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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM)

ISSN:2278-487X Volume 1, Issue 1 (May-June 2012), pp 56-66

Dividend Policy: A Comparative Study of UK and Bangladesh

Based Companies
MD. ZAHANGIR ALAM1, Mohammad Emdad Hossain2
Assistant Professor of Finance, Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University
Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Abstract: The paper is about Dividend Policy: A Case of UK based Companies. The objective
of the study is to critically examine the dividend policy of UK based companies listed in
London Stock Exchange i.e., the theories of organizational dividend policy, arguments for
and against of dividend, and determinants of dividend policy. The study also examines the
influence of liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth, and ownership structure, and market
capitalization on the dividend rate. The study reveals that as per dividend irrelevance theory
dividend policy has no influence on value of the firm for the reason of home made dividend ;
according to dividend relevance theory, value of the firm is influenced by dividend policy
because of certainty, information content and clientele effect; liquidity, availability of
worthwhile projects, availability of alternative funds, profitability, growth, leverage, reaction
of market to dividend reduction, ownership structure nature of the industry, tax clientele
effect are the main determinants of dividend payout ratio. In case of the UK based
companies, leverage; profitability; market capitalization influence the dividend rate
positively, whereas liquidity and growth have negative impact on dividend payout ratio.
Liquidity; leverage; profitability; and market capitalization influence the dividend rate
negatively, while growth affect positively in case of a Bangladeshi company.

Keywords: Dividend, Dividend Policy, Dividend Policy Theories, Home Made Dividend.

I. Introduction
In the field of corporate finance, the finance manager has to take three important
decisions, namely investment decision which is related to where the given company should
make investment; financing decision which is concerned with the determination of how the
required fund would collected; and dividend decision which may arise when the firm makes
profits. Should the firm distribute its all earnings to the shareholders or should it be
reinvested into the business? Financial managers must give concentrations on how much the
company’s earnings are required for investment in projects with positive NPV and the
possible effects of their decision on shares prices (Bishop, et al. 2000).
Dividend policy is formulated by the board of directors of a company in order to
make decision how much earnings would distributed among the shareholders as their reward
for making investment in the given company in the form of dividend and how much would be
retained within the company as a retained earnings.
Dividend policy is an important area of research in corporate finance. Even though a number
of researches have been conducted on dividend policy, a limited number of studies have
revealed the applicability of the dividend theory on some listed companies in an organized
stock exchange.
II. Literature Review
Gupta and Banga (2010 ) found in their study that there are some determinants, namely
leverage, liquidity, profitability, growth and ownership structure of the firm influence the
dividend policy of a firm. The findings of Baker and Powell’s (2000) research regarding the
determinants of dividend policy are rate of present and prospective earnings, pattern of the
dividend payment, and nature of the industry. Alli, Khan and Ramirez ( 1993) in their study
found strong support in favour of the residual theory of dividends, pecking order argument,
and the role of dividends in mitigating the agency problems, and tax clientele argument.
Akhigbe and Madura (1996) argued that dividend initiations have favourable impact on the
performance of share price in the long run and the opposite in case of the dividend omissions;
the immediate share price response and the one-year cumulative abnormal returns for firms
initiating dividends are positively correlated; in case of omitting dividends, between the
immediate share price response and long-term valuation effects have no significant relation;
the post effect of dividend initiations’ firms are significantly higher growth, higher capital
investment, a higher degree of financial leverage, and a higher dollar amount of earnings and
vice versa; and the long-term valuation effects of dividend omissions are more unfavourable
for larger firms and for relatively large dividend omissions.
Yilmaz and Gulay (2006) found in their study that ‘‘prices start to rise a few sessions
before cash dividend payments; and on the ex-dividend day; they fall less than do dividend
payments; finally decreasing in the sessions following the payment; trading volume shows a
considerable upward shift before the payment date; is stable after, therefore, cash dividends
influence prices and trading volumes in different ways before, at, and after payment,
providing some profitable active trading strategy opportunities around the ex-dividend day’’.
Gillet, Lapointe and Raimbourg (2008) claimed that the signalling equilibrium becomes
unbalanced, originating any dividend signalling policy to become difficult to implement.
Dhanani (2005) argued that the research results sustain dividend proposition related to
signalling and ownership structure, in liking to those about capital structure and investment
decisions and agency issues. Moreover, he revealed significant differentiations between
managers’ responses, based on company size, industry sector, growth opportunities,
ownership structure, and information asymmetry.
Howatta etl (2009) found in their study that change in dividends and future changes in
mean real EPS are correlated in the same direction. Moreover, a significant variation of EPS
due to change in dividend is experienced for all changes associated dividend except for the
omissions of dividend. Hardin and Hill (2008) revealed that excess dividend payment is
associated with reduced agency costs, strong operating performance, the execution of a stock
repurchase plan and the capability to access short-term bank debt. In addition, REIT
management flexibility in formulating dividend policy is influenced by the acquisitions and
use of short-term bank debt. The outcomes of Kim and Wonsiksu (2010) are foreign
institutional investors can put forth an important impact on dividend if they hold more than
5% of a company shares and the more shares that foreign institutional investors have over the
previous year, the stronger the impact of foreign institutional investors have on the corporate
dividend policy. Papadopoulos and Charalambidis (2007) found in their study that dividend
payout policy is focused to small changes through years; the difference between the retail
firms and industrial firms in terms of dividend policy are not remarkable; and cash flow of
the firm is the main determinant of dividend policy.
According to Baker, Farrelly and Edelman (1985), stakeholders are highly concerned
with the continuity of dividend, share value is affected by dividend policy, the concerned
persons are generally aware of signalling and clientele effects, and regulated firms should be
segregated from non-regulated firms in order to examine the dividend policy As per the
outcomes of Naceu, Goaied and Belanes’s (2006) study, Tunisian firms consider both the
present earnings and past dividends in order to determine the level of dividend payment;
profitable firms with more stable earnings and faster growth pay higher dividend due to the
capability to afford larger free cash flows. Moreover, Brennan and Thakor (1990) found in
their research that majority shareholders of a firm are in favour of dividend payment for small
distributions regardless of the preferential tax treatment of capital gains for individual
investors; majority shareholders may prefer an open market stock repurchase for larger
distributions; and tender offer repurchases for the largest distributions. Banerjee, Gatchev and
Spindr (2007) argued that more (less) liquid common stock holders are less (more) likely to
receive cash dividend; and historic liquidity is a significant determinant of dividend
initiations and omissions.
III. Objectives of the Study
i. To present the theories of organizational dividend policy
ii. To produce arguments for and against that a high cash dividend payout ratio as
possible would reflect positively on the market value of shares
iii. To place arguments for and against that whether a cash dividend is paid or not is
irrelevant in the context of shareholders wealth maximization
iv. To put arguments for and against that dividend payment should be avoided as they
would lead to decrease in shareholders wealth
v. To indentify the determinants of dividend policy
vi. To examine the influence of liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth, and ownership
structure, and market capitalization on the dividend rate.
IV. Research Methodology
Data and Sample
The necessary data have been collected from the annual report of the sample enterprises,
namely TESCO plc , BP plc and BT plc, listed in London Stock Exchange. The period of
the study is ten years, ranging from 2001 to 2010. Only final cash dividends paid by the
companies have been considered and we have ignored stock dividend and stock repurchases
by the companies. Specification of the Variables:
Dependent Variable:
Dividend Rate (DR): The percentage of cash dividend paid to the common
Independent Variables:
Liquidity: Liquidity has been measured by cash flows from operation (CFO) which is
net profit before tax and extraordinary income adjusted to non-cash charges and receipts.
Leverage: Leverage has been expressed in terms of debt-equity ratio (DER) which is
the proportional relationship between total debt and equity
Profitability: Profitability has been characterised as return on investment (ROI) which
is the proportional relationship between the net profit after tax and total assets
Growth: Growth has been measured in terms of percentage change in EPS (G)
Market Capitalization: It corresponds to the size of the firm (S) which is log of the
total assets
Specification of the Econometrics Model
The following econometrics model has been used to examine the influence of
liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth, and size of the firm (market capitalization) on
dividend rate of the sample enterprises:
DR = α1+ β1CFO + β2DER + β3ROI + β4 G+ β5S+ ui
V. Findings and Analysis
Theories of Dividend Policy
Dividend Irrelevance Theory: Modigliani and Miller (1961) argued that share valuation is a
function of the level of corporate earnings, which reflects a company’s investment policy,
rather than a function of the proportion of a company’s earnings that are paid out as
dividends, i.e. the wealth of a company’s shareholders is determined by the earning power
and risk of its assets not by the dividend payout decision. M & M established that dividend
policy is irrelevant under certain assumptions about perfect capital markets, such as there is
no difference between dividend and capital gain from the view point of taxes; securities
trading is free from transaction cost and floatation cost; symmetrical and cost less
information are available for all investors; there is no conflict between managers and
shareholders in respect of interest; and all investors are treated as price takers in the market (
Al-Malkawi , Rafferty and Pillai, 2010).
Dividend Relevance Theory: Linter (1956) and Gordon (1959) argued that shareholders
prefer dividends to capital gain which is called the ‘Bird-in-the-Hand argument which
represents that shareholders have a preference to receive an assured dividend payment at the
present more willingly than leaving the same amount in an investment whose future value is
uncertain. Since, current dividends are more reliable return than capital gains and
shareholders prefer dividends to capital gains, therefore dividend policy plays a crucial role in
the determination of the market value of a company.
Arguments for and against that a High Cash Dividend Payout Ratio as Possible would
reflect positively on the Market Value of Shares
One group agrees with the statement that a high cash dividend payout ratio as possible
would reflect positively on the market value of shares, on the contrary another group
disagrees with such statement. Therefore, it is a debatable issue
Arguments in Favour of the Debate
As per the opinions of a certain group of people, a high cash dividend payout ratio is
positively reflected in the market value of shares due to the following grounds:
Dividend Reduces Uncertainty: Dividend reduces uncertainty about the future cash flows
which leads to decrease the cost of capital as a result shareholders wealth increases through
increasing the market value of the shares.
Higher Future Dividend: Gordon (1961) argued that a certain amount of dividend is more
worthy than the same amount of retained earnings, since investors may earn higher future
dividend from a new project in exchange of higher degree of risk. If the firm announces
lower dividend in order to make greater investments, therefore the dividend pattern would be
shifted into the future and company value would be fallen, since the investors assess the
expected dividend by using the higher discount rate.
Information Content: If any company’s board of directors recommends for a higher cash
dividend for a certain period compare to the previous period, it’s regarded as a good signal to
the shareholders which indicates that the cash position of the given company has increased
which lead to increase the share price of that company and shareholders wealth as well.
Clientele Effect: There are some investors, especially aged group, prefer dividend as a
source of their continuous income.
Certainty about the Company’s Future: If any company pays higher cash dividend to the
shareholders, it gives more certainty about its future to the investors and the increase in
certainty may be correlated to directly increase in the company’s share price in the market.
Arguments Against of the Debate
On the other hand, another group of people disagrees with the statement that a high cash
dividend payout ratio is positively reflected in the market value of shares due to the following
Tax Liability: Cash dividend payment causes the tax liability to the shareholders, since they
have to pay tax on their income received in the form of cash dividend.
Scarcity of Cash: High cash dividend payout ratio causes decreased in retained earnings
which lead to shortage of cash for making investment in order to create growth of the
Bird –in-Hand- Fallacy: M & M (1961) argued that the risk of a firm is determined by the
riskiness of its operating cash flows, not by the way it distributes its earnings which are called
the bird-in-hand fallacy.

Reinvestment is Inefficient: The shareholders, especially wealthy middle-aged, who receive

large amount of dividends in cash, they would probably reinvest in the stock market. This is
regarded as the cycle of receiving dividends followed by reinvestment which is very
inefficient ( Arnoland, 2008 ).
Arguments for and against that whether a Cash Dividend is Paid or not is Irrelevant in
the context of Shareholders Wealth Maximization
A certain group of people agrees with the statement that whether a cash dividend is
paid or not is irrelevant in the context of shareholders wealth maximization, on the contrary
another group disagrees with such statement. Therefore, it is a matter of debate.

Arguments in Favour of the Debate

A certain group of people agrees with the statement that whether a cash dividend is
paid or not is irrelevant in the context of shareholders wealth maximization for the following

Earning Power of the Firm: According to dividend discount model (DDM), value of a stock
is a function of future dividends and its required rate of return which can be expressed in the
following way:

P0 = Ʃ …………… (1)

t= 0

P0 = the current share price;
t = time of the dividend;
Dt = dividend paid at period t;
rt = required rate of return for period t

Equation (1) represents that the fundamental determinants of today’s share price the future
discounted dividends, not any future share price.

In case of the perfect capital market, the required rate of return on equity is the sum of
dividends and capital gains which can be expressed by the following equation:

r= ………………. (2)

D1= the expected dividend at the end of the period 1
P1 = the ex-dividend price of the share
P0 = the current market price of the share.
We can determine the current market price of share by rearranging the equation 2:

P0= ……… (3)

The current value of the firm is:

np0 = V0 = …………….. (4)

N = number of shares outstanding at time zero.
We can consider the following sources and uses of funds equation to illustrate the M & M
(1961) statement regarding the dividend policy and value of the firm:
CF1 + mP1 = nD1 + I1 ……………………….. (5)
By rearranging equation (5), we get
nD1 = CF1 + mP1 – I1 …………….. (6)
Substituting equation (6) into equation (4), for D1 we have
V0 = ;
V0 = ………….. (7)
Since (n+ 1)p1 = V1, therefore …………. (8)
V0 = ……………… (9)

Therefore, we can say firm’s future cash flows, i.e. earnings generated from investment
activities is the key determinant of the value of the firm not the dividend policy, since
dividends do not appear in equation (9) and operating cash flows (CF1), investments (I1) and
the required rate of return ( r ) are not the functions of dividend policy ( Al-Malkawi ,
Rafferty and Pillai, 2010).
Home Made Dividends: There are some group of shareholders who may prefer current
income, however such group of shareholders, in case of the efficient capital market, would
not be worse off if the company does not announce dividend, since they can realize income
by selling a part of their shareholdings in the form of homemade dividend (Pike and Neal,
Cash Flows: Firm’s investment with positive NPV projects increase the cash flows from
operation, which is the solely way to increase the shareholders wealth not the payment of
cash dividend.
Arguments Against of the Debate
On the other hand, another group of people disagrees with the statement that whether
a cash dividend is paid or not is irrelevant in the context of shareholders wealth maximization
by reason of the following arguments:
Transaction Cost and Floatation Cost: Pike and Neal (2006) argued that even though in the
presence of efficient capital market, shareholders are capable to earn return by selling a part
of their shareholdings, but such benefit may be offset for some reasons, namely brokerage
and other transaction costs are involved with selling of share; shareholders may not be able to
sell the precise number of required shares; selling of share may generate tax liability on
capital gain; and in case of a relatively small company, its shares may have lack of
marketability which may require a noteworthy dealing spread and consequently a outflow of
shareholder capital.
Dividends as Conveyers of Directors View: Dividend policy is a matter, since an
unexpected change in dividend is regarded as a sign of how the directors view the future
prospects of the firm. A declining dividend often signals that the directors view of the future
with some pessimism, whereas increase in dividend indicates an optimistic view about future
probability ( Arnoland, 2008).
Arguments for and against that Dividend Payment should be Avoided as they would
Lead to Decrease in Shareholders Wealth
A certain group of people agrees with the statement that dividend payment should be
avoided as they would lead to decrease in shareholders wealth; on the contrary another group
disagrees with such statement. Therefore, it is a matter of debate.
Arguments in Favour of the Debate
A certain group of people disagrees with the statement that dividend payment should
be avoided as they would lead to decrease in shareholders wealth for the following
Tax Consequence: Dividend payment causes more tax burden for the shareholders, since tax
on dividends is higher than capital gains. Therefore, company’s board of directors should
retain total cash flows rather than paying dividends which will increase the shareholders
wealth (Watson and Head, 2007).
Cost of Policy Formulation: Some administrative costs are involved with the formulation of
dividend policy which decreases the earnings of the given company. There is an adverse
impact of reduction of earnings on the market share price of share, as a result the
shareholders wealth decreases.
Transaction Costs: Both the firm and shareholders incur costs for dividend payment, since
company has to bear cost in distributing dividends and investors has to incur costs in
collecting and reinvesting these payments as well (Bhattacharya, 1979).
Cost of Capital: Avoidance of dividend payment reduce the need for external financing
which plays an important role in reducing the cost of capital of the firm, since cost of external
financing is higher than internal financing. Due to reduction of cost of capital, value of the
firm increased, because there is an inverse relationship between cost of capital and value of
the firm.
Default Risk: Dividend payment causes the requirement of external financing and if such
external financing is made in the form of issuance of new shares, it is a threat for the existing
shareholders in the context of dilution their controlling power. In order to maintain the
controlling power, if debt is issued to meet up the required fund, it increases the financial risk
of the company which is reflected in their share price unfavourably.
Tax Free: Due to avoidance of dividend payment, market price of share could grow tax free.
Arguments Against of the Debate
Bad Signal: Avoidance of dividend payment is treated as negative signal about the future
prospect of the company which has unfavourable impact on the market price of share as well
as the shareholders wealth.
Withdrawal of Investment: If any company avoid the dividend payment, it leads to
withdraw investment from the given company by the existing shareholders which play a
negative role in shareholders wealth maximization.

VI. Determinants of Dividend Policy

Liquidity: It is the ability of a company to convert its current assets into cash without
significant concession of price and time which can be measured by current ratio (i.e. the
proportional relationship between current assets and current liabilities) and cash generated
from operations. There is a positive relationship between liquidity and level of dividend
payment of a firm (Benito and Young, 2001).
Availability of Worthwhile Projects: The board of directors of a company should consider
this factor to determine the level of dividend payment. They should pay lower dividend if
worthwhile projects are available.
Availability of Alternative Funds: If the required fund is collected at cheaper rate than the
cost of retained earnings the level of dividend should be higher, otherwise not.
Profitability: It measures the earnings power of a company. Return on Investments (ROA)
and Return on Equity (ROE) are the main indicators of the profitability which positively
influence the level of dividend of a firm (Gupta and Banga, 2010).
Growth: Growth is one of the factors which should be considered in determining the level of
dividend of a company. Growth can be measured in terms of sales, EPS, and market share on
annual basis. Growth and level of dividend payment are positively correlated ( Kania and
Bacon, 2005).
Leverage: It is the level of debt used by the firm which may be measured by the Debt-
Equity Ratio. Leverage affects the level of dividend payment inversely (Gupta and Banga,
Reaction of Market to Dividend Reduction: The board of directors should consider the
effects of reduction in dividend payout on the stakeholders expectation, homemade
dividends, information content and information to shareholders.
Ownership Structure: Ownership structure of a company may be represented by the
proportion of shareholdings by the directors, institutions and foreign investors. Directors
prefer to lower level of dividend payment, whereas institutional investors are in favour of
higher level of dividend (Han, Lee and Suk, 1999)
Nature of the Industry: It is one of the factors which play an important role in determining
the level of dividend payment. High dividend payout should be for utilities industry, whereas
the more moderate payout for the wholesale/retail trade groups (Baker and Powell, 2000).
Tax Clientele Effect: Tax effect also plays a crucial role in formulating the dividend policy.
Higher tax bracket shareholders are against of cash dividend in order to avoid heavy tax and
on the other hand, lower tax payers prefer more cash dividend (Gupta and Banga, 2010).

Figure 1: The Forces Pulling Management in the Dividend Decisions

Forces promoting a high payout Forces promoting a low payout

 Tax system;
 Some clienteles;
 Some Clienteles;
 Owner control (agency  High growth potential of the firms;
theory);  Instability of underlying earnings
 Uncertainity (‘bird-in-  Management desire to avoid the risk of
future dividend cut;
the hand’);
 Lender agreement restrictions;
 Signalling.  Low liquidity of firm’s assets.


Forces promoting a fluctuating dividend Forces promoting stable dividend

 Dividend as a residual:  Some clientele preferences;

Available only after positive  Signalling;
NPV projects are financed  Owner control (agency theory);
 Management desire to avoid the
risk of future dividend cut;
 Stability of raises credit standing
for debt issues.

Source: Arnold, 2008. P. 855

VII. Influence of Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability, Growth, and Ownership

Structure, and Market Capitalization on the Dividend Rate

III.1 UK Based Companies

Using the SPSS17 statistical package, we obtained the following results:
DR = -3.618-0.494CFO +0.108DER +0.650ROI - 0.038 G +0.688S (Appendix 3 by using
statistical package SPSS17 )
R-squared = 0.284
-0.494 is the partial regression coefficient of cash flows and indicates that with the influence
of others ( leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization) held constant, as cash
flows changes, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate changes by 0.494 percent in
the opposite direction.
0.108 is the partial regression coefficient of leverage and indicates that with the influence of
others held constant, as leverage changes, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate
changes by 0.108 percent in the same direction.
0.650 is the partial regression coefficient of profitability and indicates that with the influence
of others held constant, as growth changes, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate
changes by 0.650 percent in the same direction.
- 0.038 is the partial regression coefficient of growth and indicates that with the influence of
others held constant, as growth, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate changes by
0.038 percent in the opposite direction.
0.688S is the partial regression coefficient of market capitalization and indicates that with the
influence of others held constant, as market capitalization changes; say by one percent, on
average, dividend rate changes by 0.688 percent in the same direction.
The intercept value of -3.618, mechanically interpreted, means that if the values of cash
flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization were fixed at zero, the
dividend rate would be -3.618.
The R –squared value of 0.284 means that 28.40 percent of the variation in dividend rate is
explained by cash flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization.
II. Bangladesh Based Company
Using the SPSS17 statistical package, we obtained the following results:
DR = 70.808 - 0.097CFO - 0.601DER -0.044 ROI +0.233G -0.654S (Appendix 4 by using
statistical package SPSS17)
R-squared = 0.491
-0.097 is the partial regression coefficient of cash flows and indicates that with the influence
of others ( leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization) held constant, as cash
flows changes, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate changes by 0.097 percent in
the opposite direction.
-0.601 is the partial regression coefficient of leverage and indicates that with the influence of
others held constant, as leverage changes, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate
changes by 0.601 percent in the opposite direction.
-0.044 is the partial regression coefficient of profitability and indicates that with the
influence of others held constant, as growth changes, say by one percent, on average,
dividend rate changes by 0.044 percent in the opposite direction.
0.233 is the partial regression coefficient of growth and indicates that with the influence of
others held constant, as growth, say by one percent, on average, dividend rate changes by 0
0.233 percent in the same direction.
-0.654 is the partial regression coefficient of market capitalization and indicates that with the
influence of others held constant, as market capitalization changes; say by one percent, on
average, dividend rate changes by 0.654 percent in the opposite direction.
The intercept value of 70.808, mechanically interpreted, means that if the values of cash
flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization were fixed at zero, the
dividend rate would be 70.808.
The R –squared value of 0.491 means that 49.10 percent of the variation in dividend rate is
explained by cash flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization.
VIII. Conclusion

Dividend policy is concerned with the determination of level of dividends for the
shareholders of a company. As per dividend irrelevance theory (M & M, 1961), the value of
the firm is unaffected by dividend policy in a perfect world, since the firm’s value is
determined exclusive by the earning power and the risk of its investment. On the contrary,
according to dividend relevance theory (Gordon, 1956) & (Linter, 1959), value of the firm is
influenced by the dividend policy, because of the current dividend decreases the shareholders
uncertainty, causing the shareholders to discount the company’s earnings at a lower rate
which increases the company’s stock value and value of the firm as well (Gitman, 2009).
A high cash dividend payout ratio as possible would reflect positively on the market value of
shares for the reasons of certainty, higher future dividend, information content, clientele
effect, certainty about the company’s future earnings. On the contrary, a high cash dividend
payout ratio as possible would reflect positively on the market value of shares due to tax
liability, scarcity of cash, bird –in-hand- fallacy, and inefficient fund for reinvestment.
A cash dividend is paid or not is irrelevant in the context of shareholders wealth
maximization, because of homemade dividends, cash flows, and replacement by having a
new issue of shares. On the other hand, a cash dividend is paid relevant in the context of
shareholders wealth maximization due to transaction cost and floatation cost, dividends as
conveyers of directors’ view about the future prospect of the company’s performance.
Dividend payment should be avoided as they would lead to decrease in shareholders wealth
for the reason of tax consequences, cost of policy formulation, transaction cost, cost of
capital, default risk, and tax free. On the contrary, avoidance of dividend payment would lead
to decrease in shareholders wealth for the reason of bad signal and withdrawal of investment.
The board of directors should consider some crucial factors to determine the level of dividend
payment, namely liquidity, availability of worthwhile projects, availability of alternative
funds, profitability, growth, leverage, reaction of market to dividend reduction, ownership
structure nature of the industry, tax clientele effect and so on.
In case of UK based companies, while other things remain constant, the influence of
liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization on dividend is 0.494,
0.108, 0.650, 0.038, and 0.688 in the opposite, same, same, opposite and same direction .
Mechanically, the dividend is -3.618 in absences of liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth
and market capitalization. 28.40 percent of the variation in dividend rate is explained by cash
flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization.
In case of Bangladesh based company, while other things remain constant, the influence of
liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization on dividend is 0.097,
0.601, 0.044, 0.233, and 0.654 in the opposite, opposite, opposite, same and opposite
direction respectively. Mechanically, the dividend is 70.808 in absences of liquidity,
leverage, profitability, growth and market capitalization. 49.10 percent of the variation in
dividend rate is explained by cash flows, leverage, profitability, growth and market
In conclusion, it can be mentioned that the degree of influence of liquidity, leverage,
profitability, growth and market capitalization on dividend rate is higher in case of
Bangladeshi Company compared to the UK based company.


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Appendix 1: Dividend Rate, Cash Flows from Operation, ROI, Growth and Size of TESCO,
BP and BT from 2001 to 2009
0.534884 4825 0.018282 0.099324 -0.02482 4.01536 0.231315
-2.6 4706 0.006269 -0.01831 0.033134 4.018409 0.220009
0.748815 5486 0.016712 0.155262 0.023785 4.048985 0.264973
0.449405 5210 0.00393 0.279115 0.036333 4.009366 0.257627
0.657459 5387 0.005734 0.154846 0.058875 3.99987 0.276058
0.488263 5574 0.002777 0.180874 -0.02564 4.004837 0.302458
0.521472 5389 7.603103 0.053235 -0.06283 4.425175 0.284921
0.209677 6023 9.680167 0.095191 -0.07486 4.450511 0.298434
-0.05747 5257 1.546478 0.021555 0.035457 4.664266 0.240981
0.382353 5887 3.546126 -0.03412 -0.03812 4.738773 0.279429
-0.72955 13616 1.839286 -0.01221 0.241712 5.434987 0.045829
0.639708 21716 1.310852 0.071022 -0.33746 5.372853 0.090759
0.493456 38095 1.477977 0.094925 0.269998 5.358399 0.105485
0.392248 24709 1.494147 0.08967 0.069419 5.373052 0.086892
0.352294 28172 1.546083 0.102417 0.108903 5.337661 0.105947
0.333429 26721 1.561927 0.109379 0.248761 5.31579 0.111434
0.360349 23378 1.49306 0.090326 0.166234 5.281279 0.121745
0.458551 21698 1.41748 0.073936 -0.07871 5.232137 0.13178
0.789214 19342 1.29257 0.043016 0.025847 5.201738 0.108225
0.757576 22409 1.178757 0.046179 0.076576 5.152197 0.128626
0.447070915 4745 2.134868197 0.050561676 0.052350823 4.662974925 0.075875
0.440678 3960 2.530451 0.0468133 0.14781836 4.6586218 0.066637
0.404453 3343 1.540554 0.070415 0.1107464 4.479489 0.06457
0.408302 2611 1.346703 0.076269 0.0805341 4.394574 0.056017
0.433233 2619 1.389136 0.069849 0.1672214 4.353397 0.060714
0.436994 2176 1.328981 0.066782 0.1013201 4.304383 0.058879
0.458138 2942 1.336312 0.059261 0.1865983 4.268625 0.087672
0.461997 2375 1.532382 0.05733 0.1023622 4.21751 0.083982
0.461285 2038 1.451356 0.061228 0.1265095 4.132132 0.079442
0.467167 1837 1.3567698 0.0614558 0.11862658 4.0693721 0.080666

Source: Annual Report of TESCO, BP and BT ( 2001-2010)

Appendix 2: Dividend Rate, Cash Flows from Operation, ROI, Growth and Size of Islami
Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL), United Leasing and Beximco Pharma Ltd. from 2001 to
Year DER Liquidity ROA (%) Dividend MKT CAP Growth
2001 144.5691164 3418.64 0.8 25 4.77 0
2002 293.9402985 3940.02 0.92 25 4.89 1.033216401
2003 407.7840317 1335.33 0.53 20 4.99 0.38730223
2004 812.6689093 2949.976653 1.1 0 5.1 0.992890467
2005 385.6695525 1896.458077 1 0 5.18 -0.525428439
2006 17.02567948 5076.35 1.03 0.15 5.27 -0.95585423
2007 15.71460996 11496.68 0.84 0 5.4 -0.077005415
2008 14.50807395 1 6495.08 1.27 0 5.46 -0.07677798
2009 13.42172863 11534 1.34 0.1 5.53 -0.074878673
2010 14.62268737 3329.73 1.47 0 5.65 0.089478694

Source: Annual Report of IBBL ( 2001-2010)

Appendix 3: Regression Result for UK Based Companies
Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .533a .284 .135 .57132

a. Predictors: (Constant), Size, Growth, DER, ROI, CFO


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 3.107 5 .621 1.904 .131a

Residual 7.834 24 .326

Total 10.940 29
a. Predictors: (Constant), Size, Growth, DER, ROI, CFO
b. Dependent Variable: DIV

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -3.618 2.220 -1.630 .116

CFO -2.967E-5 .000 -.494 -1.164 .256

DER .033 .056 .108 .579 .568

ROI 6.632 2.267 .650 2.925 .007

Growth -.194 .920 -.038 -.210 .835

Size .799 .511 .688 1.562 .131

a. Dependent Variable: DIV

Appendix 4: Regression Result of Bangladeshi Company

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .977a .954 .896 3.66161

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, Growth, ROI, DER, MKT


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1102.897 5 220.579 16.452 .009a

Residual 53.630 4 13.407

Total 1156.526 9

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, Growth, ROI, DER, MKT

b. Dependent Variable: Dividend


Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 182.787 36.079 5.066 .007

DER -.033 .007 -.761 -4.597 .010

Growth 10.054 2.667 .542 3.770 .020

ROI -4.619 6.996 -.114 -.660 .545

MKT -30.910 7.918 -.789 -3.904 .017

Liquidity .000 .000 -.253 -1.731 .159

a. Dependent Variable: Dividend

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