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Gemmotherapy Information

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e m b r yo n i c p l a n t t i s s u e E x t r ac t s to s t i m u l at e o r g a n
s y s t e m s tox i n e l i m i n at i o n to wa r d t h e e m u n c to r i e s
Introduction Using Gemmotherapy
Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses the embryological tissues of Gemmotherapy remedies are unique: young shoots and buds are used, as they
plants to enhance organ function and facilitate tissue regeneration, encouraging contain the peak life essence of the plant. These embryological tissues are richer
toxin elimination by directing them towards the emunctories. It differs from other in vitamins, oligo-elements, minerals, nucleic acids and growth hormones
forms of phytotherapy as it is inspired by the homeopathic principles of drainage than other plant tissues (Sirois, 2009). Additionally, Gemmotherapy contains
(Tetau, 1987). other active substances (such as gibberelins and auxins) that are lost if a plant is
In the 1950s, Dr. Pol Henry, a renowned Belgian homeopathic doctor, conducted allowed to reach a later stage in its growth cycle before harvesting.
preliminary research on the therapeutic properties of the buds of plants in Belgium. These fresh, embryonic tissues are harvested in their most active phase of the
He applied this research in the 1960s and, in 1970; he published his clinical findings, growth cycle in the spring, in Belgium, to ensure the highest concentration of
coining this new therapy, “Phytoembryotherapie”. biologically active substances. The tissues are then allowed to macerate for
Dr. Pol was most likely inspired by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749-1832) 21 days and are potentized and diluted in a 1X Hahnemanian dilution (also
book, “The metaphorphosis of plants” in his development of Phytoembryotherapy. known as a D1 dilution), using a mixture of glycerin, alcohol, and purified water.
All gemmotherapy remedies are prepared and delivered at this dilution, with the
This new therapy was further adapted by Dr. Max Tetau, a French Homeopath, who exception of Viscum album, which is prepared at a 1CH dilution.
renamed this discipline “Gemmotherapy”, the name by which it is known today
(Tetau, 1987) (Sirois, 2009) (Greaves 2002). Other Belgian and French doctors The alcohol extracts all active principles such as alkaloids, heterocytes, and
contributed to the further development and research of this unique therapy. glycosides. The glycerin extracts all of the essential oils, phenols, and flavonoids.
Dr. Tetau went on to become the president of the Medical Society of Biotherapy. This ensures that the entire profile of all active biochemical ingredients is
Other Belgian and French doctors and researchers, such as Jean-Claude Leunis, extracted and concentrated; not only those that are alcohol-soluble as is found in
contributed to the further development and research of this unique therapy. The most herbal tinctures.
term, “Gemmotherapy”, is derived from the Latin word, “gemmae”, which means
bud of a plant or gem/jewel.

The Concept of Gemmotherapy

The concept of Gemmotherapy encompasses the basis of natural medicine
and the fundamental principles of homeopathic medicine as founded by
Samuel Hahnemann:

1. First, do no harm.
2. The body is capable of self-regulation.
3. Physiology prevails over pathology.
4. Restoring the physiology is essential to healing
the pathology.
5. The four pillars of health must be also taken
into account with equal value: diet, elimination,
psychological equilibrium, balanced hereditary

The aim of this comprehensive product reference guide is for practitioner use only and to assist in building more effective and
successful patient treatment strategies. The reference guide is to be used as an adjunct to Seroyal Continuing Education and is
not intended to be utilized as a diagnostic tool nor replace any other required education. The remedies indicated in this reference
guide are potent medicines that can have profound therapeutic effects on patients. As with any intervention, the dosage
may need to be adjusted for those with chronic conditions, very sensitive individuals and those taking multiple medications.
Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by the
speaker or speakers in the Seroyal Continuing Education program together with any written material provided do not necessarily
represent the views of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice or an endorsement of any products. This information is for
professional use only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease or replace traditional treatment, and has not
been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. Copyright © 2011 Seroyal. All rights reserved. No part of this information
may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, or be distributed
or replicated without express permission of Seroyal. Making copies of any part of this information for any purposes
other than your own personal use is a violation of copyright law.

Version 2. Printed 11/22/11. Gemmos being macerated

How Gemmotherapy Works Gemmotherapy Production
The main actions of Gemmotherapy are to: Harvesting
1. Facilitate the detoxification of the system
UNDA uses only fresh embryonic tissues (young shoots, rootlets and buds) that
2. Aid in tissue regeneration via their active constituents
are harvested in their most active phase of the growth cycle in the spring. The
3. Favour growth development via active ingredients (Gibberelin)
herbs are wild-crafted and harvested in Belgium.
4. Encourage toxin elimination towards the emunctories by acting as
biochemical remedies Preparation
5. Encourage proper functioning of the organs so that the organism can These fresh embryonic tissues are allowed to macerate for 21 days in a mixture
send toxins to the emunctories. Gemmotherapy is not true drainage. of alcohol and glycerin, in accordance with the French Pharmacopeia at a 1:20
Gemmotherapy aids in tissue regeneration and favourable growth development. ratio of fresh bud to mixture. This is key as it allows for the extraction of the
complete profile of active constituents of the plant. After 3 weeks of maceration,
Gemmotherapy has the ability to help the body eliminate both endogenous and
the product is then filtered and potentized at a 1/10th dilution (1X Hahnemanian
exogenous toxins by directing them towards the emunctories and by opening up
dilution) in a mixture of glycerin, alcohol, and purified water. This is known as a
the emunctories (routes of excretion) of the body (Greaves, 2002). When toxins
D1 dilution.
are present, they disrupt the biological balance in the body, impairing immune
system function. Gemmotherapy facilitates immunological identity in children Bottling
over 12 years old and strengthens immune function in adults by aiding in toxin The Gemmotherapy remedies contain 35% alcohol in volume.
They can be used alone or as a starting point to enable other therapies to work
more effectively. (Greaves, 2002). Naturopathic therapies are designed to help
Quality Control
relieve toxic burden from the body. Many of these therapies are time consuming, UNDA is a homeopathic company located in Brussels and Harze, Belgium,
costly and labor intensive. They also may invoke a healing crisis. This is rarely world-renowned for high quality and consistent effectiveness of their
seen with Gemmotherapy. homeopathic products.

Gemmotherapy is able to respect the specificity of the reactional modes of UNDA performs the following laboratory analyses on their products to ensure
the individual, through their action on the diathesis. The diathesis expresses quality, effectiveness, and that the appropriate concentrations are verified.
itself through the manner in which an individual eliminates their toxins and Column Chromatography
whether or not the principles of natural immunity (non-specific) of the individual
This technique is used to identify the organic substance composition of the product.
are followed.
Four curves of light (yellow, blue, red, black) are used. Each product absorbs light
differently and has its own ‘fingerprint’ so it can be uniquely identified.

Infrared Spectrometry
This technique is used to identify a sample’s organic and inorganic chemical
composition. Organic chemicals are ground up and put into a gel. The compound
migrates up the plate under a field of electricity. Each product has a unique
identification pattern.

In addition to the extensive laboratory analyses as described above, UNDA has
implemented the principles of the HCCAP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point) in the production of all Gemmotherapy products. The final products are The standard recommended dosage for adults is 50 drops, three times a day, in a
tested to ensure they are free of microbes, pesticides and heavy metals, as outlined small amount of distilled or reverse osmosis water. It is best taken before meals, and
in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). The only non-medicinal ingredients are: the solution should be held in the mouth for one minute before swallowing. It is
glycerin, ethanol, and purified water, which are necessary for the extraction and permissible to mix different Gemmotherapy remedies together for combined effects.
concentration of the active ingredients. The glycerin is 100% vegetable-sourced Refer to each individual Gemmotherapy description for further risk information.
from Zea mays; the source of alcohol is beets.
All of our Gemmotherapy products are tested according to approved
specifications outlined by Health Canada to ensure product quality. We test for
microbial contaminants such as: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus
aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, total aerobic count and contaminating fungus
(yeast and moulds); additionally we test for chemical contaminants such as
pesticides and heavy metals at the finished product stage.


Greaves, Dr. Marcus. Gemmotherapy and Oligotherapy Regenerators of Dying
Intoxicated Cells. US: Marcus Greaves; 2002.
Pol, Dr. Henry. Gemmotherapie. Belgium.
Sirois, Simone. What is Gemmotherapy? Sante Health Network: February 2009.
Tétau, Dr. Max. Nouvelles Cliniques de Gemmotherapie. Editions Simila: 1987.

Quick Reference Guide
Respiratory System Endocrine System Nervous System Digestive System

Abies Alba 1,2 Betula Pubescens Bud 20 Betula Pendula Bud 32 Betula Pendula Bud 44 Acer Campestre 64
Alnus Glutinosa 3 Cornus Sanguinea 21, 22 Citrus Limonum 33 Carpinus Betulus 45 Aesculus Hippocastanum 65
Betula Pendula Seed4 Juglans Regia 23 Ficus Carica 34, 35, 36 Citrus Limonum 46, 47 Alnus Glutinosa 66
Betula Pubescens Bud 5 Prunus Amygdalus Rootlet 24 Ilex Aquifolium 37 Corylus Avellana 48, 49 Alnus Incana 67
Carpinus Betulus 6, 7, 8 Quercus Pedunculata 25, 26 Lonicera Nigra 38, 39 Ficus Carica 50, 51 Carpinus Betulus 68
Citrus Limonum 9 Ribes Nigrum 27 Olea Europaea 40 Ilex Aquifolium 52 Castanea Vesca 69, 70
Corylus Avellana 10, 11 Rosmarinus Officinalis 28 Prunus Amygdalus Bud 41 Juglans Regia 53 Cercis Siliquastrum 71
Fagus Sylvatica12 Rubus Idaeus29 Prunus Amygdalus Rootlet 42 Juniperus Communis 54 Citrus Limonum 72
Ligustrum Vulgare 13 Sequoia Gigantea30 Tilia Tomentosa43 Ligustrum Vulgare 55 Cornus Sanguinea 73, 74
Lonicera Nigra 14 Vaccinium Vitis Idaea31 Lonicera Nigra 56 Corylus Avellana 75
Ribes Nigrum 15, 16 Prunus Amygdalus Bud57 Crataegus Oxyacantha 76, 77
Rosa Canina 17 Ribes Nigrum58, 59 Olea Europaea 78
Rubus Fruticosus 18 Rosmarinus Officinalis 60 Populus Nigra 79, 80
Viburnum Lantana19 Secale Cereale61 Prunus Amygdalus Bud 81
Vaccinium Vitis Idaea62 Prunus Amygdalus Rootlet 82
Vitis Vinifera63 Sorbus Domestica 83
Syringa Vulgaris 84
Tamarix Gallica 85
Zea Mays86

Dermatological Urinary System & Musculoskeletal System

Metabolic system Immune system
System (urogenital) system & Connective Tissue
Cedrus Libani 87 Ilex Aquifolium93 Abies Alba 104, 105 Fraxinus Excelsior 121 Abies Alba 126
Juglans Regia 88, 89
Juniperus Communis94 Ampelopsis Veitchii 106 Olea Europaea 122 Acer Campestre 127
Platanus Orientalis 90 Lonicera Nigra95 Betula Pendula Bud 107 Prunus Amygdalus Bud 123 Alnus Glutinosa 128
Secale Cereale91 Prunus Amygdalus bud 96, 97 Betula Pubescens Bud 108 Prunus Amygdalus Rootlet 124 Betula Pendula Bud 129
Ulmus Campestris 92 Ribes Nigrum 98 Betula Pubescens Sap 109 Ulmus Campestris 125 Betula Pendula Seed 130
Rubus Idaeus 99, 100 Cercis Siliquastrum110 Betula Pubescens Bud 131
Ulmus Campestris 101 Fraxinus Excelsior 111 Carpinus Betulus132
Viscum Album102 Pinus Montana 112 Fagus Sylvatica 133
Zea Mays103 Rosa Canina 113 Juglans Regia134
Rubus Fruticosus 114, 115 Lonicera Nigra 135
Sequoia Gigantea 116 Pinus Montana136
Vaccinium Vitis Idaeus 117 Platanus Orientalis 137
Viscum Album 118 Ribes Nigrum138, 139
Vitis Vinifera119, 120 Rosa Canina 140, 141
Rosmarinus Officinalis 142
Rubus Fruticosus 143
Viburnum Lantana 144, 145


Abies alba Acer campestre Aesculus hippocastanum

(formerly Abies Pectinata) Field Maple Bud Horse Chestnut Bud
Silver Fir Bud

Abies Alba is a delicate pine tree. It grows slowly in rich The maple tree belongs to the Aceraceae family.157 This hedge The Indian Aesculus originated in Turkey and was eventually
silicic soil under the shelter of surrounding conifers for the Maple is a slow growing hardwood that disseminates along the introduced to Europe as an ornamental tree in the 16th century
protection they offer to facilitate its growth.146 Through this plains and hillsides of Europe and Eastern Asia in rich calcareous around 1550.170 Based on the doctrine of signatures, the cracked
doctrine of signatures, it is evident how this plant species soil that provides this tree with its strength and vigor.158 fruit mimicked the semblance of a hemorrhoid and thus began the
becomes relevant in facilitating the growth of children with signature of this Gemmotherapy.171
The ecology and phytosociology of Acer Campestre is that it is
the strong mineralization aspects required to sustain healthy The primary action of Aesculus is as a portal system drainer
protective of the soil in which it grows159 making it the ideal
development.147 with an affinity for the lower burner and a secondary site of
remedy for treating a viral terrain to fight off chronic viral
The Abies alba species also has great regenerative properties. infections.160 action on the pulmonary sphere.172, 173 The unique qualities
When combined with Betula Pendula, Abies Alba buds of these buds help strengthen capillary resistance and
When combined with Fraxinus Excelsior, the Acer Campestre
stimulate a state of vibrancy and helps fixate calcium to bones reduce inflammation and swelling thus reducing capillary
buds will exert a strong biliary drainage action that helps
which is especially beneficial in pediatric growth disorders, permeability while decongesting the portal venous system
mobilize gluey toxins and slows the formation of biliary
fractures, rickets, and dental carries.148 and easing respiratory insufficiencies.174
sediments or calculi161 for improved lipid, cholesterol and
When combined with Rosa Canina and Betula Pendula their triglyceride metabolism.162 Aesculus Hippocastanum has a complementary action to
unique synergy combines together for the non-suppressive Castanea Vesca.175
Acer Campestre is helpful in treating many types of fatigue as
resolution and treatment of pediatric upper respiratory tract
well as fibromyalgia.163 INDICATIONS
infections in the sphere of ear, nose and throat afflictions.149
When used with Tilia Tomentosa, the combination treats a Haemorrhoids 176
INDICATIONS nervous anguish stemming from an unknown source.164 Poor Venous Circulation 177
Childhood Rhinopharyngitis 150 Fractures 154
Children’s Throat Infections 151 Rickets 155 INDICATIONS Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Bud Extract (1:200)
Decalcification 152 Tonsillitis 156 Chronic Viral Infections165 Herpes 168
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Dental Caries
153 Fatigue166 Nervous Anguish 169 purified water
Recommended Dose:
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Silver Fir (Abies alba) Bud Extract (1:200) Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Field Maple (Acer campestre) Bud Extract (1:200) water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
purified water Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water healthcare practitioner.
Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
Recommended Dose: your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
healthcare practitioner. NPN 80010978
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult healthcare practitioner. 125 ml
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010886 practitioner.
125 ml NPN 80010909
125 ml

Alnus glutinosa Alnus incana Ampelopsis veitchii
Black Alder Bud Mountain Alder Bud Boston Ivy Young Shoot

Alnus Glutinosa is a robust pioneering tree. It colonizes along Alnus Incana is a mountain alder that grows high in the Ampelopsis Veitchii is a remarkable gripping vine from the
the river’s edge and protects surrounding trees from excess Alps, Apennines, Scandinavia, Finland and Laponie in the Vitaceae Family.195 It grows by attaching its tendrils to hard
humidity with its radicular tuberosities that reach deep into transitional zones between the sub-polar tundra and the surfaces, adhering and anchoring its offshoots in order to
turbulent soil to regenerate the terrain in which it grows.178, 179 mountain forests.188 Because of these harsh conditions in support its progressive growth.196 These natural adhering
The Alnus Glutinosa bud is round and sticky, and mimics which it grows, Alnus Incana demonstrates great resilience properties mirror the plants remarkable ability to correct
this signature in the treatment of acute venous thrombitis. and an incredible adaptability to survive in drastic extremes. connective tissue disorders for straightened growth.
The Alnus Glutinosa bud also has an affinity for the arterial This doctrine of signature translates to the Alnus Incana buds’ Ampelopsis Veitchii has an affinity for the articulating
capillaries and thus helps facilitate cerebral perfusion, profound tissular actions and extreme effectiveness in anti- surfaces such as ligaments, tendons and the synovia.197 This
circulation and oxygenation.180 inflammatory actions within the circulatory system.189 This bud is particularly beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory
can help minimize the damage to myocardial tissue.190 rheumatismal conditions with fibrous indurations, especially
This bud works well in the treatment of suppurative,
in those that lead to deformity and ankylosis.198
inflammatory and subacute diffuse inflammatory conditions This bud also has the ability to alter the terrain in severe
on the mucosal terrain.181 By this doctrine, Alnus Glutinosa medical conditions including advanced neurological Combine with Ribes Nigrum in inflammatory conditions for
also helps with the resolution of painful hydrogenoid degenerative decline.191 The actions of Alnus Incana are enhanced clinical results.
rheumatism.182 stronger then those of Alnus Glutinosa but have a shorter
duration of action lasting approximately 2-3 weeks.192 INDICATIONS
INDICATIONS Ankylosing Spondylitis 199 Dupuytren’s Disease 202
Articular Rheumatism Inflammatory Consequences
183 186 INDICATIONS Cartilage Regeneration 200 Rheumatoid Arthritis 203
Cerebral Circulation 184 URTI 187 Inflammation 193 Chronic Rheumatism 201
Cerebral Functions 185 Neurological Decline194
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Boston Ivy (Ampelopsis veitchii) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) Bud Extract (1:200) Mountain Alder (Alnus incana) Bud Extract (1:200) Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), purified water
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water purified water
Recommended Dose:
Recommended Dose: (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Recommended Dose: Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be us ed on the advice of your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. healthcare practitioner. Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding,
do not use, unless directed by your healthcare practitioner. practitioner.
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. NPN 80010977 NPN 80010972
NPN 80010878 125 ml 125 ml
125 ml

BETULA PENDULA (BUD) Betula PENDULA (seed) Betula pubescens (Bud)
[formerly Betula verrucosa (Bud)] [formerly Betula verrucosa (Seed)] White Birch Bud
European White Birch Bud European White Birch Seed

Betula Pendula is a European white birch. By species, this The seeds of the Betula Pendula birch species are a vast The Betula Pubescens is a pioneering tree that colonizes
birch tree’s root system has a drier propensity comparative to source of oligo-elements, particularly rich in silica and where the land is drying out and the terrains are turbid.229
its cousins.204 It is a resilient tree that can colonize in dry, omega-3 essential fatty acids.223 This species has a greater affinity for colder climates, and
sterile, uncultivated land or regenerate a silicic rich forest in has a deeper action then Betula Pendula because of its rich
This Gemmotherapy is particularly beneficial for pediatric
the process of degradation.205 embryological principles and multiple therapeutic actions.230
patients with repeated rhinopharingitis especially when
The primary therapeutic indications of these buds revolve combined with Ribes Nigrum and Rosa Canina.224 Betula Pubescens stimulates the immune system, in
around the growing or regenerative osteoblastic actions on particular, the reticulo-endothelial system, the liver, lymph
The rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids contained
bone health especially when combined with Abies Alba for nodes and spleen to monitor and destroy invading organisms
within these embryological seeds are used for their mood
children and adolescents who suffer from demineralizing within the vascular system.231
balancing effects and improved cerebral faculties especially
conditions.206 It is also indicated in nervous system depletion for students and those requiring enhanced cognitive In relation to the liver, Betula Pubescens promotes strong
and intellectual exhaustion.207 functions when used as an intellectual tonic.225 macrophagic actions in the Kuppfer cells to help stimulate
Betula Pendula has a short lived immune stimulating effect, the catabolism of ureas, uric acids, cholesterols and is a major
and is thus useful in the treatment of acute infections.208 The INDICATIONS anti-toxicant for the liver.232
Betula Pendula buds also stimulate the Kuppferian and splenic Acute Rhinopharyngitis226 Repeated Childhood
Rhinopharyngitis228 In terms of inflammation and thrombolytic activities, Alnus
macrophage cells and are useful in the early onset stages of renal, Intellectual Tonic227 Glutinosa is a good compliment to the Betula Pubescens bud.233
disorders, albuminuria, nephritis, and certain hepatic, pancreatic
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
and splenic disorders.209 European White Birch (Betula pendula) Seed Extract (1:200)
Betula Pendula also has a strong diuretic action and uric acid Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Bone Fractures 234 Impotence and Sexual
purified water Colds 235 Asthenia 240
elimination capacities for improved renal health and relief of
the pain associated with rheumatoid conditions.210 Recommended Dose: Constipation 236 Osteoarthritis 241
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Decalcification 237 Rhinopharyngitis 242
When combined with Ilex Aquifolium, the two Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Fatigue 238 URTI243
Gemmotherapy remedies reduce benign breast Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Flu 239
fibroadenomas.211 healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
INDICATIONS your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare White Birch (Betula pubescens) Bud Extract (1:200)
Albuminuria 212
Nephritis 218 practitioner. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water
Benign Breast Cysts 213 Nervous System Depletion 219 NPN 80010990

Bone Fractures214 Osteomyelitis 220 125 ml

Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Demineralization in Pancreatic Disorders221 Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Children & Adolescents
Splenic Disorders222 water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Intellectual Exhaustion 216 Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Liver & Kidney Conditions 217
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: practitioner.
European White Birch (Betula pendula) Bud Extract (1:200)
NPN 80010914
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water 125 ml

Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010956
125 ml

[Formerly Betula Alba (SAP)] Hornbeam Bud Chestnut Bud
White Birch Sap

There are multiple varieties of the Betula species, each with Carpinus Betulus is an occidental tree that has become an Castanea Vesca originated in Iran over 25 centuries ago
its unique actions and medicinal components, and many ornamental decoration throughout French gardens.248 It is a before its migration to Europe.263 It was a sacred tree revered
with similar cross-over in their therapeutic actions with social tree in nature and has great adaptability characteristics by the ancient Druids.264 This tree represents a robust
minor distinguishing factors. evidenced by the various environments in which it can grow. temperament with intolerance to contradiction.265
Traditionally, the sap was considered as an elixir of the It is for these reasons that Carpinus Betulus has become the It is an excellent circulatory remedy on both the sanguinous and
spirit and was used to treat skin conditions by clearing the symbol for vital energy, vigor and adaptability.249 lymphatic spheres. Castanea Vesca tonifies the venous system.
complexion and eliminating blemishes while flushing these The primary therapeutic actions of the Hornbeam involve It is a remedy for heavy legs, lower extremity edema, varicose
toxins to the renal emunctories. Orally it was gargled for raising platelet counts in thrombocytopenia with an veins and varicose ulcerations, lymphatic stagnation and
apthae on the buccal mucosa.244 increase in agglutination factors in the prevention of extremity engorgement due to sluggish lymphatic return.266
The Betula Pubescens sap is a good remedy especially in haemorrhages.250, 251 These traits work best when combined
spring when the sap flows. It is used as a kidney drainer to with Cornus Sanguinaria.252 INDICATIONS
facilitate and improve renal health through the clearance of Lymphatic Circulation Congestion 267
The secondary action is on the liver in which Carpinus
uric acids in rheumatic conditions.The metabolic draining Betulus lowers elevated cholesterol levels and normalizes Spasmodic and Congestive Difficulties 268
activity of this sap is very powerful. It can decrease uric transaminases.253 Venous Troubles 269
acid levels by up to 20-30%. It also has a potent effect as
a diuretic and facilitates the complete emptying of the Lastly, this is an excellent remedy in the upper respiratory sphere Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
in terms of stimulating the adrenals in infectious and allergic Chestnut (Castanea vesca) Bud Extract (1:200)
urinary bladder. 245, 246 Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
conditions especially when combined with Ribes Nigrum.254 purified water
Arthrosis 247
INDICATIONS Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Adult Rhinopharyngitis 255 Haemorrhaging 259 Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Bronchial Anti-Spasmodic256 Hepatic Deficiencies 260
White Birch (Betula alba) Sap Extract (1:200) Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Chronic Sinusitis 257 Thrombocytopenia 261 healthcare practitioner.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Emphysema 258 Tracheitis and Bronchitis 262
purified water Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Recommended Dose: Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: practitioner.
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Bud Extract (1:200)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of NPN 80010898
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water 125 ml
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Recommended Dose:
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
NPN 80010993 healthcare practitioner.
125 ml Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010936
125 ml

Cedar of Lebanon Young Shoot Judas Tree Bud Lemon Young Shoot

Cedrus Lebani is a rustic and adaptable tree that can Cercis Siliquastrum originated in Palestine and was brought The Lemon Tree originated in Iran. It is one of those rare trees
survive outside its native land when most imported trees over to Europe during the Crusades.278 that are almost constantly flourishing with flowers, fruits and
cultivated outside of their original environment lose their This is a unique tree in which the leaves emerge only leaves. The lemon fruits of this tree are rich in mineral salts,
enduring qualities.270 after the blossomed flowers wither.279 The temperament gums, glucides and vitamins A, C, PP and B.287
The strength of this tree is etched as the emblem on the associated with the Judas tree is that of an artistic, poetic, The fruit of the lemon tree is very aromatic and has potent
Lebanese flag.271 The temperament of this tree is represented impressionable and timid adolescent who blushes easily antiseptic qualities traditionally used to treat cholera,
by authoritative type figures who govern slowly but firmly with embarrassment.280 diphtheria and typhoid bacilli.288 The citric acid contained
with an iron clad fist.272 within is a strong dissolvent of uric acids and is good for
This Gemmotherapy has a specific affinity for the arterial and
treating painful rheumatism.289
Cedrus is an excellent remedy with a specific affinity for cardiovascular systems. In particular, the Judas tree acts on
the skin. It is particularly beneficial for dry, dehydrated skin the arterial and cardiovascular systems by reducing arterial The inner bark of the stem is useful in fluidifying venous
conditions such as dry eczemas, rebellious psoriasis and inflammation, spasms and circulatory flow.281 circulation.290
This Gemmotherapy is indicated in helping to reduce the Citrus Limonum is an effective complimentary remedy for
pain of inflammatory conditions such as Raynaud’s and certain neurotoxic syndromes typically with accompanying
Buerger’s Diseases.282 atheromatosis such as in cases of insomnia, spasmodic
Dry Eczema (Ichthyosis) 274
coughs, hiccups, painful tics and palpitations.291
Pruritis 275 Cornus Sanguinaria is a good complimentary remedy.
Psoriasis276 Although the primary actions of this remedy are focused on
INDICATIONS arterial and venous circulation. It also acts as a blood thinner
Arterial Circulation 283 Juvenile Arteritis 285 to fluidify and improve circulation.292
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Buerger’s Disease 284 Raynaud’s Disesase286 As a secondary therapeutic action, Citrus Limonum can be
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
used as a tonic for digestive migraines.293
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
purified water Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) Bud Extract (1:200) Its actions are swift but short lived.294
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Recommended Dose: purified water
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) INDICATIONS
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Recommended Dose: Hiccups 295 Palpitations 299
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Insomnia 296 Poor Digestion300
healthcare practitioner. water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Migraines 297 Spasmodic Coughs 301
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or healthcare practitioner. Painful Tics 298 Venous Fluidifier302
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
NPN 80010937 breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare Lemon (Citrus limonum) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
125 ml Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
NPN 80010975 purified water
125 ml
Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010995
125 ml

Dogwood Bud Hazel Bud Hawthorn Young Shoot

Cornus Sanguinaria is a tenacious hardwood tree that grows Corylus Avellana populated itself across Europe over 20,000 Crataegus Oxyacantha wood is hard and heavy.330 It grows
on calcareous hillsides throughout Europe.303 There are years ago.314 It seeks fertile and robust soil for its rapid everywhere across Europe, except in the regions where Olea
two sexes to the Cornus tree. The Sanguinaria represents growth and alkalinizes an acidic terrain as it grows.315 To the Europaea grows.331 It is a thorny plant from the Rosacea
the female Cornus as each summer solstice its leaves turn Druids, Corylus Avellana had magical properties and became family and became the symbol of longevity due to its actions
red, symbolizing blood and the cyclical flow of this vital life the symbol for the knowledge of hidden secrets and its wood on the heart and brain.332
force.304 In ancient Celtic mythology, Cornus Sanguinaria was used in carvings of phallic symbols.316 The main focus of Crataegus Oxyacantha is as a cardiac tonic
came to represent the symbol of the heart.305 for enhanced cardiac perfusion and cerebral irrigation.333
There are three primary functions for the hazel bud. It is
Based on this doctrine of signatures, this tree has a an anti-sclerotic remedy used primarily for pulmonary There is a high concentration of glycosides in its young
strong affinity with issues of the heart, ranging from blood fibrosis to restore the elasticity lost in chronic obstructive shoots which help regulate heart rate via cardiac impulses
re-absorption from traumatic hemorrhages306 to assistance pulmonary diseases.317, 318 and myocardial tonus.334
of cirulatory flow.
It has a tonic action on the liver parenchyma and is used to Crataegus Oxyacantha has positive ionotropic properties
Its primary actions are to clear clogged arteries especially where treat hepatic insufficiencies due to hepatic sclerosis. to reinforce the force and amplitude of ventricular
there is plaque formation leading to coronary insufficiency.307 contractions,335 negative chronotropic actions to slow a
Lastly, the Corylus Avellana bud has anti-anemic properties rapid heart rate, dromotropic positive actions to facilitate
The secondary action is to assist in moderating the functions to restore erythropoietin and balances hypochromic and neurocardiac impulses, repolarization and correction of ST
of the thyroid gland with thyrotoxicosis especially when microcytic anemias.319 depressions, and is bathmotropic positive to facilitate cardiac
this is associated with symptoms of extrasystole and
excitability.336, 337 Lastly Crataegus Oxyacantha is a normo-
hyperhydrosis.308, 309 INDICATIONS tensio-regulator for balancing vascular tone.338
Anemia 320 Headaches 325
INDICATIONS Due to its strong actions, Crataegus Oxyacantha must be
Asthma with Emphysema321 Hepatic Insufficiency326
Collapse of Vascular System 310 Haemorrhaging 312 stopped prior to ECGs and has a risk of potentiation and
Chronic Bronchitis322 Necrosis 327
Extrasystole311 Hyperhydrosis313 interference with cardiac medications therefore extreme care
Cirrhosis323 Pulmonary Fibrosis 328
must be taken before administering this Gemmotherapy.339
Emphysema 324 Smoker’s Cough329
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) Bud Extract (1:200)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
purified water Hazel (Corylus avellana) Bud Extract (1:200) Precardial Pain 340
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Recommended Dose: purified water Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Recommended Dose:
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. (Adults and Children over 12 years old) Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of purified water
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Recommended Dose:
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or healthcare practitioner. Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
practitioner. your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
NPN 80010916 breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare healthcare practitioner.
125 ml Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
NPN 80010996 your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
125 ml breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. If you have cardiovascular disease, consult your
healthcare practitioner prior to use.
NPN 80010979
125 ml

European Beech Bud Fig Bud Ash Bud

Fagus Sylvatica is a majestic tree with a large trunk.341 As it Ficus Carica originated in Asia Minor, North Africa, and Fraxinus Excelsior grows in damp soil.366 This tree is unique
grows, it acidifies the soil beneath and alters the terrain in naturalized throughout Italy, Spain and the south of in that its wood is flexible, its bark clear and its flowers
which other trees grow.342 France.353 It grows in uncultivatable soil and regenerates are without petals.367 According to Nordic mythology,
Fagus Sylvatica is a fibrosclerotic terrain remedy.343 From these intolerable terrains making the soil hospitable for other Fraxinus Excelsior was exalted as the “Tree of Life” for its
a homeopathic perspective, the actions of this remedy are plant species to grow.354 reinvigorating properties mirrored by its roots embedding
beneficial in carbonic constitutions.344 Many parts of this tree contain an acrid and caustic milky deep into the world of gods and its branches reaching up
substance that reflects the trees doctrine for treating acidic into the infinite, rendering this tree with an evaporating
This is a great remedy for treating post-lesional quality.368
and ulcerous conditions.355 While on the other hand, the
hypogammaglobulinemia and hypoimmune function
figs, the fruits of this tree, are nourishing and rich in sugars, The temperament of this Gemmotherapy is that of an
following a shock or grief.345 It is an antisclerotic remedy with
mucilages and oligo-elements.356 anxious, conflicted and hysterical individual.369
an affinity for respiratory fibrosclerosis and nephrosclerosis.346
Ficus Carica is a key remedy in Gemmotherapy. For it was This doctrine of signatures is reflected in its medicinal
Fagus Sylvatica will stimulate renal function by increasing
under this fig tree that Buddha reached enlightenment properties. For Fraxinus Excelsior has two main areas of
urinary output, decreasing uric acids, ureas, creatinine
and Ficus gained the reputation of being the “friend of impact; the kidneys and the articulations.370 Through the
and renal lithiasis as well as addressing renal sclerosis and
philosophers” for its calming actions on the mental sphere.357 deep depurative actions on the kidneys, Fraxinus Excelsior
glomerulonephritis in repetitive or terminal collibacillosis and
It exerts a powerful regulatory action in the cerebral catabolizes nucleoproteins, increases diuresis and aids in
nephritic syndromes.347, 348
hemisphere along the cortico-hypothalamic axis to balance the elimination of excess uric acids to alleviate the pain and
INDICATIONS the realm of emotions, anguish, fears and obsessions.358 inflammation of the articulations.371 It is especially beneficial
Acquired Hypogammaglobulinemia349 Ficus Carica has been defined as the psychosomatic regulator in treating Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes in cases of
of the stomach.359 These ‘emotional digester’ qualities deformative arthritis due to its elastic properties.372
Renal Sclerosis351 rendered Ficus Carica the primary remedy for treating digestive
Sclerotic Respiratory Conditions352 disturbances of an emotional origin ranging from esophageal
Anti-Inflammatory 373 Excess Uric Acids376
dysphagia, hiatal hernias, reflux disorders and stomach cramps.360
Anxious Temperaments374 Heberden’s Nodes377
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Bud Extract (1:200) When combined with Olea Europea, Ficus Carica helps Bouchard’s Nodes375
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), minimize damage in cases of facial neuralgia.361
purified water Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
INDICATIONS Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Bud Extract (1:200)
Recommended Dose: Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Colitis 362 Obsessive and Anxious Neurosis364 purified water
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Facial Neuralgia 363 Psychosomatic Difficulties 365
Recommended Dose:
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
healthcare practitioner. Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Fig (Ficus carica) Bud Extract (1:200) water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare purified water healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
NPN 80011038 Recommended Dose: your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
125 ml Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of practitioner.
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
NPN 80010886
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. 125 ml
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010976
125 ml

English Holly Young Shoot English Walnut Bud Common Juniper Young Shoot

Ilex Aquifolium is an evergreen with beautiful red berries that Juglans Regia travelled to the south-eastern regions of Juniperus Communis is an interesting evergreen tree with durable
mature at Christmas time.378 It was for these reasons that Ilex Europe during the last glacial age around 800BC.394 For its wood and belongs to the pine family.410 It is characterized by
Aquifolium was revered as the tree of immortality and rebirth growth, Juglans Regia requires deep, fertile calcareous soil.395 the number three.411 Having leaves as sharp needles in groups
to the ancient Druids, while the Celts buried their ancestors The outer shell of the Juglans Regia nut appears like a small of three, three bracts per flower, and taking three years for its
holding holly branches in their hands.379 The resins of Ilex brain with all the evident corrugations, and its nut is rich in fruits to mature, symbolizing the trinity and the temperament
Aquifolium were traditionally used as glue.380 omega-3 essential fatty acids that aids in the nourishing of of mystics, introverts, and those on a religious quest.412 In
Holly works best on a nervous temperament; for those who are cerebral functions.396 Scandinavian mythology, Juniperus Communis was used to
stressed out, aggressive, quick to react and always rushed.381 This remedy belongs to a plethoric and sanguine type honor Thor, the God of Life and Death.413
of temperament. They are typically hot and subject to There are two primary sites of action for Juniperus
Therapeutically, Ilex Aquifolium aids in improving retinal
metabolic illnesses.397 Communis. Firstly, it has depurative and vulnerary properties
circulation and slows the thickening of crystalline that leads
that aid in hepatic regeneration.414 Through these therapeutic
to the formation of cataracts.382 Juglans Regia has three main indications. Primarily, it
actions, Juniperus Communis can aid in the treatment of
helps to restore the microflora especially post-antibiotic
Ilex Aquifolium also works on the level of the adrenal glands functional liver and gallbladder problems ranging from
use with subsequent diarrheas.398 Juglans, as one of the
and stimulates cortisol secretion and will thus potentiate liver inflammation, elevated transaminases and GTT levels,
medicinal components, functions with antibiotic-like
the actions of Ribes Nigrum.383 When combined with Betula to cirrhosis, steatosis, biliary lithiasis and parenchymal
properties, to increase microbial and viral resistance due to
Pendula, Ilex Aquifolium helps treat benign breast cysts and sclerosis.415 This Gemmotherapy also eases portal congestion,
its immunoglobulin stimulating properties.399
will aid Tilia Tomentosa in calming the nervous system.384 liver hypertrophy and the ensuring decompensatory sequelae
Juglans Regia also has digestive purification properties of these conditions.416
Ilex Aquifolium has an additional benefit to help improve
that aids in the treatment of chronic mucous membrane
auditory functions by reducing humming sounds in the ear.385 On the renal sphere Juniperus Communis facilitates diuresis
suppurations. It is through these deep and depurative
and aids in the elimination of uric acids.417
INDICATIONS digestive actions that Juglans Regia helps to alleviate many
Benign Breast Cysts 386 Hyperplasia of Fibroadenoma390 skin conditions.400,401 Juniperus Communis is contraindicated in renal cancers.418
Cataracts387 Nervous Temperament391 Juglans Regia also has a primary affinity for the pancreas and Maximum time of use is 5-6 weeks in non-pathological
Eczema 388 Psoriasis392 assists in cases of pancreatic insufficiency and malabsorption conditions.419
Gastritis389 Renal Dysfunctions393 syndromes through its stimulating actions on pancreatic
secretions.402 INDICATIONS
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Cirrhotic Syndromes 420
English Holly (Ilex aquifolium) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) INDICATIONS Major Hepatic Insufficiency 421
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water
Impetigo 403 Post-Antibiotic Diarrhea 407
Infected Eczema 404 Skin Infections 408 Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Common Juniper (Juniperus communis) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Insulin Deficiency 405 Varicose Ulcers 409 Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Pancreatic Problems 406 purified water
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Recommended Dose:
healthcare practitioner. Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
English Walnut (Juglans regia) Bud Extract (1:200) Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare purified water Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
practitioner. healthcare practitioner.
Recommended Dose:
NPN 80011057 Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
125 ml Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
NPN 80010980
healthcare practitioner.
125 ml
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80011036
125 ml

Privet Young Shoot Honeysuckle Young Shoot Olive Young Shoot

Ligustrum Vulgare belongs to the Oleacea family.422 Its There are over 200 different species of the Lonicera tree.437 The Olea Europaea originated in Asia before spreading to
branches, fruits and berries are toxic if ingested leading to Out of all these many species, the Nigra variety is one of the Greece and across the European Continent.455 The olive
the doctrine of signatures traditional uses for treating gastric rarest.438 The flowers of the Lonicera Nigra are beautifully branch graciously became reknown as the universal symbol
distress that leads to nausea and vomiting.423 Due to its strong scented, but its berries are black and highly toxic.439 of peace, tranquility and prosperity and was crowned on the
nature, Ligustrum Vulgare is indicated for adult use only.424 In folklore tales, Lonicera Nigra was the symbol of love and heads of youthful victorious Olympians.456,457
The primary sites of action for this Gemmotherapy are on legend has it that Sir Lancelot himself offered these flowers The Olive itself is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and
the mucous membranes.425 In particular, Ligustrum Vulgare to his betrothed.440 contains 75% oleic acid.458 This fatty acid is an excellent
benefits the mucous membranes of the mouth and inhibits remedy in the preservation of arterial suppleness on the
Lonicera Nigra is a drainer of the liver and kidneys.441 It
buccal infections ranging from alveo-dental pyorrhea, arterial terrain in both the cerebral and cardiovascular
is less powerful then Juniperus Communis in respects to
chronic tracheo-bronchitis and stomatitis.426 spheres.459 In addition, Olea Europaea has tremendous
these actions, however, Lonicera Nigra has the additional
anti-hypercholesterolemic and anti-dyslipidemic properties
On the pulmonary plane, Ligustrum Vulgare protects component of being a nervo-calmant, especially when
that aid in the dissolution and lowering of elevated
the respiratory mucous membranes and thus facilitates combined with Tilia Tomentosa in the case of muscular and
cholesterols, triglycerides, and LDL levels while subsequently
respiration and blood re-oxygenation as well as by nervous cramps.442
increasing HDL levels.460
stimulating the defenses in bronchiole dilatations and
The depurative actions of this Gemmotherapy are indicated
emphysema.427 Olea Europaea also has great anti-sclerotic properties to
in alleviating pain associated with arthritis and trophic
facilitate in the break down of scar tissues aiding in the
INDICATIONS moderation of vascular tonality.461,462
Bed Sores 428 Stomatitis433 Through its general hepatic, renal and nervous system
In Bach Flower Therapy, Olive is a remedy used to treat both
Bronchitis 429 Tonsillitis 434 actions, Lonicera Nigra is indicated in cases of colibacilosis,
physical and mental exhaustion post convalescence.463
Chronic Intestinal Problems430 Ulcerations 435 tonsillitis, emphysema as well as urinary and hepatic
Colitis 431 Vaginal Discharges 436 manifestations and splenic inflammation.444 When combined with Prunus Amygdalus, one sees a
decrease in nervous phobias and obsessive compulsive
Intestinal and Uterine Not for use in children.445

Bleeding 432 disorders.464 When combined with Ficus Carica, facial

INDICATIONS neuralgias can be treated.465
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Colibacillosis 446 Rheumatisms451 Olea Europaea is contraindicated in cancer.466
Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Calmant 447 Splenitis 452
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water Constipation 448 Tonsillitis 453 INDICATIONS
Emphysema 449 Urinary and Hepatic Compulsive Obsessions 467 Hypercholesterolemia 470
Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Muscular and Nervous Dysfunctions 454 Dyslipemia 468 Nervous Phobias 471
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
450 Facial Neuralgia 469
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Honeysuckle (Lonicera nigra) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) Olive (Olea europaea) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare purified water purified water
Recommended Dose: Recommended Dose:
NPN 80011041
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
125 ml Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.

Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. healthcare practitioner.

Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. If you are taking blood thinners, consult your practitioner.
health care practitioner prior to use. NPN 80010981
NPN 80010883 125 ml
125 ml

Mountain Pine Bud Oriental Planetree Bud Black Poplar Bud

Pinus Montana is a coniferous pine tree that regenerates Platanus Orientalis is a giant among giants. This tree can grow Populus Nigra belongs to the Salicacea family.496 It grows
degraded terrains, while subsequently acidifying the terrain as high as 50 meters tall and 10 meters in circumference.486 The across Europe and populates itself along the borders of
beneath it so that other species can not grow.472 To the vital force of this tree is strong enough to clear urban pollution waters edge.497 During the middle ages, it was utilized for
Vikings, the resin of the Pinus Montana was made into a and it is postulated that Hippocrates himself used to consult treating the pains associated with rheumatism, ankylosis and
ceremonial drink for fortifying health and vigor before their under the shadows of this very tree.487 articular pains due to its salicylic properties.498
long exploits.473 Platanus Orientalis is a key stimulator of the reticulo- The primary actions of this Gemmotherapy are its arterial
The pineol contained within the needles of Pinus Montana endothelial system and helps boost immunity against the anti-spasmodic actions and its angiogenic properties for
both stimulates and fortifies the defenses against invading threat of allergies and bacteria.488 stimulating collateral circulation.499 It has been used in men
bacteria and viruses.474 who smoke and develop a progressive and evolutive arteritis
The skin is the primary site of action for this Gemmotherapy
of the lower limbs leading to intermittent claudication
The main actions of Pinus Montana however are to with an affinity for acne, comedomes, cystic and papulo-
and painful leg cramps, especially when combined with a
regenerate bone and cartilage through the chondrocyte pustular infectious leaving behind scarring lesions.489
smoking cessation program and Olea Europea and Ribes
stimulant actions on the osteo-articular sphere.475 This
Platanus Orientalis is one of the main remedies used to Nigrum as supportive Gemmotherapy remedies.500
makes Pinus Montana an excellent remedy for the treatment
address cases of vitiligo but must be used for a period of
of senile fractures and bone consolidation, arthrosis and Populus Nigra has also become associated with repeated
greater then 6 months in order to see visible changes in the
osteoporosis.476, 477 urinary bladder infections, colibacillosis, and interstitial
treatment of this condition.490
cystitis characterized by painful micturation and scarring of
INDICATIONS Platanus Orientalis can also be used in the treatment of the urinary bladder.501
Ankylosing Spondylitis 478 Osteoporosis 483 malarial sequelae.491
This Gemmotherapy is intended for short term use only,
Osteoarthritis of the Hips 4-5 weeks, as it can lead to hepatic degeneration with
Cartilage Regeneration 480 and Knees
Acne and Skin Lesions492 Malaria 494 prolonged use.502
Chronic Rheumatism 481 Vertebral Osteoarthritis 485
Immune Booster493 Vitiligo 495
Immune Fortifier
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Obliterative Arterial Disease of the Lower Limbs and
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Oriental Planetree (Platanus orientalis) Bud Extract (1:200) Associated Trophic Disturbances 503
Mountain Pine (Pinus montana) Bud Extract (1:200)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), UTI 504
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), purified water
purified water
Recommended Dose: Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Recommended Dose: (Adults and Children over 12 years old) Black Poplar (Populus nigra) Bud Extract (1:200)
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. purified water
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your healthcare practitioner.
healthcare practitioner. Recommended Dose:
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare practitioner.
practitioner. Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
NPN 80011019 healthcare practitioner.
NPN 80011023
125 ml Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
125 ml your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80011020
125 ml

Almond Bud Almond Rootlet Oak Bud

Prunus Amygdalus is a heavy hardwood from the Rosacea The rootlets of the Prunus Amygdalus have many similar The Quercus Pedunculata is a powerful tree that has become
family that grows throughout Northern Africa and East Asia.505 actions to the buds of Prunus Amygdalus as they both belong the emblem for longevity and tranquil force.529 To the ancient
It was introduced to France in 1548, but grew in Greece during to the same tree. However, there are some main distinguishing Druids, Quercus Pedunculata embodied the strength of the
ancient times.506 factors between the two parts of the almond tree. human spirit and was the symbol of power for its role as the
Primarily, the buds of Prunus Amygdalus are used for their It is the Prunus Amygdalus Rootlets that help fluidify the master of the forest as it protected the soil and all beneath it.530
anti-sclerotic properties and act as a complimentary remedy blood and has deeper, complementary actions when The buds of this great tree are used medicinally for they have
with Olea Europaea to support arterial suppleness.507 The combined with other anti-coagulant therapies.521 great regenerative and Yin tonifying actions on the glandular
antisclerotic actions of the Prunus Amygdalus buds also act system, particularly in relation to the cortico-adrenal and
Preventatively, Prunus Amygdalus Rootlets can be used
on cardiovascular, cerebral and renal health.508, 509 male gonadal spheres.531, 532 In relation to the adrenal glands,
to help combat states of hyperviscosity and aid in smooth
Quercus Pendunculata stimulates 17-hydroxycorticoides
The buds of this Gemmotherapy help tonify the sanguinous circulatory flow before incidents arise.522
(urinary), noradrenalin and cortisol to tonify a deficient
cardiovascular system through the fortification of the
The primary difference between the buds and the rootlets is adrenal gland.533
myocardial tissue and subsequent cardiac contractibility.510
that the rootlets have a stronger thyroid stimulating action
These properties aid in cerebral vascularization, improving In terms of hormonal health, Quercus Pedunculata stimulates
and have a stronger implication in rebalancing the endocrine
oxygenation, cognitive functions and nervous phobias.511 the gonadal secretion of testosterone in men and ovarian
system of the organism.523
function in women especially when there is sexual and
The added benefit is that the Prunus Amygdalus buds
The Prunus Amygdalus Rootlet has similar cross-over hormonal glandular fatigue.534
also lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels
indications with respect to Olea Europea and can be
and facilitate the elimination of excess uric acids.512 This Quercus Pedunculata is also an excellent tonic in
combined in the treatment of high blood pressure, nervous
Gemmotherapy is indicated in cases of renal sclerotic malnourished, fatigued, hypoadrenal and convalescent states
phobias and obsessive compulsive disorders.524
plaques, lipidic nephritis, elevated renal amylase and to fortify those with a low vital force.535
cholelithiasis.513 INDICATIONS
Compulsive Obsessions 525 Hyperlipidemia 527
INDICATIONS Adrenal Atrophy 536 Impotence 539
Dyslipemia 526 Nervous Phobias 528
Increased Prothrombin Rate 518
Chronic Fatigue in Men 537 Sexual Asthenia 540
Cholelithiasis 515 Nephritis (lipid) 519 Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Constipation 538 Vascular System Problems541
High Triglyceride Levels 516 Renal Amylase 520 Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Rootlet Extract (1:200)

Hypercholesterolemia 517 Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),

purified water
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Oak (Quercus pedunculata) Bud Extract (1:200)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Recommended Dose: purified water
Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Bud Extract (1:200) (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Recommended Dose:
purified water (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Recommended Dose: healthcare practitioner. water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or healthcare practitioner.
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
healthcare practitioner. NPN 80011022 breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult practitioner.
125 ml
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or NPN 80011007
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. 125 ml
NPN 80010991
125 ml

Black Currant Bud Dog Rose Young Shoot Rosemary Young Shoot

Ribes Nigrum originated in the Himalayas and the plains of Rosa Canina belongs to the innumerable species of wild roses Rosmarinus Officinalis is a widely used Gemmotherapy that
Nepal.542 Its berries are rich in vitamin C, bioflavonoids and that grow almost everywhere in the forests of Europe, North stems from the Mediterranean regions.581
are useful in circulatory health although Ribes Nigrum is Africa and Asia.566 These plants are rigorous and durable and It is primarily a liver regenerator and acts as both a liver and
considered as a universal drainer, capable of cleansing the they can adapt to grow on many rough terrains.567 gall bladder drainer, with a mild affinity for the kidneys.582
entire system.543, 544 In Gemmotherapy, Rosa Canina helps treat local
Traditionally Rosmarinus Officinalis was used as a culinary
Ribes Nigrum has a direct adreno-cortico stimulating inflammations.568 Its primary action is on the sphere of
digestive stimulant for its cholagogue actions and on biliary
action to promote an increase in cortisone-like actions the ear, nose and throat as an anti-inflammatory and
without the iatrogenic consequences.545 The increase in regenerator of these upper respiratory tract mucous
cortisol helps the immune system in warding and fighting membranes.569 The liver tonifying properties of Rosmarinus Officinalis helps
off colds and flus, repeated childhood rhinopharyngitis and to stimulate the defences and becomes a useful remedy in
Rosa Canina works on a deficient, fatigued, anemic and
respiratory allergies.546, 547 chronic degenerative allergies.584
demineralized terrain.570
Primarily, the adreno-stimulant actions have strong anti- Due to the livers actions in the steroidogenic pathway,
It has tremendous effects in fatigued children and
inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties that act on the Rosmarinus Officinalis also assists with the processing
convalescent adults by stimulating the defences in viral
mucosal membranes of the respiratory, digestive and urinary of hypercholesterolemia and elevated triglycerides and
etiologies with repeated rhinopharyngitis as well as nasal
tracts.548 Ribes Nigrum can be utilized in cases of acute balances the sex hormones in both men and women.585
and buccal herpes simplex outbreaks.571
urticaria, Quinkes Edema and anaphylaxis resulting from For women, it helps clear the liver of excess hormones from
insect bites and post antibiotic therapy.549 This gripping vine also has an anti-infectious action on the birth control, and aids in the pains of dysmenorrhea and the
colon that helps protect and stimulate the defences.572 treatment of hormonal acne by clearing the gluey toxins.586
Ribes Nigrum also assists in clearing post-infectious
In men, Rosmarinus Officinalis is indicated in congestive
glomerulonephritis and stimulates the catabolism of ureas, INDICATIONS prostate problems and hormonal sexual dysfunction.587
uric acids and cholesterol.550 Allergies 573 Herpes 577
Rosmarinus Officinalis may cause a euphoric state.588
INDICATIONS Childhood Rhinopharyngitis574 Migraines and Headaches 578 High doses are cautioned because it may induce an epileptic
Allergies 551 Gastritis 559 Children’s Throat Infections575 Osteoporosis 579 condition.589
Anaphylaxis552 Hayfever 560 Chronic Sinusitis (Adult)576 Tonsillitis 580
Ankylosing Spondylitis 553 Migraines 561 INDICATIONS
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Biliary Colic 590 Hormonal Acne596
Anti-Inflammatory 554 Prostate Problems 562 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Bronchitis 555 Quincke’s Oedema 563 Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Chronic Allergies 591 Hypercholesterolemia597
Chronic Head Colds 556 Rhinitis 564
purified water Chronic Gallbladder Disorders592 Senescence 598
Dysmenorrhoea 557 Urticaria 565 Recommended Dose: Crohn’s Disease593 Sexual Disorders599
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Hepatic Hormonal Excess594 Side Effects of the
Emphysema 558 Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Birth Control Pill
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Hepatic Insufficiency 595
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: healthcare practitioner.
Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Bud Extract (1:200) Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
purified water breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
practitioner. purified water
Recommended Dose:
NPN 80011003 Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of 125 ml (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner. Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
practitioner. breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010986
NPN 80010984
125 ml
125 ml

Blackberry Young Shoot Raspberry Young Shoot Rye Rootlet

Rubus Fructicosus is a thorny plant that grows in Rubus Ideaus is a member of the Rosacea family and its Secale Cereale directly stimulates hepatocellular function via its
uncultivatible regions of France.601 It is used in respiratory growth is an indicator of soil degradation due to acid actions on the hepatocytes.630 It helps with liver regeneration in
fibrosis where there is respiratory insufficiency due to chronic blocks.614, 615 Rubus Idaeus produces red raspberries.616 both acute and chronic jaundice and icterus.631, 632
obstructive pulmonary disease.602 These red berries resemble ovaries garnished with Secale Cereale also has a therapeutic effect on treating
many ovacytes and its propensity for addressing ovarian dermatitis and psoriasis through its hepatic draining
Rubus Fructicosus is also a great osteoblastic stimulator.603
dysfunction and female hypogonadal conditions is evident actions that filter toxins from the liver to prevent metabolic
This mechanism of action transfers over to assist in bone
through this doctrine of signatures.617 depositions at the level of the skin.633
remineralization and consolidation post fracture, and in cases
of arthrosis and osteoporosis to fortify osseous tissues.604 Rubus Idaeus is used as an ovarian stimulant to enhance
estrogen and progesterone production in cases of INDICATIONS
Lastly, Rubus Fructicosus also helps to facilitate the actions of
dysmenorrhea, female hypogonadism and precocious Infectious Icterus 634 Psoriasis 637
other buds, especially in terms of assisting in pain reduction.605
climacteric states.618, 619 Rubus Idaeus is the main female Jaundice 635 Psoriatic Dermatitis 638
INDICATIONS anti-senescence remedy.620 Post-icteric Sequelae 636
Ankylosing Spondylitis 606 Osteoarthritis of the Elderly610 In terms of uterine function, Rubus Idaeus is also a
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Chronic Bronchitis 607 Osteoporosis 611 remarkable uterine muscular relaxant.621 Therefore, Rubus Rye (Secale cereale) Rootlet Extract (1:200)
Decalcification Syndrome608 Rheumatoid Polyarthritis 612 Idaeus can be used for dysmenorrhea and for uterine spasms Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Sclerotic Emphysema609 Respiratory Conditions 613 during childbirth to facilitate the efficiency of contractions.622 purified water

Recommended Dose:
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: INDICATIONS (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) Dysmenorrhoea 623 Menstrual Disturbances 627 water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water Female Problems 624 Pelvic Pain 628 Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Female Senescence625 Uterine Spasms629
Recommended Dose: Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) Female Hypogonadism 626 your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. practitioner.
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) NPN 80011034
healthcare practitioner.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), 125 ml
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult purified water
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
NPN 80011004 Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
125 ml
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010985
125 ml

Giant Sequoia Young Shoot Service Tree Bud Lilac Bud

Sequoia Gigantea originates in Sierra Nevada, California.639 Sorbus Domestica is a Mediterranean tree from the Rosacea Syringa Vulgaris is of Persian origin.674 It was introduced to
Here, this majestic tree can grow up to 100 meters high family.658 It grows slowly over a course of 5-600 years, in France in 1597 for the beautiful perfume of its flowers as
where in the Parisian climate it reaches only up to 40 meters high light, and roots herself in deep, thick calcareous soil.659 ornamentals in French gardens.675
tall outside of its native soil.640 Its fruits are rich in tannins, sorbitol and vitamin C while its Syringa Vulgaris aids in decreasing arteriospasms.676
Sequoia Gigantea stimulates and augments the 17-keto buds are viscous.660, 661
Syringa Vulgaris can be used both pre and post infarct to
adrenal hormones.641 In men, Sequoia Gigantea acts on In Gemmotherapy, the Sorbus Domestica buds are used.662
help alter a risky terrain when combined with the proper
the seminal vesicles, increases spermatozoid production,
Sorbus Domestica has a primary action on increasing the corresponding remedies.677
decongests a congested prostate and can be used in cases
tone of the venous walls.663 As a venous tonic, Sorbus
of chronic prostatitis and at the onset of prostatic adenoma Extreme caution must be exerted when using this remedy.678
Domestica works on the venous plethora to reduce heaviness
(must be confirmed via lab assessment to be of a non- Low doses only are to be used in the elderly due to the positive
and varicosities of the veins.664 Sorbus Domestica is to the
cancerous origin).642 ionotropic actions which can cause pounding of the heart.679
veins as Crataegus Oxyacantha is to the arteries.665
The general stimulating actions of the Sequoia buds increase INDICATIONS
Sorbus Domestica also has anti-inflammatory and
the morale and outlook in male sexual fatigue to enhance Angina Pectoris 680
regenerative effects on the blood to fluidify and decrease
both form and performance.643 Arteriospasms681
hyperviscosity, just as the doctrine of its buds suggest.666
For women, Sequoia Gigantea assists as an estrogen Coronary Disorders 682
Sorbus Domestica also serves as a strong lymphatic drainer
precursor for menopausal transitions, as well as in the
and assists in decreasing buzzing in the ears resulting from
minimization of uterine fibromas.644, 645 Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
lymphatic congestion.667, 668 Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) Bud Extract (1:200)
The secondary action of Sequoia Gigantea is a remineralizer, Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
hepatic drainer and tonifier.646 In terms of bone health, INDICATIONS purified water

Sequoia Gigantea stimulates osteogenesis in both men Blood Hyperviscosity 669 Phlebitis Sequelae 672 Recommended Dose:
and women and helps counter osteoporosis and slow bone Lymphatic Congestion 670
Venous Problems 673 (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
consolidation in addition to treating glass bone disease.647 Menopausal Circulatory Disorders 671 water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Sequoia Gigantea works well when combined with Quercus healthcare practitioner.
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Pedunculata and Ribes Nigrum.648 Service Tree (Sorbus domestica) Bud Extract (1:200) Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
INDICATIONS purified water practitioner.
Acute Prostatitis 649 Prostatic Adenoma Onset 655 Recommended Dose: NPN 80010949
Adrenal Insufficiency 650
Trophic & Psychic Disorders (Adults and Children over 12 years old) 125 ml
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Dysmenorrhoea651 of Senescenes
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Glass Bone Disease 652 Uterine Fibromas657 Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Mental & General Tonic653
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
Osteoporosis (Senile & Menopausal) 654 your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Giant Sequoia (Sequoia gigantea) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) NPN 80010923

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), 125 ml

purified water

Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010925
125 ml

Tamarisk Young Shoot Silver Linden Bud European Field Elm Bud

Tamarix Gallica originates from India.683 Traditionally, the Tilia Tomentosa is a neuro-sedative known for its Ulmus Campestris almost disappeared from Europe due to a
tamarind fruits were used as digestive aids in chutneys and antispasmodic and hypnotic effects.695, 696 There are some mycosis infection that spread across this geographical region
eventually migrated to Europe with the British and became conflicting eclectic opinions in regards to this Gemmotherapy and almost wiped out this entire species.708 Fortunately, Ulmus
incorporated into English condiments.684 and they state that Tilia Tomentosa is more then just a simple Campestris survived this threat and today provides us with its
The primary action of Tamarix Gallica is as a bone marrow neuro-sedative, but that it exerts a much stronger and deeper medicines primarily as a transitional remedy complimenting
stimulant to create an increase in erythropoesis and action as it is known as a regenerator of the nervous system.697 the actions of other Gemmotherapeutic buds.709
erythrocyte formation.685 Much like Acer Campestre, Tilia Tomentosa has no real Ulmus Campestris is an excellent kidney and liver drainer in
determinant or isolated actions on its own.698 However, metabolic skin conditions.710 In terms of the integumentary
For these reasons, Tamarix Gallica can be used in the
when these two individual Gemmotherapy remedies are system, Ulmus Campestris has a greater affinity for weeping
treatment of acquired thrombocytopenia, hypochromic
combined, they augment their actions and help in the lesions such as eczemas, acnes, herpes and psoriatic lesions.711
anemias, and as an iron metabolism stimulant.686
treatment of nervous anguish of an ill-defined nature.699
Ulmus Campestris exerts it effects via its catabolic actions on
Tamarix Gallica as Gemmotherapy accelerates the
When combined with Ficus Carica, Tilia Tomentosa nucleoproteins, uric acids, metabolites and excess lipids.712
convalescent recovery of the immune system in cases of
augments its tranquilizing effects in easing digestive Due to these actions, Ulmus Campestris can also be used
mononucleosis and Eosinophilic Granulomas.687
issues and favors sleep in those who suffer from chronic for catabolizing endogenous wastes that could potentiate
Due to the hypercoagulant nature of this Gemmotherapy and insomnia.700, 701 diarrheas and leucorrheas.713
the potential risks of clot formation, this remedy must be
When combined with Ilex Aquifolium, Tilia Tomentosa Ulmus Campestris aids those with a painful rheumatic
used by licensed professionals who can monitor blood levels
assists in regulating and calming the nervous system.702 terrain.714
within a safe range.688
Prolonged use of Tamarix Gallica is contraindicated in INDICATIONS INDICATIONS
arteriosclerosis and hyperviscosity states.689 Headaches 703 Nervous Anguish706 Acne 715 Psoriatic Lesions719
Insomnia 704 Neuralgia 707 Herpes 716 Skin Infections 720
INDICATIONS Migraines 705 Metabolic Ailments717 Weeping Eczema 721
Bone Marrow Stimulant690 Post-Mononucleosis 693 Rheumatoid Ailments 718
Eosinophilic Granulomas691 Thrombocytopenia694 Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Silver Linden (Tilia tomentosa) Bud Extract (1:200)
Hypochromic Anemias 692 Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), European Field Elm (Ulmus campestris) Bud Extract (1:200)
purified water
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
Tamarix (Tamarix gallica) Young Shoot Extract (1:200) purified water
Recommended Dose:
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Recommended Dose:
purified water (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
Recommended Dose: Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) healthcare practitioner.
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult healthcare practitioner.
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
healthcare practitioner. practitioner. your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult NPN 80010946 practitioner.
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
125 ml NPN 80011031
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. 125 ml
NPN 80010942
125 ml

Lingonberry Young Shoot Wayfaring Tree Bud European Mistletoe Young Shoot

The growth of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea denotes a certain Viburnum Lantana grows in the woods of North America.744 There is a characteristic doctrine of signatures to the Viscum
degradation of the soil in which it can be found.722 This is a It is rich in coumadins, salicines, essential oils and tannins.745 Album and it is considered as a semi-parasitic plant.755
Gemmotherapy that is indicated in conditions where there is a Today, the primary uses of this Gemmotherapy are indicated Viscum Album has a very unique development in that there
certain biological degeneration particularly in relation to a sthenic for treating a chronic allergic terrain with deep actions is much anarchy in its growth pattern making it a potentially
terrain.723 Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea is primarily a female remedy in allergic rhinitis and eczemas.746 It is a respiratory and beneficial remedy in conditions that mimic this type of
due to its estrogenic activity and the fact that the hydroalcoholic otorhinopharyngeal nervo-relaxant with neuro-sedative abnormal growth.756
extracts of these young shoots contain estradiol.724 Vaccinium actions on bronchiole spasms and anxiety attacks.747 The main principles of this Gemmotherapy are for its anti-
Vitis-Idaea is to women, what Sequoia Gigantea is to men.725 sclerotic properties on the kidneys, thyroid and glandular
Viburnum Lantana can also be combined with Ribes Nigrum
The main action of this Gemmotherapy is on treating hyalinized tissues.757 It can break down fibrocystic conditions of the
or Rosmarinus Officinalis in the treatment of allergies.748
conjunctive tissues; in particular the ovaries, arteries, arterioles and breasts and ovaries and exerts its effects anywhere in the
kidneys.726 In women, Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea breaks down the Viburnum Lantana is contraindicated in allergies to body to break down abnormal scar tissues and sclerotic
hyaline formation of ovarian cysts and uterine fibromas.727 acetylsalicylic acid.749 formations secondary to trauma.758
In menopausal women, it reactivates the estrogenic activity of the
INDICATIONS Viscum Album helps in the treatment of rheumatic gout,
ovaries to help balance vaginal dryness and hot flashes.728 On the
Anxiety-Induced Eczema 753 certain types of sciatic neuralgia, hypertension with
renal plane, this Gemmotherapy breaks down glomerular and
Respiratory Distress750 albuminuria, certain osteoarthritis and deafness due to
tubular hyalinization and aids in the elimination of oxalo-calficic Smoker’s Cough/
sclerosis of the airdrum or oslets. This prescription however
Chronic Allergies Bronchial Spasms
lithiasis, and appeases the pains of cystitis.729 Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea
must match the main biological syndrome in order to
can also treat recurrent female urinary colibacilosis infections.730 Chronic Spasmodic Rhinitis752 be effective.759
With its ability to treat the sequelae of inflammatory
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
hyalinization, Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea is also effective in Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana) Bud Extract (1:200) INDICATIONS
treating nephritis, dermatomyosis, periarthritis nodes, viral Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), Deafness 760 Sciatica763
pericarditis and rheumatoid arthritis.731 purified water Neuralgia 761
Sclerocystic Conditions 764
Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea has a secondary action on the small Recommended Dose: Osteoarthritis762
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
intestine in the prevention of leaky gut syndrome and in the Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
digestive plane helps to regulate gastric motility problems of European Mistletoe (Viscum album) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
constipation or diarrheas in cases of spasmodic colitis.732 It also healthcare practitioner. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
assists with intestinal calcium re-absorption which is extremely Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
purified water
beneficial in post-menopausal osteoporosis.733 your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Recommended Dose:
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
practitioner. (Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
INDICATIONS NPN 80010971 water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Colibacillosis 734 Menopausal Osteoporosis 739 125 ml Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
Colitis 735 Nephritis740 healthcare practitioner.

Dermatomyosis736 Periarthritic Nodes741 Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult

your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
Hyalinization Conditions737 Pericarditis Sequelae742 breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
Intestinal Syndromes 738 Rheumatoid Arthritis 743
NPN 80011021
125 ml
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains:
Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) Young Shoot Extract (1:200)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet),
purified water

Recommended Dose:
(Adults and Children over 12 years old)
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your
healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare
NPN 80010973
125 ml
VITIS VINIFERA ZEA MAys Product References
Grape Bud (formerly Zea MAïS) 1. Marcus Greaves, Gemmotherapy and Oligotherapy
Regenerators of Dying Intoxicated Cells, (USA:
Xlibris, 2002) 60.
Corn Rootlet 2. Dr. P. Henry, Gemmothérapie : Thérapeutique
par les extraits Embryonnaires Végétaux,
(Belgique: St. Norbert Westerlo, 1982) 97.
3. Greaves 62.
4. Dr. Max Tétau, Nouvelles cliniques de
gemmothérapie, (Éditions Similia, 1987) 70.
5. Greaves 65.
6. Dr. Max Tétau and Dr. Daniel Scimeca, Rajeunir
nos tissus avec les bourgeons: Guide practique de
gemmothérapie familiale, (Paris: Guy Trédaniel
Éditeur, 2005) 71.
7. Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, Dynamic Gemmotherapy:
Integrative Embryonie Phytotherapy, (2008) 36.
8. Greaves 67.
9. Greaves 70.
10. Tétau and Scimeca 80
11. Greaves 72.
Zea Mays comes from corn and is not considered as a tree.777 12. Henry 71.
Vitis Vinifera is a gripping vine.765 It originated in Greece and 13. Tétau and Scimeca 95.
In Gemmotherapy, the rootlets of this plant are used as the 14. Greaves 82.
has been used historically since 1700 BC for wine making.766 15. Greaves 86.
medicinal ingredient.778 16. Tétau and Scimeca 111.
17. Tétau and Scimeca 112.
This Gemmotherapy is used primarily for its actions on 18. Henry 85.
Zea Mays is primarily indicated for its anti-inflammatory 19. Dr. Roger Halfon, La gemmothérapie: La santé par
fibrohyalinic tissues.767 This helps reduce pain in arthrosis and les bourgeons, (Paris: Éditions Trajectoire, 2005) 96.
actions on the arterial and myocardial spheres to help 20. Greaves 65.
rheumatic conditions particularly in relation to deformations 21. Tétau and Scimeca 78.
accelerate myocardial healing and lower transaminases post 22. Henry 61.
of the small articulations.768 23. Henry 70.
infarct.779 It can be combined with Syringa Vulgaris to help 24. Tétau and Scimeca 109.
25. Halfon 44.
Vitis Vinifera also aids in the break down of fibrotic tissues prevent further deterioration.780 26. Greaves 85.
27. Greaves 86.
in prostatic adenomas, uterine fibromas, Sarcoidosis and 28. Tétau and Scimeca 113.
Zea Mays is also indicated in both kidney and urinary 29. Halfon 57.
Crohn’s Disease.769 30. Tétau and Scimeca 118.
inflammations.781 31. Henry 99.
32. Tétau and Scimeca 70.
Vitis Vinifera can also aid in slowing the growth of 33. Greaves 70.
Caution must be used when administering this 34. Halfon 55.
osteophytes.770 35. Dr. Max Tétau, Nouvelles cliniques de
Gemmotherapy as high doses of Zea Mays may gemmothérapie, (Éditions Similia, 1987)153.
36. Tétau and Scimeca 88.

INDICATIONS induce fatigue.782 37. Tétau and Scimeca 91.

38. Greaves 81.
39. Rozencwajg 74.
Antifibrotic771 40. Henry 120.

Crohn’s Disease 772

INDICATIONS 41. Tétau and Scimeca 108.
42. Rozencwajg 88.

Prostatic Adenomas773 Arterial Inflammation783 43. Tétau and Scimeca 123.

44. Greaves 67.
45. Rozencwajg 36.
Sarcoidosis774 Kidney Inflammation784 46. Halfon 47.
47. Rozencwajg 44.
Osteophytes775 Myocardial Inflammation785 48. Henry 65.
49. Greaves 72.
Uterine Fibromas776 Urinary Tract Inflammation786 50. Halfon 55.
51. Tétau and Scimeca 88.
52. Greaves 78.
53. Henry 108.
Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains: 54. Tétau and Scimeca 94.
Corn (Zea mays) Rootlet Extract (1:200) 55. Rozencwajg 71.
Grape (Vitis vinifera) Bud Extract (1:200) 56. Rozencwajg 191.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), 57. Greaves 85.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, ethanol (beet), 58. Henry 57.
purified water purified water 59. Greaves 87.
60. Halfon 79.
61. Greaves 92.
Recommended Dose: Recommended Dose: 62. Rozencwajg 120.
(Adults and Children over 12 years old) (Adults and Children over 12 years old) 63. Greaves 102.
Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of 64. Tétau and Scimeca 60.
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. 65. Greaves 61.
water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. 66. Tétau and Scimeca 63.
67. Greaves 63.
Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your 68. Henry 69.
healthcare practitioner. healthcare practitioner. 69. Tétau and Scimeca 72.
70. Halfon 43.
Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult Risk Information: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult 71. Tétau and Scimeca 76.
your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or 72. Halfon 47.
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare 73. Halfon 50.
breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare 74. Tétau and Scimeca 78.
practitioner. practitioner. 75. Henry 65.
76. Tétau and Scimeca 84.
NPN 80010915 NPN 80011039 77. Henry 73.
78. Tétau and Scimeca 101.
125 ml 125 ml 79. Tétau 95.
80. Tétau and Scimeca 106.
81. Tétau and Scimeca 108.
82. Tétau and Scimeca 109.
83. Greaves 94.
84. Greaves 95.
85. Tétau and Scimeca 122.
86. Tétau 100.
87. Tétau and Scimeca 74.
88. Henry 108.
89. Henry 70.
90. Tétau and Scimeca 105.
91. Greaves 92.
92. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
93. Greaves 78.
94. Halfon 61.
95. Greaves 82.
96. Tétau and Scimeca 108.
97. Henry 122.
98. Henry 57.
99. Tétau and Scimeca 116.
100. Tétau and Scimeca 110.
101. Greaves 97.
102. Tétau and Scimeca 127.
103. Greaves 102.
104. Henry 97.
105. Greaves 128.
106. Rozencwajg 28.
107. Greaves 66.
108. Greaves 65.
109. Rozencwajg 31.

110. Greaves 69. 230. Tétau and Scimeca 67. 350. Tétau and Scimeca 86. 470. Tétau and Scimeca 100. 590. Halfon 80. 710. Greaves 97.
111. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 231. Tétau and Scimeca 69. 351. Henry 71. 471. Henry 120. 591. Greaves 90. 711. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
112. Tétau and Scimeca 102. 232. Henry 49. 352. Henry 72. 472. Henry 95. 592. Greaves 90. 712. Henry 55.
113. Rozencwajg 96. 233. Henry 49. 353. Tétau and Scimeca 87. 473. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 593. Greaves 90. 713. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
114. Tétau and Scimeca 115. 234. Greaves 65. 354. Henry 118. 474. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 594. Greaves 90. 714. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
115. Halfon 81. 235. Greaves 65. 355. Henry 118. 475. Tétau and Scimeca 102. 595. Halfon 80. 715. Greaves 97.
116. Henry 112. 236. Greaves 65. 356. Tétau and Scimeca 87. 476. Henry 95. 596. Greaves 90. 716. Greaves 97.
117. Greaves 101. 237. Greaves 65. 357. Halfon 55. 477. Tétau and Scimeca 102. 597. Tétau and Scimeca 113. 717. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
118. Greaves 101. 238. Greaves 65. 358. Tétau and Scimeca 87. 478. Tétau and Scimeca 102. 598. Greaves 90. 718. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
119. Henry 104. 239. Greaves 65. 359. Halfon 55. 479. Tétau and Scimeca 102. 599. Greaves 90. 719. Tétau and Scimeca 124.
120. Greaves 102. 240. Greaves 65. 360. Tétau and Scimeca 87. 480. Rozencwajg 81. 600. Greaves 90. 720. Greaves 97.
121. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 241. Greaves 65. 361. Tétau 153. 481. Rozencwajg 81. 601. Halfon 81. 721. Greaves 97.
122. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 242. Greaves 65. 362. Tétau and Scimeca 88. 482. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 602. Henry 85. 722. Henry 99.
123. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 243. Greaves 65. 363. Tétau 153. 483. Rozencwajg 81. 603. Tétau and Scimeca 115. 723. Henry 99.
124. Rozencwajg 88. 244. Halfon 32. 364. Tétau and Scimeca 88. 484. Greaves 83. 604. Halfon 81. 724. Henry 99.
125. Greaves 100. 245. Tétau and Scimeca 119. 365. Tétau and Scimeca 88. 485. Greaves 83. 605. Greaves 91. 725. Tétau and Scimeca 125.
126. Greaves 60. 246. Halfon 32. 366. Henry 53. 486. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 606. Rozencwajg 102. 726. Henry 99.
127. Greaves 60. 247. Rozencwajg 31. 367. Halfon 59. 487. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 607. Greaves 91. 727. Halfon 24.
128. Greaves 62. 248. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 368. Halfon 59. 488. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 608. Rozencwajg 102. 728. Tétau and Scimeca 125.
129. Greaves 67. 249. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 369. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 489. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 609. Rozencwajg 102. 729. Halfon 24.
130. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 250. Henry 69. 370. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 490. Greaves 84. 610. Greaves 91. 730. Greaves 99.
131. Greaves 65. 251. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 371. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 491. Henry 114. 611. Rozencwajg 102. 731. Greaves 100.
132. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 252. Henry 69. 372. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 492. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 612. Greaves 91. 732. Tétau and Scimeca 125.
133. Henry 71. 253. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 373. Rozencwajg 62. 493. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 613. Rozencwajg 102. 733. Tétau and Scimeca 125.
134. Tétau and Scimeca 92. 254. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 374. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 494. Henry 114. 614. Halfon 57. 734. Greaves 99.
135. Greaves 82. 255. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 375. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 495. Henry 114. 615. Henry 83. 735. Greaves 99.
136. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 256. Rozencwajg 36. 376. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 496. Tétau and Scimeca 106. 616. Henry 83. 736. Greaves 100.
137. Tétau and Scimeca 105. 257. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 377. Tétau and Scimeca 89. 497. Tétau and Scimeca 106. 617. Halfon 57. 737. Rozencwajg 120.
138. Greaves 86. 258. Greaves 67. 378. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 498. Tétau and Scimeca 106. 618. Halfon 57. 738. Rozencwajg 120.
139. Tétau and Scimeca 111. 259. Henry 69. 379. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 499. Tétau 95. 619. Tétau and Scimeca 116. 739. Greaves 99.
140. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 260. Rozencwajg 36. 380. Henry 87. 500. Tétau and Scimeca 106. 620. Tétau and Scimeca 116. 740. Greaves 100.
141. Halfon 51. 261. Henry 69. 381. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 501. Tétau and Scimeca 106. 621. Tétau and Scimeca 116. 741. Greaves 100.
142. Greaves 90. 262. Tétau and Scimeca 71. 382. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 502. Greaves 84. 622. Greaves 92. 742. Greaves 100.
143. Greaves 91. 263. Henry 89. 383. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 503. Greaves 84. 623. Greaves 92. 743. Greaves 100.
144. Greaves 100. 264. Henry 89. 384. Greaves 78. 504. Greaves 84. 624. Greaves 92. 744. Halfon 96.
145. Halfon 96. 265. Tétau and Scimeca 72. 385. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 505. Henry 122. 625. Tétau and Scimeca 116. 745. Halfon 96.
146. Henry 97. 266. Tétau and Scimeca 72. 386. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 506. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 626. Greaves 93. 746. Henry 79.
147. Henry 97. 267. Halfon 43. 387. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 507. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 627. Greaves 92. 747. Halfon 96.
148. Henry 97. 268. Rozencwajg 38. 388. Greaves 78. 508. Henry 122. 628. Greaves 92. 748. Henry 79.
149. Greaves 60. 269. Halfon 43. 389. Greaves 78. 509. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 629. Greaves 93. 749. Halfon 96.
150. Henry 97. 270. Henry 115. 390. Greaves 78. 510. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 630. Greaves 92. 750. Halfon 96.
151. Greaves 60. 271. Tétau and Scimeca 74. 391. Tétau and Scimeca 91. 511. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 631. Greaves 92. 751. Greaves 100.
152. Tétau and Scimeca 164. 272. Tétau and Scimeca 74. 392. Greaves 78. 512. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 632. Tétau and Scimeca 117. 752. Halfon 96.
153. Henry 97. 273. Tétau and Scimeca 74. 393. Greaves 78. 513. Greaves 85. 633. Greaves 92. 753. Greaves 100.
154. Greaves 128. 274. Rozencwajg 40. 394. Henry 108. 514. Tétau and Scimeca 108. 634. Greaves 93. 754. Greaves 100.
155. Henry 97. 275. Rozencwajg 40. 395. Henry 108. 515. Greaves 85. 635. Greaves 93. 755. Tétau and Scimeca 127.
156. Greaves 60. 276. Tétau and Scimeca 74. 396. Halfon 70. 516. Greaves 85. 636. Greaves 93. 756. Tétau and Scimeca 127.
157. Tétau and Scimeca 60. 277. Tétau and Scimeca 74. 397. Tétau and Scimeca 92. 517. Greaves 85. 637. Tétau and Scimeca 117. 757. Tétau and Scimeca 127.
158. Henry 75. 278. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 398. Henry 108. 518. Greaves 85. 638. Greaves 93. 758. Greaves 101.
159. Henry 75. 279. Henry 116. 399. Tétau and Scimeca 92. 519. Greaves 85. 639. Henry 112. 759. Greaves 101.
160. Greaves 60. 280. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 400. Henry 108. 520. Greaves 85. 640. Henry 112. 760. Greaves 101.
161. Greaves 61. 281. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 401. Henry 70. 521. Tétau and Scimeca 109. 641. Tétau and Scimeca 118. 761. Rozencwajg 158.
162. Tétau and Scimeca 60. 282. Henry 116. 402. Greaves 79. 522. Tétau and Scimeca 109. 642. Tétau and Scimeca 118. 762. Greaves 101.
163. Greaves 61. 283. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 403. Greaves 79. 523. Greaves 85. 643. Tétau and Scimeca 118. 763. Greaves 101.
164. Greaves 61. 284. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 404. Greaves 79. 524. Rozencwajg 88. 644. Greaves 93. 764. Tétau and Scimeca 127.
165. Greaves 60. 285. Greaves 69. 405. Greaves 79. 525. Rozencwajg 88. 645. Halfon 85. 765. Halfon 94.
166. Greaves 61. 286. Tétau and Scimeca 76. 406. Greaves 79. 526. Rozencwajg 88. 646. Halfon 85. 766. Henry 104.
167. Greaves 61. 287. Halfon 46. 407. Rozencwajg 66. 527. Rozencwajg 88. 647. Henry 112. 767. Henry 104.
168. Greaves 60. 288. Halfon 46. 408. Greaves 79. 528. Rozencwajg 88. 648. Henry 112. 768. Greaves 102.
169. Greaves 61. 289. Halfon 47. 409. Greaves 79. 529. Henry 67. 649. Greaves 93. 769. Henry 104.
170. Tétau and Scimeca 61. 290. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 410. Halfon 61. 530. Halfon 44. 650. Rozencwajg 108. 770. Tétau and Scimeca 128.
171. Halfon 65. 291. Greaves 70. 411. Tétau and Scimeca 94. 531. Greaves 85. 651. Rozencwajg 108. 771. Henry 104.
172. Greaves 61. 292. Halfon 47. 412. Tétau and Scimeca 94. 532. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 652. Greaves 93. 772. Greaves 102.
173. Tétau and Scimeca 62. 293. Halfon 47. 413. Tétau and Scimeca 94. 533. Greaves 85. 653. Rozencwajg 108. 773. Henry 104.
174. Tétau and Scimeca 62. 294. Greaves 70. 414. Halfon 61. 534. Halfon 44. 654. Greaves 93. 774. Henry 104.
175. Greaves 61. 295. Rozencwajg 44. 415. Tétau and Scimeca 94. 535. Henry 67. 655. Rozencwajg 108. 775. Greaves 102.
176. Tétau 92. 296. Rozencwajg 44. 416. Henry 81. 536. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 656. Greaves 93. 776. Henry 104.
177. Greaves 61. 297. Rozencwajg 44. 417. Halfon 61. 537. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 657. Halfon 85. 777. Tétau and Scimeca 129.
178. Halfon 29. 298. Greaves 70. 418. Greaves 80. 538. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 658. Henry 91. 778. Tétau and Scimeca 129.
179. Henry 46. 299. Rozencwajg 44. 419. Greaves 80. 539. Greaves 85. 659. Henry 91. 779. Tétau 100.
180. Tétau and Scimeca 63. 300. Rozencwajg 44. 420. Henry 81. 540. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 660. Henry 91. 780. Tétau 100.
181. Henry 46. 301. Greaves 70. 421. Henry 81. 541. Tétau and Scimeca 110. 661. Halfon 87. 781. Greaves 102.
182. Tétau and Scimeca 63. 302. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 422. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 542. Halfon 36. 662. Halfon 87. 782. Greaves 102.
183. Tétau and Scimeca 63. 303. Henry 61. 423. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 543. Tétau and Scimeca 111. 663. Greaves 94. 783. Tétau 100.
184. Tétau and Scimeca 63. 304. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 424. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 544. Halfon 36. 664. Greaves 94. 784. Rozencwajg 130.
185. Tétau and Scimeca 64. 305. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 425. Greaves 81. 545. Greaves 86. 665. Greaves 94. 785. Tétau 100.
186. Henry 46. 306. Henry 61. 426. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 546. Greaves 86. 666. Tétau and Scimeca 120. 786. Greaves 102.
187. Greaves 62. 307. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 427. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 547. Tétau and Scimeca 111. 667. Tétau and Scimeca 120.
188. Tétau and Scimeca 64. 308. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 428. Greaves 81. 548. Henry 57. 668. Greaves 95.
189. Greaves 63. 309. Halfon 49. 429. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 549. Henry 57. 669. Rozencwajg 109.
190. Greaves 63. 310. Halfon 50. 430. Rozencwajg 71. 550. Henry 57. 670. Tétau and Scimeca 120.
191. Tétau and Scimeca 64. 311. Tétau and Scimeca 78. 431. Rozencwajg 71. 551. Henry 57. 671. Tétau and Scimeca 120.
192. Greaves 63. 312. Rozencwajg 46. 432. Greaves 81. 552. Henry 57. 672. Rozencwajg 109.
193. Greaves 63. 313. Halfon 49. 433. Tétau and Scimeca 95. 553. Greaves 87. 673. Rozencwajg 109.
194. Tétau and Scimeca 64. 314. Tétau and Scimeca 80. 434. Greaves 81. 554. Greaves 87. 674. Halfon 63.
195. Tétau and Scimeca 66. 315. Henry 65. 435. Greaves 81. 555. Greaves 87. 675. Halfon 63.
196. Henry 106. 316. Tétau and Scimeca 80. 436. Greaves 81. 556. Tétau and Scimeca 111. 676. Greaves 95.
197. Tétau and Scimeca 66. 317. Tétau and Scimeca 80. 437. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 557. Greaves 87. 677. Tétau and Scimeca 121.
198. Tétau and Scimeca 66. 318. Greaves 72. 438. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 558. Tétau and Scimeca 111. 678. Greaves 95.
199. Tétau and Scimeca 66. 319. Henry 65. 439. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 559. Greaves 87. 679. Greaves 95.
200. Rozencwajg 28. 320. Henry 65. 440. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 560. Greaves 87. 680. Greaves 95.
201. Rozencwajg 29. 321. Halfon 68. 441. Greaves 81. 561. Greaves 87. 681. Greaves 95.
202. Rozencwajg 29. 322. Greaves 72. 442. Greaves 81. 562. Tétau 150. 682. Greaves 95.
203. Rozencwajg 29. 323. Henry 65. 443. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 563. Henry 57. 683. Halfon 89.
204. Henry 93. 324. Halfon 68. 444. Greaves 82. 564. Rozencwajg 93. 684. Halfon 89.
205. Henry 93. 325. Rozencwajg 51. 445. Tétau and Scimeca 97. 565. Henry 57. 685. Greaves 95.
206. Greaves 66. 326. Greaves 72. 446. Greaves 82. 566. Henry 59. 686. Tétau and Scimeca 122.
207. Greaves 67. 327. Greaves 72. 447. Rozencwajg 74. 567. Henry 59. 687. Henry 110.
208. Greaves 67. 328. Greaves 72. 448. Rozencwajg 191. 568. Henry 59. 688. Tétau and Scimeca 122.
209. Greaves 67. 329. Rozencwajg 50. 449. Greaves 82. 569. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 689. Greaves 95.
210. Halfon 32. 330. Henry 73. 450. Greaves 82. 570. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 690. Greaves 95.
211. Henry 93. 331. Henry 73. 451. Tétau and Scimeca 96. 571. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 691. Henry 110.
212. Greaves 67. 332. Tétau and Scimeca 84. 452. Greaves 82. 572. Halfon 51. 692. Rozencwajg 113.
213. Rozencwajg 34. 333. Tétau and Scimeca 84. 453. Greaves 82. 573. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 693. Rozencwajg 114.
214. Rozencwajg 197. 334. Tétau and Scimeca 84. 454. Greaves 82. 574. Tétau and Scimeca 113. 694. Tétau and Scimeca 122.
215. Greaves 66. 335. Greaves 73. 455. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 575. Rozencwajg 96. 695. Greaves 96.
216. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 336. Tétau and Scimeca 84. 456. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 576. Tétau and Scimeca 112. 696. Henry 77.
217. Greaves 66. 337. Henry 73. 457. Halfon 72. 577. Rozencwajg 96. 697. Tétau and Scimeca 123.
218. Greaves 67. 338. Halfon 26. 458. Halfon 72. 578. Rozencwajg 97. 698. Henry 77.
219. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 339. Greaves 74. 459. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 579. Rozencwajg 96. 699. Henry 77.
220. Rozencwajg 34. 340. Henry 73. 460. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 580. Rozencwajg 96. 700. Halfon 91.
221. Greaves 67. 341. Tétau and Scimeca 86. 461. Greaves 82. 581. Halfon 79. 701. Tétau and Scimeca 123.
222. Greaves 67. 342. Henry 71. 462. Tétau and Scimeca 101. 582. Greaves 90. 702. Henry 77.
223. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 343. Henry 71. 463. Halfon 72. 583. Halfon 79. 703. Rozencwajg 115.
224. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 344. Tétau and Scimeca 86. 464. Greaves 82. 584. Greaves 90. 704. Halfon 91.
225. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 345. Henry 71. 465. Greaves 82. 585. Tétau and Scimeca 113. 705. Rozencwajg 115.
226. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 346. Henry 71. 466. Greaves 82. 586. Greaves 90. 706. Henry 77.
227. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 347. Tétau and Scimeca 86. 467. Henry 120. 587. Greaves 90. 707. Rozencwajg 115.
228. Tétau and Scimeca 70. 348. Greaves 75. 468. Halfon 73. 588. Greaves 91. 708. Halfon 75.
229. Tétau and Scimeca 67. 349. Henry 71. 469. Henry 120. 589. Greaves 91. 709. Henry 55.
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Schüessler Tissue Salts act on the cellular level to balance and restore cell function. UNDA Tissue Salts are prepared using
methods based on Dr. W. H. Schüessler Biochemical System of Medicine (in accordance with the German Homeopathic
Pharmacopeia [HAB]).

Numbered Compounds
UNDA Numbered Compounds are the only complex remedies of their type, formulated with both plants and metals, acting on
organotropic and energetic sensitivity levels respectively. Each remedy has its own fingerprint and is combined synergistically
based on the integrated principles and theories of anthroposophy, oligotherapy, botany, Traditional Chinese Medicine and
homeopathy. UNDA Numbered Compounds are key in Biotherapeutic Drainage™ as they work on a physiological and “terrain”
level, making them an excellent addition to practitioners’ prevention and treatment armamentarium.

Seroyal Continuing Education

Seroyal offers research and practice-based continuing education. The mandate of Seroyal’s professional education program is
to provide healthcare practitioners with world-class, clinically relevant information to assist in the integration of therapeutic
modalities for a more complete, holistic approach. International experts in natural medicine and science will share knowledge,
clinical experiences and reference materials to help expand your therapeutic capabilities and support your practice.
To learn more visit:

S e r o y a l I n t e r n at i o n a l I n c . Seroyal USA Inc.

490 E lgi n m i l l s R o a d E . 827 N . C e n tr a l Av e n u e
R ich m o n d hi l l , o n L 4 C 0 L 8 W OO D D ALE , I L 60191
T EL: 1-800-263-5861 FAX: 1-800-722-9953 T EL: 1-888-737-6925 FAX: 1-877-737-6925


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