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Automating Celestial Navigation: George H. Kaplan

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Celestial Navigation

George H. Kaplan or
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Celestial Nav − What We Usually Think of

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Outline of Talk

• Why celestial is still in the game

• Principles of celestial navigation

– A look at one particular technical issue for

• A coloring-book history of automated celestial


• Where do we go from here?

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Limitations/Concerns About GPS
• Relatively weak signal, easily jammable
Schwartz Warns Against
• GPS spoofing (civilian vulnerability) Dependence on GPS

• Sometimes not available or reliable in

Air Force Times
Posted Saturday, Jan 23, 2010
steep valleys or “urban canyons” (signal The Air Force’s top uniformed
blockage and multi-path problems) leader thinks the military is too
dependent on global positioning

• Possible solar maximum problems

and must develop an alternative to
the navigation system to reduce its
vulnerability to enemies. Chief of
• No reliable indoor capability Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz
delivered his warning about the
government’s satellite constellation
• Concerns about a single point of failure Jan. 20 at a national security
in a rapidly evolving warfighting conference in Washington but also
assured his fellow defense leaders
environment, which may include EMP, that Air Force scientists are
working to develop other
anti-satellite actions, and cyber warfare navigational technologies…

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Modern Nav Solutions
• Strengthen GPS Note: Omega,
– alternative frequencies/signals Transit, and U.S.
– “spot beam” for M code (military signal) LORAN are gone
– directional antennas on user side
– better signal processing algorithms
• Combine GPS with inertial navigation systems (INS) to provide
a nav “flywheel” that can bridge GPS outages
• Use blended-nav solutions using a variety of sensors
– GPS – magnetic sensing
– INS – bathymetry
– celestial – altimetry
– automated visual systems – use of radio signals of opportunity
• iGPS: Reprogrammed Iridium satellites (ONR/Boeing project)
• Pseudolites
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Modern Nav Solutions

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Why Celestial?
• Passive

• World-wide

• Referred to a well-defined inertial coordinate system

• No external infrastructure to maintain

• Provides absolute attitude Star Sight Probability


 Yes, there are clouds and haze… but we can 40

Height (1000 ft)


− Observe in the near IR 20

− Use it at altitudes above most of the clouds
− Use it as needed only to stabilize an INS 40 60 80 100
nav solution % Probability

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2 or more stars ⇒ 3-axis attitude
w.r.t. stars (inertial system)
+ local vertical ⇒ attitude
w.r.t. horizon and
position along a line in space
Center of
the Earth
+ time ⇒ latitude and longitude

star catalog data and
formulas for Earth orientation
as a function of time
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A Technical Challenge:
Determination of the Vertical
• An essential part of celestial navigation
based on stars

• Precision tiltmeters (inclinometers) are

a solution for fixed positions on land

• However, moving observers −− the

most important case −− present a
more fundamental problem :
Vehicle accelerations cannot be
distinguished from gravity using
an internal (“lab”) measurement

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Determination of the Vertical
1. Use external natural surrogates for the vertical
– Horizon
– Atmospheric refraction of star positions
– Local average sea surface

2. Use vertical direction computed by INS

– Better: Use stellar observations to correct the INS
3. Don’t use stars! Observe nearby celestial objects −−
artificial Earth satellites −− and use triangulation to
determine location

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Scheme 1

The Vertical as Defined by the Horizon

In the traditional scheme for

open-ocean celestial
navigation, the sextant field
of view combines two
sightlines, one to the star and
the other to the horizon.
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Scheme 2
Using Star Observations to Correct the
INS Orientation
• Inertial Navigations Systems (INS) are a form of
computerized dead reckoning, using data from acceleration
and orientation sensors (accelerometers and gyros)

• INS computationally track position, velocity, orientation, and

spin (navigation state) in a single Kalman filter solution

• All INS navigation solutions are subject to various errors,

including drift

• Stellar observations can be used to correct the computed

orientation −− thus improving the entire solution

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Scheme 3
Eliminating the Vertical

• The problem with celestial

navigation is that the stars are
(essentially) infinitely distant —
the angles between them don’t
change as we move around

• If we could instead observe

relatively nearby objects, we
could apply 3-D triangulation
and we would not need to
determine the local vertical • The “nearby objects” could be
artificial Earth satellites observed
against a star background

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Automated Celestial Nav −− Beginnings

Started with the Snark

jet-powered cruise
missile in the 1950s

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Automated Celestial Nav −− on ICBMs
Continued with ICBM guidance systems:
Polaris, Trident, Minuteman, MX
(also Soviet

Drove a major mission area at USNO: improved

absolute star positions for use in these systems
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Automated Celestial Nav −− on Aircraft
Aircraft systems: SR-71, RC-135, B2

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Automated Celestial Nav −− Experimental
Aircraft Systems (Never Deployed)
Northrop OWLS Northrop Mini-OWLS

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Automated Celestial −− Current Space

star trackers

Used for
attitude sensors
for satellites

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Automated Celestial Technology

• Old • New
– Gimbaled – Strapdown (no moving
– Photomultipliers,
vidicons, or similar – CCD or CMOS detectors
– Multiple stars observed in
– Single-star observations each field

– Programmed sequence – No active pointing,

of observations automatic star recognition

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Recent & Current Activity
• SSC Pacific (San Diego) − USNO partnership with California
contractors Microcosm, Inc., and Trex Enterprises Corporation
– Focus on <100 m accuracy, day + night operation at sea level
– Funded by ONR, SPAWAR, AF Research Lab, NGA, NAVAIR, BMD
– Resulted in several prototype instruments for fixed locations on land,
including one for NGA surveying

• Ball Aerospace internally-funded R&D

• Draper Lab SKYMARK experiments

– Tests of feasibility of using LEO satellites as optical targets

• Recently Formed: Inter-Service Star Tracker Working Group to

define a coherent strategy for future R&D
– POC: Dr. Bryan Dorland, USNO
– Testbed instruments at USNO
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• Celestial navigation is still an important component of the
modern navigation picture

• Automated celestial observing systems have been reliably

used for a half-century in critical national defense systems

• Modern sensor systems provide a new opportunity for

developing compact celestial observing systems

• Observing Earth satellites against a star background −− for a

triangulated navigation fix without the need for a vertical
determination −− is an area of active R&D

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USNO Work in Automated Celestial Nav

Trex Enterprises, Inc.

Almanac NAVAIR

CNO req PC app

1993 1995 1999 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

AF Res

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The Vertical as Defined by the Horizon

Atmospheric Refraction as an Issue:

• The line of sight to the horizon goes

through a lot of air ⇒ the horizon
itself is refracted (typically by ~1/2
• We cannot assume that the refraction will be constant in all directions;
the horizon is a somewhat warped circle
• Refraction of the sea horizon depends on the air-sea temperature
difference; even a few degrees variation results in many arcseconds
difference in the horizon’s depression wrt the vertical
• The horizon is likely to be the first thing to become indistinct when
weather conditions deteriorate

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Observation Geometry
An observation consists of:
• Observed direction of target wrt
stellar reference system
• 3-D geocentric coordinates of
at instant of observation

Defines a line of position (LOP) in Ptarget= [X,Y,Z]

3-space on which the observer
must lie: Xobs = Ptarget+ r d

Observed direction
vector d


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Satellites as Optical Targets — Which Ones?

Low Earth Orbits Medium and Geosync Earth

Advantages: Advantages:
– Bright – Many have precise orbits
– Numerous – In sunlight most of the time
– Close, therefore higher – Lower angular rates
positional accuracy
– GNSS sats have good nav geometry
Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
– Very high angular rates – Distant, therefore lower positional
– Generally poor orbital accuracy accuracy

Except for some geodetic sats – Faint

– In shadow much of the time

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GPS Satellites as Optical Targets

from Vrba

Well established photometric properties: USNO/FS – Aerospace Corp.

study by Fliegel, Warner, & Vrba (2001) and Vrba follow-ons to 2005

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1.3-meter Telescope at USNO Flagstaff

2x3 CCD array in

focal plane, chips

Photos by Marc Murison

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Lessons Learned (I)
• Pay attention to nature
– Sophisticated instrumentation can’t overcome fundamental limitations
imposed by the underlying natural phenomena

• Determining the vertical is a hard problem

• The “average sky” is not typical — star counts per unit area of
sky are highly variable

• For strapdown (target of opportunity) systems, 70% of the

stars observed will be in the faintest magnitude unit that can
be detected


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Lessons Learned (II)

• The near IR has a lot of advantages

– Darker sky, more stars

• “High altitudes” are not space!

– 60,000 ft: still below 10% of the atmosphere
– 80,000 ft: still below 5% of the atmosphere

• One size does not fit all

– Vastly different instrumentation issues for shipboard/sea-level
applications than for aircraft systems
– Even within each category, the trade space is large
Aperture, focal length, field-of-view, band, type of sensor, pixel size, …

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