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Disability Letter 3

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The Honorable Lamar Alexander, Chairman The Honorable Patty Murray, Ranking Member

Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
United States Senate United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Bobby Scott, Chairman The Honorable Virginia Foxx. Ranking Member
Committee on Education and Labor Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515

April 13, 2020

Dear Chairmen Alexander and Scott and Ranking Members Murray and Foxx:

As the nation navigates the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and families of students with disabilities have collaborated with
school districts and state education agencies from across the country to ensure that every child is provided the free
appropriate public education guaranteed to them by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As schools
were shuttered, our members stepped up. School teams are collaborating with parents of children with disabilities -
exactly the way IDEA intended - to provide access to individualized distance learning plans while schools are closed and
continuous access to due process rights for families, learning opportunities for all students, and access to assistive
technology consistent with student need.

The members of the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) and the National Association of State
Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) are fierce and ardent supporters of the IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act, their
implementing regulations, and individuals with disabilities. We also believe in the power of collaboration between
parents, families, school districts, and state agencies and have continually called on our members to make good faith
efforts to provide accessible and accommodated services available to all students with disabilities.

Local education agencies (LEAs) are facing a great deal of compliance challenges which are taking our focus from
educating children with disabilities and shifting focusing our effort on paperwork. Without flexibility, we will generate
endless cycles of reporting about how COVID-19 caused money to be unspent, evaluations to be delayed, and services
and supports that are in IEPs that are not able to be implemented. We are concerned about requesting numerous meetings
and activities of families who are already experiencing many stresses and challenges. For this reason, we are asking for
temporary and targeted flexibilities in implementing IDEA during this pandemic so that we can keep our focus on
collaborating with parents and families and on providing appropriate services to students with disabilities. In no other
situation in our organizations’ history can we find a time where we have asked for limited flexibilities in implementing the
IDEA. However, now more than ever, schools and states need to be focused on what is important - providing an
appropriate, accessible, accommodated educational program to all students in light of their current circumstances.

After the passage of the CARES Act (HR 748) on March 27, 2020, our organizations and 31 of our state units sent a letter
to the United States Department of Education requesting temporary and targeted flexibilities in three areas: Timelines,
Procedures, and Fiscal management. It is our belief that school districts and parents should continue to work together on
behalf of children with disabilities to meet the requirements of the IDEA as best as possible. However, members of
Congress should understand that in some situations, despite our best efforts, meeting these requirements in the middle of a
pandemic is not possible. In a recent survey of our membership with close to 1500 respondents, the data was clear:
parents and families, schools and states both all need flexibility in order to move forward in the interest of students with
disabilities. As Secretary DeVos considers these requests, we ask that your committees advance legislation that will allow
for relief in these areas.

Timeline Flexibilities
One of the most challenging aspects of IDEA facing a local or state education agency at this time is the multitude of
timeline requirements for evaluation, eligibility, transition, and IEP teams under the law. It is for this reason that timeline
requirements should be paused from the day schools closed due to the pandemic and extended for not more than 45
school days after regular school year in-person instruction has resumed for the following:

● 60-day initial evaluation timelines and re-evaluation triennial due dates [34 C.F.R. § 300.301(c); 34 C.F.R. §
In some situations, a child who was being evaluated for special education and related services prior to the
pandemic may be experiencing new needs as a result of this crisis and their learning situation (new mental health
needs, parent/guardian unemployment, food insecurity, etc.). Additionally, testing protocols are not easily
administered or manipulated virtually, and the results of the evaluations could be questionable. In a recent survey
of special education administrators from across the country, 76 percent indicated that they had evaluations that
were now overdue because of the COVID-19 school closures.

● Annual IEP review timelines [34 C.F.R. §300.324(b)(1)].

The IEP meeting is meant to be a collaborative process between parents/guardians and the LEA. Even in the
best of circumstances nuances around body language and vocabulary of special education services can result in
misunderstandings between the parties. While holding IEP meetings via phone, computer, or electronic means
are all good options, none will replace a face-to-face meeting. Further, not all families or schools have access to
technology allowing for meetings to take place via phone or video call. It is for this reason IEP annual review
timelines should be relaxed, and LEAs and families should be given the option, if desired, to convene together
(at the request of the parent or the LEA) when in-person meetings become available. Importantly, close to 60%
of our membership reported that they had parents request a delay in the timelines related to the COVID-19
school closures.

● Complaint timelines [34 C.F.R. 34 C.F.R. §300.508; C.F.R. § 300.510(a) and (c); 34 C.F.R. § 300.515(a) and
In the rare instances where parents and local education agencies find themselves in a dispute, IDEA provides
state education agencies the responsibility to have a system of impartial hearing officers and state complaints.
These complaint systems are necessary components, and with state education agencies being shuttered, hearing
officers, attorneys, parents, and others working from home, and additional stressors being put on an already
challenging process, we appreciate the current state authority to be flexible in the timeline to resolve these
complaints without corrective actions. While complaints are rare, approximately 3 percent of our members
indicated that they had received a state complaint or a due process request related to services and supports during
the COVID-19 school closures creating additional stress on schools and families during an already stressful time.
Additional flexibility will be needed surrounding timelines to resolve all types of due process complaints.

● Part C to Part B Transition timelines [34 C.F.R. § 300.124].

Early childhood transition from Part C to Part B is another important area where flexibility will be required in
order to ensure that IEPs written at such a critical time in a child’s life are thoughtful, well developed and
situated in the context of high-quality early education rather than during a global crisis which has caused school
building closures. Specifically, the component of the law to identify a child on or before their third birthday
should be paused.

While we believe that school districts and parents should continue to work together on behalf of children with disabilities
to meet the requirements of the IDEA as best as possible, we also recognize that this may be challenging for both parents
and schools during the pandemic and it is for this reason that these timelines must be extended during this period when
school districts are unable to provide services in a typical manner.

Procedural Flexibilities
In addition to the timeline requirements, the IDEA requires several procedures that are meant to ensure that collaboration
occurs between parents and the local education agency. These requirements are in place to develop and offer FAPE for
any child eligible for special education and are a critical feature of the law. During a pandemic, we believe this
collaboration is no less important but may need to look differently and require more flexibility to ensure all children's
needs are met, to the maximum extent practicable. Procedural flexibility with an emphasis on local education agencies and
parents making “good faith” efforts in light of the current circumstances is needed. Therefore, we urge you to consider
flexibilities to the following:

● Documentation of FAPE under each district’s circumstances and IEP meeting procedures [34 C.F.R. §
300.323(c)(1); 34 C.F.R. §300.324(b)(1); 34 C.F.R. §300.324(a)(4)(i); 34 C.F.R. §300.328].
The current information from your office (Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with
Disabilities During the CoronaVirus Disease 2019 Outbreak, March 12, 2020) suggests that every school district
in the country will be changing a child’s placement after ten days of school closure. Decisions about changes in
placement are made after discussions by the IEP team, which includes the parent. However, in this situation, the
decision to change a child’s placement has been forced upon parents and schools by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We, therefore, suggest that all IEPs written before schools closed be maintained. In situations where the current
IEP does not sufficiently describe the services that are being provided during the pandemic, a separate document
could be created, for example, in a ‘distance/continual learning plan.’ The plan should be clearly communicated
after consultation with the parent. In addition, team meeting requirements should be flexible during the
development of the documentation of the new plan. The development of the plan would maintain IEPs and
placements to avoid a stay-put placement (in the home environment) under a due process complaint during this
national crisis. No IEPs would need to be amended under this plan.

Further, it should be recognized that school districts and parents are grappling with new situations. Resources are
varied between school districts and homes. In a typical situation, not impacted by the global pandemic, none of
this is taken into account.

● Data collection and corrective action plans [34 C.F.R. § 300.152]

It is important that the standards set forth under the IDEA related to district and state performance plans be
temporarily adjusted to provide the greatest flexibility possible. Items of concern include, but are not limited to,
submission of Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) data, the State Systemic
Improvement Plan (SSIP), State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR), and state
monitoring and enforcement. We support the state and LEA focus on providing services to students, rather than
diverting attention to corrective action or other paperwork.

Fiscal Management Flexibilities

The IDEA requires local education agencies to verify maintenance of financial efforts of LEAs and SEAs toward special
education year to year. In addition, school districts are required to set aside IDEA funds under CEIS procedures toward
addressing disproportionality. The current pandemic has created financial circumstances that require flexibilities to the

● Maintenance of Effort [34 C.F.R. §300.203-205], Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services set-
aside funds [34 C.F.R. §300.205; 34 C.F.R. §300.326] and Proportionate Share [34 C.F.R. § 300.133]
CASE and NASDSE are deeply dedicated to maintaining investments in both special education and issues of
disproportionate representation as required by IDEA. However, under these emergency circumstances, local
education agencies may not be able to expend the monies planned between March and June, 2020. As we send

this letter, seven states have closed their doors for in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year.
While many districts have agreed to keep staff on salary, it is not guaranteed, and it cannot be an expectation.
Proportionate share dollars might not have been expended and may look different for the remainder of the school
year. Therefore, flexibility regarding CCEIS, proportionate share, and MOE is necessary for the remainder of this
school year. We recommend MOE be waived for the 2019-2020 school year and that unspent CCEIS and
proportionate share dollars are carried over to the 2020-2021 school year.

It should be noted that these flexibilities were provided by Secretary DeVos, consistent with her authority under
the CARES Act, for the following other areas:

○ §1127(b) of Title I, Part A of the ESEA

○ §421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) to extend the period of availability of prior
fiscal year funds, for Title I, Parts A-D, Title II, Title III, Part A, Title IV, Parts A-B, and Title V, Part B
programs, and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth program;
○ §4106(d) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA
○ §4106(e)(2)(C), (D), and (E) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA
○ §4109(b) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA

In summary, the areas under which we are requesting temporary and targeted flexibility in the following areas:
● §300.124 Transition of children from the Part C program to preschool programs.
● §300.152 Minimum State complaint procedures.
● §300.203 Maintenance of effort.
● §300.301 Initial evaluations.
● §300.303 Reevaluations.
● §300.324 Development, review, and revision of IEP.
● §300.510 Resolution process.
● §300.515 Timelines and convenience of hearings and reviews.
● §300.600(e) State monitoring and enforcement.

To be clear, we expect that these flexibilities should only be granted in this specific circumstance (COVID - 19) and
that state and local education agencies, parents, and families should continue to work together in the interests of
children with disabilities. However, it is clear to us that the IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act, and other federal laws were not
written anticipating a global pandemic that has closed a large majority of schools across the country, and for this reason
we urge you to grant these specific flexibilities to local and state education agencies.

Should you have any questions or concerns or if our organizations and members can be of service to you, please do not
hesitate to reach out.


Phyllis Wolfram
Executive Director
Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE)

John Eisenberg
Executive Director
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)

Erin Maguire
Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE)

Steve Milliken
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)

About CASE
CASE, The Council of Administrators of Special Education, is the largest division of the Council for Exceptional Children. With close to
4500 members, it is the professional organization of choice for special education administrators across the country. CASE’s mission is
to provide leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices that impact the quality of education. Disclaimer: The
views, opinions, and information expressed in this statement by CASE may not reflect the official policies or positions of the Council for
Exceptional Children (CEC). CONTACT: Phyllis Wolfram at (417)-496-5986

NASDSE, the National Association of State Directors of Special Education, is a premier membership organization that supports state
leaders of special education throughout the United States and its Territories. Our mission and vision is to improve individual and
organizational success for state leaders of special education by providing relevant services that guide positive systemic change and
results thereby ensuring students with disabilities will live, learn, work and participate in their communities. CONTACT: John
Eisenberg at (571) 414-7371

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