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Infor Discovery Guide PDF

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The document provides an overview of Infor's strategy, solutions architecture, and various products and services they offer across different industries.

Infor offers various CloudSuite solutions tailored for different industries like Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Healthcare etc. They also offer solutions for Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management, Financials, Human Capital Management and more.

Core applications discussed include Infor LN, Infor M3, Infor Optiva, Infor Supply Chain Planning, Infor CRM, Infor Financials and more across different industries.


An overview of Infor’s
strategy & solution offerings
Enterprise Release
5 More than technology—a partner 9 Analyst validation
invested in your success
10 Infor Services
6 Infor strategy
12 CloudSuite Digital
7 Infor solutions architecture
13 Hook & Loop: Experience R&D
8 What’s new

Infor OS
16 Artificial Intelligence: Infor Coleman 22 Infor Document Management

18 User Experience: Infor Chat 23 Data Management: Infor Data Lake

19 Infor Homepages 26 Extensibility: Infor Mongoose

20 Infor Search 28 Integrations: Infor ION®

Infor CloudSuites
33 Infor CloudSuite™ Aerospace & Defense 55 Infor CloudSuite Fashion

35 Infor CloudSuite Automotive 57 Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage

37 Infor CloudSuite Business 59 Infor CloudSuite Healthcare

39 Infor CloudSuite Corporate 61 Infor CloudSuite Hospitality

41 Infor CloudSuite Distribution 67 Infor CloudSuite Human Capital Management (HCM)

44 Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise 71 Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

48 Infor CloudSuite Equipment Rental 74 Infor CloudSuite Industrial Machinery

53 Infor CloudSuite Facilities Management 76 Infor CloudSuite Public Sector

Core Application Portfolio

Enterprise Resource Planning Customer Experience Human Capital Management

80 Infor LN 121 Infor CRM 161 Infor Global HR

83 Infor M3 for Chemicals 125 Infor Configure Price Quote 165 Infor Talent Management

85 Infor M3 for Distribution 128 Infor Contract Lifecycle 169 Infor Talent Science®
88 Infor M3 for Equipment 172 Infor Workforce Management
132 Infor Marketing Resource
90 Infor M3 for Fashion 176 Infor Learning Management
93 Infor M3 for Food & Beverage 181 Infor HR Service Delivery
135 Infor Interaction Advisor
97 Infor M3 for Manufacturing
138 Infor Omni-channel Enterprise Asset Management
Campaign Management
Product Lifecycle Management 185 Infor EAM

101 Infor Fashion PLM Financials & Performance

Management Business Intelligence & Analytics
103 Infor PLM Accelerate
143 Infor CloudSuite Financials 192 Birst BI
105 Infor Optiva
146 Infor Supply Management
Supply Chain Management 148 Infor Dynamic Enterprise 196 Infor Cloverleaf® Integration and
Performance Management Clinical Exchange Suite
109 Infor Supply Chain Planning
112 Warehouse Management 201 Infor Staffing Optimizer
152 Infor Risk & Compliance for Healthcare
(Infor SCE)
155 Infor Expense Management (XM) 203 Infor Healthcare
115 Infor GT Nexus
Commerce Network Revenue Cycle Management

Enterprise Release
5 More than technology—a partner
invested in your success

6 Infor strategy

7 Infor solutions architecture

8 What’s new

9 Analyst validation

10 Infor Services

12 CloudSuite Digital

13 Hook & Loop: Experience R&D

More than technology—
a partner invested in
your success
Welcome to Infor’s 2018 Discovery Guide. A lot has happened since we last published—
176 new products, 6,431 new integrations, and 6,259 new features delivered in the last 12
months; expansion of our BI capabilities with world-class solutions from Birst; the introduction
of Infor Coleman, Infor’s artificial intelligence platform; expansion of Infor’s cloud solution
offerings, with a cloud subscriber base that now tops 71 million; and much more.

These advancements represent Infor’s dedication to driving perpetual innovation in

the enterprise. We are committed to delivering industry-focused solutions with last-mile
functionality built-in, putting users at the center of every experience, and providing our
customers with a platform for growth that supports them where they are today, while
laying the foundation for tomorrow.

This guide serves as a gateway to all that Infor has to offer, from comprehensive, cloud-
based industry suites to point solutions designed to address specific, mission-critical
business functions. We encourage you to explore, learn, and collaborate with us on a
long-term technology strategy for your business.

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Infor strategy
A modern foundation for driving transformation and
progress in enterprises across every industry



Commerce and IoT

Industry CloudSuites

Last-mile features

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Infor solutions architecture

End-to-end capabilities for growing your business

The depth and breadth of Infor’s product portfolio gives you end-to-end capabilities for managing every aspect of
your business. These solutions help power our industry-focused, cloud-based business platforms and can also be
deployed standalone.

Complete business management platforms by industry

Product Lifecycle Supply Chain Customer Engagement—

Management Management Sales & Marketing
• Project lifecycle intelligence •S
 ales and operations planning • Salesforce automation
• Product cost optimization •S
 upply chain planning • Customer relationship management
• Global regulatory compliance • Supply chain execution • Marketing & campaign management
• Industry versions for fashion, food & • Warehouse management • Configure price quote
beverage, industrial manufacturing • Global supply chain networks • Contract lifecycle management
• Product design & development

Financials & Performance Asset & Facilities Human Capital

Management Management Management
• Core financial management •P
 redictive maintenance • Global human resources
• Budgeting, planning, forecasting, • Equipment optimization • Talent management & optimization
and consolidation • Facilities management • Workforce management
• Risk & compliance • Sustainability • Learning management
• Expense management • Talent Science
• Procurement & supply management • HR Service Delivery

Infor OS Architecture
Collaboration, extensibility, process integration, artificial intelligence,
commerce network, data lake, business intelligence—powered by Birst

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What’s new

Birst Infor Coleman

Acquired by Infor in 2017, Birst provides a single, elegant Infor Coleman is a science-driven, industry-aware assistant
platform for discovering and sharing trusted insights, that automates repetitive tasks and provides instant access
correlations, and predictive actions that bring together to information via voice or chat commands. Named after the
users and data in a consumer-grade user experience. inspiring physicist and mathematician Katherine Coleman
By connecting the entire organization through a network Johnson, whose trailblazing work helped NASA land on
of interwoven virtualized BI instances on top of a shared the moon, Coleman represents a giant leap forward for
analytical fabric, Birst delivers the speed, self-service, artificial intelligence at scale—incorporating deep reservoirs
and agility front-line business workers demand, with the of network data to serve the needs of human minds and
scale, security, and control to meet rigorous corporate make connected devices infinitely smarter. By acting as an
data standards. All of this and much more is provided with intelligent assistant that anticipates, advises, and derives
a low total cost of ownership via public or private cloud insights from business data, it allows both people and
configurations. With a critical mass of Infor CloudSuite enterprises to work smarter.
subscribers and petabytes of mission-critical data, the
Birst platform complements and further strengthens
Infor’s best-in-class applications.

Infor Ignite Infor Treasury Management

Infor Ignite gives small-to-medium sized businesses access Infor Treasury Management is a highly secure, software-
to complete business platforms designed to make managing as-a-service (SaaS) platform. This comprehensive product
their organizations easier and dramatically more efficient. suite is designed to help companies tackle many of today’s
With all-in-one pricing, quick-start deployments, and highly most complex financial challenges by empowering forward-
secure cloud hosting, Ignite offers growing businesses the thinking teams to optimize key capabilities for cash and risk
innovation, infrastructure, and insights of a global software management, payments, and working capital strategies.
provider in a platform designed specifically for companies
of their size. Businesses can start with what they need
today and expand over time as their organizations
change and grow.

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Analyst validation

Inforum 2017: A.I. capabilities bring Infor “

The $2.5 billion investment will bring
one step closer to intelligent ERP Koch into the digital age, expand
Infor’s investments in industries, add
"Consider Infor’s recent announcement when making decisions about your ERP
to Infor’s mergers and acquisitions
investment. Many of the headlines from Inforum 2017—such as Coleman AI, Birst
war chest, enable marketplace
business intelligence, and the Infor commerce network—are technologies that
investments by Infor and put Oracle
can only exist in the cloud, where applications can access data both internal and
and SAP on watch for being replaced
external to an organization. If you are evaluating ERP solutions in the coming years,
at Koch.
these kinds of features greatly improve the value proposition of the cloud when
compared with legacy on-premise applications. This will only continue to be true, Constellation believes Infor’s 90,000
as an increasing number of businesses offer their solutions as microservices in the customers and future prospects can
cloud. Infor’s elevation of its cloud ecosystem in recent years makes it a vendor expect the Koch purchase of a large
that should be considered." minority stake to bolster Infor’s R&D
investments and accelerate Infor’s
IDC AUTHORS: mergers and acquisitions activity.”
Alexandros Stratis, Research Analyst Ray Wang,
Constellation Research
Jordan Jewell, Senior Research Analyst, Digital Commerce and Enterprise Applications

Kevin Permenter, Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Applications

Sabharinath Balasubramanian, Senior Research Manager

Mary Wardley, Program Vice President, Loyalty and Customer Care

The nice thing about being a private
equity company is that there’s more
breathing room for strategies to
This IDC Perspective was originally published in August 2017. mature, and this year’s Inforum was
perfect example of what happens
when a comprehensive cloud strategy
finally comes into its own.”

Josh Greenbaum,
Enterprise Applications Consulting

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Infor Services

Committed to making you outrageously successful

Infor Services is a global organization with end-to-end accountability for optimizing the value of your Infor investments.
Comprising more than 6,100 professionals who currently support customers in 168 countries, we bring deep product
and technical expertise, extensive industry experience, and the full force of Infor’s resources to the task of making you
outrageously successful. From initial deployment and day-to-day optimization to big picture thinking and proactive strategizing,
you can rely on us to provide the depth and breadth of experience needed turn vision into reality. We are passionately
committed to earning your loyalty every single day—in everything we do.

Why choose Infor Services?

Commitment to customer success Accelerated time to value Services team acts as your access
point to fresh thinking on how
The Infor Services team fosters an The Infor Services team partners technology can be used as a
environment where customer success with you to get your systems up competitive advantage.
trumps all. We are committed to and running quickly, achieving a
exceeding your expectations. deployment that lowers total cost of Proven methodology
ownership and sets you up for long-
End-to-end accountability term success. Our consultants are trained and
certified on Infor’s proven deployment
You get access to a worldwide Deep product and industry expertise methodology, ensuring they can carry
community of experts across all out the highest quality projects with
disciplines—from strategic planning The average Infor Services team the lowest degree of risk.
and implementation to cloud member has 9.1 years of experience.
operations, support, and on-going Often, they’ve walked a mile in your Implementation accelerators
optimization—who have end-to-end shoes; many are former customers
accountability for your success. themselves. Automated deployment processes and
implementation accelerators shorten
A long-term partner Global footprint deployment time and help you achieve
a more rapid return on investment.
The Infor Services team’s commitment With more than 6,100 professionals
doesn’t end when your new supporting businesses in 168 Reduced risk
technology is up and running. From countries, we’re ready to support
the opportunity to have an assigned your business wherever it may go. You get a single, full service provider
customer success manager to our that is uniquely qualified to help
comprehensive services portfolio, Access to innovation you eliminate modifications and get
you’ll have a trusted partner that’s maximum value from your software
dedicated to making you successful Infor has invested more than $500B investment.
over the long haul. in R&D in the last five years. The Infor

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Infor services (cont’d)

Our services
Our comprehensive set of services is designed to help you succeed at every stage of your engagement with Infor. Our goal is
to not just meet your needs but also anticipate them, providing solutions to problems before they occur and opening your eyes
to opportunities that our breadth of resources, product and industry expertise, and innovation empower us to see.

Advisory Deployment Education Cloud Managed Support

Services Services Services Services Services

• Business • Implementation • Classroom and • Application • CloudSuite

consulting and upgrades virtual training monitoring support—essential,
• Digital • Project start-up • Education • Incident, release, premium,
transformation subscription and problem and elite
• Quality assurance
• Value engineering • End user training management • Cloud command
• UpgradeX
• System admin center
• Organizational • Data migration • Certification
change • Performance • Customer success
• Testing automation manager
management monitoring and
• Performance management • Service delivery
optimization management
• Process monitoring
• Lift and shift • Hyper care
• Data management
• Data archiving

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CloudSuite Digital

CloudSuite Digital is a complete digital transformation solution provisioned in the

cloud that includes proven digital platform back-end capabilities, API tools, and an Deep core digital
industrial strength application development framework.
functionality plus
extensibility for:
■■ Process integration/API tools

■■ User collaboration toolset

Rapid application development framework ■■ Dashboarding and
Our innovative digital framework allows H&L Digital to quickly build and deploy data visibility
high-end enterprise applications.
■■ Workflows & alerting

■■  ata normalization &


■■  nalytics & business

Multi-device ready
Providing prebuilt, enterprise-class, full user security with single-sign on,
CloudSuite Digital automatically publishes for both browser and mobile interfaces.

Enterprise grade digital platform

CloudSuite Digital incorporates world-class 24x7x365 premium support,
that runs and is deployed in Infor’s Amazon® Web Services (AWS) cloud.

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Hook & Loop: Experience R&D

Hook & Loop designs and builds products that scale user experience into the
enterprise. Collaborating with product teams and developers within Infor and “
To deliver the next next-generation
partnering strategically with select Infor customers, Hook & Loop is relentlessly experience requires connecting
focused on user satisfaction and customer success. To achieve this, the team tech, data, intelligence, and design
at Hook & Loop knows that design is not enough to deliver experiences that and delivering experiences to users
transform organizations and revolutionize the way people work. While embracing in unprecedented ways. At Hook &
UX design best practices, Hook & Loop uncovers the contextual details of each Loop, we collaborate to innovate,
user journey; understands business goals and market realities; and seizes the and we innovate to dominate.
potential of emerging technologies. Functionality is table stakes. Great
experiences for customers and
Always, only, exactly what the user needs right now users will determine who wins in
The demands of mobility will transform the enterprise. Great experiences enterprise software.”
transcend the size of a screen because they accommodate for the mobility of Nunzio Esposito,
people, work flows, and data; they anticipate user needs; they offer guidance VP, Head of Experience, Hook & Loop

and support—regardless of where the user is. That’s how Hook & Loop intends
to delivery on its promise of “always, only, exactly what the user needs right now”.™

This requires a new way of thinking—we call it the Mobility Mind Shift—and a
new way of working. We’ve developed a dual track methodology that holds
us accountable for delivering innovation in every release so that we are
continually adding value for the user.

Our process is built on these five pillars:

■■ Human-centered approach to uncover market needs
■■ Offline-first, single sign-on, and mobile-only are the baseline
■■ Flexible connectivity through APIs over intensive tech stack integration
■■ Automate processes, advise users, and augment functionality strategically
■■ Regularly enhance user value through frequent deployment

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Infor OS
16 Artificial Intelligence: Infor Coleman

18 User Experience: Infor Chat

19 Infor Homepages

20 Infor Search

22 Infor Document Management

23 Data Management: Infor Data Lake

26 Extensibility: Infor Mongoose

28 Integrations: Infor ION

Infor OS
Infor OS is your future-proof operating service, designed to serve as
the foundation for your digital transformation in whatever form it may take.
Its focus is on delivering technology that goes beyond enabling business
to driving it, putting the user at the center of every experience and
serving as a unifying foundation for your entire ecosystem. The result
is a connected, intelligent set of services that automates, anticipates,
predicts, and informs your stakeholders in everything they do.
Artificial Intelligence: Infor Coleman
Infor Coleman is a complete A.I. platform, consisting of a
custom A.I. skill builder, machine learning interface, and digital
assistant front-end. Coleman is built on industry-specific data
from Infor CloudSuite solutions, where machine learning
models are consistently optimized in order to advise, automate,
or augment work across the software solution. Coleman can
assist with critical activities such as automatic execution of
time-sensitive tasks, providing expert recommendations, or
predicting future issues within the organization.
Coleman is a complete A.I. solution stack that allows Infor to
embed A.I. throughout the CloudSuite and beyond with its
deep connections to the Infor OS platform.

■■ Make optimal decisions every time—Coleman serves ■■ Get intuitive, expert recommendations—Coleman is
as a single digital assistant across the entire CloudSuite, constantly evolving by monitoring system activity and
driven by a cognitive intelligence network that processes data in order to self-adjust machine learning models for
data in real-time to provide insights in reactive, predictive, optimal performance. This allows Coleman to provide the
or automated ways. most up-to-date expert recommendations based on how
products, processes, and the entire organization advance.
■■ Automate processes—With the ability to instantly source
data, automate repetitive processes, and optimize ■■ Increase efficiency—Studies show that humans can speak
workflows, Coleman can free up your talent to focus on and hear three to four times as many words per minute
high-value activities—and create efficiency gains that as they can type. By processing the vast data in Infor
result in significant cost savings for your organization. CloudSuites, Coleman significantly increases productivity,
automating via voice a wide variety of skills, processes,
and functions which can otherwise take up 20% of a user’s
work week. Users can also remove the human element and
begin to trust their data and Coleman machine learning to
move towards complete automation.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Digital Assistant Coleman is accessible for general inquiries, Coleman provides tremendous efficiency by
task execution, and voice navigation from finding complex answers without navigation,
Infor Chat, Infor Ming.le Portal, and other automating tasks without knowledge of
smart devices. the complex process, and even training
employees on system functions by using
simple mechanisms such as chat and voice.

Single UX Personality All skills provided by Infor or created by users We’ve simplified the model so that instead of
build and evolve the diversity of a single digital having skill-specific multiple assistant options
assistant. Users access any and all skills via a that can add time constraints and confusion
single personality, rather than being forced to to your users, Coleman is the expert of your
specify a subset of skills. entire enterprise.

Image Recognition Coleman provides the foundation for custom This will enable customers effectively take
(Infor Vision) image training and analysis. Users can query advantage of the visual aspects of their work
system data based on image recognition environment. Automating processes and
models, and provide immediate, contextual, providing an ION API connection for search
related information. Images now become the capabilities will decrease the need for
source of input rather than clicks, text, or time-invasive tasks that can be automated
even voice. via computer vision.

AI Platform as a Service Skills based on machine learning and This solution will enable customers to
(PaaS) cognitive intelligence can be created using create proactive and predictive use cases
the Infor Coleman A.I. platform. Users can easily to further automate and augment business-
prepare training data, apply algorithms, test critical processes through use of incremental
and refine models, and deploy proactive and machine-learning-based models. Citizen
predictive models into their environment. Users developer-based tool sets allow an expanded
can create both intelligent apps and services to group of users to create skills designed to
help regulate and monitor the business. Those reduce cost, highlight innovation, and further
intelligent services can also be applied to ION eliminate potential risk that might otherwise
process to embed A.I. output and begin further derail a business.
augmenting or automating work throughout
their solutions.

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User Experience: Infor Chat
Infor Chat is a social collaboration and messaging platform
that seamlessly integrates with Infor’s enterprise applications.
With group chats, one-on-one conversations, and secure
file sharing via IDM, users can pop in and out of applications
while maintaining conversations in context.

■■ Real-time chatting with presence—Users can see if their ■■ Personalized work—Users are empowered by a self-
colleagues are online or not. Conversations can take place service model for group management and workflows.
in real-time between individuals or groups, and can be You can easily create your own groups and manage
made on a rolling basis as well. group membership. Groups are further segmented to
Topics in order to keep conversations in context.
■■ Mobile—Infor Chat Mobile has the same capabilities as
the web application and will be available as a standalone ■■ Browser push notifications—As a user, you can be
application. This allows easy, on-the-go access to the in your daily business process and never miss any work,
same features you use to communicate on your desktop. as chat conversations and notifications are pushed
directly to your desktop or mobile device.

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Infor Homepages
Infor Ming.le Homepages function as a hub for applications
across Infor OS. With customizable widgets and role-based
layouts, Infor Ming.le Homepages provide overviews of
daily work processes and allow for quick actions within
the scope of an application suite.

■■ Single entry point—Your Infor Ming.le Homepage is ■■ Customizable widgets—Infor Ming.le Homepages uses
the single entry point to your application suite. With the widgets, small single-purpose applications, to provide
capability to surface the most pertinent information per quick, at-a-glance information, or to access simple
user, Infor Ming.le Homepages empower users by giving interactive functions. Widgets are simpler and faster
them access to their daily work processes. to call up than full applications.

■■ Role-based pages—Infor Ming.le Homepages allow for a ■■ Quick actions on applications—Within Infor Ming.le
multitude of differentiating pages based on the respective Homepages, taking quick actions using widgets allows
user’s role. This provides each user the metrics that best a faster work process than drilling into an application for
serves them, alleviating the need to waste time searching. many tasks. With this convenience, jumping between
applications is reserved only for user-heavy processes.

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Infor Search
Infor Ming.le Search provides inquiry capabilities across
entire Infor CloudSuite industry suites. With spotlights and
actionable capabilities, Infor Ming.le Search transforms a
simple search into an extensibility application capable of
driving business results.

■■ CloudSuite Search—With Infor Ming.le Search, users can ■■ Actionable results—Infor Ming.le Search provides users
access information from across the CloudSuite through with a platform to not only view data, but also take action.
a single source. Users no longer need to switch back Keep workflows moving and take care of tasks directly
and forth between applications to take advantage of from the search results screen by reviewing parameters
enterprise-wide data. and then assigning and completing your work.

■■ Spotlights—Infor Ming.le Search provides a more efficient ■■ Drillbacks and drilldowns—With drillback links, Infor
search platform, allowing users to preview results directly Ming.le users can jump directly to search results from
from the search results screen. Prevent unnecessary different applications in the CloudSuite—eliminating the
screen clicks and save time by utilizing spotlights to need to click back and forth between applications. Not
view your information. only can users drill back into search results, but they will
also be able to drill down and see related objects and
documents through Infor Graph.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Spotlight integration Users can preview search results. Clicking Makes Infor Ming.le Search a more extensible
on “search results” will display pertinent and engaging product, driving a stronger
information and provide drillback links. user base.

Registry integration Integrate Infor Ming.le Search with Infor Keeps processes clean when scaling
Ming.le Registry to hold index definitions out search indexes and spotlight widgets.
and other documents.

Data Lake integration Integrate with the Data Lake team to retrieve Should assist in pushing application teams
index/application data and properly and to adopt Infor Ming.le Search by simplifying
seamlessly index content into Infor Ming.le the adoption process. They will be required
Search. to push data to Data Lake as well as provide
index definitions and mapping schema.

ERP/Enterprise Integrate with application teams to have search Improves user experience for CloudSuite
integration results from across the CloudSuite. users, allowing them to perform
enterprise-wide searches from a single point.

Search Drilldown Using Infor Graph, users can drill down into Adds a large extensibility piece that makes
search results to view related objects and data. Infor Ming.le Search smarter and top of the line.
Makes unstructured searches simpler for users.

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Infor Document Management
Infor Document Management simplifies business processing
by providing a central repository for documents used
within an organization. IDM provides documents in context
along with sophisticated search, making it easy to find
documents and related information within ERP systems
and Infor OS applications.

■■ IDM capture—IDM Capture extracts, classifies, and ■■ Archiving and retention policies—Documents within
imports data into IDM using OCR and ICR engines, fixed IDM can be automatically archived or deleted after a
formats, and free-form extraction. IDM Capture accelerates specified period of time. This allows organizations to
business processes by eliminating manual processing and control how their data is stored and provides the ability
human error. to lock down documents from further changes.

■■ Document stitching—IDM allows users the ability to ■■  oHo UI—An updated look and feel allows IDM to
quickly combine multiple documents into a single PDF continue its goal to provide powerful functionality
file that can be stored in IDM or shared with others. in a simple and intuitive interface.
This enables users to stitch together related information
and improve business efficiency.

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Data Management: Infor Data Lake
The Infor Data Lake is an infinitely scalable object repository
for capturing massive quantities of structured, semi-structured,
and unstructured data in its natural state. The Data Lake is
powered by optimized search algorithms, SQL interfaces, and
an API access layer to drive the next generation of apps for
analytics, science, and more.

■■ Capture everything—Infor ION, Infor IoT, and a suite of ■■ Data innovation—Expanding the scale and variety of
ION APIs provide rich content ingestion of data sourced data capture enables analytics and data scientists to
from all corners of the enterprise directly into the Infor rapidly develop new ways of asking the data to provide
Data Lake. Capture data in its native format and drive your solutions for your problem—whether it’s creating a new
organization’s future business performance initiatives. KPI or analyzing historical IoT sensor data to determine
maintenance schedules.
■■ Metadata management—Never lose track of what your
data means; the contents of your Data Lake are matched ■■ Big data architecture—Leverage the power of Lambda
with a rich metadata catalog that identifies, tracks, and architectures, distributed cloud technologies, and
retrieves exactly what the data looked like when you streaming patterns to provide real-time and near real-time
captured it. access to the data that drives your organization’s
key business strategies.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Native format storage With the Infor Data Lake, enterprises can Enterprises can avoid costly design and
capture and store content in its raw, implementations on how to cleanse and
native formats. store data for use across their application

Low-cost, infinite The Infor Data Lake captures all the data your Organizations are unshackled from having to
scalability enterprise generates leveraging the cost and make decisions rooted in costs and design that
scalability benefits of commodity hardware in prevent them from capturing edge data. Storing
the Cloud. more of your enterprise data in the Infor Data
Lake exposes that data to analysts and data
scientists to derive new insights from the
information your organization produces.

Data accessibility The Data Lake provides a suite of interfaces for Analytics, data science, business intelligence,
cataloging, searching, and retrieving ingested IoT—no matter the business case, enterprises
content using APIs, Data Lake drivers, and are presented with a variety of interfaces that
columnar databases. enable them to search and ask their data for
answers into operational efficiencies, data
trends, and more. These interfaces provide
developers, analysts, and data scientists alike
familiar ways of accessing data via APIs and
SQL interfaces.

Metadata Data captured to the Infor Data Lake is Every piece of information in the Infor Data
Management coupled with a robust data catalog that Lake has a metadata complement that helps
enables enterprises to understand not just organizations understand what their data
which data lives in the Infor Data Lake, but means and when it was captured. This helps
what that data means. companies better define how to use their data.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Infinite Storage The Infor Data Lake scales with your Infor Data Lake
enterprise to drive big science and big
Metadata Catalog data analytics use cases across all Infor Data Lake
enterprise verticals.
ION API Suite Infor ION API Gateway
Make sense of your raw data by
Data Archiving Management understanding the metadata used to Infor Data Lake
describe it.

Index, catalog, and retrieve the contents

of your Data Lake.

Manage your Data Lake content

with advanced Archiving and
Data Restoration tools.

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Extensibility: Infor Mongoose
Infor’s rapid development framework provides simple and
flexible tools that can be used to build everything from
simple web parts to complex ERP systems and extensions
to existing Infor ERP systems, delivering a low-cost, unified
platform for all application development. Build apps and
create enhancements in just a fraction of the time required
with traditional development approaches.

■■ Fast, efficient development—By streamlining business ■■ Automatic upgrades—Because Mongoose stores user
process flows and minimizing program coding, Mongoose extensions and customizations in metadata, separate
allows you to quickly and cost effectively build anything, from the base application, they’ll upgrade automatically
from simple web applications to complex systems. Fully when you deploy or upgrade to a new version of
integrated with Infor Ming.le and Infor ION, Mongoose your application.
can be used with all Infor ION-enabled enterprise apps.
■■ Built-in consistency—Applications built with Mongoose
■■ Mobile device ready—Providing prebuilt, enterprise- automatically adhere to Infor’s user interface style guide
class, full user security (with single sign-on), Mongoose standards without requiring any additional steps. This
automatically publishes for both browser and mobile ensures the applications you build will have a look and
interfaces. With your business objects and logic shared feel consistent with any of your other Infor applications.
across all device types, creating a mobile or tablet
version of your app is simple, fast, and hassle-free.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Flex layout/ Allows Mongoose forms to cleanly work Customers can use Mongoose for all their
Responsive design on any device (desktop, mobile, tablet). deployment needs and keep one code base
for all their business logic, thus reducing
go-to-market time for apps.

H5 Designer Designing in Mongoose is now available This feature now allows customers to use
on any platform that has a browser. any computer/operating system they desire.

User components This feature allows customers to add in any Will allow users access to beautiful controls
Java, or H5 controls directly into Mongoose. that will act and work like any native control.
This allows customers to build more up-to-date
applications without framework changes.

PaaS Mongoose is the extensibility engine for Infor customers can leverage Mongoose for
Infor CloudSuite industry suites. all their extensibility needs without affecting
their base CloudSuite code, ensuring a clear
path forward.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor OS | 27

Integrations: Infor ION®
Infor ION powers intelligent business operations by
simplifying integration between disparate systems, while
combining contextual business intelligence, common
reporting and analysis, streamlined workflow, and business
monitoring in a single, consistent architecture.

■■ Dramatically simplify integration—Infor ION makes it easier ■■ Automate notifications and alerts—Infor ION allows you to
than ever to integrate both Infor and third-party software, proactively monitor and manage your workflow status and
while streamlining process flows to improve performance. document traffic, identify workflow exceptions, monitor key
This simple, scalable integration framework helps you performance indicators, and gain visibility into your overall
achieve unparalleled efficiency. business network efficiency.

■■ Give users information anytime, from anywhere— ■■ Standardize business processes—Create, standardize, and
End users can monitor critical business issues—from sales monitor business processes, and make changes without IT
opportunities to production problems—via mobile devices, involvement. Infor ION allows you to manage, monitor, and
while administrators can easily monitor and administer Infor document what’s happened, what needs to happen, and
ION applications. what didn’t happen—but should have.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Integration ION Message System (IMS) is the next IMS provides the much-needed API based
generation connector that allows sending/ communication channel that is required for
receiving messages through REST APIs. cross cloud communication and paves the
way for zero footprint hybrid integrations.
With Any Data support, messages that flow
through ION need not be BOD XMLs only. Any Data support provides the flexibility
JSONs and any other content type can be needed in third-party integrations to process
sent “as is” using ION’s file connector and data as is without having to wrap it to an Infor
IMS connector. proprietary format.

End-to-End Visibility ION OneView delivers a comprehensive ION OneView reduces system complexity and
timeline of every message exchanged across troubleshooting by identifying and capturing
the enterprise. With OneView, your organization the history of every message in Infor ION.
expedites troubleshooting and tracing tasks Expedite integration resolutions by starting
with a complete view of which applications with ION and ION OneView—the application
were subscribed, what workflows were that understands the big picture of enterprise
activated, and where a problem happened. integration.

Transformative The Infor ION Mapper solves applications’ Developing business logic and message
Messaging messaging discontinuities by providing rich, handling in applications is costly and time
graphical mappings for translating your consuming. Reduce traditional point-to-point
business object messages into formats expenditures with the ION Mapper to develop
other applications can understand. Leverage rich messaging transformations as part of your
powerful versioning features to capture business process integration.
transformation changes over time and shift
your development workflow into the Mapper’s
updated IDE that enables powerful control over
your mapping requirements.

ION API gateway Policy templates can now be applied to API This feature brings the power to transform
policy management suites and endpoints for both requests and standard APIs into more valuable sources
responses. of connectivity for the enterprise.

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Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

ION API gateway A monitoring UI and search engine is available Administrators are now empowered to analyze,
monitoring for administrators to analyze all API transactions troubleshoot, report, and resolve issues that
in the gateway. arise within a single tool for all APIs.

ION API gateway third- Popular third-party API service providers are Administrators can now more easily deploy
party suite templates being regularly added to a new template library. popular suites of APIs that developers require
to build advanced SOA solutions.

ION Workflow ION Workflow now allow direct integration Workflows can be augmented with data from
integration with with the ION API gateway via an ION API the API gateway, or automation of tasks can be
ION API gateway activity in the workflow modeler. accomplished by transacting data through APIs
in your workflows.

ION Workflow ION workflow now provides activity steps for More complex automation of processes is
additional pausing a workflow and calling other workflows. possible with features that can reuse other
activity steps workflow logic as well as stop and wait for other
business processes to complete.

ION AnySQL ION AnySQL is a connector that enables you to The AnySQL connector dramatically reduces
model new datasets against your applications— time to discover data and begin modeling it
straight from your browser. for integration purposes.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor OS | 30


Infor CloudSuites
33 Infor CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense

35 Infor CloudSuite Automotive

37 Infor CloudSuite Business

39 Infor CloudSuite Corporate

41 Infor CloudSuite Distribution

44 Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise

48 Infor CloudSuite Equipment Rental

53 Infor CloudSuite Facilities Management

55 Infor CloudSuite Fashion

57 Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage

59 Infor CloudSuite Healthcare

61 Infor CloudSuite Hospitality

67 Infor CloudSuite Human Capital Management (HCM)

71 Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

74 Infor CloudSuite Industrial Machinery

76 Infor CloudSuite Public Sector

Infor CloudSuite
Cloud technologies offer a degree of agility and path to rapid growth
that simply wasn’t possible in the past. As the world’s first industry cloud
company, Infor is transforming enterprise software by delivering business-
critical applications and comprehensive industry suites with the benefits
of cloud computing.
Infor CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense
With Infor CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense, you get an
end-to-end solution to efficiently manage your entire
operational process, from product design to shop floor
scheduling and aftermarket MRO services. Thanks to
our deep industry functionality, you can ensure the
highest levels of quality control, regulatory compliance,
and program management.

■■ Use the newest, industry-specific technology—Our ■■ Improve speed and agility—Deploy in the cloud,
unique capabilities provide you with the most innovative on-premises, or a hybrid of both, and scale server capacity
technology available, fully integrated, and deployed as needed to easily add new plants and users, so you
securely in the cloud with no customizations required. can get moving quickly on your plans for growth.

■■ Increase reliability and accessibility—Gain best-practice ■■ Stay compliant—The Infor Aerospace & Defense
protocols in application, network, physical, and operations suite of solutions will keep your enterprise compliant
security, as well as comprehensive monitoring with a for export control, ITAR, MMAS, and new compliance
secure and reliable cloud infrastructure managed by regulations as they arise from oversight organizations.
Amazon Web Services.

The newest additions to the long list of CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense capabilities include:

■■ Extended contract flowdown to carry customer’s terms and conditions to suppliers

■■ Authorizations to secure data by domain for ITAR and export control
■■ Enhanced revenue recognition to support the latest guidance for publically traded companies

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense offers proven capabilities in key areas such as contract/project costs and schedules,
quality control, regulation and compliance, and collaboration with customers and suppliers, all delivered with a highly flexible
architecture, beautiful user experience, and a fully integrated framework.

Core bundles
Enterprise resource planning Contract management
Operational reports
Material requirements planning, project CLINs
manufacturing; shop floor control and Real-time analytics
scheduling and assembly control Invoicing
Labor and attendance tracking
Financials Revenue recognition
Labor costing
Cost accounting
Warehouse management
Payroll calculations
Purchasing Inventory management
Supply chain management Cycle counting
Social collaboration
Procurement planning Excess obsolete inventory analysis
Document management
Supplier performance monitoring
DPAS Predefined industry KPIs

Add-on bundles
Financial performance management Asset management Configure price quote

Budgeting and planning Preventative maintenance Product configuration

Financial consolidation Risk management 2D design automation

Capital planning Asset monitoring/availability

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor CloudSuites | 34

Infor CloudSuite Automotive
Meet Infor CloudSuite Automotive, a comprehensive suite
of industry-proven solutions, including a core ERP system
combined with high-value extension applications. Continually
enhanced with the latest innovations, automotive suppliers
get the industry expertise needed to modernize, innovate,
and drive competitive differentiation.

■■ Free up capital—A cloud-based ERP solution can help ■■ Forecast better and faster—Improved planning,
free up capital, while providing you with the flexibility to forecasting, and visibility help you prepare more
meet your evolving operational needs. You’ll have funds effectively for skill shortages, supply chain bottlenecks,
to expand your plants and facilities, and be able to quickly and business risks.
and easily respond to opportunities in growth markets.
■■ Save money and foster growth—The ability to meet
■■  anage complex launches— Supply chain collaboration
M aggressive customer demands, increase productivity,
and end-to-end quality management for complex parts and and simplify compliance, so you can maintain quality
modules give you the advanced capabilities necessary to and improve profitability.
compete effectively in today’s industry.

The newest addition to the long list of CloudSuite Automotive capabilities is the automotive shipment workbench.
The new workbench features improved visualization and navigation of common warehouse manager tasks.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Automotive gives you visibility into every facet of your enterprise—including suppliers, customers, and
products—all within a secure infrastructure built specifically for the automotive industry.

Core bundles

Enterprise resource planning Order management Labor and attendance tracking

Multi-mode manufacturing; job shop Demand management Labor costing

control, repetitive, assembly control
Shipment planning Payroll calculations
Electronic data interchange

Warehouse management Social collaboration

Inventory management Document management
Supply chain management
BI / analytics
Predefined industry KPIs
Supplier performance monitoring
Operational reports
Event management and alerts
Real-time analytics

Add-on bundles

Financial performance management Asset management Configure price quote

Budgeting and planning Preventative maintenance Product configuration

Financial consolidation Risk management 2D design automation

Capital planning Asset monitoring/availability

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor CloudSuites | 36

Infor CloudSuite Business
For small and mid-sized companies, Infor CloudSuite Business
is a ready-to-run cloud platform that provides streamlined
management and deep visibility into every facet of your business,
including financials, human resources, supply chain, and project
and customer relationship management. Make better decisions
faster—from any location—with easy-to-use collaboration and
analytic tools.

■■ Go where your business takes you—Cut costs and ■■ Deliver projects on time and on budget—Enjoy integrated
improve the accuracy of your forecasts with consolidated resource planning and project management tools that
financial data from your entire company or multi-site automate workflow, increase efficiency, and, most
enterprise. importantly, promote customer satisfaction.

■■ Empower your HR teams—Unified human resource ■■ Automate sales and marketing—A robust CRM system
management spans your entire organization and connects gives you an actionable 360-degree view of your
to various transactional and operational systems, allowing customers and target market. Enhance lead generation
for more strategic hiring, standardized onboarding and and marketing communications with powerful, easy-to-use
training, and programs to maximize employee output. portals and build enduring, profitable affiliations.

Recent enhancements

■■ Bank statement import

■■ Multiple currencies for customers and vendors
■■ Bulk journal entry import
■■ Ming.le homepages

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Business offers you proven capabilities in key areas such as financial management, analytics,
performance and supply chain management, social business collaboration, mobility, and more, all delivered within
an integrated framework.

Core bundles

Core Infor OS

ERP SyteLine ION

Service Ming.le

Credit card interface Ming.le homepages

Tax interface Infor Document Management

Payroll interface Infor BI

Infor BI—Content Pack

Add-on bundles

CloudSuite business modules Integrated applications

CloudSuite SytePlan Infor CRM

CloudSuite Forecasting Factory Track

CloudSuite Mobile CPQ

CloudSuite Employee Self Service Expense Management

CloudSuite Portals EAM

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Infor CloudSuite Corporate
For Tier 1 companies, Infor CloudSuite Corporate is a ready-
to-run cloud solution built specifically to meet the needs of
enterprises requiring proven solutions in financial management,
supply management, and human capital management. With
relevant and timely data, combined with insightful analytics,
you can get the most out of their most valuable resources:
people, customers, and suppliers.

■■ Improve bottom-line performance and financial ■■ Empower HR and streamline service delivery—
discipline—Consolidate information across your enterprise Hire more strategically and standardize onboarding
and deliver financial data to decision-makers who can processes with a unified human resource management
improve budget management, cost-reduction strategies, solution that spans your entire organization and connects
and forecast accuracy. to various transactional and operational systems.

■■ Standardize your supply chain—Automate procurement, ■■ Tie employee performance to business strategy—
manage supplier relationships more strategically, and Create opportunities for top performers, reduce attrition,
closely monitor spending to lower your company’s cost- and provide incentives for exceptional performance
per-purchase-order and cost-per-receipt. throughout your organization with a robust talent
management platform.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Corporate offers you proven capabilities in key areas such as financial management, analytics, performance
and supply management, social business collaboration, mobility and more, all delivered within an integrated framework.

Core bundles

Global Ledger Purchasing Lawson ION Connector

Payables Inventory Control Infor OS Ming.le Enterprise

Receivables Procurement Cards Global Financial Controller

Cash Management Requisitioning Infor OS ION PROCESS Grid Edition

Asset & Lease Accounting Punchout Infor OS ION PROCESS iPaaS

Hybrid Connector
Franchise Billing Production Management
Infor Document Management
Project Ledger Landmark Technology Runtime
Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply
Item & Order Billing Infor Landmark Administrator Management ION Connector

Matching Infor Process Automation Infor BI

Reconciliation Management Infor Spreadsheet Designer Financial Analytics

Contract Management Infor Notifications Supply Management Analytics

Add-on bundles

Inter/Intra Company Billing Strategic Sourcing / Supplier Portal Mobile Supply Chain Management

Grant Accounting (Grant Mgmt) EDI for Supply Chain Management Surgical Instrument Management

Close Management Point of Use

Student Activity Management Recall Management

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Infor CloudSuite Distribution
Infor CloudSuite Distribution is a ready-to-run, end-to-end
solution that helps you manage your entire operational
process, from omni-channel engagement, to inventory
rebate management, to value-added services, and more.
Serve your customers better, outpace the competition,
and increase your profitability.

■■  treamline order entry—Retain and reach new markets
S ■■ Add value—Meet increasing customer demand for more
through a streamlined ordering process that includes fast comprehensive services from distributors, such as kitting,
order-entry with item recommendations, non-stock and light manufacturing, assembly, private labeling, and more.
special order options, and optimized counter sales.
■■ Purchase smarter—Make intelligent purchasing decisions
■■ Control inventory—Improve inventory management with access to a centralized interface that has all the
through better visibility into your largest assets by information you need right at your fingertips, including
monitoring inventory turns, demand, optimized levels, color-coded notifications for problems and exceptions.
and resulting profitability.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Distribution gives you visibility into virtually every facet of your enterprise—including suppliers,
customers, and products—all within a secure infrastructure built specifically for the distribution industry.

Core bundles

Sales order management Sourcing/procurement Technology/platform

Inside/outside sales Demand center Infor Reporting

Counter sales Color-coded priorities Enterprise Elastic Search

Signature capture Warehouse transfers Infor Document Management

Special orders Truckload planning Infor ION

Flexible inventory allocation Non-stock/special buys Integration

Available to promise Centralized purchasing Workflow

Product restrictions Overseas Trade Alerts

Cores management Vendor managed inventory Infor Ming.le

Advanced Search Customer Forecasting Cloud multi-tenant deployment

Financial management Value add services Pricing/rebates

General Ledger Production Price optimization

Accounts Payable Build on-demand kits Contract pricing

Invoices matched to receipt Prebuilt kits Special group pricing

Cash flow analysis Work orders Rebates by customer, vendor, price

type, or product lines
Accounts Receivable Multi-level BOM
Vendor product/price data Import tool
AR lock box Labor tracking

Inventory control
Credit card processing Work in process GL
Multiple warehouses per company
Financial statement production
Item cross reference

MSDS/Hazardous Materials

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor CloudSuites | 42

Inventory control (cont’d) Warehouse management

Serial/lot Control Quantity tracking by bin location

Demand tracking Shipping/receiving

Multiple forecasting methods Cross docking

Seasonal items Multi-site/warehouse transfers

Multiple costing methods Counter sales

Physical and cycle counts Bar code scanning

Add-on bundles

Total warehouse logistics (TWL) Proof of delivery Infor integrations

Paperless pick, pack, and ship Visual maps and routes CRM

Zone management Real-time signature capture Infor Service Management

Wireless RF units Real-time delivery status updating Rhythm for Commerce

Cycle counting Critical order information displays Pricing Science for Distribution

Project job management Infor F9

Project manager
Storeroom for Infor Distribution SX.e Third-party integrations
(Read the brochure )
Bidding calendar
Taxing Interface (Taxware and Avalara)
Customer setups for products,
Online document management
employees, and equipment Credit Card Interface (CenPOS)

Order point
Lot and serial processing Shipping Interface
Inventory availability checking
Recovery billing EDI Interface
Pricing and run comparisons
Unavailable/available memory BillTrust
Customer credit status check
Bill on receipt Barcode Label Printing Interface
Past order history
Tool repair and regrind
Order placement
Backorder maintenance
On-the-go convenience

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Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise
Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise is a comprehensive,
scalable cloud solution designed for distributors who need
global reach, combining the benefits of the cloud with
functionality that’s built specifically for large, global wholesale
distributors with complex and evolving business models.

■■ Maximize your global sales—Using a sophisticated ■■ Keep your data current, secure, and reliable—Infor
sales order management system, you can enter orders CloudSuite has a 99.9% average historical uptime. With
more quickly and accurately, easily manage EDI orders, Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise, you get greater
and accommodate intense order volumes with customer reliability, uptime, and security than most companies can
order processing that is highly scalable. achieve on their own.

■■ Support expansion—Facilitate global expansion with ■■ Realize a speedier time to value—With preconfigured yet
support for 44 localizations and 21 languages. Effortlessly flexible, industry-leading business processes, templates,
deploy the solution in new locations with the flexibility training materials, tools, and simulations, you can deploy
and scalability to easily take on new markets and adapt or upgrade, with minimal upfront investment, in weeks or
quickly to change. months—not years.

■■ The latest version of CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise features new optional solutions with Factory Track for M3, Infor EDI
Managed Services, and Infor Supplier Rebate.
 actory Track for M3 is the solution for mobile warehouse management operations running on modern HTML5 browsers
on a wide range of devices, from handhelds to tablets and desktops.
• Infor EDI provides easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain solutions for customer-facing information, in the cloud.
• Infor Supplier Rebate gives organizations an efficient way for managing purchase-related supplier rebate agreements
automatically. The solution will allow for an easy agreement setup, followed by a fully-automated validation of purchase
order lines, and a fully-automated calculation and accrual of rebates.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise is a multisite, multi-company, multicurrency, and multi-language solution that
gives you visibility into every facet of your enterprise—including suppliers, customers, and products—across all markets.

Core bundles

Financial controlling
Environmental Tax Management Quality Management System
ADC for Supplier Invoices Time and Attendance
Cash Flow Management
Infor Document Management for
Maintenance management
Cost Accounting M3 ADC
Diagnostics Management
Product Costing Infor Document Management—IBM
Content Manager Edition for M3 ADC Equipment and Component Control
Multiple Unit Coordination
Infor Document Management—MS Maintenance Performance and Costing
Risk Management SharePoint Edition for M3 ADC
Preventive Maintenance
Time Accounting Supplier Invoice Approver
Work Order Processing
Financial accounting Product data management
Capability Management
Automatic Recording Bank Statements Engineering Change Management
Vehicle Operations Management
Accounts Payable Product Data
Warranty Management
Accounts Receivable Technical Document Management
Field Order Processing
Current Assets Attribute Control
Maintenance Scheduling Board
Fixed Assets Product Configurator

Supply chain execution

General Ledger
Manufacturing execution
Distribution Order Processing
Group Consolidation Manufacturing Order Processing
Inventory Statistics
Report Generator Production Statistics
Lot and Allocation Control
Tax Management Capacity Requirements Planning
Transportation Management
Financial Audit and Accounting Laboratory and Inspection Control
Warehouse Management

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Supply chain execution (cont’d)
Sales Statistics and Performance Infor Enterprise Search for M3
Warehouse Management Interfaces
Cash Desk Sales M3 Content Pack for OS Platform
Item Data Interfaces
Point of Sales Integration Infor Smart Office Designer
Transportation Management Interfaces
Customer Delivery Schedules Transaction Archive Management
Freight Cost Management
Counter Sales for Distribution M3 Ad Hoc Reporting Tool

Supply chain planning

Web Services Designer
Maintenance order management
Distribution Requirements Planning
Maintenance Agreements Enterprise Collaborator
Maintenance Quotations Enterprise Collaborator Tools
Master Production Scheduling
Maintenance Customer Metadata Publisher
Material Planning Order Processing
Infor Smart Rules
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning Warranty Claim Management
M3 Business Engine BODs
Global CTP
Rental management
OpenText StreamServe
Supply Chain Connected Orders Long-Term Rental Agreements
M3 Core Infrastructure and Technology

Procurement Short-Term Rental Agreements

M3 Business Engine
Purchase Delivery Schedules
Project management M3 Financial Business Messages
Purchase Order Processing Project Processing
Infor Document Management
Request for Quotations Project Quotations
Supplier Evaluation and Statistics Project Control Board
Infor BI

Sales management Project Portal

Infor Business Vault
Bonus and Commissions
Technology and tools Analytics for Equipment
Customer Order Processing Infor Ming.le Enterprise
Infor BV Data Warehouse Designer
Pricing and Conditions M3 H5 Enterprise Edition

Sales Quotations Infor ION

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Application program interface Languages
M3BE Add Lng Italian (it)
Application Component Connector— M3BE Add Lng Chinese—Simplified
FIN Suite (zh-CN) M3BE Add Lng Japanese (ja)

Application Component Connector— M3BE Add Lng Czech—(cz) M3BE Add Lng Dutch (nl)
MAO Suite
M3BE Add Lng German (de) M3BE Add Lng Norwegian (no)
Application Component Connector—
EAM Suite M3BE Add Lng Danish (da) M3BE Add Lng Polish (pl)

Application Component Connector— M3BE Add Lng Spanish (es) M3BE Add Lng Portuguese (pt)
SCM Suite
M3BE Add Lng Finnish (fi) M3BE Add Lng Swedish (sv)
Application Component Connector—
CSS Suite M3BE Add Lng French (fr)
Implementation accelerator for
distribution with Mavim
M3BE Add Lng US English (en-US)

M3BE Add Lng Hungarian (hu)

Add-on bundles

Sales hub
Issue material for operations Mobility
Intuitive and easy-to-use
over-the-counter sales Movements Campaign Management

Faceted product search Warehouse transfers

M3 demand planner

Cross- and up-sell Collaborative workflow for

Infor supplier rebate
reviewing sales forecasts
Checkout and cash desk Efficient rebate agreement setup
Forecast engine with multiple
Infor Factory Track® for M3 Automatic validation, calculation and automatic forecast methods
accrual of rebate
Receiving Data aggregation and grouping
Claims managements
Infor EDI managed service
Reporting and alerts
Packing Efficient trading partner management
M3 customer lifecycle management
Shipping Customer facing data interchange
Customer Lifecycle Management
Stock take and physical inventory

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor CloudSuites | 47

Infor CloudSuite Equipment Rental
Infor CloudSuite Equipment Rental is designed specifically
for rental companies that are focused on growth, customer
engagement, and extended services. It features deep, proven
capabilities to support your rental operations, and all your
other business processes, too.

■■  mbedded analytics that deliver relevant information
E ■■ Social collaboration with Infor Ming.le to integrate
to help you develop effective strategies and execute business conversations into your ERP system
effective tactics.
■■ Enterprise search for a powerful and intuitive way
■■ Core workflow and alerting that let you be proactive, to quickly find relevant information among huge
enforce standard processes, and monitor progress. amounts of data.

■■  he latest version of CloudSuite Equipment Rental includes updates to two optional products, M3 Customer Lifecycle
Management and Infor Mobility for Field Service.
■■  3 Lifecycle Management now provides a web UI for calendars, campaigns, and contacts along with drill-backs from
Ming.le and support for Ming.le Homepage widgets.
■■ Infor Mobility for Field Service now supports bar code identification of parts and equipment, enhanced equipment
warranty information, and support for Apple® iPhone and Android™ phones.

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Components and core features
CloudSuite Equipment Rental gives you the flexibility and scalability to easily take on new markets and quickly adapt to change.
Built on industry best practices, it supports almost 40 localizations and 18 languages.

Core bundles
Financial controlling
Environmental Tax Management Laboratory and Inspection Control
ADC for Supplier Invoices Quality Management System
Cash Flow Management
Infor Document Management for Time and Attendance
Cost Accounting M3 ADC

Maintenance management
Product Costing Infor Document Management—IBM
Content Manager Edition for M3 ADC Diagnostics Management
Multiple Unit Coordination
Infor Document Management—MS Equipment and Component Control
Risk Management SharePoint Edition for M3 ADC
Maintenance Performance and Costing
Time Accounting Equipment Profitability Portal
Preventive Maintenance
Supplier Invoice Approver
Financial accounting
Work Order Processing
Automatic Recording Bank Statements Product data management
Capability Management
Accounts Payable Engineering Change Management
Vehicle Operations Management
Accounts Receivable Product Data
Warranty Management
Current Assets Technical Document Management
Field Order Processing
Fixed Assets Attribute Control
Maintenance Scheduling Board
General Ledger Product Configurator

Supply chain execution

Group Consolidation
Manufacturing execution
Distribution Order Processing
Report Generator Manufacturing Order Processing
Inventory Statistics
Tax Management Production Statistics
Lot and Allocation Control
Financial Audit and Accounting Capacity Requirements Planning
Transportation Management

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Supply chain execution (cont’d)
Sales Quotations Project Control Board
Warehouse Management
Sales Statistics and Performance Project Portal
Warehouse Management Interfaces
Cash Desk Sales Technology and tools
Item Data Interfaces
Point of Sales Integration Infor Ming.le Enterprise
Transportation Management Interfaces
Customer Delivery Schedules M3 H5 Enterprise Edition
Freight Cost Management
Counter Sales for Distribution Infor ION

Supply chain planning Infor Enterprise Search for M3

Customer Service Desk
Distribution Requirements Planning
Core Entitlement M3 Content Pack for OS Platform

Infor Smart Office Designer
Maintenance order management
Master Production Scheduling
Transaction Archive Management
Maintenance Agreements
Material Planning
M3 Ad Hoc Reporting Tool
Maintenance Quotations
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning
Web Services Designer
Maintenance Customer Order
Global CTP Processing
Enterprise Collaborator

Supply Chain Connected Orders Warranty Claim Management

Enterprise Collaborator Tools

Procurement Rental management Metadata Publisher

Purchase Delivery Schedules Long-Term Rental Agreements

Infor Smart Rules

Purchase Order Processing Short-Term Rental Agreements

M3 Business Engine BODs

Request for Quotations Rental Equipment Planning Board

OpenText StreamServe

Supplier Evaluation and Statistics Rental Logistics Toolbox

M3 Core Infrastructure and Technology

M3 Rental Counter
Sales management M3 Business Engine

Bonus and Commissions Project management M3 Financial Business Messages

Customer Order Processing Project Processing Infor Document Management

Pricing and Conditions Project Quotations

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Infor CloudSuites | 50

Analytics Languages
M3BE Add Lng Norwegian (no)
Infor BI M3BE Add Lng Chinese—Simplified
(zh-CN) M3BE Add Lng Polish (pl)
Infor Business Vault
M3BE Add Lng Czech (cz) M3BE Add Lng Portuguese (pt)
Analytics for Equipment
M3BE Add Lng German (de) M3BE Add Lng Swedish (sv)
Infor BV Data Warehouse Designer
M3BE Add Lng Danish (da)
Implementation accelerator for
Application program interface equipment rental with Mavim
M3BE Add Lng Spanish (es)
Application Component Connector—
FIN Suite M3BE Add Lng Finnish (fi)

Application Component Connector— M3BE Add Lng French (fr)

MAO Suite
M3BE Add Lng US English (en-US)
Application Component Connector—
EAM Suite M3BE Add Lng Hungarian (hu)

Application Component Connector— M3BE Add Lng Italian (it)

SCM Suite
M3BE Add Lng Japanese (ja)
Application Component Connector—
CSS Suite M3BE Add Lng Dutch (nl)

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Add-on bundles

M3 customer lifecycle management

M3CLM Lng US English (en-US) M3CLM Lng French (fr)
Business Engine limited use for CLM
M3CLM Lng Dutch (nl) M3CLM Lng US English (en-US)
Mobile CLM
M3CLM Lng Norwegian (no) M3CLM Lng Dutch (nl)
CLM Campaign Management
M3CLM Lng Swedish (sv) M3CLM Lng Norwegian (no)
CLM for Equipment
M3CLM Lng Swedish (sv)
Infor mobility for field service
M3CLM Lng Chinese—Simplified
(zh-CN) M3CLM Lng Chinese—Simplified Warehouse mobility
M3CLM Lng Czech (cz) M3 Warehouse Mobility
M3CLM Lng Czech (cz)
M3CLM Lng German (de) Factory Track
M3CLM Lng German (de)
M3CLM Lng Danish (da)
M3 business engine
M3CLM Lng Danish (da)
country versions
M3CLM Lng Spanish (es)
M3CLM Lng Spanish (es) Implementation accelerator
M3CLM Lng Finnish (fi) M3 equipment
M3CLM Lng Finnish (fi)
M3CLM Lng French (fr)

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Infor CloudSuite Facilities Management
Infor CloudSuite Facilities Management gives you the tools
to manage all types of residential and commercial buildings.
It supports revenue optimization, property management,
asset management and sustainability, business intelligence,
and mobility.

■■ Fast easy and more efficient and cost-effective ■■ Easy Contractor management—Infor CloudSuite Facilities
operations—Infor CloudSuite Facilities Management Management provides a contractor portal where you
offers easy maintenance operations from work requests, can send work for estimation and release work packages
through scheduling and assignments, to technician to contractors. This minimizes communications and
work management. streamlines operations.

■■ Improved regulatory compliance—Infor CloudSuite

Facilities Management provides an audit-grade platform
from which all actions are recorded, making compliance
a part of normal operations. Case Management provides
workflows and users can include forms for regulatory
reporting and follow up actions that are immediately
available for audit.

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Components and core features
Infor’s facilities management solution has been purpose-built for facility managers, service providers, building owners, and
building tenants, with core components that include a mobile subscription, alert management, CAD tools, and barcoding.

Core bundles

Enterprise Asset Management Infor Ming.le collaboration tool Alert Management

EAM Mobile subscription Infor Document Management ION integration

Service Request module Web Services toolkit EAM Databridge

Infor Rapid Request (unlimited Web Services connectors Barcoding

smartphone app for work requests)
Asset Sustainability module
Integrated CAD drawing
visualization tool Advanced Reporting

Add-on bundles

Enterprise Asset Management Infor Ming.le collaboration tool Alert Management

EAM Mobile subscription Infor Document Management ION integration

Service Request module Web Services toolkit EAM Databridge

Infor Rapid Request (unlimited Web Services connectors Barcoding

smartphone app for work requests)
Asset Sustainability module
Integrated CAD drawing
visualization tool Advanced Reporting

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Infor CloudSuite Fashion
Infor CloudSuite Fashion is an industry-specific solution in the
cloud that offers modern software, a beautiful user experience,
and preconfigured fashion best practices. You’ll be able to
manage both style and non-style products in the same system
and gain visibility across every aspect of your value chain.

■■ Industry specificity—Infor CloudSuite Fashion is an ■■ Stronger network relations—Real-time insights into the
industry-specific solution that offers complete end-to-end needs of your suppliers, manufacturers, and customers,
functionality built specifically to meet the needs of fashion as well as social business and mobile tools to help
companies. enhance collaboration.

■■ Secure infrastructure—You get best-practice protocols ■■ Lower costs for faster innovation—Infor CloudSuite
in application, network, physical, and operations security, Fashion offers a faster time to value with minimal upfront
as well as comprehensive monitoring, with a secure and investment, reductions in labor costs, and hassle-free
reliable cloud infrastructure managed by Amazon Web adoption for users allows more time for innovation.
Services (AWS).

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Fashion keeps every function of your company running from concept development to customer delivery with
maximum efficiency, allowing you to focus on innovation and strategies for growth and profitability.

Core bundles

Supply chain execution Planning and inventory control Financial management

Provides comprehensive warehouse Global inventory visibility supports Helps you to improve governance
management functionality to help your omnichannel strategy and drives and compliance across your business,
reduce inventory levels and increase greater clarity for effective inventory whether you are an international
inventory turns, while offering efficient allocation and replenishment. business with dozens of sites or you
same day pick, pack, and ship Automatically generate accurate buy, operate in a single country with
capabilities for both bulk and single production, and distribution plans to one site.
pick shipments. ensure you meet consumer demand.

Deep industry-specific
Production management Supply chain management fashion analytics

Enables you to simultaneously Get global inventory visibility and Data cubes, powerful slicing and dicing
schedule, manufacture, and report control as you purchase, source, and technology, industry-specific KPIs, and
on the number of pieces produced, move raw materials, components, drill-downs help you steer your fashion
materials, and labor used, or plan and and finished merchandise around the business and make better decisions.
manage cut, make, trim (CMT), if you world—from manufacturing to retail.
source and issue fabrics and trims to
your suppliers.

Add-on bundles

Fashion Product Lifecycle Fashion Scheduling Workbench Infor CPQ/Product Configurator

Management for product design for manufacturing for configured products and
and development embellishment
Infor Demand Planner for collaborative
Fashion Planning Workbench demand planning Factory Track for warehouse mobility
for manufacturing
Customer Lifecycle Management Infor EDI Managed Service for
collaboration with retailers

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Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage
Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage has all the right ingredients
to help you overcome business challenges that are unique to
your industry—such as managing shelf-life, responding to short
lead times and seasonality, developing new products, and
meeting ever-changing regulatory requirements.

■■ The right ingredient to grow your business—Designed ■■ Ensure security and reliability—With data managed by
to overcome the most common challenges of the food professional, experienced providers, you benefit from best-
industry, including shelf-life constraints, yield optimization, practice protocols in application, network, physical, and
attribute management, and asset utilization. operational security, and enjoy comprehensive monitoring.

■■ Flexible and scalable—Easily add new capabilities and ■■  lways stay current—You’ll always have the most recent
additional users as your business needs grow. features and functions designed specifically for the food
and beverage manufacturing industry, and can more easily
stay current with the latest technology innovations.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage offers the tools to accelerate your global supply chain, bring new products to market faster,
and implement efficiencies across the board—all within a reliable and secure infrastructure.

Core bundles

Manufacturing operations Financial management Collaboration

Forecasting and demand planning Accounting, budgeting, and reporting Shareable information between groups
within organization
Production planning and scheduling Visibility and compliance across
multiple sites Real-time visibility for quicker response
Shelf-life and seasonality management
Multi-currency and multi-national Robust, searchable document
Analytics and reporting support management

Easy-to-use, built-in reporting tools Grower accounting

Deep analytics for faster,

better decisions

Modern user interface and tools

for workforce productivity

Add-on bundles

Product development Supply chain management

Recipe management and Raw materials and ingredient

least cost formulation inventory visibility

Integrated quality management End-to-end tracking and traceability

and label compliance
Warehouse and distribution
Advanced product lifecycle management
management for faster responses

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Infor CloudSuite Healthcare
Infor CloudSuite Healthcare is a ready-to-run cloud solution
built to meet the end-to-end business needs of hospital and
outpatient providers, health plans, and medical technology
companies, by helping to reduce operating costs, optimize
EMR investments, attract and retain the best staff, and more.

■■ Achieve secure and efficient healthcare integration— ■■ Standardize your supply chain—Automate device
Implement a proven platform for clinical interoperability, procurement, manage supplier relationships more
internally and externally across all systems, to improve strategically, and closely monitor spending to lower
patient outcomes and quickly enable industry standards your organization’s cost-per-purchase-order and
such as FHIR. cost-per-receipt.

■■ Improve bottom-line performance and financial discipline— ■■ Empower HR and streamline service delivery—Hire
Consolidate information across your organization and more strategically and standardize onboarding processes
deliver market and financial data to decision-makers who with a unified human resource management solution that
can grow referrals and improve budget management, spans your entire organization and connects to various
cost-reduction strategies, and forecast accuracy. transactional and operational systems.

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Components and core features
CloudSuite Healthcare offers proven capabilities in financial management, performance and supply management, clinical
interoperability, physician and patient engagement, and other key areas, all delivered within an integrated framework.

Core bundles

Global Ledger Purchasing Lawson ION Connector

Payables Inventory Control Infor OS Ming.le Enterprise

Receivables Procurement Cards Global Financial Controller

Cash Management Requisitioning Infor OS ION PROCESS Grid Edition

Asset and Lease Accounting Punchout Infor OS ION PROCESS iPaaS

Hybrid Connector
Franchise Billing Production Management
Infor Document Management
Project Ledger Landmark Technology Runtime
Infor CloudSuite Financials and
Item and Order Billing Infor Landmark Administrator Supply Management ION Connector

Matching Infor Process Automation Infor BI

Reconciliation Management Infor Spreadsheet Designer Financial Analytics

Contract Management Infor Notifications Supply Management Analytics

Add-on bundles

Inter/Intra Company Billing Strategic Sourcing / Supplier Portal Recall Management

Grant Accounting (Grant Management) EDI for Supply Chain Management Mobile Supply Chain Management

Close Management Point of Use Surgical Instrument Management

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Infor CloudSuite Hospitality
Infor CloudSuite Hospitality is focused on the needs of hotel,
gaming, and entertainment companies. It offers an integrated
framework for delivering revenue optimization, property
management, asset management, social business
collaboration, and mobility.

■■ Minimal upfront investment—With a low total cost of ■■ Enhance guest service—Save time with tools to more
ownership, Infor CloudSuite Hospitality delivers effectively manage facilities and incidents, automate daily
a return that you can measure in months, not years. functions across multiple departments, and gain better
access to relevant data, and deliver exceptional service
■■ Drive more revenue—Sell the right product to the to guests.
right customer, at the right time for the right price, and
increase revenues from 4% to 7% from the first year ■■ Improve operational efficiency—With one unified system,
with sophisticated revenue management and guest your employees will be able to learn and use the system
experience packaging. more quickly, collaborate more effectively across the
organization, and make better decisions, faster.

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Infor continues to invest in technology focused on the hospitality industry. Our goal is to provide hotel customers with flexible
enterprise software to manage businesses and help exceed guests’ expectations.

HMS Stay 360 tile-based UI screen:

■■ Support a new Guest Stay tile screen called “Stay 360”
■■ Ability to store and search multiple CRS external confirmation numbers
■■ Ability to display summary information from the guest stay screen in “tile format”
■■ Ability to hyperlink to popup windows within guest stay to improve usability
■■ Ability to configure the new “Stay 360” tile screen
■■ Ability to support a new “check in workflow” from the “stay 360” tile screen

Technology continues to power the hospitality industry by promoting efficiencies, streamlining processes, and improving
productivity across all sectors of the global hospitality industry. Infor continues to expand into markets within the hospitality
industry and the support for additional country specific legal requirements. Mobility continues to drive our decisions to
streamline our mobile applications as more hotels adopt a mobile strategy.

Infor Hospitality CloudSuite and the technology and automation enabling these functions continue to be a priority as an
increasing number of hotels move to applications hosted in the cloud. The Hospitality CloudSuite that includes the Infor HMS
(Hospitality Management Solution), EAM (Enterprise Asset Management), and EzRMS (Revenue Management) applications
provide hotel companies with some of the key operational software that helps companies better the businesses. Improvements
include enhancements to:

■■ Gaming Comp Accounting module

■■ Resort—SGI/Activity module
■■ Leasing module
■■ Mobility solutions
■■ Stay 360 screens
■■ Centralized profile management module

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Hospitality creates a better experience for staff, guests, and executives through ease of use and collaboration
tools that enable service delivery that exceeds expectations, and pricing controls and analytics that lower costs and provide
real-time visibility into performance.

Core bundles

Property management Asset and incident management Social business collaboration

Improve visibility and access to Schedule, track, and monitor incidents Enable dynamic communication across
actionable data and work orders the enterprise

Quickly respond to and exceed Expedite service delivery through Quickly respond to guests’
guest expectations mobile access expectations

View lifetime value of a guest from Support green initiatives and asset Connect people, data, and systems
the reservation or check-in screen sustainability for improved decision making

Revenue optimization In-context analytics Integrated framework

Maximize yield and profit, while Easily access relevant data at the point Eliminate operational silos
controlling costs of service delivery
Drive unparalleled end-to-end
Create constrained and unconstrained Improve visibility and access to efficiency
demand forecasts actionable data across your portfolio
Create a unified technology
Get detailed analysis of transactional Minimize spending and control costs environment
data, with multiple reporting options

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Add-on bundles

HMS modules
Mobile guest services Leasing
Mobile hotel services With Infor HMS Mobility, your HMS Leasing module provides
As a hotel associate, you can guests can complete tasks that are functionality to manage long-stay
perform the same functions on a traditionally completed by a hotel corporate lease guests.
hotel-owned Apple iPad® that you associate—for instance, creating
perform on a standard workstation, and modifying reservations. Your Sundry
using the same HMS credentials in organization can customize logos, HMS Sundry management module
app that is optimized for mobile colors, images, and fonts on the app to provides functionality to manage retail
operations. Functions include: maintain brand consistency. items typically used in limited service
• Check in
• Check out Activity Management
HMS events module provides
• Housekeeping functionality to handle aspects related Activity Management module allows
• Concierge to Banquet Event Management. hotels to manage activities typically
• Fast posting Features include: used in resort hotels such as spa,
golf, etc. HMS Activity management
• Lost and Found tracking • Event Management
supports the following:
• Group Rooming
For example, you can check in guests • Internal Activities—this would be an
• Menu Management
on your iPad curbside or at conference activity that is supported by HMS
registration desks to speed up the • Meeting Room Setup and booked internal to HMS. These
process or to simply cut check-in • Audio Visual Inventory are activities such as scooters, car
or check-out wait time at the front service, hiking, and walking tours.
desk. Plus, your concierge will easily Call Center These would be activities that
be able to integrate information on HMS call center module provides do not require a combination of
local attractions to maps, and your functionality to handle centralized time, resource, and availability in
housekeepers and rapid-response reservations across multiple properties order to book an activity (i.e. spa
team will be able to work more from a single user interface. Features appointment/golf tee time).
efficiently. include:
• External Activities—These would be
• Availability across Multi Property activities that are more complex for
Mobile housekeeper
• Itinerary Bookings taking a booking. These would be
With Infor HMS Mobility, hotel
booked in the respective external
housekeepers can go completely • Alternate Properties
systems. The appointment will be
paperless and use Apple and • Property Information interfaced to HMS via the SGI (Single
Android devices for all key • City Search Guest Itinerary) Specification. The
housekeeping functions.
activity booking will be “owned” by
HMS Central Profile the external system.
Mobile signature capture HMS Central Profile module provides
With Infor HMS Mobility, your guests functionality to manage guest profiles
can update registration information centrally across the enterprise.
on an Apple device and provide
their signature that can be captured
electronically on record.

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HMS modules (cont’d)
Business connectivity integrations
Comp Accounting HMS Integrates with various
HMS Comp Accounting module third-party solutions:
manages rules and accounting related • Player Tracking system
to the Casino complimentary charge • Central Reservation Systems
• Global Distribution Systems
• Point of Sale System
 he Casino Management System
manages all casino player activity. • Video Systems
The system calculates a “rating” on • Telephone Systems
each player based on the players’ • Key card systems
credit line and theoretical loss. • Credit card systems
Players are assigned a rating, and • Energy management systems
based on volume of casino play, may
• In room Entertainment systems
qualify for incentives such as a low
• Kiosk systems
or complimentary, (also known as
“comp”) meals, rooms, show tickets, • Mobility systems
or discounts in the casino outlets. • Web booking engines
• Complimentary (Comp) Accounting:
Comp Accounting module will handle
management and reporting of the
comps generated by the Casino
Management System as well as the
comps that have been redeemed.
Reports are generated to show
what was redeemed and overages
that were charged to guests’ folios.
This functionality also provides
security limits indicating which
revenue centers may be provided
as complimentary, by which
employee and what the limits
are for the comp transactions.

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EZRMS Modules
Infor EzREGION Make your budgets an integral part Quantify the true net value of existing
Provide regional and centralized of your RMS by: and potential contracts. Mathematical
management teams with statistical approach to quantify the benefits
• Allowing comparison and integration
reporting and consolidated forecast of existing and potential contracts
of budgets in all historic as well as
information for a user-defined cluster signed by the property. By giving to
future reports
of hotels. By combining this module the sales department of the property
• Being able to quickly modify
with Infor EzBUDGET, you can review comprehensive sets of statistics and
budget revisions
consolidated forecasts against recommendations, EzContract is the
consolidated budgets. • Utilizing proprietary forecasting essential asset for long-term and
algorithms to automate future strategic contract evaluation and
Infor EzCOMPETE budget creation negotiation. You can:
Get an automated, comprehensive • Automatically creating accurate daily • Analyze the historical performance
insight into competitive pricing budgets from monthly total figures of existing contracts
throughout all your online channels.
 ropose revisions to the terms and
You can: Infor EzQUOTE
conditions of existing contracts for
Quantify the benefits resulting in
 rack online distribution channels future periods
day-to-day acceptance of ad hoc and/
consistently and systematically
or repetitive group requests, as well •E
 valuate the opportunity to sign new
 heck your positioning against contracts for future periods
as series and crew requests, with a
regional competing offers
mathematical approach. You can: • Ensure that clients receive the correct
• Match competing offers to yours amount of contractual freedom
• Evaluate the opportunity to accept or
 reate a rule based email-alert deny day-to-day group requests
system for decision support
• Propose alternative periods of stay
throughout your chain and
and sales conditions (for example,
price and volume) for the quoted
• Make the best decisions with the
help of comprehensive reports
• Calculate true returns by using profit
margins in the Quotation

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Infor CloudSuite
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Infor CloudSuite Human Capital Management (HCM) is a cloud-
based human capital management solution that replaces
complex processes, workflows, and systems with sophisticated,
yet intuitive technology. The solution provides broad talent and
HR optimization capabilities, unique and insightful science-
driven tools, and flexible technology so you can target your
key business objectives now and in the future.

■■ Optimize and align talent—Apply insightful tools that ■■ Deploy modern technology—Give today’s dispersed
give you a complete picture of employees so you can workforce the access they need anytime, anywhere,
optimally develop and deploy your talent, boost workforce and on any device with leading cloud technology and
effectiveness and business performance, and ultimately secure infrastructure that provides flexibility for your
turn your workforce into a strategic advantage. specific needs.

■■ Simplify and improve HR— Empower your human

resources team with modern, easy-to-use solutions that
help streamline processes and improve support despite
constant change and expanding responsibilities. You’ll
be able to encourage more strategic focus and increase
HR’s value.

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■■  xtending the Core: Enhancements and functionality in areas of Vacation Buy/Sell, COBRA adjustment periods and
CloudSuite Financials/Supply Chain integration.
■■  igration Tooling: Landmark Program to validate existing data and convert/default/migrate Lawson S3 data to preload
GHR Environment. Generates Default Custom Groups for Work Assignment, Retiree and Participant business classes,
jobs and positions and user fields as identified; Lawson-only at this time, but plans to extend to Infinium or non-Infor SOR.
■■ Industry Specialization in WFM: Auto-Assignment (PS and HC): Use optimization to build schedules with employees based
on configurable prioritization, constraints, and preferences.
Shift Billboard: push shifts to a billboard where employees can pick up additional shifts
■■  xtensibility (Symmetry, Tracker, LinkedIn): Enhancement the onboarding process within Talent Acquisition through
integrations with Symmetry (US Tax Forms), Tracker (Form I9), and LinkedIn.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite HCM offers proven capabilities in key areas such as Global Human Resources, Talent Management, Talent
Science, Learning Management, and HR Service Delivery, along with Payroll and Workforce Management—all delivered within
an integrated framework.

Core bundles
Global human resources Talent management HR service delivery

Employee safety Talent acquisition/onboarding Knowledgebase

Organization and person structure Compensation management Case management

Supervisory structure Goals management Talent science

Skills, credentials, and licenses Performance management Assessments

Jobs and work assignments Development planning Custom performance profiles

Benefits administration Learning optimization Best practice profiles

Absence management Succession management Strategic leadership insight

job templates
Occupational health
Learning management
Position budgeting Learning management
Employee relations Content creator
English (UK)
Off-boarding Advanced certification
Country localizations Ad hoc reports
French (Canada)
Mobile learning


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Add-on bundles

Payroll Workforce management

Employee transaction manager
Human resources subscription Budget management & creation
Workmail/form builder/workflow editor
North American payroll subscription Time & attendance management
(US only) Workloads
Labor forecasting & schedule
Employee & manager self-service optimization Assignments
Schedule bidding Leave management and accruals
Mobile employee subscription
Shift trading Mobility
BSI Tax Factory US subscription
Workforce performance premium Import export interfaces
Teacher contract subscription
Workforce relief management

Workforce task management Additional language packs

Infor WFM mobility

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Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)
Infor CloudSuite Industrial turns the complexities manufacturers
and distributors face into opportunities to outshine the
competition. Increased productivity and rapid delivery become
key differentiators. Product innovations help nurture relationships
that transcend price alone.

■■ Flexible deployment—On-premise, in the cloud, ■■ Multi-site support—Enables an organization to be
or both—with the same full-featured system. modeled site by site, with complete integration to
the overall enterprise.
■■ Mixed-mode capabilities—A mixed-mode application
that meets the unique requirements of engineer to ■■ Robust business intelligence—Helps customers and
order, configure to order, repetitive, and service-based prospects get more value out of their deployment by
manufacturers. enabling better, expanded visibility into the business
at all levels, to drive better decision-making.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) is a robust ERP solution specifically designed with built-in best practices and highly
efficient process flows to help manufacturers improve productivity.

Core bundles

Financial management Sales order management Human resource management

General Ledger Quote/Order Management Human Resource Management

Accounts Payable ATP/CTP Payroll (US Company)

Accounts Receivable Pricing Benefits Management

Asset & Expense Management Commissions

Customer relationship management

Project & Cost Accounting Contact Management

Projects & resource planning

Supply chain planning & Activity tracking Lead Tracking

Fully Integrated to GL, AP, AR Opportunity Tracking
Sourcing & Procurement
Budgeting Sales Forecasting
Inventory Management
Milestone Billing
Quality management
Microsoft Project interface (import/ Supplier
Master Item Data export) & add-in
Bills of Materials Labor and expense reporting
Multi-Site Project Change Tracking
Return Material Authorization
Supplier Portal Alerts
Performance Reporting
MRP & MPS Reporting
Job Inspection
Scheduling Multi-Currency
Serial Tracking

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Add-on bundles
Enterprise performance Configure price quote Technology
Product configuration Social collaboration
Budgeting and planning
2D design automation Document management
Financial consolidation
Product lifecycle management
Capital planning
Configuration Management
Asset management
Product Data Management
Preventative maintenance
Program and Project Management
Risk management
Component Engineering
Asset monitoring/availability

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Infor CloudSuite Industrial Machinery
Infor CloudSuite Industrial Machinery is a comprehensive
solution specifically designed to meet the needs of industrial
machinery and equipment manufacturers. CloudSuite Industrial
Machinery can help you streamline operations, exceed customer
expectations, and drive competitive differentiation.

■■ Free up capital—Fulfilling large, capital-intensive orders ■■ Forecast better and faster—Improve forecasting, planning,
that require you to maintain an inventory of high-value parts and responsiveness with in-context business intelligence,
and components can make managing cash flow especially analysis, and collaboration tools that provide immediate
challenging. Monitor inventory costs more effectively. improvements in operational visibility and control.

■■ Reduce IT cost and complexity—Now you can explore ■■ Manage logistics and aftermarket service—Rely on
options for structuring technology investments as timely information in support of installation, set-up, and
operating expenses, potentially freeing up capital to user training and access up-to-date product details and
expand, modernize, and quickly scale based on the employee schedules in support of warranty, maintenance,
current needs of your business. and service efforts.

Recent enhancements include improvements to: service management, such as automatic synching of visit reports and supplier
claim workbenches; production order versioning and procurement change requests; and project resource management.

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Components and core features
Infor CloudSuite Industrial Machinery provides visibility into every facet of your enterprise—across customers, products, and
suppliers—all within a secure infrastructure built specifically for the IM&E industry.

Core bundles
Enterprise resource planning BI/analytics
Service management
Manufacturing Predefined industry KPIs
Trade compliance
Sales management Operational reports
Authorization control
Project control Real-time analytics
Manufacturing execution
Inventory management
Warehouse management
Procurement Social collaboration
Time management
Quality Document management
Inventory and production
Financial management Workflow

Add-on bundles

Enterprise performance Configure price quote Mobile field service

Product configuration Information to service organization
Budgeting and planning on the road offline
2D design automation
Financial consolidation Synchronize when it possible
and necessary
Supplier exchange
Capital planning
Supplier portal Tasks, inspections, material,
travel time, and costs control
Asset management
Advanced shipping notice
Preventative maintenance Problems and solutions
Contract documentation
Risk management
Purchase schedule Customer and technician
Asset monitoring/availability signatures capture
Purchase order

Label printing

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Infor CloudSuite Public Sector
Infor CloudSuite Public Sector is a complete product suite
from back-office to mission-critical core functions, purpose-
built for public sector industries, including federal, state and
local, education, public safety, transportation, and utilities.

■■ Increase agility—Reduce response times to requests ■■ Ensure greater security and reliability—Enjoy the
for services by empowering citizens and contractors. reliability and scalability of best-practice protocols for
application, network, physical, and operational security.
■■ Decrease your total cost of ownership—Reduce
dependence on expensive servers and hardware while ■■ Improve citizen service delivery—Tools designed to
shifting technology resources to focus on service delivery. engage and support citizens through better access
and targeted outcomes.

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Components and core features
With CloudSuite Public Sector, you can reduce IT costs, easily manage budgets, payroll, and assets, and deliver better citizen
services—all in a secure, reliable, and flexible cloud environment that delivers unmatched efficiency, security, and compliance.

Core bundles

Global Ledger Purchasing Lawson ION Connector

Payables Inventory Control Infor OS Ming.le Enterprise

Receivables Procurement Cards Global Financial Controller

Cash Management Requisitioning Infor OS ION PROCESS Grid Edition

Asset & Lease Accounting Punchout Infor OS ION PROCESS iPaaS Hybrid
Franchise Billing Production Management
Infor Document Management
Project Ledger Landmark Technology Runtime
Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply
Item & Order Billing Infor Landmark Administrator Management ION Connector

Matching Infor Process Automation Infor BI

Reconciliation Management Infor Spreadsheet Designer Financial Analytics

Contract Management Infor Notifications Supply Management Analytics

Add-on bundles

Inter/Intra Company Billing Strategic Sourcing / Supplier Portal Mobile Supply Chain Management

Grant Accounting (Grant Mgmt) EDI for Supply Chain Management Surgical Instrument Management

Close Management Point of Use

Student Activity Management Recall Management

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Core Application Portfolio

Enterprise Resource Planning Customer Experience Human Capital Management
80 Infor LN 121 Infor CRM 161 Infor Global HR

83 Infor M3 for Chemicals 125 Infor Configure Price Quote 165 Infor Talent Management

85 Infor M3 for Distribution 128 

Infor Contract Lifecycle 169 Infor Talent Science
88 Infor M3 for Equipment 172 Infor Workforce Management
132 Infor Marketing Resource
90 Infor M3 for Fashion 176 Infor Learning Management
93 Infor M3 for Food & Beverage 181 Infor HR Service Delivery
Infor Interaction Advisor
97 Infor M3 for Manufacturing
138 Infor Omni-channel
Campaign Management
Enterprise Asset Management
Product Lifecycle 185 Infor EAM
Financials & Performance
101 Infor Fashion PLM Management
103 Infor PLM Accelerate 143 Infor CloudSuite Financials
Business Intelligence &
146 Infor Supply Management Analytics
105 Infor Optiva
192 Birst BI
148 Infor Dynamic Enterprise
Performance Management
Supply Chain Management
152 Infor Risk & Compliance Healthcare
108 Infor Supply Chain Planning
155 Infor Expense Management 196 Infor Cloverleaf Integration and
109 Warehouse Management (XM) Clinical Exchange Suite
(Infor SCE)
201 Infor Staffing Optimizer
115 Infor GT Nexus
for Healthcare
Commerce Network
Infor Healthcare Revenue
Cycle Management
Enterprise Resource
Infor ERP solutions help streamline operations through industry-specific
functionality and visibility that goes beyond the four walls of the enterprise,
providing a real-time view of your global supply chain and all the moving
parts that make your business tick.
Infor LN
Infor LN is an ERP solution that combines pioneering,
state-of-the-art technology with a beautiful user experience
and robust last-mile industry functionality for aerospace and
defense, automotive, high tech, industrial, and machinery
manufacturing. With innovative features for complex, discrete
manufacturing and after-market service, LN empowers you
to deliver on shortened product lifecycles, bring products to
market faster, and provide services that increase revenue.

■■ Meet your industry’s unique needs—Utilize robust, ■■ Deliver on customer requirements profitably—Meet
intuitive tools and best practices specifically designed for the needs of expanded markets and individual customer
industrial manufacturing, automotive, high tech, aerospace demands, increase responsiveness, and lower costs
and defense, and service management industries, with a with LN’s built-in, multi-mode manufacturing support
single-instance, ERP solution. for CTO, ATO, MTO, and ETO capabilities.

■■ Manage complexity—Improve, accelerate, and streamline ■■ Make better decisions—Monitor priority metrics for
complex manufacturing processes by: driving global improved communication with both customers and
efficiency with dynamic enterprise modeling; synchronizing suppliers around the world, develop actionable insight,
materials and manufacturing operations with multi-site and minimize risk using industry-specific, pervasive
enterprise planning; and tracing individual components analytics and KPI dashboards that tap into real-time data.
during and after production with serial genealogy.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

CloudSuite New capabilities for Honda certification, Benefit from the continuous innovation
Automotive shipping sequencing, repetitive production, that goes into this end-to-end solution for
Improvements packaging fill up logic, and KANBAN material automotive suppliers, which captures the
supply are no longer required. industry’s unique and ever-changing needs.

CloudSuite New authorization management, contract flow Take advantage of the most robust contract/
Aerospace & down, revenue recognition, and first article project cost-pegging solution available in
Defense inspection capabilities have all been added to the market today for aerospace and defense
improvements the standard core product. companies. You’ll be able to meet compliance
and regulatory needs without costly add-ons,
integrations, or work-arounds.

CloudSuite Project manufacturing and service capabilities Increase your share of after-market service
Industrial Machinery are now integrated. Also, activity planning, customer requirements.
improvements critical path scheduling capabilities, and
Gantt chart generation in LN Project (TP)
have been improved.

New field service Technicians can gain access to a complete Reduce administrative overhead and increase
capabilities mobile solution that allows them to enter time, efficiency, while providing technicians with
check inventory, create status reports, and critical information during service visits and
more. Additionally, streamline technician when at customer sites. Technicians can
scheduling with integrated GPS location use mobile tools in both connected and
and map services capabilities. detached modes.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Mastering complex enterprises Project industries User experience

Simplified multi-site capabilities can satisfy Project-based activity planning, cost Continual improvement on the ease-of-use
the most demanding requirements of pegging for field service activities, and look-and-feel of the user experience
complex enterprises with multiple costing sub-contracting activity-based planning includes new and improved workbenches,
needs, international manufacturing, for service, and new quality capabilities role-based dashboards, widgets, and
warehousing, sales, and finance by project have all been added to improve simplified workflows. Also includes:
requirements. the value for the aerospace and defense automotive shipment execution and
and industrial machinery industries. automotive shipment planning.
Implementation accelerators
Automotive Analytics
Industry-specific, prepackaged, best
business-practices with preconfigured Shipping sequencing, repetitive New industry-specific analytics, KPIs,
parameters and static data tables production, packaging fill-up logic, and dashboards, reports, and metrics utilizing
accelerate implementations—helping to KANBAN material supply have been Birst have been added for the automotive,
reduce the total cost of ownership and improved, while shipment planning and aerospace and defense, and industrial
provide a quicker return on investment. execution workbenches have been added machinery industries using
for automotive suppliers. LN-based CloudSuites.
Quality management
Data authorizations Integrations
Improvements in quality management
capabilities include certificate of Domain security and controlling data New and improved integrations have
conformance, FRACAS, PPAP, and access can be used by enterprises that been added for (to increase the
first article inspection. require segregation of duties or views globalization of the solution), Factory Track,
based on user groups or roles. Rhythm, CRM, CPQ, and GT Nexus.
Resource management
Finance Cloud enablement
Continuous improvement to define
resources by their skills and manage their Usability improvements, invoice scanning, Multi tenancy, extensibility without
workload in manufacturing, service and and new US GAAP and IFRS compliance customization, new Birst business
other areas of the business, based on capabilities have been added. intelligence and reporting capabilities,
non-manufacturing capacity. silent patching, and single version
deployments support both cloud and
hybrid environments.

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Infor M3 for Chemicals
Infor M3 for Chemicals is a comprehensive ERP solution
designed to help chemical and life science companies
effectively manage complex industry challenges, such as the
planning of co-products and by-products, formula matching
and optimization, attribute costing, safety, compliance, and
quality. You’ll be better able to respond to changes in customer
demands, streamline your global supply chain, meet
regulatory compliance, and reduce waste.

■■ Manage your global supply chain—Efficiently handle ■■ Make smarter buying decisions—Ensure you always have
capacity and supply chain constraints, while managing the raw materials you need to keep your plants running.
multiple plants and distribution centers’ daily/seasonal With M3 for Chemicals’ material planning tools, you can
forecasting, replenishment planning, inventory optimization, accurately calculate raw material requirements to guide
and promotional planning. You’ll be able to respond more your buyers on how much of a specific raw material needs
quickly to changes in customer demand to avoid both out- to be purchased, as well as the date when the purchase
of-stock and overstock situations. should be made.

■■ Expedite compliance—Quickly meet changing compliance ■■ Optimize your formulas—Quickly respond to customer
standards to keep up with government and environmental demands, ensure raw materials meet customer
regulations. You’ll be able to perform lot/sub-lot track and requirements, and meet new specifications at optimal
trace throughout the supply chain for a quick recall. And costs. With M3 for Chemicals integration with Infor Optiva,
by creating a database of your raw materials and other you’ll be able to develop new and revised formulas quickly
supply needs, you can ensure that your facilities meet and collaboratively, reduce the costs for new product
all regulations and compliance mandates, while introductions, and decrease the amount of time it takes
reducing waste. to bring a product to market.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Factory Track Integration with a cloud-based, HTML5 Take advantage of a multi-platform user
integration warehouse management solution is experience that is more advanced than
now available. M3 Warehouse Mobility.

Expanded chemical New features such as sub-lots, items packs, and Meet your unique needs with capabilities
manufacturing alternative manufacturing processes have been designed specifically for your industry segment.
capabilities added.

New Inventory An easy-to-use, grid-based format for quick and Improve service levels by planning both
Planning Workbench intuitive review of supply and demand demand and supply on a daily or weekly level.
has been added.

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Infor M3 for Distribution
Infor M3 for Distribution is a multi-site, multi-company,
multi-currency, and multi-language solution that lets you
optimize every facet of your operation—from inventory and
warehouse management to financials, multi-channel sales
orders, purchasing, and more. You’ll be able to accelerate
your pace of business and profitability as you manage
transactions with unparalleled visibility across departments,
allowing for better and faster decision-making.

■■ Reach every channel—M3 for Distribution is designed for ■■ Take advantage of flexible pricing, rebates, and
companies that are fast moving and competitive, whose promotions—Implement special price agreements (ship
success depends on differentiated service levels and and debit) and flexible pricing strategies with Infor M3 for
value-added services. With M3 for Distribution, you get Distribution’s advanced enterprise capabilities, including
highly integrated CRM, EDI, web, mobile, and traditional support for multiple price/rebate types. You can set up,
sales management tools. You’ll be able to increase revenue process, and reconcile promotions and rebates with
and improve margins with a complete, 360-degree, advanced capabilities, including EDI support for setup
real-time view of your customer commitments in a and reconciliation, and processing of on-demand or
multichannel environment. scheduled rebates.

■■ Increase over-the-counter sales and e-commerce ■■ Build strategic relationships with value-add operations—
opportunities—Empower your sales representatives Manage value-add operations that range from traditional
to quickly and easily find products using robust search value-adds such as kitting, labeling, and assembly, to more
capabilities and integrated product images. With margin complex value-adds, such as customer-based milling,
information and quote printing, you’ll be able to better advanced manufacturing, rental, service, and project-
satisfy your customers and gain a competitive edge. based orders.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Target buying A new automated process to create purchase Improve buyer’s efficiency and ensure targets
orders across product lines to meet specific are met.
target on weight or volume to fill up a truck, or
on cost to reach a volume discount.

Trade promotions Improved trade promotion management to Improve efficiency and increase margins by
support additional rebate methods, including supporting various rebate methods.
margin guarantee method, net rebate method,
and one time rebate.

Price/margin A new tool to simulate prices, discounts, promo- Easily determine impact discounts, promotions
simulation tions, rebates and margin, as if sales order were and rebates have on margins.
entered today or a specific date in the future.

Specials/non-stocked Simple and efficient usage and entry of Easily expand product offering through
items supplier catalogue items, through the Item streamlined non-stock processing.
Data Interface.

Implementation Enhanced to support new distribution capabil- Quickly and easily take advantage of new
accelerator ities, including trade promotions, prepayment capabilities as they are released.
control, and counter sales.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Demand + for M3 Sales Hub for counter sales Infor OS certified

Modern web-ui Supplier Rebate module Ming.le role-based home pages

Best-in-class forecasting Special Price Agreements (Ship & Debit) ION Workflow

Factory Track for M3 Prepayment control on sales order Web mashups

Infor EDI Managed Services Improved back order prevention Standard M3 widgets

Infor Mobility for Field Service Enhanced inbound receipts New mashup designer

Infor Document Management—Document Pack & ship improvement for load building Business Analytics, executive dashboard
capture (supplier invoice) integration metrics
Picking and inventory control
Infor Rhythm to Commerce integration improvements Cloud enablement

Credit Card integration using CENPOS

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Infor M3 for Equipment
Infor M3 for Equipment allows you to easily manage the entire
equipment lifecycle—from initial forecasting and sale of the
equipment, through to shipment, renting, servicing, overhaul,
and final disposal. You’ll be able to predict future parts and
service demand, while capturing accurate equipment data,
including brand, serial numbers, machine type, end of life,
warranty, service, and sales data. With one integrated system,
you’ll have the visibility you need to run your business
more profitably.

■■  asily manage sales and rental—Gain a complete
E ■■ Conquer your supply chain—Improve core, component,
360-degree overview of your customers, their equipment, and equipment flow throughout the supply chain. From
and their future needs, with sales and marketing tools such planning and scheduling to procurement and fulfillment,
as historical analysis, market segmentation, and market you get “one version of the truth” that makes it easy to
intelligence. You can also effectively manage the flow manage your supply chain no matter how complex or
of your rental fleet with tools that allow you to increase geographically dispersed.
equipment availability, utilization, and reliability.
■■ Improve decision-making—Get real-time insights from
■■ Use service and warranty support as a differentiator— across your enterprise, with industry-specific data models,
Easily support the service side of your business with SLA KPIs, metrics, and measures that satisfy the unique
management, equipment history, project management, requirements of your business. You can put information
financials, and back-office functionality. You’ll be able to right at the fingertips of your executives, managers,
support all maintenance, repair, and overhaul operations and users through embedded analytics related to their
from one central point, while ensuring optimal scheduling. respective roles. They can access analytics anywhere,
You can even get real-time updates from your field anytime, on their mobile devices.
technicians with Infor’s field service mobility solution. You
can also track parts and equipment claims from inception
to closure, manage claim return process with OEMs, and
link warranty claims to your financials.

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Recent highlights
* Coming soon—within at least two quarters
** Customer Commitments

Core features Platform

Field service mobility  uote versions, groups, and

Q User experience 32 models
Offline capabilities Ming.le Role Based 86 dimensions
Automated approval flows Home Pages
 heck-lists / inspections
C ARA Analytics
parts and time and expense Mashups for aftersales quotes ION Workflow
CRM for equipment Web Mashups
Service error report Infor CRM (ION)—phase 1
Equipment-specific dashboards Standard M3 Widgets
Maps integration Factory Track (ION)
Territory management M3 CLM Widget
Customer and technician Infor Mobility for Field Service
signatures Equipment sales statistics New Mashup designer (ION)

 ar code identification
B Lost sales Analytics M3 Planning Workbench (P2P)
of parts and equipment
After sales processes  usiness analytics, executive
B CPQ—phase 1
Two-way integration dashboard metrics
with IDM IA for equipment rental M3 CLM (P2P & ION)
26 Role-based dashboards
Equipment mashups Highly preconfigured Cloud enablement
347 widgets
Rental Counter Extensive process diagrams Single tenant
32 in-context widgets
Customer Service Desk Detailed process instructions Multi-tenant*
4 Drill-back reports
Equipment Profitability Portal Enabled by Maim Core solution is automated
1000+ metrics
Project Portal M3 for equipment Extended auto-provisioning
26 in-memory cubes
Equipment quotation Parts planning for Equipment
Rental Management
Integration with M3 CLM
Service Management
Equipment configurator
Financials and equipment
Integrated with IDM for quotes profitability

 uote contents include

Q Project Management
equipment, parts, service,
warranty, miscellaneous
items, and financing

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Infor M3 for Fashion
Infor M3 for Fashion is an ERP solution designed specifically
for the ever-changing demands of the fashion industry.
With M3 for Fashion, you can seamlessly manage the entire
fashion value chain process—from concept to production and
distribution to customer. You’ll be able to develop styles and
products more quickly and move them to market faster than
your competition.

■■ Collaborate in real-time—Plan across the value ■■ Expand demand planning and forecasting capabilities—
chain, exchange real-time data with your customers Improve your sourcing and purchasing decisions and
and suppliers, link orders together, and optimize your optimize your processes with M3 for Fashion’s strong
inventory and warehouse needs. M3 for Fashion’s social analytics and powerful forecasting capabilities. With
collaboration tools allow you to give your employees, collaborative demand planning and business intelligence
suppliers, and partners in the value chain new ways
of tools, you’ll be able to generate more accurate forecasts
communicating and collaborating with you.
 and enable better, faster decision making.

■■ Leverage real-time, omni-channel information—Give all ■■ Improve manufacturing processes—Improve control

parties along your value chain access to the same real- and visibility into all of your manufacturing and sourcing
time information across all of your interaction touch points. processes with M3 for Fashion’s support for fashion
With this up-to-the-minute inventory accuracy, you can characteristics, such as style, color, size, and fit. You’ll
dramatically improve your inventory availability, speed of also be able to handle additional attributes like quality and
delivery, stock replenishment, and price competitiveness. shade, with support for mixed-mode manufacturing and
distribution environments.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Extended mass-update The ability to perform mass updates of Reduce the risk of errors and speed up
capabilities purchase price and routes on customer the process of making many changes.
order lines has been expanded.

New matrix for Working at the style level with a matrix that Enter and update orders faster and with
customer/purchase/ includes attributes per style (rather than greater ease.
distribution orders having to work with thousands of individual
(in H5 thin client) SKUs) is supported.

Supply chain visibility Supply chain orders can now be managed at Increase visibility and improve control
the style, color, and order level with the ability over orders and inventory throughout the
to mass close order lines directly. value chain.

New finshed-goods A new way of making selections on fields Better balance supply with market demand
allocation concept (order and market) has been added. via greater flexibility in allocation rules.
In addition, supply chain orders are now
supported in the batch allocation process.

CenPOS credit card Integrating M3 with a credit card payment Drive additional sales in a omni-channel
integration approval service using one partner has sales environment.
been simplified.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Homepages and widgets Integration with Enterprise Quote Infor OS certified

(a module for Infor CPQ)
Infor CRM integration Infor EDI Managed Service
Item descriptions have been added to
Country packs added for Lithuania, many programs, improving usability Factory Track for M3
Estonia, Latvia, and Vietnam (a new mobility solution)
The ability to classify a carryover and use
Configurable XML business documents that for allocations has been added Birst business intelligence and analytics

M3 integration with GT Nexus for Joint delivery code has been introduced Infor App Builder
purchase-order collaboration
and confirmation Managing when delivery value
exceeds credit limit is now supported

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Infor M3 for Food & Beverage
Infor M3 for Food & Beverage is a comprehensive ERP
solution designed to help food, beverage, and other
CPG companies effectively manage complex industry
challenges—from planning and scheduling to traceability
and recipe management. You’ll be better able to respond
to changes in customer demands, streamline your global
supply chain, minimize shelf-life issues, and reduce waste.

■■ Meet your unique needs—Whether you produce ■■ Improve your bottom line—Contain costs and maintain
beverages, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, baked margins with tools designed to solve challenges such as
goods, or confections, you get functionality that’s short shelf life, disassembly planning, attributes, yield, and
specifically designed for your industry. M3 for Food & catch-weight. M3 for Food & Beverage customers report
Beverage includes support for responsive material and 10% to 15% productivity improvement that keep costs down
capacity planning, attribute management, reverse bill of and margins up.
materials, catch weight, and much more.
■■ Be ready for recalls—Utilize robust recipe management
■■ Increase the productivity of your value chain—Ensure and label compliance with M3 for Food & Beverage’s
every aspect of your manufacturing process is tightly integration with Infor Optiva. Additionally, forward and
integrated across your global enterprise with M3 for Food backward traceability capabilities allow you a quicker
& Beverage’s built-in support for planning and scheduling, response time. You’ll also be able to minimize product
warehouse and distribution management, customer failures by implementing global control of recipes and
lifecycle management, procurement, maintenance taking advantage of comprehensive ingredient databases.
management, and financial management.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

New Inventory An easy-to-use, grid-based format for quick Improve service levels by planning both
Planning Workbench and intuitive review of supply and demand demand and supply on a daily or weekly level.
has been added.

Enhancements A new ingredients usage comparison report Respond to recalls faster with access to
to market-leading and the ability to track and trace by sub-lot additional data points.
Graphical Lot Tracker have been added.

Factory Track Integration with a cloud-based, HTML5 Take advantage of a multi-platform user
integration warehouse management solution is experience that is more advanced than
now available. M3 Warehouse Mobility.

Expanded food New features, such as sub-lots, items packs, Better meet your unique needs with
and beverage and alternative manufacturing processes have capabilities designed specifically for
manufacturing been added. your industry segment.

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Recent highlights

Core features

Quality inspection module Sublot management

Newly released QMS module Case/box level inventory

Test at DO issue/receipt Catch weight per sublot

Schedule for retesting Trace at sublot level

Certificate of analysis (COA) preview Scalable—MRP/costing isolated

from sublot
More COA content
Factory Track for M3
Process manufacturing
New—replaces old Windows Mobile app
Product/recipe versions
HTML5 UI enables iOS and
Alternate process improved Andriod devices

Bulk-pack synchronization (item pack) Industry standard support for

GS1 barcodes
Comprehensive warehouse and
Parallel catch weight unit pricing manufacturing functionality support

Extend sales pricing decimals F&B-specific information, such as catch

weight, expiration date, etc.
Outbound freight synchronization
Other M3-modules
Proof-of-delivery API
Graphical Lot Tracker—recall email, new
Intelligent inventory selection API trace graph, new reports and sublots

Demand+ for M3 Scheduling Workbench (SWB)—telescopic

buckets, re-sequence usability, omit
Modern web-UI (prepared for cloud) pull-up after bottle-neck, etc.

Template integration using SCV DMP—Script engine, additional

pivot-grid-layouts, more flexible
Best-in-class forecasting capabilities forecast calculations, etc.

Inventory Planning Workbench—

Online, easy-to-use planning in H5

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Recent highlights * Coming soon—within the next two quarters


User experience Cloud enablement

Infor OS homepages CloudSuite F&B—single-tenant

M3 Graphical Lot Tracker— Optiva Win to Web

improved graph look and feel
Infor Technology Stack 12
Factory Track for M3 (HTML5)
Graphical Lot Tracker Cloud—multi-tenant*
M3 Analytics for F&B
Factory Track for M3*
Preconfigured KPIs
In-context BI in M3
CloudSuite F&B—multi-tenant*
Infor BI OLAP cubes

Configurable hierarchies

Integrations with M3

Infor AP

Infor Optiva

Infor EAM

Infor Demand+

Infor CRM

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Infor M3 for Manufacturing
Infor M3 is an ERP solution that can help medium to large
national and global manufacturers, distributors, and aftersales
service providers—no matter how complex the supply chain—
quickly move into the digital age, respond faster to change,
reduce excess inventory, and cut costs.

■■ Meet your industry’s unique needs—M3 delivers industry- ■■ Streamline your complex supply chain—M3’s advanced
leading functionality for the chemicals, distribution, supply chain practices can help you create and control
equipment, fashion, and food and beverage industries, demand-driven supply networks that are resilient to
as well as for a broad range of process and discrete disruptions. The solution’s global, multi-site enterprise
manufacturing industries. planning capabilities can help synchronize supply
processes—lowering inventory, optimizing resource
■■ Extend your global reach—M3 supports single and utilization, and improving customer service.
multi-company organizations—whether you have one site
or multiple, worldwide locations. The solution also supports ■■ Gain global financial visibility—M3 gives you a real-time,
multiple currencies, is available in 24 languages, and integrated view of financials across your global business,
includes regulatory and statutory support for 49 countries so you can confidently predict, manage, and report
as standard. results. You’ll be able to streamline your period closing
process with access to consistent, accurate information
derived from a single, integrated system that complies
with evolving international accounting standards, such
as US GAAP and IFRS.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Infor EDI managed The setting up and maintaining of EDI Achieve faster, more accurate communications,
service processes is simplified via a managed service. and reduce your total cost of ownership.

Inventory planning A new, powerful and easy-to-use master Improve your ability to focus on demand,
workbench schedule viewer and planning tool enables supply, availability, and inventory levels.
quick, online planning.

Process Deeper and richer industry functionality has Streamline the process of planning, executing,
manufacturing been added to better support the unique needs and costing for some sectors of the food and
concept of the process manufacturing industry. beverage and chemicals industries.

M3 integration to Integrating M3 with GT Nexus enables Improve visibility, collaboration, and

GT Nexus seamless collaboration across the supply responsiveness outside the four walls
chain for sharing, confirming, and negotiating of the enterprise.
purchase orders.

Infor Factory Track® This robust warehouse mobility solution Increase warehouse productivity and improve
for M3 provides mobile barcoding with real-time quality control.
updates and validation via an easy-to-use and
device-independent, HTML5 user interface.

Infor Mobility for This complete mobile field service solution Give your field service personnel full visibility
Field Service provides your team instant access to the into all of the contextual information they need
centrally stored customer and equipment to solve problems quicker, and get their jobs
data they need via a consumer-grade done better and faster.
user experience.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

New countries Equipment New platforms supported

Controlled availability is planned for M3 includes mass update of rental lines, Supported platforms now include
Vietnam, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. new over-usage meter calculation, buy- RHEL® 7.2.x, PPAS® 9.4.x., IBMi® 7.3, and
Additionally, 60 finance and R&S back of equipment via a purchase order, Windows® 10 (client) Microsoft Edge®
improvements have been added and incorporation of service orders into browser
work order processes
New integrations Core technologies
Food & Beverage
Integrations are now available to Infor Improvements have been made to Infor
Document Management—Document M3 supports version handling on products, ION Grid, LifeCycle Manager and M3
Capture (supplier invoice), GT Nexus, Infor sublot handling, alternate processes, and Foundation, customer-defined fields,
EDI Managed Service. Infor Rhythm® for bulk-to pack concept and external web service calls
commerce (B2B)
Fashion UX
M3 business documents
M3 includes new and improved matrix M3 supports a new H5 Client with SoHo,
New configurable output management support; expanded mass update M3-specific Widgets, H5 Enterprise
enables extensible, self-contained capabilities; new, powerful finished included in M3A-CIT, and full support
business documents in XML format goods allocation; and supply chain for Infor OS
orders at style level
Selectable role-based widgets Extensibility
CRM, EAM, and HCM information can Users can create applications that
be easily delivered directly to user M3 includes new credit card integration leverage APIs using Infor App Builder
homepages using CENPOS (third party), improved
Sales Hub for trade counter sales, and
a Supplier Rebates module to help
improve margins

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Product Lifecycle
Infor PLM solutions leverage data from across your enterprise to drive
better decision-making in everything from development and design to
management and production—so you can create higher quality products,
launch more efficiently, and maximize profits.
Infor Fashion PLM
Infor Fashion PLM is an end-to-end solution that links product
planning, design, development, and supplier collaboration—
all on a common platform. Fashion PLM delivers a single
set of accurate, real-time data that helps shorten time to
market, improves efficiency, and reduces costs. It supports
product innovation through providing a foundation for closer
collaboration and unified teamwork.

■■ Synchronize planning and execution—Infor Fashion ■■ Work smarter and faster—Combining a beautiful design
PLM enables a more responsive business by supporting with an intuitive interface that’s similar to Excel®, Fashion
concurrent line planning, style design, technical product PLM offers simple drag-and-drop functionality, mass
development, and manufacturing sourcing. Work on capabilities, and a customizable homepage, all within an
multiple collections at the same time and have the flexibility industry-leading user experience that helps speed up
to change directions and fine-tune individual styles at any adoption, lower training requirements, and shorten time
stage, without disrupting momentum. to value.

■■ Connect design with data—Featuring a bi-directional ■■ Integrate with existing infrastructure—Built on open
Adobe® Illustrator® plugin, Infor Fashion PLM helps standards technology, Fashion PLM can be seamlessly
creative teams work with the tools they know and love. incorporated into any IT environment. Highly flexible
They can upload new concepts directly into the system integration capabilities ensure less disruption and
and quickly bring those concepts to life through a set of smoother implementation for a more rapid return
visual libraries, preconfigured templates, and mass-create on investment.
and update tools.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Deeper composition Provides a next level of detail, such as Richer information on product construction
and costing composition for bonded materials and and costing information held within a
information costing info, on different levels. central repository.

Easier to work with Further use of context-sensitive drop downs, Improved user interaction enables better use
comments more auto-refresh capabilities, ability to edit of the system and higher user productivity.
and delete comments, and simplified selection
of contacts and addresses for requests.

New dictionary for New feature to support commercial Ability for companies without a PLM system
commercial product descriptions of products with multi-language to describe and hold product information
descriptions capabilities. in multiple languages in the product
development system.

Alignment between Alignment of core application functionality Enhanced integration with Adobe Illustrator,
PLM org structure and around organizational structure in Adobe the industry de facto standard design tool,
AI Plugin Illustrator (AI) plugin. brings further value to users.

New fast search Enablement of faster searching. Faster database searches save designers
valuable time.

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Infor PLM Accelerate
Infor PLM Accelerate is a full-featured, highly scalable and
secure product lifecycle management solution designed to
help discrete manufacturers handle high levels of complexity
and quickly adapt to change. Uniting the entire product
lifecycle for a single view of the truth, PLM Accelerate turns
disparate data sets into actionable information—from design
and manufacturing to purchasing, quality control, the supply
chain, and beyond.

■■ Drive product innovation—Speed product realization ■■ Improve accuracy and profitability—Gain real-time
by putting information in the hands of the people who visibility into projects and processes, and make more
need it—from ideation and requirements planning to informed business decisions that benefit your bottom line.
concept development, design, manufacturing, distribution, The Infor ION ERP connector and optional CAD system
maintenance, and retirement. Distributed storage vaults connectors assure continuity of data across applications
support global product development and supply chain and eliminates costly inaccuracies from manual data entry.
collaboration strategies.
■■ Coordinate product introduction more efficiently—
■■ Develop enterprise-wide agility—Designed to keep Creating and launching new products involves a multitude
pace with market fluctuations, respond immediately to of internal and external teams. PLM Accelerate offers
changes in supply chain operations, and adhere to ever- functionality for EBOMs and MBOMs, change management,
evolving regulatory standards, PLM Accelerate can scale requirements and configuration management, and
both up and out to support organizations of all sizes and technical documents—which can all link together across
compliance needs, including the management of petabytes electrical, mechanical, and software/firmware disciplines.
of complex computer aided design (CAD) data.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Visual Collaboration Critical tasks like engineering changes function Visual Collaboration enables all users to view
best when team members can view and discuss and recommend changes to documents and
the proposal before making decisions. contribute with colleagues that are working
on the same document. It can be any kind of
document, such as CAD application or an
office file.

Enterprise Search Enterprise Search with Aras® includes • Ability to search across all your item types,
Enterprise class permissions and access relationships, and file contents
control to ensure data is seen by the
appropriate team members. • Full text search–quickly find data in any
content type

• Role-based permissions ensuring your

security model is observed

Manufacturing PLM Accelerate Manufacturing Process • Bridge the gap between engineering and
Process Planning Planning provides an integrated approach to manufacturing
managing manufacturing data and processes
in PLM. It supports graphical and concurrent • Eliminate time-consuming manual processes
process plan, MBOM, and work instruction and costly EBOM/MBOM conflicts
authoring, plus real-time automatic EBOM/
MBOM reconciliation. • Improve efficiency by synchronizing process
plans, MBOMs and work instructions

• Implement a digital thread with as-designed to

as-planned traceability

Quality Control With increasing product complexity and The PLM Accelerate Quality Management
shortening development cycles, ensuring System application addresses this gap in quality
product quality and regulatory compliance management processes by integrating the
can be challenging for companies focused proactive and reactive aspects of quality
on fast innovation. into PLM.

PLM integration with Integration with ERPs using Infor ION Standard integration that enables monitoring,
ION, Tasks, and Alerts allows monitor and workflows for the alerts and workflows for the specific integrated
related information. information. With ION, you can create alerts
or workflows for new items, new BOMs. For
instance: to monitor items with right cost.

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Infor Optiva
Infor Optiva is a PLM solution designed specifically for process
manufacturers. Incorporating more than 30 years of PLM
expertise and integrating seamlessly with enterprise ERP
systems, Optiva provides a cohesive platform for unifying
complex product development data and processes.

■■ Develop and launch new products faster—Reduce ■■ Improve formula optimization—Manage formulas to meet
the time spent developing and managing new products, specifications based on available raw materials as well as
with tools to ensure regulatory compliance throughout alternative ingredients and processes, and set parameters
the development process and industry-specific modules using a matrix to generate the most optimum and cost-
that help streamline processes and bring products to effective formula possible.
market quicker.
■■ Increase project management efficiency—Improve the
■■ Ensure global labeling compliance—Design and speed, scale, and value of interactions between your
produce labels for package or specification sheets that employees. Extensive project management tools include
match formulas and consistently and fully meet government utilization of stage gate, resource management, and
regulations—no matter where the respective products visibility into overall project status.
are sold.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Cloud version Optiva now available in the cloud as well as Faster deployment and lower total cost of
now available on-premise. ownership provides Optiva clients more choice,
regardless of their size.

Rest APIs for Visibility to Optiva screens from any other Better collaboration and real-time visibility
business objects Infor system. between ERP and PLM for improved project
management, ingredient utilization, and more.

Audit Trail assistance Audit trail of changes to details such as Respond to FDA and other regulatory agencies
company, formula, item, specification, project, requiring better visibility of changes.
parameter and user.

Tech stack upgrade New Infor Ming.le® Wizards as well as support Offers new insights and flexibility while also
for Microsoft® Windows® 10, Microsoft® SQL meeting latest technology requirements.
Server® 2016, Microsoft Edge®, 64-bit
operating systems.

Enhanced ION Integration to Infor M3 13.4, process Take advantage of the new process
integration to M3 enhancements. manufacturing features in M3.

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Recent highlights

Core features—22% Industry features—10% Platform—45%

Customer requested feature Audit trail Cloud solution

OS tech stack
Embedded IDM API

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Supply Chain
Networked companies are the first to sense and the first to respond to
events, the right way. Infor supply chain solutions combine advanced
planning, execution, and finance capabilities with the GT Nexus Commerce
Network to help companies achieve the velocity and control needed in
today’s rapidly-evolving markets.
Infor Supply Chain Planning
The Infor Supply Chain Planning (SCP) suite enables proactive
synchronization. Modular applications leverage a common
platform for end-to-end planning, or target specific areas of
business complexity. Together the solutions optimize inventory,
service levels, and operational performance.

■■ Sense future demand—Capture a clearer, more granular ■■ Optimize production scheduling—Increase asset
picture of future demand. A configurable statistical utilization, reduce costs, and improve service with logic
forecasting solution, Infor identifies shifts and anomalies to capture capacities, constraints, and complexities.
in demand sooner to drive bottom-line impact. Consider product flows and changeovers, co-products
and labor, materials, and sequencing.
■■ Improve supply plans—Powerful constraint-based
optimization simultaneously captures interdependencies, ■■ Enable collaborative S&OP—Coordinate demand and
constraints, and rules to deliver a best fit supply plan. supply planning to reconcile gaps between forecasts,
Examine distribution, production, and procurement capacities, and projections. Synchronize operations
alternatives. and the commercial organization to drive growth
and performance.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Infor Supply Chain Recent additions to the Demand Planning Improve forecasting capability, accuracy, and
Planning Suite (Infor Demand+) module include: user experience, further leveraging both Infor’s
Enhancements analytical and design expertise.
 ystem-blending of techniques: combines
statistical forecasting models to derive a more
accurate picture of the various elements of the
demand pattern.

• Incorporation of Infor’s unique technique to

isolate seasonality versus trend and step
changes in demand.

 lexible alerting to flag when actual demand
differs from forecast in a user-defined,
meaningful manner.

 sability enhancements to workbenches
including Promotions (through which market
intelligence is incorporated) and ABC/XYZ
classification (to enhance envelop definitions).

• Incorporated best fit assessment to automate

selection of most suitable algorithm(s) for
different products. This is designed to
augment forecast accuracy without
manual intervention.

Recent additions to the Supply Planning Supports inventory reallocations across stock
(Infor Supply+) module include: locations, minimizing lead times and excess
inventory levels. Supports supply and demand
• Incorporation of additional model option to synchronization for responsiveness and
examine unconstrained replenishment. reduced cost to serve.

Recent additions to the framework include: Facilitates integration and manages supply
chain planning master data.
 upply Chain Vault (SCV)—embedded
functionality to provide a conduit both
between SCP modules and to outside
systems of reference, e.g. ERP.

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Recent highlights * Coming soon—within at least two quarters

Core features Industry features Platform

ST cloud & on-premise Industry supply chain planning User experience

ST cloud and extensibility Facilitates focus planning for: Adopt OS style guide for UI (support card
• Food & Beverage layouts and menu structures)
Demand planning • Distribution
• Chemicals Ongoing adoption of other OS
Multiple demand planning engines with components
Best Fit Forecast capability Multi-country and multi-business unit
S&OP, demand, and supply planning Analytics
Inventory management
Performance management Metadata for reports
Improved simulation workbench
Industry-specific metrics and dashboards Role-and-industry-based BI
Added support for minimum and maximum
stock units and days cover functionality Manufacturing integrations Deeper workbench analytics
ABC-XYZ analysis
Tighter vault integration to M3
Supply chain vault
Replenishment planning for process industries
Intermediate data repository for integrating
Internal heuristics-based Replenishment Tighter vault integration to LN data between certain external sources
Planning built into Supply Planning for discrete industries and applicable Supply Chain Planning
application(s) is now embedded within
Supply planning the platform, which can assist users with
configuration of database tables and
Supply Planning to help improve visibility, user-defined views
support scenario management, and
manage alerts and exceptions, viewing
requirements throughout the applicable
supply chain Improvements have been made to security
synchronization between Infor Federation
Supply Planning could optionally be Services (IFS) and Integrated Business
powered by true optimization engine for Planning (IBP)
demand-driven supply plans, considering
capacity, material, inventory, and The Infor OS platform provides user
distribution constraints management for applicable Infor

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Warehouse Management (Infor SCE)
Infor includes core and extended warehousing capabilities
with embedded labor planning, transportation execution, and
3D visualization in a modern warehouse management system
(WMS). Holistically improve fulfillment, integrate value-added
services, and eliminate bottlenecks.

■■ Improve workforce productivity—Monitor performance ■■ Visualize work flow—Interactive 3D picture of
in real time to identify imbalances and improve throughput. the warehouse to manage workflow, utilization, and
Measure activities against engineered and historical bottlenecks. A visual decision hub, users can direct
standards, evaluating the true cost of services. resolution such as expediting tasks, shifting labor,
and generating forward replenishments.
■■ Optimize asset utilization —Features such as cross-
docking, web receiving, flowthrough, attribute capture ■■ Leverage emerging technology—Includes voice,
(e.g. serialization), multi-sequenced put-away, task personalized RF, mobile apps, collaborative capabilities,
interleaving, and wave management improve use of in-context analytics, and warehouse automation APIs
inventory, space, and labor while reducing costs. for a highly-configurable, modern user experience.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

UI Extensibility Enhanced user interface to allow customer Reduces TCO by reducing the need of custom
personalization of screens without source code modifications and ongoing support. Promotes
modification. Features include: Screen and RF future migration to new releases with faster
designer, process strategies, user preferences, deployment.
label and report tailoring, and more.

3D Visual Warehouse The 3D Visual Warehouse displays the Provides customers with a visualization of
warehouse locations based on the XYZ defined outstanding tasks to identify bottlenecks and
grid. Highlighted locations indicate tasks are reprioritize tasks on the fly. Improves labor
assigned to those locations, and colors indicate utilization and pick fulfillment percentage.
status (sufficient inventory, short, over). Location
drill down ability displays location type, current
inventory, picks outstanding, and more.

Wave Tower The Wave Tower allows you to view waves The ability to view completion percentage
(one or more) by status (released, allocated, cross waves and re-deploy resources will
unallocated) and completion percentage lead to labor savings. As a result, wave
(picked, packed, loaded). Priority of picks can closure time will decrease, leading to
be modified within the wave tower to speed greater customer satisfaction.
wave closure.

Omni-channel Allows for the grouping of customer orders into Provides customers with a pick method to pick
Batch Picking a wave resulting in batch item replenishments a high volume of orders with low line counts.
to a pick and pack location by individual order. The result is labor savings and pick accuracy.
The industry refers to this as “goods to person.”

Transaction Logging The SCE system has been modified to capture/ Improves customers’ ability to trace both users
log task transactions across all core activities and task performance across all activities within
by user ID. the warehouse. The result is improved overall
productivity of the distribution center.

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Recent highlights
* Coming soon—within at least two quarters
** Customer Commitments

Core features Industry features Platform

Visual warehouse* Retail/omni-channel fulfillment User experience

3D warehouse view Integration with small parcel shipping SOHO Control

Graphical inventory view Optimized cart picking UI Personalization

Wave control tower Batch Picking* Choice of traditional and HTML5 RF

Shipping status 3PL Warehouse Director (iPad app)

Web RF* Multiple Owner support Analytics

Messaging permissions 3PL Billing enhancements** Infor Reporting is standard report tool

Mobile messaging–Read only, Physical Inventory**
 SCE metadata for reports

Reply only and Send-Reply
Manufacturing enhancements Role-and-industry-based BI
Support for easy locale translation
Tighter LN integration** Integrations
Labor management**
Enhanced XA integration** Infor LN
Optimized labor performance
Production line replenishment** Infor M3, SX.e
Supervisor-initiated delays
Healthcare enhancements Infor LX, XA, System21
User-definable fields
Multiple UOM support** Infor CSI
Improved performance in reporting
Enhanced Lawson integration** Infor Lawson
Cycle count
Cloud enablement
New Query options**
Easier RF counts**
Automation, administration, IFS*
Android support
Security scans*
Web RF

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Infor GT Nexus Commerce Network
It’s said that 80% of your supply chain data lies with trading
partners. The Infor GT Nexus Commerce Network links buyers,
suppliers, banks, carriers, and 3PLs in the cloud for community
collaboration, visibility and supply chain transformation,
supporting over $500 billion in global commerce each year.

■■ Promise and deliver with precision—Enable accurate ■■ Optimize multi-modal logistics—Optimize multi-modal,
delivery and responsive execution of sales orders to end-to-end transportation by linking upstream and
satisfy customers and maximize profits. The Infor GT Nexus downstream planning, partners, and processes. Reduce
Commerce Network expands inventory visibility and network-wide transportation spend, manage global
increases collaboration to address volatile demand. transportation complexity, and improve customer service.

■■ Improve the financial health of your entire supply chain— ■■ Achieve responsive supply and demand alignment—
GT Nexus blends procure-to-pay automation and supply Connect to supply chain partners with better visibility and
chain finance to reduce direct procurement costs, increase collaboration across inbound supply chain processes.
cash flow visibility, improve working capital, support Reduce inventory, remove variability, create an agile supply
supplier health, and shorten cycle times. chain, and reduce costs through the power of the network.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

User Experience Enhanced entire GT Nexus application user GT Nexus applications gain a more unified
interfaces on web, mobile, and widgets with look-and-feel consistent with Infor design
Infor SoHo user interface design. and UX guidelines.

GT Nexus Mobile Newest features include: Confirm, cancel and Monitor and manage your supply chain on any
decline orders, inventory visibility (Watchtower), mobile device with the power and simplicity of
fingerprint authentication, PDF sending, file the Infor GT Nexus Commerce Network.
attachment from 3rd-party document stores,
and single sign-on support.

Exceptions Workboard Centralized exception visibility that will span Manage by exception and respond to supply
all GT Nexus platform applications. Currently chain issues faster, with trackable progress to
includes: Inventory, Factory Management, improve resolution and less manual effort.
Order Collaboration, and Supply Chain Visibility.

Homepages & Widgets A user-configurable GT Nexus dashboard Continued adoption of Infor design improves
that can be assembled from standard user experience and productivity for GT Nexus
‘widgets’ to display summary details from customers.
various processes.

Supply Chain A single visualization of the movement of Track individual, serialized items on orders and
Traceability “serialized” or “loT-based” items moving shipments to support more accurate recalls,
through the supply chain. and data collection from sensor-based tracking

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Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Predictive ETA Advanced data science and machine learning Improve customer service and supply chain
drive more accurate and self-adapting shipment coordination with greater accuracy in transit
ETA projections across extended supply chains. time projection and ETA updates.

LiveOcean Real-time status shipment updates through Provides a better, more accurate picture of
maritime vessel GPS tracking tied with order where shipments and goods are and when
and item information to provide visibility into they will arrive.
the status of inventory in transit. Geo-fencing
capabilities trigger events when the shipment
passes a specified location.

LTL Rating and Transportation Management can now be used Broadens GT Nexus Transportation
Shipment Planning for LTL truck shipments, with the addition of Management capabilities for domestic
SMC3 (third-party) subscription. transport, joining ocean, air, and truckload.

VGM (SOLAS) Generates critical compliance documents that Maritime regulations now require shippers
confirm Verified Gross Mass for filled containers to file certification of each filled container’s
being shipped on ocean-going vessels. weight prior to acceptance of shipment by
the steamship line.

Visual Itinerary in Visual representation of goods on an order Easily track order and shipment activity
Transportation being transported across geographies and across multiple parties and service providers,
Management modes over time. Easier planning and including the status of transport plans and
execution monitoring for transport requests. transport exceptions.

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Recent highlights

Core features

Watchtower Predictive ETA

Provides an aggregated graphical view of Machine learning data science applied to

the status of inventory, enabling customers shipment ETA accuracy over extended
to proactively identify potential issues or international transport movements.
quickly navigate to the desired scope and
then drill down into live transactional detail Ocean carbon
to take action. emissions analysis

Transportation This is the only prebuilt application that

planner’s workbench allows companies to track their carbon
emissions from ocean shipments.
Visual segmentation of shipment
planning status increases efficiency and Cash flow manager
productivity, helping planners target issues
in complex global logistics and prevent For supplier receivables management.
delays. Suppliers can request financing across
multiple finance programs (buyer-funded
Order collaboration and and provider-funded) simultaneously.
M3 integration Optimization engine determines the best
invoices to discount.
Supply chains can react earlier and faster,
compress cycle times, collaborate more
easily and increase costing certainty.
Reduces implementation cost and time.


Real-time status shipment updates through

maritime vessel GPS tracking tied with
order and item information to provide
visibility into the status of inventory in
transit. Geo-fencing capabilities to trigger
events when the shipment passes a
specified location.

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Recent highlights (cont’d)

Industry features Platform

Factory location certainty Homepages & widgets

Ensure supplier compliance by verifying Homepages are user-specific dashboard

carton-packing takes place in a certified summaries assembled with standard
supplier location. Detects possible widgets. Can be customized by roles or
non-compliance through production users and may be private, shared with the
at non-approved facilities. company, or open to community use.

First sale automation Issue management

Enables supply chains to accelerate First Enables customers to manage by

Sale duty savings programs, streamline exception so they can respond to issues
reconciliation and review process, and faster. Reduces manual efforts to free time
maximize savings. for more value-added work.

Supply chain traceability Onboarding portal

Beyond tracking an item on orders Improvements for supplier onboarding and

and shipments, users can see logistics self-help to reduce professional services
and transactions for an individual needs and costs.
item. Improves ease of recalls and
implementation of IoT-device-tracking Document exchange
programs with a single system for
individual, serialized items data. Key document review workflow for
structured interaction.

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Customer Experience
Infor Customer Experience suite powers the end-to-end enterprise
sales and marketing process from planning and budgeting to campaign
execution, through sales automation and configure-to-quote, to upsell/
cross-sell, customer service, and retention. The result is a personalized
and consistent brand experience designed to increase advocacy and
engagement throughout the entire customer journey.
Infor CRM
Infor CRM is an award-winning CRM solution that delivers
a complete view of customer interactions across your sales,
marketing, customer service, and support teams, so they
can collaborate and respond effectively to sales opportunities
and customer inquiries—in the office and in the field.

■■ Build your funnel, build your forecast, build your ■■ Deliver exceptional customer experiences—Service
business—Infor CRM has the right tools to help you and support teams can quickly resolve customer issues
manage your sales pipeline, drive opportunities to and deliver quality customer experiences with Infor CRM.
a close, and have visibility into your sales team’s Offer convenient self-service options to customers and
performance. Manage leads and activities from get robust reports to ensure satisfaction.
anywhere with full mobile capabilities.
■■ Drive your bottom line through insights—Reporting
■■ Maximize your marketing impact—Infor CRM lets you and analytics are key to unlocking the power of your
deploy and track marketing campaigns with powerful data. Infor CRM’s powerful analytics of business and
reporting and analytics. Target a particular market segment team performance help increase individual effectiveness
with a direct campaign, and monitor its effectiveness from and maximize organizational and customer intelligence.
concept to conclusion.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Ming.le Widgets Group List widget for Ming.le homepages Improves value and effectiveness of Ming.le
complement existing data charts with prioritized homepages with Infor CRM. Creates framework
list of records. Developed initial sidebar widget for Ming.le sidebar widgets for faster
displaying opportunity statistics of account(s) development of additional widgets.

Performance Significantly improved API performance, Creates noticeable speed improvements of

reducing data exchange by 85%. Horizontal common add-ons like Xbar and the mobile
scaling for job server with clustering support. client which utilize CRM’s API. Improves job
Improved efficiency of data exports and architecture for multi-tenant compatibility.
group management.

Extended ERP CRM-CPQ-ERP support for configured products Increases number of cross-sell opportunities
integrations and certified triple integration with LN. Certified and improves CX upsell opportunities.
bi-directional master data support for LX and
A+. Certified bi-directional quotes and orders
with LX.

Sales Intelligence Account-based data intelligence identifying Provides key account detail, identifying areas
accounts with a propensity to buy score and of investment for cross-sell opportunities.
a likely list of products.

AnyBOD Upgrades Enables easier and faster upgrades of clients Ensures integrity of custom BOD field mappings
utilizing the AnyBOD functionality to custom during upgrade cycles.
configure ION data transfer.

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Recent highlights

Core features

User experience Integration

Customer service user options Bi-directional sync of master data,

Quotes, and Orders
Quotes separated from Orders
CPQ Configurator for Opps, Quotes,
Notes/History and Activity views and Orders
enhanced per customer feedback
Run within Ming.le frame
Quote and Order entry and
edit within Mobile Single Sign-on within Ming.le

Real-time pricing and ATP with Price and availability API calls
data refresh

System of Record support—
Geocoding and address mapping for send sync BODs
proximity searches and routes

System of Record support—
Ming.le integration with drill-backs, receive process BODs
bookmarks, in-context posts, and
dashboard KPI widgets Geocoding and mapping APIs

Mobile Full Ming.le certification

Combined Outlook integration and Xbar Bi-directional certifications with SX.e,

XA, M3, LN, SyteLine, LX, VISUAL
Entity record web client import

Office profile management

Entity manager

Ticket and defect activity rates

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 123

Recent highlights * Coming soon—within the next two quarters

Industry features Platform


Liaison tools Central guest profile SoHo
workflow process

Liaison-specific UI/IX
 Reservation and stay information Analytics

Physician database/demographics Guest value across the enterprise Advanced Analytics
Sales Intelligence*

Issue tracking/escalation
 Guest preferences at different Integrations

Physician profiles
 Levels Email integration

Activity/appointment logging Guest portal integration Xbar

User dashboards Campaign management Social interaction—Ming.le

Analytics Infor email and OCM campaign support Infor BI*

Return on investment
 Interaction Advisor for real-time offers that Configure Price Quote*
are applicable/specific to a particular guest
Liaison activities Cloud enablement

Top service lines (in-hospital referrals by Provisioning AMI

owned sites of service)

Upgrade-safe configurations*

Top referring physicians (Employed)
ION CE integration

Physician network referral tracking
(Employed Physicians) Ming.le CE integration

Market claims data Web UI administration*

Top referring physicians (Unaffiliated)

Sites of service by market 

Referral volume and tracking

(Employed Physicians)

Top procedures

Claims analysis

Data visualization/reporting

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 124

Infor Configure Price Quote
Infor CPQ provides customers with a complete quoting,
ordering, and fulfillment solution that helps them increase
sales, cut costs, and differentiate their brands. This image-
driven, easy-to-use solution, delivers fast and accurate
quoting and guarantees one vision from order to delivery,
while boosting profits.

■■ Facilitates personalization—Allows customers to make ■■ Automates the quote-to-order conversion process—
it easy to select and configure their products, as well as Fulfills manufacturing requirements to the shop floor while
entire systems of products and services. also providing the exact same powerful experience within
ERP to manage order changes.
■■ Empowers customers’ sales channels— By allowing reps
to provide pricing to end customers, as well as calculate ■■ Enables faster innovation to deliver the perfect order—
cost, margins, discounts, and price-adders, Infor CPQ Infor CPQ helps accelerate innovation by eliminating the
drives dynamic pricing models. need for engineering to provide low-value-add, repetitive
selling assistance, freeing them to focus on high-value-add
innovations in products, styles, and services.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Collaboration– Allows an EQ user at a customer to Provides a tool within the CPQ solution
On-Behalf-Of Mode impersonate a user who is a salesperson that accelerates the sales process, allowing
in Enterprise Quoting at a dealership so that they can collaborate customers’ dealer sales networks to produce
to create complex configurations and quotes more quotes, increasing sales.
quickly and easily.

Quoting Analytics in Addition of new quoting analytics widgets Gives customers’ sales leaders visibility into
Enterprise Quoting containing data on win/loss percentage, their direct and channel sales activity, as well
close ratio and outstanding quotes that as provide added value to their dealer network.
can be displayed on Ming.le home pages
as a dashboard.

Support for Multiple Allows a single instance of Enterprise Quoting Essential for viability of hybrid CPQ
Operating Units in to support multiple instances of Configurator, solution with Enterprise Quoting Cloud
CPQ Configurator which is essential for customers with multiple with Configurator on prem, speeds the
operating units. path to the cloud for customers.

Visual Product Catalog First Phase of Addition of a Visual Product Provides customers with a flexible, visual
in Enterprise Quoting Catalog to Enterprise Quoting that offers an reference catalog displaying rich, value-add
intuitive, B2C product selection experience. content that will help them build and
differentiate their brand.

Enterprise Quoting Gives EQ customers access to CPQ quoting Gives customers same access to their CPQ
support for access data in raw, machine-readable format for data that they have on prem, removing a
to Quoting Data in integration into their internal BI applications. major concern we have heard around moving
the Cloud to the cloud.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 126

Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Self-service quoting and ordering portal Supports both the manufacturing and On-premise and multi-tenant cloud
selling experience
Dynamic proposal generation Mobile anytime, anywhere access
Quote to fulfillment solution
Powerful, easy to use configuration engine Fully extensible
Deep ERP integrations • Configuration Design Tool
B2C-type product catalog • Enterprise Quoting Design Tool
Supports creation of warranties and
Document Automation user manuals Infor tech stack adoption
• Ming.le
2D Design Automation Manufacturer/Dealer collaboration tools • IDM
• Infor BI (Birst to Replace)
3D Design Automation—Dynamically Workflows for pricing and • ION
generate configuration-specific 3D models configuration approval
based on user entered features, options,
and dimensions

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Infor Contract Lifecycle Management
Infor Contract Lifecycle Management improves the creation,
negotiation, execution, and management of contracts
throughout their development. With an intuitive user experience,
Infor CLM accelerates and streamlines all enterprise contract
processes, helping to shorten sales cycles and reduce costs.

■■ Deliver as promised—Infor CLM’s attribute-centric ■■ Optimize value—By tracking margin impact throughout
approach helps you deliver on your commitments the contract lifecycle, Infor CLM lets you quickly assess
as promised by efficiently monitoring key terms in proposals and maximize value without reviewing
the contract. documents individually—saving time and money, and
providing clarity into negotiations.
■■ Get an informed perspective—Offering data insights
beyond the contract that is in development, Infor CLM ■■ Boost efficiency and user adoption—Providing an
draws comparison to similar contracts in order to support intuitive, consumer-grade user experience that is optimized
informed decision-making. for all devices, Infor CLM is easy to learn.
The application’s templates can be customized so
that users can generate differentiated documents
with ease.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 128

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Support for Hybrid Support both ST and MT access to Infor Most customers will have a combination of
Ming.le Environments Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). single-tenant and multi-tenant environments.
This change enables those customers to
access CLM from their single-tenant
environments without customizations.

Integration Framework Support for integration with other Infor and As most customers have many applications, this
non-Infor products through a framework that is framework provides the key to integrating CLM
designed to consume BODs. with those applications.

Consume Customer The first integration built to take advantage of The ability to consume customers from other
Party BODs from M3 the integration framework was our ability to applications like M3 allows CLM to use existing
consume the CustomerPartyMaster, BillToParty, data as the starting point for its contracts.
ShipToParty, and PayFromParty from M3.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 129

Recent highlights

Core features

Contract creation Contract management

Guided creation Search Enabled

Attribute based Status Tracking

Agreement versions Contract Version Tracking

Related agreements Document Upload

Agreement History Contract execution

Dynamic Contract Generation Electronic signatures

Clause Library Legacy Ink Signatures

Microsoft Word support CLM Core Design

Contract negotiation Role Based support
Fine grained

API Driven
Template based
ION Workflow for Approvals
Parties, People, and Addresses
Approval Notifications (email, application
and mobile)

Track workflow status

Contract collaboration using sharing and


TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 130

Recent highlights (cont’d) * Coming soon—within at least two quarters

Industry features Platform

Discrete manufacturing User experience

Share contracts using SoHo compliant.
Intuitive and

social collaboration tools easy-to-use.
Ming.le 12 HomePages*

Sales contract/pricing agreement Analytics

Dynamic Party information Contract Lifecycle Dashboard

Contextual Widgets*

Sales contract/pricing agreement
Infor CPQ*
Detail status tracking with user actions
Infor CRM*

Infor LN*

Infor CSI*

Cloud enablement

Infor ION CE Enabled
Infor Ming.le CE

Cloud 2.0 certified

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 131

Infor Marketing Resource Management
Infor Marketing Resource Management helps you better plan,
execute, and monitor multi-channel marketing campaigns. Features
include: digital asset management, resource management,
project management, budget and cost tracking, creative approval
processing, capacity planning, workflows, and analytics.

■■ Streamline key processes—Infor MRM enables you ■■ Improve time-to-value—Designed to be easy-to-use,
to rationalize key marketing processes and establish intuitive, and flexible, Infor MRM accelerates user adoption
centralized automation and best practices to optimize rates and enables fast implementation in any marketing
your internal marketing activities and ensure compliance organization. Your team will be up and running quickly,
with industry regulations. saving you time, costs—and headaches.

■■ Gain enterprise-wise control—With Infor MRM, you gain ■■ Enhance and accelerate collaboration—By streamlining
mastery over your marketing calendar, financials, marketing the critical and time-consuming process of moving content
workflows, and digital asset library. Robust business from the creative team, to final production, to out in the
intelligence tools generate contextualized, actionable market, Infor MRM provides a virtual creative showroom
reporting data. for collaboration, correction, and approval.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 132

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Marketo Integration + Push MRM campaigns and activities to set up Improves team productivity and quality by
strengthened programs with email and landing page assets eliminating double entry of data between MRM
OCM integration in Marketo. and execution engines. Better visibility in MRM
of execution status and results.

Bottom-up Financial Create templates for expenditure by Activity Adding a review process to financial spending
Planning via Type, then use these in Activities to plan means planning can be more creative and
“Estimates” spending, request and perform financial accountable; templating of spending reduces
approval, and eventually realize into purchase data entry and better enforces process; Flow
orders and invoices. through to POs increases productivity by saving
data entry and improving accuracy.

Web and Video Asset proofing functionality to better cater for Allows marketing teams to better work with
Proofing these content types by addressing their key capture the annotation process for content.
characteristics of time (for video) and interaction
(for web).

OS Adoptions Adoption of key items of OS: ION API to secure Consistent suite experience.
(ION API, Birst, SoHo) our own APIs, Birst as base reporting solution,
and into a superior BI tool, and new SoHo

Mobile Experiences— Building mobile experiences for specific Allows users to be productive in different
Tasks and Approvals targeted modules which tend to see users contexts such as commuting; great User
away from desktop work. Includes mobile experience for executive users in approval
home page and widgets, tasks, and approvals processes, who favor iPad use.
(including annotations).

UX/UI Improvements Reskinning or rebuilding older interfaces as Greater productivity from users from the better
appropriate, along with UX improvements made UX. Reduced training costs for our clients due
by adding missing scenarios and smoothing to more intuitive UIs.
difficult processes.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 133

Recent highlights

Core features Platform

User experience Customer productivity features Silverlight replacement

HTML sign off management/ Activity upload Financial year admin

summary screen
Campaign upload HTML workflow screen
Better filtering in HTML task lists
Activity people Gantt workflow
New home page, login, nav
and widgets Commitment accruals Digital asset library file uploader

Bootstrapped sign offs and Task ready to start notifications Analytics

sign offs, own list
Consistent rules around inactive users Documenting base reports
Deep links from emails to activities and and hierarchies in tasks and activities
sign off decisions Integrations
Grouping and filtering additions to
Hiding redundant options in admin REST Architecture
manage work screen

New update file version modal User API

Daily time entry

Activity API
Value-added tasks Simplify the product/replace eforms

Sign off management tasks Send activity to sign off or email Campaign API

Sign off decision tasks Sign off tasks SAML2 Single Sign On

Ad-hoc sign off tasks Activity files + actions Other

File upload tasks AWS Migration
Updates to Session Key

Allow campaign file upload
and TLS
without a folder
New email notifications, including
“task ready to start” Events/Auditing/Notifications Architecture
My activities screen
(In Progress)

Enter time against sign off decision Activity export/word merge

and management tasks
Link between campaign and activity files

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 134

Infor Interaction Advisor
Infor Interaction Advisor is a real-time decision-making
application that identifies the next best and most relevant
campaign to present to each customer at any integrated
customer touch point. With this easy-to-use application, you
can maximize every customer interaction with the highest
impact message or offer.

■■ Drive intelligent interactions—Infor Interaction Advisor ■■ Democratize your data—Infor Interaction Advisor’s
is a self-learning application that can suggest the best predictive models are continually updated with customer-
campaign to present to a customer at any touch point, specific information as well as data learned across all
including next-best action, cross-sell, and retention offers. customers, in order to help form the next best action for
future decisions.
■■ Make real-time decisions—Ensure that appropriate
campaigns are presented based on the buyer’s journey ■■ Optimize emails upon open—Infor Interaction Advisor
stage through dynamic profiling and split-second optimizes email content when the email is opened, not
determinations, including qualification and governance when the email was sent, ensuring that each customer
decisions. is individually getting the most relevant content, making
the most of time-sensitive offers and information.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 135

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Tech Stack Certify the many platform products to recent Certified products that are supported by
Modernization releases. The Product Support Matrix can be partners encourages upgrades.
found by contacting Infor Xtreme Support.

New Features & Add customer requests and market Provide functionality based on direct customer
improvements requirements: requests and market requirements.

 ampaign Improvements
-Re-enable Search by Name functionality
-Editable campaign descriptions
-Search by communication

 erformance Improvements
-Redeploy package performance
-Send Http Request Timeout performance
-Export to Excel

• Infor Certifications
-Ming.le 12 improvements

•Security improvements

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 136

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

New Installers Update the installers to provide a better user Better user experience for customers during
experience and enable future automation and implementation and upgrade.
enable silent installers.

Security Scan Update Continued security scans and remediation for Continued focus on securing data in the best
identified issues. manner defined.

Performance Testing Continued performance tests execution Continued cloud investment improves
and updates. customer experience.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 137

Infor Omni-channel
Campaign Management
Get the right solution to plan, execute, and monitor your
outbound, direct marketing campaigns across every customer
contact channel. With Infor Omni-channel Campaign
Management, you’ll be able to easily analyze your customer
data to find the best customers for a single offer.

■■ Intelligently segment customers—Infor Omni-channel ■■ Third party list management—Manage acquired lists
Campaign Management delivers multi-segment and and systematically conform to usage agreements at the
omni-channel support. Create queries and segmentation customer or list level. Seamlessly understand campaign
schemes that apply demographic and transactional data, counts in the integrated campaign execution.
campaign history, model scores, and other filters.
■■ Put your data to work—With advanced data mining,
■■ Keep customers engaged—In addition to calendar-based the solution assesses profiles, influences, trends, Bayes
campaigns, customer actions set off real-time triggers and probabilities, and cluster analysis to provide scoring.
events to ensure that targets receive the right combination Closed loop analytics are available in an easy-to-use
of content, using permission-based, single-use or multi- interface, with drill-down options for more detail.
wave campaign execution against each customer’s
preferred channel.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 138

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Customer Upgrade Diagnose, and in some cases resolve, open Help customers upgrade to new versions
Support issues found during the customer upgrade of software.

Recent Releases •A
 dd customer requests and market Provide functionality based on direct customer
requirements requests and market requirements.

 ew Campaign Homepage
-Customizable dashboard functionality
-Drill-down navigation

 ew program workflow
-Includes pause, cancel, restart capabilities
-Modify creative
-Email notifications
-Campaign count at every stage
-Default channel on communication and cell
-Remove one-minute delay restriction
-Minute, hour, and day delay
-Calendar date and time throughout journey
-Color-coded channel indicators
-Compare two date fields

 xternal List Management
-Expiration list management
-Usage management at customer level.

• Segmentation
-Communication and segment search
-Safe undo
-Segment counts
-Financial KPI display
-Multiple list support
-Control group usability improvements
-Clone segment functionality
-Segment output file download

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 139

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Recent Releases •F
 ilter improvements Provide functionality based on direct customer
(cont’d) -Drag and drop add, edit, and delete filters requests and market requirements.
-Counts at each filter level
-Copy filter

• Email Personalization
-Ability to personalize content based on
customer attributes

 mail content Editor
-HTML and text emails on same page
-Safe undo for each
-Drag and drop images
-Drag and drop files
-Email content master default locale

 eal-time Email results
-Delivery rate
-Customer actions

 sability Improvements
-Updated look and feel
-Performance improvements throughout
-International language update
-Ming.le update
-Hourly log file generation
-Extend content visibility
-Expand fields
-Default selection reset

• Security improvements

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 140

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Tech Stack Certify the many platform products to recent Certifying products that are supported by
Modernization releases. The Product Support Matrix can be partners, encourage upgrades within our
found by contacting Infor Xtreme Support. customer base.

Performance Testing Continued performance tests execution Continued cloud investment; improves
and updates. customer experience.

Security Scans Update Continued security scans and remediation for Continued focus on securing data in the best
identified issues. manner defined.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Customer Experience | 141

Financials & Performance
Whether you’re an enterprise-sized organization or a small-to-medium
sized business, Infor’s financial and performance management solutions
offer innovative design, forward-thinking technology, and high adaptability
to help manage complexity, accelerate growth, and keep costs and risks
under control.
Infor CloudSuite Financials
Infor’s financial management solution gives you fully integrated,
end-to-end capabilities delivered with multiple deployment
options including multi-tenant, or on-premise all infused with
deep industry-specific functionality. Role-based, data-driven,
consumer-inspired, and mobile-enabled, it’s the financial
management solution you would build for yourself.

■■ Expand data usability—Use Infor CloudSuite Financials’ ■■  efine unlimited attributes—Add new dimension
global ledger as a data warehouse, importing both financial strings and tailor them to your business or industry.
and non-financial data to drive strategic business decisions. Define unlimited attributes on any field or transaction
within any process and report on them.
■■ Meet complex reporting requirements—Create an
unlimited number of ledgers to store adjustments, ■■ Work anywhere, from any device—Access it
eliminations, currency gains or losses, and allocations. anywhere, anytime using any number of mobile
devices. Your employees can work securely on
the go, which can help speed decision making
and increase employee satisfaction.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 143
Recent highlights

Core features

Role-specific homepages Global general ledger Payables

Role-specific menu navigation Unlimited financial calendars allow you Move away from manual, paper-based
to accommodate different fiscal year purchasing to lower cost, higher control
Role-specific actions ends and other reporting requirements. automated purchasing with comprehensive
Unlimited ledgers and basis reporting payables functionality, including vendor
allow you to deliver financial information maintenance, invoice processing, payment
Predefined wizards
for regional regulatory requirements, processing, and regulatory reporting and
management reporting requirements, compliance. You’ll be able to streamline
Field level auditing
consolidations, or other reporting needs. labor intensive invoice processes with
And, unlimited dimension strings allow real-time visibility into vendor invoices
Real-time, in-context analytics
you to customize the information you and approval processes.
track and report on for your organization,
Security profiles
including non-financial data. Close and reconciliation management

Alerts and notifications Establish a single close process across

Cash position, forecasting,
reconciliation, and analysis your entire organization and make
Enhanced capabilities manually maintained operational checklists
Get a single solution with comprehensive a thing of the past. Built-in process flows
Global ledger for approval and prebuilt dashboards by
cash functionality designed to strengthen
your banking relationships and improve period, process, and sub-process increase
Receivables the efficiency of bank reconciliation efficiency and reduce errors, while the
processing. You can monitor cash ability to easily slice and dice data helps
Grant accounting positions, create cash forecasts, and you better support both routine reporting
validate actual transactions against and executive decision making processes.
Cash management forecasts. Web-based information systems also
mean that anyone with a need to know
Treasury management Receivables can access information any time from
virtually anywhere.
Reconciliation management Real-time visibility into customer payments
and approval processes allows you to Project ledger
Student activity management effectively monitor and escalate disputes,
helping your organization transition away Get complete, end-to-end project
Extended mobility from manual cash processing to lower accounting for capital projects, cost, and
cost, higher control automated cash revenue activities and efficiently manage
applications. You get comprehensive day-to-day grant transactions. Flexible
GLN standards
functionality for managing customer enough to track many types of both
maintenance, cash processing, cash internal and external projects, CloudSuite
application, dispute resolution, and Financials’ project ledger capabilities help
credit management. you effectively manage the accounting
Project ledger
of all your projects—from inception to
completion—on budget and on time.
Asset accounting

Lease accounting

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 144
Recent highlights (cont’d)

Core features (cont’d) Industry features Platform

Asset accounting Industry-specific configurations with Supports the most recent version of
functionality built-in, not bolted on Infor ION CE
Manage the depreciation calculations
and reporting requirements needed to Healthcare Proven integrations with Infor Lawson
satisfy general ledger tax and all other Clinical Bridge
depreciation books for fixed assets with Hospitality
CloudSuite Financials’ asset accounting Multi-tenant cloud and on-premise
features. You get fast, easy access to deployment options
key asset information such as book
value, location of assets, inventory costs,
Public sector (non-federal) Infor BI
lease cost, and depreciation values.
You can configure asset definitions by
Professional services Infor Process Automation
department, cost center, or location, while
also complying with current accounting
Non-profit Infor Ming.le and Infor ION
standards and reporting requirements.

Media and entertainment Infor Enterprise Search

Lease accounting

CloudSuite Financials gives you an entire Banking Infor Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
lease accounting process—from creating
assets to making payments—that’s simple, Insurance Supports Infor OS
connected, and accurate. You can share
assets, reduce purchases, and effectively Financial services Cloud and on-premise
manage department costs through deployment options
informed decisions about equipment Service industries
purchasing and leasing. Real-time access Supply Chain Execution (SCE)
to information allows you to efficiently CloudSuite Financials gives you deep
manage your assets and payment analytics, advanced collaboration, and Infor Document Management (IDM) and
processes, while reducing costs and powerful development tools—all with IDM Output Management
the risk of fraud. a mobile-first design, open source
compatibility, and robust integration Vertex and One Source
capabilities that make unified Tax Engine integration
management a reality.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 145
Infor Supply Management
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management is a complete source
to settle solution that gives you full visibility of indirect spend
and helps you identify opportunities to control it by increasing
compliance and leverage with suppliers. The results? Greater
efficiency, stronger supplier relationships, and lower costs.

■■ Manage the entire spend life-cycle—Effectively managing ■■ Get industry-specific tools—Infor CloudSuite Supply
the full source-to-settle process is essential to optimizing Management combines deep industry-specific functionality
spend. Infor CloudSuite Supply Management gives you fully with flexible deployment options to give you a solution
integrated, comprehensive capabilities for managing the that matches your needs without complex and costly
entire spend lifecycle, from source, move, and purchase customizations. You get a solution that can cover today
to maintain and consume. and whatever might be next.

■■ Empower decision-making with data science— ■■ Leverage role-based empowerment—Built to empower

Advanced analytical capabilities, powered by Infor OS, the end user, our role-based application allows users
Birst, and data science, can help you uncover consolidation to configure and personalize Infor CloudSuite Supply
and cost-savings opportunities you might previously Management to fit their needs. Role-based homepages,
have overlooked. for example, bring all relevant information to one place
for a user to interact with, providing them with faster
insight into information specific to their role and what
they need to do their job.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Role-specific landing pages Industry-specific configurations with Supports Infor OS

functionality built-in, not bolted on
Role-specific menu navigation Proven integrations with Infor Lawson
Healthcare Clinical Bridge
Role-specific actions
Hospitality Cloud and on-premise deployment options
Predefined wizards
Retail Extensible & configurable
Field level auditing
Public sector (non-federal)
Real-time, in-context analytics
Professional services
Security profiles
Alerts and notifications
Media and entertainment
Verticalized capabilities
Requisitioning and punch-out
Product recall
Financial services
Receiving and delivery
Service industries (non-project invoicing)
Standardization for contracts

Bid analysis

Supplier portal

Supply utilization at ‘point of use’

Visibility of surgical instruments

Inventory and distribution management

Extended mobility

GTIN standards

Mobile applications

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 147
Infor Dynamic Enterprise
Performance Management (d/EPM)
Infor Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management (d/EPM)
gives you the intelligent business and financial performance
management capabilities that will help drive overall business
performance more effectively. With Infor d/EPM, you’ll
experience in-depth insights so you can make more informed
and perceptive decisions across your enterprise.

■■ Gain deep insight and visibility—Transform information ■■ Optimize your workforce planning—Infor d/EPM
into actionable insights. Make data your competitive Workforce Planning can help you optimize your
advantage. Get current views of your performance to headcount—both direct and indirect labor; taking
speed decision-making and unlock siloed data between into account key factors as seasonality, new product
enterprise applications. introduction, economic changes, and talent
onboarding times.
■■ Unify disparate systems—By combining planning,
budgeting, and forecasting in a single system, you ■■ Speed your time to value—Leverage delivered solutions
get better business modeling and an agile platform along with packaged connectors to Infor applications to
for your operational planning, workforce budgeting, simplify data integration and implementations and get
and sales estimates. a faster ROI on your ERP investment.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 148
Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Workforce planning Optimize headcount / FTE for direct and indirect Reduce labor expenses by ensuring the right
labor requirements. Driver and weight-based person, with the right talent is in the right place
forecasts for indirect labor. Both top-down and at the right time. Quickly identify gaps in top
bottom-up planning. Headcount planning for down—bottom up. Respond to economic trends
new product introductions. and seasonality to determine ideal headcount
and hiring times.

Workforce budgeting Updated workforce budgeting capabilities Rounds out budgeting capabilities for work-
built on the d/EPM Platform technology force, including budgeting for vacancies and
platform. New scenario capability and step and grade requirements. Create
employee dashboard. what-if scenarios for salaries, benefits, and
other employee-related costs to determine
ideal plan.

Decision packages Budget by initiatives including capital, Plan multiple versions of initiatives to match
operational, and additional required labor. available funding sources. Rank and approve
the initiatives. Only the approved decision
packages impact the budget.

Updated workflow Workflow by individual or group; optionally Ensure efficient approval processes. Simplify
capabilities require commentary on updates; ability budget process with seeding budgets and
multi-step approval processes. require comments for any modifications.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 149
Recent highlights

Core features

Budgeting and planning Workforce budgeting

Predefined financial core Budget workforce by position,

job with FTE, headcount
Extendable through embedded
sub-plan capability Step and grade tables

Fiscal and rolling forecasting Compare multiple scenarios

Decision packages Allocations across cost centers

Workbook wizard Strategy management

Financial consolidation Goals, strategy, and tactics

Production of consolidated financial Compare plan to actual results

Use dynamic attributes for additional
Intercompany elimination entries contextual information

Currency translations Capital planning

GAAP and IFRS reporting Asset and depreciation calculations

Decision packages to select initiatives

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 150
Recent highlights (cont’d)

Industry features Platform

Healthcare User experience

Powerful and flexible platform Ming.le enabled

Extend through sub-plans Updated user interface

Workforce budgeting Technology

Workforce scenario planning Built on Infor d/EPM platform

Step and grade salary tables In-memory database

Public sector Integrations

Powerful and flexible platform Infor Cloud Suite Financials 11

Workforce budgeting Lawson (S3) Enterprise Applications 10

Workforce scenario planning SunSystems

Step and grade salary tables LN, M3, XA

Decision packages SyteLine 9

Decision package ranking BI and reporting

Built on Infor d/EPM platform

All industries

Powerful and flexible platform Reporting and dashboards

Budgeting, strategy management, and Self-service reporting

consolidation on single platform

Workforce budgeting

Workforce scenario planning

Step and grade salary tables

IFRS Notes package

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 151
Infor Risk & Compliance
Navigating risk in complex business environments requires
system-wide visibility, evaluation, and response. Infor Risk
& Compliance helps private and public sector organizations
monitor and analyze transactional and master data, as well as
user access and application security data.

■■ Experience cross-application monitoring—Gain holistic ■■ Leverage closed-loop remediation of exceptions—
view of critical data. Perform “can-do” and “did-do” Dashboards and reports can be personalized by role,
analysis of data from business applications and ERPs letting users track key risk and performance indicators to
against the controls that have been set up by business quickly understand the financial impact of each exception,
process owners. prioritize follow-up, and track results.

■■ Manage all four control types—Collect and analyze ■■ Reduce internal controls risk and lower compliance
permissions and applications security data, as well as costs—Continuous monitoring for 100% of applicable
transactional, master, and configuration data. You can user access and financial transaction data leads to more
mitigate a variety of risks—from fraud to overpayments, efficient risk management and lower cost compliance.
wasteful business activities, and excessive compliance

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 152
Recent highlights

Core features

User access and application security Security Data analysis

Authorizations insight Single sign on off Scheduled analysis based on time or

extraction schedule
Access Manager User management
Automatic reporting and alerting
Certification manager Single sign on login screen
User activity insight (SAP) Integration
Transaction monitoring Infor Ming.le
Procure to pay insight Infor ION
General ledger insight Data extraction
Order to cash insight Built-in support for Infor ERPs; Infor
Lawson, Infor LN, Infor SunSystems, Email alerts
Inventory insight (Infor Lawson) Infor SyteLine

Extensibility framework
OFAC insight (Office of Foreign Built-in support for SAP; ECC, SRM, CRM,
Assets Control) BI/BW, SCM Customize existing rules

Payroll insight (Infor Lawson) Built-in support for Oracle EBS including Extend existing insights with new rules

Configuration monitoring Build custom insights

Built-in support for PeopleSoft
Configuration insight Connect to any data source
(SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft)

IMG insight (SAP)

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 153
Recent highlights (cont’d)

Industry features Platform

Business performance management Compliance management User experience

Eliminate SOD issues Baselined critical configuration settings SoHo look and feel
and monitor for changes
Track sensitive access HTML5
Audit management
Proactively evaluate ERP access against Integrations
business controls for effective provisioning Always create audit trails
Prebuilt integration to Infor applications
Perform quarterly attestations Audit reports using ION and BODs, including: Infor
Lawson, Infor LN, Infor SunSystems,
Identify not only potential fraud, Internal audit and SyteLine
but actual fraud
External audit Prebuilt adapters for SAP

Fraud management
User access management Cloud enablement
Detect procurement and vendor fraud
Monitor users’ access to relevant Part of CloudSuite Aerospace & Defense
Bribery and corruption applications
Unauthorized employee reimbursements Perform “what-if?” analysis on proposed
changes to permissions FISMA on-going

Non-compliant travel expenses

Attain approvals through workflows on FedRamp on-going

Accounting fraud changes to permissions

508 on-going

Asset misappropriation Provision actual changes to permissions,

with audit trails

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 154
Infor Expense Management (XM)
Infor Expense Management is the most flexible and
configurable travel and entertainment (T&E) expense
management solution on the market. It’s easy to maintain,
efficient to use, and supports mobile usage and social
collaboration. Eliminate manual processes, while managing
employee-initiated expenses while on the go.

■■ Streamline the expense reporting process—Infor Expense ■■ Maintain security—For companies subject to the
Management features a modern, beautiful user-experience Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Infor Expense Management
design that streamlines all phases of the expense has obtained clean SSAE 16 (formerly SAS 70) reports
reporting process, so you can reduce the time and cost every year since 2004, satisfying adherence to the most
of creating, approving, and processing employee-initiated stringent SOX requirements.
■■ Remain in compliance—Expense Management can
■■ Act quickly on alerts—With alerts and automatic analysis help you maintain compliance with many country-
capabilities, you can nip policy violations in the bud specific compliance mandates. With PCI compliance,
and uncover hidden opportunities. The system alerts you can protect sensitive employee credit card data
employees to violations as they enter data, so they can and meet PCI DSS standards, as well as maintain ISO
provide explanations or make corrections. and SOC 1 compliance.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 155
Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

New user interface Streamline all phases of the expense reporting Improve the way you track, analyze, and control
process with Infor Expense Management’s employee-initiated expenditures to realize
modern and beautiful user experience. important opportunities for cost savings.

Redesigned mobile Both mobile expense reports and timesheets Improved end-user mobile experience to
expense reports and applications for iOS and Android phones and more effectively create expense reports and
timesheets tablets have been redesigned through a timesheets on the go.
collaboration between Infor Hook & Loop
and our customers.

Corporate credit card Corporate credit card functionality now includes End users can more easily analyze and edit
updates ability to: the expense type of their American Express®,
MasterCard®, Visa®, or Diners Club® credit card
 ilter credit card transactions for employees transactions to quickly select their transactions
who are multiple card holders. and populate their expense report.

 hange expense type for multiple credit card
transactions at once.

 iew other credit card transaction fields, like
the merchant city and the merchant state.

Guest entry Guest entry functionality has been Completing an expense line item which re-
enhancements enhanced to: quires adding guests is more intuitive
and efficient.
• Quickly add guests from recently added.

• Auto self-guest configurable by expense type.

• Indicate number of no show guests.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 156
Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Predefined System administrators can: This capability allows companies to predefine

mileage routes common routes between company locations.
• L ink an address to a specific map location This enforces standardization for mileage
within the HTML SAT Tool. submissions for reimbursements between
these defined locations.
 ctivate and attach these routes to groups
within the organizational hierarchy.

• Indicate if billable.

• Edit or deactivate the routes.

Purchase cards Statement date and level 3 credit card Completing an expense report for purchase
(P-cards) details imported through AMEX, Visa, and card transactions is simpler and easier.
MasterCard feeds.

Technology Support for Tomcat 8.5 Application Server, Infor XM supports the latest, most stable, and
platform updates Windows Server 2016, and Microsoft SQL 2016 secure platform technology.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 157
Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Google Maps Google Maps for mileage calculation has XM users can now use Google maps to
been added. determine accurate mileage to expense
between point A and point B.

New reports New XM reports have been added and existing Infor Reporting offers out-of-the-box template
reports have been enhanced. New reports reports that now include reports to help
include fraud detection reports. managers and auditors detect employee fraud.

System administration Additional user panels have been added to XM administrators benefit from a more
tool modernization support the continued modernization to pure modern experience.
HTML and the Infor Expense Management
System Administration Tool (SAT).

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Credit card interface Guest entry features for Healthcare Infor ION
Sunshine Act
Purchase card interface Infor Ming.le Enterprise
Mileage tracking for healthcare and
Online booking integration manufacturing Infor Hook &Loop designed user
Mobility Timesheets for project tracking
Cloud or on-premise deployment
T&E budget controls Guest tracking by type for
Financials industry ERP integrations
Digital receipt management
Expense claims for healthcare continuing Expense Reports Implementation
Electronic payment processing medical education Accelerator

Multi-currency and multi-country support Features to support Foreign Corrupt Infor Reporting for operational reporting
Practices Act and analytics
Back office integration tools
Features to support Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
Policy controls and Bribery Act

Management and auditor reporting

and analytics


TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Financials & Performance Management | 159
Human Capital
With global competition and market pressure escalating, it’s more
important than ever to have modern human capital solutions that are up
to the challenge. Infor HCM software empowers organizational leaders
with the critical tools and information to optimize human resources
operations and the workforce.
Infor Global HR
Delivering the broadest feature set in the industry, Infor Global
HR provides unparalleled flexibility and configurability to meet
your unique industry and regional needs. Infor Global HR
frees your team from time-consuming transactional tasks and
enables them to be more connected, proactive, and effective—
for maximum productivity.

■■ Gain comprehensive functionality—With knowledge- ■■ Maximize your international workforce—Leverage
based business processes, value-add modules, and Infor Infor Global HR’s 17 prebuilt translations and 25
Talent Science innovation, you can analyze your workforce localizations to maximize your international workforce
strengths, establish performance standards, and identify outcomes. Create a tailored and meaningful user
competency weaknesses. experience that addresses the needs of your complex
domestic or global organization.
■■ Streamline customizable processes—Eliminate the need
for custom interfaces between point solutions: use prebuilt,
reusable and scalable integrated components to provide
timely and accurate employee data to other HR and
business applications.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Ming.le widgets Convergence on Ming.le 12 with set of HR Demonstrable capabilities that are bite size,
widgets that can be used in any CloudSuite. actionable, and easy to use; strengthens the
Over 40 Widgets now included, giving you position of HCM in every deal with consistency
the flexibility to access content from your in UX, one-stop for cross-functional actions.
entire footprint.

Extending the core Enhancements and functionality in areas of Provides continued robustness to core
vacation buy/sell, COBRA adjustment periods, HR processes.
and CloudSuite Financials/Supply Chain

Migration tooling Landmark Program to validate existing data Significant value to help existing Lawson
and convert/default/migrate Lawson S3 data customers move to Global HR without the
to preload your GHR environment. Generates perception of a “re-implementation;” solidifies
default custom groups for work assignment, a path forward for moving to next generation
retiree and participant business classes, jobs technology and to the cloud.
and positions, and user fields as identified;
Lawson only at this time, but we plan to extend
to Infinium or non-Infor SOR.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 162

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Industry specialization •A
 uto-assignment (PS and HC)—Use Increases depth of industry specialized
optimization to build schedules with processes tailored to key industry markets,
employees based on configurable and provides continued robustness to core
prioritization, constraints, and preferences. workforce management processes.

• Shift billboard—Push shifts to a billboard

where employees can pick up additional

Extensibility Enhanced the onboarding process within Talent Fills product gaps with recognized capabilities
(Symmetry, Tracker, Acquisition through integrations with Symmetry of third-party integrators.
LinkedIn) (US tax forms), Tracker (form I9) and LinkedIn.

Mobile job search Allows a candidate to search for jobs, review Mobile demo expected in sales cycle; at par
and apply job details, fill out a full application and manage if not exceeding the competition (flight risk
their account from any mobile device. indicator, Ask HR, fit comparison); account
executives can demo or handoff to prospects
(try and buy).

HCM Analytics Outlines our direction to (1) enhance our current Shows commitment to our overall HCM
statement of direction Infor CloudSuite HCM Analytics solution and Analytics strategy and how we will leverage
(2) shares our strategy for extending our full the Birst Enterprise Architecture, so our
CloudSuite HCM suite of applications and all customers can achieve a new level of trusted
Infor CloudSuites through rich visualization insight and decision making by connecting
with Birst Enterprise Analytics. your data and people via a network of
analytics services.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Global HR Healthcare User experience

Employee safety Leadership competencies Infor Ming.le business collaboration

Organization and person structure Behavioral profiles Role-based homepages

Supervisory structure Public sector Mobile HCM

Skills, credentials, and licenses Collective agreements Cloud enablement

Jobs and work assignments Labor relations Extensibility

Benefits administration Leadership competencies Multi-tenancy

Absence management Behavioral profiles Global hosting

Occupational health Industrial manufacturing

Health and safety

Position budgeting

Employee relations


Country localizations

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 164

Infor Talent Management
Infor Talent Management is an integrated set of applications
organically built to support organizations’ strategic people
initiatives. Infor Talent Management unlocks the potential of
your organization’s talent by letting you identify, hire, develop,
reward, and retain the best of the best, all using a single,
unified user experience that people love.

■■ Talent Management combined with Talent Science— ■■ Drive desired outcomes by keeping talent engaged:
Behavioral DNA®: • Match an individual’s personality, beliefs, and values
 se a patented scientific approach to analyze individual with the culture, norms, and values of an organization
behaviors to identify the right people
• Help employees stay engaged with behavior science
• Customized job profiles key on specific cognitive and that provides “best fit analysis” insight and reports
cultural preferences to “naturally” match employees to (when combined with Talent Science)
positions to optimize all of their potential
• Manage performance and drive team initiatives
 ower your performance metrics by including fact-based collectively and collaboratively towards successful
predictive data analytics to maximize workforce ROI group goals

■■ Create individualized development and learning plans • Develop a deeper employee/manager relationship
to set measurable goal assignments and expectations: to drive desirable outcomes
 ncover characteristics and patterns to provide insight ■■ Support organizational strategic goals:
into individual personal success criteria
• Use the Talent Science approach to change the game
 lan future roles based on an individual behaviors and from “gut feel” to “evidence-based” data decision-
personal goals aligned to business objectivities making when combined with Talent Management
 ie key behavior elements to qualification skill gaps to • Incorporate predictable behavior data to help individuals
fill critical positions perform in a manner that supports your business strategy
• Objectively select, hire, develop, retain, and award top
performers who will perform better; stay longer, and
achieve desired results

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 165

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Ming.le widgets Convergence on Ming.le 12 with set of HR Demonstrable capabilities that are bite size and
widgets that can be used in any CloudSuite. easy to use; strengthens the position of HCM in
Widgets include: manager navigator, RAVE, my every deal with consistency in UX, one-stop for
approvals, team time off view, notes, and more). cross-functional actions.

Extensibility Enhancement the onboarding process within Fills product gaps with recognized capabilities
(Symmetry, Tracker, Talent Acquisition through integrations with of third-party integrators.
LinkedIn) Symmetry (US tax forms), Tracker (form I9)
and LinkedIn.

Mobile job search Allows a candidate to search for jobs, review Mobile demo expected in sales cycle; at par
and apply job details, fill out a full application, and manage if not exceeding the competition (flight risk
their account from any mobile device. indicator, Ask HR, fit comparison); Account
Executives can demo or handoff to prospects
(try and buy).

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 166

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Mobile HCM Ability for employees and managers to Mobile demo expected in sales cycle; at par
perform critical functions anytime, anywhere. if not exceeding the competition (flight risk
Examples include requesting time off, viewing indicator, Ask HR, fit comparison); account
paychecks, finding people, asking HR and Executives can demo or handoff to prospects
managing requisitions; and advanced functions (try and buy).
such as comparing and modeling fit-to-role and
flight risk.

Learning Optimization Infor Learning Optimization delivers Combines the power of Talent, Learning and
personalized learning powered by science, Talent Science to differentiate Infor solutions.
to improve performance with optimized Employee performance is improved by learning
learning at a lower cost. to be aware of, and compensate for, behavioral
Learning Optimization changes the game from
gut-feel to data-driven decision-making by
providing a solution that scientifically identifies
behavioral disconnects and delivers content
(books, courses, and personalized coaching)
to mitigate such disconnects, thus improving
employee performance, while simultaneously
reducing the opportunity cost associated with
indiscriminate training. Delivering personalized
learning powered by science means employees
will learn to be aware of, and compensate for,
behavioral disconnects to the benefit of their
organization and themselves.

Transition Management Infor Transition Management supports Organizations no longer require multiple
organizational transitions of any kind including solutions to manage different types of
preboarding, onboarding, cross-boarding, and transitions.
Transition Management is a component of
Talent Management, meaning that everything
Talent Management already knows about a
person is available during any type of transition.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 167

Recent highlights

Core features Platform

Talent management User experience

Competency framework Infor Ming.le business collaboration

Talent acquisition and onboarding Role-based homepages

Behavioral and skills fit analysis Mobile HCM

Team fit Cloud enablement

Compensation management Extensibility

Development planning Multi-tenancy

Goals and performance Global hosting

Succession planning

Learning optimization

Total rewards

Team flight risk

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 168

Infor Talent Science
Infor Talent Science is a patented, cloud-based predictive
talent analytics solution that helps you put the right people in
the right positions. By leveraging big data, A.I., and machine
learning, Talent Science’s predictive models help you hire,
develop, and retain the right people for your business.

■■ Smarter recruiting—Talent Science identifies candidates ■■ Improve performance and retention—Hiring to the
who are most likely to be successful employees, allowing standards that have proven to breed success in your
you to quickly identify which candidates to spend time organization means new employees are significantly less
reviewing. likely to turnover and more likely to be high performers.

■■ Remove hiring bias—Talent Science provides an objective ■■ Identify your next leaders—Talent Science identifies future
lens through which candidates can be evaluated and can career opportunities where an employees’ key strengths
improve diversity, reduce the time to hire, and reshape your are maximized, so you can map and develop new hires to
business culture. future roles.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Next-generation Advancements in A.I. and machine learning The predictive models developed within Talent
profile creation enhance the ability to create predictive models. Science now predict business outcomes, such
as employee turnover and job performance,
with an even higher degree of accuracy.

Team dynamics Predictive models now extend beyond a How an employee interacts with their
person’s fit to a specific job and are now supervisor, as well as other employees,
able to consider how individuals interact is a key driver of their likelihood to be
and work together. successful. This can now be measured
using Talent Science.

Simplified candidate Completing the Talent Science process has Job candidates and employees can access the
experience been made even easier with full mobile system anytime, on any device, and once they
capabilities, as well a shortened registration do the process has been made as quick and
process, getting people into the system with efficient as possible.
greater speed and efficiency.

Global readiness The Talent Science system can now be hosted Users can view information in their native
across the globe and is available in 16 different language and their data can be hosted outside
languages of the US.

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Recent highlights

Core features Platform

Talent science Integrations

Behavioral assessment CloudSuite HCM

Strategic leadership insights Ming.le

Team dynamics Third-party interoperability:

• Standardized, out-of-the-box integrations
Career pathing/position best fit to major Applicant Tracking Systems
• Background check vendors
Behavioral onboarding • Resume parsing
Employee coaching/development • Learning content

Cloud enablement



Global hosting

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 171

Infor Workforce Management
Infor Workforce Management is a comprehensive solution that
aligns labor management with corporate strategy. Integrated
modules address forecasting and budgeting, scheduling, time
and attendance, attendance management, and compliance,
while encouraging employees to focus on activities that
generate more value.

■■ Lower costs and improve profitability—Make sure your ■■ Improve employee engagement—Increase margins,
staffing meets the needs of your business, with tools that while enhancing employee satisfaction by empowering
facilitate long-term planning connected to shorter-term workers to define their availability and collaborate to create
forecasting to improve profitability. their own schedules.

■■ Manage labor and regulatory compliance— ■■ Align workforce management processes with
Spot potential labor issues early, avoid compliance corporate strategy—Address critical workforce
violations, and improve productivity with greater visibility management requirements, like planning, time and
into how you can make better staffing choices throughout attendance, workforce mobility, employee transaction
your organization. manager, performance management, and compliance.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 172

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Industry specialization •A
 uto-Assignment (PS and HC)—Use Increases depth of industry-specialized
optimization to build schedules with processes tailored to key industry markets
employees based on configurable and provides continued robustness to core
prioritization, constraints, and preferences. workforce management processes.

• Shift billboard—Push shifts to a billboard

where employees can pick up additional
shifts. This can be used in many industries
but will be a particularly good fit in retail for
last-minute needs, and in healthcare for
overtime shift processes.

Shift Billboard Mobility now supports shifts posted to billboard Employees are able to quickly respond from
in mobility from both Multiview Scheduler (MVS) and Labor a mobile device when a manager needs to
Forecasting and Schedule Optimization (LFSO). fill a shift.
Using the “Shift Billboard,” employees can use
their phone or tablet to claim shifts posted by
their managers.

Concurrent activities Workforce Management 6.2.3 allows the Health care providers and other customers
and on-call time ability to schedule on-call time with potential with on-call policies can more easily schedule
concurrent call-back work time. on-call and work shifts that may overlap the
on-call time.

Payroll-based Long-term care facilities can now output Long-term care facilities can run this report
journaling (PBJ) direct care staffing information based on to provide staffing information that relates to
payroll information as a Workmail message patient care, as required by the ACA.
with a Microsoft® Excel™ formatted report
for verification and an XML-formatted report
which can be used to upload to the PBJ system.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 173

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Clock server and admin Clock server and admin console can now be Long-term care facilities can run this report
console in the cloud deployed in the cloud for our cloud-based to provide staffing information that relates to
customers. patient care, as required by the ACA.

Customer logos Workforce Management now provides the Customers can personalize their employee
ability to specify a custom image in place of self-service experience with their company
the Infor logo image on the log-in page and the branding.
application header. This is available for the main
application and mobility.

Employee leave Supervisors are now able to add, approve, and Supervisors can make informed decisions on
management recall employee leave directly from within the employee leave requests in the context of the
Multi-View scheduler. current schedule, ensuring adequate coverage
for leave.

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Recent highlights

Core features Industry features Platform

Workforce management Healthcare Cloud enablement

Budget management & creation Central staffing Extensibility

Time & attendance management Workload measurement Global hosting

Labor forecasting & schedule optimization Nurse patient assignment

Schedule bidding Hospitality

Shift trading Tips and tokes

Workforce performance premium Industrial manufacturing

Labor cross-charging
Workforce relief management

Factory Track integration

Workforce task management

Infor WFM mobility
Top performer scheduling
Employee transaction manager
Fair scheduling
Workmail/form builder/workflow editor



Leave management and accruals


Import export interfaces

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 175

Infor Learning Management
Infor Learning Management is the only cloud-based platform
for you to create, deliver, and report on education and growth
initiatives throughout your internal and extended organization.
Help employees and stakeholders improve productivity,
enhance compliance, and contribute more to the success
of your enterprise.

■■ Learn anywhere, anytime—Your business and your ■■ Work with internal or external users—By leveraging Infor
people work and live everywhere. So should your learning Learning Management’s flexible architecture and integrated
platform. Use Infor Learning Management to give your learning content management capabilities, organizations
users access where they are and when they want to learn. can share knowledge and expertise with both internal and
external audiences.
■■ Quickly create, deliver, manage, and track learning
through a single solution—Transform SMEs into content ■■ Evolve your programs based on insightful information—
authors who can publish, update, and localize effective and Use robust reporting capabilities to understand which
engaging media-rich proprietary eLearning content more courses and curricula are providing value and which ones
efficiently. Then, socialize this content to your user base to need improvement, to deliver the most impactful learning
spread the knowledge. Finally, report on the engagement opportunities for your internal and external stakeholders.
and results to ensure your programs and curricula deliver
the results you need.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 176

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

SoHo user With a consumer-grade look and feel, increased Not all learning happens in a classroom or
experience overhaul personalization, and more granular roles you on a set schedule at work. An LMS should be
for learners can ensure that each user gets what they need built to deliver great content anywhere on any
from Infor Learning Management. The overhaul device. The SoHo overhaul gives learners a
includes seamless responsive design for any great experience no matter which device they
device. choose to use. Infor Learning Management was
reimagined based on how consumers interact
with content today.

SoHo user We did not focus only on the learners; the The user experience updates are for all users.
experience overhaul admin users also get substantially increased We wanted to make it easier than ever to
for administrators user experience and responsive design for manage content, curricula, user permission,
tablets and desktops. This includes access to and reports.
the existing content library, the OpenSesame™
Course Marketplace, or LinkedIn Learning
( library to ensure users have
access to the most relevant content.

Branding control While there is a new user experience for This is another example of how Infor Learning
everyone, our customers can still brand Management offers its customers their LMS
the system logo and many colors to match their way. They have control over what users
their style. see and how they see it.

Unlimited portals and The new SoHo styling allows entitled users Your departments, geographic regions, cost
dashboards to expose the courses, documents, and centers, and other groups have unique needs
information that matter to different groups that may or may not overlap with one another.
of users. There are unlimited dashboards and Admins and portal designers can customize the
portals, giving admins granular control over information and layout for each population to
the experience and content available for ensure the LMS works well for each.
different populations. This gives your field sales
team a unique and personalized portal for them
that is different from the engineering group.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 177

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Reporting dashboards Allows key metrics and statistics to be displayed Empower users of all kinds with in-context
in context for users. This information was reporting information that helps them perform
previously siloed inside the reporting module. better. Use your data and insights to share key
metrics and drive even stronger outcomes.

Content creator We have rebuilt our content creation engine to Other LMS systems require you to purchase
cloud edition work completely in a SaaS environment and a separate third-party content creator
produce HTML5 content. The user interface was license. Infor built CCCE into Infor Learning
completely redesigned to ensure that all users, Management for a seamless and cost effective
regardless of technical abilities, can create solution. We believe we have the best end-to-
courses for their colleagues. Even better: any end solution on the market today.
content produced is automatically mobile
responsive for your users on the go.

Build content for your With the new content creator, your users have This is a substantial reduction in administrative
global business a flexible environment to create a common burden that takes the pain out of managing a
course repository. This gives you a single place large global workforce. It ensures that all users,
to manage all of your courses, including regardless of location or language will have the
applying multiple languages for a single course. same great experience.
This means you can apply translations and
languages to each individual piece of content
for your employees in other countries.

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Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

OpenSesame™ Seamlessly access over 20,000 video-based This new integration helps all customers
course marketplace courses to augment and enhance your existing quickly add video content they need. The
content offerings. Purchase single courses OpenSesame Plus package offering also
or packages directly within Infor Learning includes content experts, who will help
Management. curate the course offerings you select to
maximize the value to your learners.

LinkedIn Learning Infor LMS and LinkedIn Learning customers will LinkedIn Learning is among the best content
( API be able to access LinkedIn Learning with Lynda. providers in the world. This new integration
integration com content through their Infor LMS solution. helps all joint customers quickly include this
LinkedIn Learning is designed to combine robust and valuable content to their users. They
industry-leading content from with get the benefit of the content they purchased
personalized course recommendations, based included in their LMS with no additional effort.
on insights from LinkedIn’s network. Users
can select from topics covering leadership
skills, time management, problem solving,
peer relationships, conflict management,
project management, communication and
presentation skills.

Tin Can Experience This is a special interface built explicitly Learning is happening everywhere, and it
xAPI for e-learning and content systems to doesn’t always happen inside an LMS. The
communicate seamlessly and track records Tin Can xAPI allows the LMS to capture this
for learning experiences. ongoing learning without any impact on the
user. The user gets credit for embracing
ongoing education and growth without taking
any additional time.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 179

Recent highlights

Core features Platform

Learning management Cloud enablement

Learning content management Extensibility

Advanced certification Multi-tenancy

Ad hoc reports Global hosting

Mobile learning Integrations

Social learning Tin Can Experience xAPI

Infor GHR

Infor Talent Management

Infor Ming.le

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 180

Infor HR Service Delivery
Infor HR Service Delivery is an advanced, multi-tier service
platform that helps your organization get more done with
fewer resources, which lowers costs. Employees can resolve
more than 70% of routine transactions and inquiries without
HR intervention, freeing your HR team to focus on higher-
value projects.

■■ Create better experiences across the organization—Infor ■■ Work anytime, anywhere—Mobile technology allows
HR Knowledgebase and HR Case Management tools allow your employees to access benefit and policy information,
you to offer better services with fewer resources. Reduce create and manage self-service cases, search the HR
costs and transform HR into a trusted partner. Knowledgebase, and submit questions to HR—all on
the go.
■■ Free HR to focus on more strategic activities—Infor HR
Service Delivery helps employees quickly and easily ■■ Lower costs—Infor HR Service Delivery helps you
answer their own questions 80% to 90% of the time, transform HR into a strategic partner and fully engage
freeing HR to focus on more strategic activities. employees, while lowering annual HR service delivery
costs by an average of 20% to 50%.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Case Management: Parent-child relationships between cases Cases can be related to one another, making
Case relationships tracking and follow up easier and faster

Case Management: Templates for common case types that should Consistent resolutions faster
Quick resolution be resolved the same way

Case Management: Alerts to notify chat participants that a) Confidence that case is active and moving
Chat alerts message has been received and b) other towards resolution
person is typing

Knowledgebase: “Masonry” tile style layout from Hook & Loop New, modern user experience replaces
Home page template “link farms” to increase employee usage
and engagement

Knowledgebase: Updated search results page to produce With more accurate results, employees can
Search results more accurate results, with a modernized answer their own questions more frequently,
page overhaul look-and-feel further reducing HR involvement

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Human Capital Management | 182

Recent highlights

Core features Platform

HR service delivery Cloud enablement

Knowledgebase Extensibility

Case management Multi-tenancy

Client toolsets Global hosting

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Enterprise Asset
Infor EAM software offers rich built-in functionality, modern technology
to help you reach new levels of efficiency, and the flexibility to integrate
with other applications as needed. Built on a platform with high uptime
and able to handle elastic demand, Infor EAM solutions offer scalability
and reliability.
Infor EAM
Infor EAM is the most configurable asset management solution
available for improving capital asset management.

■■ Increase uptime—Streamlines the maintenance process ■■ Mitigate service costs—Improves warranty management
to help you extend the longevity of assets, improve so you maximize your recovery of repair costs.
productivity, and avoid costly unplanned production
downtime. ■■ Lower risk—Reduces potential safety and regulatory
compliance issues.
■■ Orchestrate fulfillment—Helps you manage inventory so
you have the right parts, in the right quantities, at the right
place, at the right time.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Enterprise Asset Management | 185

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Infor EAM Mobile EAM mobile application configured specifically • View/update asset details on ESRI maps
for Transit for the transit industry and includes linear asset
support and the ESRI mobile application. • View/update WO’s and initiate new work

• View/update equipment including


• Track activities and book labor

• Inspect equipment using configurable


• Issue and track parts

EAM Equipment Create multiple rankings per equipment Provides the ability for customers to create
Ranking and have the system automatically create multiple rankings for their assets. This helps
equipment rankings at predefined intervals. them focus on the most important assets for
various initiatives.

Nonconformity Observations of asset components over time • Tack issues over time
Tracking with Type, Severity and Intensity including a
condition matrix for comparison over time. • Increase inspections based on
condition index

• Complies with MTA requirements and


TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Enterprise Asset Management | 186

Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Infor Document Manage all types of documents and images More effective storage of documents drive
Management from within EAM including version control, costs down and version control provides
check-in/check-out features. assurance of accessing the proper version
of documents.

OpenCAD in EAM SaaS Enables access of CAD drawings and features Enables space planning and analysis, graphical
and CloudSuite Facility from within EAM SaaS and CSFM. visualization of work schedules, floor plans,
Management equipment arrangement drawings and other
Intergraph or AutoCAD files. Performs floor
space calculations for tenant chargeback.

FedRamp Ready Provides proof that EAM conforms to over 300 Provides proof point and recognition to enable
control points and security required by the US Infor to sell into US Dept of Defense and other
Dept of Defense. public sector organizations. Also, improves
competitiveness in the private sector.

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Recent highlights

Core features

Mobility Inspection management Work & preventive maintenance

Support for phones Work and Activity Checklists PM Scheduling, Maintenance Patterning

Support for tablets Qualitative and quantitative Casual user access, Contractor Portal
Inspection support
Support Disconnected/Connected Work scheduling (basic to advanced)
Calibration Module
Casual User Access Mobile field extensions built
Real-time integration to SCADA/PLC
Linear asset and automation monitoring systems Extensibility framework
management update
Materials management Screen cloning, designing, creation
Linear Referencing
Stock Room & Warehouse Management Support 14 languages + lunar calendar
Straight Line Diagram
ABC, EOQ analysis User-defined fields, unlimited custom fields
Dynamic segmentation of cost, work,
and tasks Integration to ERP, extension to iProcure Java script support, custom page support,
Materials Marketplace web services tier fully accessible
Integration to GIS
Quality, compliance & regulation
Asset performance management
Support for 21 CFR Part 11
Risk Management
Full Audit Trail
Reliability Management
508 and FISMA compliance
Operator Checklist
State of Good Repair
Condition Assessment
ISO 14224, ISO 55000, PAS-55

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Enterprise Asset Management | 188

Recent highlights (cont’d) * Coming soon—within at least two quarters

Industry features

Facilities management Oil & gas Healthcare

Preconfigured deployment of Support for field mobile needs Support for J-CHO audit and CMS
CloudSuite Facilities Management model Guideline standards
ISO and PAS Standards
Preseeded data sets Designed for facilities, landscape,
Management of Change flows hardscape, biomedical, and fleet
Prebuilt workflow management needs
Linear management, component
Support for Professional and structure support and hierarchy Prebuilt configuration and seeded data for
Casual User Access vertical approach
Transit & transportation
Key Management, Space Management, All industries
Move Management, CAD Integration Operator Checklist
Work request, work planning and
State of Good Repair scheduling, PM Revision Control,
Verticalized configuration
Contractor management, Project
Infor R&D Delivered—Healthcare, Linear Asset Management management, Mobile work execution,
Enterprise, Hospitality, Transit* Alert Management, Nonconformity
Maintenance Patterning Management
Partner Delivered—Transit, Airports,
Power Generation, Facilities, Radio Asset Maintenance Kiosk Move Management, equipment/tool
Management, Micro-Brewery reservation, sensor data management

Pharmaceutical & life science

Infor Services Delivered—Horizontal Asset Multi-lingual, multi-currency, Flex SQL,
Management, Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Calibration Management screen designer, work flow, role-based
Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Life Sciences home pages
Audit Trail and Electronic Signature

PM Revision Control

Access Controls w/ Real-time

Reporting methods

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Recent highlights (cont’d)


User experience Integrations Cloud enablement

Infor Ming.le Workflow Content Prebuilt connectors to common Extensibility Framework

Infor ERP and extensions
Role Based Homepages Multi tenancy, mobile, ION and Web
Prebuilt connectors to 3rd party ERP Services, prebuilt connectors to common
508 Compliance Infor ERP and extensions
ION and Web Services
FISMA Compliance Prebuilt connectors to 3rd party ERP
Cloud enablement
Business intelligence analytics Extensibility Framework
Extensibility Framework
Predefined Asset Reporting Widgets Multi tenancy, mobile, ION and
Multi tenancy, mobile, ION and Web Services
Predefined Cubes Web Services

Support for dashboards and in-context Compliance

BI Widgets
e-Signatures, calibration, extensibility
Full deployment of web architected framework, reporting
reporting tool
e-Signatures, audit grade platform,
J-CHO reporting, PM Revision Control,
Access Controls, Alert Management,

VPAT available, FedRamp Ready

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Business Intelligence &
Infor Analytics gives you a comprehensive business intelligence
platform that can be used in any domain or industry. Powered by
Infor BI technology and an in-memory database, the solution offers
a unique, multi-purpose web front-end, as well as mobile capabilities
that put information at your fingertips.
Birst BI & Analytics
Birst is a modern cloud business intelligence (BI) and
analytics platform that helps organizations achieve a new
level of trusted insight and decision-making by connecting
their data and people via a network of analytics. Birst
delivers end-to-end capabilities including data preparation,
visual data discovery, reports and dashboards, and
advanced analytics on any device.

■■  aster time to value—Birst dramatically accelerates
F ■■ Self-service for all information workers—Birst’s business-
the process of delivering analytics across the enterprise. user oriented UX empowers people to access, prepare,
Leveraging patented automation technology that reduces and explore data using intuitive drag-and-drop tools; share
human intervention, a modern cloud architecture that insights across the Birst network; and predict business
eliminates traditional on-premise tasks, and metadata outcomes with one click and without support from experts.
reusability for more efficient and productive development, All of this through a single, integrated experience available
Birst delivers more value in far less time. on any device.

■■  rusted data at business speed—Birst’s network of

T ■■ Lower cost of ownership—Birst is a true SaaS solution,
analytics is built on top of an automatically generated built on a modern multi-tenant cloud architecture that
semantic layer, which is a common set of business delivers the ability to deploy virtual BI tenants, virtualize
definitions that enable users to work with a consistent data and metadata, federate semantic models, and
view of the data, eliminating ambiguity around what automate manual tasks. This translates into a lower total
a given KPI means and stopping the proliferation of cost of ownership through reduced resources, zero
analytic silos across the enterprise. hardware, zero upgrade costs, and rapid deployments.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Birst extends Latest release extends consumer-grade UX Latest release empowers business people
consumer-grade with the most comprehensive set of options with capabilities traditionally reserved for
user experience for preparing and analyzing data using a power users.
with best-of-breed cloud analytics solution, as well as enhanced
ROLAP and ETL for networking and greater interactivity. These
business users new capabilities will provide business users
with extensive, enterprise-caliber connectivity,
data transformation, networking, interactivity,
and administration.

Database extraction Birst’s latest software release extends its Empowers any business user with instant
added to Birst self-service data preparation experience to analytics on top of databases without having
self-service data business users with best-of-breed relational to move their data to the cloud. ROLAP is
preparation online analytical processing (ROLAP) a form of online analytical processing (OLAP)
capabilities so that they can extract data that performs dynamic multidimensional
from databases or query it directly from analysis of data stored in a relational database.
other sources using Birst Live Access.

Live database Birst’s latest software release extends its Birst was the first cloud analytics provider to
access added to self-service data preparation experience to introduce the ability to query data in place
Birst self-service business users with best-of-breed relational with its Live Access capability. In contrast to
data preparation online analytical processing (ROLAP) other cloud analytics vendors that only support
capabilities so that they can extract data simple query pass-through, Birst delivers
from databases or query it directly from full dynamic SQL generation on tables in the
other sources using Birst Live Access. underlying database. Now, with the latest
release, business users will have access to
this capability without provisioning by
an administrator.

New data Birst’s latest software release also makes With these new features, business people can
transformations the platform’s best-of-breed extract, transform, leverage Birst’s powerful and sophisticated
added to Birst and load (ETL) capabilities available to business machine learning capabilities and create
self-service data users. Business users can now leverage new advanced data prep routines to support the
preparation drag-and-drop transformations, leverage R most complex transformation requirements.
scripts, append—or “union”—data, as well as
write their own custom ETL scripts.

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Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Networking added With powerful, enhanced networking By enabling this capability more broadly,
to Birst self-service capabilities, business users can take data this release helps business users more quickly
data preparation prepared in Birst and readily share both the turn data from disparate systems into a shared
data and the metadata describing that data analytical network that enables organizations
with others. By doing so, business users help to better align both centralized and edge teams
others easily combine the shared data with to drive better and more consistent decisions.
their own data, enabling broader and more As a result, Birst Networked Analytics
consistent analyses and, in turn, making the eliminates analytical and data silos, while
entire organization smarter and more aligned. enabling everyday business users to easily
access and work with trusted data.

Enhanced New features include visual highlighting, This enables business people to focus
interactivity features: a new method for interacting with charts on on selected data values without losing
Visual highlighting dashboards and visualizations, which moves the surrounding context.
beyond what visual filtering offered in the past.
With visual highlighting, business users can
select a data point or multiple data points,
and any related data points in other dashlets
will highlight.

Enhanced Birst’s expanded interactivity features also Multiple drill paths provide a richer
interactivity features: introduce multiple drill paths. Multiple drill understanding of the data being analyzed.
Multiple drill paths paths give business users the ability to
simultaneously drill on a visualization by
more than one attribute.

Enhanced Business users now can freeze column and This delivers a spreadsheet-like experience
interactivity features: row headers when working with cross-tab chart for users who need to work with large tables
Column formatting types—and can easily “collapse all” or “expand of data.
all” report sections, by category, at once.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Business Intelligence & Analytics | 194
Designed for healthcare by healthcare experts, Infor Health solutions are
used by more than 5,000 organizations to reduce costs, improve care, and
lower risk. Serving the broad spectrum of hospital and outpatient health
providers, health plans, and medical technology and device companies,
Infor Health offers a comprehensive platform for healthcare business
and integration.
Infor Cloverleaf Integration and
Clinical Exchange Suite
Cloverleaf Integration and Clinical Exchange Suite provides
the foundation for healthcare providers, HIEs, ACOs,
ISVs, application vendors, medical technology, and other
organizations such as OEMs, and IDNs to help control,
manage, and process data to solve complex interoperability
challenges while utilizing the latest standards—including the
HL7® FHIR® * standard.

■■ Scalability and flexibility—Cloverleaf scales to serve your ■■ Robust development and rapid deployment—Delivers
organization, regardless of size. For example, one single portfolio of powerful UX tools for configuration, testing,
Cloverleaf deployment manages 20,000+ connections and run-time to address any interoperability challenges.
and processes 22 million+ transactions daily.

■■ Reliability and durability—Supports virtualization for

private and public cloud implementations and leverages
leading fail-over and availability mechanisms.

*HL7® and FHIR® are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 196

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Consolidator 1.2 Infor Cloverleaf Consolidator 1.2, a clinical data • Stores HL7 V2 messages and Continuity of
repository and clinical document aggregation Care Document (CCD)
engine for Cloverleaf users that enables data
aggregation and interoperability in a multi- • Serves as a repository that can be “Fast
electronic health record (EHR) integrated Healthcare Interoperability Resources” (FHIR)
vendor network. enabled to help free legacy systems’ data
and help accelerate digital/mobile strategies.

• Provides standardized, patient-centric data

from a single source, which can help simplify
data governance.

• Assists in simplifying data acquisition through

existing HL7 or CCD processes and can assist
in resolving patient identity questions

Cloverleaf Integration Major enhancements for this release include • Cloverleaf Wizard includes a new browser
Services 6.2 the Infor Cloverleaf Wizard, a new user UX design aimed at business analysts and
experience (UX) designed by Hook & Loop, less-skilled technical resources.
written in HTML5. Application Program
Interface (API), and native support for JSON. • SMAT API allows user to archive messages at
Significant investment was also made in the any point in the data flow.
security of the application.
• Cloverleaf API allows users to maintain and
automate application tasks using API calls.

• Offers Native Java Script Object Notation

(JSON) support for FHIR and API-based

Web Services Infor Cloverleaf® Web Services Adapter • Web Services Adapter Wizard-based UX
Adapter 6.2 supports integration of disparate applications design helps with configuring consumer
using RESTful and SOAP web services with full web services.
support for WS-Security.
• FHIR Samples—Infor is “First on FHIR”. Proven
Enhancements include FHIR SAMPLES, WSDL out-of-the-box capabilities at Connectathons
Tool, Security testing and validation tool. and real-world implementation.

• WSDL tool enhancements.

• Security testing and validation tool. Keystone/

Trust store management.

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Release headlines (cont’d)

Headline feature Description Value impact

Clinical Bridge 3.0 Release’s enhancements are designed to focus • Updates to interface adapters to support
on support for Infor CloudSuite Financials and changes required by Infor CloudSuite
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management. Financials and CloudSuite Supply
Management 11.0.2. Also includes Restful
Web Services as well as CSV and JSON

• Improves security with database and

Software Managed Address Translation
(SMAT) encryption enabled by default

• Supports Cerner data formats

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 198

Recent highlights

Core features Industry features

Cloverleaf 6.2 Web services adapter (CL 6.2) All are healthcare-specifc

Native JSON support—FHIR FHIR Samples—Infor is “First on FHIR”

 roven out-of-the-box capabilities
Xlate “include” functionality at Connectathons and real-world
BOX updates - refresh
WSDL Tool enhancements
Global variable support at site level
Security testing and validation tool
Move error DB to SQLite—SMATify • Keystore/Trust store management

User-defined key/certs for encryption Wizard-based GUI for building consumer

web services
Tcl/Java SMAT API—archive from any

Statistics DB —Capture statistics

for reporting

DTC—Distributed Transaction Controller

Error UPoC

64-bit application architecture

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 199

Recent highlights (cont’d)


User experience—Cloverleaf
clearwork (CL 6.2)

Build, deploy, edit, and test interface

configurations with wizard flow

Edit tools for simple features like

lookup tables

HTML5/Leverages RESTful/JSON API

from 6.1.2

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 200

Infor Staffing Optimizer
for Healthcare
Infor Staffing Optimizer for Healthcare is a patient acuity and
workload management solution that provides a link between
the patients being cared for and the nurses who care for them,
using empirical, evidence-based data gathered from thousands
of care interventions to establish detailed knowledge of your
exact patient care needs.

■■ Treat each patient as unique—The solution’s evidence- ■■ Deliver consistent quality care—The solution
based methodology improves management’s ability to prospectively and retrospectively integrates with
communicate individual care requirement of patients by electronic health records through an HL7 interface that
determining patient workload requirements from care looks at patient orders, nursing standards of care and
providers rather than classification, or levels of intensity. nursing documentation to recommend staffing and care
plans for the next shift. Staffing Optimizer can also interface
■■ Give staff critical insights—Staffing Optimizer with scheduling, case costing, payroll, and quality systems
prospectively and retrospectively captures care provided to deliver real-time actionable data to analyze and improve
with clinical documentation, providing managers and operations.
organizational leaders the data they need to build budgets
and help maintain equitable workloads. Finance can ■■ Improve safety and documentation—Electronic staffing
easily align workload requirements to fiscal standards, assignments eliminate the error-prone risk of paper- and
while IT can interface with applications to meet system whiteboard-based systems, ensuring patient confidentiality,
requirements. security, and fast retrieval of records. Instant audits of
staffing environment and clinical documentation identify
gaps between required patient care and the care that was
delivered to improve patient outcomes.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 201

Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

Determinate streaming Solution will offer an ability to automate and After starting with patient-centered workload
streamline the determinates of both patient (ISOH), this enables the next step: to staff (MVS)
and staffing needs of the organization. according to the needs of the patient.

Workloads Solution includes the necessary instruments Ability to accurately generate workload
assigned to the patient that generates the necessary for each specific patient.
number of hours required for care.

Assignments Solution consumes the values from the patient Automates the assignment process and
workloads to assign nursing care based on provides the ability for professional judgement
hours required and skills needed for care. to change the automated assignments.

Document Interface Solution provides the ability to map certain Reduces the amount of redundant work
data elements that a nurse charts on a patient required by the nurse to accurately reflect
clinical medical record to the patient’s the workload for a given patient.
instrument in the Workloads component.

ADT Interface Solution provides real-time census updates on Can show patient census fluctuations over time
patient Admit/Transfer/Discharge status by Unit by Unit so managers may more accurately
and Bed. predict and staff for anticipated needs.

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Infor Healthcare
Revenue Cycle Management
Infor Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management is a scalable,
flexible solution that helps to streamline patient billing
processes, maximize collections, reduce gross days
receivables outstanding, and improve cash flow.

■■ Simplified complex billing and collection activities— ■■ Flexible billing rules—Significantly reduce denial rates
Because of its powerful workflow engine and user-friendly through improved control over payer-specific billing rules.
design, Infor Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Claim errors are automatically routed to designated staff for
simplifies the process of adapting to payer requirements immediate attention—before the bills are issued.
or regulation changes.
■■ Remittance and denial management—Automate specific
■■ Comprehensive payer management—Manage and load portions of operating processes, such as posting electronic
complex payer contracts, ensure proper reimbursements, remittance files to a patient’s account, to see real savings in
flag short-pays, and model what-if scenarios to determine both time and money.
the financial impact of a proposed contract change and
create accurate near-term cash-flow projections.

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Release headlines

Headline feature Description Value impact

PCI DSS v3.2 Enhancement to the capture and storage of Feel confident knowing that your patients’/
Compliance bank and credit card information to ensure clients’ sensitive information is secure and safe.
security compliance.

Custom Payment Solution allows importing of custom Reduces the amount of data entry and
Imports formatted payment files. increases accuracy involved with processing
of payments.

Lawson S3 integration Integrate HRCM with Lawson S3 Financials Integration with GL enables real-time
General Ledger using Infor ION. account updates.

CENPOS Credit Card Integrate HRCM with credit card payment This new integration helps customers to quickly
integration approval service. and easily process credit card payments from
within HRCM cashiering window.

Automated Appeal Solution captures each appeal made and with Stay on top of problem claims to ensure timely
Processing set-up of flexible rules allows for automated final payment.
processing of follow based on appeal levels.

Sticky Notes Capture notation on patient/client accounts Improve customer satisfaction by ensuring
that needs to be immediately visible to all critical details are seen by everyone.
account representatives.

TOC Navigation: Infor Discovery Guide: Healthcare | 204

Infor builds beautiful business applications with last mile functionality and scientific insights
for select industries delivered as a cloud service. With 16,500 employees and over 90,000
customers in more than 170 countries, Infor automates critical processes for industries including
healthcare, manufacturing, fashion, wholesale distribution, hospitality, retail, and public sector.
Infor software helps eliminate the need for costly customization through embedded deep
industry domain expertise. Headquartered in New York City, Infor is also home to one of the
largest creative agencies in Manhattan, Hook & Loop, focused on delivering a user experience
that is fun and engaging. Infor deploys its applications primarily on the Amazon® Web Services
cloud and open source platforms. To learn more about Infor, please visit

Full Disclaimer
This Discovery Guide reflects the direction Infor may take with regard to the products or services described herein, all of which is subject to change without notice. This Discovery
Guide is not a commitment to you in any way and you should not rely on any content herein in making any decision. Infor is not committing to develop or deliver any specified
enhancement, upgrade, product, service or functionality, even if such is described herein. Many factors can affect Infor’s product development plans and the nature, content and
timing of future product releases, all of which remain in the sole discretion of Infor. This Discovery Guide, in whole or in part, may not be incorporated into any agreement. Infor
expressly disclaims any liability with respect to this Discovery Guide.

Copyright© 2018 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates and
subsidiaries. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute
a commitment to you in any way. The information, products and services described herein are subject to change at any time without notice.


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