4. Troubleshooting
4-1 Troubleshooting
4-1-1 First Checklist for Troubleshooting
3. Check the voltage in and out between the SMPS ↔ Main Board, between the SMPS ↔ X, Y Main Board, and between the
Logic Boards.
■ No Power
- The LEDs on the front panel do not work when connecting the power cord.
Symptom - The SMPS relay does not work when connecting the power cord.
- The unit appears to be dead.
The SMPS relay or the LEDs on the front panel does not work when connecting the power cord if the cables
are improperly connected or the Main Board or SMPS is not functioning. In this case, check the following:
- Check the internal cable connection.
Major Checklist
- Check the fuses.
- Check the output voltage of the SMPS.
- Replace the Main Board.
CN801 No
② Check the STD5V vOLTAGE
Check PS_ON voltage if it is 0V
Replace the Main SMPS
When separating and connecting the cables such as CN810, CN809, CN808, CN807 of the Main SMPS, CN4701
Caution of the X Main Board, and CN5707 of the Y Main Board, a spark may be generated by the electric charge of the
high capacity capacitor. Therefore, wait some time after disconnecting the power cord from the unit.
Did problem improve? Replace the Y Main Board
Did problem improve? Replace the X Main Board
Did problem improve? Replace the Logic Board
Did problem improve? Replace the Y Scan Board
When separating and connecting the cables such as CN810, CN809, CN808, CN807 of the Main SMPS, CN4701
Caution of the X Main Board, and CN5707 of the Y Main Board, a spark may be generated by the electric charge of the
high capacity capacitor. Therefore, wait some time after disconnecting the power cord from the unit.
■ No Sound
Symptom - Video is normal but there is no sound.
- When the speaker connectors are disconnected or damaged.
Major Checklist - When the sound processing part of the Main Board is not functioning.
- Speaker defect.
■ No Video
Symptom - A normal/cable network analog broadcast screen is blank or abnormal but OSD is OK.
- Check the antenna connection settings (Air: NTSC / ATSC, Cable: NTSC)
Major Checklist - Check the CVBS cable connection.
- Check the power input of the Main board.
① Check CN6002_P pin2 for +33V Replace the SMPS
■ SMPS Troubleshooting
Power ON
STD_5V Check the ICB802, DB864, FB801, F801S
Normal PS-ON
VA Check the SUB2, QX801,QX802
Check the
Abnormal 5.3V : ICX808, QX806
Multi 12V : ICX803
VG : ICX805
18Vamp : ICX804
Normal VS-ON
VS Check the SUB1,QS801,QS802
1) Troubleshooting Summary
Condition Name Description Related Board
No Voltage Output Operating Voltage don't exist PSU
No Display Operating Voltage exist, but an Image doesn't exist on screen Y-MAIN, X-MAIN, Logic Main, Cable
Abnormal Display Abnormal Image(not open or short) is no screen Y-MAIN, X-MAIN, Logic Main
Sustain Open Some horizontal lines don't exist on screen Scan IC, FPC of X/Y
Sustain Short Some horizontal lines appear to be linked on screen Scan IC, FPC of X/Y
Address Open Some vertical lines don't exist on screen Logic Main, Logic Buffer, TCP
Address Short Some vertical lines appear to be linked on screen Logic Main, Logic Buffer, TCP
No Display
[ Logic Main ]
Check if power is supplied
( 5V, 3.3V )
Check the
Check if any address Check the ASIC input voltage
data output is detected Control Signal output
[ Y-MAIN ] [ X-MAIN ]
Check several points Check several points
Q4002, Q4202,
Q5500, Q5200, SHORT SHORT
FET/ Q4004, D4014, FET/
Q5201, Q5202, Replace the Board Replace the Board
DIODE D4013, Q4003 DIODE
Q5203, Q5400,
Q4101, Q4001,
Q5401, Q5402,
D4018, Q4007,
Q5300, D5105
Q4006, Q4005
D5104, D5103,
OK D4011, D4004 OK
Q5101, D5101,
Normal State Normal State
[ Logic Main ]
[ Y-MAIN ] [ X-MAIN ]
Observation of
Check necessary points Check necessary points
abnormal display
[ Logic Main ]
LED Blinks
( action of Vsync )
Regular NO
Logic Main
pattern Normal State
[ Y-MAIN ] [ X-MAIN ]
Check several points Check several points
Q4002, Q4202,
Q5500, Q5200, FET Replace the Board FET Replace the Board
Q4004, Q4003
Q5201, Q5202,
Q4101, Q4001,
Q5203, Q5400,
Q4007, Q4006,
Q5401, Q5402,
Q5300, Q5101,
Normal State Normal State
[ Y-FPC ]
Sustain Open
After Changing Y-buffer, Replace the Panel
recheck the status There is a defect on the FPC
(Defect is from Y-buffer)
After Changing Y-buffer, Replace the Panel
recheck the status There is a defect on the FPC
(Defect is from Y-buffer)
[ Logic Main ]
Address Open/Short
Check the LED operation
Check if the internal mode Check the check the DDR Input voltage.
screen is normal Video Board (Vref)
Reload the data onto the
MICOM and recheck it
Check if a specific TCP Block check the DDR Vref Input voltage.
screen is displayed abnormally check the Voltage Divider.
Replace the Panel
ྙ ྚ ྛ ྜ
ྠ ྡ
ྟ ྜྷ
ྡྷ ྣ
ྤ ྦ
The connector to load the MICOM drive program by connecting GA-WRITER. This
MICOM Loading 5 Pin Connector or
10 connector is also used to load and adjust 512K data and to connect the key-scan
UART Communication Connector
11 Flash Memory The flash memory to save the MICOM data to.
The connector to output the address data and the control signal to the E-buffer
12 Buffer Connection Connector
Board at the bottom.
The LED indicating that the Sync and clock signals have been received normally
13 Operation LED
by the Logic Board (Normal Status: It blinks at 0.5 second interval.)
The connector to output the address data and the control signal to the F-buffer
14 Buffer Connection Connector
Board at the bottom.
15 V-TOGG The V-SYNC Output Pin
ྡྷ ྤ ྦྷ ྚ
ྟ ྛ
ྞ ྜ
ྤ ྠ ྦ
The connector to load the MICOM drive program by connecting GA-WRITER. This
MICOM Loading 5 Pin Connector or
10 connector is also used to load and adjust 512K data and to connect the key-scan
UART Communication Connector
11 Flash Memory The flash memory to save the MICOM data to.
The connector to output the address data and the control signal to the E-buffer
12 Buffer Connection Connector
Board at the bottom.
The LED indicating that the Sync and clock signals have been received normally
13 Operation LED
by the Logic Board (Normal Status: It blinks at 0.5 second interval.)
The connector to output the address data and the control signal to the F-buffer
14 Buffer Connection Connector
Board at the bottom.
15 V-TOGG The V-SYNC Output Pin
Buffer Board Lower Part E Buffer Board Delivers the data and the control signals to the bottom left TCP. Single Scan
Lower Part F Buffer Board Delivers the data and the control signals to the bottom right TCP.
In case of problems with the product, please refer to the troubleshooting procedures described below.
① Visual Inspection: Check if the Operating LED on the Logic Main blinks at a half second interval.
▶ If the frequency of the blinking is too fast or slow, it means that the MICOM has failed to process the data properly.
Therefore, you have to reload the data onto the MICOM. Load the data using GA-WRITER when the power is
connected to the module.
② If no problem is found during the Visual Inspection, check if the drive waveform and the address data outputs are normal using
an oscilloscope. (Checkpoint: The DAMPING R-NET part output of each data output terminal.)
▶ If no drive waveform or address output is measured, this means that there is a drive problem due to MICOM data corruption,
which was the reason in the Visual Inspection. Therefore, in this case, reload the data as you did in the Visual Inspection.
▶ When data output is measured but it is abnormal, and the drive waveform is abnormal, it is probably due to a short-circuit of
the hardware. If the address data is abnormal, the screen may be abnormal due to abnormal data output by an abnormal
operation of the DDR memory due to an abnormal Vref voltage, or the screen may be abnormal due to a short-circuit in the
ass'y inside the board. You have to conduct a short-circuit test for each case.
▶ If the Vref voltage (the voltage of the Voltage Divider) is lower than 1.25V, check the resistance of the resistance output part
and check if the circuit is normal. If the Vref voltage is normal, the screen operates normally.
▶ If the screen is abnormal, even though the Vref voltage is normal, check if there is a short circuit by conducting a
short-circuit test. If a short-circuit is found, repair it. If the short-circuit is an internal one, replace the board.
▶The following waveforms represent normal V-sync and address data output waveforms.
[ Logic Main ]
Check if power is supplied
( 5V, 3.3V )
Check the
Check if any address Check the ASIC input voltage
data output is detected Control Signal output
② Abnormal Display
[ Logic Main ]
Address Open/Short
Check the LED operation
Check if the internal mode Check the check the DDR Input voltage.
screen is normal Video Board (Vref)
Reload the data onto the
MICOM and recheck it
Check if a specific TCP Block check the DDR Vref Input voltage.
screen is displayed abnormally check the Voltage Divider.
Replace the Panel
4-2 Adjustment
4-2-1 Service Instruction
2) Push Factory Key again, and you can enter Aging mode. Push Factory Key again, and you can go back Factory mode.
(Factory ↔ Aging)
3) Push Display + 3 Speed Key, and you can enter aging mode.
5. Adjustment Procedures
- Channel ▲ ▼ Key: Select an item.
- Volume ◀▶ Key: Adjust the value up or down.
- MENU Key: Save the changes to the EEPROM and return to the higher-level mode.
- Using the Numeric (0~9) keys, you can select a channel.
- Using the SOURCE key, you can switch AV modes.
※ The version of the firmware displayed at the bottom of the screen may differ and the firmware is subject to change for the
improvement of product functions.
※ If you have adjusted the settings in Service Mode, you have to reset the product.
4-2-3 Factory Data ★ The underlined are items applied during the service adjustment. None of the others should be adjusted.
1. Option Table(Service)
1 Factory Reset
2 Country Default
3 Ready Off On/Off
4 Panel Inch 50 19/22/23/26/27/32/37/40/42/46/50/52/57
5 Dimm Type INT
6 Panel Type 32CMO
7 Model Option Carnelian Amber/Coral/Jade/Tanzanite/Pyrope/Carnelian
8 Anynet+ Off On/Off
9 Light Effect On On/Off
10 TTX On ON/Off
11 TTX List FLOF List/FLOF
12 TTX Group Lang OSD W Europe/E Europe/Russia/Greek/Turkey/Arab/Farsi/ArabHbrw/Lang OSD
13 Carrier Mute Off On/Off
14 High Devi Off On/Off
15 Volume Curve Small
16 Hot Plug On On/Off
15 HotPlugCtrl On On/Off
16 HotPlugDelay 12 0-63
17 Auto Power On On/Off
18 LNA Menu Off On/Off
"Off or opens the ""Hotel Option"" sub page with the following items:Hotel Mode Off
(Off/On)Power on Channel 1 (0-99)Power on Volume 10 (0-99)Max Volume 100 (0-
19 Hotel Option Off 99)OffPower On Source TV/EXT1/AV2/S-Video1/S-
Video2/Component1/Component2/PC/HDMI2/HDMI3/HDMI4/Wise LinkVideoMute CH1 2 (0-
99)VideoMute CH2 2 (0-99)VideoMute CH3 2 (0-99)"
20 D.Gamma OFF OFF; 0.85 32; 0.95 32; 0.85; 0.88; 0,90; 0,93; 0,95; 0,98; 22_19
21 PC Ident On On/Off
22 Language English
24 DDR Etron
25 Shop Mode Off On/Off
26 Nordic On On/Off
27 NT Conversion Off
"Opens the ""Control"" sub page with the following items:WM Calib : OffEDID ProtectEDID
28 Control
TypeEDID WriteWB DataEEPROM ResetLogic Download"
50" EU MRT/50" EU MESH/50" EU SPU/50" EA MRT/50" EA MESH/50" EA SPU/42" EU
29 PDP Filter 50" EU SPU
MRT/42" EU MESH/42" EU SPU/42" EA MRT/42" EA MESH/42" EA SPU
30 PDP Group L25E_DS L25E_DS/L24E_RS/L25E_RS/L24E_DS
31 Spread Spectrum
2. WB Adjust
No Item Sub Page
AV Calibration Failure/Success
COMP Calibration Failure/Success
1 Calibration
PC Calibration Failure/Success
HDMI Calibration Failure/Success
Sub Bright 128
Red Offset 128
Green Offset 128
Blue Offset 128
2 White Balance
Sub Contrast 128
Red Gain 128
Green Gain 128
Blue Gain 128
Std Contr 80
Std Bright 45
Std Sharp 50
3 EPA Standard
Std Color 50
Std Tint 50
Std Backlight 7
WB Movie On/Off
Color Mode Dynamic/Movie/Standard
Color Tone Cool1/Normal/Warm1/Warm2/Cool2
MSub Brigh 128
MSub Contr 128
W1_RGAIN 128
W1_BGAIN 128
W1_ROFFS 128
W2_RGAIN 128
W2_BGAIN 128
W2_ROFFS 128
W2_BOFFS 128
4 Movie WB NO_BGAIN 128
C2_RGAIN 128
C2_BGAIN 128
C2_ROFFS 128
C2_BOFFS 128
Movie Contr 128
Movie Brigh 128
Movie Color 128
Movie Sharp 128
Movie Tint 50
Mv BkLight 128
M.Gamma OFF; 0.85; 0.88; 0.90; 0.93; 0,95; 0,98; 22_19
4. Advanced Menu
Panel Type 82
Panel Inch 50 HD
Panel Ver. Nicam Threshold
Logic Sw Ver. 07Y 10M 23D
Panel Temp + 43
( Chess Pattern )
* Color temperature
1500K +/-500, -6 ~-20 MPCD
* Color coordinate
H/L : 270/280 +/- 2
L/L : 270/280 +/- 3, 2.1 Ft +/-0.05 Ft
1. On the basis of toshiba ABL pattern : High Light level (57 IRE)
* Mode No 2 : 744X484@60 Hz
No 6 : 1280X720@60 Hz
No 21 : 1024X768@60 Hz
* Pattern No 36 : 16 Color Pattern
No 16 : Toshiba ABL Pattern
■ Method of Adjustment
Low light
Measurement point
Hight light
Measurement point
※ When replacing the SMPS or PDP panel, you have to check the voltage printed on the panel sticker and adjust it.
■ Voltage Adjustment
1. After replacing the SMPS or PDP panel, you must adjust the voltage referring to the voltage label printed on the panel.
(If you do not adjust the voltage, an abnormal discharge symptom may appear.)
Value Board Adjustment
Vs 210
Va 63
Vset - SMPS
Ve 94
Vscan -190
Voltage Label
Va Adjustment
Vs Adjustment
Vs Test point
Vs Test point
Test Point
For the Drive Waveform, adjust the Main Reset (Rising Ramp and Falling Ramp) in the F/W pattern as shown by the figure.
Vs Vsc_l Ve Va
205V -190V 100V 56V(FIX)
Falling ramp
4-3 Upgrade
4-3-1 How to Update Flash ROM (with RS-232C Cable)