5 20 4 4 3 3 3 3
Ability Environmental Science / Basic
1 2 2 - - - - -
Enhancement Computer Skills
Compulsory Basic Computer Skills /
Course Environmental Science 1 2 - 2 - - - -
Skill SEC1 1 2 - - 2 - - -
Enhancement SEC2 1 2 - - 2 - - -
Course SEC3 1 2 - - - 2 - -
SEC SEC4 1 2 - - - 2 - -
Elective Open Stream 1 4 - - - - 4 -
Project Work/Optionals 1 4 - - - - - 4
Total Credits in each semester 25 25 25 25 25 25
Total Credits in UG 150
/sports /
6 Upto 6 (2 in each year)
Credits under Non-CGPA
4 Upto 4 (2 in each, after I & II years)

Annexure II
Proposed New Grading System


S. No. Grade Point Range of marks Grade Letter
1 10 Equal to and above 90 Marks A+
2 9 More than or equal to 80 and less than 90 Marks A
3 8 More than or equal to 70 and less than 80 Marks B+
4 7 More than or equal to 60 and less than 70 Marks B
5 6 More than or equal to 55 and less than 60 Marks C+
6 5 More than or equal to 50 and less than 55 Marks C
7 4 More than or equal to 40 and less than 50 Marks D
8 0 Below 40 Marks F




BS 104 PAPER-I : Microbial Diversity and Lower Plants DSC-1A 4T+2P=6 4+1=5


PAPER-II: Gymnosperms, Taxonomy of Angiosperms and
BS 204 Ecology DSC-1B 4T+2P=6 4+1=5


BS 301 SEC-1: Nursery and Gardening SEC-1 2 2

BS 302 SEC-2: Biofertilizers and Organic Farming SEC-2 2 2

BS 304 PAPER-III: Plant Anatomy and Embryology DSC-1C 4T+2P=6 4+1=5


BS 401 SEC-3: Greenhouse Technology SEC-3 2 2

BS 4021. SEC-4: Mushroom Culture Technology SEC-4 2 2

BS 404 PAPER-IV : Cell Biology, Genetics & Plant Physiology DSC-1D 4T+2P=6 4+1=5


BS GE-1: Industrial Microbiology GE-1 4T 4

DSE -1A: Biodiversity & Conservation DSE-1A /
BS DSE-1B / 4+2 4+1
502 DSE -1B: Economic Botany
DSE -1C: Seed Technology DSE-1C


BS 601 DSE-3: Project PROJECT 4 4

DSE -2A: Plant Molecular Biology DSE-2A /

BS 602 DSE-2B / 4T+2P=6 4+1=5
DSE -2B: Tissue Culture and Biotechnology DSE-5E
DSE -2C: Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences
AECC: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course, SEC: Skill Enhancement Course, GE: Generic
Elective, DSC: Discipline Specific Core, DSE: Discipline Specific Elective.
First Year, I -Semester
Microbial Diversity and Lower Plants
DSC - 1A (4 hrs./week) Credits- 4

Theory Syllabus (60 hours)

UNIT – I (15 hours)

1) Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance. Brief account of Archaebacteria,
Actinomycetes and Mycoplasma with reference to little leaf of Brinjal and Papaya leaf curl

2) Viruses: Structure, replication and transmission; plant diseases caused by viruses and their control with
reference to Tobacco Mosaic and Rice Tungro.
3) An outline of plant diseases of important crop plants caused by bacteria and their control with reference to
Angular leaf spot of cotton and Bacterial blight of Rice.

UNIT-II (15 hours)

1) General characters, structure, reproduction and classification of algae (Fritsch)
2) Cyanobacteria: General characters, cell structure their significance as biofertilizers with special
reference to Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Anabaena.
3) Structure and reproduction of the following:
Chlorophyceae- Volvox, Oedogonium and Chara.
Phaeophyceae- Ectocarpus
Rhodophyceae- Polysiphonia.

UNIT-III (15 hours )

1) General characters and classification of fungi (Ainsworth).
2) Structure and reproduction of the following:
(a) Mastigimycotina- Albugo
(b) Zygomycotina- Mucor
(c) Ascomycotina- Saccharomyces and Penicillium.
(d) Basidiomycotina- Puccinia
(e) Deuteromycotina- Cercospora.
3) Economic importance of lichens

UNIT-IV (15 hours )

1) Bryophytes: Structure, reproduction, life cycle and systematic position of Marchantia, Anthoceros and
Polytrichum, Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.
2) Pteridophytes: Structure, reproduction, life cycle and systematic position of Rhynia, Lycopodium,
Equisetum and Marsilea.
3) Stelar evolution, heterospory and seed habit in Pteridophytes.



1) Alexopolous, J. and W. M. Charles. 1988. Introduction to Mycology. Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.
2) Mckane, L. and K. Judy. 1996. Microbiology – Essentials and Applications. McGraw Hill, New York.
3) Pandey, B. P. 2001. College Botany, Vol. I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bacteria, Viruses, Plant
Pathology, Industrial Microbiology and Bryophyta. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
4) Pandey, B. P. 2007. Botany for Degree Students: Diversity of Microbes, Cryptogams, Cell Biology and
Genetics. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
5) Sambamurthy, A. V. S. S. 2006. A Textbook of Plant Pathology. I. K. International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6) Sambamurthy, A. V. S. S. 2006. A Textbook of Algae. I. K. International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
7) Sharma, O. P. 1992. Textbook of Thallophyta. McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
8) Thakur, A. K. and S. K. Bassi. 2008. A Textbook of Botany: Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogams. S.
Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
9) Vashishta, B. R., A. K. Sinha and V. P. Singh. 2008. Botany for Degree Students: Algae. S. Chand&
Company Ltd, New Delhi.
10) Vashishta, B. R. 1990. Botany for Degree Students: Fungi, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
11) Dutta A.C. 2016. Botany for Degree Students. Oxford University Press.
12) Watson, E. V. 1974. The structure and life of Bryophytes, B. I. Publications, New Delhi.
13) Pandey, B. P. 2006. College Botany, Vol. II: Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Paleobotany.
S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
14) Vashishta, P. C., A. K. Sinha and Anil Kumar. 2006. Botany - Pteridophyta (Vascular
Cryptogams). . Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
15) Pandey, B. P. 2001. College Botany, Vol. I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bacteria, Viruses, Plant
Pathology, Industrial Microbiology and Bryophyta. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
16) Pandey, B. P. 2007. Botany for Degree Students: Diversity of Microbes, Cryptogams, Cell
Biology and Genetics. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
17) Thakur, A. K. and S. K. Bassi. 2008. A Textbook of Botany: Diversity of Microbes and
Cryptogams. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
18) Vashishta, B. R., A. K. Sinha and Adarsha Kumar. 2008. Botany for Degree Students:
Bryophyta. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.

Practical Syllabus (45 hours)

1. Study of viruses and bacteria using electron micrographs (photographs).

2. Gram staining of Bacteria.
3. Study of symptoms of plant diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, Mycoplasma and fungi:
Viruses: Tobacco mosaic
Bacteria: Angular leaf spot of cotton and Rice tungro.
Mycoplasma: Little leaf of Brinjal and Leaf curl of papaya
Fungi: White rust on Crucifers, Rust on wheat & Tikka disease of Groundnut.
4. Vegetative and reproductive structures of the following taxa:
Algae: Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Volvox, Oedogonium,Chara ,Ectocarpus
and Polysiphonia.
Fungi: Albugo, Mucor,Saccharomyces, Penicillium, Puccinia and Cercospora
5. Section cutting of diseased material infected by Fungi and identification of pathogens as per
theory syllabus. White rust of Crucifers, Rust on wheat & Tikka disease of Groundnut.
6. Lichens: Different types of thalli and their external morphology
7. Examination of important microbial, fungal and algal products:
Biofertilizers, protein capsules, antibiotics, mushrooms, Agar-agar etc.
8. Field visits to places of algal / microbial / fungal interest (e.g. Mushroom cultivation,
water bodies).
9. Study of Morphology (vegetative and reproductive structures) and anatomy of the following
Bryophytes: Marchantia, Anthoceros and Polytrichum.
10. Study of Morphology (vegetative and reproductive structures) and anatomy of the following
Pteridophytes: Lycopodium, Equisetum and Marsilea.
11. Study of Anatomical features of Lycopodium stem, Equisetum stem and Marsilea petiole &
rhizome by preparing double stained permanent mounts.
Practical Model Paper Max. Marks: 50
Time : 3 hrs
1. Identify the given components ‘A’&‘B’ in the algal mixture .
Describe with neat labeled diagrams & give reasons for the classifications. 2 X 4 = 8M
2. Classify the given bacterial culture ‘D’ using Gram – staining technique. 6M
3. Take a thin transverse section of given diseased material ‘E’.
Identify & describe the symptoms caused by the pathogen. 8M
4. Identify the given specimens ‘F’, ‘G’ & ‘H’ by giving reasons .
(Fungal-1, Bacteria-1 & Viral-1) 3 X 2 = 6M
5. Comment on the given slides ‘I’ & ‘J’ (Algae-1, Fungi-1) 2 X 4 = 8M
6. Identify the given specimen ‘K’ & slide ‘L’ (Bryophytes & Pteridophytes ) 2 X 4 = 8M
7. Record & Viva 6M
First Year, II -Semester
Gymnosperms, Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Ecology
DSC-1B Credits-4

Theory Syllabus (60 hours)

UNIT-I (15 hours )

1) Gymnosperms: General characters, structure, reproduction and classification (Sporne’s).

Distribution and economic importance of Gymnosperms.
2) Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts, systematic position and life cycle of Pinus and

3) Geological time scale Introduction to Palaeobotany, Types of fossils and fossilization, Importance
of fossils.

UNIT-II (15 hours )

1) Introduction: Principles of plant 4 ystematic, Types of classification: Artificial, Natural and

Phylogenetic; Systems of classification: Salient features and comparative account of Bentham &
Hooker and Engler & Prantl classification systems. An introduction to Angiosperm Phylogeny
Group (APG).
2) Current concepts in Angiosperm Taxonomy: Embryology in relation to taxonomy Cytotaxonomy,
Chemotaxonomy and Numerical Taxonomy.
3) Nomenclature and Taxonomic resources: An introduction to ICN, Shenzhen code – a brief
account. Herbarium: Concept, techniques and applications.
UNIT-III (15 hours )
1) Systematic study and economic importance of plants belonging to the following families:
Polypetalae Annonaceae, Capparidaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae (Faboideae/Papilionoideae,
Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae), Cucurbitaceae
2) Gamopetalae: Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lamiaceae, Monochalmydeae:
Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae
3) Monocotyledons: Orchidaceae, Poaceae and Zingeberaceae.

UNIT-IV (15 hours )

1. Component of eco system, energy flow, food chain and food webs.
2. Plants and environment, ecological adaptations of plants, Hydrophytes, Xerophytes and
3. Plant Succession serial stages, modification of environment, climax formation with reference to
Hydrosere and Xerosere.

1. Watson, E. V. 1974. The structure and life of Bryophytes, B. I. Publications, New Delhi.
2. Pandey, B. P. 2006. College Botany, Vol. II: Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Paleobotany.
S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Sporne, K. R. 1965. Morphology of Gymnosperms. Hutchinson Co., Ltd., London.
4. Vashishta, P. C., A. K. Sinha and Anil Kumar. 2006. Botany - Pteridophyta (Vascular
Cryptogams). . Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
5. Pandey, B. P. 2001. College Botany, Vol. I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bacteria, Viruses, Plant
Pathology, Industrial Microbiology and Bryophyta. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Pandey, B. P. 2007. Botany for Degree Students: Diversity of Microbes, Cryptogams, Cell
Biology and Genetics. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
7. Thakur, A. K. and S. K. Bassi. 2008. A Textbook of Botany: Diversity of Microbes and
Cryptogams. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Vashishta, B. R., A. K. Sinha and Adarsha Kumar. 2008. Botany for Degree Students:
Bryophyta. S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
9. Vashishta, P. C., A. K. Sinha and Anil Kumar. 2006. Botany for Degree Students:
Gymnosperms. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
10. Dutta A.C. 2016. Botany for Degree Students. Oxford University Press.
11. Pandey, B. P. 2007. Botany for Degree Students: Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics,
Structure, Development and Reproduction in Flowering Plants. S. Chand & Company Ltd,
New Delhi
12. Stace, C. A. 1989. Plant Taxonomy and Biostatistics (2nd Ed.). Edward Arnold, London.
13. Singh, G. 1999. Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
14. Dutta A.C. 2016. Botany for Degree Students. Oxford University Press.
15. Davis, P. H. and V. H. Heywood. 1963. Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy. Oliver and Boyd,
16. Heywood, V. H. 1965 . Plant Taxonomy. ELBS , London.
17. Heywood, V. H. and D. M. Moore (Eds). 1984. Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy. Academic
Press, London.
18. Jeffrey, C. 1982. An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
19. Michael, S. 1996, Ecology, Oxford University Press, London
20. Odum, E.P. 1983. Basics of Ecology, Saunder’s International Students Edition, Philadelphia.
21. Sharma P.D. 1989. Elements of Ecology, Rastogi Publications, Meerut

Practical Syllabus (45 hours)

1. Study of Morphology (vegetative and reproductive structures) of the following taxa:

Gymnosperms - Pinus and Gnetum.
2. Study of Anatomical features of Pinus needle and Gnetum stem by preparing double stained
permanent mounts.
3. Fossil forms using permanent slides / photographs: Cycadeoidea.
Systematic study of locally available plants belonging to the families prescribed in theory
Syllabus (Minimum of one plant representative for each family)
4. Study of morphological and anatomical characteristics of locally available plant species (Eichhorinia, Hydrilla,
Pistia, Nymphaea, Asparagus, Opuntia, Euphorbia melii)
5. Demonstration of herbarium techniques.
6. Candidate has to submit at least 30 herbarium sheets.

Practical Model Paper

Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks: 50

1. Prepare a mount of the given material ‘ A ‘ (Hydrophytes /Xerophytes)

Draw diagram & give reasons for identification. 8M
2. Prepare a double stained permanent mount of the given material ‘ B ‘ ( Gymnosperms )
Draw diagram & give reasons for identification. 10M
3 . Identify the given specimens C & D (Gymnosperms /Xerophytes) 2 X 4 =8M
4 . Identify the given slides E&F (Gymnosperms /Xerophytes) 2 X 4 =8M
5. Technical description of the given plant twig ‘ A ‘ 10M
6. Herbarium 3M
7. Record 3M

B.Sc. CBCS Botany
Theory Model Question Paper
Time :3 hrs Max. Marks: 80

Draw well-labeled diagrams wherever necessary

I. Write short answer of the following 8 X 4 = 32M


II. Essay Questions: 4X 12 = 48M

1. a.
( OR )
2. a.
( OR )
3. a.
( OR )
4. a.
( OR )



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