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Expl 390 Clifton Strengths Reflection

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Jessica Devitt EXPL 390 03 February 2020

Clifton Strengths Reflection

The top five strengths assigned to me in the Clifton Strengths report were strategic,

futuristic, ideation, command, and competition. I believe each of these accurately demonstrate

who I am or who I want to be. The strength I think is the most accurate for myself is strategic,

and the one I think is least accurate is command—however, even prior to this exam, this skill is

one I’d like to improve. I believe each of these strengths will be incredibly important in

determining my success at my internship and future job there. Last week, I accepted a full-time

position to start as an Associate Consultant upon graduation in May. This essay will reflect on

how I feel each strength currently represents me, how I think I can strengthen and use each of

these skills in my internship/career, and how I believe these skills align with my academic


Receiving the strength of being strategic did not surprise me. I’m always thinking,

whether it be a worry of mine, a goal of mine, what I need to do next, or whatever else may be.

At times, I think it feels like a curse, as if I wish I could get my mind to stop sometimes just so I

could relax. At the same time, I think this strength has helped me excel in whatever I put my

mind to because I think about every possible outcome and how to optimize the benefits of my

actions. Likewise, I know this skill will help me succeed during my time at Inspire11. Most of

my time will be working with the managing director of the company helping him with internal

reporting. In that position, I need to be able to be strategic about how I represent data to

accurately display the health of the company, but also be strategic in developing new, innovative

ways to perform my analyses.

I think the strengths futuristic and ideation go hand in hand and I’m not very surprised I

was assigned those strengths. I love to think about the future because I believe wholeheartedly
Jessica Devitt EXPL 390 03 February 2020

that my future is bright. This aligns with my faith because I know I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me. My faith teaches me to speak blessings into my life, so when I think

about the future, I can’t help but speak positive affirmations into my life. That being, I don’t feel

as though my goals or ideas are limited. I believe that if I can dream it and it’s within God’s will,

I can achieve it—given that I allow God to direct my path, the desires of my heart are part of his

will. I often think of my future and how to achieve it. I already have a future business idea and

the steps I think I should begin taking to achieve it. Even now while I’m an intern, these skills

help to propel and motivate me. Since my position is to be an innovative thinker for the

company, it’s perfect that my strengths involve being mindful of the future and creating new

ideas to support the success of the company from an administration perspective.

I think my final two strengths also relate to each other because I think I’ve developed

them from my relationships with my family. Those strengths are command and competition. As,

I mentioned earlier, I think the command strength could improve in my professional life.

However, when it comes to my personal relationships, I have no fear taking charge and asserting

my thoughts and opinions. I have five siblings and we’re all incredibly close in age. I’m the third

oldest. When we were kids, our mom died, and we had to grow up. I was eight years old and the

oldest of my siblings was eleven. The three older siblings had to become leaders for the family

who knew how to take care of the younger ones and the household while our dad worked. I had

to learn to take charge and make adult decisions as a child. While that experience disrupted our

childhood, we still had time to play with each other and compete. Each of us is incredibly

competitive and our dad instilled that spirit within us, whether we’re competing against who’s

the fastest or who’s the smartest, we’re always looking to improve and be the best. To be the best
Jessica Devitt EXPL 390 03 February 2020

professionally, I believe you also need to be a leader which takes the strength of having

command in whatever you do.

I firmly believe each of these strengths will be incredibly useful in my internship site and

the rest of my future career endeavors. As a statistics major, I think strategical thinking, ideation

and futuristic thinking show up in my academic coursework the most because each of these skills

are required in being an analytical thinking and using statistics to solve problems. While I may

not see each of these strengths consistently in my coursework, I know I will use strategical

thinking, ideation, futuristic thinking, command, and competition in my future career endeavors

and I hope to further these skills during my time as an intern at Inspire11.

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