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Fonseca R.L. Et Al. (2007) - Protection Systems Against Debris Flows

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Safety and Security Engineering II 73

Protection systems against debris flows

R. Luis Fonseca1, C. Raïmat Quintana1, L. Laguna Megal1
& A. Roth2
Geobrugg Ibérica, S.A. Spain
Geobrugg Fatzer AG, Switzerland

Debris flows are natural hazards which look like a combination of flood, land
and rock slide. The phenomenon is also called mud or debris avalanche due to its
similar flow behavior compared with snow avalanches. Debris flows regularly
cause severe damages in mountainous areas like such as the Alps (Brig 1993,
Sachseln 1997, Gondo 2000). Like rock fall, the debris flows loads act mainly
dynamically on a protection barrier. But in contrast to falling rocks debris flows
are not punctual impacts but a distributed load on the protection system. A
further difference between the two hazards is the fact that rockfalls are single
events while debris flows mostly occur in surges. Experiences from North
America, Japan and Europe prove that flexible protection systems like the
Geobrugg VX/UX Systems have an ideal bearing behavior to stop dynamic loads
such as debris flows due to their large deformation capacity
Keywords: debris flow, ring net, ROCCO, dynamic barrier, muds.

1 Introduction
After the successful result of the introduction of the Geobrugg ROCCO® ring net
several years ago, in the Rockfall Protection Systems, and as a result of the
necessity of the avalanche control of materials dragged by the action of the water
(rocks, mud, trees, etc.). Geobrugg was studying the possibilities of placing
properly braced, this type of ring net within the natural channel of these flows,
obtaining with it to stop the heavy and dangerous blocks and trees and being let
pass the water.
In February 1995 a debris flow of 60m3 was held back by a rockfall barrier of
BRUGG Cable Products Inc. (BCPI) along California State Road 41 (County of
San Luis Obispo). The result was that the road was not affected by the natural

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hazard. As a result of this event detailed studies were carried out in the year
1.996 by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the California
Polytechnic State University (CALPOLY) and the California Department of
Transportation (CALTRANS). On the test flume of H.J. Andrews Experimental
Forest, Blue River, Oregon the debris flow load on different protection barriers
under different conditions was analyzed. The concrete channel has a total length
of 95m, a width of 2m and the lateral walls are 1,2m high. The top 88m have an
inclination of 31° and the lower 7m one of 3°. The test program contained 6 tests
with debris volumes of approx. 10m3 and impact velocities between 5 and 9m/s.
The composition of the test debris was 24% gravel, 74% sand, 2% silt and clay.
The tests showed that ring nets with laid-on chain-link mesh achieve the best
retention performance. Only 0,05% of the test material passed the barrier. This is
mainly important if there is a road which has to be protected and has to be
drivable all the time. The brake elements engaged, only border rings were
deformed plastically and the ropes and posts were not damaged.
In 1998 the RX-150 system (1.500kJ) installed in Aobandani, Japan stopped a
debris flow with a volume of 750 m3. The maximum deflection of the system
was between 2 and 3m and the remaining system height was about 3,5m
(original height 5m). After cleaning of the barrier only the brake elements had to
be replaced while the ropes and the ring net were not damaged.
In March 2000 a 200m3 debris flow hit a RX-075 barrier (750kJ) in
Seewalchen, Austria. There were also rooted out logs in the debris flow material,
2m of the original height of 3m, remained after the impact and the deflection of
the system was about 2m. The brake elements engaged properly and were
replaced after the cleaning of the system. No further repairs were necessary.
In November of 2001 in Fikushima, Japan, happened a snow sliding of a
volume of 400 m3, stopped by a barrier RX-075. In 2002 in Japan the Tabata’s
project was made, which has stopped events that have been recorded of more of
3.000m3 of blocks and muds. The design of big concrete blocks for anchorage is
not allowed in many countries because of environmental reasons.
After storms of the winter of 2.002 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary
Islands, Geobrugg designed and installed a solution of debris control by means
of two lines of barriers, with capacity of 850m3.
In 2.004 Geobrugg installed in the port Gaviota the South of California,
Highway 101, barriers for debris flow control. In June happened an event that
dragged a volume 300m3, it was contained successfully by the installation.

2 Design principles
2.1 Principles
The Geobrugg VX/ UX Protection System against Debris Flow is based on the
approved and from independent institute certified RX Protection System against
Rockfall. Due to the aerial load of debris flows some adaptations are necessary:
stronger support ropes, brake elements with higher capacities and weaker
ROCCO® ring net due to the distributed load; stronger anchorage; protection of
the top support ropes against abrasion.

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Mode of action: Due to the permeable construction of a Geobrugg VX/ UX

ring net barrier an impacting granular debris flow is drained as a result of the
retention of rougher material and the passing of water and fine parts. Through
this dewatering a certain length of the debris flow is stopped (the so called
relevant length / mass) which stops afterwards the rest of the flow.
The energy of a debris flow is mainly absorbed by the brake elements. The
task of the ring net is to carry the load to the support ropes. The Rocco ring net
has a proven capacity to absorb punctual impacts and has therefore ideal features
for debris flow impacts because most of the large blocks in a granular debris
flow are transported at the front of the flow. Experiences show further that the
links between Rocco rings are much stronger than the clips of wire rope nets.
Abrasion protection: The abrasion protection has to be investigated
accurately, if the barrier is intended to remain filled with debris.
Barrier location: For the location of a barrier a torrent section as straight as
possible should be chosen. The inclination should be as small as possible to
reduce the impact velocity and to enlarge the retention capacity. The location
should further be well accessible to ensure an immediate inspection and a
cleaning of the barrier if necessary. The bed at the barrier location has to be
stable enough to withstand the occurring loads; otherwise additional protective
measures have to be carried out.
Maintenance: The barriers should be checked regularly and cleaned and
repaired if necessary immediately after an event. Experiences show that the
cleaning of a barrier is easily practicable. Engaged brake elements have to be
replaced. This is the only repair effort to be done even after big events. If the
barrier is intended to remain filled with debris, static loads and corrosion have to
be considered.
Range of application: The range of application of the VX/ UX Protection
System against Debris Flow is limited by a maximum volume of about 1.000m3
and a maximum flow velocity of about 5 to 6m/s.

Figure 1: Geobrugg VX barrier.

2.2 Design height
The maximum retention capacity of the barrier is dependent on the topographic
situation and the height of the system. Experiences indicate that the gradient of
the deposit behind the barrier corresponds to 2/3 of the original gradient of the

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1.- steel post 3.- top support rope 5.- flexible anchor
2.- bottom support 4.- middle support rope 6.- lateral support rope
rope 7.- over flow

Figure 2: Geobrugg UX barrier.

Figure 3: Deposit behind the barrier (direction profile).

The remaining barrier height is about 3/4 of the original height. Thus the
minimum barrier height is determined as follows:

If the design height gets to high, a flatter and/or wider barrier location has to be

3 Dimensioning parameters
3.1 General characterization

Natural phenomena which are located between landslide/ rockfall and bed load
transportation in water flows are called debris flows. They mostly occur as a
result of heavy rainfall but can also be triggered by other events such as melting
snow or dam failure. The pre-conditions for the appearance of debris flows are
mainly steep slopes, enough material which is easy to mobilize and enough water
to trigger the flow.
Under a mechanical point of view debris flows can be divided in two main
Mud flows, which mainly consist of water and fine material, which is more or
less uniformly distributed.

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Granular debris flows, which consist of water, fine and rougher material. The
larger components are mostly accumulated at the front of the flow and play an
important role in the overall flow behavior of a granular debris flow.
Observations of debris flows show that they mostly occur in surges. The
observations show further that the velocity and the consistency of the surges may
vary from surge to surge. Therefore it is important to use load parameters always
with a sufficient variation.

3.2 Parameters

Although debris flow load parameters are crucial input data to dimension
protection systems, only few research projects were carried out on this subject so
far. This is a result of the still limited understanding of the mechanics of debris
flows. It is further hard to measure debris flow parameters adequately during real
events. Several mechanical and rheological models were proposed to analyze
and predict debris flows. Due to the lack of field data for comparison,
Rickenmann suggests to use empirical relationships. These empirical
relationships are applied in the following design concept. In the direction profile
the flow depth h, the cross section A and the front flow velocity v of the debris
flow can be defined:

Figure 4: Direction profile of a debris flow.

At the location of the barrier the stopped debris flow has to be modelled in the
cross section. In most of the cases there are inclined banks and the experiences
show that the maximum depth of the accumulated material is in the middle of the
torrent. For simplifying it is assumed that the width of the flow corresponds to
the average bed width. The idealised cross section of the stopped flow should
have more or less the same area than the expected flow face.
A0 A1

Figure 5: Cross section of a stopped debris flow.

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The first step is to estimate a possible debris flow volume VDF. A lot of
different formulas are proposed in the literature, but they are all not very reliable.
Therefore observations and experiences at the location of the project should be
used. A further method is to execute a geomorphologic assessment of the
sediment potential. The volume for flexible protection system lays in a range of
100m3 to 1.000m3.
Several studies proved that the peak discharge of a debris flow is correlated to
its volume. There are different relations for granular debris flows and mud flows.
Mizuyama et al. propose for a granular debris flow (debris avalanche) the
following empirical relationship between peak discharge and debris flow
QP = 0,135 VDF0,78
Equation following represents the according relationship for mud flows:
QP = 0,0188 VDF0,79
By using the peak discharge it is possible to estimate the average flow velocity v
at the front of the flow. Rickenmann proposes a regime condition for the relation
between velocity, peak discharge and slope inclination (friction considered). S
refers to the gradient of the torrent (tangent of the slope inclination in degrees).
Typical values are S=0,18 (10°), S=0,36 (20°) or S=0,58 (30°).
v = 2,1 QP0,33 S0,33
Japanese guidelines suggest a Manning-Strickler equation to determine the
average flow velocity nd refers to a pseudo-manning value which is typically
between 0,05 s/m1/3 and 0,18 s/m1/3, while the values for granular debris flows
lay between 0,10s/m1/3 y 0,18 s/m1/3.
v =1/ nd H0,67 S0,5
The flow depth h is calculated by using the cross section and the peak discharge.
h = Qp / v b
It is recommended to use both equations and compare the results.
The density of the material is based on empirical values and is about:
γDF = 18 – 23 kN/m3

3.3 Total debris flow energy.

As a result of the dewatering of the debris flow during the impact on a permeable
barrier not the whole mass of the flow has to be stopped but only a relevant
length or mass. The relevant mass M is determined as follows: It is assumed that
only this part of the flow is acting dynamically which fills up the barrier with
debris between the time of contact and the time of the maximum deflection of
the barrier. In the Oregon tests with volumes of 10m3 Timp was about 1s. Real
debris flows are expected to be much larger and therefore the braking time will
also last longer. Timp is estimated to be between 1s and 4s.
Timp = 1s - 4s (depending on velocity and barrier length)

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The relevant mass is consequently calculated as follows:

The total energy is determined by using the law of the kinetic energy.
EK = 0,5 MDF v2
Thus the total kinetic energy is between 100kJ and 3.000kJ.
The dimensioning energy may not be compared with design energies of RX
rockfall protection systems. The reasons for that are given in the following table.

Table 1.

Influence of a debris
Rockfall Debris Flow flow on a flexible barrier
compared to a rockfall
Punctual distributed positive due to smaller
(1 section) (several sections) local loads
Impact positive due to smoother
0,2 – 0,5s 1 – 4s
time deceleration
negative due to static
Type of
single impact in surges loads in the system after
the first impact
Braking negative due to higher
5 – 8m 2 – 3m
distance dynamic forces

3.4 Computer modelling

Within the scope of a KTI project (Commission for Technology and Innovation)
a computer program was developed to simulate the impact of rocks into flexible
ring net barriers. The project was executed with collaboration of the ETH Zurich
(Federal Institute of technology) and the WSL Birmensdorf (Research Institute
for Forest, Snow and Landscape). The program is called FARO (falling rocks)
and was calibrated by using the data resulting from static pull tests of the single
elements and 1:1 field trials.
With this simulation program it is not only possible to model punctual
impacts but also distributed impact loads. The following figure illustrates an
impact of a debris flow into a UX system. It is assumed that the debris flow only
hits the middle section and that it hits the barrier first in the bottom part and then
fills up the whole system.

4 Measurement station of debris flow

As it leaves from the development of these systems is indispensable the
measurement in situ from the parameters that characterize to the flow as well as
of the requesting in the barrier at the moment of the impact. Geobrugg in
collaboration with WSL have been begun to develop stations of measurement in
several places. Next showed in example, the instrumentation located in a station

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of measurement in the Illgraben river, Switzerland. The selection of the points

where the measurement stations are located, is a very complex and important
process, on the knowledge of the area at issue the efficiency in the process of
obtaining of data will depend largely. In general, the measurement stations, are
locate in places where a reduction of the cross-section area of the channel,
through which, it happens with an adapted frequency, the mass of detritus, that is
generated in all the area of deposition.

Figure 6: Impact of the debris flow into the UX barrier (modeled with

4.1 Torrent instrumentation

In order to activate the systems of measurement and recording, several geophons

are used to initialize all the data logged, illumination and video systems. While
the weather station, allows one to associate the debris flow phenomenon, with
the predominant conditions of the weather.
With the target to determine of experimental form the average density of the
detritus flow, a dynamic force plate has been constructed, that by means of a set
of sensors allows to obtain, the instantaneous weight of the flow, in the
measurement that this happening the phenomenon.

4.2 Barrier instrumentation

Simultaneously that is placed devices that allow to characterize the flow, is

essential the positioning of sensors in the barrier so that the requesting in the
landmarks of the system can be measured and thus to be able to calibrate the
sizing process. In this case, a barrier Geobrugg ROCCO® VX has been placed.
The height of the barrier is of 3,5m while the wide means of the cross section are
of 12m and ring net ROCCO® used in this location is 16/3/300 (16 turns, 3mm
wire diameter, 300mm ring diameter). The placed measuring instruments in the
barrier are as follow: cells of load with capacity of 500kN each one, for the
measurement of the forces in horizontal ropes; digital video camera; powerful
illumination system; laser for the measurement of the fill height; data logged

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This barrier has been hit by three events during 2005. The barrier was filled
since the first event, and successful supported the loads, generated in the rest of
the events.

Table 2.

Date 07.18. 2005 08.02.2005 08.18.2005

Volume 19.000m3 8.700m3 5.600m3
Qmax 24,1 m3/ s 17,9 m3/ s 7,5 m3/ s
Hmax 1,30m 1,16m 0,80m

With the results of these first measurements in 2.005, have been able to
corroborate several hypotheses, some of general character, that allow
demonstrate the suitability of these flexible systems in front to the traditional
ones. While, on the other hand it has been possible to verify, the form of work of
the different devices integrates in the measurement system, its precise operation,
in the hard conditions of work. With the occurrence of these events, also it has
been possible to control the system mobile communications GSM, indispensable
for the on line control of the operation. The knowledge of the weather conditions
in the place before, during and after to the event, allows to make comparisons
and establish, a certain extent, try to predict their occurrence. Although this is
extremely difficult, since the generation of the torrent, does not follow standard

5 Conclusions

The preliminary calculations and the phenomenon simulations in the computer,

show that the debris flows, with volume until 1.000m3 can be stopped using
flexible barriers of steel ring nets. For such cases, it has been possible to
corroborate that these flexible systems, are a true alternative to rigid systems,
due to their great capacity of deformation, ideal to stop dynamic impacts. Due to
the slight construction of the flexible barriers, they do not require of execution of
way access, reason why they are easy to install and its cost in general is
reasonable. Geobrugg VX/ UX Barriers can be used for two aims:
Debris flows stopped: halting of active detritus flows, retention of solid
components within the flow to protect infrastructures, separation of the water
and the solid material.
Debris flow control: substitution of concrete check dams, passive reduction of
the erosive energy of the flow. Installed in series of several barriers in staggered
form, it allows modification of the pending average, advantages by the cost of
installation in zones difficult.
The location of the observation stations in high frequency places is essential
for the calibration of the mathematical models of behavior of the barriers in front
to the flow, as well as to know the characteristics the flow and use the results in
similar areas. The requesting control, also allows the dimensioning of the

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anchorages system and the bearing capacity all the system in front to quasi-static
loads. The steel rings net of the barriers are transparent and fit better in landscape
than the massive steel or concrete structures.

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WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 94, © 2007 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)

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