367 2 577 PDF
367 2 577 PDF
367 2 577 PDF
Accepted 2005 November 18. Received 2005 November 9; in original form 2005 January 20
C 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2006 RAS
578 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
Table 1. Sample descriptions. The synthetic samples (those from Alfa or Merc) each have a purity near 99 per cent and a formula represented by the ideal. For
the natural samples, formulae are computed from electron microprobe analyses obtained from similar samples at the same locality, as referenced. The Mg and
Fe content of the mineral examined here may vary by a few per cent from the published analyses. BMNH denotes the British Museum of Natural History. See
the Acknowledgments for donators of samples.
Chain silicates
Tremolite (Ca 1.72 Mg 0.14 Mn 0.04 Fe 0.01 )(Mg 4.92 Al 0.08 )Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 Balmat, NY, USAa Washington Univ.
Tremolite K 0.01 Na 0.04 Ca 1.93 (Mg 4.90 Fe 0.02 )(Al 0.03 Si 7.97 )O 22 (OH) 2 Canaan, CT, USAb Wards
Tremolite K 0.01 Na 0.09 Ca 1.94 (Mg 4.96 Fe 0.02 )(Al 0.07 Si 7.98 )O 22 F 0.54 (OH) 1.46 Campolungo, Switzerlandc,d N. Johnson
Actinolite (Ca 1.98 Na 0.02 )(Mg 4.14 Fe 0.86 )(Al 0.09 Si 7.91 )O 22 (OH) 2 Cumberland, RI, USAe Harvard 9959
Sheet silicates:
Chrysotile Mg 2.95 Fe 0.05 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 Thetford, Quebec, Canadag Wards
Lizardite Mg 2.95 Fe 0.05 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 Thetford, Quebec, Canadag Wards
Talc, synthetic Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 Synthetic Alfa/Aesar
Talc, natural (Mg 2.91 Fe 0.08 Ni 0.01 )Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 Unknown Washington Univ.
Saponite (Na,Ca/2) 0.3 (Mg,Fe) 3 (Al,Si) 4 O 10 (OH) 2 · 4H 2 Oh Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland BMNH 54285
Saponite, mixture (Na,Ca/2) 0.3 (Mg,Fe) 3 (Al , Si) 4 O 10 (OH) 2 · 4H 2 Oh Texas, Lancaster Co., PA, USA BMNH 40259
Montmorillonite Na 0.05 Ca 0.02 (Al 1.64 Mg 0.17 Fe 0.18 )(Al 0.10 Si 3.90 )O 10 (OH) 2 · nH 2 O Cook County, WY, USAc,i Washington Univ.
Montmorillonite (Na,Ca) 0.3 (Al,Mg) 2 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 · nH 2 Oh Hampden Park borehole, Eastborne, BMNH 1983,583
Sussex, UK
a Deer (1963). See Williams (1984) for chemical compositions of similar samples. b Johnson & Fegley (2003a). This sample has up to 0.05 atoms of F per
formula unit. c Type locality. d Johnson & Fegley (2003b). e See the appendix. f R. F. Dymek (private communication). For analyses of other samples from this
locality, see Mustard (1992). g Cogulu & Laurent (1984). h These samples were not analysed (see text) and formulae reported are typical of these minerals.
i Weaver & Pollard (1973). Wyoming montmorillonite has small amounts of quartz and carbonate.
1990). Ground-based searches for hydrous silicates have been con- smectite (i.e. Mg 3 Si 2 O 7 and Mg 3 Si 4 O 11 ) form in gas-phase com-
ducted in the 3.5–5 μm band (Knacke et al. 1985). Although bustion experiments (Nuth, Rietmeijer & Hill 2002). If such precur-
these searches failed to measure strong features, Bowey & Adam- sors are available in astronomical environments, hydration could
son (2002) suggested that a narrow feature near the peak of the produce the phases examined here.
10-μm silicate feature in some evolved stars and YSOs could be Double chain silicates are a focus in this paper, because of possible
due to a mineral similar to montmorillonite or talc. Malfait et al. identification of tremolite in the ice-rich environments of deeply-
(1998) associated a broad band at 100 μm with montmorillonite. In embedded YSOs (Bowey & Hofmeister 2005). Our selection of sam-
these environments, the proportion of hydrous silicate could be as ples (Table 1) addresses the effect of various chemical substitutions.
much as 10–20 per cent by mass.
Many of the minerals studied here (Table 1) are known in me-
1.2 Improvements in methodology
teorites, and are major components of carbonaceous chondrites
(Zolensky & McSween 1988; Rubin 1997; Lodders & Fegley 1998). In this paper we devise a method to ascertain the thickness of our
Many are formed by aqueous alteration of mineral species identi- thin films and we use this to provide the strengths of bands involving
fied in space (forsterite and pyroxenes; Molster et al. 2001; Kemper atoms known to exist in space. Directly measuring strengths of Si–O
et al. 2002a,b), and have end-member chemistries appropriate to stretching modes is particularly difficult because films that provide
astronomical environments (e.g. Palme & Fegley 1990). Brucite is good spectral data of these peaks are thin (t 1 μm) and difficult
formed by hydration of MgO, which is expected in some environ- to measure directly (e.g. Hofmeister et al. 2003). Therefore, an in-
ments (Gail & Sedlmayr 1999). Although large-scale hydration of direct means is sought. Obtaining accurate bandstrengths through
silicates is thought to occur within asteroidal bodies, distorted and comparison requires non-overlapping bands with diverse strengths,
localized (30 nm) regions of protophyllosilicate consistent with a such that the weaker band is distinct from the noise in the spec-
pre-accretionary origin have been found on the surfaces of submi- tra obtained from the thinner films. These criteria are infrequently
crometre grains within a primitive (CO) chondritic meteorite. Lat- met. For example, the lowest frequency bands in Mg-rich olivines
tice spacings of the protophyllosilicates on CO-matrix olivines are are weak and distant from all other fundamentals (e.g. Bowey et al.
consistent with those of serpentine (Keller & Buseck 1990) whilst 2001), but the window materials needed to produce thick films in the
spacings on amorphous CO-matrix silicates indicate alteration to far-IR are either opaque in the visible (Si), which prohibits visual
serpentine or talc with interleaved brucite (Brearley 1993). Perhaps inspection of the thick film, or are too soft (plastic), which makes
the most compelling evidence for hydration occurring in circumstel- formation of a uniform film difficult, or are prohibitively expensive
lar (evolved or protostellar) or interstellar environments is the broad in large sizes (diamond). Overtone-combination bands (Bowey &
range of D/H ratios seen in pyroxene chondrules from LL3 mete- Hofmeister 2005) are generally too weak (with intensities ∼1/100th
orites (Deloule, Robert & Douknan 1998); the authors suggested those of the fundamentals) to be used in this manner.
that the isotopic anomaly originated within the hydroxyl ions of Phases with stoichiometric hydroxyl are well suited to determine
precursor phyllosilicates which were hydrated at low temperatures bandstrengths using a comparative method. (i) The O–H stretch-
in interstellar environments. Also, dehydoxylates of serpentine and ing bands have about 1/10th the intensity of the other fundamental
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 579
modes and are distant from the other IR modes. These modes are It is related to emissivity (ξ ) through the Kirchhoff law:
reasonably well resolved both in spectra from films that are suffi-
ξ (ν, d) = 1 − exp[−t A(ν)]. (2)
ciently thin to provide undistorted band shapes for the Si–O modes
and in spectra obtained from films with thickness (t) ∼6 μm, which Absorbance measurements (a = At) need correcting for reflections.
is thick enough to measure accurately. Comparison then allows de- If the surface is parallel to the beam
termination of bandstrengths of the Si–O modes. (ii) Hydrous phases
At = − ln(Imeas /I0 ) + 2 ln(1 − R). (3)
are soft and compressible, thereby allowing preparation of films of
uniform thickness in the t = 6 μm range. (iii) Hard and transparent
window materials are available for high-frequency O–H modes. In this paper we report on the true absorbance, computed from
Extinction coefficients provided for the various types of modes natural logarithms. Reflections at the sample–diamond interfaces
(e.g. Si–O stretching near λ = 10 μm) should be generally appli- were neglected in converting the raw data to true absorbance shown
cable. Transferability is indicated by derivation of reasonably accu- in the figures, as the function is unknown. The value of R due to
rate OH− concentrations in various minerals from the calibration of diamond–diamond reflections is high, but is removed by using the
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580 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
Uncertainties in t are connected with the degree of overlap among
4.1 Brucite
the spectral segments, and our confidence in avoiding distortion
when splicing spectral regions. More spectra were collected for Brucite has a simple IR spectrum (Fig. 2a). The O–H region is
some minerals, affording better matches of the segments and lower dominated by a sharp, strong peak. The water bending region is
uncertainties in thickness. Some O–H bands are too intense for relatively complex. Because brucite should lack fluid water, the
accurate representation in the thick films. In the spectra of the thick trio of peaks near 1600 cm−1 is assigned to Mg–O–H bending.
films, the fundamental modes are off-scale, and only the profiles near Overtone frequencies are low, ∼900 cm−1 , because fundamental
the base of these peaks are trustworthy. In some cases, the profiles frequencies occur below ∼500 cm−1 . Two far-IR peaks exist, as
near the base of the Si–O stretching mode are more reliable in the expected (Table 2).
thick film, than in the thin film spectra, because of the presence of For the thin-film spectrum, both narrowly spaced and widely
interference fringes in the latter. spaced interference fringes are superimposed in the transparent re-
gions (∼800–3000 cm−1 ). These fringes alter the peak shape of the
main band at high frequency, and thus the scaled thick film is a
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 581
a b c
h i
Figure 1. Essential structural elements in hydrous silicates. Triangles denote SiO4− 4 tetrahedra. Grey boxes denote the outline of an MO 6 octahedra, where M
is a cation such as Mg2+ . Black dots denote H+ ions. Open circles denote O2− anions. Dark grey circles denote Mg2+ sites. Light grey circles denote sites
for Ca+ or Na+ . At the top is shown a downward-looking view of the linkages of the SiO 4 tetrahedra: (a) single chain; (b) winged chain in sapphirine; (c)
tetrahedral ‘T’ sheet in the layer silicates. The double Si chains in tremolite can be derived by breaking the ‘T’ layer as shown by the grey bands, which allows
incorporation of OH− . In the middle section are edge-on schematic views of the three types of tightly bonded layers found in hydrous minerals. (d) Atomic
arrangement in the unit cell of brucite emphasizing the placement of the H atoms (after Shinoda & Aikawa 1998). The thin arrow shows the bending motion
of H+ tilted from the c-axis (thick arrow) of the crystalline lattice. (e) Octahedral ‘O’ brucite layers. The dashed line outlines the unit cell shown in (d), but
the H atoms are not shown. (f) T–O layers in lizardite or chrysotile, members of the serpentine group, showing placement of the H atoms. (g) T–O–T layers in
talc. In the lower section are edge-on views of more complex stacking sequences. (h) Layers in the clay minerals montmorillonite or saponite. The amount of
cations between the layers depends on the amount of Al3+ substituting for Mg2+ in the O layer. (i) Pseudo-layers in tremolite. Because the ‘T’ layer is broken
into stripes, so is the ‘O’ layer. The structure of sapphirine (not shown) has similar attributes.
in the overtone region, strong stretching and bending modes of the much higher frequencies typical of silicates (Table 4; Bowey &
SiO 4 tetrahedron, sharp, moderately intense peaks for the Si–O–Si Hofmeister 2005). We observed 40 out of the 57 predicted IR lattice
bending modes, and by a host of weak peaks in the far-IR. modes (Table 5; appendix).
The thickness of the mid-IR film is 0.62 μm. The uncertainty in
thickness is low in part because the O–H band is well resolved in 4.2.2 Effects of minor substitution
both thick- and thin-film spectra (Fig. 3).
All of the predicted hydroxyl modes (see the appendix) were Several samples of tremolite were examined to understand the
observed; the parameters are given in Table 3. Overtones occur at effect of chemical substitutions on IR peaks and to make band
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582 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
λ, μm λ, μm
100 20 10 5 4 2.5 100 20 10 5 4 2.5
Mg-(OH) Brucite a c 5
t = 5 μm
2 t = 6 μm 4 3
M-O-H 2
4 t =6 μm
Absorbance (thin film)
1 x8 O-H 0
f 0.5 f
t = 0.62 μm 0 f t = 0.41 μm
F f f F
x F F
0 -1 0 -2
500 1500 2500 3500 500 1500 2500 3500
Wavenumber, cm-1 Wavenumbers, cm
Figure 2. IR spectra over the full range for selected minerals. Thick-film spectra (t = 6 μm, grey line and left y-axis) have an increasing baseline due to
reflections from the BaF 2 windows. The true absorbance is near zero between the overtone-combination modes, which occur near 1800 cm−1 , and the O–H
stretching modes near 3600 cm−1 . Other spectra (black lines) are keyed to the right y-axis. The thin line denotes the thick-film spectrum scaled to match the
thickness of the thin-film spectrum. The medium line denotes the thin-film spectrum. The dotted line denotes the approximate linkage of spectra where the
merge was equivocal. An open circle denotes the point where far- and mid-IR spectra are merged. F or f denote two superimposed sets of interference fringes.
H 2 O denotes absorbed water. O.T. denotes overtone-combination bands. Vertical lines point to fundamental IR modes that may be difficult to view at this
scale. x–x denotes the section removed where diamonds strongly absorb. (a) Brucite. Grey triangle indicates poor resolution of the three peaks assigned to
Mg–O–H bending in the thin-film spectra. The mid-IR segment was divided by 1.3 to match the far-IR. (b) Tremolite from Canaan. The far-IR was divided
by 1.6 to match the mid-IR segment. (c) Lizardite (grey and light line) and chrysotile (thick line). The flat top (*) resulted from truncating the data. Some
organic contamination exists, marked as C–H. The mid-IR segment was multiplied by 1.28 to match the far-IR. (d) Talc. The dotted line denotes the spectrum
of natural talc obtained from a thickness of 2.62 μm, divided by 6.4 to match absorbance of the thinner film in the O–H region. The synthetic sample was used
for the 6-μm film; the other spectra are of the natural talc. The mid- and far-IR regions of the thin films were merged without scaling. (e) Saponite. The dotted
line denotes the PA sample, which appears to also contain Ni-rich talc. The PA spectra were offset by 0.2 absorbance units for clarity. The mid-IR of the pure
saponite was divided by 2.4 to merge with the far-IR. Thicknesses were determined by comparing the three bands near 1500 cm−1 ; the PA sample has t ∼ 1.3
μm. (f) Montmorillonite. The dotted line denotes the Wyoming sample, which has a small amount of quartz, the thin line denotes quartz, and the dashed line
denotes the thick film of Wyoming clay. The left y-axis is plotted to provide the measured absorbance for the thick-film spectrum.
assignments. The Canaan sample is closest to end-member tremo- ment with Robert, Ventura & Hawthorne (1999). A few of the
lite. Although the chemical substitutions involve different sites lattice modes are reduced in intensity by the partial F substitu-
and different amounts (Table 1), the IR spectra vary little tion, and this observation is used to deduce which of the ob-
(Fig. 4). The F-rich sample from Campolungo has lower inten- served peaks is connected with the bending of the Mg–O–H unit
sity in the OH region, but the same peak position, in agree- (Table 5).
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 583
1.5 WY
t = ~1.2 μm
accompanied by many weak peaks at lower frequency (Table 4).
Absrobance (thin film)
Our mid-IR data agree with dispersion spectra (Christy et al. 1992),
U.K. except that the latter has strong peaks near 1100 and 1200 cm−1 ,
1 t = ~0.75 μm which are probably longitudinal optic (LO) modes.
O-H Weak, far-IR modes occur at the same frequencies as seen for
HO 5 tremolite, but peak positions for the silicate modes in the mid-IR
O.T. WY region from the two minerals do not match (Fig. 4b, Table 5). These
Q HO observations are consistent with sapphirine having Al in some tetra-
0.5 2
t = 1 μm U.K. hedral sites and a different arrangement of the chains. The far-IR
is produced by translations of the Mg and Ca cations in tremolite,
and of Mg in sapphirine. Because of similarly sized sites for Mg (cf.
Moore 1969; Smith & Bish 1988), the far-IR frequencies are quite
0 quartz 0 close. Far-IR modes in tremolite that are not replicated in sapphirine
500 1500 2500 -1 3500 are assigned to Ca translations (Table 5). The number of Ca peaks is
Wavenumbers, cm consistent with symmetry analysis of tremolite (see the appendix).
One weak mode was seen in the overtone region (Fig. 4b, λ =
Figure 2 – continued
7 μm, Table 4), other peaks appear to be fringes. We could not easily
join these spectral segments. As sapphirine is hard, its thick film has
4.2.3 Effect of major Fe substitution air spaces, and thus its absorbance values are underestimated.
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584 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
λ, μm
2.8 2.75 2.7
1 0.6
0.4 0
0.2 -0.2
* talc
0 -0.4
3560 3600 3640 3680 3720
Wavenumbers, cm
Figure 3. Expanded view of the O–H region plotted for thicknesses of 1 μm. The actinolite spectrum is scaled so that intensities of its Si–O–Si bending modes
match those in the tremolite (from Canaan) spectrum. Raw data are shown. Because saponite and montmorillonite have fluid H 2 O, their O–H peak shapes are
asymmetrical, because these peaks overlap with the tail from the H 2 O IR band. The very weak O–H stretching band in brucite is shown by an asterisk.
Table 3. Parameters for the O–H stretching region. ily) have broader and shifted peaks (Mellini et al. 2002). These
differences are probably due to higher Fe content of 15–20 atom per
Phase ν FWHM A cent, compared to <5 atom per cent in the present samples. More
(cm−1 ) (cm−1 ) (1 μm−1 ) Fe means more disorder (broader peaks) and shifts to lower fre-
Brucite 3696 15 1.4a quency (larger bond distances and/or greater cation mass). Our data
3652 ∼6 ∼0.048 resemble measurements of serpentine (a mixture of polymorphs)
Tremolite 3674.5 3.0 0.396 by Koike & Shibai (1990), but reveal more far-IR modes. Band-
Actinolite 3674.3 5.0 0.17 strengths of the main peaks (near 10 and 20 μm) measured here are
3661.1 3.4 0.092 almost double those of Koike & Shibai (1990), suggesting that their
3658.0 ? Shoulder dispersion contains some large grains or clumps of particulates that
3643.0 <6 0.021 do not transmit light.
3624 ? ∼0.005
Lizardite 3686.5 27 0.95
∼3650 26 0.254
Talc 3660.3b 3.0 0.045 4.4 Talc
3677.1 3.3 0.35
Saponite 3670 36c 0.112 Talc has a relatively simple spectrum (Fig. 2d) with very sharp peaks.
Montmorillonite 3627 ∼74c 0.21 Because of the small number of bands, many interference fringes
∼3400 ∼400 0.5 are seen. As occurred for chrysotile, the thickness could be well
a From
Mitra (1969). b Natural talc (#2) has an additional O–H peak at
One strong O–H stretch exists, in accord with symmetry, but
3662 cm−1 (see text). c Twice the HWHM.
is accompanied by a much weaker peak, which is stronger in the
natural specimen than in the synthetic. This peak could be due to Fe
merging. Peaks are sharp, especially in the far-IR (Fig. 5). Because impurities or a tilted orientation.
of the narrow widths, peaks are resolved and 19 of the 21 modes We observed 18 of the 27 expected fundamental modes (Table 6;
predicted by symmetry analysis were observed (Table 6). appendix). The tetrahedral silicate layers dominate because the spec-
Compared to our results, mid-IR dispersion spectra of lizardite trum of talc closely resembles that of chrysotile (Figs 2c and d). Talc
and antigorite (the third polymorph of the serpentine mineral fam- lacks the OH− dipole between the layers (Figs 1e and f), leading to
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 585
Table 4. Overtone peak positions from the thick (t = 6 μm) films. Sum is Table 5. Peak positions (ν in cm−1 ) and absorption coefficients (A in μm−1 )
the possible combination of fundamental modes. An assignment of all bands for the chain silicates. Above 375 cm−1 , the match between the amphibole
cannot be made (indicated as ‘?’) because Raman-active species can produce and sapphirine spectra is poor, consistent with these modes arising from
overtones in IR measurements. ‘Water’ indicates the H–O–H bend of fluid different types of chains.
Tremolite Actinolite Sapphirine
ν(cm−1 ) Sum ν (cm−1 ) Sum Assignment ν A ν ν
Tremolite Talc T(chain) 84 0.034 70 –
1243 470+761 1253 466+780 T(Mg 3 O) 144 0.147 140 139
1295 527+761 1318 541+780 T(chain) 158 0.19 155 –
1354 2×687 1359 2×670 T(Mg) 170 0.01 – 170
1499 509+992 1398 385+1020 T(Mg) 182 0.10 177 181
1630 Water 1526 ? T(Mg) 190 0.16 191 187
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586 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
Amphiboles a
t = 1 μm
-1 Balmat Canaan
2 Sapphirine
1 merge
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Wavelength, μm
Figure 4. Lattice modes of chain silicates using a wavelength scale. (a) Amphiboles. The grey line denotes the Canaan sample, plotted for t = 10 μm. The
thick line denotes actinolite. The thin line denotes F-rich tremolite. The Campolungo sample was very thin, and the spectrum is mostly noise for λ > 55 μm.
The thick line (far-IR only) denotes tremolite from Balmat. (The Balmat mid-IR spectrum does not differ from the Canaan mid-IR spectrum, and is not shown.)
The dotted line denotes Canaan tremolite, plotted at 1-μm thickness. Weak peaks are marked with vertical bars. (b) Sapphirine. The thick line denotes merged
thin-film data, and the thin line the expanded view at low frequency.
Montmorillonite has a broad band from 3200 to 3500 cm−1 , as ties. The weak band observed by Koike & Shibai (1990) near
in saponite, but its hydroxyl peak near 3600 cm−1 is better resolved 110 cm−1 appears to be intrinsic, as we observed this in spectra
(Fig. 2f). The amount of interlayer water is lower, consistent with obtained from different film thicknesses. This band was used by
the lower intensity of the overtone-combination bands. Because the Malfait et al. (1998) to identify dust in space. Low-temperature
interlayer water content varies, the thickness of the thin film is not spectra are needed to better resolve this weak, broad feature.
well constrained.
Our data resemble previous mid-IR powder reflectance and trans- 5 DISCUSSION
mission spectra (Esposito, Colangeli & Palomba 2000). Since
Wyoming montmorillonite was examined, the classical dispersion All minerals absorb moderately to weakly below ∼400 cm−1 , where
analysis of Esposito, Colangeli & Palomba (2000) may include lattice vibrations involving the cations occur, but strongly at frequen-
quartz peaks. Our bandstrengths are 20 per cent below those of cies between ∼400 and 1200 cm−1 , where bending and stretch-
Koike & Shibai (1990), possibly due to experimental uncertain- ing modes of the SiO2− 4 tetrahedron occur, and moderately near
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 587
Wavenumbers, cm-1
400 200 125 100 80
t = 1 μm
0.1 chrysotile
40 60 80 100 120
Wavelength, μm
Figure 5. Expanded view of the far-IR region using a wavelength scale. Spectra are plotted for thickness of 1 μm. The thin line denotes sapphirine, dashed
curve Canaan tremolite, thick curve saponite, medium solid line chrysotile, grey curve montmorillonite, and dotted curve talc. Bars mark the longest wavelength
peak of each mineral.
3600 cm−1 , where O–H stretching occurs. As discussed in Hofmeis- 5.1 Thickness and bandstrengths
ter et al. (2003, 2004), thin-film spectra appear to closely represent
the intrinsic absorption spectra of the solids in the absorbing regions Variations in intensity with spectral region and the softness of
when the bands are not extremely broad. Except for brucite, peaks the hydrous samples permit determining thicknesses of the thin
in the minerals studied here meet this criterion. films through comparison with thick films. This method is not
Although common features exist, IR spectra of the seven mineral tractable for hard, anhydrous species, e.g. sapphirine. Optically thin
types presented here are distinguished by the number of vibrational films of brucite and the hydrosilicates created by compression have
modes, their distribution over frequency and their relative intensi- t 1 μm, which is similar to thicknesses inferred from comparing
ties. In fact, the signatures in each spectral range are distinct. Far-IR measured absorbance to calculated absorption coefficients of MgO
patterns (Fig. 5) show the greatest variety. The overtone (∼1000– (Hofmeister et al. 2003) and of hibonite (Hofmeister et al. 2004).
2500 cm−1 ; Fig. 2) and O–H stretching regions (∼3000–3800 cm−1 ; Better data are obtained in the spectral region containing the strong
Fig. 3) have intensities similar to those in the far-IR and display Si–O fundamental modes by using films with thickness ∼0.5 μm,
similar variety, but the overtones are both broad and weak and the whereas resolving weak modes at low frequency from the noise
O–H bands are generally confined to the narrower spectral region requires thickness of several μm.
of 3300–3700 cm−1 (e.g. Rossman 1988). Less variety occurs in Weak overtone-combination bands in the region ∼1200–
the mid-IR, with intense, generally structured bands near 400 and 2500 cm−1 and H–O–H bending of water molecules near 1600 cm−1
1000 cm−1 , because of the internal bending and stretching motions are well resolved in the t = 6 μm films of the chain silicates, serpen-
of the SiO4− 4 tetrahedra. Sapphirine (Fig. 4) has a different mid-IR
tines and talc, but are obscured by interference fringes in thin-film
pattern than the hydrosilicates (Fig. 2), as a result of Al extensively data. Thus, overtones are not useful in determining bandstrengths
replacing Si in the tetrahedra. of the fundamentals, except for phases containing layers that are
On the basis of pattern alone, the far-IR affords the best opportu- hydrogen bonded to other layers in the structure (brucite) or to hy-
nity to identify mineral structure by comparing remotely sensed to drogen molecules between the layers (clays), both of which have
laboratory data. strong overtones for t < 1 μm.
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588 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
Table 6. Peak positions and absorption coefficients for the layered silicates. Band assignments are approximate.
Table 7. Transferrable bandstrengths obtained from the tables and figures. True absorption coefficients (in μm−1 ) are given for the dominant band in the
various spectral regions. Mass extinction coefficients can be obtained using equation (4).
Formula – Mg(OH) 2 Ca 2 Mg 5 – Mg 3 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 Na 0.3 Mg 3 (Al 0.3 Si 3.7 )– Na 0.3 (Mg 0.3 Al 1.7 )–
Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 O 10 (OH) 2 · 4H 2 O Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 ·nH 2 O
Density (g cm−3 ) – 2.377 3.01 2.58 2.776 2.10 2.06 2.48
O–H stretch 3500 1.4 0.40 0.95 0.45 0.11 0.21 0.6
Mg–O–H 1480 0.2 0.9 0.045 – 0.2 0.08 0.3
Overtones 2000 0.01 0.05 0.045 0.025 0.1 0.014 0.04
Si–O stretch 1000 – 3.3 2.8 5.8 2.3 1.6 3.1
Si–O–Si bend 670 – 0.6 1.2 1.9 0.5 ? 1.0
O–Si–O bend 450 – 1.8 3.7 4.3 2.0 1.0 2.5
Mg–O stretch 300 2.4 0.3 0.67 – – 1.0
Ca translation 200 – 0.3 – ? 0.01 0.15
Mg translation 200 – 0.1 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.01 0.06
As shown in Fig. 2, observing undistorted peak maxima for the cable bandstrengths, we did not attempt detailed fitting, but instead
Si–O stretching and O–Si–O bending fundamentals requires thick- report on rough bandstrengths in Tables 2, 3, 5 and 6. Table 7 summa-
nesses below 1 μm and, for some cases, below 0.5 μm. Larger thick- rizes the bandstrength for the dominant peaks of each mineral. For
nesses round the profiles, leading to bands that appear artificially each type of vibrational mode, a consistent range of bandstrengths
broad, and sometimes shifted. Such shifts occur in IR measure- is obtained. Talc, for which most bands are singlets, has high inten-
ments utilizing the dispersion method, and are due to overly large sities compared to the other minerals with multicomponent peaks.
particles or particle clumping, rather than the use of a KBr ma- This difference is expected, because peak area actually represents
trix (see Speck, Hofmeister & Barlow 1999; Bowey & Hofmeister the number of oscillators producing the peak. Given the variations
2005). in numbers of peaks and overlap for the diverse silicate minerals,
Strengths of well-resolved bands were determined from splicing we simply average the bandstrengths of the five hydrosilicates to
spectral segments for each mineral. As our interest is in widely appli- provide values that can be applied to any silicate mineral, not just
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IR spectra of hydrosilicates 589
Figure 6. Matches of laboratory spectra to features in the observed spectrum of the planetary nebula NGC 6302 after subtraction of a continuum comprised
of blackbodies at 80, 65 and 50 K after Molster et al. (2001). Features in the 17–50 μm region matched with serpentine are indicated with vertical lines. The
broad 63-μm feature is most closely matched by saponite. The laboratory spectra have been multiplied by Planck functions at temperatures of 40 or 60 K as
indicated; the scaling of these spectra is arbitrary, but is the same in both wavelength ranges. Spectral artefacts at 25.8 μm and gas-phase emission lines are
omitted from the nebula spectrum.
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C 2006 RAS, MNRAS 367, 577–591
590 A. M. Hofmeister and J. E. Bowey
hydrosilicates. These values are appropriate only under optically can be saponite and/or montmorillonite) are present in substantial
thin conditions. amounts in high-temperature vapour-phase combustion experiments
(summarized by Nuth et al. 2002). Possibly, the high density of this
nebula could have promoted formation of dehyroxalates along with
5.2 Comparison with NGC 6302
the already identified refractories. At long wavelengths the spectra
NGC 6302 is a strongly bipolar planetary nebula which formed of lizardite (or saponite) and its dehydroxylate should be almost
from an intermediate mass progenitor star; the nebula contains a identical.
dense dusty torus and ionized polar regions. The 2.4–197 μm spec-
trum of the nebula was obtained with the LWS and SWS on the
Infrared Space Observatory and published by Molster et al. (2001);
shortwards of 17 μm the spectrum is dominated by polycyclic aro- In this paper we document IR spectral patterns, peak positions and
matic hydrocarbon (PAH) bands. However, at longer wavelengths intensities for hydrosilicates and a few other phases at room tem-
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