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UMU Lesson Plan Template for Explicit Instruction

Name: Hannah Schaefer Date: 11/12/19

Grade Level: 11 Class Period: 6
Subject: Geometry Lesson # & Title: Lesson 1

Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):

 Introduce New Skill or Content  Review
 Practice  Remediation/Re-teaching

Context for Learning and Cultural Responsiveness Rationale:

The United High School is in the United Local School District and has 551 students spread out in grades
9-12. 97.3% of students are White, 69.2% of students have disabilities, and 33.1% of students have an
economic disadvantage. I have one students in the class, who is a white, girl, who is not on free and
reduced lunch. This student is on and IEP for and SLD in Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.

Learner Attributes:
 This particular student has a Specific Learning Disability.
 She struggles from Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.
 X has recently had an increase in confidence in assessment taking.
 X gives significant effort in all her work and works through frustration.
 She often states that she does not know how to do problems before trying.
 The student continues to be encouraged to be more confident with her work in the math
 It is a second floor classroom on the high school wing of United Schools.
 The classroom has two large desks in the back used by the teacher in the classroom.
 In front of the main large desk, there is a long table with three chairs.
 To the left of this table there are three rows of three student desks.
 This classroom is used for intervention pull outs only and can be used by many teachers at once.
Each teacher to one or two students each.

Content Standards:

Standard: G.GPE.6 Find the point on a directed line segment between two given points that partitions the
segment in a given ratio.

Learning Objectives: The learner will be able to construct and solve an equation when given a line
segment with labelled partitions 4 out of 5 times.

Academic Language:
Point, line segment, ratio

Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment:

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 Vocabulary reciting: the student is asked to recite key vocabulary in the beginning of the lesson.
This is important for her to do because if she does not know the basic principles and names of
lines and points, we cannot be successful during the lesson. The student should already know
these words because it is a past topic, but this check will make it concrete evidence that she
knows them.
 Single problem checks: although with the exit slip and the single problem before seem to not be
much, they test both the students equation making ability and problem solving ability. These are
skills she needs to master and skills that will show up on the summative assessment.

Assessment Plan, Summative Assessment:

 For the summative assessment, the student is asked to complete a 5 questions transition sheet.
 This is an assessments for each and every math lesson the student could be taught that relates to
her IEP goal.
 The quiz will be individualized by the gen ed and intervention teacher. Each sheet will consist of
5 questions that both have answer lines for the initial equation and the solution.
 This was chosen as the final assessment because it is something that the student is expected to do
and use on a regular basis.
 It creates a sense of familiarity, calm, and safety to the student. This way, interventionists and
general education teachers alike can see and track the students results.

Procedures, Lesson Introduction: (Time 5 min)

 I will gain the students attention by saying today, we are going to do a huge blast from the past.
 Give the student the opportunity to guess what we will going back to.
 I will activate students’ prior knowledge by asking if she remembers the unit on line segments
and their lengths.
 Allow the student to answer.
 I will make students aware of the lesson goals by saying that today we will going back over
lines, line segments, congruent lengths, and how to set up equations to find all of this.
 Remind the student that today, if she need a calculator or formula sheet, she must first look the
teacher in the eye and ask for it.
 Model this skill by role playing. Have the student be the teacher and teacher be the student.
Have the teacher say and example of how to ask would be like this: proceed to look the student
in the eye and say “may I please have a calculator for the rest of the problems?”

Procedures, Lesson Body: (Time 45 min)

Explicit Instruction: 5 min
 Before beginning, review terms with the student.
 They should receive a notes sheet with vocabulary.
 All vocabulary should be reviewed and drawn out on a white board for the student to see.
 When finished, ask the student to recite what two of the vocabulary words mean. If correct,
move on, if not, rereview.

Structured Practice:10 min

 If at any time during this the student is struggling, has not used her support/communication skill,
prompt her to do so.
 Give the student the first notes sheet (the one with the penguin).
 Ask her to get out a ruler, and pencil.

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 Read the directions on the paper aloud.
 Then model the first question and ask X to do the next 2.
 Read the ruler postulate aloud to the student. Ask if they have any questions on this postulate. If
so, answer them.
 Model the first question on the next set of problems.
 Have the student follow suit and solve the next problem.
 Use this last problem as a formative assessment before moving on. If done correctly, go on, if not
go back and correct issues.

Guided Practice: 15 min

 If at any time during this the student is struggling, has not used her support/communication skill,
prompt her to do so.
 Give the student the pair-share sheet.
 Tell the student that they should work on this to the best of their ability but any questions that
come up may be asked freely.
 This work can be done directly on the sheet or on a white boar depending on preference.
 The teacher should watch closely for mistakes and correct them immediately when they are
happening instead of at the end.
 When the student finishes, give them the exit slip formative assessment before moving on to the
summative assessment.

Independent Practice:15 min

 The student will be given a standard transition sheet.
 X will be asked to take out her pencil and put away all of her notes.
 She will also be prompted to use her support/communication skill if she has not asked for them
 After doing so, she will be asked to take a quiz over line segments and equation making.
 If the student needs a formula sheet, she must ask for one, and she will receive one.
 The student will have as much time as necessary to complete this task.
 Upon completion, she will be asked to turn in the problems to the teacher and then she can
independently work on other subjects.

Procedures, Lesson Closure: (Time 3 min)

1. To summarize learning I will say today we learned about line segments and how to build equations
with them.
2. To link learning to real-world application I will explain that when needing to measure something in
the world, it is not always realistic to just pull out a ruler but by knowing how to set up the math, she
can figure out lengths algebraically.
3. Next I will preview upcoming lessons by saying next week, we will be learning about setting up
equations in order to find arc lengths.

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:

 The student will be allowed to receive 1 on 1 pull out instruction in a resource room.
 The student will be able to choose her own seat in order to promote optimal learning conditions.
 X will be given a formula sheet or step chart when she asks.
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 X will be given a calculator when she asks.
 X will be given extra time on her assessments if she does not finish in the given period of time in
which it was supposed to be finished.
 The student will be asked to complete the same work as her fellow students but with an extended
period of time if necessary.
 The student will have the same content on their work as the rest of the other students, however,
she may receive equations at the top of her paper as designated by her teacher.

Instructional Materials and Support:

 White Board
 Marker
 Pencils
 Notes
 Exit Slip
 Computer
 Formula Sheets
 Calculator

Research and Theory Commentary:

• Bloom believed that learning is measurable, and I used this theory by incorporating several formative
and summative assessments in my lesson. I incorporated these as I track students learning throughout
the entirety of the lesson to be sure that students are understanding and growing in the lessons.
• I used John Dewey’s theory that students learn by doing. I tried to exemplify this by having students
become more independent in their work as the lesson went on. They went from listening, to doing a
little, and gradually worked their way to independence. Instead of being lectured for the entirety of the
lesson, they were actively learning the new content.

I liked this lesson overall. I think it went fairly smoothly as well. If I were to change something, I
would change the lengthiness of it. This was a review skill and I think I spent to much time in explicit
instruction and could have spent more time on the student and her process. I also would have had this
lesson more related to the other two so that they all were from the same class. Overall, I think the
student did well with this lesson and her summative assessment scores seemed to prove the same.

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Use of Technology Commentary (if applicable

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