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0-WD745-EJ610-00001 - Rev.1 - Operation and Maintenance Manuals For Control Valve

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DE : A80385E
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● PR
LANT □ For Review

● DO
o. : 0-WD745
01 ■ For Constru

TLE : Operationn and maintenance manuals foor control valve and
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ystem □ For Approv

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Mar.11, E.S M.K
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Jan.09, E.S M.K
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%9%9%9 %96HULHV9DOYHV 

SAFETY box bolting. The actuator
yoke will pass over the
Safety - consult publication 'Safety' before starting packing flange.
any maintenance work.
7. Lift or hoist the actuator
The valve and actuator should be handled and off the valve taking care
installed with care. Consult publication ‘Good to avoid damaging the
Installation Practices’ for details. plug stem, instruments, or
Before any maintenance work it is essential to
ensure that the actuator is isolated and 8. Refer to ‘Packing
depressurised. Instructions’ in separate
9. Remove the body/bonnet
Maintenance such as diaphragm, packing, or trim stud nuts (10).
replacement can be done without removing the
valve from the line. Since most valve locations are 10. While holding the plug
not suited for repair operations, these instructions stem (8), lift the bonnet
assume that the valve is taken to a workshop for (2) taking care not to
servicing. damage the packings.

See the relevant instruction book supplement for 11. Lift the plug stem (8) carefully out of the valve
actuator maintenance. body.

VALVE DISASSEMBLY 12. Withdraw the plug and stem (6 & 8) out of the
1. Remove all instruments and any existing
check nut from the end of the stem connector. 13. Remove upper cage gasket (43).

2. The valve plug must be off the seat ring while 14. Lift out the valve cage (7) and seat
the stem connector is being separated. Apply ring/diffuser (5) if fitted.
air if necessary.
15. Remove the lower cage gasket (42).
3. Remove the stem connector screw nut and
partly remove VALVE ASSEMBLY
the stem
connector Assembly of the stem and pin
1. Screw the plug tightly onto the stem.
4. The two
connector 2. Drill through the plug
halves can then shank and stem.
be sprung apart
and removed 3. Insert the pin. The
from the new pin should be
actuator stem. the same diameter as
the original pin (19).
5. Disconnect the air supply and any electrical
connections to the actuator. Completing the body assembly

6. Unscrew the hammer lug clamp nut (25) from 1. Clean the inside of the body thoroughly,
the bonnet threads and lift the nut over the particularly the gasket surfaces. It is essential
plug stem. The actuator is removed from the that all gasket contact surfaces in contact with
body as a unit, without disturbing the packing the gaskets i.e., on the bonnet spigot, should
be clean and all traces of the previous

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100



%9%9%9 %96HULHV9DOYHV 

gaskets removed before replacement is
carried out. ANSI Rating Bolt Torque
Size Lb.ft Kgf.m Nm
2. Fit the lower cage 150 to 600LB 1/2” 60 8.5 81
gasket (42) into the 900 & 1500 5/8” 80 11 108
body. 2500 7/8” 160 22 217
4500 1” 245 33.7 332
3. Lower the
seat/diffuser (5) (if 10. Pack the stuffing box (see packing
fitted) into the body instructions).
and locate on the
lower cage gasket 11. Fit stem nut (39) onto the valve stem.
Mounting the actuator
4. Fit the cage (7)
ensuring it sits 1. Assemble and adjust the actuator as
squarely in the body instructed in the appropriate actuator
and on top of the instructions.
seat (5).
2. Lower the actuator over the plug stem and
5. Fit the upper cage gasket (43) into the recess packing flange to sit squarely on the bonnet.
in the body.
3. Rotate the actuator to a convenient position,
6. Lower the plug (6) carefully through the cage then screw the hammer lug clamp nut (25)
(7) until it rests on the seat. onto the bonnet threads and tighten securely.
7. Lower the bonnet (2) over the stem (8) and 4. For connecting the actuator stem to the plug
onto the gaskets. stem the plug must be on its seat while the
actuator stem is being connected.
8. Lubricate the studs with a smear of
molydisulphide grease. Connecting the stem connector
9. Replace the body 1. Place the two halves of the stem connector,
stud nuts (10) and over the actuator and plug stems so that the
tighten them in a ends of both stems are equidistant from the
diagonal sequence. stem connector screw holes.
The bonnet should
be pulled down 2. Replace the stem connector screw and
squarely to ensure tighten by hand ensuring that the stem
an even and uniform connector threads are in proper engagement
compression of the with the actuator stem and the valve plug
gaskets. The most stem.
accurate way of
achieving this is by 3. Replace and tighten the nut by hand.
using a suitable
torque wrench and Note: It is not essential at this stage to ensure
working to the figures that the position marking slot in the indicator
shown below. pointer, coincided with the ‘shut’ mark on the
travel indicator scale, because the indicator scale
position can be adjusted by loosening the two
securing screws.

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11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100



%9%9%9 %96HULHV9DOYHV 

Establishing valve travel and seating tension PARTS LIST
1. Maintain the actuator stem at its lowest 2 BONNET
position of travel. 5 SEAT/DIFFUSER*
2. In case the plug was moved off the seat 7 CAGE*
during the stem connection procedure: 8 STEM*
Prevent the stem connector from rotating, 9 BODY STUD
then unscrew the plug stem from the 10 BODY STUD NUT
connector until the plug is firmly seated. 15 PACKING FLANGE
3. Move the plug off the seat then unscrew the
plug stem an additional one half turn out of
the connector to ensure positive seating.
4. Tighten the connector screw securely. 39 STEM NUT
5. Tighten the plug stem nut (39) securely. 43 UPPER CAGE GASKET
* Recommended spares
6. Seat the valve plug firmly by means of the Refer to Packing Instructions for details of
actuator. packings.

7. Adjust the travel scale

so that the ‘shut’ mark
is opposite the travel
pointer on the coupling.

8. Disconnect the air line

used for assembly
procedure then apply
the check nut or
attachments (if any) to
the connector screw.

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11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100



%9%9%9 %96HULHV9DOYHV 

Basic BV502 Globe & BV503 Angle Valves With Standard Trim Combinations

2 Stage
Spline Trim Spline Trim
With Diffuser With Diffuser
3 Stage
Spline Trim
With Diffuser
Spline Trim

BV502 Series
Globe Valve With
BV503 Series
DC Series Trim
Angle Valve With
DC Series Trim

Step Cone
DC Series
Trim With Soft
Face Multi Flow Trim

DC Series Trim
With Soft Face
And Shroud

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

SAFETY Type III – with integral indicator fingers

Safety - consult publication 'Safety' before starting 1. Remove the stem

any maintenance work. connector screw nut and
the stem connector
The valve and actuator should be handled and screw.
installed with care. Consult publication ‘Good
Installation Practices’ for details. 2. The two connector halves
will spring apart and can
Before any maintenance work it is essential to be removed from the
ensure that the actuator is isolated and actuator stem.
Removing the actuator
The actuator is removed from the body as a unit,
Removal of instruments without disturbing the packing box bolting. The
actuator yoke will pass over the packing flange.
Remove all instruments and any existing check
nut from the end of the stem connector. 1. Disconnect the air supply and any electrical
connections to the actuator.
Separating the stem connector
2. Unscrew the hammer lug clamp nut (25) from
The valve plug must be off the seat ring while the the bonnet threads and lift the nut over the
stem connector is being separated. Apply air if plug stem. (on large valves the actuator is
necessary. secured to the valve with bolts).

Type I – with fitted steel indicator pointer 3. Lift or hoist the actuator off the valve taking
care to avoid damaging the plug stem,
1. Remove the stem connector instruments, or tubing.
screw nut and partly remove
the stem connector screw. Removing the packing

2. The two connector halves Refer to ‘Packing Instructions’ in separate bulletin.

linked together by the steel
indicator pointer can then be Complete disassembly
sprung apart and removed from
the actuator stem. 1. Remove the
body/bonnet stud nuts
Type II – Anti rotation stem connector (10).

1. Remove the attachment 2. Lift the bonnet (2)

from the end of the centre away from the valve
anti rotation bolt and body taking care not
remove the bolt. to damage the
2. Remove the four lock nuts
from the end of the stem 3. Lift the plug (6) and stem (8) carefully out of
connector screws. the valve body (on pilot balanced trims the
lifting of the plug and stem will cause the cage
3. Release the plug stem locknut (39) from the (7) to lift out of the valve).
stem connector (in some cases two lock nuts
are used). 4. Remove gasket (41) and upper cage gasket
4. Unscrew the stem connector screws and
remove the halves of the stem connector. 5. Lift out the valve cage (7) and seat
ring/diffuser (5) if fitted.

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11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

6. Remove the lower cage gasket (42). b. To remove the seal insert a screwdriver into
the seal groove and pull the seal back over
Dismantling the valve plug the top of the plug.

The plug of a balanced valve 4. Removing the ‘triple seal’

is fitted with a seal ring that
prevents leakage around the a. Mark the top of
circumference of the valve the plug and the
cage. There are many forms of plug shroud (6 &
seal ring. Select the 59) to ensure
disassembly method below to that the plug
suit the type of seal ring fitted shroud is
in the valve. returned to the
same position on
1. Removing the carbon ring assembly.

For valves fitted with a carbon graphite seal ring b. Remove the
(20) the ring can be removed by inserting a piece shroud retaining screws (60).
of wire into where the ring is fractured. The ring
can then be removed. c. Using a soft jaw vice, grip the plug and with
a suitable drift, loosen and remove the plug
2. Removing the ‘U’ seal shroud. Alternatively, grip the two plug
shroud flats in the end of the vice jaws and
a. Mark the top of the plug and the plug turn the plug anti-clockwise to achieve the
shroud (6 & 59) to ensure that the plug same result.
shroud is returned
to the same d. Remove the shroud gasket (59A).
position on
assembly. e. Lift the seal (20) from the spigot.

b. Remove the 5. Dismantling the pilot balanced plug

shroud retaining
screws (60). a. Remove the carbon graphite seal ring (20)
by inserting a piece of wire into where the
c. Using a soft jaw vice, grip the plug and with ring is fractured. The ring can then be
a suitable drift, loosen and remove the plug removed.
shroud. Alternatively, grip the two plug
shroud flats in the end of the vice jaws and b. Mark the top of the plug (6) and pilot
turn the plug anti-clockwise to achieve the retainer (6B) to
same result. ensure that the
plug retainer is
d. Lift the ‘U’ seal from the spigot, noting the returned to the
orientation of the ‘U’ shape. same position on
3. Stretch over ‘U’ seal
c. Remove the wire
a. The stretch over ‘U’ seal must be destroyed around the pilot
to remove it from the plug. It is therefore retainer plate
wise to check if the seal is in need of screws.
replacement. Check the seal for signs of
wear and scratches. Also push the edge of d. Remove the pilot retainer set screws (6C).
the seal with fingers and see if the spring Care should be taken at this stage to
returns the seal back to shape. If the seal ensure that there is no tension in the spring
does not return to shape then the seal (6D) as the set screws (6C) are removed
should be replaced. from the plug head.

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11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

e. Lift the valve stem (8), pilot (6A) and the To break the ring, first place it in a smooth jaw
pilot retainer (6B) out of the plug head (6). vice and close the jaws slowly to compress the
ring diametrically, until the ring snaps. The carbon
f. Lift the spring (6D) out of the plug head. ring will now be in two pieces and can be placed
in the piston ring groove with the fractured ends
6. Dismantling the soft faced plug matched.

a. For soft faced plugs fitted with a ‘U’ seal 2. ‘U’ seal plug with shroud
see the appropriate instructions above.
a. Clean the ‘U’
b. Remove the wire seal spigot and
around the shoulder of the
retainer plate plug. Also clean
screws. the face of the
plug shroud
c. Remove the which bears
shroud retaining against the ‘U’
screws (57). seal.

d. Remove the plug shroud (58). The soft face b. Place the ‘U’ seal, in the same orientation
seal (55) and ‘O’ ring seal (56) should now as it was removed (refer to picture below),
lift away from the main plug head (6). on the spigot and fit the plug shroud back in
place. Screw the shroud up tight until the
ASSEMBLY marks on the top of the plug and the shroud
Assembly of the plug and stem
c. Replace the shroud retaining screws (60)
a. Screw the plug tightly and tighten to lock the shroud in place.
onto the stem.
3. Stretch over ‘U’ seal
b. Drill through the plug
shank and stem. a. The stretch over ‘U’ seal is designed to fit
into a closed groove in the valve plug. The
c. Insert the pin. The new plug is designed with a taper to enable the
pin should be the same seal to be easily stretched over the top of
diameter as the original the plug. Have the cage available so that
pin (19). once the seal is refitted the plug can be
inserted into the cage and the original
d. Peen over the ends of shape re-established.
the pin to ensure it
cannot become loose b. Clean the ‘U’ seal groove.
in service
c. Establish the correct orientation for the seal
Plug assembly as shown below.

1. Carbon graphite seal ring

Carbon graphite
seal rings are
manufactured and FLOW OVER FLOW UNDER
purchased as solid
circular rings. To
install the ring, it d. Place the ‘U’ seal into a bucket of hot water
must be broken into for 5 minutes. This process softens the seal
two pieces. to ease the stretching process.

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

together with stainless steel wire.

e. Slide the ‘U’ seal gently over the taper
spigot and locate in the seal groove. g. Carbon graphite seal rings are
manufactured and purchased as solid
f. Slide the plug into the cage for a short circular rings. To install the ring, it must be
period to ensure that the seal regains broken into two pieces. To break the ring,
shape. first place it in a smooth jaw vice and close
the jaws slowly to compress the ring
4. Assembly of the triple seal diametrically until the ring snaps. The
carbon ring
a. Clean the triple seal spigot and shoulder of will now be in
the plug. Also two pieces
clean the face of and can be
the plug shroud placed in the
which bears piston ring
against the seal. groove with
the fractured
b. Place the seal on ends matched.
6. Assembly of the soft faced trim
c. Fit the shroud
gasket (59A) into place on the shroud and a. If the plug is fitted with a ‘U’ seal refer to the
screw the plug shroud back in place. Screw appropriate instructions.
the shroud (59) up tight until the marks on
the top of the plug and the shroud coincide. b. Clean the plug
and all the parts to
d. Replace the shroud retaining screws (60) be assembled.
and tighten to lock the shroud in place.
c. Fit the ‘O’ ring
5. Assembly of the pilot balanced plug seal (56) into the
groove in the plug
a. Clean all parts of the (6).
plug thoroughly.
d. Fit the face ring (55) into the plug to sit on
b. Fit the spring (6D) the ‘O’ ring.
into the plug head.
e. Locate the plug
c. Slide the pilot and shroud (58) onto the
stem (6A and 8) spigot of the plug to
assembly into the lock the face ring (55)
plug (6) to sit on top in position.
of the spring.
f. Line up the holes in
d. Slide the pilot retainer the shroud (58) with
(6B) over the shank of those in the plug
the pilot (6A) and line head (6) and screw in
up the indicating marks the set screws (57) to
made during lock the whole
disassembly. assembly in place.

e. Insert the seat screws g. To prevent rotation of the screws in

(6C) and tighten evenly. operation wire the screws together with
stainless steel wire.
f. To prevent rotation of
the screws in operation
wire the screws

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

Body assembly On larger valves the actuator is secured to the

bonnet by means of bolts.
Clean the inside of the body thoroughly,
particularly the gasket surfaces. It is essential that 4. For connecting the actuator stem to the plug
all surfaces in contact with the gaskets i.e., on the stem the plug must be on its seat while the
bonnet spigot should be clean and all traces of the actuator stem is being connected.
previous gaskets removed before replacement is
carried out. Connecting the stem connector

1. Fit the lower cage gasket (42) into the body. Type I – with fitted steel indicator pointer

2. If a separate seat is fitted then lower the seat 1. Spring the two halves of the stem connector,
(5) into the body and locate onto the lower which are held together by the
cage gasket (42). indicator pointer, over the
actuator and plug stems so
3. Lower the cage (7) into the body and locate that the ends of both stems are
(Note: for pilot balanced trims insert the plug equidistant from the stem
into the cage and lower the assembly into the connector screw holes.
2. Replace the stem connector
4. Lower the plug (6) into the cage (7) (if not pilot screw and tighten by hand
balanced) until it rests on the seating face. ensuring that the stem
connector threads are in
5. Fit the upper cage gasket (43) and bonnet proper engagement with the actuator stem
gasket (41). and the valve plug stem.

6. Lower the bonnet (2) over the stem (8) and 3. Replace and tighten the nut by hand.
onto the gaskets. Lubricate the studs with a
smear of molydisulphide grease. Type II – Anti rotation stem connector

7. Replace the body stud nuts (10) and tighten 1. Press the half of the stem connector which is
them in a diagonal sequence. The bonnet threaded to take the four stem connector
should be pulled down squarely to ensure an screws against the actuator stem and the plug
even and uniform compression of gaskets. stem.
The most accurate way of achieving this is by
using a suitable torque wrench and working to 2. Ensure that the slot in the
the figures shown in the following torque plug stem is central in
section. height with the centre hole
in the stem connector, and
8. Pack the stuffing box. See separate the stem connector
instructions. straddles the yoke rib
bearing the travel indicator
9. Screw the stem nut (39) onto the stem. scale.

Mounting the actuator 3. Apply the other half of the

stem connector carefully engaging the
1. Assemble and adjust the actuator as threads, then insert the stem connector
instructed in the appropriate actuator screws and tighten by hand.
4. It may be necessary to move the valve plug
2. Lower the actuator over the plug stem and off its seat a slight distance in order to mesh
packing flange to sit squarely on the bonnet. the plug stem threads with the lower
connector threads.
3. Rotate the actuator to a convenient position,
then screw the hammer lug clamp nut (25)
onto the bonnet threads and tighten securely.

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves

Type III – with integral indicator fingers

1. Press half of the stem against the actuator PARTS LIST

stem and the plug stem. Ensure that the 1 BODY
centre hole in the stem connector is central 2 BONNET
between the plug stem and actuator stem, 5 SEAT/DIFFUSER*
and the stem connector straddles the yoke rib 6 PLUG*
bearing the travel indicator scale. 7 CAGE*
2. Apply the other half of the 9 BODY STUD
stem connector carefully 10 BODY STUD NUT
engaging the threads, 15 PACKING FLANGE
then insert the stem
connector screws and
tighten by hand.
3. It may be necessary to move the valve plug 25 CLAMP NUT
off its seat a slight distance in order to mesh 39 STEM NUT
the plug stem threads with the lower 41 BONNET GASKET *
connector threads. 42 LOWER CAGE GASKET*
Note: It is not essential at this stage to ensure * Recommended spares
that the position marking slot in the indicator Refer to Packing Instructions for details of
pointer, coincided with the ‘shut’ mark on the packings.
travel indicator scale, because the indicator scale
position can be adjusted by loosening the two
securing screws.

Establishing valve travel and seating tension

1. Maintain the actuator stem at its lowest

position of travel.

2. In case the plug was moved off the seat

during the stem connection procedure:
Prevent the stem connector from rotating,
then unscrew the plug stem from the
connector until the plug is firmly seated.

3. Move the plug off the seat then unscrew the

plug stem an additional one half turn out of
the connector to ensure positive seating.

4. Tighten the connector screw securely.

5. Tighten the plug stem nut (39) securely.

6. Seat the valve plug firmly by means of the


7. Adjust the travel scale so that the ‘shut’ mark

is opposite the travel pointer on the coupling.

8. Disconnect the air line used for assembly

procedure then apply the check nut or
attachments (if any) to the connector screw.

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves



Single Stage
Cage With
Integral Seat
Globe Valve

Single Stage
Cage With
Separate Seat

Single Stage
Cage With
Soft Faced

Angle Valve


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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C2-R3
Cage Trim Series Valves


The recommended tightening torque for the valve body/bonnet bolting of the cage trim series valves are
specified in the following table. These limits are specified to ensure adequate load on the body/bonnet and
cage gaskets whilst ensuring there is no distortion of the valve cage.
Nominal Bolt Number of Stress TORQUE
Diameter Threads Area#/Sq.In.
(Ins) (mm) per inch Materials Materials

B8M Class 1 B7
B8M Class 2 B7A
(Greater than 1-1/4”) B16
B8M Class 2 (up to 1-1/4”)

Bolt Stress 30,000 #/Sq.In. Bolt Stress 45,000 #/Sq.In.

Ft-Lbs Nm Ft-Lbs Nm
5/16 8 18 0.0522 8 11 12 16
3/8 10 16 0.0773 12 16 18 24
7/16 11 14 0.1060 20 27 30 41
1/2 12 13 0.1416 30 41 45 61
9/16 14 12 0.1816 45 61 68 92
5/8 16 11 0.2256 60 81 90 122
3/4 19 10 0.3340 100 135 150 203
7/8 22 9 0.4612 160 217 240 325
1 25 8 0.6051 245 332 368 499
1-1/8 28 8 0.7896 355 482 533 723
1-1/4 32 8 0.9985 500 678 750 1017
1-3/8 35 8 1.2319 680 922 1020 1384
1-1/2 38 8 1.4899 800 1085 1200 1628
1-5/8 41 8 1.7723 1100 1492 1650 2239
1-3/4 44 8 2.0792 1500 2035 2250 3053
1-7/8 48 8 2.4107 2000 2714 3000 4071
2 50 8 2.7665 2200 2985 3300 4478
2-1/4 57 8 3.5519 3180 4316 4770 6473
2-1/2 63 8 4.4352 4400 5971 6600 8957
2-3/4 70 8 5.4164 5920 8034 8880 12051
3 76 8 6.4957 7720 10477 11580 15715
Lubricated with
The Importance of Bolt Lubrication 8
Effect of bolt lubrication on tensile As received
6 condition from
load transmitted to the bolt during Load tons (kn) (60) manufacturer
tightening. Figures are for Grade B7A
stud bolts and nuts. 4
(40) Dry bolt with no
When using torque equipment nuts 2
should be tightened in at least 3 (20)
20 40 60 80 100 120
(27) (54) (81) (108) (136) (163)

Torque Ft-Lbs (Nm)

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Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C8-R3
Control Valve Packing

SAFETY CAUTION: Finger tightening of the packing flange

nuts (24) should provide ample pressure to the
Safety - consult publication 'Safety' before starting packing rings. When the valve is placed in
any maintenance work. service this adjustment should be checked and
the nuts tightened just enough to prevent any
The valve and actuator should be handled and leakage. Too much tightening will bind the valve
installed with care. Consult publication ‘Good stem and prevent sensitive response.
Installation Practices’ for details.
Before any maintenance work it is essential to
ensure that the actuator is isolated and 1. With the valve out of service apply the
depressurised. lubrication as follows:

PACKING REMOVAL a. Before applying line pressure to the

valve back off the gland nuts (24) until
Packings are most easily removed with the valve the packing follower (14) is loose on the
dismantled as it is easier to access the packings stem packing.
with the stem removed. When removing the parts
from the packing box assembly, note the order of b. Open the isolating
removal as this will be the order in which new valve (27).
packings are fitted.
c. Remove the
1. Unscrew the packing flange nuts (24). lubricator plunger
and insert a charge of lubricant into the
2. Remove packing flange (15) and packing barrel (26).
follower (14).
d. Turn the lubricator plunger into the
3. Using a narrow hook or bent wire, pull out the barrel by hand.
packing rings and packing box parts.
e. Remove the plunger and repeat the
PACKING BOX ASSEMBLY procedure until the stem packing starts
to rise and filling is complete. Do not
Before proceeding with the appropriate packing use a wrench on the plunger. Greater
operation below, clean the valve packing box force than can be applied by hand alone
thoroughly and assemble the valve as per is liable to split the barrel.
maintenance instructions.
f. Close the isolating valve (27).
Except on oxygen service, packing rings should
be lubricated by lightly smearing the rings with a g. Tighten the nuts lightly and evenly on
coat of grease before insertion into the packing both sides of the packing flange (15).
box. Avoid damage to the packing rings when
slipping them over the stem threads, and be sure h. Apply line pressure to the valve. If there
each ring is pushed firmly into the packing box. is leakage at the stem, tighten the nuts
further until leakage stops.
The most common types of packing box
assemblies are shown below. If your packing type 2. When the valve in service feed the lubricant
is not shown then the order of removal of parts as follows:
should be noted at disassembly. Replace the
parts in reverse order. a. Screw down the lubricator plunger a few
turns (the isolating valve must be
When replacing the packing flange (15) place it opened before turning the lubricator
flat side up, over the stem and flange studs to rest plunger and closed after).
on the packing follower. Screw the packing flange
nuts onto the studs and tighten them evenly to b. When recharging the lubricator barrel,
avoid cocking the flange (15). do not remove the plunger before
closing the isolating valve.

Refer to Safety With Valves Page 1 of 3 Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd
Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C8-R3
Control Valve Packing






Refer to Safety With Valves Page 2 of 3 Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd
Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100
Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd

Blakeborough Control Valves

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual IOM-C8-R3
Control Valve Packing






Refer to Safety With Valves Page 3 of 3 Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd
Before Starting Work Britannia House, Huddersfield Road, Elland. HX5 9JR
11/02/2013 Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 282100


(Multi-spring )


Telephone : Huddersfield (01484) 820820

Telex : 51682

A. In the "normal" position (no air pressure on the diaphragm) Before assembling the actuator, inspect all seals, O-rings,
the stem of the reverse acting actuator is held in a fully washers and bushes and replace if necessary.
extended position by means of the springs.
An increase in the air pressure in the lower diaphragm 1. Place O-ring (21) and DU busing (23) into the guide
chamber thrusts the actuator stem assembly upwards bush (22). Place the O-ring (20) onto the guide bush (22).
and compresses the springs; decreasing the air pressure
allows the springs to return the stem assembly back to 2. Place the bottom case (10) on top of the yoke (24).
its normal position. Pay careful attention to the location of air connector (13).
Air connector (13) shall be in the backside of the yoke front.
B. Raised bosses on the actuator yoke casting accommodate
accessories such as positioner, controller, solenoid valves, 3. Screw hexagon groove bolts (11) together with the copper
limitswitches etc. ring (12).

C. To facilitate disassembly, all accessories should be 4. Slide the actuator stem (18) through the guide bush (22).
removed before proceeding as outlined below.
5. Fit spacer (16), diaphragm (4), diaphragm plate (5), and
D. Exhaust the air pressure from the diaphragm chamber, teflon ring (17) over the actuator stem (18) in sequence.
then remove the actuator from the valve body assembly as Dust the diaphragm thoroughly with talcum to prevent
instructed in the basic instruction book covering the valve abrasion.
in use.
6. Screw the stopper (14) to the actuator stem (18) and
secure with the stopper lock bolt (15).
7. Place the spring (6) on the diaphragm plate (5).
1. Stand the actuator on the yoke (24) and clamp to a bench
or the floor. 8. Fit the spring holder (9) on the spring (6).

2. Relieve spring compression 9. Place the top case (1) on the spring holder (9) and align
(a) Unscrew a pair of case bolts & nuts (2,3,7,8) on top case bolt holes with those in the diaphragm (4) and
opposite sides of the top case (1). the bottom case (10).
(b) Replace these with the long bolts & nuts (31).
(c) Remove all case bolts & nuts (2,3,7,8) excluding the 10. Insert the long bolt set (31) into case bolt holes on
long bolt set (31). opposite sides of the top case (1) and tighten a pair of
(d) Unscrew the long bolt set (31) alternately to release long bolts & nuts alternately with balance to give tension
spring tension with balance. to the spring (6).

3. Remove the top case (1) 11. Insert the case bolt and nuts (2,3,7,8) and tighten all nuts
evenly and securely to ensure a tight diaphragm seal.
4. Remove the spring holder (9) and the spring (6).
12. Unscrew the long bolt set (31) if necessary.
5. Unscrew stopper lock bolt (15) and stopper (14) and Replace it with the case bolt & nut (2,3,7,8) and tighten.
remove teflon ring (17), diaphragm plate (5), diaphragm(4),
and spacer (16) in regular sequence. 13. Screw the air vent cap (32) onto the top case (1).

6. Remove the actuator stem (18).

7. Unscrew hexagon groove bolts (11) and remove copper


8. Remove the bottom case (10).

9. Remove the guide bush (22) from the yoke (24). Check the
O-ring (20), seal (21), and DU bushing (23) for wear.


320 550 950 1450 320 550 950 1450
2 CASE BOLT 12 16 20 24 18 ACTUATOR STEM 1
3 CASE P/W 12 16 20 24 19 LOCK NUT 1
6 SPRING 4 4 4 6 22 GUIDE BUSH 1
7 CASE S/W 12 16 20 24 23 DU BUSHING 1
8 CASE NUT 12 16 20 24 24 YOKE 1


A. In the "normal" position (no air pressure on the diaphragm) Before assembling the actuator, inspect all seals, O-rings,
the stem of the direct acting actuator is held in a fully washers and bushes and replace if necessary.
retracted position by means of the springs.
An increase in the air pressure in the upper diaphragm 1. Place O-ring (21) and DU busing (23) into the guide
chamber thrusts the actuator stem assembly downwards bush (22). Place the O-ring (20) onto the guide bush (22).
and compresses the springs; decreasing the air pressure
allows the springs to return the stem assembly back to 2. Place the bottom case (10) on top of the yoke (24).
its normal position. Pay careful attention to the location of air vent cap (32).
Air vent cap (32) shall be in the backside of the yoke front.
B. Raised bosses on the actuator yoke casting accommodate
accessories such as positioner, controller, solenoid valves, 3. Screw yoke lench bolts (11) together with the copper
limitswitches etc. ring (12).

C. To facilitate disassembly, all accessories should be 4. Slide the actuator stem (18) through the guide bush (22).
removed before proceeding as outlined below.
5. Place the spring holder (9) on the bottom case (10).
D. Exhaust the air pressure from the diaphragm chamber,
then remove the actuator from the valve body assembly as 6. Fit the spring (6) on the spring holder (9).
instructed in the basic instruction book covering the valve
in use. 7. Fit the teflon ring (17), diaphragm plate (5), diaphragm (4),
spacer (16) over the actuator stem (18) in sequence.
Dust the diaphragm thoroughly with talcum to prevent

1. Stand the actuator on the yoke (24) and clamp to a bench 8. Fit the spacer s/w (15) and screw the spacer lock nut (14)
or the floor. to the actuator stem (18).

2. Relieve spring compression 9. Place the top case (1) on the spacer (16) and align top
(a) Unscrew a pair of case bolts & nuts (2,3,7,8) on case bolt holes with those in the diaphragm (4) and the
opposite sides of the top case (1). bottom case (10).
(b) Replace these with the long bolts & nuts (31).
(c) Remove all case bolts & nuts (2,3,7,8) excluding the 10. Insert the long bolt set (31) into case bolt holes on
long bolt set (31). opposite sides of the top case (1) and tighten a pair of
(d) Unscrew the long bolt set (31) alternately to release long bolts & nuts alternately with balance to give tension
spring tension with balance. to the spring (6).

3. Remove the top case (1) 11. Insert the case bolt and nuts (2,3,7,8) and tighten all nuts
evenly and securely to ensure a tight diaphragm seal.
4. Unscrew the spacer lock nut (14) and remove the spacer
s/w (15), spacer (15), diaphragm (4), diaphragm plate (5), 12. Unscrew the long bolt set (31) if necessary.
and teflon ring (17) in regular sequence. Replace it with the case bolt & nut (2,3,7,8) and tighten.

5. Remove the spring (6) and the spring holder (9). 13. Screw the air vent cap (32) onto the top case (1).

6. Remove the actuator stem (18).

7. Unscrew yoke lench bolts (11) and remove copper rings


8. Remove the bottom case (10).

9. Remove the guide bush (22) from the yoke (24). Check the
O-ring (20), seal (21), and DU bushing (23) for wear.


320 550 950 1450 320 550 950 1450
2 CASE BOLT 12 16 20 24 18 ACTUATOR STEM 1
3 CASE P/W 12 16 20 24 19 LOCK NUT 1
7 CASE S/W 12 16 20 24 23 DU BUSHING 1
8 CASE NUT 12 16 20 24 24 YOKE 1



(Multi-spring )
Side handwheel


Telephone : Huddersfield (01484) 820820

Telex : 51682

Side handwheel is a part of the actuator set. Before assembling the side handwheel, inspect all bearing,
First of all, side handwheel and yoke disassemble from bushing, screw, washers and replace if necessary.
the actuator set. And Stand the yoke and clamp to a bench or the floor.
[ Refer to Actuator disassemble]
Diaphragm Actuator(Multi-spring) 1). Place du bushing(10) into the bottom flange(6),
2). Place bottom flange(6) on top of the yoke.
Side handwheel is divided into three parts. 3). Screw hexagon groove bolt(5).
These are handwheel, body and screw, and 4). Place the taper bearing(2-2) onto the bottom flange(6).
bottom flange part.
2. Body and screw part assemble
II. SIDE HANDWHEEL DISASSEMBLY 1). Fit the bering(12) on the warm(13).
2). Insert the warm(12) set into the body(1).
Stand the side handwheel on the yoke and clamp 3). Screw the cap screw(14).
to a bench or the floor. 4). Fit the taper bearing(2-1) into the body(1).
5). Let the warm wheel(4) into body(1) on the spin
1. Handwheel part disassemble warm(13).
1) Unscrew nut(17) and spring washer(16), and remove 6). Insert screw(3-1,3-2) into warm wheel(4).
handwheel(15). 7). Place body(1) set on the bottom flange(6).
2) Remove the key(11). 8). Screw the stud(9).
9). Screw nut(7) together with the spring washer(8).
2. Body and screw part disassemble
1). Unscrew nut(7), spring washer(8), stud(9) 3. Hand wheel part assemble
and remove body(1) set from the bottom flange(6). 1). Fit the key(11) into the key hole on the warm(13)
2). Unscrew the cap screw(14). 2). Fit the hand wheel(15) onto warm(13).
3). Remove the warm wheel(4) out of the body(1), 3). Screw nut(17) together with the spring washer(16).
and remove taper bearing(2-1).
5). Remove screw(3) from the warm wheel(4). And actuator assemble on top of the body(1).
6). Remove warm(13) & bearing(12) from the body.
[ Refer to Actuator assemble]
3. Bottom Flange disassemble Diaphragm Actuator(Multi-spring)
1). Remove taper bearing(2-2) from the bottom flange(6).
2). Unscrew hexagon groove bolt(5) and remove
bottom flange(6) from the yoke.
3). Remove du bushing(10) from the bottom flange(6).


950 1450
1 BODY 1
2-2 TAPER BEARING (Bottom) 1
3-1 SCREW (Reverse type) 1
3-2 SCREW (Direct type) 1
7 NUT 4
9 STUD 4
11 KEY 1
13 WARM 1
17 NUT 1

Data Sheet
18-0.22 EN

TZID-C Intelligent Positioner


Q Compact and highly efficient Q Robust in terms of construction and function

Well-proven technology and intelligence in a compact design Aluminum case, protection IP 65 (NEMA 4X),
Functional immunity to shock and vibration up to 10 g
Q Easy communication
Based on the HART® protocol Q Wide operating temperature range
-30 to +85 °C
Q Optimal adaptation to the operating conditions
Setting of parameters is in parts automatic (auto-adjustment) Q High-precision position control
and in parts manual Through self-adaptation and continuous modulation of the
output (no pilot valves)
Q Operating convenience
Easily understandable adjustment mode, Q Mounting to pneumatic actuators
adjustment via the built-in operator panel or remotely via the Linear or rotary actuators,
communication port. single or double acting
Q 4...20 mA input, 2-wire Q Mechanical position indicator
Air supply is the only external energy supply required
Q Accessories:
Q Approved explosion protection for intrinsically safe Pressure gage block, filter regulator
Q Low operating cost
EEC type examination certificate TÜV 98 ATEX 1370 X
Air consumption only 0.03 kg/h;
Q Meets the following requirements: investment cost thus recovered after a short operating period
EMC regulation 89/336/EEC as of May 1989
EC regulation for the CE conformity mark

Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Construction and mode of operation

The concept

The TZID-C positioner is an intelligent and electronically config- The positioner has an operating panel consisting of a 2-line LCD
urable instrument with communication capabilities, mounting to and 4 push-buttons. The operating panel has the perfect design
pneumatic actuators. In the H&B instrument family, the TZID-C for optimal local configuration, commissioning, and operational
stands out for its small and compact design, its modular construc- monitoring. Alternatively, the TZID-C can be configured, commis-
tion, and its unequalled cost-performance ratio. sioned and monitored remotely from a PC via its communication
port, using the HART protocol. You can either tap at a local con-
The functional heart of the TZID-C positioner is its microproces-
nector, or frequency-modulated at any chosen point of the
sor-controlled CPU where the operating system is running. The
4...20 mA signal line.
mechanical and pneumatic assembly groups only have second-
ary functions. The input signal and the position feedback signal The modular design of the positioner allows you to add further
are polled with a sampling rate of 20 ms and A/D conversion in functionality at a later time. Plug-in modules for analog and digital
4000 steps and then processed. This ensures a rapid and high- position feedback as well as assembly kits for mechanical posi-
precision signal processing for the input and the position feed- tion indication and digital position feedback using proximity
back. The power for the CPU is derived from the input signal. switches are available.
The operating program includes an Autoadjust routine for auto- Various TZID-C features ensure safe valve operation on site:
matic adjustment of the device in the commissioning phase, and
Q Compliance with the EMC regulation
an adaptation program which provides for optimal control of the
position until reaching the set point. Q Robust aluminum case, protection IP 65 (NEMA 4X)
The pneumatic actuator is driven by an I/P module with subse- Q High resistance to shock and vibration up to 10 g
quent 3/3-way valve. The electrical positioning signal from the
Q Operational reliability through permanent monitoring and error
CPU is proportionally converted into a pneumatic signal which, in
indication in case of troubles
turn, proportionally adjusts the 3/3-way valve. The cross-section-
al area of the valve air channels for filling the actuator with air or Q Operation at ambient temperatures of -30 ... +85 °C
evacuating air from the it is changed in proportion with the adjust-
ment. When reaching the set point, the 3/3-way valve is closed in
center position.

FSK module
LCI connector
Plug-in module
Signal for analog feedback
4 … 20 mA 4 … 20 mA
Digital input
Plug-in module
Digital output
for digital feedback
Min - Max


Kit for mechanical

position indicator

Air supply 1.4…6 bar

Kit for digital feedback
Outgoing air
Min. Max.
I/P module Position sensing
for 3/3-way valve

Fig. 1 TZID-C schematic diagram

Page 2 of 16 02.99
Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Construction and mode of operation


To linear actuators in accordance with the standard Integrated mounting to 23/24, 23/25 and 23 /26 control valves
Lateral attachment in accordance with DIN/IEC 534 (lateral The actuators of 23/24, 23/25 and 23/26 control valves have been
attachment to Namur). The mounting kit required for lateral prepared for special attachment of the positioner. The benefits of this
attachment is a complete set of mounting material, except design are that, on one hand, the point for mechanical stroke mea-
for screwed pipe connections and air pipes. surement is inside the yoke and, thus, protected by it, and, on the
other hand, no external tubing is required, since the air flow from the
To rotary actuators in accordance with the standard
positioner to the actuator is guided through an internal channel bore.
Mounting to rotary actuators in accordance with VDI/VDE
Special actuator-specific mounting
3845. The mounting kit contains two items: the adapter for coupling
the positioner feedback shaft to the actuator shaft, and a mounting In addition to the mounting methods described above, there are spe-
bracket for mounting the positioner to the actuator. Screwed pipe cial actuator-specific attachments.
connections and air pipes are not included in the kit and have to be
Please contact us for details.
provided by the customer.

Fig. 2 Mounting to linear actuators to DIN/IEC 534 Fig. 4 Mounting to rotary actuators to VDI/VDE 3845

Fig. 3 Integral mounting to 23/24, 23/25 control valves Fig. 5 Integral mounting to 23/26 control valves

02.99 Page 3 of 16
Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Operating system


With its operating program the intelligent microprocessor-controlled P Alarm limits for minimum and maximum positions
TZID-C positioner is best suited for achieving optimal results - both This parameter is used to define the switching points for the
in terms of rapid and precise control until reaching the set point and minimum and the maximum position.
in terms of a high operational reliability. The activation and adjust-
ment of parameters necessary to achieve this goal is in parts auto-
P Digital input
matic (auto-adjustment) and in parts manual.
With the digital input you can disable or limit configuration
access or directly adjust the actuator by
The total range of parameters includes: holding the current actuator position
P Operating parameters
setting the actuator to the 0% or 100 % position
P Adjustment parameters
P Monitoring parameters
P Diagnostic parameters
Adjustment parameters
The following parameters can be activated and adjusted:
Operating parameters P Valve range 0 ... 100 %
Valve end positions, start of range "0%“ and end of range
The following operating parameters can be activated and
"100 %".
P Effective direction of the actuator
P Signal range
Adjustment to either of the two possible directions:
It can be defined whether the full range of 4 .. 20 mA or a split-
Air to open/spring force to close
range is to be used.
Air to close/spring force to open
P Valve action
P Display 0 ... 100 %
Direct: Signal 4...20 mA/direction 0...100 %
Adjusting the display (0 ... 100 %) to the direction of action for
Reverse: Signal 20...4 mA/direction 0...100 %
opening or closing the valve.
P Control parameters
P Characteristic curve (stroke movemt. = f {pos. signal})
To adapt the TZID-C positioner to the control action of the
valve, the control parameters can be adjusted individually to-
equal percentage 1:25 or 1:50 or 25:1 or 50:1,
achieve optimal control until reaching the set point.
or user-configurable with 20 reference points
The TZID-C positioner has a program for automatic adjustment
of all relevant parameters. The Autoadjust routine can be started
P Tolerance band (sensitivity limit)
by pressing the respective push-buttons on the device’s front
The factory setting of 0.3 % is a typical value, which only has
to be increased in case of very short strokes or high hysteresis
values of the valve. Normaly, the controller automatically opti-
mizes itself during the Autoadjust function.

P Travel limiting
The positioning travel, i.e. the stroke or angle of rotation, can
be reduced as required within the full range of 0...100%,
provided that a minimum value of 20% is observed.

P Shut-off value
This function causes immediate closing of the actuator. The
threshold can be configured.

P Time-out monitoring
This function is used to monitor the time needed to reach the
set point. It triggers an alarm if the unit is not able to adjust the
deviation such that it fits into the tolerance band within the set

P Adjusted speed for full travel 100 %

This function is used to increase the natural speed for control-
ling the full travel until reaching the set point. The speed can
be set independently for each direction.

Page 4 of 16 02.99
Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Operating system

Monitoring parameters Diagnosis parameters

The TZID-C operating system allows for permanent self-monitor- The diagnosis parameters of the TZID-C program inform the op-
ing. The following list gives some examples for errors that are de- erator about the operating conditions of the valve. From this in-
tected and can be indicated: formation the operator can derive which maintenance works are
required, and when. The parameters also provide information
P Watchdog alarm
about the use of the valve and, thus, its possible wear.
P Leakage in the actuator or air pipe from / to it
The following values are determined:
P Signal out of 4 .... 20 mA range
P Number of control actions performed by the valve
P Position out of adjusted range (rotation angle) for position
P Total stroking distance
The diagnosis parameters can only be set externally, i.e. via the
P Positioning time-out (adjustable time parameter)
communication port, by using the special TZID-C configuration
P Limit of stroke counter or travel counter exceeded software.
(limits can be adjusted during diagnosis)
If any of these disturbances occurs, an alarm is generated and in-
dicated as an error code on the built-in LC display, or reported as
a collective alarm via the digital output, which is already provided
by the basic TZID-C version.
Extended monitoring is possible via the communication port. The
most important process variables like the output signal in mA, the
position in %, the deviation and, last not least, troubles occurring
during operation are indicated as plain text in a special line.


The TZID-C positioner operator panel alllows for

P monitoring
P manual control °C
P TZID-C configuration (all operating data, except for the user
configurable characteristic curve with 20 reference points) mA
The operator panel consists of an LC display and four push-but-
tons (see Fig. 6).
The display indicates the following data:
P Current process value or parameter number,
shown by the upper, 4-digit segment display
P Designator / name of indicated parameter or value,
shown by the lower, 8-digit segment display

P TZID-C operating status, indicated by the following symbols

shown on the left hand side of the display
Key symbol Local configuration is disabled.
Control loop Automatic control through the TZID-C
Hand symbol Position is adjusted manually
by actuating the ⇑ and ⇓ push buttons.
conf TZID-C has been changed over to the Fig. 6 TZID-C Operating elements
configuration level, control is interrupted
On the operating level, i.e. while either automatic control is in
progress or the TZID-C is ready for manual position adjustment,
the upper 4-digit 7-segment display indicates the position as a
percentage (0 ... 100 %). If an operating error should occur, the
display changes over to an error code (see "Monitoring parame-
ters" for details).

02.99 Page 5 of 16
Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Communication and special software for remote control and configuration

The TZID-C communication port allows for remote operation,
monitoring and configuration. T Z ID -C

The "HART “ Protocol is used for communication. Signals can
be tapped either locally at the connector or frequency-modulated
at any chosen point of the 4 ... 20 mA signal transmission. Com-
munication is done on line, without impairing operation. New pa-
rameter settings become active immediately after being

downloaded into the device, but have to be stored in the TZID-C
non-volatile memory with a special command.
The following equipment is needed for communication:
P a special connecting device
(LKS adapter or FSK modem)
P an off-the-shelf PC
(meeting special hardware requirements)
Fig. 7 Communication via LKS adapter
P a special software for remote control and configuration
(IBIS or Smart Vision® from H&B)
2 5 0 o h m s

T Z ID -C S o u rc e
LKS adapter as a communication link
The LKS adapter is a connection solution which is both easy to
install and cost-saving. On the TZID-C side, a local communica- T a p a t th e 2 s o c k e ts o n th e F S K m o d e m
tion interface (LKS) is used. On the PC-side, a double sub-D jack T Z ID -C o r a t a n y c h o s e n p o in t
with a 9-pole and a 25-pole connector is used. The connector o f s ig n a l tr a n s m is s io n b e tw e e n
also accommodates an RS-232 interface converter for connec- th e T Z ID -C a n d th e s o u rc e .
tion to the PC.
The TZID-C can be configured via LKS without requiring that a 2 5 0 o h m s
4...20 mA signal is fed to it. As a result, this kind of configuration
can be performed in the workshop prior to commissioning. The T Z ID -C C O N TR A N S I S o u rc e
CPU is powered by the PC.

T a p a t a n y c h o s e n p o in t o f F S K m o d e m
FSK modem as a communication link s ig n a l tra n s m is s io n b e tw e e n th e
is o la tin g a m p lifie r C o n tra n s I a n d th e s o u rc e .
The FSK modem is used to establish digital frequency-modulated (C O N T R A N S I is H A R T ® c o m p a tib le )
communication (Frequency Shift Keying). The digital signal "0"
corresponds to 2.2 kHz, the digital signal "1" to 1.2 kHz. Tapping
is possible at any chosen point of 4...20 mA transmission, i.e.
directly on site at the TZID-C or in a remote place, e.g. at a PLS
T Z ID -C 4 ...2 0 m A C O N TR A N S I 4 ...2 0 m A S o u rc e
in the control room. Frequency-modulated communication re-
quires a circuit with a resistance of at least 250 ohms.
The FSM modem is available in 2 versions: with or without elec-
trical isolation. In conjunction with a special isolating amplifier,
e.g. Contrans I or Contrans I_remote, the modem with electrical T Z ID -C 4 ...2 0 m A C O N TR A N S I 4 ...2 0 m A S o u rc e
isolation is suitable for connection to a bus. Communication is
also possible with an intrinsically safe TZID-C, provided that the
modem itself is placed outside the hazardous area. If these capa- F S K b u s w ith is o la tin g a m p lifie r
bilities are not required, you can also use the cost-saving modem C O N T R A N S I w ith F S K c o n n e c tio n . F S K m o d e m
without electrical isolation (FSM Modem II). For details and tech- (m a x . 2 1 u s e rs )
nical data refer to the data sheets 15-6-97 EN (FSK modem) and
18-0.31 EN (FSK Modem II).


Fig. 8 Communication via "HART®" protocol

and FSK modem

Page 6 of 16 02.99
Data Sheet
TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Communication and special software for remote control and configuration

IBIS Software Smart Vision® Software

The IBIS (Intelligent Broadcasting and Information System) Soft- The Smart Vision® software has the same "look" as "Windows",
ware is a windows-type graphical user interface with user-friendly i.e. it has similar intuitively operable windows, and commands
and intuitively operable standardized windows. IBIS offers com- can be entered in the same way. Everybody who is familiar with
fortable functions for configuring, monitoring and diagnosing the "Windows" can easily work with Smart Vision® as well, without
TZD-C positioner. referring to a user’s guide.
You can install and call up IBIS in different languages, select the The Smart Vision® communication software can be used with all
communication interface as required, and protect access with a HART-compatible devices from Hartmann & Braun and from
password. IBIS is controlled via a mouse or keyboard. Context- Bailey-Fischer & Porter. Due to its open structure, Smart Vision®
sensitive online help can be called up for all menu items by press- allows communication with other devices as well. Defined com-
ing the < F1 > key. mands can be realized easily by using available tools, and with-
Please contact us for details. out requiring major efforts.
Please contact us for details.
Hardware requirements Hardware requirements
Computer PC/Notebook for DOS or WINDOWS Computer PC/Notebook for WINDOWS
(IBM compatible) 386 or higher (IBM-compatible) 486 or higher
Operating system Microsoft DOS 3.2 or higher Operating system Microsoft WINDOWS 3.1 or higher
Microsoft WINDOWS 3.1 or higher Microsoft WINDOWS 95 or higher
RAM at least 640 Kbytes (580 Kbytes free) Microsoft WINDOWS NT
for DOS Hard disk at least 2 Mbytes free memory
at least 4 Mbytes for WINDOWS
RAM at least 500 Kbytes free memory
Graphics card CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules for DOS
VGA for WINDOWS Disk drive 3 1/2“, 1.44 Mbytes or CD ROM

Hard disk Interface RS 232 C for communication

Disk drive 3 1/2“, 1.44 Mbytes

Monitor monochrome, color or LCD
Interface RS 232 C for communication
CENTRONICS for printer (optional)

Fig. 9 Typical IBIS window

Fig. 10 Typical Smart Vision® window

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Technical data

Input Transmission data and influences

Signal range Direction (output signal or pressure in the actuator)
Nominal range 4...20 mA Increasing: Increasing signal 4...20 mA
Split range configurable between 20...100 % of nominal Increasing pressure y1 in the actuator
range Decreasing: Increasing signal 4...20 mA
Two-wire circuitry Decreasing pressure y1 in the actuator
Supply voltage 8.7 V DC without expl. protection Valve action
9.7 V DC intrinsically safe Direct: Signal 4...20 mA = position 0...100 %
Resistance 435 ohms at 20 mA and 8.7 V DC Reverse: Signal 20...4 mA = position 0...100 %
485 ohms at 20 mA and 9.7 V DC Characteristic curve (travel = f signal)
Digital input linear, equal percentage 1:25 or 1:50 or 25:1 or 50:1
Control voltage 12 ... 24 V DC and freely configurable with 20 reference points
Current max. 4 mA Characteristic deviation
Output < 0.5 %
Range Tolerance band (sensitivity limit)
0...6 bar (0...90 psi) 0.3...10 %, adjustable
Air capacity Resolution (A/D conversion)
at supply pressure of 1.4 bar (20 psi) > 4000 steps
5.0 kg/h = 3.9 Nm3/h = 2.3 scfm Sample rate
at supply pressure of 6 bar (90 psi) 20 msec
13 kg/h = 10 Nm3/h = 6.0 scfm Influence of ambient temperature
(Booster, increases air capacity, available on request) < 0.5 % for every 10 K change in temperature
Function Influence of vibration
for single or double acting actuators, air is vented from + 1% up to 10 g and 20 ... 80 Hz
actuator or actuator is blocked in case of an electrical power Seismic requirements
failure Meets requirements of DIN/IEC 68-3-3 Class III for strong
Shut-off value and strongest earthquakes
Range 0...20 % of positioning signal Influence of mounting position
(if the value falls below the set value, the positioner immedi- No effect
ately moves the actuator to the closing position)
Meets the following requirements
Digital output (control current circuit to DIN 19234) EMC regulation 89/336/CEE as of May 1989
Control voltage 5 ... 11 VDC EC regulation for the CE conformity mark
Current < 1.2 mA Logical "0"
Current > 2.1 mA Logical "1"
HART protocol
Effective direction: Normally logical "0" or logical "1"
(configurable) Communication link via
Connector for LKS adapter (standard)
FSK modem for frequency shift keying (optional)
Angle of rotation
Environmental capabilities
Used range 25 ... 120 °
Ambient temperature
Adjusted speed
-30 to +85 °C
Range 0...200 sec, individually configurable for each
for operation, storage and transport
Relative humidity
Time-out monitoring
< 75 % (95 % for a short time), non-condensing
Range 0...200 sec (monitoring parameter for control until the
deviation is within the tolerance band) Explosion Protection
Travel limiting II 2G EEx ib II C T6
Min. and max. limits, EEC Type Examination Certificate TÜV 98 ATEX 1370 X
freely configurable within 0...100 % of the total travel Case
Air supply Material/surface
Instrument air Aluminum, protection IP 65 (NEMA 4X)
free of oil, water and dust to DIN/ISO 8573-1 Bottom part of case varnished black, RAL 9005, matt,
pollution and oil contents according to Class 3 Cover white aluminum RAL 9006
dew point 10 K below operating temperature Electrical connections
Supply pressure Screw terminals, internal, for CSA of 2.5 mm2
1.4...6 bar (20...90 psi) Cable entry
Caution: Do not exceed the maximum operating pressure of 2 threads Pg. 13.5 or 1/2-14 NPT
the actuator! 1 with cable gland and 1 with pipe plug
Air consumption Pneumatic connections
< 0.03 kg/h (0.08 scfm), independent of the supply pressure Threads G 1/4 or 1/4-18 NPT
Weight: 1.7 kg
Mounting position: as required
Dimensions: see dimensional drawings

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TZID-C Positioner
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Plug-in module for analog position feedback 1) Kit for mechanical position indicator
Signal range 4 ... 20 mA (split ranges configurable) Indicator disk, directly mounted on the feedback shaft.
Two-wire circuitry, power supply 10...30 V DC Kit for digital position feedback 2)
Valve action direct or reverse (configurable) 2 proximity switches for min. and max. position
Characteristic deviation < 1 % (switching points adjustable within a range of 0 ... 100 %)
(the module can be configured for alarm reporting through Current circuit to DIN 19234
modulation of the output signal to < 4 mA or > 20 mA) Control voltage 5 ... 11 V DC
Control current < 1 mA= switching state logical "0"
Plug-in module for digital position feedback 1)
Control current > 3 mA= switching state logical "1"
2 switches for the min. and max. positions
(works independently of the positioner software and
(switching points programmable within a range of 0 ... 100 %)
Current circuits to DIN 19234
Direction of action (logical state):
Control voltage 5 ... 11 V DC
Control current < 1.2 mA= switching state logical "0" Proximity switch Position
Control current > 2.1 mA= switching state logical "1" < min. > min. < max. > max.
Effective direction: normally logical "0" or logical "1" SJ2-SN (NC) 0 1 1 0
SJ2-S1N (NO) 1 0 0 1
) A separate slot is available for each module. Both
modules can be plugged in at the same time. ) The "digital position feedback" option is directly actuated
The modules can be added at a later time to extend by the rotating shaft of the TZID-C and can only be used
the TZID functionality. together with the mechanical position indicator described
This option can also be added at a later time to extend the
TZID-C functionality.


Mounting material PC adapter for communication

Attachment kit for linear actuators to DIN/IEC 534 LKS adapter for connector on TZID-C
(lateral attachment to Namur)
FSK modem for frequency shift keying
Attachment kit for rotary actuators to VDI/VDE 3845
PC software for remote configuration and operation
Attachment kit for integral mounting to 23/24, 23/25 and
IBIS for TZID-C/WINDOWS 3 1/2“ disk
23/26 valves
 1
Smart Vision (Standard ) 3 1/2“ disk
Attachment kit for actuator-specific attachment upon request
Smart Vision (Standard 1) CD ROM
Pressure gage block
) Version for LKS adapter and FSK modem
With pressure gages for supply and output pressure,
Pressure gages with plastic case ∅ 28 mm, Isolating amplifier for signal range 0/4...20 mA
with aluminum connection block, varnished black
Contrans I or Contrans I_remote
inclusive of mounting material for attachment to TZID-C.
(see separate data sheets for details)
Filter regulator
All metal version, brass varnished black
Bronze filter element, 40 µm, with condensate drain
Max. pre-pressure 16 bar, output adjustable to 1.4...6 bar

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TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN
Ordering information
Catalog number
TZID-C positioner V18345-
electro-pneumatic, configurable
with indicator and operator panel
Case made of aluminum, varnished, protection IP 65 (NEMA 4X)
For mounting to linear actuators acc. to DIN/IEC 534 1
or to rotary actuators acc. to VDI/VDE 3845
As above, but with mechanical position indicator 2
For integral mounting to control valves 23/24, 23/25 and 23/26 3
As above, but with mechanical position indicator 4
For actuator-specific mounting (please specify actuator) 9
Special mounting material as specified under
"Accessories" is required.
Place-marker 0
Input/communication port
Input 4 ... 20 mA, two-wire
With connector plug for LKS adapter 1
With connector plug for LKS adapter and
FSK module for frequency shift keying 2
Explosion protection
Without 0
II 2 G EEx ib II C T6 1
Explosion protection certificate upon special agreement
Output/safe position
Singel acting
Air is evacuated from actuator in case of an electrical power failure 1
Actuator is blocked in case of an electrical power failure 2
Double acting
Air is evacuated from actuator in case of an electrical power failure 4
Actuator is blocked in case of an electrical power failure 5
Cable: Thread Pg. 13.5 Air pipe: Thread G 1/4 1
Cable: Thread 1/2-14 NPT Air pipe: Thread 1/4-18 NPT 2
Cable: Thread Pg.13.5 Air pipe: Thread 1/4-18 NPT 3
Option modules for analog or digital position feedback
Without 0
Plug-in module for analog position feedback, signal range 4...20 mA, two-wire 1
digital feedback of minimum and maximum position 3
analog position feedback, signal range 4...20 mA, two wire
and digital feedback of minimum and maximum position 5
Mechanical kit (proximity switches) for digital position feedback (option)
Without 0
Mechanical kit for digital feedback of minimum and maximum position 1)
With proximity switches SJ2-SN (NC or logical 1) 1
With proximity switches SJ2 - S1N (NO or logical 0) 3
) only for basic model with mechanical position indicator
Place-marker 0
Design (varnish/coding)
Standard 1
As specified (on request)
The modules for analog and digital position feedback and the kit for digital position feedback are identical for the positioner with or without
explosion protection. Use explosion-proof positioners in hazardous areas. Using other positioners in these areas is prohibited.

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TZID-C Positioner
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Mounting material and cost Catalog number
Mounting kit for linear actuators (lateral attachment to DIN/IEC 534/Namur)
Stroke 10 ... 35 mm 18391 - 7959125
Stroke 25 ... 90 mm 18391 - 7959126
Mounting kit for integral mounting to
23/24 + 23/25 contr. valve DN 15 up to DN 100, stroke 10 ... 35 mm 18391 - 7959106
DN 125 and DN 150, stroke 25 ... 65 mm 18391 - 7959107
23/26 contr. valve DN 25 up to DN 100, stroke 25 ... 35 mm 18391 - 7959108
DN 125 and DN 162, stroke 25 ... 65 mm 18391 - 7959109
Mounting kit for rotary actuator VDI/VDE 3845,
consisting of 2 items:
1) Adapter (shaft coupler) 18391 - 7959110
2) Mounting bracket, dimensions A/B = 80/20 mm 18391 - 0319603
A/B = 80/30 mm 18391 - 0319604
A/B = 130/30 mm 18391 - 0319605
A/B = 130/50 mm 18391 - 0319606
Mounting cost, including mounting material and adjustment work
For attachment to linear actuators to DIN/IEC 534
or to rotary actuators to VDI/VDE 3845
External tubing with Plastic tube 18391 - 0319628
Copper pipe 18391 - 0319629
Stainless steel pipe 18391 - 0319630
For integrated mounting to 23/24, 23/25 or 23/26 control valves
Internal tubing 18391 - 0319627
External tubing with Copper pipe 18391 - 79590151)
Stainless steel pipe 18391 - 79590161)
) External tubing only for 23/24 and 23/25 control valve with
"air to close/spring to open" action, otherwise internal tubing only.

Pressure gage block Catalog number

Pressure gage block, including mounting material
For single acting TZID-C, with 2 pressure gages Ø 28 mm
(1 for supply pressure and 1 for output pressure)
Connections G 1/4 Supply pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi
Output pressure range 0...4 bar/0...60 psi 18381 - 7959111
Output pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi 18381 - 7959112
Connections 1/4-18 NPT Supply pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi
Output pressure range 0...4 bar/0...60 psi 18381 - 7959113
Output pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi 18381 - 7959114
For double acting TZID-C, with 3 pressure gages Ø 28 mm
(1 for supply pressure and 2 for output pressure)
Connections G 1/4 Supply pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi
Output pressure range 0...4 bar/0...60 psi 18381 - 7959115
Output pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi 18381 - 7959116
Connections 1/4-18 NPT Supply pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi
Output pressure range 0...4 bar/0...60 psi 18381 - 7959117
Output pressure range 0...10 bar/0...140 psi 18381 - 7959118
(Pressure gage blocks are delivered as separate units for mounting by the customer)

Filter regulator Catalog number

Brass filter regulator, including material for mounting to pressure gauge block
Connections G 1/4 18381 - 7959119
1/4-18 NPT 18381 - 7959120
(Filter regulators are delivered as separate units for mounting by the customer)

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TZID-C Positioner
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PC adapter for communication Catalog number
and software for remote control and configuration via a PC
LKS adapter 18389 - 0319621
FSK modem, standard (with electrical isolation) 18389 - 0319622
FSK-Modem II (without electrical isolation) 18931 - 0319237
IBIS for TZID-C/Windows as 3 1/2" disk 18395 - 7959149
Smart Vision® (standard) as 3 1/2" disk Data Sheet 60-1.30
Smart Vision ® (standard) as CD ROM Data Sheet 60-1.30

Option modules (can be added later) Catalog number

Plug-in module for analog position feedback, signal range 4...20 mA, 2-wire 18391 - 7959128
Plug-in module for digital feedback with minimum and maximum position 18391 - 7959129
Kit for Mechanical position indicator 18391 - 7959130
(including special cover with sight glass)
Kit for Mechanical position indicator
(including special cover with sight glass) and
digital feedback of minimum and maximum position
with proximity switch SJ2 - SN (NC or logical 1) 18391 - 7959131
SJ2 - S1N (NO or logical 0) 18391 - 7959132
Kit for digital feedback of minimum and maximum position 2)
with proximity switch SJ2 - SN (NC or logical 1) 18391 - 7959133
SJ2 - S1N (NO or logical 0) 18391 - 7959134
) Only fits in basic model with mechanical position indicator.

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TZID-C Positioner
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Wiring diagrams

+31 -32

+41 -42
+51 -52
+41 -42
+51 -52



Fig. 11 Electrical connections

Terminal assignment

+ 11 - 12 + 81 - 82 + 83 - 84
+ 31 - 32

4 … 20 mA On Off
Digital signal 4 … 20 mA

Fig. 12 Basic model Fig. 14 Plug-in module for analog position feedback

Limit 1 Limit 2

+ 51 - 52 + 41 - 42
+ 51 - 52 + 41 - 42

Max. Min.
Max. Min.

Fig. 13 Plug-in module for digital position feedback Fig. 15 Mechanical kit for digital position feedback

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Dimensional drawings

23 50
M8 3


Elsag Bailey
Hartmann & Braun
Process Automation SENSYCON

Air outlet

172 107 M6

Front view Rear view

1 G ¼ or NPT ¼
14.5 92 9


M 12x1






PG 13.5 or NPT ½ 14 29 IN 10 M5

Side view (left) Side view (right)


30 or 53
45 - 75



*) Dimensions A and B depend on rotary actuator

Mounting to linear actuators to DIN/IEC 534 Mounting to rotary actuators to VDI/VDE 3845

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18-0.22 EN
Dimensional drawings

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TZID-C Positioner
18-0.22 EN

Hackethalstr. 7 · D-30179 Hannover · Phone +49 511 6782-0 · Fax +49 511 6782-406
GmbH & Co. KG PO Box: Postfach 229 · D-30002 Hannover

Subject to technical changes Printed in the Fed. Rep. of Germany 10/18-0.22 EN 02.99 Han
Direct Operated
Core Disc
* ASCO Solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC Directives
* Three way solenoid valves with orifice and pipe connections in valve body
* Valves are designed to handle relatively high pressure 3-way applications
* Valves do not require a minimum operating pressure

Differential pressure 0 - 55 bar [ 1 bar = 100 kPa]
Maximum viscosity 65 cSt [ mm 2/s ]
Response times 5 - 25 ms

fluids (*) temperature range (TS) seal materials (*)

-20 °C to + 90 °C NBR (nitrile / buna-n)
air, inert gas, water, oil
-20 °C to + 40 °C UR (cast urethane)


(*) Ensure that the compatibility of the fluids in contact with the materials is verified
Valve Parts in Contact with Fluids
Body Brass 303 / 316 Stainless Steel
Seals and Discs NBR or Cast UR, as Listed
Core Tube 305 Stainless Steel
Core and Plugnut 430F Stainless Steel
Core Springs 302 Stainless Steel
Shading Coil Copper Silver
Disc-Holder CA (Acetal)
Core Guid CA (Acetal)

Watt Rating and Power Spare Coil Part No.
Standard Coil DC AC General Purpose Explosion Proof
and Class Watts Watts VA VA AC DC AC DC
of Insulation Holding Inrush
F 10.6 6.1 16 30 238210 238310 238214 238314
F - 9.1 25 40 238210 - 238214 -
F 11.6 10.1 25 50 238610 238710 238614 238714
F - 17.1 40 70 238610 - 238614 -
* Standard Voltage : 24, 120, 240, 480 volts, AC, 60Hz (or 110, 220 volts, AC, 50Hz) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE
6, 12, 24, 120, 240 volts, DC Norminal Temp. AC : -4°F to125°F [-20°C to 52°C]
* Voltage ranges : 15% under nominal voltage and 10% over nominal voltage DC : -4°F to104°F [-20°C to 40°C]
* Special coil are required for battery charging circuits where wider voltage ranges are Maximum Temp. F Class coil : 167°F [ 75°C ]
typically encountered. For these application, special continuous duty Class H coil are H Class coil : 212°F [ 100°C ]
available that will accommodate a voltage range equivalent to 12% over, 28% under norminal
and a 60°C ambient. (ex : 125VDC translate to a voltage range of 90-140 Add prefix " HC ") * Refer to Engineering Section for details

Standard : Watertight, Types 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4, and 4X
Available Feature : NEMA 7 & 9 EEx d EEx em

prefix description suffix
J K P F class coil and Watertight with Junction Box 4 & 4X V T  
J K F F class coil and Watertight with Junction Box 4 & 4X Viton Teflon  
J K B H class coil and Watertight with Junction Box 4 & 4X 

J K H H class coil and Watertight with Junction Box 4 & 4X
H T H class coil and Watertight 4 & 4X
H B H class coil and Watertight 4 & 4X
H C H class coil and Watertight 4 & 4X 125VDC
E F F class coil / Explosionproof-NEMA 7 & 9
J B E F F class coil / Explosionproof-NEMA 7 & 9 with Junction Box
J B E F H T H Class coil / Explosionproof-NEMA 7 & 9 with Junction Box
J B E F H B H Class coil / Explosionproof-NEMA 7 & 9 with Junction Box
J B E F H C H Class coil / Explosionproof-NEMA 7 & 9 with Junction Box
8320 4
Specifications (English units)

Operating Pressure Differential (psi) Max. Watt Rating/

Fluid Class of Coil
Max. AC Max. DC Temp. ˚F Brass Body Stainless Steel Body Insulation ➁

Pipe Orifice Cv Lt. Oil Lt. Oil

Size Size Flow Air-Inert @ 300 Air-Inert @ 300 Catalog Constr. Catalog Constr.
(ins.) (ins.) Factor Gas Water SSU Gas Water SSU AC DC Number Ref. No. Number Ref. No. AC DC
UNIVERSAL OPERATION (Pressure at any port)

1/8 3/64 .06 175 175 175 125 125 125 140 120 8320G130 ➀ 1 8320G140 ➀ 1 9.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/16 .09 100 100 100 65 65 65 180 120 8320G1 1 8320G41 1 9.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 3/32 .12 50 50 50 50 50 50 180 120 8320G83 1 8320G87 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/8 .21 30 30 30 20 20 20 180 120 8320G3 1 8320G43 1 9.1/F 10.6/F
1/4 1/16 .09 125 130 130 75 75 75 200 150 8320G172 2 -- -- 10.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 3/32 .12 100 100 100 60 60 60 200 150 8320G174 2 8320G200 3 17.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 1/8 .25 50 50 50 25 25 25 200 150 8320G176 2 8320G201 3 17.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 11/64 .35 20 20 20 12 12 12 200 150 8320G178 2 -- -- 10.1/F 11.6/F

NORMALLY CLOSED (Closed when de-energized)

1/8 3/64 .06 200 200 200 200 200 200 180 120 8320G132 1 8320G142 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/16 .09 150 125 125 125 125 125 180 120 8320G13 1 8320G45 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 3/32 .12 100 100 100 100 100 100 180 120 8320G15 1 8320G47 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/8 .21 40 40 40 40 40 40 180 120 8320G17 1 8320G49 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/4 1/16 .09 210 225 225 160 160 160 200 150 8320G182 2 -- -- 17.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 3/32 .12 150 150 150 115 115 115 200 150 8320G184 2 8320G202 3 10.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 1/8 .25 85 85 85 60 60 60 200 150 8320G186 2 8320G203 3 10.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 11/64 .35 45 45 45 25 25 25 200 150 8320G188 2 -- -- 10.1/F 11.6/F

NORMALLY OPEN (Open when de-energized)

1/8 3/64 .06 200 200 200 200 200 200 180 120 8320G136 1 8320G146 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/16 .09 150 125 125 125 125 125 180 120 8320G27 1 8320G51 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 3/32 .12 100 100 100 100 100 100 180 120 8320G29 1 8320G53 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/8 1/8 .21 40 40 40 40 40 40 180 120 8320G31 1 8320G55 1 6.1/F 10.6/F
1/4 1/16 .09 250 250 250 160 160 160 200 150 8320G192 2 -- -- 17.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 3/32 .12 150 140 140 100 100 100 200 150 8320G194 2 8320G204 3 10.1./F 11.6/F
1/4 1/8 .25 70 70 70 55 55 55 200 150 8320G196 2 8320G205 3 10.1/F 11.6/F
1/4 11/64 .35 40 40 40 30 30 30 200 150 8320G198 2 -- -- 10.1/F 11.6/F
Notes: ➀ Supplied with cast UR disc.
➁ On 50 hertz service, the watt rating for the 6.1/F solenoid is 8.1 watts; the watt rating for the 9.1/F solenoid is 11.1 watts.
* Compliance with " UL ", " CSA " and other local approvals on request
* 3/4" NPT conduit avaiable for Explosion proof Junction Box [ "JCEF" ]
* Special moulded-in solid state components for peak voltage suppression and/or rectification [ four diode bridge ]
* 72" long lead wire is available on request
* Mounting Bracket is available on request [ "MB" ]

* Multi language installation / maintenance instructions are included with each valve
* The solenoid valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation
* Declarations of conformity is available on request


TYPE 01 8320G174
General Solenoid HT 8320G174
Basic power HB 8320G174 
Epoxy encapsulated EF 8320G174 
Type 4 and 4X J KP 8320G174
J KB 8320G174
JB EF 8320G174
JD EF HT 8320G174
General Solenoid with Junction Box prefix
Prefix " JKP, JKF, JKB and JKH " basic number
Basic power  
Epoxy encapsulated
Type 4 and 4X

Prefix "EF" for Explosion Proof
Basic power
Epoxy encapsulated
Type 4X, 7 and 9

Prefix "JBEF" Solenoid for Explosion Proof with Junction Box
Basic power
Epoxy encapsulated
Type 4X, 7 and 9
8320 4
Dimensions: inches (mm)
Constr. Ref. 1

Constr. Ref. 2
De-Energized Energized

3 3
2 2 1

Normally Closed
De-Energized Energized

Constr. Ref. 3
3 2 3 1
2 1
Cyl. Cyl.
Press. Press.

Exh. Exh.

Normally Open
De-Energized Energized

3 *
2 1 3 1
Exh. Cyl.
Explosion Proof

4 Junction Box
for Hazardous Locations

• Junction Box Enclosure for the wiring of ASCO
solenoids are Rain-tight Type 3 and 3S, Water-tight
Type 4 and 4X, Submersible Type 6 and 6P, Explosion
proof Class 7, Class I,Groups B, C, and D Dust-Ignition
proof Type 9, Class II, Div. I, Groups E, F and G,
Nonincendive Class I, Div. II (1.4 watts only).
• Approvals: UL, CSA.

• Electrostatic powder paint, stainless steel screws,

and molded epoxy coils provide excellent
protection in corrosion environments.
• Factory pre-wired and assembled to any
explosion proof ASCO Red-Hat II solenoid valve.
• Reduces installation costs by eliminating the need
to use a separate explosion proof splice box to
terminate the solenoid valve’s wiring.
Stainless Steel
Captive Screws

Materials of Construction Captive

Housing & Cover Epoxy painted die cast aluminum

Gasket Buna-N
Cover Screws Stainless Steel Powder
Coil Epoxy Molded Aluminum
Housing &
Ground Screws Steel Cover
Terminal Block Plastic

Lock Nut Zinc

2 pt. Terminal Strip
Ground screws

Standard Voltages AC: 24, 120, 240, 480 volts, 60 Hz Ordering Information
or (110, 220 volts, 50 Hz) Add prefix corresponding to specific conduit size
DC: 6, 12, 24, 120, 240 required to any Red-Hat II valve catalog numbers &
specify the voltage. Example JBEF8210G095, 120/60.
(Valves with JBEF housing maintain wattage and current
ratings as shown on individual catalog sheets.)
Conduit Sizes 1/2" NPT JBEF Prefix (Standard)
3/4" NPT UL & CSA
JCEF Prefix (Optional)
M20 JDEF Prefix (Optional)

10.061 R2
4 Junction Box

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Replavement Coil Kits

Kit Number Size (watts) Voltage
278000-032 6.1 120/60
278000-132 9.1 120/60
278001-006 10.6 24DC
278012-032 10.1 120/60
278012-132 17.1 120/60
278013-006 11.6 24/DC
278024-032 20.1 120/60

10.062 R2
WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 SERIES

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.6 Operation Logic ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.7 Dimension (WVC-200 / 205) .…………………………………………………………………… 6
2.8 Dimension (WVC-220 / 225) ……………………………………………………………………. 6
3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3.2 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 Installation ………………………………………………………… 7
3.3 Adjustment ………….……………………………………………………………………………… 7
4. Maintenance .…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

2 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Weir International Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully
inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.
Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Weir International
Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 The manual should be provided to the end-user.
 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this
 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in
product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately
but until the following revision of the manual.
 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior
approval from Weir International Co., Ltd, South Korea.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any
alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications
are necessary, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd directly.
 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for
one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.
 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,
accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,
lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the
documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,
tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of
God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly
performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.
 For detailed warranty information, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd – South

3 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

2. Product Description

2.1 General
Air filter regulator, WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225, receives the main supply air pressure and
supplies to the desirable level of pressure to a positioner or other pneumatically operating

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 Maintains desirable pressure level, regardless of fluctuation of the main supply pressure.
 5 micron filters any particles in the main supply pressure.
 Relief function is available which discharges to the atmosphere, if the output pressure is
higher than setting pressure.
 Aluminum or stainless steel 316 body enclosure is available.
 Manual or Auto draining is available.

2.3 Label Description

Fig. 1: WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 Body Label

A. Model: Indicates the model number
B. Air Connection.: Indicates connection thread type.
C. Max Supply.: Indicates maximum supply pressure level.
D. Adjust Range: Indicates adjusting range of the pressure level.
E. Product No.: Indicates the lot number.

4 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

2.4 Product Number

2.5 Product Specification

Model WVC-200 WVC-220 WVC-205 WVC-225

Max Supply Pressure 1.7 MPa (17 bar)

Max Out Pressure 0.42 MPa (A Type) ; 0.84 MPa (B Type)

Air Connection PT(NPT) 1/4 PT(NPT) 1/2 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/2

Gauge Connection PT(NPT) 1/4 PT(NPT) 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4

Standard Temp. :-20~70℃

Ambient Temperature High Option Temp. : -20~120℃

Low Option Temp: -40~70℃

Min. Filtering Size 5 micron

Material Aluminum Diecasting Stainless Steel 316

Weight 0.6kg (1.7lb) 0.9kg (1.9lb) 1.4kg (3.0lb) 2.1kg (4.6lb)

5 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Weir International Co., Ltd for detailed testing

2.6 Operation Logic

Air pressure is being supplied to the output port as adjust bolt is being turned clock-wise
which will push the diaphragm. Pushed down diaphragm will disconnects the disc from the
stem. The set pressure level stays by transferring pressure to lower diaphragm, which will
result in balancing the adjust spring. In case of higher pressure than set level, the pressure
pushes diaphragm and pressure is released through the hole on the spring case.

2.7 Dimension (WVC-200 / 205)

2.8 Dimension (WVC-220 / 225)

6 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

3. Installation

3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
 Check unit’s specification and ensure to be used as specified.
 Ensure the air quality is clean and dry.
 Please operate the unit within the specified range of the air pressure level. If exceed,
the product can be damaged and may result in result damages and accident.
 After the pressure level is adjusted, please make sure that the adjust bolt is completely

3.2 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 Installation

WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 can be installed with or without a bracket depending on the field
requirement. Please refer to WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 dimensions to make appropriate
bracket, if required.

3.3 Adjustment
1) Before supply main air pressure to the product, please turn the adjusting bolt in counter-
clockwise, so the ring is not being pushed.
2) Install a pressure gauge on the secondary pressure output port to monitor the pressure
level constantly. The pressure gauge indicates the primary pressure that is being
output from the product.
3) Block output port and pressure gauge port with ball-valve type or other type of fitting and
supply primary pressure to input port.

7 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

4) When secondary pressure reaches at the set level, please fasten the adjust bolt.

4. Maintenance

4.1 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 require regular maintenance. Please refer to below repair kit
part list. It is suggested to replace all parts at the same time to guarantee the life cycle of
the product.
4.1.1 Repair kit
 Upper diaphragm assembly: 1 each
 Lower diaphragm: 1 each
4.1.2 Draining condensed water
 When draining out condensed water, the main supply pressure to the product must be
shut down completely or adjust the pressure level of 1kgf/cm2 or below.
 Slowly open drain plug to drain condensed water.
 After the draining, please close the drain plug.
4.1.3 Replacing the filter case and parts.
 When replacing the filter case or any parts, the main supply pressure to the product
must be shut down completely or adjust the pressure level of 1kgf/cm2 or below.
 Release the lock nut on the adjust bolt, and rotate the adjust bolt counter-clockwise to
lower the setting pressure.
 Open drain plug on filter case to drain condensed water and close.
 Unscrew the bolts on the filter case in diagonal order.
 Replace the filter, o-ring, and stem.
 Screw the bolts on the filter case in diagonal order.
 Unscrew 6 bolts on the spring case in diagonal order.
 Replace the diaphragm assembly.
 Screw the bolts on the spring case in diagonal order. Please make sure not to
damage the diaphragm when screwing.
 After the part replacement, please re-set the air pressure at the desired level.

Homepage :

User Manual and other information on the documents are subjected to change without any notice. Please
visit website for most updated information. Printed Date: JAN.2014

8 WVC-200 / 205 / 220 / 225 series

WVC-300 / 305 SERIES


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.6 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.7 Operation Logic ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.8 Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3.2 WVC-300/305 Installation ………………………………………………………………………… 7
3.3 Installation Example ……………………………………………………………………………… 8
4. Maintenance .…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
5. Trouble-Shooting ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2 WVC-300 / 305 series

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Weir International Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully
inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.
Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Weir International
Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 The manual should be provided to the end-user.
 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this
 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in
product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately
but until the following revision of the manual.
 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior
approval from Weir International Co., Ltd, South Korea.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any
alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications
are necessary, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd directly.
 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for
one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.
 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,
accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,
lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the
documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,
tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of
God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly
performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.
 For detailed warranty information, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd – South

3 WVC-300 / 305 series

2. Product Description

2.1 General
Volume booster relay, WVC-300 / WVC-305, is used in pneumatic control valve which
receives the output signal from positioned and supply air pressure to actuator to reduce
opening and closing time of the valve.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 Constant air pressure at the ratio of 1:1
 By-pass control enhances safety of the control valve operation.
 Response to slight changes in input signal, which increases accuracy of the output
pressure to actuator.
 Internal 100 mesh screen filters small dust entering into the product.

2.3 Label Description

Fig. 1: WVC-300 / 305 Body Label

A. Model: Indicates the model number
B. Max. Sup.: Indicates maximum supply pressure range.
C. Max Sig/Out Press.: Indicates maximum signal / output level.
D. Product No.: Indicates the lot number.

2.4 Product Number

4 WVC-300 / 305 series

2.5 Product Specification
Model WVC-300 WVC-305

Max Supply Pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)

Max Sig. / Out Pressure 0.7 MPa (7 bar)

In / Output Pressure Ratio 1 : 1

Flow Capacity Output 1.02

(Cv) Exhaust 0.86

In / Out Connection PT / NPT 1/2 NPT 1/2

Signal Connection PT / NPT 1/4

Linearity + / - 1 % F.S.

Standard Temp. :-20~70℃

Ambient Temperature High Option Temp. : -20~120℃

Low Option Temp: -40~70℃

Material Aluminum Stainless Steel 316

Weight 0.5 kg 1.3 kg

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Weir International Co., Ltd for detailed testing

2.6 Parts and Assembly

5 WVC-300 / 305 series

2.7 Operation Logic

As supply pressure from regulator is connected to supply port and signal pressure is
3 ) and diaphragm assembly will get pushed
connected to supply port, upper diaphragm (○
down. As they are being pushed down, they push stem (○
7 ) and supply pressure will be

exhausted to output port. As output and supply pressure is equalized, stem (○

7 ) will be

moved to keep signal and output pressure the ratio of 1:1. If output pressure is higher than
signal pressure, diaphragm assembly will be raised, and output pressure in the exhaust ring
4 ) will be exhausted through exhaust port. The sensitivity of output pressure to signal

pressure can be adjusted by setting adjust bolt (○

1 ).

2.8 Dimension

6 WVC-300 / 305 series

3. Installation

3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
 Check unit’s specification and ensure to use as specified.
 Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.
 Ensure to use filter regulator.
 Use manometer to monitor the pressure level when setting the pressure level.

3.2 WVC-300 / 305 Installation

WVC-300 / 305 can be installed with or without a bracket depending on the field requirement.
Please refer to WVC-300 / 305 dimension to build appropriate bracket, if required.

7 WVC-300 / 305 series

3.3 Installation Example

Double acting linear actuator

Single acting rotary actuator

8 WVC-300 / 305 series

4. Maintenance

4.1 WVC-300/305 requires regular maintenance. Please refer to below repair kit part list. It is
suggested to replace all three parts at the same time to guarantee the life cycle of the
 Upper diaphragm assembly: 1 each
 Lower diaphragm: 1 each

5. Trouble-Shooting
Please follow trouble-shooting when the product is not functioning properly.
 No valve response to signal to a positioner.
 Please check if supply pressure is stable from regulator to positioner and/or to
volume booster.
 Please check if air pressure is being exhausted from positioner’s exhaust port.
 Please check if signal and exhaust ports of the volume booster are being cleared.
 Unstable valve operation when signal has been sent to a positioner.
 Please reduce valve packing and/or valve friction level.
 Please check current actuator size and check if volume booster size is suitable.
 Hunting occurs when signal has been sent to a positioner.
 Please reduce valve packing and/or valve friction level.
 Please check current actuator size and check if volume booster size is suitable.
 Please turn adjust screw counter-clockwise to reduce sensitivity.
 Slow valve operation after installing a volume booster.
 Please check if regulator pressure is too low.
 Please check if supply piping to the actuator has been blocked or clogged.
 Please check if there is any leakage.
 Please turn adjust screw clockwise to enhance sensitivity.

Homepage :

User Manual and other information on the documents are subjected to change without any notice. Please

visit website for most updated information. Printed Date: JAN.2014

9 WVC-300 / 305 series

WVC-320 / 325 SERIES


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.6 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.7 Operation Logic ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.8 Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3.2 WVC-320/325 Installation ……………………………………………………………………………
3.3 Installation Example ……………………………………………………………………………… 8
4. Maintenance .…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
5. Trouble-Shooting ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2 WVC-320 / 325 series

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Weir International Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully
inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.
Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Weir International
Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 The manual should be provided to the end-user.
 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this
 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in
product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately
but until the following revision of the manual.
 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior
approval from Weir International Co., Ltd, South Korea.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any
alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications
are necessary, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd directly.
 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for
one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.
 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,
accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,
lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the
documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,
tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of
God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly
performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.
 For detailed warranty information, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd – South

3 WVC-320 / 325 series

2. Product Description

2.1 General
Volume booster relay, WVC-310 / WVC-315, is used in pneumatic control valve which
receives the output signal from positioned and supply air pressure to actuator to reduce
opening and closing time of the valve.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 Constant air pressure at the ratio of 1:1
 By-pass control enhances safety of the control valve operation.
 Response to slight changes in input signal, which increases accuracy of the output
pressure to actuator.
 Internal 100 mesh screen filters small dust entering into the product.
 SIL 3 certified

2.3 Label Description

Fig. 1: WVC-320/ 325 Body Label

A. Model: Indicates the model number
B. Max. Sup.: Indicates maximum supply pressure range.
C. Max Sig/Out Press.: Indicates maximum signal / output level.
D. Product No.: Indicates the lot number.

2.4 Product Number

4 WVC-320 / 325 series

2.5 Product Specification
Model WVC-320 WVC-325

Max Supply Pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)

Max Sig. / Out Pressure 0.7 MPa (7 bar)

In / Output Pressure Ratio 1 : 1

Flow Capacity Output 2.32

(Cv) Exhaust 1.78

In / Out Connection PT / NPT 1/2 NPT 1/2

Signal Connection PT / NPT 1/4

Linearity + / - 1 % F.S.

Standard Temp. :-20~70℃

Ambient Temperature High Option Temp. : -20~120℃

Low Option Temp: -40~70℃

Material Aluminum Stainless Steel 316

Weight 0.76 kg 1.9 kg

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing

2.6 Parts and Assembly

5 WVC-320 / 325 series

2.7 Operation Logic

As supply pressure from regulator is connected to supply port and signal pressure is
connected to supply port, upper diaphragm (○
3 ) and diaphragm assembly will get pushed

down. As they are being pushed down, they push stem (○

7 ) and supply pressure will be

exhausted to output port. As output and supply pressure is equalized, stem (○

7 ) will be

moved to keep signal and output pressure the ratio of 1:1. If output pressure is higher than
signal pressure, diaphragm assembly will be raised, and output pressure in the exhaust ring
4 ) will be exhausted through exhaust port. The sensitivity of output pressure to signal
pressure can be adjusted by setting adjust bolt (○
1 ).

2.8 Dimension

6 WVC-320 / 325 series

3. Installation

3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
 Check unit’s specification and ensure to use as specified.
 Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.
 Ensure to use filter regulator.
 Use manometer to monitor the pressure level when setting the pressure level.

3.2 WVC-320 / 325 Installation

WVC-320 / 325 can be installed with or without a bracket depending on the field requirement.
Please refer to WVC-320 / 325 dimension to build appropriate bracket, if required.

7 WVC-320 / 325 series

3.3 Installation Example

Double acting linear actuator

Single acting rotary actuator

8 WVC-320 / 325 series

4. Maintenance

4.1 WVC-320/325 requires regular maintenance. Please refer to below repair kit part list. It is
suggested to replace all three parts at the same time to guarantee the life cycle of the
 Upper diaphragm assembly: 1 each
 Lower diaphragm: 1 each
 O-rings: 2 each

5. Trouble-Shooting
Please follow trouble-shooting when the product is not functioning properly.
 No valve response to signal to a positioner.
 Please check if supply pressure is stable from regulator to positioner and/or to
volume booster.
 Please check if air pressure is being exhausted from positioner’s exhaust port.
 Please check if signal and exhaust ports of the volume booster are being cleared.
 Unstable valve operation when signal has been sent to a positioner.
 Please reduce valve packing and/or valve friction level.
 Please check current actuator size and check if volume booster size is suitable.
 Hunting occurs when signal has been sent to a positioner.
 Please reduce valve packing and/or valve friction level.
 Please check current actuator size and check if volume booster size is suitable.
 Please turn adjust screw counter-clockwise to reduce sensitivity.
 Slow valve operation after installing a volume booster.
 Please check if regulator pressure is too low.
 Please check if supply piping to the actuator has been blocked or clogged.
 Please check if there is any leakage.
 Please turn adjust screw clockwise to enhance sensitivity.

 Homepage :

 User Manual and other information on the documents are subjected to change without any

notice. Please visit website for most updated information. Printed Date: JAN.2014

9 WVC-320 / 325 series

WVC-400/405/430/435 SERIES


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.6 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.7 Operation Logic ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.8 Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
2.8.1 WVC-400 & 405 ……………………………………………………………………….. 6
2.8.2 WVC-430 & 435………………………………………………………………………… 7
3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3.2 WVC-400/405/430/435 Installation ……………………………………………………………… 7
3.3 Installation Example ……………………………………………………………………………… 8
4. Maintenance .…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
5. Trouble-Shooting ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Weir International Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully
inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.
Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Weir International
Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 The manual should be provided to the end-user.
 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this
 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in
product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately
but until the following revision of the manual.
 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior
approval from Weir International Co., Ltd, South Korea.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any
alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications
are necessary, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd directly.
 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for
one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.
 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,
accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,
lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the
documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,
tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of
God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly
performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.
 For detailed warranty information, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd, South

3 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
2. Product Description

2.1 General
Snap acting relay, WVC-400/405/430/435 series, senses the main supply pressure and shuts
down the air flow when the pressure is lower than the setting level to avoid system’s shut-

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 Responses to very small changes to supply pressure with high accuracy.
 Enhanced versatility by having different material of body and options.
 Internal 100 mesh screen filters small dust entering into the product.

2.3 Label Description

Fig. 1: WVC-400/405/430/435 Body Label

A. Model: Indicates the model number
B. Air Connection : Indicates the connection size.
C. Max. Sup. Press.: Indicates maximum supply pressure range.
D. Signal Press.: Indicates signal pressure range.
E. Product No.: Indicates the lot number.

2.4 Product Number

4 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
2.5 Product Specification
Model WVC-400 WVC-405 WVC-430 WVC-435

Acting Type Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Double

Signal Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Max Supply
1 MPa (10 bar)

Signal Connection NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4

In / Output
NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT3/8

Flow Capacity (Cv) 0.9 1.8

Diff. Press. Below 0.01 MPa (0.1 bar)

Lock up Press. 0.7 MPa (7 bar)

Standard Temp. :-20~70℃

High Option Temp. : -20~120℃
Low Option Temp: -40~70℃

Aluminum Stainless Steel

Material Aluminum Stainless Steel 316

Weight 0.45 kg 0.7 kg 1.3 kg 1.5 kg 1.3 kg 2.3 kg 3.3 kg 5.8 kg

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing

2.6 Parts and Assembly

5 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
2.7 Operation Logic

When signal pressure is greater than setting pressure level, upper diaphragm(⑧) is being
pushed upward by signal pressure. As it gets pushed upward, vent port through lower
diaphragm(⑩) opens, so signal pressure pushes down lower diaphragm(⑩). Lower
diaphragm(⑩) pushes push-shaft(⑪) and push-shaft(⑪) pushes disk-seat(⑬), which
supply pressure will vent out through Lock Up Valve. Opposingly, when signal pressure is
less than setting pressure level, upper diaphragm(⑧) is being pushed downward and
lower diaphragm(⑩) will block signal-in port. ∅4 Ball(⑦) will be detached from upper
diaphragm(⑧) and the pressure will be exhausted.

2.8 Dimension
2.8.1 WVC-400 & WVC-405

6 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
2.8.2 WVC-430 & WVC-435

3. Installation

3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
 Check unit’s specification and ensure to use as specified.
 Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.
 Ensure to use filter regulator.
 Use manometer to monitor the pressure level when setting the pressure level.

3.2 WVC-400/405/430/435 Installation

WVC-400/405/430/435 can be installed with or without a bracket depending on the field
requirement. Please refer to WVC-400/405/430/435 dimension to build appropriate bracket,
if required.

7 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
3.3 Installation Example

Double acting linear actuator

Single acting rotary actuator

8 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
4. Maintenance

4.1 WVC-400/405/430/435 requires regular maintenance. Please refer to below repair kit part
list. It is suggested to replace all three parts at the same time to guarantee the life cycle of
the product.
 Upper diaphragm assembly: 1 each
 Lower diaphragm: 1 each
 O-rings: 2 each

5. Trouble-Shooting
Please follow trouble-shooting when the product is not functioning properly.

 Lock up valve does not block pressure when signal pressure is lower than setting
pressure level.
 Please check if the setting pressure level is correct. If the setting pressure level is
extremely high, please lower the setting pressure level. The factory default setting
pressure level is 3 kgf/cm2.

 Lock up valve blocks pressure when signal pressure is higher than setting pressure
 Please check if the setting pressure level is correct. If the setting pressure level is
extremely low, please raise the setting pressure level. The factory default setting
pressure level is 3 kgf/cm2.
 Supply pressure is leaking through the cover holes.
 Please check if the upper diaphragm assembly has been damaged on the
diaphragm surface.

Homepage :

User Manual and other information on the documents are subjected to change without any notice. Please
visit website for most updated information. Printed Date: MAY.2014

9 WVC-400/405/430/435 series
WVC-520/525/530/535 SERIES


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.6 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.7 Operation Logic ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.8 Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
3.2 WVC-520/525/530/535Installation ……………………………………………………………… 8
3.3 Installation Example ……………………………………………………………………………… 8
4. Maintenance .…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
5. Trouble-Shooting ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2 WVC-520/525/530 series
1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Weir International Co., Ltd. products. Each product has been fully
inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.
Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.
 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Weir International
Co., Ltd. will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 The manual should be provided to the end-user.
 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this
 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in
product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately
but until the following revision of the manual.
 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior
approval from Weir International Co., Ltd. South Korea.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.
 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any
alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications
are necessary, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd.directly.
 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for
one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.
 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,
accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,
lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the
documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,
tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of
God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly
performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.
 For detailed warranty information, please contact Weir International Co., Ltd.– South

3 WVC-520/525/530 series
2. Product Description

2.1 General
Snap acting relay, WVC-520/525/530/535 series, senses supply pressure and changes the
direction of the supply air flow when the supply pressure level is lower than setting pressure
level. By using snap acting relay, valve system can “fail freeze” as the supply pressure fails.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 Responses to very small changes to supply pressure with high accuracy.
 Enhanced versatility by having different material of body and options.
 Internal 100 mesh screen filters small dust entering into the product.

2.3 Label Description

Fig. 1: WVC-520/525/530/535 Body Label

A. Model: Indicates the model number
B. Air Connection : Indicates the connection size.
C. Max. Sup. Press.: Indicates maximum supply pressure range.
D. Signal Press.: Indicates signal pressure range.
E. Product No.: Indicates the lot number.

2.4 Product Number

2.5 Product Specification

4 WVC-520/525/530 series
Model WVC-520 WVC-525 WVC-530 WVC-535

Acting Type Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Double

Signal Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Max Supply 1 MPa (10 bar)


Signal Connection NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4

In / Output NPT 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT 3/8 NPT 3/8


Flow Capacity 0.9 1.8


Sensitivity 0.01 MPa

Ambient Standard Temp. :-20~70℃ High Option Temp. : -20~120℃

Low Option Temp: -40~70℃
Material Aluminum Stainless Steel 316 Aluminum Stainless Steel 316

Weight 0.73 kg 1.2 kg 1.66 kg 3.1 kg 1.3 kg 2.3 kg 3.3 kg 5.8 kg

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing

2.6 Parts and Assembly

5 WVC-520/525/530 series
2.7 Operation Logic

When the signal (main) pressure is higher than the setting pressure level, the signal pressure
pushes the upper diaphragm (⑩), and the pressure will be directed to lower chamber and
12 ) and the seat
pushes lower diaphragm (⑪). Lower diaphragm (⑪) pushes the pusher (○
15 ), and the air channel to OUT1 port will be opened, and the supply pressure will be

directed to OUT1 port. When the signal (main) pressure is lower than the setting pressure
10 ) will be pushed down and will block the channel to the lower
level, the upper diaphragm (○
chamber. Pressure from the lower chamber will be exhausted through the hole in the
middle of the upper diaphragm (⑩), and as the pressure gets lower in the lower chamber,
12 ) and seat (○
the lower diaphragm (⑪) will be lifted, and the pusher (○ 15 ) will be disconnected.

15 ).
The supply pressure will be directed to OUT2 port through the seat (○

6 WVC-520/525/530 series
2.8 Dimension
2.8.1 WVC-520 & WVC-525

2.8.2 WVC-530 & WVC-535

7 WVC-520/525/530 series
3. Installation

3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
 Check unit’s specification and ensure to use as specified.
 Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.
 Ensure to use filter regulator.
 Use manometer to monitor the pressure level when setting the pressure level.

3.2 WVC-520/525/530/535 Installation

WVC-520/525/530/535 can be installed with or without a bracket depending on the field
requirement. Please refer to WVC-520/525/530/535 dimension to build appropriate
bracket, if required.

3.3 Installation Example

8 WVC-520/525/530 series
Double acting linear actuator

Single acting rotary actuator

4. Maintenance

4.1 WVC-520/525/530/535 requires regular maintenance. Please refer to below repair kit part
list. It is suggested to replace all three parts at the same time to guarantee the life cycle of
the product.
 Upper diaphragm assembly: 1 each
 Lower diaphragm: 1 each
 O-rings: 2 each

5. Trouble-Shooting
Please follow trouble-shooting when the product is not functioning properly.
 Supply pressure is not being directed to OUT2 port when the signal pressure is lower
than the setting pressure level.
 Please check if the setting pressure level is correct. If the setting pressure level is
extremely high, please lower the setting pressure level. The factory default setting
pressure level is 3 kgf/cm2.
 Supply pressure is not being directed to OUT1 port when the signal pressure is higher
than the setting pressure level.

9 WVC-520/525/530 series
 Please check if the setting pressure level is correct. If the setting pressure level is
extremely low, please raise the setting pressure level. The factory default setting
pressure level is 3 kgf/cm2.
 Supply pressure is leaking through the cover holes.
 Please check if the upper diaphragm assembly has been damaged on the
diaphragm surface.

Homepage :

User Manual and other information on the documents are subjected to change without any notice. Please
visit website for most updated information. Printed Date: MAY. 2014

10 WVC-520/525/530 series
nd Main
e Instru ctions

Pressure Regulatting Valv



Size :

g :

Type : Direct

Model :

WEIR Order-No :

Page 1 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

1 Description
D o
of function...................................................................................................................................................................3

2 Safety
S Instru

2 Qualified Personnel................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3

3 Mounting
M sitte...................................................................................................................................................................................4

4 Mounting.....
M .....................................................................................................................................................................................4

5 Before
B the fiirst starting--up....................................... ..................................................................................................................4

6 Starting
S up..................................................................... ...................................................................................................................4

7 Maintenance
M e.......................................................................….........................................................................................................5

7 Servicing....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5

7.2 Maintenan

8 Dismantling
D and remoun
nting the vallve................. ...................................................................................................................5

8 How to pro
oceed........................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................5

8 Spring case
e ................................................................................. .........................................................................................................................................................5

8 Valve disc ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5

8 Plug stem …

8 Balance sea
al ………….................................................................. .........................................................................................................................................................5

9 Sectional
S Dra

10 Parts List.........................................................................................................................................................................................8

11 Table(s) of torque mom


11.1 Screw connections, ge

eneral.............................................. .........................................................................................................................................................9

11.2 Packing for pressure balance..............

b ........................................................................................................................................................................................9

Page 2 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

1 Descriptio
on of funcction Ma
aintenance and
a repair of the actu
uator must be
Valves of this type are no
ormally applied as Presssure carrried out on
nly by quallified person
nnel, and itt is
red Back pressurre control valves based on
ducing or B portant to follow the correspond
imp ding rules and
STM F 1370 reg
gulations for pressure veessels and steam boilers..
They reduce the pressure of a mass-Flow by meeans The
e actuators produce
p high
h positioning forces.
of the valve plug. ounting and starting up must be carried out under
The special fea
ature of the valve is eration of thee safety instructions.
carreful conside
1) The p nation with the
plug which, in combin ecial reference is made to strictly follow the ru
Spe ules
seat iss of single-sstage execution and
d regulationss for plants w
with explosion hazards.
2) The fflow charactteristics are determined
d by Beffore startin
ng any maaintenance works, it is
the pllug with spring moveme
ent. imp
portant to ensure and w
well note the
e following:
3) Metallic seal between valve plug and sseat 1) age of the p ipeline
gh temperatture.
for hig 2) omplete infformation on the possiible
Get co
4) At th
he stroke position
p 0%
% the plug
g is dange
ers, which can occcur throu
ed with is tapered edge against the remain dium and take
nders of th e flow med
plat o
of the seatt material and
a closes the suitable measurees (safety gloves, saffety
valve. glasses, etc.).
5) nced valve plug
balan p 3) e valve cool down, if req
Let the quired.
the force which is exerted to the
e valve plug
g by 4) o third person can put the
Make sure that no
the presssure of the
e medium is compleetely plant into operatio
balanced by a system
m of piston and
a cylinderr, so 5) ve any presssure, which might build up
that the a
actuator musst only compensate for the in a sh
hut-off pipel ine.
frictional fforces of the
e seals.
e screw could
d change a set pressuree. 2.1
1 Qualified
d Personn
in the sense of the o nstructions are
operating in
perrsons who are familiar w
with the mounting, startting
2 Safety In
ons up, and operattion of this p d who have the
product and
The valve iss to be u
used exclussively for the corrresponding qualification
n for such works,
w e.g.
application acccording to our
o order co
onfirmation. Any
her applicattion is conssidered as not
oth n conform
ming 1) Education or trainin
ng according to the acttual
and the user iss fully respo ny damage tthat
onsible for an safety standards
s fo
or maintenan
nce and use
e of
ay result from
ma m this. adequate safety eq uipment.
nauthorized modification
ns or the use
e of spare p
parts 2) d training
First aid
her than oriiginal WEIR
R parts exclu
ude our liab
bility 3) For pla
ants with eexplosion ha
azards: Spe
forr damages tthat may result from th
his. in this ccase, training
g or instructtions, or the
e authorizattion
e user is bea
aring the full responsibility. respectively to carrry out workss in plants with
ve hazards.

Page 3 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

3 Mounting
g site (5-2
2)The complete valve is left in the pipeline durring
1) The va
alve should be accessible at
a least from one the
e pickling and rinsing pro
side. 1) Carry out
o the picklinng and rinsing
g process
2) If mo
ounted at an elevated level, a serrvice 2) Disman
ntle the valvee completely so that only the
way, or similar,r, should be provided. valve body
b will remaain in the pipeline
3) For valve sizes DN 100 or larger, an electric c rane 3) Clean all
a componennts
or tackkle should be
e available. 4) Replace
e gaskets and
d packings
5) Remou
unt valve
4 Mounting
e valve is pro
ovided with welding ends and is we lded 6 Starting
S up
ectly into the pipeline.
dire 1) Avoid thermal
t shockks!
 Brring valve slow
wly to operating temperatu
e following sh
hould Be note
2) Check tightness of tthe flange con
1) Mountting-position: 3) Check the stop valvees the PRV in
nlet and outlett.
 Pipeline horizzontal, 4) Supply process fluid
d slowly from inlet stop valve.
 S
Spindle verticcal; 5) Check the outlet pressure compare with set
 A
Actuator abovve valve body
y pressurre for reducinng valve.
2) For otther mounting positions special
s provissions 6) Open slowly
s outlet sstop valve.
must be made to
o support the weight of the
actuator. 6-1
1. Set pressure adju
3) The va
alve must not be exposed to stress-load
ds of
e set pressu
ure can be adjustable with the va
the pip
der pressure. The set preessure can be
b increased by
4) On the upstream-a
and downstre
eam sides of the
the o the adjussting screw. The adjustting
e rotation of
valve, the pipe sho
ould have a straight
s lengt h of
at least 10 x nom
minal dia. Oth
her armaturess or devvice has loc
cknut and ccap to prev
vent acciden
hes are not allowed.
branch cha
ange in set point. Set p
pressure can
n be adjusta
5) A byypass-line with shut-off valves on the thro
ough a specified rang
ge without replacing any
eam-and dow
upstre wnstream sides of the valvve is inte
ernal parts.
1 Pressurre reducin
ng valve
5 Before the first starting-up A. Minimized open o
outlet stop va
B. Chec
ck the outlet pressure.
Picckling and rinsing
(5--1)The valve is dismantled before the pickling and
r proce
1) Dismanttle the valve completely so that only the
valve bo
ody will remain in the pipe
2) Install rrinsing kit in place of the valve seat (to
o be
d seperately)
3) Mount rinsing flange
4) Pickling and rinsing Fig.1 PRV
RV piping

5) Clean va
6) Replace
e seals
7) Remoun
nt valve

Page 4 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

C. Ope
en the cap and loose the lo
ock nut. Fig.3 Vent plug

2 Maintena
e valve is main
nly maintenannce-free.
er a longer period of operration or unde
er very chang
erating cond
ditions, the valve should be serviiced
according to section Starting up on page 4

8 Dismantlin
D ng and re mounting
g the valve
1 How to proceed
Folllow instructio
ons under seection Safety Instructions on

Fig. 2. Adju
usting device pag
ge 3.
1) Dismantling the vaalve
D. n
Turn clockwise or counterclockwise the 2) Cleaning of all com
usting bolt as table.1. 3) Remou
unting in thee reverse ord
ble. 1  by using the new parts.
Up to 3” valves Over
O 4” valvess  cement of gaskets , diaphragm
Replac d a
ockwise Counterclockw
C wise seals.
 Pay atttention to ttorque mom
ments for screw
connections. See under secttion Table(s) of
E. Full open inlet, outlet
o stop valve.
e moments o
on page 9.
2 Back P
Pressure co
ontrol valv
 Take the
t valve intto operation according to
A. Full open outlet stop
s valve.
section Table(s) off torque moments on pa
B. Min
nimized open inlet stop valv
C. Che
eck the inlet pressure.
D. en the cap and loose the lo
Ope ock nut.  When ordering sp
pare parts, please copy and
E. Turn
n clockwise or counterclockwise the complete form att the end off the operatting
usting bolt as table.1. instruc
ctions and ssend e-mail or fax it to the
F. Full open inlet stop valve. KTS en
ngineering tteam.

2 Spring case
8.2 c
7 Maintenance 1) Spring is pre-
essed by sp
compre pring
1 Servicing
case. The
T spring loaad is
1) Normally, ove
er 4” valve has
too hig
gh to dismanntling
a vent
v plug on the diaphrag
or cylinder cham
2) User can use long (two
2) Before start working, usser
or more)
m bolt for
n vent inside
e air by ve
ntling spring case
screw as Fig. 3.
under safety load.
3) In orde
er to ea
aintenance, w
ma we recommen
e vent valve o
on vent line.
Fig.4. Mounnted long bolt for dismantling

Page 5 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

3 Valve diisc
epending on
n the valve
e type, the
e disc can be
dirrectly interch
hangeable with
w each oth

4 Plug ste
The plug stem is interchan
1) Remo
ove spring seat or
o diaphraagm,

diaphragm plate.
2) Unscrrew disc nut,, exchange is by a new one
new disc fitting through disc holder.
and n
3) Checkk axial tolerance betwe
een plug s tem
and cage seat, piston in the cage and
ment, if required.
correcct the alignm

Mounting of plug stem and
a disc

5 Balance seal
1) Take o
off balance seal
s on the stem
s guide .
2) Exchange balance
e seal and piiston seal.
Piccture shows example witth balanced, piston

Page 6 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

9 Sectiona
al Drawin
ng 10
0 Parts List
Reccommended spare parrts are ma
arked with an

Item No. Part Nam

19 1 Valve bo
13 2 Spring co

2 12 3 Stem

4 Cage Seaat

5 Disc

6 Disc hold

7 Disc hold
der O-ring

8 Piston seeal
17 18
9 Bonnet O
10 Seat O-rring
1 11 Stem O- ring
12 Spring

4 13 Top sprin
ng seat

10 14 Cap
5 15 Lock nutt
6 7 16 Spring w

16 17 Spring co
over bolt
15 18 Spring co
over nut

19 Adjusting
g screw

Page 7 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

1 Table(s) of torq
que mom

1.1 Screw
w , generral

Thrread Size TTorque Mom

ment Nm

10 116

12 330

16 770

20 1100

24 1180

27 3330

1.2 Packing for p
pressure balance
perating <
<=400˚C <400˚C

Scrrew material: A
A2-70 1.4923

Size of screwss : M6 8Nm 10Nm

M8 20Nm 25Nm
M10 40Nm 45Nm

Page 8 of 10
nd Main
e Instru ctions

are partts quottation / Orderr

D. Fro
el. +82-311-478-11004
ax. +82-31-493-70668

W refer tto the Serial No(s)

We would likke to have your
y quotatio
on for the fo
ollowing spa
are parts:

We herewith
h order the following
f spa
are parts:

em No. Part Name quantity

5 Dissc

7 Dissc holder O--ring

8 Pisston seal

9 Bo
onnet O-ring

10 Seat O-ring

11 Ste
em O-ring

12 Spring

Page 9 of 10

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