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Islamiat p1 Solution

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Q1. Quranic passages

Sura Al-Fateha

Main Theme:
This is the opening chapter of the Quran and its theme is God’s relation with his created world. 
It is believed to be the first complete sura revealed in Makka. It declares that God alone is the
sustainer of all the known and the unknown worlds, ultimate source of mercy, justice and
guidance for mankind. 
Only He can guide man to the way of life acceptable to him though he doesn’t compel anyone to
follow that way. Instead, in the words of the Quran, it is man’s duty to beg before Him for
guidance: “and your Lord says: call on Me, I shall answer your supplication” (40:60). 
He also tells man the consequences of following this code of conduct or going astray. 
Therefore, man needs to praise and worship him and resort to him alone.


This passages sums up the message of the Quran. 

Muslims are told to worship God by following the right path contained in the Quran and Sunnah
and invoke God’s mercy, because according to the Quran: “he has inscribed for Himself the
rule of mercy” 
They should be pious because God is not only Merciful, 
He is also just as He will dispense absolute justice on the Day of Judgment. 
They should remember that they will surely get reward in the hereafter as is promised in the
Quran: “and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense”
Obedience to God enables Muslims to earn His blessing and avoid his anger.

Sura Al-Nas

Main Theme

This is the last surah of the Quran and its theme is God’s relation with his created world. 
It mentions God’s three-fold relation with man and, therefore asks man to seek God’s shelter
against all evils that are crafted by Satan and his host of assistants who may be humans or Jinns. 
They inject devil in man’s heart and the Quran warns us about this: “for Satan is an avowed
enemy to man” 
Man should however, also remember the Quranic instruction: “and on God let the believers put
their trust” 

This passage together with sura 113, teaches Muslims to seek God’s refuge against all evils as
Satan is always there to misguide them. 
Muslims should, however strengthen their relation with God toward of all evil forces. 
The best way to do this is remember God as enunciated n the Quran:” and establish regular
prayer in order to remember me” 
Recitation of the Quran also shuns evil by bringing the reader closer to God: “when you recite
the Quran, seek God’s protection against the evil ones” 
Muslims should also be ready to identify evil forces led by Satan and his assistants who
accomplish their ugly task in various ways the holy prophet used to recite sura 113 and 114 to
guard against evil, after his Makkan enemies had cast magic spell on him.

Q2 (a) Write about how the Qur’an is used with the other three sources
in Islamic law. [10]

The holy Quran is believed by all Muslims as the basis of thinking how they should govern
their lives. The Quran says:
“Those who do not judge by the law which Allah has sent down,
are indeed the disbelievers” (Al Maida 44).

When Quran declares something unlawful, no authority can challenge it, therefore no other
source of law can go against Quran. For example since the Quran prohibits gambling, any form
of gambling is unlawful. All other three sources will agree with this principle and there is no
conflict between them.

The Sunnah is the second primary source of Islamic law. It is next to Quran in authority. It is
important because Allah Himself gave authority to the Prophet Mohammad (saw) to make laws.
The Quran says:
“So take what the messenger gives you, and refrain from what
  he prohibits you.” (Al Hashr 59:7).

It is also important because without Sunnah we can never understand Quran. For example, the
Quran does not tell us how to perform Salat. The method is given by the Prophet (saw). The
Quran and the Sunnah never contradict each other. Sunnah is only an extension and explanation
of the Quran. Sunnah is an authority where the Qran is silent. The Quran says:
“---He makes pure things lawful for them and impure things unlawful”
(Al Aaraaf 157)
Therefore without Sunnah, there is no possibility of understanding and following the holy Quran.
Ijma or the consensus of the Muslim community is an agreement of the Muslim community on a
point of Faith or action. It is used when the Quran and the Sunnah are silent. It is authorized by
the Quran and the Sunnah:
“My nation will not agree unanimously on error”          (Hadith)

Ijma of the companions of the Prophet (saw) is obligatory for the Muslims to follow. The
examples of such Ijam are Travih prayers, two Azaans on Friday prayers and agreement of
Muslims on the Quran compiled by Abu Bakr (ra).  Ijma of the renowned scholars of Islam like
Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Hanbal and Imam Shafai is also important to follow
because these Imams set down rules of Islamic law. It is also important that Ijma never disagrees
with the Quran and Sunnah. Ijma is based on the principles set down by Quran and Sunnah. For
example, the Prophet (sw) asked the companions to bring the Quran in writing and the entire
quran was in writing at the time of the Prophet (sw). Abu Bakr (ra) brought this scattered Quran
in the book form.

Qiyas or Analogy is the decision of an expert of Islamic law on the basis of comparison with the
known law given by the Quran and Sunnah and a problem which did not exist during the time of
the Prophet (sw). It means that the roots of every Qiyas are definitely there in the Quran and the

It is permitted by the Quran and Sunnah because Quran asks Muslims to use common sense in
many places. The legal expert compares the logic of an existing problem for which no direct
solution is given in the Quran Sunnah and Ijma. He forms his opinion and comes to his
conclusion using common points between the two problems.

For example, Quran and Sunnah do not talk about using narcotics and antoxicating drugs but
they declare drinking wine unlawful. Since wine creates loss of senses, and narcotics also create
the same effect, taking narcotics is also unlawful or Haraam.

The famous Hadith of the Prophet (sw) is also a proof of Qiyas when the Prophet (sw) permitted
Muaz bin Jabal to use his discretion when a direct solution is not found in Quran and Sunnah

(b) How important is the use of ijma’or qiyas in Islamic law in present?
Day situations? Give reasons for your answers. [4]
Ijam and Qiyas are secondary sources of Islamic law. Primary sources of islam are
Quran and Hadith of prophet(SAW). Primary sources set the fundamental
principles of islam.
All the modern issues faced by muslim umma is solved by Ijma and Qiyas.Islam
provide guidance till the day of judgement so it must solve the modern issues.
Ijma and Qiyas Has made islam a flexible religion.Modern issues like dealing
modern intoxicants, Halal and Haram matters are solved using these two sources
of law. Modern Fatwas based on ijma and qiyas helped muslim umma to set new
form of Fiqh Known as “Modern Fiqh”.
Q3 (a) Describe the main events of the battle of Badr.[10]

Battle of Badr took place in 624, the 2nd year of Hijra. The immediate reason was the caravan of
Abu Sufyan which was coming back from Syria. Quresh thought the Muslims were going to
attack the Caravan. The Quresh were expecting this attack due to the background events which
were taking place for many days. Abu Sufyan stopped the caravan on his way and sent a man to
Makkah who gave the message that the caravan was attacked. Abu Jahl was ready with 1000
armed men and their intention was to eliminate Madina completely.

Prophet (saw) took his people from Madina. They were 313 and poorly equipped. There were
eighty-two (82) Muhajreen and two hundred and thirty one (231) Ansaars who willingly went
with Muhajreen. There were only two horses and seventy camels in the Muslim army.

The Prophet stayed near Badr which is about 60 miles away from Madina. During his journey,
the Prophet (saw) prayed to God that if this small group was eliminated, no one would name
Islam in future. It was 17th Ramadan when the battle took place. According to tradition, the battle
started in the early morning. First three men of Quresh came out and invited Muslims to fight
against them. From Muslim army, three ansaars came out to fight but the Quresh refused and
asked Muhajreen to fight. Now Ali (ra), Hamza (ra) and Ubaidah came out and killed all three
men of Quresh. After this the battle started.

Soon God decided in favour of Muslims. The Quran says that Allah sent 1000 angels to help
Muslims. Sura Al Anfaal says:
“He showed them to you as few in your eyes and made you contemptible
  in their eyes”.

The battle ended soon in which seventy pagans were killed, seventy were captured and fourteen
Muslims were martyred.  Almost all the pagans were prominent lords of Makkah. Abu Jahl was
killed by two Ansari boys. Against the traditions of Arabs, Muslims treated the pagans with
mercy. Those who could pay the ransom were released and those could not pay and were
educated were asked to teach children of Madina for some time.   
(b) What can Muslims learn from Prophet’s treatment towards non-believers? [4]


Muslims follow the religion of peace and sincerity. Holy Prophet (SAW) showed to the human
beings how to treat non-muslims.He was always kind to Non-Muslims, fulfilled al the treaties,
gave them complete religious freedom. Even in the battlefield, He showed mercy by not allowing
to kill women,children,weak,old people and not ot cut trees during war. Whenever the Muslims
have war captives they have the best example of captives of Badar. Muslims treated them with
kindness and treated them like guests.

Muslims must learn the lesson of patience, mercy and love for the fellow human beings

Q4 (a) Describe the ways in which Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were involved in
the compilation of the Qur’an.

When Abu Bakr (ra) became the first Caliph of the Islamic Empire, he had to fight with the false
prophets. In the fierce battle of Yamama, 70 companions of the Prophet who had the Quran in
their memory were martyred. Until now, the holy Quran was in the scattered writing. Umar (ra)
advised Abu Bakr (ra) to bring the Quran in the book form. First he hesitated because the
Prophet had not done it in his life but latter he was convinced.

They assigned Zaid Bin Thabit (ra), a young man and the scribe of revelations and the secretary
to the Prophet (saw), to do this work. Zaid was also reluctant in the beginning but later he was
also convinced that the writing of the Quran was an important work. He says that responsibility
was such a huge one that it would have been easier for him to shift a hill from one place to
another. However, Zaid collected all scattered writings and also took two witnesses on each
piece of writing. With the consultation of those who had the Quran in their memory, compiled
the Quran in the book form. This Quran was open to all Muslims in order to remove any
confusion. All companions confirmed that it is the same Quran starting from Sura Al Fatiha
ending with Sura Al Naas which was given to Prophet Mohammad (sw) in the same sequence.
Therefore, Muslims have the consensus (Ijma) that the holy Quran is in the original form without
any change.

When Abu Bakr died, he gave this holy Book to the next Caliph Omar. Omar (ra) gave this
Quran to his daughter and the wife of the Prophet (saw) Hafsa (ra) on his death bed until it was
taken by Uthman (ra), the third caliph. For this reason, this original book is also called “Mushaf e
Siddiqui” and “Mushaf e Hafsa”.                      

The work of Uthman (ra)

The third Caliph Uthman (ra) received the report from Huzaifa (ra) that Quran was being recited
in different dialects of Arabia in the newly occupied non-Arab lands. Arabic language was
spoken in seven dialects in the region. When Muslim forces occupied non-Arab lands, the
Muslim fighters taught Quran in their own dialects. The problem was the danger that different
dialects could also change the meaning of the Quran.

Uthman (ra) called Zaid Bin Thabit again and gave him the task to make several copies of the
Quran. The original copy of the Quran which was with Hafsa (ra) was also brought for further
authenticity. Many other Muslims helped him writing these copies. He sent these copies to the
provinces for authenticity and they were kept in the main mosque of the capital city of the
province. The Quran was written in the dialect of the Quresh which was the dialect of the
Prophet (sw). He also ordered to burn unofficial private copies of the Quran in order to avoid any
confusion in future. In this way, the Quran was saved forever. Uthman (ra) is also known as the
collector of the Quran (Jame al Quran) due to this work.

Due to the work of Abu Bakr (ra) and Uthman (ra), the holy Quran became the safest book. It
was remembered by millions of people and millions of copies of the Quran have been made but
there is not a difference of a single word in any Quran.

(b) ‘The Qur’an should not have been compiled in written form because it did not take
place during the Prophet’s lifetime’. Agree or disagree with this statement, giving reasons
for your answer. [4]


I disagree with this statement. Compilation of Quran in the Book form was not against Teaching
of Holy Prophet (SAW). It was the outcome of an IJMA of Companions of Holy Prophet (SAW).

First caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu baker (RA) took this decision after battle of Yamama when
many Huffaz martyred. It was very important decision because not all Muslims can memorize
it.Bookish form is helpful as it is easy to preserve it for future generations.

Secondly, it is easy to read and accessible to everyone.

Thirdly, It is translated in almost all the languages of the world. This help to propagate the
message of Almighty Allah to all human beings as it was sent for the whole of Humanity.

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