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Together Let'S Move Guyana Forward

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The President’s vision for the country 2

Message of the Prime Ministerial candidate 3

The Manifesto:

- Governance Programme 6

- Economic Programme 10

- Environmental Programme 14

- Energy Programme 15

- Education Programme 16

- Social Programme 18

- Security Programme 24

- International Relations Programme 26

- Technology Programme 27

Moving Forward Together 29

Message from the
Presidential Candidate
A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for
Change (APNU+AFC) have combined their energies again
under a revised Cummingsburg Accord. We are committed,
irrevocably, to laying the foundation for ensuring the ‘good life’
for every Guyanese over the next five years.

This Manifesto defines the policies which we shall pursue

towards this objective. The APNU+AFC coalition is cohesive and
committed. It remains the boldest political step taken in six decades to replace
confrontation with cooperation; dictatorship with democracy, despair with hope and
political hostility with unity.

The six-party coalition – comprising the Alliance for Change, Guyana Action Party,
Justice for All Party, National Front Alliance, People’s National Congress Reform and
the Working People’s Alliance – has demonstrated the political value of multiparty
cooperation –to our country’s national development.

Our nation is in a better place today than it was in 2015. The APNU+AFC Coalition
has restored public confidence in government, improved the management of the State,
renewed local democracy and defended, robustly, the country’s territorial integrity.

Guyanese, can look forward to continued growth during the Decade of Development
2020-2029. We shall ensure:

• a growing economy that is innovative and competitive and which generates jobs for
everyone willing to work;

• an education system in which every child attends and graduates from nursery,
primary and secondary school; every eligible person will be able to receive free tertiary
education at the University of Guyana and every teacher will be trained and paid

• a public health system providing the best treatment and care available to everyone
and, particularly to the aged, the infirm and children;

• communities in which there is a roof over every head and playfields and recreational
facilities where citizens are free to walk without fear of molestation; and

• a country with modern infrastructure, with every household, community, region and
business having access to the internet.
The APNU+AFC’s Manifesto details the Coalition’s programme aimed at good governance,
reducing inequality, maximizing employment, attracting greater investment, diversifying
the economy and reducing crime, disease, ignorance and poverty.

This Manifesto is a blueprint for ensuring the ‘good life’ for all in a safe, stable and secure

David Granger
Presidential Candidate
Message from the
Prime Ministerial
My fellow Guyanese

On March 2nd, 2020 you, your family and neighbours will go to the
polls to elect a government for the next five years. The outcome of
these regional and national elections will decide Guyana’s future for

The choice you face is whether to keep moving forward with progress, building
on the solid foundations laid for our economic and social development under the leadership
of President David Granger, or to return to the past, to a time when Guyanese faced
tremendous hardships, because of the policies of the PPP government, which led Guyana for
23 years.

No one can reasonably deny the impressive record of performance by the APNU+AFC
Coalition in strengthening the national economy and restoring hope among our people.
During the last four years, we embarked on a programme to make systematic and strategic
changes to improve the economy, social protection, infrastructure, telecommunications,
hinterland development, housing and health care.

We have reduced the tax burden on the people. We have reduced Corporate Tax on businesses
with amnesty on arrears. We have increased the Minimum Wage and the Old Age Pension.
When the Coalition took over government, Guyana was on the brink of becoming a “narco-
state” and crime and corruption were damaging the reputation of our country in the eyes
of the international community. We have changed that by using intelligence, surveillance
techniques and investing adequate resources in law enforcement.

Guyana is about to start receiving significant revenue from our new oil and gas sector. Some
people, based on their past behaviour, would like to get their hands on this revenue to enrich
themselves and their friends, as they have done in other sectors. We, however, have a plan,
which the President has entitled: The Decade of Development. We are going to use that plan
and the oil revenue to transform Guyana for the benefit of all Guyanese.

The Decade of Development will involve projects and programmes to bring lasting change
to our society. Every Guyanese can look forward to progress and prosperity in a new Guyana
with continued economic growth and job creation; reduction in poverty; an environment
for our youth to thrive; a society which is knowledge-based with robust information
communication technology; greater access to affordable education, healthcare and housing;
improved social protection in a cohesive state where all Guyanese enjoy equal status and
rights and enhanced safety and security.

Our commitment is that every Guyanese will enjoy a high quality of life and be happy to make
and call Guyana their home, irrespective of the region in which they reside, their ethnicity,
gender, religion, age, social status, political persuasion or sexual orientation.
Great things happen when we work together. The Coalition’s achievements in the last term is
proof of that. One good term deserves another. I, therefore, ask for your vote on March 2nd.

Moving Forward Together…Don’t Stop the Progress.

KHEMRAJ RAMJATTAN Prime Ministerial Candidate 

Children are our Future
APNU + AFC Moving Forward Together

Strengthening democracy, promoting good

governance and protecting the people’s money

The objective of our governance programme is to promote respect for the rule of
law and the protection of the people’s money. We shall promote transparency,
financial integrity and accountability within Government. We shall provide
opportunities for participation and more efficient public services for all.

We commit to building on the achievements of our first term in office. We promoted

good governance throughout public institutions in keeping with international best
practices in the management of public affairs. We will prioritize the following:

1. Constitutional reform:

• Continue the work of the Constitutional Reform Consultative Commission;

• Continue the allocation of funding for country-wide, community consultations;
• Commit to contributing to a Constitution which reflects the will of the wider
society, country-wide.

2. Fiscal governance of the extractive sectors:

• Implement the Natural Resources Fund Act fully;

• Implement the recommendations of the Guyana Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative (EITI) Report for 2017 Fiscal Year in order to improve
the EITI process;

• Implement measures within the Guyana Revenue Authority to monitor the oil
and gas sector;
• Institutionalise the new production-sharing agreement model; and,
• Amend the Petroleum Exploration and Production Act.

3. Eradication of financial fraud and corruption:

• Continue the empowerment of the Integrity Commission;

• Conduct a review of the Integrity Commission Act to strengthen and modernize
its provisions;
• Continue to strengthen the investigative and prosecutorial capacity of Special
Organised Crime Unit (SOCU);
• Continue to strengthen the investigative, asset-tracing and recovery capacity of
State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA);
• Continue to support the work of the Financial Intelligence Unit;
• Implement the Protected Disclosures Act fully; and,
• Incorporate security and tracking features in all government electronic
processing systems.

4. Public spending improvement:

• Continue to transition towards the use of standardized specifications for all

government procurement services;
• Continue to resource and support the Public Procurement Commission (PPC);
• Amend the Public Procurement Act to strengthen and modernize its provisions;
• Continue to recruit and train more staff at all procurement agencies to ensure
more efficient government procurement; and
• Continue to ensure 20% allocation of Government purchases to small businesses
to enhance the impact of public spending.

5. Public sector transparency:

• Publish public documents on the websites of the relevant Ministries, agencies

and departments, to ensure greater transparency;
• Provide to the public, quarterly progress reports of every ministry, department,
agency and authority; and
• Review and implement the Access to Information Act.

6. Public Service improvement:

• Complete implementation of the recommendations of the Commission

of Inquiry into the Public Service of Guyana, conducted by our first
administration. We will:
• Introduce a Code of Conduct for public servants;
• Increase training and scholarships for Public Servants;
• Implement results-oriented management across the Public
• Service; and Modernise the compensation system by improving the quality of
staff of every government ministry, department, agency and authority, to ensure
that the entire public sector is properly resourced;
• Continue the recruitment of more qualified public servants across all required
agencies etc., to ensure efficient delivery of public services;
• Continue to increase staffing of critical and expanding ministries and departments
to ensure a better quality of public services;
• Digitize, map, track and re-engineer all governmental approval processes to
reduce bureaucracy and processing times to improve access to public services;
• Train all public servants, at every level, in customer service, to ensure a better
and more pleasant experience for all citizens seeking public services;
• Establish a national Project Delivery Unit and assign monitoring and evaluation
officers to every government agency to ensure that all government projects and
programmes are properly implemented, cost-effective and on schedule; and,
• Increase and standardize stipends to trainee nurses and teachers, police and all
students who are on public scholarships.

7. Legislative Reforms:

• Implement modern copyright legislation to protect intellectual property;

• Implement anti-dumping legislation to protect local producers;
• Establish the Law Reform Commission;
• Enact or reform modern legislation, including:
• Local Content Policy;
• Movable Property Security Bill;
• Electronic Communications and Transactions Bill; and,
• Acceptance of electronic and digital evidence in the courts of law.

8. Local Government:

• Continue to strengthen local democracy and ensure that local and municipal
elections are conducted when due in accordance with the Constitution;
The National Assembly in Session

• Modernize the structure and operations of NDCs countrywide to ensure that

they are responsive to citizens’ needs; and,
• Enhance training for all local government officials at regional and local levels.

9. Human rights:

• Promote public awareness of constitutionally enshrined rights and freedoms of

• Conduct public education about the limitations of power of political leaders and
government officials; and,
• Provide opportunities for citizens to express their concerns.


Unlocking our economic potential through the

prudent use of our enhanced resources

The objective of our economic programme is to maintain high levels of growth

and to ensure a more resilient and competitive economy. We shall institute
measures which will generate increased employment and provide opportunities
for entrepreneurship and economic prosperity.

Guyana is now poised to achieve rapid economic development. We have recorded

the fastest known rate of movement from substantial discoveries to consequential
large-scale petroleum production.

We have launched a Decade of Development which will see the emergence of a

modern and prosperous country through the efficient and effective combination
of our productive resources - its people; its entrepreneurship; its capital and its
natural endowments.

We shall build a nation in which all citizens will enjoy a standard of living for which
they have yearned and which we have started to deliver.

Our long-term policy is to ensure development, as enshrined in the Green State

Development Strategy (2020–2040).

We shall fulfill the country’s commitments under the United Nation’s Sustainable
Development Goals (2015–2030), as well as our abiding commitment for everyone
to enjoy a good life. We guarantee:

1. Investment promotion and job creation:

• Designated agriculture development zones in every region;

• Establish a State Land Resettlement Commission to enable former sugar
workers, to access land for housing and agriculture;
• Continue the development of rural agriculture that commenced under the Rural
Agricultural Infrastructure Development (RAID) programme;
• Continued and increased financial and technical support for small and micro-
enterprise (SME) development;
• Establishment of special economic zones to facilitate industry, commerce and
• Continue to build more industrial areas, technology parks and designated
agriculture development zones in every region;
• Introduce incentives tied to the use of new technology and international
standards in business; to encourage innovation and development; and, to
promote the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, targeting 8,000 new
jobs over the next five years;
• Activate the Public-Private Partnership Unit to identify, develop and promote
private investment in public projects which will benefit and enhance the lives of
citizens such as:
• Construction of transport infrastructure, including road, rail and ferries;
• Construction and operation of renewable energy and gas generating plants;
• Construction and operation of specialised hospitals to provide modern medical
services and excellent primary health-care services;
• Construction of new housing schemes and facilities to provide better housing for
our citizens at home and to attract re-migrants;
• Construction of new regional residential care facilities for the elderly, orphans
and persons with disabilities, countrywide; and,
• Development of an ICT Centre of Excellence in each regional capital for the
benefit of young enterprising citizens.

2. Improved business environment:

• Implement the Small Business Procurement Programme to increase economic

opportunities for small businesses, fully;
• Implement the ‘Doing Business Action Plan’ to reduce the costs and inefficiencies
of doing business;
• Improve anti-smuggling measures to level the playing field for local businesses;
• Complete the Electronic Single Window system for processing imports and
exports to improve efficiency and facilitate easier movement of goods;
• Transition to fully electronic processing of all business-related government
transactions; and,
• Develop and promote a modern framework for the cooperative sector.

3. Improved public infrastructure:

• Continue major upgrades to key infrastructure, including the Linden-Soesdyke

highway; and the Mahaica-Rosignol, Palmyra-Moleson Creek and Supenaam-
Charity roadways;
• Upgrade the Linden–Kwakwani road and construct a new highway from Linden
to Lethem with access to deep water harbours;
• Upgrade of the Matthew’s Ridge, Linden, and Lethem aerodromes;
• Connect regional capital towns to make commuting easier for our people;
• Connect hinterland villages to all-weather roads and increase accessibility to
farming, logging and mining areas;
• Build a new, high-span bridge across the Demerara River;
• Build the East Coast -East Bank connecting road with about 5,000 hectares of
adjacent land, developed over five years;
• Build the Parika-Goshen-Free-and-Easy road network, opening up land for
• Reintroduce a public transportation service (buses and ferries) with subsidized
fares for the elderly, school children and persons with disabilities;
• Rationalise the development of all riverfront facilities, including:
• The Georgetown, Vreed-en-Hoop and Parika ferry stellings; and,
• The Georgetown waterfront development project, including a seawall boardwalk
to facilitate safe, family-friendly recreational activities for citizens.
• Continue renovation of drainage infrastructure to minimise flooding and
construct more pump stations.

4. Increased focus on economic diversification:

• Implement a national export and investment strategy targeting agri-businesses,

aquaculture, mining, forestry, tourism and other high, value-added services;
• Ensure maximum use of farm produce to supply all of the food provided to
vulnerable groups and students under the Public Education Nutrition Service
• Expedite the land application process for small farmers;
• Distribute “Start-up packages” to youths and others who wish to start farming.
These packages would include seeds, seedlings, young plants, animals, fertilizer,
spray-can, hand-tools and breeding animals;
• Ensure job retention by optimizing our sugar industry for the production of
sugar for the Caribbean market, for the beverage and other industries and for

Local work force development and utilisation.

co-generating electricity for the national grid;

• Continue to improve quality assurance capabilities to satisfy and improve
demand for Guyanese products; and,
• Establish designated sustainable tourism development zones.

5. A modern and business-friendly tax regime.

• Reconvene the Tax Reform Commission to receive and consider submissions

from stakeholders and to make recommendations to create a tax policy which
will be fair to all taxpayers; and,
• Continue to grant tax relief to individual taxpayers countrywide.

6. Enshrine a Local Content Policy for the oil and gas sector in

• Local workforce development and utilization so that Guyanese can develop

expertise and participate fully in this new sector;
• Supplier development and utilization so that Guyanese businesses could
participate in, and benefit, from this new sector; and,
• Knowledge and technology transfer to equip our people to be integral in this


For communities that are clean, green and pristine.

The objective of our environmental programme is to reduce the adverse impact of

climate change, preserve and protect our natural eco-systems and to continue the
transition towards a green economy.

Having made significant progress at both the policy and implementation levels
during our first administration, we will:

• Continue our review of EPA regulations to strengthen efforts to preserve the

• Continue to develop the Oil Spill Contingency Plan;
• Strengthen domestic capacity to protect our unique environment by expanding
the number of environmental technicians countrywide;
• Support the transition to green approaches and technologies in the agriculture,
fishing, forestry and mining sectors;
• Introduce local and regional recycling programmes to reduce waste and pollution;
• Introduce a national strategy for transitioning to the use of electric vehicles;
• Ensure enforcement of our environmental laws, including the use of
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and Environmental
Management Plans (EMPs) where mandated; and,
• Accelerate reforestation and reclamation of mined-out areas and continue the
protection and growth of our mangrove forests.


Our green economy - affordable, reliable and

sustainable energy

We made significant strides in meeting our commitment to delivering the ‘good

life’ to our citizens during our first administration. We are prepared to reap the
benefits of being an oil-producing nation. We have initiated programmes and
policies to deliver a developed and diversified energy sector. These initiatives took
into consideration the need to ensure energy security.

Our administration has facilitated the movement from oil discovery to responsible
petroleum production in an unprecedented time frame which will provide the
resources needed to propel Guyana to unprecedented levels of economic growth
and development.

We commit to the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030, at the same time,
ensuring that there are adequate, accessible and affordable energy supplies during
the transition period.

The ‘Decade of Development: 2020-2029’ will see accelerated development in the

energy sector. We will:

• Establish solar farms in all hinterland ‘capital towns’ and, also, mini solar farms
in indigenous villages;
• Provide reliable and affordable electricity from associated gas from the Liza-1
• Provide hydro-electric power in Lethem and Mahdia;
• Provide resources for renewable energy sources such as solar farms, waste-to-
energy plants, biomass and wind; and,
• Establish a Natural Gas Terminal, which will create opportunities for employment
and reduce energy costs for our citizens.

An education nation - investing in our nation’s future

Education is the key to economic development and social transformation. Any

nation that wishes to stake a credible claim to development must possess a highly-
developed education system.
We commit to establishing a first-class education system which will transform the
lives of every citizen. The creation of an education nation will ensure that every
child has the opportunity to attend school and receive a quality education.
Easy access to quality education is an entitlement and is essential to attaining the
‘good life’ for all the people. It is through education that our young people will be
better positioned to make impactful contributions in the world by being creators
and innovators.
Our energies and resources will be invested in the creation of an education nation,
affording all children, regardless of socio-economic background and where they
live, similar opportunities to attain their full potential.
We have seen impressive strides in education in the first term of the Coalition
administration. The introduction of the Public Education Transportation Service
(PETS) and the Public Education Nutrition Service (PENS) has brought inestimable
relief to parents and students.
Improvement in the Grade 6 Assessment Examinations, both on the coastland and
in the hinterland has been remarkable. We have seen improved performances of
students at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination
and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE).
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education has
reached unprecedented heights during the first term of the Coalition Government.
Numerous schools have been constructed and we have improved the salaries,
allowances and stipends of our teachers.
These efforts will intensify in the drive towards an education nation. We will:
• Implement the “Right to Education” as enshrined in Article 27 of the
• Constitution of the Republic of Guyana, which guarantees, “free education from
nursery to university” as the right of every citizen;
• Ensure equitable and universal access to quality education in rural and hinterland
• Establish a senior secondary (6th Form) school in the capital towns of every
• Emphasise science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM);
• Encourage students to undertake courses of study in fields which are critical to
the petrochemical industry in order to increase local participation in the industry
from the early stages and ultimately reduce dependence on foreign nationals;
• Implement an expanded Public Education Nutrition Service (PENS), so that
all eligible students receive three meals at school, every day and implement an
expanded Public Education Transportation Service (PETS) to provide increased
support for students and disadvantaged persons;
• Train more teachers to improve student-teacher ratios by expanding the existing
CPCE campuses and building new campuses in capital towns;
• Modernize the curriculum and equip teachers with the technological tools to
create workers and professionals for the future;
• Increase the allocation of duty-free concessions to teachers and education
• Improve national schools of Dance, Drama, Music and Art and increase support
for the Critchlow Labour College;
• Improve, expand and establish a system of Regional Technical Institutions in all
capital towns; and,
• Build an Institute of Information & Communications Technology.


Our social contract - promoting and protecting

everyone’s welfare

The objective of our social programme is to improve the quality of life of all
Guyanese and to ensure that every citizen, regardless of race, religion, gender, age
and social background, could achieve the ‘good life’. Building on the achievements
of our first administration, we commit to:

1. Improving health care delivery, access, and cost-effectiveness.

We will:
• Extend universal primary healthcare to ensure that every citizen is able to access
health services within close proximity of his or her place of residence;
• Reduce disparities in health services between the hinterland and the coastland
and between urban and rural areas;
• Construct and equip new nursing schools in rural and hinterland communities;
• Provide modern equipment and technology and employ attendant skilled
personnel for hospitals countrywide;
• Provide modern mental health care services countrywide;
• Increase the national fleet of ambulances and emergency response vehicles by
20% over the next five years;
• Increase the national complement of trained emergency first responders,
• Provide nutritional food hampers for all pregnant and lactating mothers who are
income-eligible; and,

• Increase the use of drones in health-care delivery for access and rapid responses
in remote areas.

2. Enhancing disaster preparedness:

• Continue to increase our national petroleum spill response capability;

• Continue to insulate and fortify our coastal zones from threats posed by climate
• Continue to strengthen and fully resource the NDIA to reduce floods across the
• Continue to strengthen and resource the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) to
respond rapidly and mitigate any disaster;
• Establish a national data centre in a disaster-free area for secure back-up of data
in the event of a disaster;
• Increase our surveillance mechanisms to identify and rapidly respond to
potential threats;
• Improve cooperation at hemispheric and regional levels for major threat
surveillance and early warning systems; and,
• Increase the use of drones for threat surveillance and disaster response.

3. Increasing Social Protection:

• Continue to work to eliminate extreme poverty and to strengthen social protection

to safeguard and empower the most vulnerable in society including, the indigent,
the homeless the elderly and persons with disabilities;
• Expand the Ministry of Social Protection’s (MOSP) – Difficult Circumstances
Programme to reach more eligible beneficiaries,with a wider range of assistance;
• Expand the Public Assistance Programme to reach more beneficiaries and
increase the allocated amount annually, and, the Foster Parents Programme to
benefit more children by increasing the allocated amount, annually;
• Continue to increase old age pensions along with other Public Assistance &
Difficult Circumstances benefits;
• Establish hosting requirement standards for foster-children, family-care, elder-
care, and day-care households and centres;
• Construct new residential care facilities for the elderly, orphans and persons
with disabilities countrywide;
• Increase the assignment of social workers to include every community and
school, countrywide;
• Increase support and allocate resources for the Child Protection Agency;
• Continue to increase the government allocations to NGOs which serve the
disadvantaged, and the differently-abled; and,

• Continue to improve the provision of utilities – electricity, water
and street-lighting to communities across the country.

4. Promoting women and gender equality:

• Implement a dedicated programme for girls in STEM;

• Ensure equal pay for women;
• Continue to improve gynaecological, maternal and neonatal health care
• Implement a national family counseling plan for families affected by domestic
• Enforce the National Gender and Social Inclusion Policy;
• Social workers in all community health centers across the country to provide
guidance and counseling for families;
• Provide educational support for children of single mothers;
• Instituting a quota of small business grants for women;
• Establish a central business and training bureau for women, including hinterland
women to develop and grow their businesses;
• Establish the reintegration learning centers for women of all ages who are keen
to develop their professional, business and life skills;
• Expand early childhood day-care centres and nurseries to help women fulfil their
professional aspirations;
• Increase the quota of scholarships for women and girls;
• Provide specialist training for members of the Guyana Police Force to adequately
address incidents of domestic violence;
• Continue to improve the application of laws designed to ensure the protection
of women; and,
• Ensure the involvement of higher percentages of women in governance and
decision making in all state organisations and institutions.

5. Increasing opportunities for youths:

• Develop innovation and entrepreneurship training programmes for youth to

enhance their ability to develop and earn a good living;
• Continue to provide scholarships for youths, with special focus on science,
technology, engineering and the medical sciences;
• Create a dynamic and computerized National Employment Data Bank, so that
youths could see in real time all job opportunities available in the country and
can apply for them;
• Provide mandatory career counselling for all secondary school students;
• Provide job-skills and life-skills training for all secondary school and technical
institute students during their final year;
• Engage the private sector with a view to increasing the number of internships
granted annually to youths;
• Expand the national work-study programme to increase the number of
participating students;
• Establish a National Mentoring Programme to join youths with career mentors
and to join youth-owned small businesses with larger companies;
• Expand the Guyana Youth Corps, apprenticeship schemes, private sector
partnerships and entrepreneurship schemes to reduce unemployment;
• Ensure that every secondary school has designated coaches and physical
education teachers;
• Provide stipends and sports gear to national athletes;
• Implement a national playfield programme to rehabilitate, maintain and secure
community playfields for athletes and the general public to train, play sports and
exercise during both daylight and evening hours;
• Reintroduce musical arts, fine arts and theatrical arts in schools; and,
• Develop more community centres and refurbish existing ones to provide safe
spaces for young people to meet and socialise.

6. Enhancing hinterland development and preserving indigenous

cultural identity:

• Resolve existing land rights issues of Indigenous peoples;

• Complete consultations on the review of the Amerindian Act;
• Implement the ten-point Plan of Action for Hinterland Development;
• Extend more public services to hinterland communities, using technology such
as smart classrooms, to narrow the economic, social and digital divide between
the coastland and the hinterland;
• Continue to promote hinterland tourism development and arrange greater
international exposure of our Indigenous Peoples’ cultures and their cultural
• Continue to expand electricity supply and improve roadways in hinterland
• Continue to improve telecommunications in the hinterland, using digital
• Continue to provide free access to the internet in schools and government
agencies to improve education, training, entrepreneurial opportunities and
social services in hinterland communities;
• Continue to construct new wells and build water distribution networks for
hinterland residents;

• Utilise Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge in protecting the environment and
countering climate change;
• Encourage commercial activities utilising the produce of the hinterland, such as
• Encourage community-owned enterprises in indigenous communities by
introducing private capital to indigenous communities for the purpose of
promoting sustainable enterprise;
• Continue to ensure balanced national development through greater allocation of
capital projects in hinterland areas;
• Conduct Government retreats, meetings, and training in hinterland regions to
stimulate business and promote their development;
• Increase the provision of clean energy to hinterland communities from solar,
wind and hydro-electric sources; and,
• Increase the participation of hinterland residents in small-business initiatives
established by the Government.

7. Providing safe and affordable housing:

• Immediately establish a National Squatter Settlement Commission to eliminate

squatting, country-wide;
• Allocate 20,000 house lots and housing units within structured communities in
addition to other government-funded housing initiatives to address the projected
housing deficit;
• Allocate affordable housing to public servants, nurses, teachers and disciplined
services employees; including interest subsidies to keep their mortgages
• Provide incentives to private investors for affordable housing solutions;
• Continue to develop Guyana’s building codes, with a focus on resilient and
climate-smart architectural solutions;
• Provide utility services, including water, electricity, street lights and sanitation
management in all new housing communities;
• Ensure all housing communities include the provision of education, healthcare,
human recreational, security and fire protection services and facilities; and,
• Ensure all housing communities are allocated spaces for places of worship,
recreational facilities and parks.

8. Approving conditional cash transfers:

• Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) based on a feasibility or pilot study including,

but not limited to, Nutritional Support; Housing Support; Public Transport
and a Single-Parent Support Programme; vouchers for day-care and elder-care
services and adult remedial classes and training; increased stipends for students

Improving Health Care delivery.

attending Technical Institutes, Nursing Schools, School of Home Economics,

Guyana School of Agriculture;

• Cash transfers through the Public Education Assistance Service (PEAS) and,
• Cash Transfers for the purchase of essential items.

9. Amending legislation to eliminate the custodial sentence for

possession of small quantities of marijuana.


Promoting our people’s safety

The objective of our security programme is to ensure human safety, to protect

public and private property and to safeguard national sovereignty. We commit to:

1. Ensuring human safety:

• Continue to upgrade police stations with modern conveniences and technology;

• Provide modern vehicles and equipment to members of the Guyana Police Force
(GPF) and ensure that all police vehicle will have on-board computers and
communications equipment linked to a command centre and that every police
officer will be issued with modern body-armour, tasers guns, body-radios and
• Upgrade the Emergency Response System with the aid of relevant technology;
• Expand the current Safe City Project to capital towns;
• Continue to support and strengthen Community Policing Groups to enhance
trust within local communities;
• Continue to strengthen intelligence and counter-intelligence forces in the
Defence and Police Forces;
• Continue to professionalise the GPF and ensure that complaints against officers
are properly investigated and the necessary action taken;
• Complete the modern prison at Mazaruni, Region No.7;
• Develop a new National Police Academy with regional branches to make policing
more attractive to youth and to create a better educated Police Force;
• Introduce affirmative action in the Police Force to include more Indigenous and
• Provide modern hygienic detention centres for women and children; and
• Expand the Guyana Peoples’ Militia to provide a ready national reserve and
to provide job training to youth. Continue to protect citizens from threats
of violence from the state, having ended state-sponsored violence during our

2 Protecting property:

• Intensify training of police officers in specialist areas such as prosecution,

financial crimes, fraud, cyber-crime and identity theft;
• Strengthen cyber security capabilities countrywide and across government
• Complete the Safe City Project and continue to invest in technological solutions
in order to reduce crime;
• Integrate databases across Government agencies and use modern technological
tools so that wanted criminals could be immediately recognised and arrested;
• Continue to address the causes of crime through the implementation of the
Juvenile Justice Act and the entrepreneurship programme for youths at risk.

3. Safeguarding national sovereignty. We will:

• Equip the Guyana Defence Force to protect the country’s borders and Maritime
• Continue to safeguard citizenship and sustain measures to monitor immigration,
migration, deportation, birth registration and the issuance of national passports;
• Strengthen efforts against human trafficking;
• Strengthen the Foreign Service to extend protection of Guyanese citizens
wherever they reside; and,
• Deepen regional, hemispheric and international partnerships to secure and
maintain Guyana’s territorial integrity.


Protecting our nation’s sovereignty

The objective of our international relations programme is to secure our territorial

integrity; international peace and security; to promote climate security and free
trade, tourism and foreign investment. We will:

• Strengthen regional and hemispheric partnerships to increase economic, social

and cultural exchanges;
• Develop new and expanded trade and transport links with our neighbours;
• Continue an aggressive programme of “economic diplomacy” which will create
new and expanded global markets for our farmers, millers, manufacturers,
miners, forest producers and tourism operators;
• Continue to engage other countries and international organizations to recognize
the integrity of our borders;
• Continue with our engagement of with regional and international organizations
and development banks (UN Bodies, CDB, IADB, IsDB, World Bank, CDEMA,
etc.) to retain vital partnerships and continue to leverage their resources to
promote development in Guyana;
• Engage international sports organizations, associations and NGOs to develop
and provide more opportunities for our local athletes;
• Establish and resource our Department of Diaspora Affairs to implement the
Diaspora Engagement Plan to engage Guyanese globally who wish to contribute
to national development as visitors, re-migrants, investors and volunteers.


Developing the digital nation

The objective of our technology programme is to complement our renewable

energy programme by increasing productivity countrywide, and across all sectors,
through ICT to improve efficiency, security, accountability, scalability and
accessibility. Building on the tremendous strides made during our first term in
office in advancing the “Digital State”, we will:

1. Complete and implement the national broadband project to

enhance the access to information and the quality of communications
for individuals especially persons living with disabilities (PWDs) and

2. Complete our rural and hinterland internet access programme;

• Every community, school and public building will have internet access.

3. Continue the liberalization of our telecommunications sector to

reduce the cost of ICT services;

4. Transform every school to become a technology centre:

• Up-grade all schools from nursery to university to become technologically

advanced centres of learning; and,
• Provide each teacher and student with a tablet or other electronic device to
enhance learning and promote digitization.

5. Develop local ICT skills:

• Continue targeted interventions aimed at upskilling young people in innovative

technologies such as coding and STEM initiatives, robotics camps, avionics, girls
in ICT and hackathons; and,
• Establish additional ICT Centres of Excellence in all capital towns to benefit
young and enterprising persons.

6. Conduct an ICT review of all Government processes to digitize

public services and continue to implement the E-Government
programme over the next five years:

• Redesign business processes to allow for electronic operations and transactions;

• Place major government services online, including business registration, tax ID,
passport and other applications for improved access;
• Establish smart classrooms and smart hospitals and health-care to increase and
improve access to education and health care, especially for people in remote
• Encourage the use of alternative payment systems for public sector transactions
to improve access, efficiency and accountability; and,
• Begin the transition towards a paperless Public Service.

7. Promote electronic transactions countrywide:

• Introduce legislation to support electronic transactions; and,

• Promote the use of mobile and electronic payment systems to reduce transaction
costs, security risks and to facilitate easier access to social benefits in rural and
hinterland areas.
8. Introducing e-agriculture as an integral part of our farming
activities to enhance production and productivity through:

• Drone technology for precision spraying of pesticides, seeding and fertilization

in rice cultivation and other crops and, field monitoring;
• Map farmlands using satellite technology; and,
• Continue to collect data by extension officers through the use of smart phones
and tablet technology to constantly update our agricultural database.


The March 2, 2020 Regional and National Elections will be a most important event
in our nation’s history. Your next administration will be afforded the opportunity to
transform our country into a modern state. Your decision to select the APNU+AFC
Coalition as the party of your choice is therefore of utmost importance. This
Manifesto presents the implementable policies and plans in the first five years of
our over-arching “Decade of development - 2020-2029” vision for the development
of Guyana.

The Manifesto offers a clear path to a future which Guyanese must grasp; a clear
path to the ‘good life’. It has been carefully crafted based on your views and ideas
which we have gathered over the past five years in office and include many projects
that were implemented between 2015 and 2019 and which will be continued to
their conclusion. Our Manifesto has been compiled with a sincere interest in our
people’s welfare.

The proposals and plans put forward in this Manifesto, take into consideration
the welfare and development of all of our people, on the coastland and in the
hinterland; in urban and rural communities; in every town, every village and
every neighbourhood. Our plans and proposals are all implementable and will be

We will together, create a nation in which everyone has the opportunity to

experience the ‘good life’ and make the most of their talents.

We of the APNU+AFC Coalition family, therefore ask you to join with us; to support
us; to vote for us; to enter our ‘big benab’ so that we can partner to take our country

Moving Forward Together – to victory and true development.

2020 H






2020 H
Easy access to quality education.
Providing safe and affordable housing

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