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Articles and Reports (Test)

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Questions 1-2 refer to the following article.

Ventura Toys Announces CEO Retirement and New Appointee

Ventura Toys Corporation announced Monday that Paolo Lucas will retire as chief executive officer
on October 30. However, Lucas will continue to serve as chairman of the board. The board of
directors elected Manuel Garza as Lucas’s successor, effective on October 31. Garza currently serve
as president and chief operating officer.
Lucas has played a variety of roles at the company, including senior attorney, product manager, and
treasurer. He has served on the board of directors since 2004. Lucas was appointed president of
Ventura Toys in 2008 and CEO in 2009. Under Lucas ‘s leadership, the company has grown through
strategic acquisitions and a strong emphasis on new product development.
Lucas said of his successor, “I’m confident that Ventura will continue its growth under Manuel’s
leadership.” Manuel Garza is a 20 - year veteran of the company who has served as COO since 2012.
In that role, he led all of Ventura’s global operations.

1. What is NOT stated about the retiring CEO? 2. The word "effective" in paragraph 1, line 3, is
(A) He will remain on the board of directors. closest in meaning to
(B) He has held several jobs at the (A) successful
company. (B) operative
(C) He has been with Ventura for 20 years. (C) intentional
(D) He focused on creating new products (D) sufficient
as CEO.
Questions 3-5 refer to the following article.

Halo Supermarkets to Build Hundreds of US Stores.

On Wednesday, the international supermarket chain Halo revealed its intention to construct
nearly 400 new stores across the United States. This three-year, $2 billion expansion is expected
to make the grocer a growing threat to the country’s top food retailers. Discount chains like Halo
are predicted to grow at several times the rate of traditional grocery chains - at least 8% a year
through 2025, according to recent research by the consulting firm Wilders & Co.
Because the company has never invested in large marketing campaigns, many American
shoppers will be discovering the chain for the first time. A Halo spokesman, Justin Cho, said that
the company keeps prices down by carrying mostly store-brand goods rather than famous
brand names, and that Halo-brand goods have been improving.
“We’re confident that the quality of our products will start attracting a wider range of American
customers,” Cho said. He added that the younger generation is less loyal to big-name brands and
thus more likely to try store brands. In a recent survey by Wilders & Co., a majority of shoppers
under 30 said they trust store brands and feel that they are a smart way to save money. The
Halo expansion is also expected to create about 10,000 new jobs.

3. What is the article about? 5. What is implied about Halo?

(A) A supermarket's new marketing campaign (A) It expects to attract young shoppers.
(B) A predicted growth in the grocery industry (B) It will soon become the top US food
(C) A company's plans to expand retailer.
(D) A new report by a consulting firm (C) It receives many complaints about quality.
(D) Its store-brand goods have become more

4. What is stated about discount supermarkets?

(A) They are especially popular in the US.
(B) They have a wide variety of brands.
(C) They use aggressive marketing.
(D) They are expected to grow rapidly.
Questions 6-8 refer to the following article.

Economy Showing Signs of Life

Lakeland Hills (October 25) - All across few businesses in nearby places have
the country, countless cities and states also shuttered their doors and moved
are raising the minimum wage in an to the business-friendly confines of
effort to improve their struggling Lakeland Hills. The owners of these
economies. However, here in Lakeland companies specifically mentioned the
Hills, Mayor Rush Nelson and the city city’s low tax rate as the primary
council have been attempting another reason for moving.
strategy, and it appears to be paying off
In the past four months, unemployment
as the city is showing signs of emerging
has dropped steadily and now stands at
from the lengthy recession that began
only 4.2%. That is much better than the
when Mark Sanders was mayor.
7.4% rate for the entire state. Thanks to
Mr. Nelson encouraged the city council the city’s booming economy, tax
to slash local taxes, including both the revenues have gone up despite the
city’s sales tax and property tax, around decrease in tax rates. This is enabling
half a year ago. While some council the city to pay for improvements in
members and local residents protested infrastructure that have long been
the decision, it appears as though Mr. needed. Among these projects are the
Nelson’s move was the right one. Not repaving of parts of Main Street and
only have several local companies Oak Avenue and the construction of
started hiring new employees, but a another bridge across the Golden River.

6. What happened when Mr. Sanders was the 8. What is stated about Lakeland Hills’s current
mayor? economic situation?
(A) The unemployment rate in Lakeland Hills (A) Businesses are departing the region for
improved. nearby cities.
(B) The economy of Lakeland Hills got worse. (B) The unemployment rate in the local area is
(C) Many residents of Lakeland Hills moved 7.4%.
away. (C) It is good enough to pay to improve some
(D) Taxes were raised higher than normal. streets.
(D) Less tax revenue than normal is being
7. What did Mr. Nelson do six months ago?
(A) Requested that taxes in the city be lowered
(B) Won an election against Mr. Sanders
(C) Opened his own business in Lakeland Hills
(D) Decided to stop collecting property taxes
Questions 9-11 refer to the following information.

Welcome to the Sunrise Campground

Thank you for staying at the Sunrise Campground at Mount Rainier. Please remember to be
courteous to your fellow campers and to do your best not to disturb them. During your stay
here, you must obey all three of the following rules:
1. Do not waste water in the bathrooms, which are located in the northeast and southeast
corners of the campground. Take short showers and do not let the water in the faucet
run continually.
2. Make sure that all fires are extinguished and that burning fires are never left
unattended. Remember to pour, stir, and pour. First, pour water on the fire, and then
stir the coal and ashes. After that, pour more water on the fire. Firewood can be
acquired in lot #1 for a minimal fee.
3. Do not leave any garbage at the campground. Keep the site clean both to prevent
pollution and to keep wild animals away from the site. Anyone who is caught littering
will be fined $100.
Remember the Golden Rule of camping: The only thing you should leave at your campground is
your footprints.
Call 805-4395 to speak with the manager of the campground or dial 595 - 4943 to get in touch
with a park ranger

9. Who are the instructions for? 11. What action can cause a person to pay a fine?
(A) Park rangers (A) Littering
(B) Day visitors (B) Making noise
(C) Hikers (C) Feeding wild animals
(D) People staying overnight (D) Wasting water

10. What can be purchased at the campground?

(A) Bottled water
(B) Wood
(C) Snacks
(D) Tents
Questions 12-14 refer to the following article.

A New Shop Downtown

New Haven (June 15) - Visitors downtown the walls of the store were made by her late
can easily get lost on account of the plethora father, Marcus Watson.
of small businesses and the vibrant
Mr. Watson was a well-known artist in the
atmosphere they create. Those who find
local community, who passed away last year.
themselves at the corner of Third Street and
Eli Road should be sure to have a look inside Customers at Watson's Arts and Crafts
Watson's Arts and Crafts. While it's a new therefore get not only great service but also
store, it's also home to a small bit of history the opportunity to admire outstanding works
and passion in New Haven. of art. Tony Brown, a frequent customer at
the store, commented, "Ms. Watson
Owner Rachel Watson opened the store this
understands art and sells her wares for low
May. "My father loved art and believed that
prices, but she's also doing the community a
art is the heart of every society. I decided to
service by opening what's essentially a
honor him by opening a store to provide
gallery. There are times that I come here just
supplies for artists while simultaneously
to admire the works instead of to buy
displaying some of the artwork he created
something." Customers don't need to worry
throughout the store," she said. All of the
that the artwork will disappear anytime soon.
numerous paintings and drawings adorning
Despite some hefty offers, Ms. Watson is thus
far refusing to sell any of her father's works.


12. Where is artwork by Mr. Watson displayed? 14. The word “hefty” in paragraph 3, line 12 is
(A) At Ms. Watson’s home closest in meaning to:
(B) In a local gallery (A) persistent
(C) At Watson’s Arts and Crafts (B) heavy
(D) Alongside Eli Road (C) considerable
(D) unique
13. What is suggested about Mr. Brown?
(A) He creates art.
(B) He knew Mr. Watson.
(C) He is friends with Ms. Watson.
(D) He works at Watson’s Arts and Crafts.
Questions 15-18 refer to the following article.

Bernard Jacques Speaks at focused on what he has learned as the

founder of a successful Internet startup.
Stanton University
One of Jacques's most surprising pieces of
____________________________________ advice was to avoid relying on
technologies such as video conferencing
The founder and CEO of the second-hand
to communicate. While Internet meetings
clothing website appeared in
appear to save costs, according to Jacques,
front of a packed auditorium at Stanton
there is no substitute for the old-
University on Tuesday evening. Bernard
fashioned business trip. "Direct
Jacques's lecture, entitled "Five Essential
interaction reduces the chances of
Tips for Startups," attracted an audience
misunderstanding, helps build
of approximately 300, marking a
relationships, and speeds up the sharing
promising start to this year's Business
of ideas," he explained. Other topics
Leader Lecture Series. The series is an
covered in the talk included how to hire
annual event organized by Stanton
the right people and how to build
University's College of Business. Each fall,
customer loyalty. Audience members
achievers in the private and non-profit
participated in a thirty-minute Q and A
sectors are invited to discuss various
session following the lecture.
topics with students, business owners,
and members of the community. All Business Leader lectures are held on
Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. and are free and
Jacques's company, which sells second-
open to the public. Visit
hand designer clothing and accessories for more
online, received $5 million in funding
from investors late last year. His talk

15. What is the purpose of the article? 17. What is stated about Bernard Jacques?
(A) To advertise a future lecture series (A) He spent $5 million on his business.
(B) To announce a new university program (B) He teaches at a university.
(C) To profile a well-known businessperson (C) He invests in online startups.
(D) To report on a recent successful talk (D) He runs an Internet store.

16. What does Bernard Jacques think about video 18. The word "covered" in paragraph 2, line 16, is
conferencing? closest in meaning to
(A) It is becoming less expensive. (A) addressed
(B) It will continue to grow more popular. (B) finished
(C) It cannot replace face-to-face meetings. (C) protected
(D) It is misunderstood by many people. (D) hidden
Questions 19-22 refer to the following article.

Candy-Selling Youth Finds Wallet “The first clerk I talked to

immediately recognized Mr. Bradlin’s name,”
THURMONT (April 22) —On Tuesday a wallet said Tim. “He knew that Mr. Bradlin was the
containing a sizable amount of money was owner of Thurmont Bicycles, just around the
discovered in Thurmont by 13-year-old Tim corner from the market.”
Suderman. That morning, Tim was out selling
candy bars door-to-door to earn money for The clerk made a quick phone call to
the new uniforms needed by his middle Mr. Bradlin, who rushed over to Forest View
school football team. “I was on the sidewalk Market.
along Fount Street when I noticed a wallet
“I must have lost my wallet walking
just sitting there,” Tim recounts. According to
from the market back to work,” said Mr.
Tim, the wallet contained several large bills,
Bradlin, who was delighted with the return of
two credit cards, and a family picture. The
his lost property. He was so pleased that he
name on the credit cards was William
opened up his wallet and bought all 20 candy
Bradlin, but there was nothing in the wallet
bars that Tim had for sale. And he gave him
that provided an address.
an extra $50 to further boost the uniform
Wanting to return the wallet to Mr. fund.
Bradlin as soon as possible, Tim walked to
“A good deed like that deserves a
nearby Forest View Market to see if anyone
reward!” added Mr. Bradlin.
could help him with his search.

19. What is indicated about Tim? 21. What did Tim receive as a reward?
(A) He wants to work at a bicycle shop. (A) A new bicycle
(B) He is a member of a sports team. (B) Clothes
(C) He found something at the park. (C) A donation
(D) His father works as a clerk. (D) Candy

22. The word “deed” in paragraph 6, line 1, is

20. What was NOT included in the wallet? closest in meaning to
(A) Cash (A) act
(B) Credit cards (B) law
(C) A photograph (C) sale
(D) A driver’s license (D) property
Questions 23-26 refer to the following article.

Tips for Shopping Online

Shopping online gives you access to thousands of goods from companies around the world. However,
some more unfortunate individuals find that the goods they ordered look nothing like the pictures,
arrive damaged, or don't arrive at all. Here are some tips to help protect yourself when you shop on
the Web.

 Before placing your first order, research other people's opinions of the company. There are
many websites dedicated to reviewing online companies with satisfaction surveys, and
customer reviews and comments.
 Next, read all the available information the company provides, including the fine print. Make
sure you read and understand the return policy. Check whether you will have to pay for
shipping if you need to return the goods.
 Always include shipping costs and sales tax in the final price when comparing costs. If the
cheapest item has the most expensive shipping fees, it might not be the bargain it seems to
 Keep records of your order. Print out your e-receipt, or save it to a file on your hard drive.
This proof-of-purchase will help you in the event that your item is damaged or not what you
If you encounter any problems with an online company, contact a consumer advocacy group. You
can easily find telephone numbers for such groups on the Internet.

23. What should you do before making an online 25. The word "encounter" in paragraph 6, line 1, is
purchase? closest in meaning to
(A) Ask about discounts (A) face
(B) Compare similar websites (B) solve
(C) Check the pictures of the item (C) cause
(D) Find out about shipping costs (D) dislike

24. Why should an online shopper keep the 26. Whom should you contact if you have
receipts? problems?
(A) For recycling purposes (A) The review websites
(B) In case there are disputes (B) The shipping company
(C) To show for the shipping (C) A customer watchdog
(D) To prove his or her identity (D) Your Internet provider
Questions 27-30 refer to the following article.

Literacy Awareness Month to Conclude Soon

Literacy Awareness Month is about to come to a close. Before it reaches its end, we would like to
salute all of the members of the community who are making a difference to our children. We at
the Reading Club of Kent (RCK) have been battling illiteracy among impoverished children by
hosting daily events that encourage both children and their parents to read every day. This
year’s program has been a big success thanks to the hard work of our volunteers.—[I]—
Knowing that reading is the key to education and that education is fundamental to staying out of
poverty, the RCK has been hosting reading sessions at the Kent Public Library.—[2]—
Elementary schoolchildren throughout the city have been coming to read and to listen to local
athletes, singers, actors, and other celebrities read their favorite stories aloud. A combined total
of more than 2,500 children have attended these events.—[3]—
The RCK was established by Joseph Stack and his family. The Stack family resettled in Kent in
1892 and was disturbed by the number of children who were unable to read. They therefore
vowed to fight illiteracy in Kent and the surrounding area.—[4]— Since then, the RCK has
donated more than 20,000 books to children living in poverty and has held special events such
as this one on an annual basis.

27. Where does the article most likely appear? 29. Who is Joseph Stack?
(A) In a weekly newsletter (A) The founder of the city of Kent
(B) In a history book (B) A Literacy Awareness Month volunteer
(C) In a national newspaper (C) An original member of the RCK
(D) In a recruiting pamphlet (D) A worker at Kent Public Library

28. What has been happening during Literacy 30. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3],
Awareness Month? and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
(A) Free books have been given to poor “More than 220 people have donated their time
individuals. and effort to helping others learn to read this
(B) Famous people have read books to month.”
children. (A) [1]
(C) Reading classes for adults have been held. (B) [2]
(D) Fundraisers have been held to help buy (C) [3]
books. (D) [4]
Questions 31-34 refer to the following article.

Metro-Edibles Corporation foods when eating out. Neha Ramisetty,

Announces New Direction Metro-Edibles’ top executive, noted that the
industry in general is placing less emphasis
May 7—Metro-Edibles Corporation has
on fried foods and focusing more on fresh
announced that it plans to develop a fast -
ingredients and nutritional value.
food chain it is calling Soup and Salad Central.
The new chain will be managed from Metro- “We are offering this approach too, at
Edibles Hong Kong headquarters, and the an average price of US $7.50 for a lunch or
multinational corporation hopes to dinner, with cheaper options for breakfast
eventually introduce 200 Soup and Salad and snacks,” said Ms. Ramisetty.
Central locations throughout Asia and “Furthermore, we will cater mostly to urban
Europe. residents with faster-paced lifestyles. So we
think that they will appreciate the
“The convenience food sector has
convenience that our menu will offer.”
shown worldwide growth over the last
decade,” remarked Louis Merkey, industry Metro-Edibles Corp, is optimistic that Soup
analyst at “Metro-Edibles and Salad Central, its newest subsidiary, will
is wisely taking advantage of this trend.” start to turn profits by its second year of
operations. The corporation still carries some
A survey conducted by Metro-Edibles
long-term debt from money it borrowed to
over the last year revealed that consumers
start current enterprises.
are choosing to purchase more wholesome

31. Who most likely is Mr. Merkey? 33. What does Ms. Ramisetty NOT indicate about
(A) A legal consultant for Metro-Edibles the meals at Soup and Salad Central?
Corporation (A) They will be less expensive than meals
(B) A Hong Kong bank officer at similar restaurants.
(C) A nutrition expert (B) They will be available throughout the
(D) A food industry researcher day.
(C) They will include healthful ingredients.
(D) They will be served quickly.

32. What is reported about Metro-Edibles 34. What is suggested about Soup and Salad
Corporation? Central?
(A) It has hired a new leader. (A) It replaces an unsuccessful Metro-
(B) It has been affected by slow industry Edibles Corporation enterprise.
growth. (B) It will offer recipes of its menu items to
(C) It investigated people’s dining customers.
preferences. (C) It is not expected to be profitable
(D) It is planning to relocate its immediately.
headquarters. (D) It will open locations primarily in small
Questions 35-39 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Carney Shipbuilding Hires New Sales

Norfolk (June 16) – Carney Shipbuilding, profit of more than $50 million in a mere
one of the country’s largest ship three years. He is expected to do the
manufacturers, just announced it has same for Carney, which has seen its
hired Jerod Morris to serve as the revenues decline lately.
company’s director of the Sales
Darren Jackson, the CEO of Carney
Department. Mr. Morris will assume his
Shipbuilding, commented, “We’re
new position on July 1. The move was
extremely pleased to have Mr. Morris on
widely praised by experts in the
board. We’re confident that with his
industry, who cite Mr. Morris’s record of
contacts in the industry and his
success at his previous three places of
outstanding business mind, we’ll be able
employment. At his most recent
to increase our sales and once again
position, which was at Gregory
become the country’s number-one
Manufacturing, Mr. Morris helped the
shipbuilder.” Carney had revenues of
company transform from being a
$775 million last year and is projecting a
multimillion-dollar loser to earning a
slight increase in the coming year.
To: Jerod Morris <>
From: Cindy Roman <>
Subject: Meeting
Date: July 1

Dear Mr. Morris,

I hope you’ve finished your meetings with HR and CEO Jackson. All of us in the Sales
Department are looking forward to meeting you and to working with you. I’d like you to
know that you have a busy afternoon scheduled for today. As soon as lunch ends, you’re
going to be meeting with Rajiv Merhra and Scott Pulaski, both of whom are senior
salesmen here. They need to speak to you about a potential deal with the firm you just
departed. Since you were there for five years, they hope you can provide some invaluable
insight as to how they should approach the negotiations.
Then, at 2:00, you’re scheduled to have a meeting regarding deals we signed with the
Wellman Corporation and CGR, Inc. in June. That should take an hour and a half to
complete. At 4:00, you’ll conduct your final meeting of the day. It’s with Karen Chu and
Dansby Burgess. This is mostly a chance for them to meet you and to get to know your
management style. However, expect them to bring up the Sybax Corporation. There’s a
folder on your desk with the relevant information.
If you need anything from me, just respond to this e-mail or call me at extension 21.
Cindy Roman

35. Where would the article most likely be found? 38. Where does Ms. Roman work?
(A) In a quarterly report (A) At the Sybax Corporation
(B) In a leisure magazine (B) At Gregory Manufacturing
(C) In a business journal (C) At Carney Shipbuilding
(D) On a travel website (D) At CGR, Inc.

36. What is mentioned about Carney Shipbuilding? 39. What will Mr. Morris do right after lunch?
(A) It earned a profit of $50 million last year. (A) Sign a contract with the Sybax Corporation
(B) It recently hired Darren Jackson as its CEO. (B) Talk about the Wellman Corporation
(C) It is expected to take in more revenue than (C) Have a discussion about Gregory
last year. Manufacturing
(D) It signed a multimillion-dollar deal last (D) Meet with some representatives from CGR,
month. Inc.

37. Why did Ms. Roman write the e-mail?

(A) To provide information about some
(B) To ask about the Sybax Corporation
(C) To congratulate a person on his hiring
(D) To request that Mr. Morris see her in
Questions 40-44 refer to the following announcement, article, and memo.


The Portland Job Fair

The eleventh annual Portland Job Fair will take place on Friday, April 10, and Saturday, April 11.
This year’s fair promises to be bigger and better than ever. The event will be held in the Portland
Civic Center and will begin at 8 in the morning and conclude at 7 in the evening on each day.
Representatives from 450 local, national, and international businesses have pledged to attend.
These companies represent some of the biggest names in the aerospace, financial, manufacturing,
robotics, and shipping industries. In addition, local airplane manufacturer Plautus will be in
attendance and hopes to hire 100 individuals at the fair. Attendees are advised to wear formal
clothes as some of them will be given interviews on the spot. They should also arrive with resumes,
portfolios, and other documents. Attendance is free, and there is no need to make reservations.


Portland Job Fair Ends in Success

Portland (April 12) - The Portland Job Fair ended yesterday, and organizers are calling it the
most successful event in the history of the fair. More than 15,000 jobseekers are estimated to
have visited the Portland Civic Center in an attempt to land jobs. The most popular booth by far
was the Plautus one as the company had publicly announced its intentions to hire attendees at
the fair. Plautus did not disappoint. Company spokesman Rod Merchant said, “The high quality
of the attendees convinced us to hire double the number of individuals that we had initially
planned. We’re very pleased with the results of this year’s fair.” other multinational firms, such
as Orion, Walker Research, and PT Systems, claim to have hired several individuals at the fair as
well. Orion’s representative Wilma O’Neil stated, “This is one of the best job fairs in the country.
We know we’ll be getting attendees who are well educated and ambitious when we come here.”
TO: All Employees, R&D Department
FROM: David Murphy, HR
SUBJECT: New Employees
DATE: April 21
Please be aware that there will be 38 new workers starting in the R&D Department here at
Plautus. The individuals will all begin on Monday, May 1. All of them were hired at the Portland
Job Fair, where many of you also found employment here. Since we’ve never hired this many
new workers at the same time, we need to be sure that the orientation process goes smoothly.
After consulting with Samir Punjab, the head of your department, I decided to set up a
mentoring program. Some of you will be assigned to act as mentors to new employees. You will
be responsible for teaching your mentee everything he or she needs to know about his or her
new position. I’d prefer that everyone involved be a volunteer. So if you think you’d be a good
mentor, please contact either me (extension 549) or Mr. Punjab no later than April 25.

40. What is NOT stated about the Portland Job 43. Why did Mr. Murphy write the memo?
Fair? (A) To invite people to apply for new positions
(A) Around 450 companies will be (B) To request volunteers for a program
represented there. (C) To introduce some new employees
(B) It has been held on multiple occasions. (D) To announce a new orientation session
(C) Companies conduct interviews at it.
(D) A firm must pay a fee to get a booth.

41. In the announcement, the word “pledged” 44. Where does Mr. Punjab work?
in line 4 is closest in meaning to: (A) In the HR Department
(A) promised (B) In the Manufacturing Department
(B) decided (C) In the R&D Department
(C) registered (D) In the Accounting Department
(D) paid

42. What is suggested about Plautus?

(A) It hired 200 people at the Portland Job
(B) It is the country’s largest airplane
(C) It recently merged with Walker Research.
(D) It is one of the founders of the Portland Job
Questions 45-49 refer to the following hotel reviews, Web page, and article.

Garnett Guesthouse
Loved everything about this hotel except for its Web site. It was absolutely impossible to book
our stay online. We tried to reserve a room, but the site kept crashing. We almost gave up, but
decided to call the hotel and were able to make the arrangements that we wanted. The owner
was very nice and gave us directions to her place. We suggested she look into a software tool
that we recently bought and have had a lot of success with. Works great for us!
Anna and Mark, July 11
How can I make a reservation for this hotel? Their Web site is very difficult to use - it says
every room is “unavailable.” I’m trying to stay there in December, so I feel there’s something
wrong with the site.
Meiying, August 3

How Your Hotel Can Benefit from Reserva

You’re not just renting out rooms anymore — Reserva Corporation helps you improve
the customer experience.
We’ve all come to expect convenience from our online experiences. We assume single-click
payments and instant answers to our questions. Reserva is an affordable business software
solution that helps bed-and-breakfasts, guesthouses, and other small hotels provide these
services efficiently.

 Reserva creates mobile-friendly designs for guests on the go.

Many of your guests are likely to search for a hotel room on their smartphones,
which means it is crucial for your site to be as mobile-friendly as possible.
 Reserva shows your establishment in great detail.
High-quality photos of the facility on your Web site will make it clear what sets you
apart from the competition.
 Reserva allows rooms to be booked right from your site.
Potential customers will abandon your site if they’re not able to book rooms
Reserva offers four different plans: Package A is for skilled hoteliers who do not need
programming support; Package B is for subscribers who want the convenience of our
updating tools; Package C is for managers of multiple properties; Package D is a monthly
subscription with unlimited programming support. To learn more about each of our
packages, or to purchase one, go to the appropriate tab on this Web page.
Hotel Reservation Management Francine Malloy couldn’t agree more. “I
Simplified looked into purchasing Reserva after one of
our guests recommended it. I was so relieved
The hospitality business is a multimillion to finally find a solution to our Web site
dollar competitive industry that relies on problems. The Reserva software is very easy
effective and efficient ways for consumers to to use and intuitive. Even more, with the help
access hotel Web sites and make of the tools provided, we were able to update
reservations. the site information ourselves. Our guests,
“We’re often approached by hotels that and particularly our return guests, are very
are losing business to competitors with better impressed with our new Web site. All parties
Web sites,” says Reserva developer Dmitri involved are very satisfied. Within twenty-
Kellerman. “A number of hospitality software four hours of launch, the first reservation
developers provide Web-design services, but came in and online bookings have been
then expect the hoteliers to be able to arriving so quickly that in just ten days, the
program their own applications to stay site had fully paid for the cost of the upgrade.”
competitive. This is beyond the skills of most
small-business owners.”

45. What common problem do the reviewers of 48. What service did Ms. Malloy most likely buy?
Garnett Guesthouse mention? (A) Package A
(A) The location is hard to find. (B) Package B
(B) Online reservations are difficult to make. (C) Package c
(C) The room descriptions are not accurate. (D) Package D
(D) The prices are out-of-date.

46. What type of business do Anna and Mark likely 49. In the article, the word “parties” in paragraph
have? 3, line 10, is closest in meaning to
(A) A hotel (A) groups
(B) A travel agency (B) celebrations
(C) An advertising firm (C) companies
(D) A software development company (D) subscribers

47. What is NOT mentioned as a feature enabled

by using the Reserva software?
(A) High-quality images on Web sites
(B) Mobile-friendly Web sites
(C) Direct reservations made by customers
(D) Real-time chatting with hotel staff
Questions 50-54 refer to the following article, announcement, and letter.


Surprise Merger Announced

Richmond (October 3) - This morning, the CEO of
Pennington's, Amy Emery, spoke at a press conference
and said that her company and Rosebud, Inc. had agreed
to merge. Both businesses are among the most popular
grocery stores in the states of California, Nevada, and
Arizona. Pennington's has 186 stores in those three
states while Rosebud has 109. When the companies
merge, the Rosebud name will be dropped, and all of the
stores will be renamed Pennington's.
Rosebud was founded only 3 years ago but has seen its
popularity dramatically increase due to the high quality
of the food it sells at low prices. Ms. Emery stated that
Pennington's will be adopting many of the business
practices at Rosebud. She also mentioned that some
stores will be closed to avoid redundancy in certain areas
where two stores are located close to each other. The
merger is expected to be complete by November 1.

Rosebud Store to Close

On October 31, the Rosebud Grocery Store located at 494 Sedona Avenue in Phoenix, Arizona, is
going to close its doors for the last time at midnight. This is related to the merger between
Rosebud, Inc. and Pennington’s and has nothing to do with the financial performance of the
store, which is quite strong. We urge all Rosebud customers to shop at Pennington’s, where they
can expect the same fantastic quality and low prices they currently get at Rosebud.
Since the store will be closing, everything in it must go. On October 30 and 31, we will be having
a special sale. Everything we sell will be available at half off its regular price. We’re also going to
remain open all day and night for those two days to make sure that our customers can maximize
their shopping experience.
November 1
Dear Rosebud Gold Card Member,
While Rosebud, Inc. no longer exists as a corporation, you can still have the same shopping
experience you were used to getting there. Just visit your nearest Pennington’s Supermarket. We
understand it may take a while to get used to shopping at a new grocery store, so we’d like to
make the transition easier for you.
First, visit your local Pennington’s and trade your Rosebud Gold Card for a Pennington’s Gold
Card. You will get all the benefits you had at Rosebud and more. From now until November 15,
you qualify for a 20% discount off every purchase you make. In addition, check out the coupons
we included with this letter. They offer discounts on the most popular items Rosebud used to
We’d like to make Pennington’s your new home for grocery shopping. If there is anything we can
do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. Call 1-888-559-5768 with any questions or comments.
Amy Emery
CEO, Pennington’s

50. Why was the article written? 53. What will Rosebud Gold Card members NOT
(A) To suggest a solution to a problem receive?
(B) To advertise a sale (A) A discount
(C) To describe a business deal (B) A new card
(D) To announce the hiring of a new CEO (C) A free item
(D) Coupons

51. What is suggested about the Rosebud at 494 54. What does Ms. Emery encourage Rosebud Gold
Sedona Avenue? Card members to do?
(A) It was the first Rosebud ever to open. (A) Call her directly with questions
(B) The company’s headquarters is there. (B) Begin shopping at Pennington’s
(C) A Pennington’s is located near it. (C) Sign up on her firm’s website
(D) The store is not attracting customers. (D) Complete a customer survey card

52. What is going to happen on October 30?

(A) A supermarket is not going to close.
(B) Some new employees will be hired.
(C) A store is going to go out of business.
(D) All items will be sold at 25% discounts.
Questions 55-59 refer to the following web page, form, and article.


Authorized Events on Campus
The Student Event Committee governs plans for activities or events on campus that are
sponsored by a recognized student organization. Note that authorized events require a faculty
sponsor who will both attend the event and help with the planning process. After arranging for
a sponsor, please fill out the application here to get authorization. The application must be
submitted at least four weeks before the event so the university can oversee planning issues for
student organizations. Processing of applications normally takes five to ten days.
Not all student-organized events must be authorized. For example, you do not need permission
for weekly organization meetings, practices, or organization-sponsored trips. If you will charge
admission, if you serve food or alcohol, or if your event is open to the public, then you must
obtain prior authorization.
Reserving Event Space
As soon as your student group has identified a date and times when you would like to host your
event, as well as back-up dates and times, you will need to reserve a place to hold your event.
Large venues on campus must be reserved six weeks ahead of time (at a minimum). Make sure
you check on the availability of your desired location before you get too far into the event
planning process.


Name of applicant (student filling out application):
First: Binu
Last: Sharma
Applicant's e-mail address:
Organization requesting authorization: Drama Club
Faculty sponsor: Lara Miller
Event description: Performance of three one-act plays, each about 45 minutes
Requested space: Student Center 2nd-floor auditorium
Date and time: May 2, 7:00 p.m.
Is your event open to the public?
Yes  No 
Will you charge admission?
Yes  No 
Will you serve food or drink?
Yes  No 
LC’s Aspiring Actors and Directors to Put On a Show
Students and local residents alike are in for a treat on May 2, when the Lakeland College Drama
Club will once again hold Page-to-Stage Night at the Student Center. Page-to-Stage is the
culmination of a year’s work by the college’s Drama Club, as they show off their gifts by
performing three one-act plays.
Two of the plays are also student-directed. Drama Club’s Binu Sharma chose a couple of her
favorite works, Out of Time and The Ancestors by playwright Charles Goldman. The event also
features a guest director: local literary star Javier Nunes, presenting his own play about a group
of college friends, Four Summers. “I’m truly impressed with what these students have
accomplished at their age—especially considering the budget they had to work with,” Nunes
said. “I expect it to be a fantastic success.”
Last year’s event certainly was. “We look forward to this every year,” said Shanna. “We’ve even
moved to a bigger venue because last time it was standing-room only.”
Come to the Student Center auditorium on May 2 at 7:00 p.m. and support some of Lakeland’s
most talented students. There’s no charge for admission, and you won’t get a finer evening of
free entertainment anywhere.

55. How far in advance must event locations be 58. What is the purpose of the article?
booked? (A) To persuade readers to attend the event
(A) 5days (B) To request reader’s help with the event
(B) 10 days (C) To report on the event's outcome
(C) 4 weeks (D) To praise student's efforts on the event
(D) 6weeks

56. Why does the Drama Club event require the 59. What is suggested about the event?
college’s permission? (A) It is costly to organize.
(A) Because it is organized by students (B) It is being held for the first time.
(B) Because it charges admission (C) It involves performing world-famous
(C) Because it is open to the public plays.
(D) Because it includes a meal (D) It is expected to draw a large audience.

57. Which person involved is a teacher?

(A) Binu Sharma
(B) Lara Miller
(C) Javier Nunes
(D) Charles Goldman

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