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Customer Standards Required For Reference

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General Motors

GM 1407 Pre production / pilot material shipping procedures

GM 1689 Supplier submission of match check material
GM 1724 Shipping Parts identification label standard
GM 1730 Component verification and traceability procedure
GM 1731 Traceability identifier equipment
GM 1737 Bar code std for part/component/module ID and traceability
GM 1746 Supplier quality processes and measurements procedure
GM 1747 Continuous improvement procedure
GM 1796/A GP-10 Evaluation and Accreditation test facilities
GM 1797 Shipping and Delivery performance requirements
GM 1805 QN Key Characteristic Designation System (KCDS)
GM 1820 GP-11 General procedure for pre-prototype and prototype material
GM 1825 C4 technology programme, GM supplier C4 information
GM 1920 GP-12 Early containment procedure
GM 1960 Run at rate procedure

Daimler Chrysler

Packaging shipping and labelling
PSFD0270 Prism
PS-7300 The Diamond
PF-8500 Product validation


Statement of Work
WSS-M99P9999-A1 (PPAP)
Global Craftsmanship
VOPQUN-008 (8d)
Customer Specific Requirements Grid
TS16949 STD # FORD Reqmt GM Reqmnt Daimler/Chrysler Visteon Compliance Reference Customer Rep change requires No requirement No requirement Same as FORD

REP notification within 10 days

5.5.3 No requirement No requirement No requirement No requirement


5.6 Mgmnt Review Using summarized QOS data for At least once per year No requirement Same as FORD
Mgmt review outline - need not
be one meeting
include Q-1 assessment results Resource RFQ must include feasibility No requirement No Requirement No Requirement

Provision for resources

6.3.1 Lean Evidence of LEAN principles No Requirement No requirement Same as FORD

6.3.2 Contingency Notification of Buyer and STA No requirement No requirement Documented Plan per
engineer, and Assembly plant website, plus notification
within 24 hours within 24 hours

6.4.2 Cleanliness Dunnage included No requirement No requirement Same as FORD

7.1 Product Meet requirements of See GM publications Use PAP method APQP status report
Realization Planning "Statement of Work" using Visteon form
Report APQP status as defined
in website
Use prototype data for production
See table A & B

7.1.4 Change no requirement no requirement Shall proactively communicate no requirement

control changes
Shall notify SQ Manager and
Purchasing agent of changes to
material, process and manuf.
Also supplier issues and
capacity issues

7.2.1 Environmental report materials per WSS-xxxxx no requirement No Requirement No Requirement

requirement - material noted in PPAP instructions Feasibility Include all supplier and Ford no requirement no requirement Same as FORD
organizations as appropriate "Should" do feasibility
20% volume increase requires
full feasibility study, Family parts may be covered by No requirement Need CP for all three build Similar to FORD but less
FMEAs, Control Plns one FMEA or CONTROL PLAN phases. stringent
This must be approved by FORD * several shalls that may
STA (Ford 4.2) need attention
emphasis on prevention Cust No requirement No requirement Establish communication No requirement

Communication through Global Supplier Portal

3 Special Critical and Special Ref GM 1805 "shall be knowledgeable If no SCs are identified then
Characteristics characteristics guidelines only Use GM KCDM of stds" PS-9336<H> plant must ID appropriate SCs
also PS-10125<T>, AS-10119<A> per Visteon procedure
Ref: The Diamond <>

7.3.4, Must use FPDS for review of No requirement All design changes Same as Ford
Design design and development stages must have written approval
prior to implementation

7.3.5 Design must perform verification to No requirement must be performed Same as Ford
Verification compare with VDS and SDS before PSO can be completed Verification methods shall be
Continuing conformance
inspection/test shall be
performed during the model

7.3.7 Design No requirement All changes shall have All changes shall have No requirement
Changes written approval or waiver written approval or waiver

recorded with the test results. Prototypes shall request confirmation of the Ref: GP4 No ref Same as Ford
need for prototypes PPAPs 1) Shall comply with AIAG PPAP Same as Ford Same as Ford Same as Ford
process PPAP's required
2)Subcontractors must meet PPAP from suppliers Same as Ford
3) All design changes shall have All proposed changes
approval per PPAP and made shall be submitted to Visteon for
through WERS or SREA process approval prior to implementation.
4) Run-at-rate is satisfied by PPAP level determined by
demonstrating "Prod. Verification" Visteon's report Card system
5) PPAP shall be reviewed yearly
PSW's re-issued after this review Incoming Need incoming metrics unless Ref: GM 1746 No ref Metrics to be used as key
Product Quality waived in writing by STA indicator of subcon management
Any inspection should be When sampling plans are used, sample
sufficient for the risk and impact sizes consistant with 90% confidence
to the OE and 0 defect acceptance criteria Scheduling 100% on time delivery No ref No ref No ref

Subcontractors from subcontractors
Monitor and minimise premium
freight. Job set Set up records shall be No ref No ref Same as Ford
ups maintained for 1 year. Note: includes manual tooling
exchanges 1) Documented system for No ref No ref Same as Ford

Preventive preventive maintenance
Maintenance Includes timely review and
documented action plan
2) Action plans to be included
in management review
3) Records kept for 1 year

Process Validation No requirement No requirement PSO shall be completed by No requirement
product team to verify readiness
prior to PPAP submittal.
Parts that have been out of
production for 12 months or more
shall have production led PSO

7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5 shall meet requirements Ref: GM 1731 shall conform to Use AIAG MMOG specified by Fords MP&L DC Packing, shipping and
Ref 4.340 Cust Specifics labelling instructions

7.6.1. MSA Family gauge studies must No ref No ref Record retention for life
be approved by STA of part plus 10 years., 5.2 Cust Must check report card system

Satisfaction Shall notify 3rd party in 5 days Notify within 5 days Notify registrar in writing Notify registrar if placed on
in writing if Q1 revoked. after being placed on in 5 working days if third party controlled
Shall monitor performance metric "New business hold - Quality" placed in the "Needs shipping or third party
as per Q1 and updates to FSP For details ref 4.2.8 GM Improvement" category. supplier improvement
2) Shall communicate customer specifics
satisfaction to all employees
twice a year.

8.2.2 Internal Either train auditors in new Should be aware of Perform at least once per year Internal audits must be
Audits standard or have completed core tools, customer performed by 3rd party
5 internal audits in the company specifics if no lead auditor available on site
of a trained auditor covering all
aspects relating to Ford
Process and product audits
can be performed by process
specialists without full auditor
training. Manufacturing1) Need to reduce variability usin no requirement No requirement

process Six Sigma or other similar

8.2.4, 8.3.4 ES test failures shall stop no requirement No requirement Develop plan to meet ES
Monitoring and shipments. Ford shall be informed test requirements and
measuring of product All suspect must be reworked. include in PPAP.
Test frequency requirements Reaction plans to failures
shall be noted in the control plan must be included in the IP
and FMEA test plan.
Revisions to frequencies need
STA approval Layout to be annual No requirement Same as Ford Same as Ford


8.3,8.5.2,8.5.3 Ref : Ford 8d and VOPQUN-008 ref: GM 1920 A written 7 step plan Ref: Visteon
Control of NC Internal notification system shall be submitted for management of
product and correctve Communicate results and PPM's corrective action quality spills process
action Implement corrective actions PRISM - at least two people at
each loc. must be trained in use
and reg. access the system
PSFD0270 to be incorporated
to effectively respond to PRISM

The following requirements are a new addition or significantly different from QS9000

TS 16949 reference Statement

5.1 Management Communicate to organisation the importance of meeting customer

Commitment regulatory and statutory requirements
Establish quality policy
Establish objectives
Conduct reviews
Ensure resources

5.1.1 Process Efficiency Top management shall review the product realization process
and supporting processes to ensure effectiveness and efficiency

5.4.1 Quality Objectives To ensure objectives are set including those relating to product
To ensure they are measurable, achievable in the time frame and
address customer expectation Customer Rep To ensure quality objectives are set including SC's, objectives
training, corrective action, preventive action and design and

5.5.3 Internal Top management shall ensure appropriate communication process

Communication ensuring communication regarding effectiveness of QMS. Motivation and Need process for motivating employees to achieve quality objectives,
Empowerment to make continual improvement and create an environment for
To include technical and quality awareness
Need process to measure the extent to which personnel are aware
of their relevance and importance and how they contribute to
the objectives

6.3 Infrastructure Ensure buildings and equipment are in good working order

7.2.3 Customer Implement effective arrangements for communicating in relation to

Communication product info, enquiries including amendments and feedback
from customer incl. customer complaints Product design ID, document and review customer requirements, use of info e.g.
input field data, prototype data, historical data and targets for lifespan,
durability, cost etc Manufacturing ID, document and review design output data, targets for productivity,
process design input capability and cost and experience from previous developments

TS 16949 reference Statement Manufacturing Needs to match MPD input (see above) to allow verification
process design output To include specs, drawings, flows, FMEA, CP, WI's, quality
measurables, error proofing, rapid detection and feedback of
NC's Supplier Monitor delivered product quality, customer disruptions and delivery
Monitoring performance including premium freight

8.1 Measurement Plan and implement processes to demonstrate conformity of

Systems Analysis product and qms and also to improve effectiveness of qms
(General) Internal auditor Auditors must be qualified to audit the latest TS standard
qualifications Manufacturing Continually focus on control and reduction of variation in product and
Process Improvement processes.
Note - Processes must be capable, stable and meeting
customer requirements before continual improvement can be

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